Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 200: Plan changes

Hades and I both want to get away with the goal I hope, but the two characters need to be taken away, but if I start at the same time, I really do n’t have that ability, and finally I think about it, even the method of throwing silver coins Tried it, but still didn't decide who to tie. (Talk about 5200)

Looking at the anticipation of Hardis and Persephone, and then thinking about the look of Ares when he saw Aphrodite, I finally gritted my teeth and turned to send a connection to the **** of war. . "Help me contact Spark and Peacock." After about ten minutes, Spark and Peacock's voice suddenly appeared on the connector Zheng

"What are you looking for?"

"I'll send you a guide later, you two come and help me tie someone up?"

"Who are you going to tie?" Spark asked.

"Aphrodite, and Deir."

"The Lord God of the Olympus Protoss?" The peacock hesitated a little: "It is no problem to help, but I'm not sure if I can fight them. The Olympus Protoss is famous among the gods. Fighting races and individual combat power can be ranked in the top ten. Although I and Starfire are also strong, after all, the other party is the top ten gods of the Olympian Protoss. We have not played against each other, what if we ca n’t fight after we meet? ? "

"I think there should be no problem. Desire is the goddess of harvest and agriculture and forestry. It is itself a plant that controls the growth of plants. It should not be the main war protoss. Aphrodite is the **** of love and beauty. It is estimated that the combat effectiveness is limited. As soon as I was like Peacock Pluto, he said, "If so, you can try it. You will arrange the guide for us immediately, and we will pass."

After communicating the situation over there, I immediately talked to Hades about the situation. Hearing that I had transferred my hands and planned to tie the two goddesses together, Hardis and Persephone were naturally arrogant. However, when I asked about the combat effectiveness of these two men, Persephonene frowned and replied, "My mother is fine. She was not a person who likes fighting, and her ability is not suitable for fighting. At that time, I can go with you. With me advising, she must not be able to concentrate on fighting with you, so it should be easy to control her. As for Aphrodite ... "

"What's wrong? Isn't she the **** of love and beauty?" I asked Huò doubtfully, looking at Persephone.

Hades hurriedly asked, "You must haven't talked to Ares about Aphrodite?"

I suspected that Huò looked back at Hades and asked, "What's wrong? Is there any problem with Aphrodite?" "The problem is that there is no problem, that is, her combat effectiveness is not consistent with her appearance." Hardy When he said this, it was a weird expression on his face that didn't come out, and it felt like he wanted to laugh and press it.

Finally, Persephone, said: "Actually, Aphrodite's fighting power is too strong." It seems that apart from Zeus, her fighting power is tied second with Abō Luo and Athena. "

"What? Aphrodite can be tied with Athena?" Hades said: "Aphrodite does not beat Athena if he does not wear equipment, but her husband is the **** of flame and craftsman Hehuas. Toss, so her equipment is much better than Athena's.

"Wait, wait, I have a mess. Is your husband Aphrodite's Hephaestus instead of Ares?" "Of course." Hades said: "Aphrodite really did to Are. It ’s better, but that ’s relative to other male gods. In comparison, Aphrodite is really good for Ares. ”

"Then what happened to Hephaestus?"

Perse Fournier explained to Hades: "Hephaestus was Aphrodite's nominal husband, but this is what my father Zeus meant." Aphrodite did not acknowledge Hephaestus It is her husband who has always denied the marriage to the outside world. As for Ares, I think it's just that Aphrodite is using him to be angry with Zeus, because of all the male gods, there is only Ares' big idiot who is better to bully. "I rubbed the sun xué helplessly," I have to have a complicated marriage relationship between you and Olympus, but fortunately, you are relatively pure. But "isn't it absolutely unnecessary for me to kidnap Aphrodite?"

Persefone said: "So I just take my mother away."

"But my people are already on the road. If they come, I won't use them with them anymore. They must take me apart!"

"Then you can only proceed as planned." Hardis added, "In fact, if you have enough manpower, you should even take Hephaestus together." "Why?"

Hades stretched out three fingers and said: "First, Hephaestus is not strong and easy to grasp. Second, his casting ability is very superb. Listening to your frosty rose manufacturing technology is very strong, I think Hephaestus may be more useful to you than us.

As for this third ... I think it would be easier for him to get together with Ares and Aphrodite and have a good talk, and it would be easier for them to fully integrate into your guild. "

I thought about it and said, "It depends on the situation. If it's time to start, I'll take him with him."

Now that she is sure to kidnap Aphrodite "and I heard that she can fight so quickly, I immediately asked Hades to help me analyze the special features of Aphrodite's fighting. It doesn't matter, as long as we can understand her combat characteristics, then there is nothing to worry about.

After a detailed study of Aphrodite's combat specialties, we planned another attack, but this time it was not the ordinary low-level protoss, but the beasts of the underworld, including Hydra Hydra and Hellhound sings Earbelos. (Talk about 52 00qq Book Group: 61436872)

To Kerberus, this guy and the dog-giving dog of the Temple of Darkness were not a thing. Those **** dogs who strictly come to the Temple of Darkness are just a hybrid breed of offspring of Kerberus and other species, and the fighting power of those things is at best equivalent to the relatively strong Warcraft. But Kerberus is different from them. People are real super-gods. "Although it is easy to trap because of low intelligence, in the case of a positive conflict, three or five protoss are not his opponents at all." Even Zeus The guy came across Kerberus, as long as Zeus didn't use his lightning. "Kerberus could fight Zeus for at least a few days without falling into the wind.

Although Kerberos and Hydra are very powerful, but because it was the case where Hades greeted in advance, these two were also easily tied by us in our "attack" incident gone.

After finishing these two gods, Peacock Pluto and Starfire finally reached Hades' Hades, but after hearing that Aphrodite we were going to attack was more troublesome than expected, Peacock Pluto and Spark were worried. . Originally they were both very strong beings. "Pressing will not easily fear anyone. The main reason for this look forward and backward is not that they feel that they can't do Aphrodite, but that they are afraid of delaying time.

My request is for them to kidnap Aphrodite for me, that is, to capture instead of killing them. What is more troublesome is that the goal this time is within the other's own sphere of influence, that is, our battle must be fast. If the delay is too long and attracts the other party ’s large force, then it may not be sure who arrested whom.

It ’s because the requirements of this mission are too demanding. ”Therefore, Peacock Pluto and Starfire have always been worried. They are mainly afraid that they ca n’t complete their missions and smash their signboards. After all, both of them were famous at the Buddhist gate. Now it ’s us. If the Frost Rose Alliance comes to lose the battle, it is not good for me to tell them not. "

Compared with the concerns of Spark, they are more open. It's not how much I know about the fighting power of the Peacock Pluto, but because I know that this attack is actually far less dangerous than imagined.

Aphrodite is very strong, but her strength is not her own. According to Hades' introduction to me, Aphrodite's ability to become the Olympus Protoss Tenjin System as the **** of love and beauty is because her equipment is too strong. Although the equipment is also one of its strengths, it is not its own strength. Once we use some special methods to shield or partially weaken the effect of the equipment, her combat power will immediately drop to a normal level. In addition, in addition to the equipment factor, there is one thing I am more assured about the rescue of soldiers.

According to my plan, while abducting Aphrodite, he will send another group to kidnap Deir, but in fact it is not others who carry out this plan. ”It was the group of Persephone and Hades. Has been "missing". The reason why they let this group go to kidnap Deer is mainly because I suddenly knew that after Aphrodite's strength was so strong, I was not so relieved to let the Peacock Pluto and Spark to perform the task independently. But if I go to help Peacock Pluto and Starfire, Persephone will become her own. Later, those "missing" people in Hades will have to wait for us to go to Isinger anyway, let them Use this time to help continue the attack, so that you can save a lot of time.

After listening to Hades ’s plan, we changed the plan. “The plan to separate Aphrodite and Deauer ’s was changed at the same time, and Hades will be responsible for Persephone ’s People were arrested everywhere in name, in fact, they deliberately obstructed the search operation of the Tenjin line. "And the peacock and Pluto me and they can also evacuate from the eyes of Tenjin safely in the search army of Hades after completing the task. The plan is to kill two birds with one stone.

Moreover, there is another benefit to our implementation of this plan, that is, we can further make Zeus think that Disus is really angry now, so that even if Hades does something excessive, Zeus will not feel too strange, after all In his opinion, Hades was angry because of his own repeated attacks, so he would not be surprised by Hades' abnormal behavior. When he really realizes that Hades's behavior is actually a cover-up, it is estimated that we have long gone.

After all the plans were made, I and the Peacock Pluto took a rest here at Hades. The reason why they didn't act immediately was because Hades was needed to help us find Aphrodite's whereabouts, and Hades It is also necessary to arrange for people to be taken away or dragged by those who may affect our abduction, at least not to allow them time to rescue Aphrodite, otherwise the whole plan will fail.

As the eldest of the three gods of the Olympus Protoss, Hades is still very easy to investigate whose whereabouts. Moreover, now that Hades is able to search everywhere on the grounds of the disappearance of his personnel, he can just take the opportunity to collect information.

We only waited here for more than two while Hades sent Eakos to send us the information we needed.

"The Colosseum? Where is this?"

Eakos, who was responsible for sending information, stood beside and explained: "The Colosseum is an important entertainment venue for the Olympus Protoss. Its content is similar to the arena, except for its size, so it is called the Colosseum."

"Why did you choose such a place?"

Eakos hurriedly said: "This is a place specially arranged by Lord Hades. We have just asked the goddess Aphrodite to come here to watch a colossal match under the name of Perse Fonetar Rao. Because Perse Fo Lord Nirvana is the wife of Lord Hades, so now the Protoss of the gods do not want to be close to Lord Persephone. In this way, Aphrodite can be called out of the place where God is concentrated. "

I frowned and asked, "Well, if we attacked and Florentine, wouldn't Persephone be suspicious?"

Eakos immediately explained, "We also thought about this." But because there was also a decapture plan for Daur, the Lord Persephone would then use his mother's accident to propose a temporary change plan. Floridine will leave the Colosseum, and you can wait for Aphrodite as long as you ambush outside the Colosseum. "

Suddenly the Peacock Pluto interjected: "Can this Colosseum only accommodate two spectators at one time?" Aikos looked at the Peacock Pluto in amazement and asked: "How is that possible? Even the Colosseum is impossible. Accommodate two spectators. It's only relative to our big arena. "Sparks said:" But you want us to attack Aphrodite when she leaves the Colosseum "in case she is in the beast What should I do when I meet someone in the field? "

"We also thought about this, but the Colosseum shows are usually reserved for appointments, so there are usually no sudden guests. We have seen today's list, and all of them went to the gods and the sea gods. Male xìng god, the only female xìng is also incompetent

God. In the name of Aphrodite, the general protoss did not dare to approach her. So she should leave alone. "

My head said: "Then follow this plan, you go back and tell Hades that the operation must be on time, and don't get it wrong. Don't start our operation before he starts arresting people everywhere, but It's become a trick! "

"Please rest assured, this time we have specially prepared a coordinator responsible for timing, and we must ensure that there are no problems in all aspects."

"That's good, tell Hades to follow this plan."

After Eakos left, I left Hades' Hell with Peacock Pluto and Starfire. Of course, it took a little time to leave. Compared with Hades, which has been under surveillance for a long time, we are comfortable in and out. Otherwise, it will be over.

After leaving the underworld, we quickly found where we needed an ambush according to the map given by Hades. Had had no choice but to spare. Following the advice they gave, we ambush inside a mountain peak. That's right, it's really the inside of the mountain.

This mountain, called Mount Azid, stands in the way between the Colosseum and Mount Olympus. Because the Olympians are not good at flying, they usually walk on land. It may not be a problem for other protoss to climb the mountain, but it ’s quite troublesome for them. But fortunately, there is a naturally formed mountain tunnel in the middle of Mount Azid. If nothing happens, Aphrodite must be It ’s going to pass here, and we are now ambushing in this tunnel.

There is no fork in this tunnel through the mountain, so people passing here will not bother to remember the route, anyway, as long as you follow the road, you will inevitably pass through the mountain to the opposite side, why bother to remember the way? Because there was only one road here, our next plan was much easier to handle.

According to the plan that Hades's group of men arranged for us, we dug a jump road directly on the side of the passage, and then let Emmys temporarily close the road with an illusion. You will find that there are more forks here, after all, there are no forks "so no one will pay attention to the walls. However, when Aphrodite passes by here, we can use illusions to block the real passage." In this way, Aphrodite will naturally turn into the fork we just dug out. So when she goes deep into the fork, we just need to block in. "Then we can do whatever we want.

The work of digging holes in the mountain was not a problem for us at all. There were rose vines and trailblazers. We quickly completed the construction of the fork. After that, I asked Emmys to put it here as a real fork on the outside. The walls were treated a bit "to make them look indistinguishable from the natural tunnel.

After extending this passage to a few kilometers away from the main passage, the passage penetrated from the side of the mountain. This side is just a large uninhabited area. Of course, when Aphrodite will walk out from here, I found that the outside environment was not the same as the right path, but by that time it was late.

Our task was to wait after the tunnel was dug, but Aphrodite did not let us wait long. Just after we had just completed the passage and returned to the junction less than a moment later, the ghost worm I sent out reported that the target was found.

"Hurry up, she's here." As soon as the Ghost Worm reported that I found the target, I even connected the Ghost Worm's eyes and looked at Aphrodite. Whatever it looked like, I directly reminded Amenis to start arranging illusions to hide the real Tunnel.

After Emmenis laid out the masking illusion, we quickly left the spot and started running along the passage. It is obviously unwise to stay at the entrance. Aphrodite is by all means one of the top ten gods of the Olympian Protoss. "In addition, her strength is very strong. With her sense ability, if we hide in the passage, she will definitely find us. So we must leave this passage first so that she will not be suspicious. As for the ghost worm who is monitoring her whereabouts, there is no need to worry about it. Once the ghost worm itself is too weak, it won't be easy to attract attention. They are good at latent creatures, and most people can't find them unless they pay attention.

After running out of the passage for a few minutes, I and the Peacock Pluto flew a long distance away, and then waited for Aphrodite to appear so quietly, and I did not have time to connect along the way until this time Ghost Worm glanced at Aphrodite. Hades had previously provided me with the image data of Aphrodite. He only gave me a magical feature of Aphrodite, so the ghost worm can confirm Aphrodite the first time. Close, because the magic features are like Rao fingerprints "are more suitable for distinguishing identity than appearance.

However, it is also because of the magical characteristics given by Hades that I don't even know what Aphrodite looks like. You know that she is known as the **** of love and beauty, so how should she look out of the box? I'm looking forward to seeing the beauty of the first beauty of the Olympian Protoss, I don't know if it's more brilliant than our frosty rose charm and the child gods.

I do n’t know, I was shocked at first glance. When I connected the sight of a ghost worm near Aphrodite, "I felt a whisper in my head at that time. Not because of how beautiful or unexpected the appearance of Aphrodite, but because of her There are more people around, and this is still an old acquaintance I know. Of course, you can call an old enemy, because it is the same time that I walked side by side with Aphrodite in Athens. Na.

"Oops!" Because it's not my favorite pet, Pluto Peacock and Xinghuo can't share my sight like Ling them, so they only see that I look weird and get air-conditioned, but they don't know what I see Already.

Xinghuo asked with some worry: "What the **** did you see?" The Peacock Pluto looked at me nervously and asked, "Did Aphrodite discover the illusion of Emmenis arrangement?"

I shook my head and said, "She has entered the fork we dug." Peacock Pluto suspects Huò's colleague: "What else do you worry about?"

"The problem is that she is followed by one."



Hearing the name Athena the Peacock Pluto and Starfire were noticeable. Compared to Aphrodite, Athena is famous, and this woman is famous. The kidnapping of Aphrodite was already a little daunting to Peacock Pluto and Starfire. "This time, together with an Athena, they immediately became nervous.

"What can I do?" The Peacock Pluto first said: "If you let us draw an area with them to fight, I am confident that even if I can't catch them, there is no problem in defeating them.

But you want us to kidnap them, there is a time limit, and in order to ensure that the help of the Olympian Protoss is not attracted too early, we can't use powerful skills, how can you fight us? "

Xinghuo also said: "Zi Ri, I can't seem to give up my plan for a while and make a final decision? It's too dangerous if these two targets are pieced together and we want to kidnap. I can't look like ..."

Just when Spark was about to let me give up, I went ahead and said, "No, the plan has to go to the school. Hades has prepared to cover us, so if we do n’t attack Aphrodite, let her run back. , Hardis will be violent immediately, and our entire immigration plan will be finished by then. "


"No, but. The plan must be carried out. Even if we cannot abduct, at least hold them for a while, and then we must escape. But it is obviously impossible for you not to hurt people, so the plan is slightly adjusted. You will You can let go of the attack, even if you can't kill the target. "

Sparks said: "If this is the case, you can try it, but once we let go of the battle, the power will be very great. If we want to conceal it, we can't conceal it. There is also the power of high-power skills. It's hard to get up, so we killed everything in case we don't blame us. "

"Rest assured, this is a special situation. Any accidents are counted on me." "Then we can really let go of it." The peacock had already taken out his weapon. As soon as I saw the peacock behind her, The circle of swords inserted in the bottle was startled directly.

"Please, let me do it without letting you desperately? Why do you even take out the five feather swords?"

"Aphrodite, I do n’t know, I still know Athena ’s strength. I do n’t know if she ca n’t deal with her destiny, so do n’t worry ~ ~ But rest assured, I will Try to be careful not to overdo it. "

The Peacock Pluto's colorful feather sword is actually a sword sacrificed by the feathers on her tail. Since the feather itself is a thing on the Peacock Pluto, it is connected to her spirit hún. As long as she has a thought, these flying swords will immediately fly out to kill the burden and unlike the gold coin that wins by quantity, the Peacock Pluto ’s divine sword is won by quality. The feather not only infused the peacock Hades's destiny, hún, but also joined her five gods. Not only can she kill people, but she is also good at breaking the law. It is a **** soldier killer. If it weren't for this thing, the Peacock Pluto's mana urge would be needed to exert the effect of breaking the law, and its strength could almost be equal to the Eternal Sword.

Seeing that the Peacock Pluto has even taken out his natal magic weapon, the Spark side can't be neglected. Six silver-white light **** that looked like spines were taken out by her, and those light **** immediately spun around the body of the spark as soon as they appeared. Although I haven't seen Xinghuo use this thing, but since Xinghuo took it out at this time, it must have been regarded as the treasure at the bottom of her box.

Almost as soon as our side was ready to complete, Aphrodite and Athena finally stepped out of the cave. At first, the two people who were still laughing immediately caught the outside environment when they saw the outside environment, and then they immediately took out their respective weapons and set the fighting posture. @。

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