Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 228: Cursed person

Volume 19 Chapter 228 The Cursed

When I saw the black worm in front of me, I felt that my hair was almost up. Although I am a man, although I think that my guts are relatively big, I still can't help the urge to run in the face of so many disgusting bugs.

"Sacred light purification." I was thinking about climbing up first and then thinking about throwing any magic down or wasting some points directly with the sun's aura. I didn't expect to throw the magic directly after drinking directly. With a dazzling white light, a scream of squeaking ... was immediately remembered around, but I felt a sense of regret after the Holy Light passed. I knew that I should just use the aura of the sun just now, and I should not consider what to solve the magic problem. Xiaochun's purification of the Holy Light is indeed very powerful to the undead, but the bugs below clearly do not belong to the undead system, so the effect of the Holy Light on them is only roasting. The high temperature brought by the strong light did kill these small bugs, but the effect was only killing them. The pile of bugs should basically be the same except that they became darker.

I'm afraid these bugs are because they are disgusting, not how powerful they are, so they are as scary as they are dead or alive. The only way to make them not scary is to cut them all into pieces or burn them to ash. Anyhow, it is okay to see the original shape. Xiaochun throwing this magic has no effect at all. What should the bugs do? Throwing is equivalent to not throwing it.

"Ah, this magic value still seems to be saved!" I said again and switched the account again to activate the scorching sun. After a flame flashed, the room was finally clean. The scorching halo belongs to a large range of advanced magic, which is very powerful. It is a bit like using anti-aircraft guns to clean up bugs.

I have n’t changed the shape after clearing the nearby corpses, and directly retained the silver moon shape. I can see that 80% of the mausoleum is full of such bugs. Compared to Ziri, Yinyue's mage skills are more effective against these low-level and large numbers of bugs.

After calling them all Xiaochun, we discussed and decided to continue digging down. Although this floor is not like the upper floor and eight passages, it is a corridor here, which means that the two sides pass. Now we don't know which direction to go anyway. Instead of going straight down, we have to figure it out. This mausoleum is so large that the depth should not be too shallow. So it was meaningless to dig two or three layers in the past. If you want to dig, you need to dig thoroughly. You do n’t need to make a turn without piercing it.

After I decided, I started digging down layer by layer. It turns out that this mausoleum has indeed become a nest of the kind of worms just now. I dug down ten layers at a time, and the structure of the passages on each layer is different, but without exception, there are such worms on each layer. It's all scary to death. However, although there are such bugs on each floor, I found that the bugs are gradually changing. Not that the worms are changing, but that the worms at each layer are different. As I continued to dig down, the number of bugs in the surrounding passages began to decrease, but the density was not reduced at all, because the bugs underneath were larger than each other. At first, the insects I saw were thinner than chopsticks on the first floor. By the twelfth floor, the insects around them had become once thick as the bottom of the paper cup, and occasionally they were still in the swarm. Large bowls of large bugs were found. Of course, it doesn't matter if these guys become ten times thicker, because the level of bugs has only increased by more than 200 levels from here. The top bug is a 36-level monster, and here it becomes a 247-level monster.

"Is it almost deep enough here?" After clearing away the nearby bugs, I looked up at Xiaochun who was still on the upper floor and asked.

Xiaochun jumped down and said, "It's almost there. Let's choose a direction and see?"

At present, we are standing at a passageway, but there is a fork in the direction that I am facing now, five or six meters, so there are actually three roads to choose from.

Because I do n’t know the specific direction at all, even if I spend time thinking about it, it ’s just a waste of time. Therefore, I directly selected the channel on the right of the front fork.

There's no reason to choose this path, it's all because of the hand. However, it turned out that I finally transposed today, because I walked less than ten meters after crossing the fork and I found the stairway to the next level.

"Go on or continue on this floor?" Sha Yezi asked looking at the stairs.

I thought about it and said, "Go down. It should be easier to find clues along the regular route."

Our last task on the quest scroll was to find an item in this mausoleum and give it to someone, but the question is what item to find and who to give it to, which is not written at all. According to my experience with tasks, the task scroll in this task is actually just a guide. You just need to follow the task clues, and when you get to the place, there will naturally be a way to convey the next task to you. If my experience is correct, this tomb should only be the beginning of a guided mission. What we need to find now is not the intelligent one, because only he can tell us what to do next.

Hearing me, Sha Yezi floated down first. Xiao Chun and Bai Lang followed them, and I was at the end. There is Sha Yezi exploring the road in front. Any danger should be found immediately, so Xiaochun is not dangerous in the middle. As for me, I will be responsible for the break, after all, there may not be other creatures in this mausoleum except that kind of bug. In case a monster ran out from behind, wouldn't Xiaochun, the mage, leave behind to deliver food to others?

The staircase in this mausoleum is not the same as the staircase in the building. It is not for turning and folding, but it leads straight to the next floor, and the staircase is also quite wide. It seems that this may be the main passage.

After descending below the stairs, there is first a relatively large hall, with two rows of giant sculptures standing on both sides of the hall. The content of the sculpture is a lizard that stands upright like a human, and it seems that these lizard people are wise, because they have weapons in their hands and are also wearing armor. One of the lizardmen even carried a weapon like a crossbow, which shows that the other party has at least a certain civilization. After all, the crossbow is more complicated than a bow and arrow. You can see that the original tribe used it. Bows and arrows, but you will not see any primitive tribal crossbow arrows.

These lizard sculptures on both sides of the hall are more than eight meters tall. They should look like enlarged sculptures. After all, most of the passages in the mausoleum are only four or five meters high. If the owner of the mausoleum is an eight-meter-tall lizard man, The passage in the mausoleum should at least guarantee his own passage.

Through the two rows of sculptures, we went directly to the other side of the hall. This is the only exit of this hall except that staircase. However, the exit in front was not open, but a door blocked the passage.

This long hexagonal entrance has a stone gate like a gate. Some strange symbols are engraved in the middle of the gate, but I let the magic pets recognize what was written. In desperation, I had to start the demolition operation again.

"How thick is this **** gate?" I grumbled more than ten meters from the opening of the previous passage ten minutes later. I dug all the way from the gate to here already fifteen meters deep, but still stone in front of me. This shows that the gate we just saw is at least 15 meters thick. As for how much is left, I don't know yet.

Although I was very depressed by this door, there was nothing I could do but continue to dig. Fortunately, after the appointment of more than five meters, the door finally let me dig through. Looking back at the entrance, the **** gate was 21 meters thick. Where is this mausoleum? The whole fortress!

After finally going through that **** door, we finally entered the room inside. The environment inside this door is not complicated, it is directly a stone room of more than 100 square meters. The stone room is very empty, there is only a platform with three steps in the middle of the room, and on the platform is a huge sarcophagus.

"It seems that we are lucky, we found the core directly." Xiaochun said after they got in.

"Don't be too happy, this may not be our mission goal. But it is definitely necessary to open it first." I said to summon the king directly, and then let the king help me to push the sarcophagus lid with me. . But it took us a long time to move the lid. "Fuck, is this stuff sealed with cement?"

Sha Yezi said after turning around the sarcophagus, "You seem to be in the wrong direction."

"what does it mean?"

Sha Yezi pointed at the interface between the bottom of the sarcophagus and the ground and said, "Look, the cover of the sarcophagus and the surrounding circle are connected. You should not push it, but you should lift it up."

I looked down where Sha Yezi was pointing, and sure enough, the top and side panels of the sarcophagus were connected together, which meant that the sarcophagus was actually buckled to the ground like a box. To see what's inside, you have to lift it all up.

Although the king and I are not too weak, it is still a bit laborious to lift such a large sarcophagus, but I also have a way. Summoned the dragon girl directly to add anti-gravity to the sarcophagus, and then I raised it with the king, and the sarcophagus' shell was immediately lifted. After we lifted the protective cover made of the whole stone hollowed out above, we found that there was actually a layer of sarcophagus made entirely of obsidian. However, it was different from the smooth layer on the outside that almost made me a sarcophagus for a table. On the outside of this black sarcophagus, the lines of gold sè are densely filled with text and various symbols, and it is even more amazing that these runes of gold sè are still using the frequency slightly slower than breathing. Dark slowly blinking.

"What does it say?"

"I don't know." Xiaochun answered simply. "I'm not like Ling. She used to write in the Dark Temple when she wasn't a goddess before. She naturally knows more than me."

After hearing Xiaochun's words, I was about to summon Ling out, but I didn't expect Ling to run out by himself. "No culture is no culture, and he still makes excuses." Ling despised Xiaochun first, and then stroked the gold text on the black sarcophagus, saying: "This is the magic text used in the dark ritual, is Real ancient runes, the runes you usually see are modified versions of this rune. "

"So what's on it?"

"Nothing is recorded on it."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

After thinking about it for a while, Ling explained to me: "The magic text is a kind of magic text. When it is written, it will have a magic effect. However, sometimes it is not wanted to make it magic in teaching. Effect, so the past magicians have come up with a method, which is to recreate a new text in the style of the magic text. This text should actually be a variant of the magic text, but because later magicians all learned directly This changed magic text, so after a long time, everyone has forgotten the regular magic text. "

"No? If the regular rune is forgotten, how does magic work?"

"This is the advantage of the new magic text." Ling explained: "The new magic text has some special symbols similar to punctuation marks than the ancient magic text. These symbols are used to mark whether the magic sentence is effective. When a new magic text After the text is written, it has no magic effect, but when you add special symbols to these texts, the new rune will immediately produce a magic effect like the old rune. This can be controlled and can be manipulated at will , So it is widely welcomed, and the ancient inscriptions that ca n’t be closed are gradually eliminated. However, some powerful and powerful existence among the protoss is still using this ancient inscription, because the magic of this inscription is more powerful Compared to the new rune, this rune has few disadvantages except for its inconvenience. "

After listening to Ling's explanation, I suddenly looked at the coffin in surprise and asked, "Do you mean this magic script is actually a magic circle?"

"It could be a seal, or something, and it's actually working anyway."

"Do you know what kind of magic circle it is?"

Ling looked at the text on the surface of the sarcophagus and said, "This is a bit cumbersome and needs to be analyzed slowly. The grammatical structure of the old rune is different from the new rune, and I have to translate it to find out what is written."

"Then you translate quickly."

Ling nodded and beckoned and summoned Emmenes and Victoria together. I was wondering what she was going to do, but Ling pointed out that the text on the sarcophagus asked them: "Do you know?"

Victoria looked at the sarcophagus in surprise, and said, "Ancient rune? Is anyone still using it now?"

Aiminess also said, "Yeah! This thing has been unused for at least thousands of years. Where do you find such an ancient thing? Well, this is still a coffin! It looks like it's not too old, it's strange to use it It's ancient runes. "

"Okay, okay. We now need to know what's written on this, and help translate it quickly."

Emmys nodded and said, "I'll take care of it." She said she had already squatted down and started to look at the rune on the left side of the sarcophagus, and Victoria immediately went to the right to see the text on the other side. Ling thought about calling Yeyue, the princess, and the crystal, and found that the crystal also recognized the text, so the text on both sides of the coffin was also translated. As for Ling himself, he climbed up and started to translate the text on the cover.

Watching a group of magic pets translate the text, I went to Xiao Chun and patted her shoulder, "It seems you need to strengthen your studies!"

Xiaochun snorted: "Our bright magic is a new faction. Those old antiques don't understand."

When I made Xiaochun happy, Crystal first got the text on the front of the coffin. However, instead of rushing to find the text at the foot of the coffin, she turned her head and said to me: "This is a spiritual hún stable matrix, and it has a concentration setting, it should be instilled into the inside of the coffin. energy."

"What?" I asked in surprise: "Willn't the guy inside be 100% dead?"

Crystal nodded and said, "It should be like this, but we don't know the details until we have translated everything."

"Then you can translate it quickly." Crystal nodded and ran to the end of the coffin to start translating, but she hadn't started for a while, and Emmys said, "My translation is finished."

"What did you write?" Ling also seemed to have completed her translation task and turned her head to ask her.

Emmys pointed to the text and said, "It's written about imprisonment and eternal torture, but the syntax is strange. I don't quite understand the specific meaning. It should probably form a punishment similar to the vicious curse. If this spirit hún does not dissipate, it should endure endless suffering. "

Immediately after hearing Ling, he turned to look at the other Victoria and asked, "What do you write there?"

"Wait a few words," Victoria said after squatting on the last few words for a while before she said, "Okay. It says that the fire of **** is burning forever, and it probably means that it is translated here The spirit hún will always endure hell-like torture. "

"Isn't that the same as over there?" I asked.

Ling stood on the coffin and said, "Not the same. Both sides are mental tortured matrices. They add up to double damage, and they have the effect of compensating xìng after the superposition. The actual power may be more than just two curses. It's vicious. It seems that the guy in the coffin must have done something angry, or else he would not have been so cursed. "

Immediately after listening, I asked, "Did you translate what you wrote above?"

Ling nodded and said, "This is a magic circle that keeps life alive. If I guess wrong, the people in this coffin should not be dead."


"The other party arranged so many curse spells to make this guy suffer the eternal suffering. If he dies, the torture will be reduced a lot, so the other party will arrange this vitality supplement to ensure that the guys inside can survive it. All this is painful, and if no one opens the coffin, he may be tortured like this forever. If I guess correctly, the magical circle on the foot should be written to supplement the life circle above. Of energy. "

Crystal had just finished translating at this point, and she stood up and said, "You guessed it, this is a magic circle."

After listening to their translations, I couldn't help looking at the coffin and asked Ling: "Are you saying I should open or not open this coffin?"

Ling thought for a moment: "It must be opened to open, after all, our task is in it. But I think we must do some preparations."

"Ready to work?"

Victoria Tieling explained: "Although mental torture is painful, it can actually increase the strength of a person's magic. Of course, this method of self-torture usually drives people crazy first, so magicians can only choose to cultivate slowly. Without strengthening yourself in this way. "

"Do you mean that the guy in it has been practicing magic for years?

Victoria nodded: "Not only has he been practicing, his practice speed is several times that of a normal person, and because this magic circle will not be interrupted, he has no day or night. He was sealed in a coffin. In these years, he is equivalent to 24 hours of continuous practice every day. Even if he was an apprentice in magic, this will probably be stronger than the magic of the intermediate protoss! Besides, it can be sealed by people with this kind of thing Person, UU Kanshu I see that when he went in, his strength would not be low. So he is now at least equivalent to the strength of a senior protoss. "

"It doesn't matter, we have killed a lot of Protoss, and senior Protoss are not afraid."

Although I said so, my actions were not slow at all. First, I took out two pairs of Protoss with mobile angels from Fenglong space and put them in the room for backup. Then I took out a bunch of medicines to fill up the magic first. In case it came out, it was super difficult. Guy, I can start the Divine Fit in full state, with two mobile angels working together, I believe I can kill him in minutes.

Seeing that I was ready here, Ling didn't say much anymore. He directly called Crystal to help lift the sarcophagus cover of Obsidian sharply. Almost as soon as the coffin lid was lifted off, we immediately saw a dark shadow popping out of the coffin. The dark shadow rushed directly to the roof, and then drew a bomb on the roof, and rushed towards Xiao Chun behind me the next second.

Buzzing ... With a metal impact, a mobile angel standing beside me took a big step backwards, but the black shadow was also rebounded and slammed into the opposite wall. Maneuvering angels against protoss are not ordinary maneuvering angels. These guys are specifically used to deal with protoss. This guy in the coffin is at best close to the strength of high-level protoss, but he is not **** after all. @。

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