Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 269: problem solved

Volume 19 Chapter 269 Problem Solving

Obviously, the overcapacity of the Faith Collection Tower and the shortage of the transport **** hún have become the biggest conflict. Under the premise that the number of gods hún for transportation cannot be solved, the only solution is to reduce the transportation time.


"Think of a way?"

I nodded and asked, "Can you adjust the speed of the tank to unload the power of faith to release instantly?"

Hadis said with some suspicion: "Of course this is okay, I just wonder what it means. Even if you speed up the uninstallation, you can only get a dozen seconds. It doesn't make any sense."

"No, no, this is very significant." I said, took out a few pieces of paper and pen, and then asked the two Death Guards to help me carry a shield for the table. With the pen and paper on the shield, I started drawing. A new storage tank design was completed in just a few minutes. "See if you can change the storage tank like this?"

After receiving the drawing, Hadith found that only the position of the outlet of Faith Force was changed from the top to the side, and the structure of the exhaust valve was also changed. However, both of these are peripheral structures, so it is very easy to modify them.

"That's fine, I can get it done in a few minutes."

"That's great." I said directly: "You immediately changed all four of our jars to such a design result, remember to speed up the unloading speed to the state where it can be finished in one second. And the size must be accurate , The error should be as small as possible. "

"No problem." Hades said, picking up a storage tank and changing it. While Hardis was busy modifying the storage tank, I quickly left the prefecture and ran to Isinger, and then I transferred directly to the magic crystal power laboratory on the New World side. First, I took four small magic crystal power jet thrusters from the power laboratory, and then quickly ran to Steel City to customize a bunch of metal parts.

Thanks to the strong production capacity of our guild, everything I customized was completed in just over an hour. The next job is much simpler. First of all, these metal parts were shipped to Isinger, and then the urban construction staff on the side of Isinger helped me install the support frames in those metal parts in place in the designated place in the city. After all the metal parts like street light poles are in place, I took out a custom-made steel bar that was thicker than a normal male thumb and let the construction workers start on these street light poles. Assume this reinforcing bar.

Due to the relatively large amount of work, this construction work took a whole day to toss. By the evening of the next day, I finally set up those things at both ends.

"This ... is this okay?" Looking at the super-simple device in front of him, none of Hardis and his fellows were not worried. Even Wei Na and Starfire didn't have any confidence in me, and they felt that my design was not reliable.

Although these guys don't have confidence in me, I myself have been confident. "If you don't believe it, just wait and see, and you'll know it when it works."

In fact, the thing I designed doesn't have much technical content, and you can understand it as a crazy roller coaster using rockets to boost it. The metal parts like the lampposts I ordered before are the brackets for the fan track, and the thick steel bar slightly thicker than the thumb is the track. There are two main reasons why this track is not as thick as a roller coaster track in reality.

First, the load of this thing is relatively small. I designed this thing to be a fast shipping storage tank, and one storage tank weighs more than 200 kilograms, which is the weight of two fat people. This double roller coaster naturally does not need the exaggerated track of a multi-person roller coaster to bear the weight.

Second, the orbital angle of my thing is not as exaggerated as a roller coaster. The actual roller coaster is designed to allow tourists to experience huge load variables, so it is deliberately designed into that kind of horrible rolling track or large loop. This thing is purely an air track for transportation. The angle of this track is naturally as smooth as possible. Even if there is a turn, it will be done with a larger arc as much as possible, so that it will not produce an excessive load, so The track doesn't need to bear that extra gravity, and it doesn't have to be so stout.

Of course, compared to a regular roller coaster, I still have something different. The most important difference is that I am rocket-powered, so the speed will definitely be faster, and this is exactly what we need. In addition, the track of my thing is not closed, but has an exit and an entrance. But the entrance and exit are not one at the land government and one at the core of the divine power, but both are at the land government.

My design is actually like this. First, the storage tank is docked with the force of faith on the output of the force of faith on the collection tower. When a bottle is filled, the second bottle is replaced, and the first bottle removed is put into a rocket-like carrier. . The tail of this launcher is equipped with a magic stone-powered rocket thruster. The middle section is empty and just fits into a storage tank. The tapered structure of its head acts as a fairing, which can reduce air resistance. Of course, the most important thing is that this thing has a set of complex flywheels, which can be fixed on the track firmly under the premise of lubrication, and will not fly out because of too fast speed.

In addition to the structure of the carrier itself, the storage tank has also been modified in accordance with my requirements. Because the starting point and ending point of the track I designed are on the side of the earth, the carrier will not slow down or stop at all when it passes the position of the core of divine power, so the process of unloading the power of faith must be completed in motion. It is certainly impossible to keep the core of magic power up with launch vehicles with rocket boost. So my design is like this.

When the carrier enters the room where the core of the divine power is located, the track begins to turn, and then surrounds the core of the divine power for two laps before leaving the core of the divine power. There is a metal protrusion at the starting point of the orbit around the core of Divine Power, and the storage tank in the carrier has a specially designed protrusion. This protrusion is connected to a valve switch. When the carrier passes the starting point of the orbit at high speed, the protrusion will hit the special protrusion on the track to open the valve. At this time, the power of faith begins to leak, because the track has been running around the core of divine power. , So this period is equivalent to inputting the power of faith into the core of divine power. Of course, this process is very fast. After all, the speed of the rocket is too fast, even if it makes two laps around the core of Divine Power, it won't take more than one second, so I asked Hadis to adjust the unloading speed to instant release.

When the carrier completes the orbit, the power of faith in the storage tank it carries should just be sprayed out, and then it will leave the core of Divine Power along the track and fly back all the way, and finally reach the end of the track on the side of the ground. I designed a safety net here. The carrier that flew back will derail due to the end of the track and fly out, and will be blocked by the blocking net after a certain distance. Afterwards, Hades had only to take back the carrier, remove the storage tank and reload it.

According to my calculations, it takes about three to four minutes for a carrier with a rocket propeller to complete this lap, while those collection towers filled with a storage tank take seven to eight minutes, which means that we actually only need Two jars are enough. Now we have four jars, if they can be used normally, then not only a lot, but maybe a little more.

"Okay, you all put your heart back in your stomach. You can rest assured that this design is absolutely okay. Okay, Radamantis, go and bring the full storage tank, and we will come to the field to test you once. I understand. "

Although they still felt a little unreliable, Hades, after my insistence, they finally compromised. Radamantis and Eakos worked together to lift the storage tank full of the power of faith onto the customized carrier, and then aligned the gap on the side of the carrier to think about it. The storage tank fell into the carrier with gravity. After hearing the click, the storage tank was locked by the special holder. After trying the storage tank without any shaking, Radamantis and Eakos lifted the carrier to the launcher at the starting point of the orbit according to my instructions. Fasten the flywheel lock, and Radamantis backed away. I personally took out a small bottle thinner than the eye drop bottle and tucked it into a gap in the carrier.

Seeing that I had installed the liquefied magic crystals, Hades could only retreat to the side and waited to see the result. But compared to their nervousness, I am not worried at all. I have calculated the track angle along the way and the change in g-force. Even the section with the largest g-force will only be able to withstand less than half of the limit of the rail. If there is a problem with this kind of force, then it is true. Strange.

Immediately after installing the liquefied magic crystal, I stepped back and picked up a metal rod on the ground, pointed it at a switch on the carrier, and gently pressed in, only listening to the sound of "Boom ...", accompanied by a mass of blue The flame of the white sè erupted, and the carrier stunned out instantly, and almost only a blue and white sè tail flame was still faintly visible in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the launcher on our side ignited, Hardis immediately gathered around a large crystal communicator and watched it. In order to know exactly what went wrong in the event of a problem, we use a large amount of remaining space in the fairing of the carrier to install a crystal communicator with video communication capabilities, so that we can see from a first-person perspective It's time to move the carrier.

The launcher was okay when I started it. When I squeezed it in front of the crystal screen, I found that Hades was a bit abnormal, and then it seemed that I still had dizziness and cold sweats. However, when I saw the screen in front of me, I finally understood why they all had this expression.

The crystal communicator in the game is designed according to the way of three-dimensional movies, which means that the gadget returns a 3d picture. Looking at it from where we are now, it feels as if I was tied to the front of the carrier and was flying with the carrier. Although the great gods present had experienced the feeling of flying at a rapid rate, it was at high altitude. In the absence of reference objects around, you will not feel how fast even if you fly at the speed of light, but this carrier is walking on a steel-framed track, up to five or six meters high from the ground. Looking at the surrounding forest, People, architecture, that feels like a word-halo.

"I rely on this speed ... It seems that I can use this thing as a roller coaster when I have time."

"Wow ..." I was talking, and suddenly I heard a vomit coming around, turned my head and saw that it was Eakos's vomit.

I looked at him jokingly and said: "Aikos, you can't do it! It's nothing to see that your guy is so sick!"

"Spit ..." Eakos said as he vomited. "Has motion sickness doesn't matter if the body is okay? I say vomit ... I'll wait until I finish vomiting!"

As long as I talked to Eacos, the carrier had already run through the forest from the exit of Xindifu to the Huangquan Road portal. The speed was amazingly fast. The ghosts hún along the way were all taken aback by this thing whistling from the side, but because it was obvious that the stuff was running along the track, it did not cause panic.

After rushing to Huangquan Road with lightning, the carrier immediately plunged into the Huangquan Road portal, and then drilled out from the other side with almost no time interval. This space door is just fine, it's always open. So our track can go directly through that door, which would be troublesome if it was a teleportation array. Of course, if it ’s really a teleportation array, I ’m not afraid. It ’s a big problem to install a blocking net here to block the transmitter, and then shut down and transmit to the other side to re-ignite with the second launcher, but this will definitely be a little troublesome.

In the picture, the carrier passing through the Huangquan Road tunnel rushed out of the Huangquan Road tunnel room in the Isinger underground city, and then the carrier passed the building directly along the track, and then rushed into the underground city. Then the track rose High, all the way up to the ceiling of the underground city, and then quickly advance along the ceiling location ~ ~ The reason why the track is designed on the ceiling, mainly because there are no pedestrians in this location, to avoid hitting things halfway Maybe xìng. Of course, because this track is completely open, if someone approaches, you will still be hit. Of course, Essinger is our place, after all, it is a sentence to do control and control a no-fly zone.

With our observation, the vehicle in the picture is getting faster and faster. After quickly passing through the city of Isinger, it plunged into the Temple of Chaos and Order, and then drilled along the passage specially opened for it. The area where the Divine Core is located, and then the most critical moment comes. With the sound of Dang, they all shuddered, indicating that the core of divine power was already transmitting energy to them. But because the release speed is very fast, they just shake it and finish it. As for the carrier, after passing through the area where the core of Divine Power was located, it flew back along another track on the original road.

"Okay, get ready." Looking at the picture approaching the prefecture, I quickly signaled everyone to prepare. Almost as soon as we looked away from the display screen, we saw the carrier radiated from a distance, then derailed and hit the blocking net. So far, the whole process has been smooth, but just when we thought this thing was no problem, he tore open the blocking net and flew towards the back. "I trust, forget to calculate the final speed of the carrier!" @.

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