Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 241: Underwater channel

Volume 19 Chapter 241 Underwater Channel

Looking at the heart beast that suddenly turned into a black hole, I really don't know what to say, but I haven't waited for me to sigh, the guy actually changed again. The heart beast that had already become a black hole suddenly inexplicably came to a violent explosion. Of course, the explosion is only an image, not a real explosion. We just saw an explosion in front of us, but we did n’t feel anything. The impact of things like bō.

In fact, the explosion in front didn't last long. Just after the explosion, the environment around us suddenly changed again. The burrow that was originally glowing with red light has now been almost completely covered by the heart beast, and the light from the brazier has completely disappeared, replaced by white spots spreading all around. Now we don't feel like we are standing in a hole xué at all, but we feel like we are suspended in space, surrounded by billions of stars, and it looks beautiful. Of course, all this is just an illusion. We can clearly feel the rocky ground and gravity beneath our feet. The feeling of being in space is just a visual effect.

The surrounding universe was maintained for about a minute and then suddenly closed, and then the entire cave was restored to its original appearance. As for the heart beast, it turned back into a blue smoke and retracted into the hole on the wall xué in.

Su Lun reminded me: "These beasts won't stay in front of you for long, they will return to their nest xué after showing your inner world."

I nodded. "These guys are really strange creatures."

Su Lun smiled and said, "I feel that your psychology is even stranger. This is the first time that I have seen someone's psychological response be the birth of the entire universe, which is really an exaggeration!"

In fact, it was not only Su Lun, I also saw it. The sun before it was as good as a black hole, in fact, it was all for the future universe. The connection of this whole process is actually the birth of the universe, but the fact that my mental state shows up is actually the birth of the universe, which is really strange to say.

Although I don't know why I saw such a picture, I didn't bother to think about it. If I really need psychological counseling, I will consider going to a professional institution instead of relying on the picture presented by the beast.

After seeing the beast of the heart, we began to concentrate on moving forward. To be honest, this cave is really deep enough. We have already walked for more than three kilometers before, and after at least three kilometers after encountering the heart beast, we finally reached the entrance to the bottom of the cave xué. After passing through a relatively narrow hole, we suddenly entered a huge underground cave xué. The area of ​​this hole xué is at least as large as four football fields, but the entire hole xué has only a small piece of land not more than two hundred square meters next to the entrance, and it is a large area of ​​groundwater.

Before I could see the situation in the water area, I suddenly saw a large group of people gathered around and shouted, "Sir, buy an underwater breathing helmet?"

One person wasn't finished talking yet, and the person next to him shouted immediately: "I have a talisman to avoid water, sir?"

"Sir, would you still buy my scuba gear? It's easy to use and cheap."

"Sir, you still buy a helmet. This thing is comfortable."



Just when I was about to faint by the noise made by a group of people around me, Su Lun suddenly shouted and pushed all those people aside, and then said, "How do you do business? What would it be like to surround the guests with people's homes? Choose? "After scolding those people, Su Lun turned his head and said to me," President Ziri, we will launch in a while, do you have the ability to breathe underwater? If not, it is better to buy a piece of underwater equipment. The water channel in front is long and you ca n’t get through the air alone. But I ’ll first explain that the underwater equipment here is very expensive. I asked you in the city if you need to resupply. You said you do n’t need me to take you out. You can't blame me for expensive things here. "

I pulled the helmet mask down with a smile, and then said, "No, my helmet is capable of breathing underwater."

As soon as I heard that my helmet was breathing underwater, the people around me immediately spread out. I was surrounded so much that I didn't see much, but now I realize that there are at least twenty or thirty local players gathered here. Some of these people sell various underwater breathing apparatuses to others, while others are waiting guides. In addition, in addition to these people, I also found a large group of foreigners, but I knew at a glance that they were tourists, and the route they came in seemed to be different from ours. I glanced around and found that this place was dyed by more than one entrance. We entered only one of them, and there were three other openings leading to it. Counting the four passages we entered.

Su Lun looked at those passages and immediately explained: "These passages have different exits, one of which is a safe passage for non-combatants, and the other two are the same passage as we came in, but we This one is the closest. "

I nodded and wanted to say something, suddenly I heard someone nearby stop us.

"Hello, we are tourists from France. Excuse me, are you a combat professional?"

I turned to look at the speaker. This guy was wearing a gorgeously shaped armor, but I soon found out that his armor had a special sign at the ng position. This sign is a kind of distinguishing symbol, which means to tell others that the armor on this person is a garment decorated with xìng, not really armor that belongs to xìng. To put it simply, this foreigner is a non-combat player and does not have any attack power.

After looking at this person, I nodded and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

After hearing that, the man immediately said, "Oh, this is the case. I am the temporary representative of this self-help tour group. We heard that there will be monsters in the road from the beginning, so we want to find some combat players to protect We are there, "he said quickly after he said," Of course, this is not free. We can pay you three hundred crystal coins in total. "

"Sorry, I'm not short of money." There were at least thirty people in the foreigner's group. If only three of them were carrying it, they would take it with them. I can't stand the drag of so many people with thirty people.

After hearing the refusal, the man immediately asked, "Do you think you have less money? We can increase it to four hundred crystal coins."

"Sorry, it's not a problem of lack of money, but you have too many people." Of course, I don't mind making a little extra money in this way, and I don't delay things anyway. But there are too many people to ask me to take care of them, then I can't do it. I think earning extra money is based on the premise of not adding any burden. Taking a few people is not a problem, but taking dozens of people is a problem. Moreover, looking at such a large group of people, it is obviously a lot of problems.

After listening to my words, the man quit and ran back to the team to say what I meant to the others, but I stopped listening to them and listened to Su Lun's introduction of the precautions for a while.

Underground water in front of us is actually connected to an underground dark river, but the river's water velocity is very slow, so basically there is no need to worry about the flow of water. The width of the river is about seven or eight meters. The water quality is excellent, clear and translucent, and there are many glowing fishes growing in the river. It is equivalent to installing lighting equipment in the river, so it is said that not only is not dark at all, it may be more than The visibility in the hole above is even better.

In addition to these wonderful surroundings, there are certainly dangers here. The first is that there is a big fish in the river, which is at least five meters in length and quite large in size. This kind of thing is very fierce. Although it mainly feeds on those glowing small fish, it often attacks players. Although these fish are not high-level, they are very difficult to deal with because they are aquatic organisms and have high adaptability in water. After all, fighting against fish in the water is a disadvantage to any normal human. This is the same reason that sharks go ashore and even puppies do nothing.

Su Lun explained that my note is about this kind of fish. According to him, there are many such fish, and it is easy to get excited when it smells bloody, so it ’s best not to provoke it if it provokes it, because once it hits, it will definitely attract more. Even if I do n’t fear them, it ’s not bad to delay time. ? According to Su Lun, although these fish have a bad temper, they do not attack anything crazy. They attack players because they treat them as their own food, the kind of fish that glows. This happens mainly because the player's armor often has something reflective, such as gems. Because there are many glowing fish in the river, when the big fish approaches, it is easy to see the reflection of the gemstone and mistake the gemstone for that kind of small fish. In other words, this kind of big fish attack player is not really prepared to attack people, they are actually attacking the reflective gem.

"You mean you just need to block everything that reflects on you, right?"

Su Lun nodded: "That's it, just President Ziri you ..."

I looked down and realized that the problem was indeed huge. When I was wearing a magic dragon suit before, I did not have a few gems, so it was easy to stop them. But the problem is that due to the upgrade of the Chinese weapon, the magic dragon set has now become a Shenlong set. The xìng upgrade is indeed full, but the gem has indeed changed a lot. Especially troublesome is that the main theme of the Dragon Set is brighter. In addition to the black sè, there were only some golden sè lines on the previous dragon set. However, although the current set of the dragon set is still based on the black sè, the shell texture of the set is not the same as before.

The black sè part of the magic dragon suit is similar to the matte material. The black is like black frosted glass, which is a completely non-reflective type. However, the black part of the current dragon suit is like black ceramic, although it is black, it is black and shiny, and it is not bright. What's worse is that in addition to the black sè, there are a lot of red sè and gold sè decorations on the dragon set. The area is larger than the gold sè lines on the previous dragon set. I don't know how many times. You must know that the red and gold sès are pretty jumping on the black sès, and at first glance they seem very flashy.

To put it bluntly, the Shenlong suit is an exaggerated armor that is too arrogant to work. Although at first glance it is not as flashy as the Bright Emperor suit I gave to Matsumoto Masaru, but the publicity style is not worse than the Bright Emperor suit. Although making yourself a light bulb in the real world is intended to be a target, this is a game. The attack and protection abilities of various weapons and armors are not so different here, so according to the law of “zero”, the better the equipment is, the more beautiful the shape, even if you wear a large light bulb, it usually does n’t matter, because the light bulb is the same. Arrogant equipment also means that your equipment is really high enough that others can't move it.

In any case, this time the water was obviously unable to wear the dragon armor. Of course, changing the Silver Moon Trumpet is even worse. The entire oath suit is a peacock open screen suit. The costumes on the carnival may not be as flashing, so it is obviously inappropriate to change the silver moon into the water. But I have a way to deal with this.

"Little Dragon Girl."

As I called, the little dragon girl immediately appeared beside me.

"Well, do you want to go into the water? Why didn't you tell Ariana to call me out?" Seeing the water in front of her, the little dragon girl immediately understood what I meant.

"There are a lot of strange fishes underneath, and I don't want to delay time to fight them. You can help me scare them all away."

"No problem, leave this to me."

My method is to let the dragon girl drive Longwei to scare all the fish away. Both Shenlong and Dragons have dragon power, and they can scare many ordinary creatures equally. The dragon power of the little dragon girl can at least make low-IQ creatures below the level of 800 to have fear and fear. Of course, if you encounter a creature that is completely brainless like a worm, there is no way out. There is also that Long Wei seems to be of little use to creatures with high IQ.

Su Lun hasn't seen the Dragon Girl, but he knows I have many magic pets. Immediately after seeing the little dragon girl, he asked excitedly: "This is the legendary humanoid pet? So beautiful!"

I ignored Su Lun, but waved directly: "Go into the water, we'll find that altar right away."

Su Lun and Xiao Long Nu turned to the water when they heard me, but before they started, they heard someone say, "Can you take us?"

I refused it once before. I didn't expect the other party to bother me again. I was a little impatient and turned back to drive them away, but just turned around and found that it wasn't the guy just now. Of course, these are also blond foreigners, but they are not the same as the one just now.

After seeing me looking back, the person in front said, "Hello, we are the self-help tour group just now. But our self-service tour group is a team that everyone put together, but it is actually not organized. I just heard that you think we are Too much, so what if we only take five of us? "

It is true that there are only five people here, including two men and three women, including the one who spoke to me. Talk to me. This man is almost two meters tall, and his body is more exaggerated than that of the Governor. The muscles are like sticking with a pile of rocks. If there is such a guy in front of anyone in reality, it is estimated that most people will be a little unconsciously timid, after all, this guy looks like a brown bear, it is too oppressive. The most abominable thing is that this guy seems to be showing his muscles specially. The upper body actually only wears a white vest, and it seems a bit small. The guy's muscles are tight and tight, but he feels more strong. Like a bear.

In addition to this bear-like macho, the other man is about 1.5 meters tall, but unfortunately, he feels short when standing next to him. Of course, I'm actually worse than him. Even if I'm a bit longer now, I'm only one meter seven or three, half a head shorter than the one and eight meters, and even more so with the alien giant.

The three female xìng are very beautiful. Two of them are white. They are shaped like a standard cheerleader. They are typical Western people with a fat body. But it is really beautiful and true. The remaining woman is Asian, but she does n’t know where she is, and she seems a little bit mixed, anyway, she does n’t look like purebred. Although this is also fuller, but compared with the two female cheerleaders in the past, they are much slimmer.

"Do you want to follow me?"

The macho nodded and said, "If you agree. Of course we will pay. Twenty crystal coins per person for a total of one hundred. Just take us to the altar at the bottom of the cave."

The altar in this cave is said to be a famous tourist spot, so there are many tourists. I looked at the five, and thought it would be okay to bring five more people, so I nodded and agreed.

Five people were very excited when they heard that I had agreed, and they seemed to have been prepared for a long time. The clothes on your body are the clothes that can be launched into the water. Compared with the scarcity of space equipment among combat professionals, non-combatants are almost a space equipment. Except for old men and women who only enter the game to use sleep assistance, basically there are no non-combat professionals without space equipment. . However, this non-combatant space equipment cannot hold things belonging to xìng. To put it simply, the combat profession's equipment, items, resources, medicines and other things related to combat can not be installed, but in turn, our space equipment can be loaded with non-combat professionals' things, but generally no one will Just do it.

All five changed their clothes, and they also bought the breathing equipment necessary for launching, so after getting confirmation, we completed the transaction and immediately went into the water. All five of them bought water escapes. I think this thing is really the best underwater equipment if it is just for sightseeing.

The amulet itself is a small piece of paper that can be hung around the neck with a string. As soon as it touches the water, the object will immediately start to form a bubble slightly larger than the head on the outside of the holder's head to ensure the user to breathe normally. Although this bubble can be changed in shape by external pressure, it will not burst and can automatically exchange oxygen with the outside world. The most important thing is that this thing doesn't block the view, it is more comfortable than wearing a helmet. Of course, the underwater breathing apparatus does not block the line of sight, but the thing must be held by the mouth and feel comfortable without air bubbles. The only thing to note is that this symbol has a time limit. It starts counting from the start of the symbol and disappears as soon as the time is reached. Of course, there are different price symbols to choose from, and the difference is only duration.

After a few of us entered the water together, the little dragon girl suddenly changed shape after swimming in the water for a few times. Of course, because it was not so wide, she just became more than twenty meters long and did not completely restore the original volume . Otherwise, if she completely changed back to the body shape, the length of the channel would be enough, but the width would not work. The full body diameter of the little dragon girl is about the size of a meter, which is slightly larger than this underwater channel. Even if she could squeeze in, but she blocked the entire passage like this, it would inevitably cause changes in the water flow, and it would be even more troublesome.

At present, the dragon girl maintains a length of 20 meters, and the diameter of her body is only about two meters. In this passage that is seven or eight meters wide, it is relatively flexible.

The five people did not know that the dragon girl was a dragon before, but she was scared after entering the water. However, they also reacted after finding that I actually crawled onto the back of the dragon girl and grabbed her dragon horns. Before on the ground, they saw the little dragon girl always following me. Although they are not fighting professions, they definitely know about all kinds of monsters in the game, so they do n’t think it ’s big to see the little dragon girl transform Things are just more surprised and curious.

Immediately after I climbed the dragon horns of the dragon girl, I immediately shouted at the people behind and Su Lun and asked them to grab the mane on the dragon girl's back. There is no dorsal fin on the back of the dragon, but a hair like a horse's mane extends from the back of the head to the tail. When they heard me, they immediately swam to the little dragon girl and clenched her mane, and then the little girl started to swim forward.

Although the Dragon Girl has deliberately slowed down to take care of the bodies of those people, the speed is still quite exaggerated for those people. Although they have air bubbles on their heads, their bodies are really soaked in water. Moving at such high speeds, the thorny signals from the skin of their bodies are constantly reminding them that they are now very fast.

Under the guidance of Su Lun, the dragon girl dived all the way down to the bottom of the cave within a few meters. This place is a semi-combat area and a semi-tourist point, so in order to take care of non-combat players, the water surface is not set very deep. After all, the diving depth of a normal person without equipment is limited. Even if the standard is relaxed to a certain extent in the game, it can't be a few hundred meters deep like the pure combat area, right? Ordinary people in that kind of place have to turn into pie.

After reaching the bottom of the water, Su Lun mō pulled a grenade-like thing from his body, and I was stopped when I was about to use it. "What's that you?"

"Underwater torches, for lighting," Su Lun said.

"Then it won't be used." I said, looking down and shouting, "Little Dragon Girl."

"I see." With Xiao Longnu's response, the surrounding area was suddenly illuminated. At this time, the whole body of Xiaolong Nu is like a light bulb, which is exuding a soft golden light to the surrounding golden area.

"Okay, show me the way."

Su Lun froze, then pointed at the bottom of the lake: "Did you see those weirdly shaped short stone pillars? Just follow them."

Inheriting the situation in the previous passage, there are obviously artificial traces on the bottom of the lake. At the bottom of the sandy lake is a row of stone pillars one or two feet higher than the lake chuáng. These stone pillars are lined forward at intervals of two meters, basically like a beacon. We quickly found a large oblique downward hole along these stones, with a little green light. After seeing the hole, the little dragon girl immediately extinguished the light on her body, and the light in the hole was even more obvious.

"Below is the underground river. Be careful, there are a lot of strange fish."

The little dragon girl did not answer Su Lun's words, and went straight for a dive. Through the short passage, we immediately entered the river below. The situation here really is the same as Su Lun said. The river is full of green or blue-fluorescent fishes, some of them small. The big ones can grow to more than two feet long, and the small ones are only slightly longer than human fingers.

Due to the large number of these luminous fishes, the whole river is brightly lit and the visibility is very good. I can directly see the situation more than fifty meters away.

"Where are we going?" Xiaolong asked.

"Just go forward, the river behind will become narrower and narrower, and people won't get through."

The little dragon girl nodded and immediately swam forward. The size of the little dragon girl is so scary that the little fish along the way, even without Long Wei, are scarcely chasing around. Fortunately, the little dragon girl is just advancing against the bottom of the river chuáng, so those little fish can run from the top. However, more fishes were frightened and ran forward in our direction. As a result, the more fish ran away, the more they gathered. In the end, they created a fish ball like a lamp in front of us.

We followed the fish group for a short time ~ ~ The fish group in front of them suddenly slammed and rolled over violently. Before I figured out what happened, I saw a large mouth full of sharp teeth that got out of the school and swallowed a lot of small fish.

Seeing that thing, Su Lun immediately reminded: "This is this thing, everyone be careful."

Although Su Lun reminded to be careful, the little dragon girl did not care about the fish at all, and went straight from the bottom. The fish was not a fool, and immediately after it found the little dragon girl, it was directly attached to the top of the cave, apparently avoiding us. After all, animals have instincts, even if they are tigers running across the mountain, if they suddenly see a tank coming from the side, won't it run? Although the tiger doesn't know how powerful the tank is, at least it knows that the tank is much bigger than it, so it will turn around and run without hesitation.

Facts have proved that my method is very effective. The fierce big fish dares to be fierce with something smaller than himself, and suddenly sees a guy ten times larger than himself and immediately stings.

After passing the river successfully, we turned into a tributary under the guidance of Su Lun, and then followed the waterway all the way up. After less than fifty meters, we entered a water area like the underground lake before. After sending us all the way to the shore, the little dragon girl returned to its original shape, and we climbed directly from the water to the shore. However, as soon as we surfaced, we heard a noise. @。

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