Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 197: Failed?

Because Ersefene was Hades's woman, I was asked to see if the magic circle was fine. Now it is not appropriate to repeatedly press mō on her, so I can't start it myself. (Talk about 5200) Fortunately, there are many females in my magic pet, so let Jingjing and Lingling come out to help. As for Ling and Xiaochun, they are responsible for operating the magic array replicator. After all, this thing weighs half a ton and cannot be placed directly on Persephone. Someone must lift it to prevent it from being crushed.

Our guild researchers gave twelve solutions, so they only made fifteen replicators in total, of which twelve were used to test whether the twelve methods were effective, and one of the remaining three was To take back to study, the other two are backups, in case one of the replicators fails, there are two spares.

The speed of the duplication device is relatively fast. It only took less than half an hour for all fifteen duplicators to be completed. The rest depends on whether there are any methods that can work.

We first experimented with the first method, which is the energy impactor like a flashlight. The usage of this thing is relatively simple. It contains magic crystals inside. It does not need external magical assistance. Just point it at the magic array and press the switch directly.

I carefully pointed at one of the duplicate magic arrays, and after I prayed, I pressed the switch, and then I heard a bang. The duplicate magic array exploded directly and exploded the coffee table in front of us. It was also blasted into pieces. Hadith had responded quickly and released a magical enchantment to limit the power of that thing to a limited range, it would be necessary to get us all ashamed.

"It looks like this has failed!" Hardis said slightly disappointed.

Compared to Hades's loss, Persephone was optimistic. Not only was she not disappointed, she also comforted Hades in turn: "Don't worry, there are eleven anyway, the chances are great. Even if all fails, isn't there a final insurance?" Hades heard With that said, Persephone also nodded and let us continue the experiment. "Only this time, we also learned to be clever. Let Ling directly add a protective cover to these things, in case it explodes again and again, it won't hurt us.

"Okay, now start experimenting with the second method." I said, and took out the same thing as the replication method and stacked it on top of the second method. This is actually the true unlocking method ", which is the original form of these methods that we use to copy the magic array, and the copied methods that we bring are modified from this kind of thing (say 5200)

According to the technical staff of our guild, this original device should be able to automatically crack the magic array, but I do n’t know if it will succeed, but after all, it is a solution, so it was brought with us.

Immediately after the two arrays were stacked, I pressed on the unlocking array above again, and then I saw that the compass on the top of the thing started to turn automatically. But the pattern on the compass was not It turns in one direction like a wheel and it never ends, but moves there for a while, it looks like opening a password disk on a safe, but this password disk is more complicated.

With the continuous arrangement and combination of the maps on those tracks, the magic circle 〖center〗 the red sè crystal ball is also constantly flashing on and off ", but after about five minutes, the top unlock magic circle is Suddenly a flash, followed by a click, the crystal ball above the unlocking magic array broke up, and then the entire magic array stopped.

Seeing Hades's expression was obviously wrong, I quickly rushed and said, "Don't worry, we still have ten ways."

Although Hardis still suppressed his nervousness this time, but after that, the following methods failed one by one. "His expression also started to get worse and worse, and in the end, there was only one solution left in my hand. At the time of the plan, Hades's face had almost become a horse's face.

Honestly, it's not just Hardis, I'm even anxious. Eleven of the twelve methods were used, and none of them turned out. Who shouldn't change this? But there was nothing I could do. The magic circle was created by Zeus' old yín. "If it was really easy to crack, then we have to wonder if it was cheated.

In the end, I used the last method under Hades's bad face.

This time, the method is more complicated. First, you need to mix the dense silver powder into a kind of Warcraft blood, and then apply it on the surface of the magic circle. "Then use the flashlight-like thing in the first method to start the energy shock. Instead of using one, start with six flashlight-like things at once.

I think when I pressed the switch, the magic on Hardis clearly exploded. "But after discovering that the copying magic array used for experimentation suddenly burst, his magic disappeared immediately. Obviously, Hardy This time, he was severely hit. None of the twelve methods was useful. "I'm so embarrassed."

Hades, when he saw that the final plan had failed, stood up and said very badly: "Hurry up and take a look at your final insurance, or stop our transaction and stop there." "This will definitely work."

Seeing Hades Jade's so bad, I had to shoot ōng preserved to ensure that this method will definitely be useful.

However, compared with the previous twelve methods, this last method is indeed the most reliable method. After all, this method is completely reasonable in theory.

Seeing that I had promised it so simply, Hades had recovered some hope, but he still said politely: "Hurry up and experiment as soon as you can, can you give us an exact answer?"

"Sorry, this last method cannot be tested, it can only be used directly."

"What?" Hades, who had a bad expression, suddenly became loud and deaf. He stared at me and asked, "Several of the methods you gave have blown up the magic array. You Now she wants to use it directly on Persephone, what if she hurts her? "

"You have also seen that before we could think of using a copy matrix instead of her own for experiments, we know that this kind of experiment is dangerous, and now we don't require the use of a copy magic array because the final insurance can't solve the problem. And we can guarantee that it will at least not hurt Persephone. "

Hardis apparently hesitated to hear my pledge, because of the previous twelve failed records, Hardis has begun to doubt our credibility, but now he very much wants to get Persephone from the magic circle. Trouble, so he would also like to let us experiment.

Just as Hardis was in a dilemma, Persephone was standing up and saying, "1I believe President Ziri will not make fun of this kind of thing, so let me try it."

Now that Persephone was talking, Hardis was not good enough to oppose it, so after he nodded, I immediately passed the thing that looked like a belt to Persephone: "This is the last Insurance. It can't dispel the magic array on your body, but it can make this energy dissipating matrix unable to dissipate energy, so it can at least guarantee the safety of your life. "

"Then how do you use this?" "Just put this on early and let the magic array here point at the magic array on your back, but you must ensure that the two magic arrays are attached together, and the maximum between them is The interval cannot exceed two millimeters, otherwise the magic will not be suppressed. "

After listening to it, Persephonene nodded, then took the thing and walked to the next room by herself. She came back a short time later, but she was obviously uncomfortable. After all, this thing is similar to the boxer gold belt. It is really uncomfortable to wear this big thing in the clothes.

Hades asked when he saw Persephone's return, "How is it effective?"

Persephonene shook his head and said, "I don't know. The bursting circle on my body has not yet started, so I don't know the effect for the time being."

Hardis immediately asked, "How long is it before the next start?"

Persephone was looking at the time and said, "Wait another eleven minutes for the start-up time."

This energy disintegration method on Persephone is activated for one minute every hour, so when it is not activated, it is not known at all whether this last insurance is necessarily useful. I wonder if it is really as effective as those researchers said, Then you can only wait for that energy disintegration law to start on its own.

Although the eleven minutes is not too long, a few people in the room are now nervous. Needless to say, Hades and Persephone, after all, this is directly related to their future, so they are naturally very nervous. As for me, it must be very nervous, after all, whether or not this thing will take effect will determine whether the Olympus Protoss's Hades system will be merged into our Frost Rose League, so we are also extremely nervous.

In this tense atmosphere, we almost read the number and ushered in the start of the energy burst method.

This energy disintegration method burst into a powerful energy bō at the moment of activation ~ ~ This is the magic in Persephone's own body, only released by the disintegration method. .

The moment we felt the release of this magical energy, our faces changed, because the appearance of this energy indicates that the disintegration law is still running, which means that our best insurance has not worked.

Hades pulled his face down almost instantaneously, but the moment he turned to get angry, Persephone was suddenly reaching out and holding his arm. "Wait a second, it seems to be working."

After hearing what she said, the people in the room immediately noticed the energy that burst from her body, but this time we noticed a problem. Although the magic on Persephone is still spreading, the speed of energy release is gradually slowing down, and the magic bō we are feeling is slowly decreasing.

The attack time of one minute is not long, and the energy reduction rate is very slow. Before this bursting matrix enters Jing Mian again, there is still magic in Persephone, but the intensity has been reduced by one third. One.

It wasn't until the annihilation of the disintegrating array was completely extinguished that Minos, who was on the side, asked with a question mark in his head: "Is this a success or a failure?" @.

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