Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 218: Laboratory soaked in water

"Fuck, which idiot's lab is it? It's really built in the swamp! Gods and Buddhas from all walks of life have estimated that the notebook should never rot!"

With concerns about the laboratory in front of me, I carefully approached the strange plant-like building that appeared in the dream of a neurological patient. Originally, I thought that the laboratory would be a tall tower building. After all, although it is not suitable to build a tall tower on the swamp, as long as it is built, it will definitely be much stronger than the ground building in terms of moisture resistance. However, the facts have taught me the truth that the thinking mode of neuropathy that will repair laboratories in the swamp can never be measured by the thinking of normal people.

The owner of the laboratory did build the tower, but not up, but down. This laboratory is a shaft-like building, the entrance is the top floor of the laboratory, and the core experimental area is buried deep underground ... or soaked underground?

The marshland is rich in water resources, and there is no need to doubt this. As a fairly old building, my only concern now is whether the waterproof layer on the exterior wall can still waterproof after so many years of high temperature water environment erosion, and once it loses the waterproof ability, then this experiment The underground part of the room is bound to become the underwater world. God knows how many kinds of underwater monsters can be found in the water world in such a bug paradise.

Although I have sincerely prayed, due to my relationship with the gods and Buddhas in various places, none of these guys came out to value me. When I opened the leaking stone door, I saw a piece of knee-deep sewage.

"Fuck, this is a big deal!"

"I'm not going to accompany you." After seeing the strange sewage in the pale gray, Arana immediately protested with her heart contact. Although they are aquatic animals, they are expensive mermaids. They do n’t like mud loach. Although this gray sewage is not mud, it does n’t look very clean. Therefore, Ariana expressed her objection as soon as possible.

After Ana confirmed that she didn't want to go down, the little dragon girl also Lima said that she did not participate in this diving activity. It seems that the dragon does not like being a loach.

The best magic pets in Liangshui xìng refuse to launch, but we have many magic pets. "The east side is not bright and the west side is bright. Dragon girls and mermaids are not going down. We also have rose vines.

Although rose vines are enchanted plants, their ability to move in the water is poor. But this tower is not really the kind of open water. The rose vine can move freely here as long as it is attached to the wall.

After putting away all the pets except the rose vine, I walked to the innermost place on the first floor of the laboratory. In fact, the entire first floor laboratory has only two rooms in total, which adds up to more than twenty square meters, and they are basically empty. The only thing that is more conspicuous is the one in the middle of the room. Circle the area surrounded by stones.

Some of these rounded stones are standing upright, while others are poured into the water. From their structure and location, it can be determined that this was originally a railing. There is a gap in one of the sections of the railing, which should be the original entrance position. The water inside the railing is a relatively dark water area. "This shows that there is a large hole below. From this structure, it can be confirmed that the middle part of the railing is the original stairwell, but now there is only one large hole left, but the stairs do not know where to go .

I estimate that the staircase might have been made of wood. After a long period of time, the main body of the stone laboratory had a lot of cracks. Naturally, the wood staircase did not know what it was like. You know, it's not the dark, cold sea floor, the wood is soaking there, it won't rot. The water in this swamp is hot, there are a lot of microorganisms under water, and the rate of decay of wood is absolutely amazing.

After confirming the entrance, I put down the armor mask first, so that even if I entered the water, I didn't have to worry about the disgusting sewage touching my skin. Finally, looking at the dark waters in front of me, I jumped straight forward, and the rose vine quickly followed me into the water.

On the water surface, because the surface of the water is reflective, it is not so clear about the underwater environment. When it comes down, we will find that the visibility is not as bad as expected. "Of course." This is not bad, but I ca n’t reach my fingers like I do n’t think. It is obviously impossible to compare the visibility with the ground or the clear water. The visible distance of this ghost place is actually only over one meter, and it is far away. It's a cloudy gray.

The underground laboratory should have lighting equipment, but whether it is a torch or a magic lamp, it is obviously unlikely to continue to function after so long underwater immersion.

So except for the area where I jumped down, it was all dark. Fortunately, I didn't need light at all. "After being completely dark, my vision range increased a little bit.

"Okay, let's see where the notebook can be placed. I hope that thing doesn't rot into the water!"

With my words, a rose vine sticking out from behind me wrapped around my waist, and then other rattan began to attach to the wall and pushed me forward. This kind of movement is much more convenient than swimming in this relatively not too wide space.

The place where I jumped down was a special stairwell, except for a layer on the ground, which was not known to be silt or rotting staircase wreckage. The only door through the front was a hexagonal room. The area of ​​this room is very large. "〖In the middle of the table, there is a table and a dozen chairs in a circle. Of course, the materials are all stone, otherwise it would not be possible to stand there for so many years.

Outside the room, except the door on the wall where I came in leads to the stairwell, "there are five doors on each of the remaining five walls, but the strange thing is that there are no panels. I guess the bigger ones may be originally installed "It's a wooden door" should all be rotten now.

I checked five rooms in turn. One was confirmed to be the kitchen, one of the other four was a stairwell to the lower level, and three were all similar storage rooms. However, it is strange that a lot of human bones are half buried under the mud on the ground, and there are still many rotten and similar weapons. From the residual breath on the bones, it can be concluded that these are not the bones left after death, but the standard skeleton soldiers. That is to say, these three rooms might have been similar to the Tibetan soldier cave, and these bones are guarding here. Skeleton warrior.

Of course, because the time was too long, even the skeleton warrior collapsed due to wear and decay.

After inspecting this floor and found nothing valuable, we entered the stairwell and started to move down. Like the upper floor, there is only a large hole left in the stairwell on this floor. Not only the stairs are missing, but not even the railings. I estimate that this level of railings should also be made of wood. "The surface layer was built out of stone because of storms outside, and it was built to resist moisture. The lower layers were built in the tower, which was relatively dry at the time."

After diving into the lower floor from this big hole, it is still the same staircase first. After coming out, it is also a hexagonal main hall plus a circle of rooms, and looking at the direction, the lower floor and the upper floor completely overlap. In other words, it is very likely that the entire experimental area is stacked down like this.

The Central Hall on this floor is as empty as the upper floor, and there is not even a dining table.

In addition to the stairwell I came down from among the six rooms surrounding the central hall, one of the remaining five rooms is a stairwell leading to the lower floor, while the other four rooms are exactly the same design. " It's just that the things in the room are basically rotten. Except for some metal and relatively thick wood, which can still have a bit of fragmentary structure, everything else has become a mud-like existence covering the ground.

Although the things in the room are badly rotten and shattered, it can be seen from the remaining structure that these rooms should be bedrooms or the like, just looking at the scale. "It seems that there are several people in each room. Think of it There is a circle of chairs near the table on the upper floor. It is estimated that there should be a dozen people living below.

Leaving these rooms of no value and continuing to the lower floor, the building structure is still the same as the upper floor, except that the layout of the rooms has changed. There are still four empty rooms on this floor, except for the two stairwells that are relatively old. Two of them are still bedrooms, but the interior configuration is not the same. One of them has few furnishings and is relatively simple. "Because the decay is too severe, I can't see who originally lived, but only know that there are not many things. The other room is a bit strange. This room is also a bedroom, but it makes people Surprisingly, the decay of things here is very low. The chuáng shop in the room and the wooden furniture such as tables and chairs are actually well placed there. The basic structure is complete except the surface is seriously rotted. Especially in the room In the two wooden cabinets, the carvings on the doors can still be clearly seen. "It seems to have been soaked in water for only a few years.

I leaned carefully to pick the lower door with eternity, and the result was as I expected. This cabinet just looks complete, and it's gone out of time. I touched it completely into pieces and collapsed. I tried to move the other furnishings in the room, and the results were the same. The severely decaying furniture could not be touched at all, and fell apart when touched.

Leaving this messy room I made "I went to the opposite room and took a look again, but the result made me even more worried about this task, because the two rooms are actually library, and obviously more than before There are a lot of clips in the room. The whole room is full of neat wooden bookshelves, and the bookshelves are filled with various books. But "these books are all merged into one piece because of long-term soaking. A single touch will record the entire smash, let alone read it, you ca n’t even pick it up.

Although the books are pretty rotten, I think it's actually quite miracle. This room is obviously protected by magic, otherwise the furniture in those rooms on the upper floor will be rotten. These fragile books have no reason to maintain their approximate shape. After all, these books are more rotten than furniture. However, although there is magic protection, it is obviously abandoned here for too long. This magical protection is no longer valid, so these books are still rotten. Of course, I'm not worried about the books, but the notes. According to general practice, the probability of things like notes appearing in the library is quite high, but now the entire library's books are out. If the notes are also here, it means that the task cannot be completed. But think about it, since the task scroll asked me to take notes, the notes shouldn't be destroyed before I arrived, so although I was worried, I was not too nervous.

After checking the rotten and unusable library, I reached the lower floor again through the stairs.

The lobby on this level is not the same as the one above, it is not empty. From the residual structure on the ground, it can be confirmed that a lot of shelves-like things were originally placed here, but they are now scattered. In addition to these shelves, there are a lot of messy things scattered on the ground, of course, most of them have been turned into flour, and only a few kinds of ore are left. It can be confirmed from the remaining several kinds of ore that here should be the storage room of experimental items, because those ore are the materials often used in magic experiments.

The six rooms around the main hall are, as usual, two stairwells and four regular rooms. "But these four rooms are just like the hall filled with various experimental materials. I looked for one of them and turned out at least five hundred The low-level material of the crystal coin also allowed me to find two large red magic crystals with a single value of at least 10,000 yuan. Although I do n’t know if the notes here are still there, but with this red magic crystal, at least I made this trip I didn't run in vain. But then again, "This place does not seem to have a monster."

After searching this floor and confirming that nothing was missing, I entered the stairwell to the lower floor again. When I went through the large hole in the stairwell and moved to the doorway of the lower staircase, I was surprised to find that the front was no longer empty The doorway of the object, but a door that is almost buried by sediment.

Immediately after seeing this door, I raised hope. The door is still there. Although it does not mean that the space behind the door must not be flooded, at least there is a certain possibility.

Looking down at the sand on the ground, I quickly ordered Rose Vine to help clear all the sand to the upper floor and find a room and throw it in. Although underwater construction is not very convenient, the efficiency of the rose vine is not bad. Although the water is muddy, the sand is cleaned. The second job now is to seal the stairwell.

I do n’t know if the space behind the gate has been infiltrated by water. If the gate is flooded, I just smashed through the gate and swam over. There was no problem at all. But what if there is no water over there? Originally, this door was blocked, and the water flow could not penetrate it. I rashly destroyed the door, and the water on the upper level would rally with me into the room. I had no problem slamming it, but everything in the room was completely gone. You should know that this is not a new house just completed. This is an ancient ruin. It has been unknown for many years. The things in it may not remain intact even in a completely dry environment. Now being swept up by the flood, it would be more than a miracle to find the complete thing.

Because it is not known whether there is water behind the gate, it is imperative now to seal the stairwell first, and then try to drain the water in the stairwell. The pumping part is relatively easy, which I already thought of. Just open the earth door here.

Because of the pressure balance, the water in the room will surely flow into the gate of the earth, that is, all rush to the grassland of the huā garden behind the mother of the earth. Of course, in such an open place, the water in this house can't be made at all. Too much trouble, at most it is to make a small area more muddy, and it can be restored to its original state within a few hours. As for the method of closing the stairwell ... this is a bit more troublesome.

I first got a few metal plates out of the Fenglong space ", then cut the edges of these metal plates into the shape I want with eternal, and finally stuck these metal plates around the stairwell and the top wall. Immediately after a metal plate, I asked the rose vine to support the iron plate with the woody branches growing out of my body to ensure that they would not fall off for a while, and then I put another piece on it to let the rose vine stand. This way I waited for the whole room "After the walls are full," the room was basically closed. Of course, at this time the room is more sealed. After all, these steel plates are not welded, "they are simply joined together, and the gaps between them are very large.

In fact, the main purpose of the iron plate is not to seal, but to strengthen the wall. Now the room is connected to the outside, there is a two-way pressure of water, the room does not need to bear too much pressure. However, if I sealed the room and drained the water from the inside, the water pressure on the outside had to be fully supported by the walls. You must know that this laboratory has been soaked underwater for many years, and the ghost knows whether it can withstand the water pressure above it. In case it collapses, I don't want to be buried in it.

After attaching the steel plates, I made a few square steels from Fenglong Space and used them as pillars to support the surrounding walls and ceilings. The branches of the rose vine can only help me temporarily hold those steel plates and rely on him to support them. Water pressure is an unrealistic idea.

After the support columns are installed in place, the hard part is next. I first summoned the gate of the earth. Of course, the water in the room immediately rushed into the gate of the earth as soon as it opened, but because I let the unicorn warriors inside clear the way in advance, the water just gave the lawn It's just pouring water. There is at least a few hundred square kilometers of grassland lent to me by the mother of the earth, and there is a large lake in the back. There is no response when this water is sprayed in.

But although this water in the room is not a big deal, we still have to speed up, because the steel plate above the head is not tightly sealed. Because the internal and external pressure balance has not reacted before, the water below will disappear and the gaps will become High-pressure nozzle, a large amount of water is being sprayed from the gap of the steel plate. If I leave them alone, the water will flow endlessly. Although the water in this swampland may not be able to treat the grassland of the mother of the earth, after all, this is a place for others to borrow from me. As a guest, I still try to ensure that it does not affect the owner.

Therefore, these openings must be blocked. Besides, the threshold of the earth door is at least thirty centimeters high from the ground, which means that the water in the room cannot be drained at all. If I open the partition door now, the room behind the door may still be flooded, but the water level will not be too high. But in order to prevent the possibility that the note is on the ground, I still try to be as foolproof as possible.

Looking at the gap that leaked down from the top of my head, I summoned Frost and Snow directly and infused with her magic. The flowing water was instantly frozen into a fierce icicle. These icicles not only supported To the ceiling, and also sealed the gap between the steel plates. Although the water above is hot and will soon melt the ice layer, it will be tens of minutes later. It is estimated that I have completed the task for a long time, not to mention that as long as the frost and snow do not leave, the ice will not be reduced at all.

After I confirmed that the water in the room was frozen, I dared to study the isolation door. This door was obviously magical, otherwise a sturdy door would not be able to soak in water for so long without leaking water. Because no dirty water or bugs existed, Ling them, clean and beautiful women, finally came out to help.

After some research, it was finally confirmed that this door only blocked others from entering, and it did not have the ability to self-destruct internally, so I no longer worry about letting them directly hide into the gate of the earth, and then a sword opened on the door A hole.

I didn't dare to break the door before. I was afraid that the water outside the door would damage the contents, and the second was that there was a protective setting on the door. In case I broke the door and I would destroy myself, I would lose money. Now the water was frozen, and it was confirmed on the door that there was no magic of self-destruction. Of course I just opened the door.

Although this door is quite strong, it is still not much stronger than tofu in the face of eternity, and the two swords were cut by me.

After removing the door, I first smelled a strange smell before I entered. I saw the door fell down and was going to walk in. I was so smoky that I almost didn't plant it. Although this smell is not stinky, but it is extremely unpleasant. I just felt a little dizzy after inhaling a little bit. Thanks to the dragon suit, it ’s a cow face, and when I smelled the smell, I just pushed away the armor mask Then it was automatically put down and switched to the air filtering mode.

"I rely, what's this smell?"

Ling Ling, who was standing inside the gate of the earth, knew immediately after seeing my response that there must be a problem with the air inside, so they all ran away as soon as possible, so they didn't smell the strange smell here. 1 Bu Longnv shouted at this side from a distance: "You opened the door that was crooked there." I will help you get the gusts for ventilation. "

"Don't, don't do it!" I hurriedly stopped when I heard Xiao Long Nu's words. "The things here are too old, and many things may have been powdered. You blow into the wind and become fly ash! Don't blow your hair!"

"Oh, I see." Hearing my words, the little dragon girl quickly canceled the strong wind spell that had begun preparations.

After talking with Xiaolongnv, I waited for a while, let my dizziness ease a little, and walked into the room behind the door. Unlike the mud-filled room above, there is obviously no water in this last room. Except for a thin layer of ash on the ground, it can be said that it is well-preserved.

The door through the staircase first entered the hexagonal hall, which is exactly the same as the upper floor. Of course, the same is only the building structure. The furnishings in the room are very different. The hexagonal hall here 〖Middle〗 Six rectangular stone tables form a regular hexagon. These tables are filled with various bottles and jars and strange experimental equipment. A place for experiments. Except for the sub-doors, the walls around the room are some debris racks, which are filled with all kinds of weird experimental materials. There seemed to be quite a lot of animal or human body parts, but just because they were too old, they had become dry and dry. Of course, even this look is thanks to magical protection, otherwise they should all turn gray.

In addition to the stairwell I came in, there were five other rooms around the room, which were different from those on the upper floors. The five rooms on this floor were all intact, so I couldn't see the inside.

According to the structure of the four floors above, the door directly opposite the stairwell I entered should be the stairwell leading to the lower floor, of course, provided that there is a floor on the floor. The other four rooms should all have their own functions, so I plan to check them one by one from the left hand side, but unlike the above, the rooms on this floor cannot be checked at will.

Although there is no water in the Zhongyang Hall on this floor, I cannot guarantee that the rooms connecting the Zhongyang Hall are also not flooded, so you must be careful when opening the door. To prevent it, I let Xiaolongnu and Frost Xue stand on my left and right. I plan to make a hole in the door with eternity first. If there is water behind, as soon as I pull out a sword, the water will immediately flow out of that hole. The little dragon girl can control the water. If the water pressure behind the door is not great, she will be responsible for guiding the water into a water band and transmitting it to the gate of the earth. We can go in after the water in the room is drained. As for Frost and Snow, her task is to freeze the entire room with ice to ensure the safety of other rooms and the main hall when the water pressure is too high after the door or the room collapses during our pumping process.

With foolproof preparation, I walked to the door and eternally pierced the door with a dagger. Eternally penetrated the door panel with little effort, and after I pulled out Eternal, nothing came out of it. I carefully stretched my head again and glanced through the small hole in the door. After confirming that there was no water in it, I removed the whole door.

The room behind the door was strange. When the door was opened, it was not the ground, but a downward escalator first appeared. The previous height of each floor in this laboratory was about five meters, but the height of this room reached more than ten meters. The door I just destroyed was built in the middle of one of the walls and the bottom of the door was more than five meters high from the ground, so I just repaired this downward escalator.

Except for its special height, the width of this room is the same as the rooms on the upper floors, which is only about 15 meters. But the length of this room is more than five kilometers. After checking and confirming that there are no other exits here, I was not convinced that this is a room and not a secret passage. After all, if it is a room, the proportion is too slender .

Although the space in this room is the largest in the rooms I have seen before, it is also the most empty room. In addition to the two tables placed on the side of the descending stairs in this entire room, there is only a large metal block beside the wall. However, after careful inspection, I found out that this metal block should actually be seven or eight steel plates. It is only because these steel plates have been rusted and fused together that this has caused it to look It looks like a metal block.

"How does this look like a shooting range?" Said the little dragon girl who followed me, while creating a whirlwind to draw out the dirty air in the room. Because there was nothing easy to damage in the hall before, the little dragon girl had used the wind spell to change the air in the room, otherwise she wouldn't come in.

I was still wondering what is the purpose of such a large room.

Dragon Girl's words also reflected. Right, isn't this a shooting range? The extra-long room was deliberately set to provide a firing range, and twice the height of the room was deliberately fixed to take into account the curvilinear trajectory of some weapons. As for the steel plates stacked in the corner of the room, which are already completely rusted, isn't that the standard power test target?

"Don't say, this is really a shooting range for long-range spell testing."

The little dragon girl was surprised when she heard her accidental guess, but fortunately

The Dragon Girl is our dragon in the middle of China. The xìng grid is more gentle. If you change Xiaofeng, this will surely make you laugh loudly.

Because the shooting range is open, there is nothing to investigate. Just leave for the next room.

The same configuration is still used this time. After Xiaolong Nu and Frost are ready, I suddenly opened a small hole in the door and quickly pulled out eternity. Sure enough, when I pulled out the eternal moment, a thin stream of water sprayed out of the hole immediately, but the water stream started to get smaller quickly after spraying for less than a second, and it finally seemed to put the filled soda bottle directly The same time, the water flow didn't spit out all of a sudden, but hummed and stopped for a while. Obviously, there was no communication pipe formed in the room, so the hole on the door needed water to flow and air in, so that it could not spray water all the way out. Instead, a state of one stop and one stop has formed.

Seeing that the water spray was not very harmful, the little dragon girl immediately used the water protection technique to manipulate the sprayed water to form a jumpy ribbon of water flowing towards the gate of the earth.

Seeing the little dragon girl nod to me, I used eternity to enlarge the hole in the door to a level enough for one person to drill past. Because the opening of the cave was enlarged, the speed of the water flow also accelerated a lot, and all the water in the room was guided by the dragon girl to the gate of the earth. However, although the original stagnant water was clear, the walls of the room were still seeping out of water, although the speed was slow, but it would be flooded sooner or later.

With my signal, Frost and Snow entered the room, and an extremely freezing technique solved the water seepage problem. But because the room was filled with water, the stuff here was also not preserved. Looking at the remains of the utensils here, it seems to be a place to collect books, but now all the books and scrolls have become a pile of black mud-like things on the ground. It is probably hopeless to look at this shape to restore it.

After leaving this useless room, we started to explore the next room. This room is the one in the stairwell facing us. According to the structure of the upper floors, this room should be the staircase leading to the lower floor, but because I'm not sure if this floor is the lowest floor, I won't I know this room is not a stairwell.

Using the same method to break the door, after confirming that there was no water in the back, we went in and took a look. It turned out that this was indeed the stairwell. But because there are two rooms on this floor that have not been explored,

So we didn't go down for the time being, but went to the next room and started to break the door.

After a hole was opened in the door of the room below, a lot of water was sprayed out. Fortunately, there was not much pressure, and it was soon treated like that library. Although it was also flooded, the harvest in this room was not as much as the one in the front room. This water-filled room might have been filled with precious magic materials and rare metals in the storage room of precious magic materials. Of course, there may be other valuable materials before, but those things can not stand the blisters, all that can be left is magic metal and magic gems.

The gems in "Zero" are mainly divided into two series, one is a pure gemstone system, and the other is a magic gemstone system. Gemstones are actually ornamental stones. Although they are beautiful, they are not very useful. The appearance of magic gems is basically the same as ordinary gems, but they are widely used. These magic gems can often be used on various magic arrays or magic props and also have a certain genus. It can be said that magic gems are many times more expensive than ordinary gems.

The magic gems and various precious metals in this room plus a minimum value of five million crystal coins, this is definitely a fortune and a super fortune. But after getting these things, I became more cautious in the next exploration.

The system will not give you money in vain. Just like playing monsters, you have to work hard to be rewarded. Now that I have picked up a bunch of precious stones and precious metals, is it possible for the system to leave me without any problem? I guess if I give up the task now and leave immediately, there must be something monster or natural disaster in Lima that will leave me here, but if I keep going down, this danger will be delayed later. Of course, one thing is certain, it is absolutely impossible to avoid this danger. No, that's not to say it's absolutely impossible. If I throw away all those gems and precious metals in the room ~ ~ then the risk will be halved. It's not about disappearing, it's about half. This is a system convention, and it is a reliable conclusion after many tests by many players.

Leaving this storage room, we opened the door of the last room, but although this room was not filled with water, I was extremely depressed. I thought I could find something good, but as soon as I opened the door, I found that the room was only five square meters, and there was only a round wooden barrel and a magic fountain. It turns out that this room is actually a toilet.

No way, the magician is also a human, unless you become a Lich, even if you become a god, you have to go to the toilet! Of course, a confident mage can also use the big lysis to solve this problem, but the premise is that you have enough spell control to ensure that you will not break down your internal organs and excrement together. After all, throwing lysis on others and using it on yourself are completely two concepts. At least few surgeons in reality dare to perform surgery on themselves.

Exiting this confusing room, I still could not find the note. Now our only goal is the laboratory below. Since even the experimental platform is on this floor, I guess the bottom floor should be the bottom floor. It seems that the danger set by the note and system for those gems and precious metals should be concentrated on this level. The gods and Buddhas of all walks of life are estimated, do not live in a nest of slugs below! I am most afraid of that thing! @。

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