Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 231: But if you say it,

, Like Ru Lai without lamb, purple sun. "As the magic missile was intercepted, a familiar figure emerged from the wood in front.

"〗 〖From the goddess?" We all looked at each other with a look.

In fact, it was n’t just from the goddess who came alone. She was also followed by a group of her subordinates, but I did n’t even know it.

Most of the protoss in various countries in "Zero" were produced by game production staff by collecting local myths and legends. For example, the heavens and Buddha gates of the 〖Chinese〗 kingdom were created based on local religions and myths. And that Olympus Protoss basically came this way. Of course, there are two other protoss in the game that don't come this way, namely the Guangming Temple and the Dark Temple.

These two organizations are distributed around the world, but they do not belong to each other. To put it simply, the dark temple in the country of China is the **** group of the country, and the dark temple of the country is the **** group of the day. It has nothing to do with it.

In addition to these two temples, basically, the protoss of various countries are created according to their myths. However, there is a country in trouble here, and that is the United States. The history of the founding of the United States is too short, and it is also an immigrant country. Their native myth does not exist at all.

American Indians have their own myths and legends, but the problem is that Indians are not a mainstream group in the United States, and their myths are not accepted by the majority of Americans. Fortunately, fortunately, there is still a statue of "Self-introduction" in the United States, and this "Self-initiation" has basically become the spiritual symbol of Americans, so game designers have created a vacuum out of this foundation. Support 〖From〗 by the protoss. Of course, because this [Self] was fabricated by the Protoss itself out of thin air, no one knows their composition and membership at all. Basically, except for "Self" by the goddess, other "Self" by the members of the Protoss, even the Americans, do not know it.

As soon as I observed the guys behind the goddess, she had brought these people to us, but neither of us was in a hurry to talk, but we were busy observing our goals.

At this moment I was busy observing the group of people behind [From] by the goddess. Since [Self] is fabricated by the protoss itself, unlike other protoss there are myths and legends to refer to, so we can say that we know nothing about the strength and special abilities of this guy. But fortunately, "Zero"

It is a game with general rules. The approximate combat methods and combat capabilities of ordinary personnel can be seen from the appearance. Although it may not be accurate to look at it with your eyes alone, but it is always better than smearing your eyes when you really hit them.

I'm busy observing the people brought by the goddess from the self, and the goddess from the self is not idle. Her gaze has always focused on the tutu behind me that has been wrapped by eternity and the puppet with half of her head outside. After observing the person she brought, I found that [Since] the goddess's eyes had always locked the bug, and I immediately understood her intention.

"〗 〖Since Your Goddess actually appeared here, it was a coincidence." I said while gesturing to the little dragon girls with their hands behind their backs, 1 The dragon girl saw my hand pointing at the one behind The worm, immediately understood what I meant, and blasted the worm with a breeze and grabbed it in his hand.

This worm did a great job before, it almost caught what to eat and eat, but now it is not a threat to the safety of the little dragon girl, because its entire body is wrapped in eternity. Although its tutu are all outside, but because the body is fixed to death, it can only move forward and backward, and cannot turn. Besides, it is now floating in the air by anti-gravity, and can't run even if it can turn around. As for the big pliers that can move everything, this can only be a display. His head was constrained, and its pliers couldn't move left or right except to be able to open and close. Unless anyone is stupid and slaps his body into his mouth, it will not bite at all.

Seeing the little dragon girl grabbing the bug, 〖Since〗 the goddess immediately became nervous. But as soon as she wanted to shout, she suddenly pressed down, and then she turned to look at me and said with a smile: "President Ziri. I heard that the monster who attacked us from here has been here." Side, I wonder if you saw it? "

If you do n’t see the self-expression by the goddess, I would definitely think that she was hunting down the murderer for the attack on those people in her clan. After all, this excuse is perfect. But unfortunately, her concealed expression was not so clear, and she was telling me that she came for that bug.

"Oh, call that monster?"

"Did you meet?"

I nodded and said, "It's over there.

I am referring to the direction of that laboratory. Anyway, I have been evacuated there. 〖Since〗, the goddess wants to go and see. As for the monster that has been killed by me, I will not tell her about this. She will find it herself if she has the ability.

〖Since the goddess glanced at the direction I was pointing, and then her eyes narrowed suddenly, and then she said to us: "Just when I saw President Ziri seemed to have caught a bug, can you show me? ? "

"From: When did the Lord Goddess be interested in collecting bugs?"

"Just think that bug is a little special, can you show it to me?"

When I heard the request from the goddess, I first disappeared one by one. After the smile from the goddess, I wiped my face suddenly and said, "No. This is an experimental material that is important to us. I must immediately Bring it back. "

At this point, I was still tǐng polite [from] by the goddess who did not expect that I would refuse so simply, and seeing that we actually planned to leave immediately, she was also anxious. Presumably guessed what we already knew and she no longer played hypocrisy with us. Torn off the camouflage of kindness, 〖From〗 The goddess suddenly said to me with a stern face: "Well, everyone in Ziri understands people, so let's not be in a circle."

"I'm not in a circle. It's you who's been there all the time. What's the matter with me?"

"You" 〖From〗 The goddess was stunned by me, but she immediately put down the fire and looked at me and said, "Well, I was wrong before. Now we'll talk straight. Your hands That bug is ours, please give it to us. "

"Yours?" I glanced back at the worm, and then I looked back at [Since] I looked up and down from the goddess's belly.

〖Since the goddess found that the position I was looking at was not right, she quickly covered her belly and shouted, "Where are you looking?"

"Of course it depends on the belly."

"What are you doing?"

"It doesn't look like you can produce such a big bug?"

"Asshole, how dare to insult the goddess." A guy standing behind 〖From〗 by the goddess suddenly stood up and yelled at me.

When I saw the guy who suddenly appeared, I slightly gestured my head, Ling raised his hand is a magic bomb and blasted the guy out. My magic pet levels are very scary. Previously, they were not as good as those Protoss because my level was too low to restrict their ability to play. Now when I rise to the level, their strength will naturally come up. Ling Haoyu also served as the Lord God. Even after leaving the throne, the strength is not as good as the fight, but it is still no problem to deal with a subsidiary God.

Seeing that guy was bombarded directly, 〖Since〗, she wanted to have an attack on the spot, but she looked at the worm that was pinched by the little dragon girl, and she thought for a while and could bear it. "Zi Ri" I will tell you at last that the bug is ours and you must return it to us. "

I glanced again at the belly of the goddess, and then said, "First, this bug is not born by you. Second, it doesn't have your mark on it. Third, it wasn't when I found it. You're keeping it. If you call it now and it will agree, "it will prove that it is yours, but I think this may not be very big. If you do n’t have any of these conditions, then why do you say this is yours? "

〖Since the goddess was told by a cannon in general, I didn't know how to answer it, and I could only stammer in the end. But after stuttering for a long time, she finally reacted and suddenly angered at me: "Zi Ri, I'll let you give it to me. Why are there so many reasons?"

Seeing 〖From〗 The goddess even came out with such a reason. I simply asked her with a smile: "Do you think I'm bullying? Do you intend to grab it now?"

, "I'll grab you, right?" 〖Since the goddess also knew that playing quiet leather is not my opponent, simply tore his face and played a rogue.

With 〖From〗 by the goddess, the gods behind her immediately rushed together. Looking at the rushing crowd, I didn't want to be outdone, and immediately waved my hand, and the surrounding area was immediately covered by my summoned creatures. "Hum" is more than anyone, I'm not afraid of anyone yet. "

Ordinary people will suffer very much when encountering the protoss, because the divine power has a suppressive effect on ordinary people, and its effect value is calculated by ten times. For example, if a protoss defense is 10,000, then when a player attacks him, "in the offensive and defensive calculations, the protoss defense is actually 10,000 by ten, which is 100,000. Although the numerical value shows that his defense is 10,000, but for this player, attacking this protoss is the same as attacking an ordinary human with a defense of 100,000. If the reverse, this protoss attacks an ordinary human. Assuming that the Protoss's attack power is also 10,000, then for this attacked person, he is actually equivalent to being attacked by a 100,000 attacking person "because the Protoss attack and defense must be multiplied by ten Converted into ordinary people's attacks.

Because of this ten-fold effect of divine power xìng, even if some deities have no difference or even lower level from ordinary people in terms of rank and basic genus xìng, their combat power will be much better than ordinary people. However, this genus does not apply to me.

I have the title of the God Slayer, so when fighting with me and my front to summon creatures, the divine power cannot play that ten times offensive and defensive effect. In addition, because of the genius of the gods, I can not only be afraid of divine power, but also have a double combat power bonus to the protoss.

The effect of this bonus is the same as that of the Protoss fighting against ordinary people. The only difference is that the Protoss has a tenfold combat power bonus to ordinary people, while I have a double bonus.

In any case, it is an inevitable fact that the protoss were born short before me, so let alone those little gods, even the main god, few dare to confront me. 〖From〗 The reason why the goddess dared to turn her face with me this time is that the bug is the main reason. If I'm not mistaken, the bug should have a very important effect on them. Otherwise, the goddess 〖Zi〗 will definitely not turn this face on me boldly.

As I summoned my summoned creature, the person brought by the goddess from〗 〖I immediately collided with ours. Immediately as soon as the two sides came into contact, there was a downside situation, but it was not the side that we were beaten by the protoss, but the person brought by the goddess was found by my magic pets to find teeth.

[Self] Protoss itself is not a very powerful protoss, and apart from the old protoss such as the Chinese Heaven Court and the Olympus Protoss, the general Protoss generally show uneven distribution of strength. In simple terms, the protoss are particularly strong, but the common protoss are particularly weak. 〖Since, obviously these gangs brought by the goddesses are not all masters, so after being suppressed by my goddess genus xìng, they were brought down by my magic pets as soon as they came into contact.

However, "Although we have a large area of ​​advantage here, there are a few guys that are extremely difficult to deal with. Of course, I have been prepared for this situation. It is not all my magic pets who just fought with those protoss. The few magic pets I can fight the most haven't actually moved yet. "The purpose of leaving them is to find those powerful protoss who have stronger strengths to deal with intensively.

〗 〖From the goddess watching the group of people being beaten down huā running water is also a little anxious. She knew I was great, but she didn't expect her to be so beaten, she was put down a few times. Seeing her men was too shameful, she had to wave her hands to send out the two guys who were standing beside her.

Seeing the two protoss coming out, I immediately made an eye contact with Ling, Ling walked by himself, and Yeyue took the initiative to welcome another guy. Now the only thing left on the battlefield is me and 〖Zi〗 by the goddess and the little dragon girl. I and 〖Since the goddess is the boss of both sides "naturally, it is best to end the game. As for the little dragon girl, her task is to catch the bug and not let it run away.

The first guy sent by the goddess from〗 〖I was attacked by Lei first after entering the battlefield, but his fighting power was very high. Although Lei's speed was fast, he couldn't help this guy at all. After three consecutive unsuccessful assaults, Ray was directly slashed by the guy with a sword and hit his right arm to fly out. Fortunately, Ray's speed was fast enough. In the end, the sword was not cut, otherwise the injury must not be light. However, the guy had just split Lei and suddenly found that there were more people in front of him.

When the guy saw Ling, Ling's hands were slightly separated from each other in front of ōng, and between her hands, a huge purple and black light ball covered with electric arcs appeared as her hands separated. Gradually getting bigger. That guy noticed that the ball was already as big as basketball "

And it continues to expand.

Seeing this thing, the guy rushed up the first time. He is a melee, so it is natural to see the mage-type personnel approach the opponent as soon as possible. Moreover, the light ball pulled by Ling's hand is obviously a big move. It is better not to let it release.

Although the guy's fighting consciousness was correct, he actually made a fatal mistake, that is, he didn't figure out Ling's magic preparation time. As he rushed towards Ling, Ling's divided hands suddenly pressed toward the middle and moved forward. "The light ball immediately flew straight towards the guy with a dazzling arc.

When the light ball flew, the guy wanted to flash over the first time, but at the moment when he was about to dodge, he found that Ling and all my calling creatures all crouched on the ground holding their heads.

Although he saw this strange phenomenon, he hadn't waited for his response. That light sphere had exploded by itself more than two meters away.

Without imagining the loud noise, the explosion of the rice ball only sent out a burst of magnetic and magnetic sounds like an electrical leakage,

Followed by a blue aperture spread around the explosion point of the light ball in all directions and spread out.

Although the scene of the aperture explosion has been noticed by all the protoss brought by the goddess

But they still could n’t avoid the aperture, because the diffusion speed of this thing is too fast, from the explosion of the photosphere to the expansion of the aperture into a huge aura with a diameter of more than one kilometer. Half a second time. With the expansion of the aperture, the presence of "Zero" by the Protoss was almost completely swept by the aperture. "The huge impact force directly knocked all these people out, and those who flew up too. Without exception, the entire body of electric light flickered, and after the landing, it was still pumping straight on the ground.

With so many protoss brought down by one stroke, Ling had no intention to celebrate at all. She stood up and rushed in front of his target as soon as the aperture spread, and then held down the guy's head as soon as the guy was about to get up. "Dark baptism."

The guy who was pinched in his head suddenly felt as if he was sitting on an electric chair, his body trembling violently. Even before he was swept by the electric aperture, he didn't shake so much. However, although he shook a lot, the time was short. Ling only darkened for a few seconds before letting go of his hand, and then he saw the guy on the ground as if he was okay. However, after he got up, he didn't attack Ling. Instead, Tu Tu kneeled down and gave Ling a salute: "The great goddess, the death knight Saudiba, report to you. My sword will be sharp for you."

Just in the case of "From", when the goddess was stunned and looked at her men, "Ling" was suddenly a finger next to "From" by the protoss: "Very good knight. It is time for you to show your loyalty. Go and destroy the enemy in front of you. "

"Observe my goddess." The guy bowed his head to Ling again, and immediately picked up his sword and turned towards his comrade.

The little dragon girl who also held the worm could not help seeing that guy's abnormal behavior and came to me and asked, "When will Sister Ling have this ability?"

I shrugged helplessly and said, "You are together every day, you don't know how I know? But it looks like this should be advanced magic of the dark system." It should not be surprising that Ling can be used. "

Ling itself is a goddess of darkness, so compared to ordinary dark creatures, she has a very abnormal character, that is, all dark magic, as long as her magic level and level reach the minimum release standard, she can use this magic immediately, No learning or adaptation process is required at all.

To put it simply, she will use as long as the dark magic, as long as the corresponding limit of that magic is reached "she will be able to use it immediately, and it will be a mastery of proficiency.

The rebellious guy on the battlefield quickly rushed to his companion and started to fight. Although his companion noticed his abnormality before, this guy was their companion before and had a relatively high status. The attacked guy didn't dare to fight with this guy at all, and he was beaten one after another. However, I found some of them. It seems that this guy's combat effectiveness has dropped a lot after being transformed by Ling. But think about it. The ability to transform the enemy into battle on the battlefield is already perverted enough. Isn't it too much if the combat effectiveness does not decrease at all?

The manipulated guy over there is pursuing his companion, while his companion is being hunted down. Just now, from the goddess, the goddess sent the two strongest guys around at once, but what made the goddess depressed was that the two strongest guards around her were not my opponents. Saudiba was directly controlled and turned into an enemy, while the other guy was full of teeth after being hit by Yeyue after a face-to-face meeting.

This guy who confronts Yeyue seems to be a type of battle of the demon Wu Shuangxiu. When he first came up, he hit Yeyue twice with a magical long-range attack, but Yeyue ’s pupil technique was not a joke. When he found a long-range attack After not being an opponent at all, he immediately planned to approach me for close hand-to-hand combat. However, what he didn't expect was that this decision made him regret it too late. Although he was not an opponent in the long-range attack before, he could still fight it. He was completely abused behind him.

Before, he thought he was good at melee combat, but after Yeyue rushed to his side, he realized what it was like to fight with two fists. Even more terrible is that Yeyue has more than four hands.

With six arms and a tail that is more flexible than an arm, Yeyue alone has seven hands. What is the chaotic punching of the master, Ye Yue's fighting method is the best interpretation. That guy ’s proud fighting skills could n’t exert any power in front of Yeyue. Yeyue used six hands to hold a six-handed sword and danced like a wheel to cover his face all over his body. The guy blocked the left side and missed the right side. No matter how he defended, he would always be beaten. What ’s more terrible is that Ling ’s big tail not only specifically attacked his bottom plate. ”Moreover, this tail is much more powerful than his arm. Sometimes, accidentally being swept away can directly shift all his internal organs. No energy for a long time.

The guy who had been attacked by this stormy attack without even parrying was miserable enough. "But soon he found that things were not only different from what he had thought before, but even worse than later thought. Night Moon can not only use the storm-like attack to pressure him, he can't use any skills. What's more terrible is that Yeyue Zai Pu Shu is a gifted skill, not an acquired magic. The greatest difference between the talents xìng and the magic that the mage learned is that this ability does not require preparation time at all, and there is no distance limit at all. Yeyue was able to use the pupil technique to bombard him a couple of times while cutting with this guy. This discovery became the last straw to crush the kiwi, and the guy finally realized that he was not the opponent in front of him, and turned and ran.

Although as a protoss, it was ashamed to be attacked by the head mouse, but it is even more tragic that the head mouse can't run away. Yeyue's big tail is not only able to assist in combat, but the mobile ability of that thing has a clear advantage over the tutu. Anyway, the guy finds that he can't run her at all, and the more he rushes on those rough roads, the speed of others The more obvious the advantages.

〖Since the goddess looked at her two capable men, one was manipulated to kill her, and the other chased like a dog, and her face was almost turning into a pancake shape.

Seeing that his men were so weak, 〖Since〗 the goddess finally couldn't help himself and walked out. Before, I did n’t move. I was n’t trying to be cool. ”Instead, I wanted to stare at [Self] to prevent her from hurting her suddenly. Now that she ’s moving, I naturally do n’t have to pose here.

As soon as the Dragon Girl stretched out her hand, eternity broke away from the worm's body and returned to my hand.

As soon as the bug got 〖From〗, it immediately struggled and twisted and tried to escape, but unfortunately the little dragon girl raised it to mid-air with anti-gravity. It couldn't catch anything that could borrow, although it could twist in the air. Twist away, but no matter how twisted it is still in place.

After starting with eternity, I directly transformed eternity into a sword shape and walked towards the self from the goddess.

[Self] The goddess probably knew that it was impossible to run into that worm without bringing me down, so she did not fight with my other pets, but walked towards me directly. However, although she did not think of fighting with my magic pets, my magic pets did not intend to let her go. On the number of people, my magic pet is definitely more than the one brought by the goddess from 〖Zi〗, not to mention that 〖Zi〗 by the goddess has also been brought down by my people.

〖From〗 The goddess is staring at me intently to prepare for my sudden attack at any time. Who knows that suddenly I feel the power of a rule on the side. You need to know that things like laws are far more powerful than magic. "As a lower protoss who can access some simple rules, the goddess naturally knows the power of rules. Now on the battlefield except her own hands Outside it is all my magic pets. At this time, I suddenly felt the power of a rule. Was it unknown that my magic pets released them?

My magic pet actually grasped the power of the law, but found that 〖Self】 was shocked by the goddess, but now she had no time to think about anything else, and quickly turned her head to see the power of the law. As a result, I turned my head and saw a huge golden magic circle unfolding in the air. "Then I saw a streamer passing through the magic circle and being plated with a layer of gold, and slammed into her.

Under the turmoil, the goddess rushed to stop the divine power, but unfortunately her divine power did not reach anything, because Victoria's arrow of fate could not be stopped at all.

〖Since〗, I stepped back three times immediately after an arrow from the goddess. Of course, this was not the result of the arrow of fate, but she scared herself. The arrow of destiny is just a force of law, not an attack of magic. "It does not have any impact. 〖Since the three steps of being repelled by the goddess are purely spiritual.

Immediately after seeing the arrow of destiny, Victoria jumped up and shouted, "Haha, I have found the disease belongs to xìng."

Hearing Victoria's shout, my face and my other pets had a loose expression on their faces. Victoria's arrow of fate is powerful, but this probability is a bit unreliable. Just now this arrow can draw the disease xìng is quite lucky, so Victoria is so excited. The effect of this disease belongs to xìng is to make all the target's skills fail and cause the attack power and movement speed to decrease by 20%.

In fact, the 20% drop in attack power and movement speed is not the most important part of the disease. The most important thing is that all the previous skills have failed, especially when it comes to the existence of the goddess of self.

It is not difficult to see from the image of “Self” by the goddess, the torch, and the code that she is a mage-type deity. Otherwise, she should be a sword and a shield. As a mage-type person, magic is an indispensable thing. Is it true that a mage who has not exhausted his magic is not as good as a farmer?

However, "from now on," the goddess may be inferior to the peasant, because her magic is also a skill category, which means that she can no longer use magic. In addition to using the torch in her hand as a weapon, I guess she can only bite people with her teeth.

"Hey, this time is a lot of fun. I met a high-level protoss who can't magic." When Victoria said that the disease was xìng, I was happy. I am worried that there is not enough spirit to make a faith collection tower. I did not expect that the goddess would come to the door. Although the protoss of each country is only the lower deity, as the boss of a protoss in one party, 〖From〗 by the goddess is also a high-level protoss. The high-level protoss of the lower gods is definitely strong enough to be a giant collection tower. Maybe splitting her spirit hún into several pieces can also make several collection towers at once.

〖From〗 The goddess checked her physical condition for the first time after discovering that the arrow didn't cause any damage. Of course, she found that all her magic had failed. The goddess, who realized that she was now very dangerous, made a decisive decision. I saw she suddenly took out a crystal ball from her body and threw it at her feet, and the crystal ball exploded instantly. However, this thing did not produce much explosive force, but only the smash of the ping pong was over.

But "just when we thought that" self "failed by the goddess's thing, the accident suddenly happened.

"Rely on, what's the matter?" We were stunned there, and suddenly felt a huge pulling force pulling us towards the place where the crystal ball broke. Our first reaction is naturally to resist that force, and the group of protoss brought by the goddess from〗 〖is the same action. However, I was surprised to find that there was a person in the field who did not seem to be affected by the pull ", and this person was 〖From〗 by the goddess.

After the pull appeared, I hadn't come here and thought about what to do. Suddenly, I heard an exclamation from behind, and I turned around to see the big squeak flying towards me. Fortunately, I responded quickly, bowed my head sharply, and the maggot flew directly above me with a slight difference. It turned out that the pull of that thing wasn't just for us, that cricket was also sucked by the pull. Moreover, while the cricket flew past, I also noticed that many small bugs in the nearby forest and under the grass were being sucked out and flying towards the place where the crystal ball shattered. The place where the crystal ball broke is now a black hole. The difference is that it only works for animals. Those plants and inanimate things are not affected by this thing.

Seeing that the magpie flew towards 〖From〗 by the goddess, I quickly turned to look at the pepper. The response of the pepper was not slow. For the first time, the maggot was controlled by the mental force field, and it was firmly fixed at the position between us and the broken crystal ball. "Although the pulling force kept pulling the maggot, but With the chili pulling, the cricket was dragged back slowly.

Seeing that we could still hold that puppet, [Self] the goddess smiled disdainfully and said, "Don't waste your efforts.

It is impossible for you to pull it back. The pulling force of my ox black hole will become stronger and stronger, and sooner or later you will be sucked in. "

"Life black hole? You mean that this thing only **** things that have life?"

[Self] said proudly by the goddess: "Of course. This is the latest technology that we [Self] researched by the protoss, only effective for living things. Just **** the enemies over" and throw a bomb in the middle. All enemies can not hurt the enemy's materials. Do you say that such technology is very powerful? Of course, the more powerful it is for you, my enemies, the worse you are. "

"No, this technique is really good." My words let [Go] naturally move from the goddess' eyes ", but before she appeared, why did I throw out eternity, and said:" Because I can also Take advantage of it. "

With my words, Eternity has flown out and suddenly split into thirty-six small ones in the air

After the steel **** were sorted out, they each extended to both ends and gradually flattened. It took less than two seconds to become a 36-handed double-headed sword. After the deformation was completed, the 36-handed double-headed swords flew. The sword began to spin in place like a helicopter turning blade. "As the flying sword turned faster and faster, the thirty-six handle sword became thirty-six high-speed rotating sword wheels, and then pointed with my finger. The sword wheels immediately rushed towards 〖From〗 by the goddess with a sharp wind howling.

"Ah!" It was startled by the goddess to see so many sword wheels flying towards himself together.

She has heard of my eternity. She also knows that eternity claims to cut everything, and she does not want to use her body to verify whether the rumor is correct. Besides, she can't even use magic now, even if she wants to block, there is nothing to block. In desperation, she had to turn around and run.

Although 〖From〗 escaped by the goddess, my ever-changing flying swords are not projectile weapons, they are remote-controllable weapons, so there is no problem of deviation, even if they are hidden by the enemy, they can rewind Continue to attack.

〖Since the run from the goddess, my sword wheel immediately divided into several roads to start chasing and blocking. 〖Since from the goddess. But do n’t you say this 〖From〗 Although the goddess' ability is blocked, her flexibility is quite good, she left and right to hide and was attacked by her several times. Of course, she does not flash every time, at least it is impossible to flash completely. Although she has avoided most attacks, she has been cut out of several long and short cuts, although they are not too deep, but It was injured after all.

Although〗 〖From Goddess is now chased by my eternal chase, but I also feel bad. Previously, the words from the goddess were obviously not exaggerated, and the pulling force was gradually increasing. Before, I just moved my center of gravity slightly back to stabilize my body. But now the pulling force has changed, and I need to withstand that pulling force to stabilize the body completely, and this tendency of increasing pulling force does not mean a slight slowdown. If we let it pull down this way, sooner or later we will all be dragged to that center point. Although it is not a big deal for the time being pulled, after all, there are no black holes there. After being sucked to the center point, it will not die immediately, but if a person is fixed there and cannot move, it is actually no different from dying immediately. After all, there are too many ways to kill a completely immobile person.

When I was thinking about Lou Mo's request for the traction of this thing, Pepper suddenly called out, "Master, I can't pull it anymore!"

It was already very hard to control my body from being sucked away. Now, the pepper still has to grab an extra large tadpole, which is naturally harder than us. I heard Pepper's words and thought for a moment, then let her release the control of the bug directly. Anyway, even if she continues to hold the current situation, the puppet will not be dragged back anyway. And even if we let go, the puppet was just sucked and fixed above the broken position of the crystal ball. Anyway, it can't run and pull or hold it, it's all the same. As for "From" by the goddess ... I glanced over at "From" by the goddess who was jumping over the waist and avoiding the sword wheel like performing gymnastics, and I ignored this problem. Um catch the worm, wait until she gets rid of my sword wheel.

Although I thought I had thought about it, it turned out that I still missed something. Immediately after I let the peppers release the traction, the monster was immediately pulled over the broken position of the crystal ball by the pulling force. This wasn't much of a problem at first, but it just left the worm to change its position. But shortly after the puppet was in place, we suddenly heard a scream. Looking at the sound, we also saw a 〖Ziyou Yousheng "clinging to his waist. This guy obviously has a red line on his half-waist. If I'm not mistaken, he should have been cut by eternity.

Before 〖From〗 My sword wheel kept flying around when the goddess ran everywhere, but because eternity has its own instrumental spirit, he knew to avoid my magic pet. So even though Eternal has been flying all over the field, none of my magic pets have been encountered. Every time I am about to hit my magic pet, eternity will turn around to avoid my magic pet.

It is because of this discovery that 〖From〗 The goddess has been using my magic pets distributed around as a shield. She wore it in my magic pet group, and forever because she had to keep avoiding obstacles, she couldn't get up quickly, so she also had the possibility to dodge. But don't forget, my pets are not fun to stand there. They are fighting with the men under the goddess of self. In other words, there will be at least one 〖From〗 by the goddess's side around each of my magic pets.

However, because the number of people is in a disadvantage, the former “Gods” were all beaten by my devil's pets. I just didn't expect that this disadvantage has turned into an advantage, because those members of 『self』 are surrounded by my devil's pet, so in order to avoid my devil ’s pet, eternity naturally bypasses those of 『self』 by the **** a member of. Otherwise, the protoss stood here for such a long time because of the "self" that can't dodge at all. My eternal sword wheel hasn't cut them all into pieces?

Of course, not every self-protected by the protoss is so strict, there are some relatively weak self-produced by the protoss because of their weak ability, so only one or two of my magic pets are besieging them.

As a result, these people are actually half-violent under the eternal threat. However, because these people are not the main target, Eternal will not change the flight path specifically for them, plus my magic pet blocked several directions, so these people have not been attacked. However, this guy was obviously unlucky just now.

Just now, 〖From〗 When a goddess ran past this guy, there was a sword wheel that circled from a direction that was not covered by my magic pet ~ ~ At this time, the sword wheel and the bad luck The egg and 〖from〗 by the three goddesses are just in a straight line, which means that the sword wheel passes through him and the shortest route is when you follow 〖from‖ by the goddess. If my magic pet is standing in this position, or if my magic pet appears along the way, then eternal will definitely turn around to protect them. However, now in this line, except for him, there is only the Goddess of Self. Eternity will turn for my magic pet, but will not turn for the enemy, so this guy was tragically cut in two by the eternal sword wheel flying straight.

Originally, the self-death by the Protoss was not a problem at all, but I hated it and hated the worm that eats in the **** creature black hole and that stuff. Under normal circumstances, this guy could still fix his body by inserting a weapon into the ground. Now he was suddenly cut off by the waist, and his strength could no longer hold his body. If he had turned into a corpse, it is estimated that the gravity of the creature that would only **** would not **** him anymore. However, the person who is cut by the waist does not lose his life immediately. Even if the person is cut by the waist, he can support at least 20 seconds or more, and some can even support it for five or six minutes. As a Protoss, this guy can definitely last longer. But now I believe that he must, like us, hope that he can die soon, because, just after he broke into two pieces, he was actually pulled by the creature's gravity above the broken crystal ball, and there was a tooth dance claw there. The bug is waiting for him.

"Don't!" @.

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