Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 204: Poor aphrodite

Volume 19 Chapter 204 Poor Aphrodite

"What evil are you doing?" It was the first time that Aphrodite had shown emotions other than violentness since she entered perfection, but I guess there will be only fear in her emotions next. (Talk about 5200qq book group: 61436872)

Looking at Aphrodite, who was already obviously scared, I deliberately laughed very evil. "I'm not an evil law, this is a fair duel, an absolutely fair duel. Of course, if you are lucky enough."

As soon as I finished speaking, I suddenly squatted down, the wings on my back flew open, and the thruster opened to the maximum at the same time, and the whole person shot like a missile against the ground. Looking at me rushing, Aphrodite over there quickly blocked the sword, but what she didn't expect was that when I was in contact, I bowed down from her sword directly, and then a sword will The eternity, which had been broken in two, was inserted into the gap in the armor on her waist.

Almost at the same time that Aphrodite felt pain, a golden light ball suddenly formed on her waist, and then fell like a super spring ball to the ground and quickly jumped out into the distance. Seeing that thing fly out, Jixiang immediately held his gold plate and stepped away from his two fat little tutu, and rushed up.

I have no control over the situation on the auspicious side. Immediately after I succeeded with a sword, I jumped back a long distance, and at the same time I pointed eternity to Aphrodite, and dozens of metal **** from Aphrodite. Rolled down, and then shot like a magnet directly on the fracture of the broken eternal sword, and then these metal **** quickly melted and reorganized into the blade at the front of the broken sword. Shaking his hand and waving the eternity reunited two times, I looked at the opposite Aphrodite and said, "Forget to tell you, there is actually a hidden genus xìng in this duel, which is based on the luck of the agents on both sides The value is recalculated agile xìng, and the agent with the higher lucky value can get a reward of three times the speed. "

"Three times faster, you still have to die." Aphrodite was about to rush towards me after she finished speaking, but her face suddenly changed before she started. Along with Aphrodite's surprised eyes, we can see that the auspicious auspicious not far away is holding the gold plate and panting on the ground. It is obvious that he has just received the golden ball. However, because my health is now full, I did not receive health replenishment. Instead, Aphrodite received damage equal to the health contained in that golden ball. Because the golden ball itself was the result of my attack on her, now Aphrodite is equivalent to hitting only one sword, but has been damaged by the equivalent of a continuous sword.

Just when Aphrodite was glaring at auspiciousness, a white sè figure had rushed to her by lightning. (m talk about 5200qq book group: 61715382) Aphrodite who felt that someone was approaching immediately turned around and gave a sword, and only listened to it. The angel was shocked to fly out, but Aphrodite was Suddenly being attacked without grasping the center of gravity, he was pushed back two or three steps by the impact.

Aphrodite hadn't stood still yet, and suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind. She hurriedly turned to prepare to stop again, but saw two huge fangs piercing her. The size of this human spider is so large that the two fangs are almost like ivory. Although Aphrodite had already held the long tooth with her sword, she was shocked to fly out with great strength.

Aphrodite had just landed here, and something just like a slug had fluttered over her and completely wrapped her in.

As we all know, most girls hate disgusting things like snots. Aphrodite, a **** of beauty, apparently had a similar situation. After being wrapped in that thing, she immediately struggled like an electric shock, but the thing was so soft that she could n’t use it. No matter how much Didi struggled, he couldn't get out of that thing.

Seeing that Aphrodite was wrapped in that thing, I didn't relax my vigilance. After all, Aphrodite is in a state of perfection. Even though she is weakened by the arena now, her strength is there, and she ca n’t kill her by this monster like a slug. So I'm not naive enough to think she's finished.

Looking at Aphrodite's increasingly red face because she couldn't breathe, I stepped back, and the facts proved that my choice was right.

Shortly after I pulled away from the snot, Aphrodite, who was wrapped in that thing, suddenly stopped struggling to pose with a sword in both hands, and then saw her holding up the long sword in her hand and suddenly moved forward A wave, accompanied by a gorgeous flash, the snot monster was directly blown into a slime mass splashing in the sky. Looking at the disgusting mucus in the rain, I quickly held up the magic shield to block those things, and the mucus gradually disappeared on the ground with white smoke immediately after landing. Obviously this thing will evaporate.

Although he felt a monster, Aphrodite was also stunned enough. After slightly stabilizing the chaotic breathing rhythm, she immediately began to look for my trace, but what made her depressed was that she had been surrounded by the buzzing insects before she saw my exact location. .

Looking at Aphrodite, waving his arms to the left and right in hopes of dispersing the swarm, I rushed up immediately. The eternal sword deformed into the form of a hook sickle at the moment when I stabbed it, and then suddenly plunged into the opening in front of Aphrodite. This cut was just hard-cleaved by me using the eternal launching skill combined with the holy sword just before entering the arena. Although I could not completely give Aphrodite a knife and two sections, at least it caused some damage. More importantly, this sword opened the mouth of the turtle-like armor of Aphrodite, and with this mouth, I had a place to start.

Aphrodite, who was struggling with the swarm, suddenly felt an abdominal pain, and immediately flew out afterwards. As she flew out, a golden ball formed instantly and fell again. The auspicious, who has been resting beside him, ran over to pick up when the golden ball appeared quickly.

Aphrodite was also smart. As soon as she landed, she turned back and stood up with one hand and one back, and then swiped around her eyes to immediately find the auspiciousness that rushed to the golden ball. Seeing auspicious and catching the golden ball again, she rushed towards the position of the golden ball.

As soon as I saw Aphrodite looking at the golden ball, she knew what she was thinking. Almost at the moment when she started, I rushed to the golden ball at the same time, and just when Aphrodite reached out to grab the golden ball, The moment before the ball, my hook sickle stepped on the golden ball. The golden ball that was originally flying towards us was immediately picked out by me. It was auspicious to see the golden ball turned to quickly turn around and run again, but Aphrodite wanted to go after chasing after a moment. But just before she moved, I stepped in front of her.

Seeing that I was blocking the way, Aphrodite was stabbed without a word, and I turned the eternal hook sickle to the side and swept away her sword with the tail of the gun, following the force of the gun on top of the head. After two laps, the gun suddenly pressed down and hit Aphrodite's shoulder. Unexpectedly, Aphrodite squinted and watched my hook sickle sword cut on her shoulder, and immediately another golden ball flew out.

Aphrodite lifted my sword and opened her shoulder, and then her sword stabbed at me. I stepped back with two rifles and swept her. She had to draw a sword to block my gun, but she blocked my gun but could not block my person. Immediately after her sword held the gun, I ǐng rushed forward. Her sword did not have the ability to lock the opponent's weapon. She could only pull out a spark on the side of the gun, and I immediately drew in front of her. Then, following Tu Tu's kick in the middle of the wound in her ōng mouth, an instant golden ball flew out again.

At the same time that Aphrodite felt a pain in ōng's mouth, her body was suddenly followed by another pain. As soon as her eyes were tilted, she found that the auspicious over there actually caught another golden ball and was heading for it. The two newly appeared golden **** just ran over here.

Knowing that he would die in this way, Aphrodite hurried back a few steps and opened the distance, then suddenly lifted the sword to gather energy towards me, and a sword broke down. Looking at the red flames gathered on her sword, I quickly dodged and evaded, only to be wiped by the red flames instantly lost about one hundredth of my blood.

But don't underestimate this one percent blood volume. You need to know that I'm in the state of Divine Integration, and my defense is already abnormal, not to mention that I also got the xìng double bonus from the Arena. This total defense is definitely an astronomical figure. Contrary to me, although Aphrodite is now perfected, it is also true that she was weakened in combat effectiveness, not to mention that I was not directly hit, but just wiped by that skill, and it actually dropped by a percent. One more blood. Think about this if it ’s outside the arena, without my genus xìng doubling and her genus xìng weakening, and then being directly hit, it is estimated that even if this tactic cannot be directly dropped, I will at least let me get rid of half life.

Immediately after I was rubbed by a skill, a small gold ball fell from the place where I was rubbed, and my eyes quickly turned back and swept the gold ball to the auspicious side with a sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot. com ~ And Jixiang also perfectly erected the gold plate so that the gold ball flew directly into the black hole in the center of the plate. The amount of blood I lost on my body was immediately filled up as soon as the black hole swallowed the golden ball, and auspiciously hurriedly ran towards the golden **** falling from the other two Aphrodite.

Aphrodite, which did not work, did not give up. She suddenly raised her hand to gather a flame again, and then suddenly waved towards the auspiciousness that was about to catch the next golden ball.

Watching the flames fly, the auspicious fright who had never formally participated in the battle stayed in place, but just after he was scared and huddled into a ball, the flames swept his body directly, just waiting for the flames He actually appeared intact after passing.

After a few seconds, Jixiang, who had reacted, suddenly remembered that he was invincible before the system, and that move just now proved that he would not be hurt, so Jixiang immediately became energetic. He first got up and made a face at Aphrodite, then made a few provocative moves against her with his butt, and finally ran to pick up the ball under my drink.

Aphrodite, who had thought of a solution, was discouraged by a series of actions performed by the auspicious intact, standing there for a long time without knowing to move, but we would not wait for her if she did not move. Just when she was in a daze there, I surrounded the three creatures. @。

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