Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 272: I can't kill you

Volume 19 Chapter 272 Can't Kill You

With the stab of my high gun suddenly stabbed, the big **** finally screamed as I expected. I looked again at the handle of the gun, and there was still a section of more than one meter long, which meant that the guy's shell was more than two meters thick.

"Fuck, this thickness!" Looking at the remaining gun handle outside, I quickly pulled out the gun body, because the cricket's big tail had been swept over.

Due to the long body of the cricket, there is almost no attacking dead body on it. Even if I'm standing on his head, his tail can hit here. The only way to attack this guy is to use mobile attack. It is impossible to find a safe place to launch the attack.

My side just jumped off Dasao's back, and the guy's tail twitched against his own head and made a bang, but this time in addition to screaming at himself No other effect at all.

"Hey, you can come again if you have the skills." Looking back at the big cock, I turned directly and drilled under his stomach.

The big **** saw that I got under his belly and immediately moved it. The hundreds of tu **** started to move laterally in an attempt to get me out of the bottom, but it didn't move as fast as I did, so this move was futile.

Looking at the belly of white flowers on top of my head, I opened my wings and flew up, and then shoved up the ever-changing new long sword, and the two-meter-long blade was instantly submerged in this guy. There was another roar of that guy in his stomach.

I didn't care at all about this guy's scream, I just flipped my body upside down on the abdomen with the suction function on my boots, and then held the sword handle with both hands and started to move sideways. With eternal movement, the guy immediately made a more severe scream, and the whole body suddenly twitched violently. Obviously, this guy's ability to resist damage is not as good as its defense ability.

After making a one-meter-long horizontal incision on this guy's belly, I immediately turned and cut a half-arc into a longitudinal cut, and then continued to pull more than one meter to turn again, and finally changed direction four times. My uncle made an incision close to a square in this guy's belly. After finishing the cutting process, I directly turned the tip of the eternal sword into a hook to hang the inside of the carapace, and then I pulled it out sharply, and the square carapace was swept out by me.

"Uh ..." As the carapace was lifted off, the hawk suddenly made a scream, followed by a sudden acceleration and ran forward. If I didn't insert the sword into this guy's carapace to fix my body in time, it would be almost It was dumped by it. However, just after I had stabilized my body, I suddenly heard the sound of birds in my contact.

"Master jumps fast."

"Jump?" When I heard the reminder, I glanced back suddenly, only to find that a hill appeared in front of me, and the top of that hill was bumping at me at high speed. It turned out that at last, under the stabbing pain of severe pain, Zhong Zhongsheng thought of a way to get me down. He plans to run over the mountain peak, and then use the tip of the mountain to shave me off its belly.

When I saw the rapidly zooming mountain peak, I quickly pulled out the eternity and jumped down, and then threw it directly on the mountainside, but the rush was rushing past the top of the mountain. The entire carapace of the carapace on its belly hitting the peak was trembling, a lot of dirt and gravel kept rolling down from the peak, and I was ashamed.

"Uhhhhhh ... you **** big bug!" I waited for a few minutes and then climbed up from the ground with shame after the hawk completely rushed through, but I just got up here, but I was in contact again. A warning message came, but this time the reminder was a bit late. Before I could react, I felt the mountain peak trembled and followed me to fly. I didn't fly by myself, but I was hit by a fly. After the guy rushed over, he swept across the mountain with his tail, and the whole hill was swept away with me.

My side is still flying in the sky, and suddenly I heard the warning in contact with my heart. I turned my head and found that the stupid head turned again, and a red dot had turned on in his mouth.

"Fuck!" I instantly recognized that this was the kind of red beam attack before, so I immediately flapped my wings to flip my body, and then slammed a boulder next to my foot to another gravel next to it, and then with the help of These mountain fragments flying in the air, I jumped left and right and flew towards the outside of the debris group.

At that moment, I saw that I was about to get out of the gravel belt and I would not continue to gather energy anymore. It knew that once I let me leave these gravel belts flying in the air, my speed Lima would increase sharply. By then, it would be impossible Hit me when I'm ready.

Hum, a red beam suddenly emerged from that mouth, unlike the previous two times, this time there was an extra circle of bō wavy air layer visible to the naked eye, which shows the power of this beam Definitely n times larger than before. Almost instantly, the beam reached the periphery of the gravel belt, and then blasted a piece of rock weighing several tons to fly over half of it. Then the beam route continued without changing from a few hundred tons of rock in an instant. The center passed through, and within a second it completely melted and shot through. The beam traveled all the way, and after breaking a small rock again, it reached the rock I was standing on, but I jumped out of that rock within a second before the beam arrived, and then fell instantly On another rock. It's just different from the previous few times. The guy's beam didn't end up being released, but twisted his head and pulled the beam towards me like a whip.

When I saw the beam catching up, I dared to stop, stepped on my feet, and bounced back and forth between several rocks in an instant, and the beam chased after me all the way, and then the rocks on which I fell Blasted and finally caught up with the rock I was about to settle. Seeing that I couldn't run the beam this time, my whole body suddenly flashed in the air, and instantly disappeared in place, the next second it appeared directly behind a boulder dozens of meters away from the side. Now I don't run anymore, just sticking behind the rock.

The nag found that I was missing and immediately fluttered the beam to the left and right to bombard it continuously, smashing all nearby rocks, and I continued to observe the trajectory of the beam through the sight of the birds in the sky, as long as it was not coming to my side , I will never move.

Although I flashed far away just now, the cricket beam finally happened to hit the rock in which I was hiding. In desperation, I had to rush out before being hit. I did n’t know that I was hiding there in advance, so I did n’t expect that I would burst out suddenly, but the light beam flew over but found that I was rushing in the opposite direction, and the light beam flew directly over my head.

Realizing that the target's puppet readjusted the attack direction, but I had jumped to the edge of the flying stone belt with the help of the surrounding rocks, and then slammed out. As soon as I left the rubble to take me, Lima's speed increased a lot, and the light beam kept chasing around me but couldn't catch up with me.

I don't know if the beam emission time is too long to persist or realize that it is useless at all. In short, the beam eventually retracted the beam. However, although this guy recovered the beam, he did not stop attacking. I saw a sudden squirm in his belly, and then he bulged a piece. Then the bulged part started to move upwards, and finally reached its mouth. Then the guy suddenly pointed at me with a mouth, and a large ball of green liquid still spraying hot air in the sky.

"I rely! Jingjing!"

"Guardian of the Aegis."

As soon as Jingjing was called out, she immediately opened the shield, and then the large green liquid rained and smashed her head. As soon as the green liquid touched the mask on the surface of the Shield, there was a clattering noise. Immediately afterwards, I saw that the surface of the mask started to emit white smoke, and then I saw that the mask began to gradually Large and small potholes appeared, and the green liquid began to flow inward along those potholes.

"How is that possible?" Jingjing was surprised that her chin was almost falling when she saw that Aegis couldn't stop the thing. In fact, it wasn't just Jingjing who was surprised. I was just as surprised. Aegis' defense ability is not mentioned for the time being, the defense quality alone should never be broken so easily. You need to know that the Aegis Guardian skill actually uses the energy shield. That squirt clearly is something like corrosive stomach acid. But if the stomach acid is worse, it is also chemical corrosion. How can even the energy shield be eroded together?

Suspicious huò return to suspicion huò, the solution is still to think. Seeing that this shield is already unstoppable, and once the shield collapses, the green liquid will surely drip onto us. That thing can corrode even the energy barrier formed by the Divine Shield. I believe that it should not be a problem to corrode us.

Quickly regained Jingjing, I moved directly to the green liquid above the liquid. Without the support of the Divine Shield, those green liquids immediately fell to the ground, and I was safe from above.

Immediately after the ground fell, the green liquid began to sizzle. A large area of ​​the surrounding area began to smoke. Soon the ground began to sink at a speed visible to the naked eye. The most kind of area covered by green liquid I was turned into a big pit.

Looking at the corroded ground, I can understand why the worm was able to eat anything. It seems that the key is still on this guy's digestive system. Since his stomach acid can erode the earth and Jingjing's energy barrier, it is not surprising that it can eat these things.

I found that I had flashed the acid, and the cricket immediately turned up the stomach acid again, but this time I wouldn't wait for it to spray on my head stupidly. Just when the guy was preparing acid, I immediately summoned the tank, and then made the tank ready to launch the magic crystal cannon. Although he saw the appearance of the tank, he didn't care at all about the small tanks. He opened his mouth and sprayed acid.

I ordered the tank to fire as soon as I saw the guy's mouth opened, and a magic crystal shell flew out at the same time. At this time, the cricket acid liquid also just exited. As a result, the magic crystal shell and the acid liquid crashed into a ball in the air. , And then there was a big explosion.

Although that acid can corrode energy, it is powerless to deal with the impact of the explosion. The thrust generated by the instant high pressure blows back all the acid sprayed by that guy, and then pours it all on his own head.

Almost as soon as the acid covered the head, the guy made a terrifying scream, and his head was lifted up and shaken desperately, and a lot of white smoke came from his head. Up.

As I had guessed before, this puppet couldn't withstand his acid. In fact, this phenomenon is very common in the real world. For example, many poisonous snakes are afraid of their venom. If you squeeze out a snake's venom and reinject it into its own blood vessel with a syringe, the snake will be poisoned by its own venom. Although venomous snakes have their own toxin antibodies, they are very few. They are very weak against their own toxins. The reason why they are not usually poisoned by themselves is mainly because the venom of the venomous snake usually uses a large amount of venom when defending, but the injection volume when catching prey is actually very low, and the venomous snake's own digestive system can break down the toxins. Some of those toxins have already reacted in the hunting objects, and then very little has entered the snake's body. Even if there are wounds in the snake's mouth or digestive tract, the amount of toxins absorbed through these wounds is extremely weak. Use their own antibodies. Can completely resist this little toxin.

In addition to toxins, things like digestive juice have the same xìng quality. The digestive juices of most organisms can actually digest themselves. The reason is very simple, because you only need to think about cannibals. Since people can eat people, it means that our digestive juice can digest itself. Usually it is okay only because our digestive tract has the ability to resist this digestion, but if the digestive juice flows out of the digestive tract and enters the abdominal cavity, then the trouble can be It's big.

Generally speaking, the corrosion ability or poison of a creature itself often exceeds its own tolerance limit, and this law has not escaped this law. Its digestive fluid is indeed extremely powerful, but unfortunately it cannot resist its own digestive fluid. As a result, once this thing gets on itself, even it suffers.

Looking at the bug that kept twisting and struggling, I knew the opportunity came.

"God realm-fit." A quick swipe of my magic pet appeared around me, and then their ghosts gathered towards me and merged into my body. With a flash of flame passing by, my body armor changed dramatically, and the terrifying energy bō stopped even the struggling Dao over there.

"Holy Sword." I suddenly lifted the long sword in my hand, followed by a layer of red liquid like blood, running down the blade's edge, and instantly covered the entire sword and suddenly solidified into an entity. The outer bread was covered with a red sword. When the re-wrapped holy sword was finished, I held the hilt with both hands at the same time, followed a sharp downward wave, and shouted, "Verdict."

The moment I shouted the name of the skill, with a buzzing sound, there was suddenly a layer of a huge blade of light nearly 100 meters long and ten meters wide outside the holy sword, followed by the blade of light. My chopping action slammed together.

The nag could not see my attack, but it could feel the horrible power. Just before the holy sword and body, it flickered to the side, but I also deflected the blade slightly at the last moment, followed by the lightsaber and smashed into the side of the guy's body. With a loud noise, a huge smoke screen more than 100 meters long and tens of meters high burst on the ground, and as the smoke spread, the cricket also made a scream of horror, and then saw Its body suddenly tilted to one side, and then slammed on the ground.

The American players and n who were attacking this guy before I arrived, flashed to the side after seeing me. At this time, they all looked at the field in surprise, because they could not cause the substance no matter how they hit before. The injured maggot was cut off by dozens of long tu maggots with a sword. Nearly 30 tu maggots were cut off from the head on the left side of the body, although there were hundreds of bats on this side. tuǐ, but after all, this side of the head lost support, and it fell to the ground when it was not adapted for a while.

If I face ordinary enemies, I may still have the time to stir up the opponent ’s nerves and play cool things, but in the face of such powerful enemies, I have no worries. I didn't plan to give this guy any reaction time. When I saw the bug falling to the ground, I flew a wing, and four propellers spewed out from behind.

The nagging struggling to get up from the ground after the initial discomfort, but I already whistled past it with a sword whistling. With a blood arrow flying out, followed by a boom, a huge 蜈蚣 tuǐ crashed to the ground.

After being cut off again, a tu ǐ big 蜈蚣 did not scream like before, but roared and turned to try to bite me, but I quickly accelerated away from its attack range after flying over it, and then turned towards it. One finger. "Destroy the beam." A red light shot out of my fingertips instantly, and a huge fireball burst out of that cricket's head, and the cricket screamed and fell back.

Taking advantage of the chance that his head was tilted back and lost his balance, I immediately opened up again and rushed up again. Before the guy recovered his balance, I flew directly to its back, followed by the sword in his hand, and walked along the guy's back. Dragging forward, the sharp sword opened a big mouth of dozens of meters long on the guy's back instantly.

The pain on the back was obviously stabbed, and it twisted his body madly towards me and suddenly spit out a stomach acid, but I didn't even hide, I just moved forward with one hand, and said in my mouth: "Avoid water A curse. "A green energy enveloped me in an instant, followed me and slammed into the stomach acid. The strange thing was that the stomach acid touched the green energy around my body as if I saw the tiger's flock. Usually suddenly scattered around.

No matter how strong the corrosive stomach acid is, it is liquid after all, and as long as it is a liquid avoidance spell, it works. Although the specific characteristics of this acid solution determine that this thing can quickly corrode the energy of the water avoidance spell, the speed of this corrosion is not very fast, and I am flying head-to-head with the acid solution now. After the speed is superimposed, it is only a few tenths of a second. Passed by. At this time, even if this acid is corroding energy ten times faster, it is unlikely to cause any harm to me.

After passing through the guy's acid, my speed did not slow down at all, and I rushed to the guy in an instant, followed by a fierce sword stuck in the center of the guy's forehead before the guy reacted. Of course, this sword is not tied with eternity, but with the energy sword formed by the eternal holy sword. With this guy's size, normal weapons are useless to it.

"Hmm ..." This may be really painful. The guy yelled directly from the sky, followed by a furious shake of his head in an attempt to nail me to the back of his head.

I didn't want to stay on this guy, the key is that the sword was stuck too deep just now, but it was a bit stuck. If it doesn't shake its head, I will make eternity thinner and it will come out, but the problem is that it can't be pulled out because it flung me so much. In fact, the main problem is that there is a problem with the weapon I am holding. Now my weapon is Lingling's holy sword and my eternal merged weapon. Although the eternity wrapped on the outside can be transformed, but the holy sword is not working, so the guy is so messy that I ca n’t be completely stuck. .

"Damn, you be honest with me." I said a sudden flash of electric light all over my body, followed by a fierce twitch with the arc. I breathed out the electricity for nearly thirty seconds before turning off the output. Then, while the guy was slightly stable, I quickly adjusted the angle of the holy sword and pumped out, and then kicked the guy's head and flew out. The guy was still pumping after I left, and the whole body still flashed a few lights from time to time.

"Fuck, how can this skill be so magical!" As soon as I flashed out of my attack range, I found that my magic value had dropped to one-fifth of the state left. Although the state of fit is very high, how long does it take for me to fit? I did not expect that the electric shock skill copied from Thunder just was so destructive, I knew it would not be necessary!

Feeling that the magic is not enough, I am anxious. The guy in front of me is getting stronger and stronger. If I ca n’t kill it once and wait for it to attack several cities, I wo n’t necessarily do it.

Some people may say, knowing that this worm is so powerful, will players take the initiative to send them to death? The big deal is not online, or teleport to another place.

That's right, there are many ways for players to avoid this bug. Even the lowest-level newcomers, just buy a teleporting scroll. But the problem is that the player ran away, what should I do? The most people in the city are not the players, but the free n. Although these people have almost no combat effectiveness, they are also life, and they can provide the life energy needed for this growth. And, besides this free n, the more troublesome are those local fighting creatures. Those wild warcraft will not listen to the player's arrangement at all. Although they also know to avoid powerful creatures, it is too late to wait for the bug to approach. Besides, even if Wild Warcraft ran away, those Protoss would not run. The United States is the site of the Free Protoss. Without creatures, there is no power of faith. Therefore, the Free Protoss will never sit by and look at the bug, they will certainly stop the bug. Just from the current situation, the Free Protoss does not seem to fix this thing, so they will not be of much use except to increase the power of this stuff. In fact, even if all the above situations are resolved, the players will still not run, because the cities established by the players and their assets are there, and they run away and these things are gone. Not every guild city can run like our Isinger Mobile Fortress.

In order to save time, I don't feel the magic anymore this time. In fact, the truth is the damage output. Focusing the magic to release the strongest skills in the shortest time will produce far more damage than maintaining the fit state and using ordinary attacks to slowly output the effect. The reason why I usually prefer to use ordinary attacks with lower damage output is entirely because it is safer.

Concentrating magic with a big move, the damage output is high, but what if the opponent flashes past? With a big move, if there is no chance, then there is no chance of making up the knife. Therefore, I usually deal with those enemies that are not particularly difficult. I would rather grind slowly rather than zoom in. But now that this situation is not fixed, I can't get the magic of this guy anymore. Now that guy has dozens of tuǐs missing, his mobile ability should have dropped a lot. I believe he can't get away with my big move. It is imperative now that this guy must be killed, and no matter how bad it is, he has to be hit hard, at least so that it cannot continue to strengthen during the period of my recovery.

After thinking about the situation, I hung the holy sword directly to the side, and then held a short handle hanging above the holy sword, but as I yanked outward, a long The staff of more than two meters was pulled out of the short sheath that appeared to be less than a foot long. The eternal moment attached to the holy sword disintegrated and then flew directly onto the wand I pulled out and attached to it.

"Conversion." I lifted the eternal staff covered in my hand high, and shouted, "The sun calls." The sound of my body ignited a blazing golden flame, and all the players watching the battle were all around Hurriedly covering their eyes with their hands and desperately backing away, because they already felt a burning sensation on their bodies, and some people also found that the grass on the ground was actually smoking, and it was about to burn.

After transforming into the body of the sun, I did not stop there, but suddenly inserted the staff back into the short sheath, followed by replacing the holy sword and holding it high above my head, and eternity quickly attached to the holy sword. . Then I swam across the air to point the holy sword in the direction of my head to the big cricket, and then I started to spin around the holy sword as the axis gradually.

As my rotation speed got higher and higher, my wings gradually gathered to the side of my body and wrapped me all around, only lù came out and pointed at the top of the sword to the worm.

The bug wasn't stupid. When I saw this action, I knew immediately that I was going to use a big move. It hurriedly fired a beam at me, but after the beam hit me, it was like a mud ox into the sea, and the shot was completely unresponsive. . It was found that his beam attack was not effective, and the urn immediately spit out another stomach acid, but the green acid just flew to half and then turned into a white smoke and soared to the sky.

I want to use other methods after the two attacks are invalid, but my skill preparation is also over. At this time, I was only wrapped in the middle of my wings to form an olive-shaped cocoon, and the end pointing to the cricket was the edge of the eternal holy sword, and because of my rotation, the sharp At this point, the sword tip was spinning at a high speed like a drill.

Just when the cricket was preparing for the third attack, the tail of this large cocoon suddenly opened a large hole, and eight ejectors simultaneously protruded from the bottom of the hole, and then suddenly burst out nearly ten feet of gold flame at the same time My whole body slammed into that clamshell with a terrifying whistling sound.

When I saw that I rushed over, I didn't intend to resist at all, because it had felt the horrible heat from my body even far away, and the players around me had already disappeared. It's not that they don't want to stay and watch, but they can't stay at all. All the plants on the ground nearby have disappeared, and the rocks outside Luǒlù on the ground have also been burned and turned red. The rising heat waves in the air started to distort the air.

Although the cricket knew he couldn't stop the attack, when he began to dodge, he found that his body did not move as expected, and only then did he remember that he had lost dozens of tu crickets. Although it thought of the reason now, it was too late to dodge. The efforts I just made just let it flicker a little bit away, and the light cocoon I formed was not completely flying without any accuracy. I was also adjusting the flight trajectory while the guy was moving, so even though it was trying to dodge, it still couldn't completely escape.

With a terrible high-temperature gold light cocoon flashing like a gold light beam hit the cricket's body in an instant, followed by drilling under the head lifted from this guy and hit it to the left ngng position, followed by As if the armor-piercing projectile injected into the cream usually penetrated its ōng mouth and created a large hole with a diameter of five or six meters, followed by the light cocoon, it burst out from under the carapace in the middle of the guy's body, and flew a few times. A large box of ten square meters. Just a few tenths of a second after the light cocoon was worn out, the part of the left side of the cricket's body started from the position of the fourth quarter carapace behind the head to the position of the large hole I drilled in the middle of the body, suddenly facing the whole A huge wound nearly 500 meters long burst from the side. The depth of this wound reached seven or eight meters, and the muscle tissue and internal organs inside the wound were all burnt. However, because of the explosion, the burnt tissues and organs were torn again. Fresh flesh and blood, and there seems to be a golden flame burning in many places.

Along with this huge wound, the cricket also uttered a terrifying scream that had never erupted before, and its entire body could no longer support it. It turned over to the right, and also fell after falling to the ground. There can only be trembling and convulsions there, and even the struggle strength is gone.

At the same time that the big cricket was tragically broken, the layer of gold flame covered by the light cocoon pierced from behind it was also directly blown down by the air stream as if it were a cloud of smoke, and then the flame sprayed behind the light cocoon was also It flickered on and off a few times, and finally completely extinguished, and finally the cocoon formed by the gathered wings also slowly opened, and then my body seemed to decompose the body of each magic pet in the air like a shrapnel reaching the target. It's just that these magic pets didn't land, but they didn't fly far after being broken down, and they were accurately accepted by the open space doors. Only I continued to fly forward. However, I didn't fly for a long time, a guard spear suddenly appeared under my body and gently caught my body, and then suddenly accelerated away from the battlefield.

I lost the flying bird **** of the mount because I used the fit skill. I already changed my magic pet to fly in the high sky. At this time, I saw that I was directly out of the battlefield, but it didn't keep up. Instead, he directed his mount to dive down.

Although the bug has been severely damaged, it is apparently not dead, and the guy's recovery ability has already caused the gun **** to suffer a big loss before, so the gun **** is absolutely impossible to make the same mistake on the same issue.

The worm on the ground was already sore all over the body, and he didn't notice the gun **** who dived down. Such a good opportunity, of course, the God of Guns will not let go. He landed directly on the ground near the big bug, then raised the gun, and then directly activated his skills to use his strongest attack skills.

Now that the worm has no movement energy at all, the gun **** does not worry about the problem of shooting at all, so what he needs now is output. With a horrible white ray flying out, a carapace that was turned out by the worm was completely shattered into fragments, and a large hole in the muscle tissue beneath the carapace directly reached the opposite side of the body.

Although the body suffered such a serious injury again, the big cricket that had already numbed and felt little pain here, it still lay there and sucked.

It was found that the other party had not even responded to the injury. The gun **** immediately opened the bolt with excitement, and a white smoke bomb shell bounced out. He quickly removed a box from his body, then carefully opened the cover and pulled out a red bullet, which was as large as a grenade, and inserted it into the special inlet under the gun, followed by a fierce push. The bolt latch aimed at the middle of the bug's body and pulled the trigger again.

No light beam came out this time, but the effect was surprisingly fast. The gun **** had just pulled the trigger, and there was a huge fireball from the worm on the other side, and a large body following it was blown out. Even though the whole body was almost unconscious, the injury still caused the bug to react. After all, this blow almost lifted one-fifth of the body where it was shot. If the God of Guns fires five more shots at this place, the worm must be blown into two pieces.

Although the deadly threat was felt, the bug couldn't get up no matter how hard it worked. And just when it was struggling desperately to want to get up, Gunslinger pulled out the same bullet from the box and shoved it into the gun again, and then made a bang, still in the same position, the same fireball, and This time because there is no block of broken carapace, there are more organizations than the last takeoff. The viscera of the worm's body has been clearly lifted out of the body, and even the digestive tract has come out.

Two hits to the gun **** without any hesitation, what it takes to be a sniper is absolute calmness. He quickly took out the third bullet in the box and shoved it into the gun, and then pulled the trigger decisively. Although the bug on the opposite side tried to twist his body in an attempt to block the attack with the carapace, it failed to block it. The bullet still hit that gap accurately, and then there was no accidental explosion, and this time it was not the strong muscle tissue that was blown, but the soft internal organs. Although this muscle is still a lot softer than the carapace, it is much harder than the internal organs. Before, even one-sixth of the muscle tissue was easily removed by a single blow. This time, the viscera in the body of the worm was completely blown into pieces.

The visceral tissue was damaged to such an extent that even if it was injured, the worm still made a terrible scream, but it had no other way but to scream. Although he now wants to fight back, he doesn't listen to the command anyway. The attack of the gun **** even blew up the nerve connection between the head and the rear half of the body, causing the entire rear half of the relatively intact body to completely lose control.

Just like a meat paralyzed in the lower body, a puppet that has lost half of its body cannot move at all. The front half of the body originally had dozens of tuǐ missing on one side. It was barely able to move by the back tuǐ, and now it suddenly lost control of the half of the body. Only the first half of the body was even balanced. Unable to sustain. Not to mention that it is lying on the side now, even if it gets up, it is estimated that it must lie back again.

Although the form is great here, the God of Guns frowned and took up his weapon and stood up from the ground. There were only three bullets in the box he took out, and now all of them have been shot. From the power of this bullet, you can see that this kind of thing can never be replenished indefinitely like ordinary bullets, so the three bullet gun gods are also distressed.

Look at the worm that hasn't died there. The God of Guns looked at his gun again. After shaking his head helplessly, he took up the gun again and aimed at the worm of the worm and pulled the trigger.

This time, the God of Gun did not get down, he was shooting in a standing position, and he was walking forward while firing. Not because he wants to be handsome, but because he doesn't need to shoot down, because he is using neither special ammunition nor skill attacks, but the most common bullet attack.

The light attack that penetrated a large hole in the bug's body in the previous blow is the skill of the gun god. The penetration ability of the energy attack is very strong, but the consumption of magic is also strong. Just then the magic of the gun **** is consumed. About 70%. Now the gun **** can only use some small skills. He knows that these small skills have no use for this worm. It is better to save the magic by using ordinary attacks.

Because the normal attack power is too low, the gun **** also knows that even if it penetrates into the body of the worm, it can not cause any substantial damage, so he does not hit the worm's body, and directly faces a tuǐ of the worm and the connection of the body A gun was fired at the joint. With a booming gunshot, there was a big hole in the bug tu tu. Then the guns in Gun God's hands were ringing one after another, and there were more and more holes in the tutu joints of the bug. In the end, when the Gunslinger fired more than a hundred shots, the connection between this guy ’s crotch and his body was almost cut off.

Seeing the shaking tuǐ, the gun **** directly pulled the bullet with a red bullet from the waist and shoved it into the gun. Of course, this was much smaller than the three previous bullets.

With the finger of the **** of guns, a small ball of fire burst immediately at the tutu joint of the worm, and the already damaged tutu joint was instantly blown off, and the tutu immediately broke away from the worm. Smashed to the ground.

After getting a tuǐ, the gunman kept on facing the second tuǐ, and he knew he didn't need to make a big move to hurt the guy's body, so he just concentrated on tearing this guy's tuǐ. This 蜈蚣 cannot fly, as long as it cannot move without tu ǐ. As long as it can't move, it can't get energy replenishment, and the wound healing without energy replenishment will be slow. The Gun God knows that I must be in a state of weakness after using up my super skills, but as long as I give time, I can return to the battlefield sooner or later ~ ~ Besides, it is not only me and him who can hurt this bug in the world. . Previously, because the bug was too powerful, everyone couldn't cause actual damage to it. Now it can't move, and the carapace of the first half of the body is lifted open, and it has almost lost its defense ability. At this time, only a little more powerful skills can hurt it, so the gun **** can now drag the bug and wait for other American players or n to come to help.

The idea of ​​the gun **** is indeed correct, and in fact he did not wait long for his reinforcements, but the people who came were not the American players he originally imagined.

When the gun **** fully released his skills and planned to remove one tuǐ one tuǐ one tuǐ, he suddenly noticed that three black lines appeared in the sky, but after a short time he found that there were more behind the black line The light spot was flying towards him.

"Strange, this light group ... isn't it? No?"

"Well? I thought it was late, I didn't expect to die yet." Just when Gun God was guessing who was here, a female voice appeared directly in his ear, and it was in him As soon as I thought of whose voice it was, Convenience had appeared in front of him.

"Fuck, you guys!"! .

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