Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 257: Vicissitudes of life

Just as the guy finished this sentence, I turned sharply and watched him coldly, asking, "Are you talking to me?"

The "you" guy was going to put a few ruthless words into it, but it was swallowed back in the stomach by the last half of my glance, and his face was flushed and he coughed hard.

"You idiot, please shut up your dog's mouth without telling anyone." A very old warrior came out and pulled the guy aside, then turned around and accompanied me with a smiley face and said to me : "I'm sorry, President Ziri. This guy is just ridiculous. Don't care, just treat him as a stinky fart, just leave him alone."

I glanced coldly at the guy who was talking, and didn't bother to care about him, turned around and walked forward. The guy behind didn't think I could ignore him, but he couldn't help it, but when I moved, the safety zone would move with me. The guys had no choice but to move with me. I don't even care about the followers of the following group. Anyway, as long as it doesn't affect me, I don't bother to care about them.

All the way along the original direction, I soon walked into a denser primitive jungle. Different from the previous places, the density of trees in this area is obviously much larger than the outside, and the volume of various plants is also larger than the outside plants. I don't know how many times. Of course, in addition to the plants becoming more dense, the monsters here are beginning to change. At first, the charms of the mountains were still moving with me, hoping that when those people would come out of the safe area around me, but as we continued to deepen into the forest, those mountains * also began to move. In the end, after we turned over a ravine, those mountain charms finally gave up tracking after a moment's stun. With the whistle of the mountain * leading in the team, the charm of the mountains that surrounded us immediately hurrahed and ran away.

"Huh, it's finally gone. These **** things!" The guy who couldn't speak before was suddenly saying this again at this time.

The soldier who had been walking next to him for fear of this guy's stink mouth attacked and patted him quickly: "What are you talking about. Do you think we would be safe without the charm of the mountains?"

"What? Can Shanmei run away and we can leave?" The guy with apparently underdeveloped intelligence still asked stupidly.

Before the soldier next to him, he listened to an archer and taught him, "How many times have you told people to be stupid and talk less? Your mother-in-law's nonsense is more than fart. You think that the charm of the mountains Is it safe to leave us? You don't see why they leave? "

"Ah? Why?" This guy really had a mental problem, and he had to ask such obvious questions.

The soldier next to him couldn't see it anymore and reminded out loud: "Look at the surrounding environment and compare the monster area identification manual issued in the meeting."

The fool really took out a small book and turned it over when he heard this, then he suddenly turned to one of the pages and compared the nearby plants, and then exclaimed: "My mother-in-law is wrong! Here! Is it a 2,000 monster zone? "

Hearing this guy shouting there, the two soldiers next to each other hurriedly rushed up and pressed him down, and the archer shook his head helplessly with a slap on his face and said, "Big brother big sister They are all famous people. How could you give birth to your stupid son? Heavenly mother! Did you hold the wrong child and bring someone else's child back when you gave birth? "

I didn't care about the behavior of those people, anyway, it wasn't me who shouted and caused the monster to die. Even if it is a monster zone of level 2,000, I can walk sideways with my strength.

However, now I am curious about the little book in the fool's hand. There is no such thing as a monster area appraisal manual in "Zero". Now in the game, the monster areas that are divided into points are marked on the map by players through a long period of mō. They are not systematically given to these monsters. The area is marked. In addition, in fact, there is often no clear boundary between high-level monsters and low-level monsters. This does not mean that you must not encounter high-level monsters in low-level zones. It is just that the probability of high-level monsters entering low-level zones is relatively low.

Because the system does not delineate ... divide monster zones, the information that can identify monster zones is very valuable, especially for people like me who often need to go in and out of some advanced monster zones that no one has explored. Confirming the danger level of an area in advance can often save a lot of things, and the safety is much more guaranteed.

The idiot-like guy just turned the book a few times to confirm that this is a 2,000-level monster zone. The effect is very surprising to me. Judging from his review speed just now, the record in this book should be easy to compare the ranks of the surrounding monsters, which shows that the record in this book is a very simple way to identify the strange zone level. How could I let such an important thing go?

"Can I take a look at that thing?"

The two soldiers who were desperately pressing the idiot and the archer next to them were stunned, and then immediately reacted, but their response was completely different. The first response was not the two soldiers and the archer, but the fool who was crushed below. I saw him suddenly lift his head from the crowd and shouted at me, "Why should we give our things?"

Before he finished speaking, the archer kicked his head back to the ground, and then saw the archer quickly grab the guy's book and ran to my side to pass the book with both hands.

"President Ziri, you don't have to pay back if you like it. We will have a lot of books in it anyway."

I said thank you for taking the book open and turning it over, and found that the content on the book was actually expressed in a mixed description of pictures and female characters. I just turned two pages and found that the content of this book seems to distinguish the strange areas according to the characteristics of the plants. According to the above description, the plant density and size of different monster areas and the proportion of different plants There will be a specific law, according to which you can confirm the monster level in the area.

Although tǐng is good for this analysis method, I also quickly discovered the problem, that is, the scope of application of this thing is a bit narrow. Looking at the records above, this thing should be used exclusively in the China region and not suitable for the southern region. The proportion of plants mentioned in the records in the book is mostly temperate or cold. If you use this thing in the tropical rain forest, it will be completely useless. Moreover, the strange areas are not all in the forest. Although the strange areas are mostly mountain woodlands, there are still many special terrain monster areas. So this thing is only suitable for ordinary players to use in some middle and high latitudes in the woodland. If it is elsewhere, this thing will not be useful.

"How did you get this thing?" I asked while closing the book and returning it to the archer.

Before the archer took the book and answered, he listened to the idiot who suddenly lifted up the two soldiers and said, "This is what my mother wrote. How is it? Great?"

After hearing this, I turned my eyes back to the archer in front of me, and then asked, "Is she here?"

Archer shook his head and said, "Fuck is a logistician for our guild, not a combat occupation, but she used to work on environmental protection, so she did some research on plants. This was what she wrote for this silly son, but later Our boss thought that this thing would be useful to everyone, so we printed a lot of books and distributed one. "

I nodded and said, "Can you tell me the name and address of your guild? I want to visit the author of this book. You obviously ignore the value of this thing, and I think I can help you tap its value Come out, but I hope that guy ’s mother can help us to write a large range of strange area identification manuals for Frost Rose League, this application is too small

Already. "

The archer nodded immediately and said, "Our guild is called the Valley of Dreams. It is a small guild. The headquarters of our guild is built in Willow Leaf City, but it is the city of the Frost Society. We just established it there. Headquarters, the city is not ours. "

I nodded and said, "Okay, I'll look for you when I have time." After I said, I asked, "Who is your head here?"

"I am," said a fighter who had pressed the idiot before.

I looked at this relatively calm guy and said, "This is a high-level strange area. Those things are not comparable to Shanmu. Although they may not dare to attack me, they will not stop me 50 meters away like Shanmu. If you follow me like this, you will end up in the army.

But because I'm interested in the writer of this booklet, I can sell your personal feelings. "I patted my hands as I said, and a bunch of scrolls fell directly to the ground in front of me." These are the lowest-end scrolls to the city, which can be automatically transmitted to the nearest neutral city in areas without transmission restrictions. But I only have 36. You are too many. 1

You can only get some of you off first. The rest can stay and follow me, and I will try to keep you safe, and **** you to the safe area when I leave. "

Hearing what I said, the soldier and the archer next to him quickly picked up the scrolls and kept thanking me for their help. After getting the scrolls, the two of them immediately summoned the remaining people together, and then announced the good news to them. The next step is of course to assign teleportation reels. However, they now have a total of 54 people, but there are only 36 scrolls, so 18 people cannot leave.

The so-called "not suffering from poverty and unevenness" is a problem for whom this scroll is allocated. Fortunately, this is a small guild. The people in the meeting are basically familiar, so everyone is very brotherly. Nothing happened. First of all, as the leader here, the fighters and archers of Namu as the leader, and the fighters who helped the fighter to suppress the fool together announced that they would not participate in the distribution, which saved three scrolls, although they were not enough points, at least good A lot.

After the three announced that they would not participate in the distribution, five more people asked to stay, but the reason they stayed was not because they were leaders and they needed to set an example, but because they all admired me.

That's right. They are people who often pay attention to the power list, and usually like to mix forums or something.

According to them, being able to follow me close up to watch my fighting process is an opportunity that is not possible. Such a good opportunity naturally cannot be ignored, so these five people directly chose to stay. Although the stay may hang up, but because of their confidence in me, they feel that the survival rate is still very high. Besides, they can see my fight and they will not lose even if they die.

With these five guys and the three withdrawing, the fool also shouted that his dad was the president, so he also had to set an example, so he also withdrew. In total, nine people will not participate in the distribution. After losing nine people, the scene turned into forty-five people and thirty-six scrolls. Nine people were forced to stay with the nine who gave up. In consideration of fairness, the fighter finally decided to let the forty-five people draw lots to decide who to leave and who to stay.

Their lottery was very special. The soldier took out nine scrolls directly from one of the space equipment on his body, and then put all of them into the pile of scrolls in front of those people. Because the appearance of the low-level scrolls provided by the system are exactly the same, as long as you do not look at the words on the scroll seal, you do not know the function of the low-level scrolls at all. The ones I gave were the most basic scrolls back to the city, all of which I had accidentally exploded before, and they had been dumped in the Fenglong space like garbage. I didn't expect it to come in handy this time. As for what the soldier brought out, it should be some low-level scrolls such as lighting, anyway, it must be the kind of basic scrolls sold in the system store, because only such scrolls will have a consistent appearance and make it impossible to distinguish.

Let those who participated in the lottery turn around, then which soldier and a few other people who did not draw the whole scroll on the ground, and then covered the middle part of the scroll with leaves, leaving only two decorative handles, so that I don't see which scroll is what scroll. After the scrolls were placed, the soldiers called those people back and asked each of them to pick a scroll, but he was not allowed to do it. After choosing it, he would help the other party to bring the scrolls to prevent anyone from cheating.

In this way, after the scrolls are divided, the ones who get the transfer scrolls can leave directly, and the rest can only consider themselves unlucky, who told you that you are out of luck.

I wasn't idle while the group distributed the scrolls. At this moment I was standing on the top of a big tree and looking into the distance. To be honest, the terrain here is completely different from the terrain that Joshua Fat pointed out to me. No, it cannot be said that it is completely different. If you want to say that this is where Joss Fatt is talking, it is strange that the river cannot be found, and if it is not here, the surrounding environment is faintly similar to what Joss Fatt said.

I looked around helplessly on the tree and found that I could n’t find the target. I just let out the bird and let him go around in the sky. As a result, after the bird came down, my answer was 100 kilometers. No river can be seen inside. But he found a river far into the forest, but the canopy blocked the ground, so he could not see the direction of the river in the sky.

However, according to him, if the river does not turn halfway, it should indeed flow near us.

"It's alive!" I got down from the tree in depression, then took out the map and flipped there.

After allocating the scrolls and sending them away, the remaining eighteen people gathered around me. The soldier came to me and looked at the map and asked, "Is President Ziri looking for something?"

I was looking at the map without paying attention to him, and said, "Yes, I'm looking for a river.

Someone told me that there should be a river here, but my magic pet can see the upper reaches of the river from the sky, but I can't find where the middle section of the river is going. "River?" The senior soldier who volunteered suddenly interrupted: "President Ziri, aren't you talking about rivers not coming?"

"Do not return to the river?" I suspected Huò looked up at him and said, "I don't know the name of that river."

As soon as the soldier heard it, he said, "I can't help it. All I know is the river of no return and I don't know if it's the one you said."

"How many rivers are there in this forest?" I asked, frowning.

The archer next to him replied: "As far as I know there are six, but I have only seen one of them."

"Have you ever seen one?" I turned to ask.

The warrior who spoke out of returning to the river said, "I have seen three. I have done a difficult task here before. Although I failed after that, I also went deep into the forest.

At the time, in addition to the two rivers outside the forest, I also went to the river of no return. "

I thought about it and asked, "If you can see the upstream of the river, can you recognize that river is not a return river?"

The guy shook his head and said, "I can't help it. The rivers in the forest look like this. I can't tell which river is which without myself."

When I heard this, I had no choice but to ask, "Where is the river of no return you know?"

The soldier pointed to the right and said, "That way." I glanced at that direction, but it was a far cry from my original direction, but now I can't find the way anyway, I can only go and see That no return river.

"Take me to see it first."


With a general direction, it is much easier to move forward. Because the guy remembers the distance traveled, we don't even have to worry about running over our heads as long as we move forward quickly. Under our running, we soon discovered the river, but this river was obviously not the same as the one that Jossfat said. The main reason was that the river was too big.

"Isn't this the river you're looking for?"

I looked at the river, which was five or six meters wide, and said, "What I'm looking for is a stream like a stream that is at most two meters wide. This is too big."

"Up to two meters wide?" The soldier suddenly looked at me with a suspicion and asked: "President Ziri, tell you when the person at this address came last time?"

I didn't notice it at first, but when asked by this guy, I suddenly reacted. How many years has Yosfat stayed in Ryan's lab? Although for most people, mountains and rivers can be regarded as landmarks, but once your life spans more than 10,000 years, the rivers and peaks cannot be treated simply as dead things. After all, the mountains will collapse or grow and the rivers will change course. The last guy Yosfat has been here for thousands of years. A mountain may not change much for thousands of years, but the river may not. Things like rivers can be diverted much faster than mountains.

"It seems my information is a bit outdated." I said sideways: "Wait a minute, I'll look at the upstream and downstream of this river." I said, then reached out to summon the dart, and then let him go first Explore it downstream. At the speed of a dart, it only took a few minutes to return, but the dart said that he ran all the way down the forest without seeing anything like a waterfall, lake, or cave.

I nodded and let the dart continue to probe upstream, but this time the dart was so fast, I ran back in a few seconds and said that a large lake was found upstream.

When I heard that I found a lake, I immediately started searching upstream, and found the lake soon, but this lake was significantly larger than the lake that Jossfat said, and Yossfat said that the lake was only A stream flows in, and the upper stream is the waterfall, and the upper stream is the river as a landmark. Although the lake we are seeing is still a lake, there are three streams surrounding it, and one of them has been counted as a stream instead of a stream.

"Is this the place you are looking for?" The soldier asked.

I shook my head and said, "I don't know. It feels a bit like it, but it looks like it doesn't look like it." I said, and then released the dart again, and then asked him to explore the three upstream rivers. According to Yosfat, the small waterfall is located one kilometer upstream of the stream that flows into the lake, so I let the darts explore for ten kilometers along all three rivers. It took less than a minute to explore this range at the speed of a dart, and let alone say that a waterfall was actually found, but according to darts, that waterfall cannot actually be considered a waterfall because it is divided into After a dozen levels, the state gradually spilled downward. And the difference between the highest point and the lowest point is only more than four meters, divided into so many levels and stretched for nearly half a kilometer, as a result, this waterfall does not look like a waterfall at all. It is very similar to a relatively steep river.

Although the river changed dramatically, I still judged that this is probably the lake that Yosfat referred to. Then since the lake was found. That cave must be nearby.

According to Yosfat, the cave is located on a hillside. Because the woodland near the lake is not dense, I easily confirmed that there are hillsides in only two directions nearby, and the other directions are flat. Compared to rivers, the rate of change of the mountain is much slower, so this **** should be more reliable.

With one of my fingers ringing, hundreds of death guards appeared a little bit by the lake. I pointed directly at the hillsides on both sides: "Half of the people went there, and the other half went there, so search for me. The target is a cave, the entrance is relatively hidden, but there are engraved plaques. "

Immediately after receiving the orders, the death guards ran into two teams and ran up the hillsides on both sides. Just after the death guards separated, the lake in front of them suddenly burst into a large burst of water. I saw a huge long mouth coming out of the water and rushing at us.

The group of people who were by my side were all scared to death by seeing this sudden monster, because according to their observations, it was clearly a monster zone of level 2,200. When encountering monsters in such places, it is definitely not what they can handle. However, when they moved back in panic, they suddenly noticed that a bigger mouth suddenly flashed out and bite the head, and then flung it from the lake and threw it to the forest next to it. Here, I saw the huge black shadow thrown directly into the forest three or two times to bite the white monster that was pulled out and swallow it.

Looking at Hei Yan's huge body, the group of people present could squeeze a fist into their mouths. Of course, I didn't pay much attention to this, because I was waiting for the death guards' reports.

Soon after the gang reacted, the death guards finally ran back. Nothing was found on the hill on the left, nor was it on the hill on the right.

"Neither side?"

"Report, indeed nothing was found." The death guard who led the team definitely reported.

As magical creatures, there is no such thing as negative Lougong being afraid of things like Death Guard, so if they say no, it must be that they really haven't found it.

After thinking about it, I suddenly waved out the Blazer and Rose Vine, and then pointed to the hillside on both sides. "To the left of the trailblazer, to the right of the rose vine, go and see if there are plants under the hillside that should not grow underground."

Although in theory a mountain will not change much between one and two thousand years ~ ~, but there is a situation that is likely to change the appearance of a mountain in an instant, that is, a landslide.

The mountains on both sides are very steep. If there is a landslide, it is also possible to bury the original hole in an instant. However, I don't dare to confirm this idea myself. After all, I came here to look for superiors, not to dig graves. Since the other party can be called a master by Yosfat, it must be a very strong existence. If his old nest is buried, how can he not re-export out? However, if there is an exit, the Death Guard will not find it.

I was tangled here, but there was a message from the rose vine saying that I had found some plants that shouldn't appear in the body of the mountain, so I immediately ran over. At my request, the rose vine pulled out a large tree directly from the mountain. Although the wood was almost rotten, it was confirmed that it was indeed a large tree. Although the root of the tree grows in the soil, the trunk and other things should not be under the soil, and according to the discovery of the rose vine, there are actually many such large trees under the ground nearby. This can only explain one problem, that is, a landslide has occurred here and buried the large trees that originally grew on the ground. In that case, the cave is probably here.

"Dig, dig me all this place and see if there is a cave below." @.

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