Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 6: New ship

Faced with the many dumb people in the field, I asked directly, "Do you want to compare? In the next game, I will allow you to arrange the number of people, even if they are all together."

After Ling translated what I said, all the cannibals on the other side looked at me sternly, and then they suddenly put their hands in front of ōng and yelled out as if they were bending over me. Ling told me it was their loyalty.

The concept of these cannibals is to obey the strong, so when I confirmed my bravery, they immediately changed their attitude towards me. It is provocative for those without strength to be arrogant in front of them, and it is supposed to be arrogant for those with strength. This is their concept.

After these cannibals are convinced, the next thing is much simpler. First through this group leader issued an order to assemble all nearby cannibals in order to return to Isinger with me later. The main goal of this mission, Golden Right Foot, was also quickly taken by me with the help of the cannibal patriarch. Of course, this thing was to be handed to Uso. As for the group of people who came with Uso, I originally thought that all of them had died, but I did not expect that they were not dead. Later, when I asked, I realized that these cannibals actually have a very disgusting habit, which is to bring the enemy's skull to make Chen handicrafts on their bodies to show their own force. Although these people were killed, they have not been killed for the time being because they need to prepare tools and auxiliary materials. After that, I asked them as a strong man to ask this group of captives, and naturally I successfully rescued them.

When I transferred the gold right foot I got to Usuo, the holder of the national weapon, Ursus immediately wore the gold right foot. However, at the moment when his Chinese weapon was formed, all the Chinese weapon components suddenly lighted up at the same time, and then a current suddenly sent from all over her body and quickly gathered towards the ōng mouth. Finally, when the current was collected to a point A light bullet suddenly blasted out of his ōng mouth and hit me directly.

Since I didn't expect Ursuo to attack me at all, I didn't have any defense at all, plus the current was gathered at such a fast speed that I was bombed before I even had time to react.

After seeing me being attacked, the cannibals around them immediately hurled around and took out weapons to prepare for uso. After all, now they are my own. It doesn't make sense to help me to see me being attacked. However, just as they were preparing to attack, I suddenly stopped them with a loud voice.

"Don't be nervous. Don't be nervous. It's not an attack. This is not an attack."

When I just received the light bullet formed by the electric light hit me, I thought I had been attacked, so that I stepped back several times in order to dodge, but when the light bullet really hit me, I Only to find out that there was no hint of being attacked, and there was nothing wrong with him.

After stopping the gang of cannibals, I took a closer look at my genus xìng, only to find that there was a new genus xìng—agile in my dragon set.

It is said that Agile is a basic genus xìng, and the basic genus xìng points of each player include strength and agility. These basic genus xìng points, but I have never seen Agile listed separately in the equipment column in a special genre xìng. inner. After carefully examining this genus xìng, I finally figured out the functions of this genus xìng.

So the agile genus xìng can be split into two more specific genus xìng, one of which is hit, and the other is dodge. To put it simply, when I attack the enemy, the hit rate will be higher, and there is almost no possibility of being flashed by the enemy. Of course, this genus xìng is not very useful to me. After all, I rarely hack people and miss them. However, the latter dodge is more oxen fork. The effect of this dodge is to increase the dodge probability. In fact, it is to automatically control my body to dodge the enemy ’s attacks, and the effect is very good. After adding my agility to this agile xìng, the agile xìng and me are basically Quite a few people can do almost 100% ss.

I am now more than 2100 levels, the agility value is already high, plus my base is more than twice as high as others, so the higher the level, the wider the gap between me and the average person will be. Calculated based on the general player's genus xìng value, even if this person is an assassin class who specializes in eating agile genus xìng, he must also reach 1.5 or five times my level to ensure that the agile genus xìng is comparable to me.

What is the concept of 1.5 times the level? The concept is that when I am two thousand or more, the other party must reach level 3000, and our agility will be equal. This is still under the premise that the other party is an assassin class. If he encounters a mage player, he will be promoted to The 10,000 level may not be as high as my 2,000 agility. Of course, even if the agility is zero, the 10,000 level mage just throws a range of magic enough to drop me. Unfortunately, I am currently the first on the ranking list, and it is better than the first. The second place is a lot taller, so it is absolutely impossible to surpass me in agile. Of course, being agile is not as good as me, nor does it mean that you will never hit me, just that the hit rate will be very low.

Anyway, this agile genus xìng is very bullish, but this genus xìng actually has a better place, that is, he is not a pure personal genus xìng, but a national war genus xìng.

The national genus xìng carried on the national weapon is the national war genus xìng, and the genus xìng I got turned out to be a national war genus xìng. What is this concept? This will mean that as long as there is a battle in which we participate, our side All personnel will be assisted by the agile genus xìng. At that time, even the mages of our guild will be as flexible as warriors. In World War II, they may be assassins. Assassins ^ Anyway, it is no longer chased by ordinary people. Got it.

After reading the newly acquired genus xìng, I took the cannibals with Uso and returned to their city with Uso. After the farewell of Uso and their boss, I took the large group of cannibals to borrow The city's teleportation team was sent to a seaport city in Brazil. The reason why I came here was because it was inconvenient to take more than 2,000 people to leave by other means of transportation, so I had to take them by boat Back to Essinger. This requires a port by boat, and Brazil's largest port is where we are now.

\\\ "President, aren't we going back to the headquarters? What are you doing here? \\\" The patriarch of the cannibal asked me in fluent Chinese. I have to say that this guy's language talent is too great Listening to this guy ’s standard Mandarin, who would have thought that he could n’t understand Chinese an hour ago? Just leaving the village where the cannibals are and heading for Uso ’s city, the patriarch asked me A request was made to learn our language. Of course I would not refuse this request, but I did n’t expect that the entire family could speak fluent Mandarin in an hour. I can only understand that this race is born with The talent to learn multiple languages, otherwise it is impossible to explain that they have learned Chinese so quickly.

Listening to the question asked by the patriarch, I directly explained: \\\ "When I arrived, I flew directly on a flying magic pet. But my magic pet can only take a few people, you more than two thousand people Too many. So I can only find a ship and you will be shipped back. \\\ "

"Oh, that's it. But are our guild boats big enough? But we have more than 2,000 people? I'm afraid the average boat won't fit?"

"You don't have to worry about this, the boat that came this time is very large, and there is more than one."

"Oh, then I can rest assured."

Less than twenty minutes after I had communicated with the patriarch, a dark shadow appeared on the distant sea. The players here in Brazil have seen me with a bunch of cannibals standing in the port before and have attracted a lot of people ’s attention. If it was n’t for us before they notified the city leaders here to see us off. Someone has tried to attack cannibals. After all, these cannibals appear as highly experienced monsters in the jungle, so many locals want to fight as soon as they see these cannibals. However, although they are not given a shot because they are blocked by guards, this does not prevent them from watching.

The cannibals are very disgusted at being watched as monkeys by these people, but because they are pressed by me, they can only bear it first. However, just when the cannibals felt that they were about to be out of control, the crowd of onlookers suddenly dispersed and desperately squeezed onto the pier.

As the crowd moved, the cannibals who followed me finally found the problem. I can see that the black spots in the distance are getting larger and larger, and the number is also increasing. Suddenly, one of them suddenly shouted, "Oh my gosh. That ship ... that ship ..." The man couldn't even speak because of jī.

"Hey, what's wrong with that boat?" A player who knew the man asked for a shot.

The player who stuttered for a long time desperately swallowed his mouth and stabilized his emotions before saying, "So big!"

"What's so big?" The player next to him still didn't respond.

The player pointed in the distance and said, "Did you see a ship leaving before those black spots?"

The player next to him nodded and said, "I see. Isn't that Kaedar just out of the port?" Speaking of which, the player suddenly reflected. He exclaimed, "Oh my God!"

When he called like this, the others next to him were even more suspicious. A relatively familiar player shot him directly and asked, "What are you all surprised about?"

The player jīn said, "Have you seen the Kedar?"

"Of course." The player next to him nodded. "That's the proud Cadar of our Brazilian navy. But is there any problem?"

The player who was asked next explained, "You know how big Kedal is, right? But now you see, the newly appeared ships on the opposite side are obviously farther away from us than Kedar, but you see, what they formed The shadow has actually exceeded the size of Kedar! Do you know what this means? "

If these people still don't know it is really an idiot. Everyone knows the visual effects of near, far, and small. Generally, the shadows formed by ships that are far away have surpassed the ships that are near, which only shows that the ship in the distance is much larger than the ship in the near. However, this one is not an unknown boat nearby. It is the battleship Caydal, the pride of the Brazilian Navy, and the largest and most powerful battleship in Brazil. However, the Kaidal now looks like an ordinary boat against the dark shadow in the distance. As the distance between the two approaches, the volume gap between them continues to expand. If there is such a large ship, it's not a big deal, but there are more than one black shadow over there, but a large one. This is more amazing.

After understanding the reason, everyone around them began to marvel at the hugeness of the dark shadow in the distance, but as the big guys kept approaching, everyone felt that something was wrong. On the distant sea, one of those warships has been crossed by the Keedar, that is to say, the visual error of the two should be the same at this time, so at this time, everyone can obtain the It is estimated that the ship next to it was two full laps larger than the Kaedal. Although the two sides had a bow facing the port and a stern facing the port, the length of the two was not visible, but the width and From the height of the ship island, it can be found that the two are not a level at all.

The Kaedar, which originally stopped at the port, has always given Brazilian players a sense of greatness. The ships that usually enter and leave the port are like toys in front of it. But now, although the Kaedar is not a toy beside the ship, it seems to be as thin as the two, there is no comparable at all.

If you consider that big ship as a battleship of ordinary tonnage, the Keedar next to it looks like a light frigate or heavy torpedo boat, anyway, it is several smaller. "Purple purple ... President Ziri." The person in charge of the city responsible for seeing us off looked at the super-giant ship in front of him and asked, "What is this ... here to pick you up."

"Oh, this is a batch of super battleships recently launched by our guild. You also know that the technology of liquefied magic crystal is now popular. Those warships we used before are outdated and are no longer suitable for the needs of modern warfare. Therefore, our guild In addition to dragging all the previous warships and transforming them, some new warships have been launched. This time they are coming to pick us up.

They went to the United States to receive the weapon system they had ordered, and are now preparing to return to the airport, and pick us up by the way. "" Super battleship? This ... How big is your super battleship? "

"I don't know about this. I approved the shipbuilding project, but I haven't looked at the specific data, and I haven't paid attention to these ships during the construction process, so for the time being I don't know how big these ships are. Actually, with you Again, this is the first time I have seen them. "

I ’m telling the truth, I really do n’t know how big this ship is, but compared to this group of Brazilian players, I do have to calm down a lot, because I ’m not the same as them, I knew that these ships would definitely be very Big.

Yes, I did not read the specific parameters of the ship, but I have read the design report. Because there is no suitable air strike force in the game, in reality the aircraft carrier that is very NB does not play a big role in the game. To put it bluntly, the aircraft carrier is not powerful enough. It depends on whether the aircraft is powerful enough. Although there are flying technology and flying Warcraft in this game, the flying speed of Warcraft is too slow and the spread is poor. The ability to strike the ground is very small. That's hardly a strong man.

Therefore, apart from the Japanese experimenting with the design of the flying dragon aircraft carrier, there have been almost no aircraft carriers using flying warcraft as carrier-based aircraft, and later it has proved that the flying dragon aircraft carrier ’s xìng price ratio is very bad, so even The Japanese were no longer high on this thing.

In addition to flying World of Warcraft, artificial flying machines do exist, but is this xìng okay ... Anyway, it is not as reliable as flying World of Warcraft. Therefore, the design of carrying the aircraft on the battleship is completely dead. It can be said that without an aircraft, there is no aircraft carrier, and the problem of air strikes cannot be solved. Then do not talk about an aircraft carrier. An aircraft carrier without a qualified aircraft is just a transport ship.

However, the above are past tense, at least those in our guild are past tense. The artificial aircraft has confirmed that the anti-gravity device invented by the Germans is completely unsuitable as a power device for the aircraft. That thing can only be changed into an air transporter or an air fortress like Issinger Mobile Fortress. The combat aircraft is not an anti-gravity device capable item. However, with the liquefaction of magic crystals obtained from the Russians and the low cost of gasification technology, we can already manufacture jet thrusters that use liquefied or gasified magic crystals as power.

This jet thruster is characterized by strong explosive power, fast speed and flexible response, but its endurance is extremely poor, and the cost is still high. However, despite these problems, jet thrusters are already practical. Moreover, as a guild that has always been at the forefront of the world, our guilds have already put practical solutions into action. One of the most successful application cases is the type of jet thruster used on mobile angels.

The air combat capability of the air combat type mobile angel has been tested in actual combat, and the small volume and large power characteristics of the liquefied magic crystal steam warfare device also allow the mobile angels to carry a limited load enough to produce large ships. The wounded explosive weapon, which means that the mobile angel actually has the ability to attack and attack the battleship.

Now we can say with certainty that the mobile angel is fully capable of acting as a carrier-based aircraft to carry out the duties of fighting the ship.

After the carrier-based aircraft is resolved, the aircraft carrier is not a problem. Because the mobile angels are automatic weapons and can take off vertically, they do not need pilots or runways, nor do they need too complicated logistical support, and their volume is not large compared to aircraft, so theoretically as long as With certain carrying capacity, any ship can be used as a mobile angel mothership.

Because of these characteristics of the mobile angel, our guild added the mobile angel mothership plan to the new battleship. However, the game is not the same as it is in reality. Although the mobile angel has the ability to attack and attack ships, the cost is very high. Therefore, in fact, the mobile angel is only suitable for battles against ships, but not for ports. It's not that they can't get in, but it's not cost effective. Although our Frost Rose League is rich, but why can we spend a hundred dollars for something that can be done for ten dollars?

In the end, after comprehensively considering the combat situations in various games, we specifically asked the veteran general to use his relationship to find a real professional naval officer to help us make a rough design analysis. The conclusion was that in the Under this kind of war environment in the game, the most reasonable design is not a super mobile angel mother ship filled with mobile angels, but ships like destroyers that are popular in the navies of various countries.

The modern destroyer can be said to be a small joint strike platform. First of all, it has a main gun and missiles, which can participate in direct sea warfare. Secondly, modern destroyers are equipped with helicopters, and some have more than one, so they can be regarded as simplified versions of small helicopter mother ships. Mobile angels can take off and land vertically, so they are very similar to helicopters in tactical use, which determines that the destroyer-style joint strike platform is completely suitable for mobile angels.

Of course, the design scheme similar to the destroyer mentioned here only means that the armed equipment is similar to the destroyer, not that the battleship is made as small and light as the destroyer. After all, "Zero" is a magical game world. There are really sea monsters in the ocean here. If you make a warship the same size as a destroyer, if you touch something strange in Shanghai, then you are completely done.

In addition to the sea monster problem, there is another problem in the game that affects the volume design of our warships, that is, personnel.

In reality, how many people a ship is equipped with is arranged according to the volume and degree of automation, but the people in the game are divided into players and two pieces. Just like the crew in reality, how many tricks you want is just no problem. But players can't. The battleships in "Zero" are usually commanded by players, because it is very rare to be able to command warships, and they cannot be resurrected. Once sacrificed, it is really gone. This determines that the number of personnel capable of commanding a warship limits the number of warships a force can own.

It is extremely rare to be able to command warships, and it is a non-renewable resource. There are a few more players who can command warships, but they never hide to the point where they can be seen everywhere. After all, commanding a boat is not riding a fox little strawberry bike, it is also technical work. Therefore, if we build a small boat, there may be an embarrassing situation where we spend the same money and build a bunch of boats, and most of them are not driven.

Therefore, in order to maximize the output of combat effectiveness and to maximize the consumption ratio, the most reasonable solution is to make the battleship boutique. Concentrating all shipbuilding costs on as few ships as possible makes the combat capability of a single warship stronger, which can produce the maximum combat effectiveness.

Of course, there is a degree to this concentration, which does not mean that you can concentrate all the costs to make a ship completely invincible. If the funds are too concentrated, there may be too few ships to take care of the east and the west, and if the enemy is attacked at any cost, the loss is very heavy. Conversely, if there are too many ships built and the funds are scattered, there will only be enough staff, and the frequent sinking of cheap ships will cause a large number of deaths in the navy. Can the battleships only depend on their navigation skill level, and the new recruits' navy skills are all zero level, and they must be trained after a long period of naval battles and guilds. If these people are killed or injured too often, you should never expect to train a captain. In this way, once the evil xìng cycle is established, the consequences are even more unimaginable. Therefore, lock-up is to allocate funds to the entire battleship in accordance with a most reasonable ratio, which will not make the battleship too weak, nor will it be too concentrated.

After having this kind of guidance, our guild would raise the price of the plan to the **** of war according to the funds needed, and then calculated the **** of war, and finally concluded that the new fleet ’s main ship The best price for a single ship is between 800 and 1.2 billion bargains.

Although I do n’t know what the final design was like, but I know the offer, and I know that the new battleship will not only have the artillery system of the original battleship, but also an additional mobile angel carrier and launch system. Combined with that cost, I Natural energy can roughly estimate that the volume of the new battleship must be at least one size larger than the Biling super battleship. Otherwise, let you build a ten-meter-long boat with 1.2 billion crystal coins. How do you spend this money? Is the entire ship constructed of Adamantite? Even if it was really that dry, 1.2 billion crystal coins would be enough to make a more than one hundred meter long Adamantite battleship, and it is still solid.

It is because I know that 800 to 1.2 billion of funds have been dropped. This ship is definitely not small, and with the long super battleships such as the Bi Ling class, I am not surprised at the size of the new ship. . If the boat were small, I would be surprised.

As the battleships approached, more and more talkative sounds were gradually heard on the shore, because although it was still several miles away, the huge battleship figure looked quite scary, and as the final battleship was brought offshore Everyone's argument was almost catching up with the sound of Shanghai Wave.

Damn, although I knew it would be big, but this volume ... is his grandpa really big enough? "

When the fleet was brought offshore, several small warships soon docked at the dock. Although it is Brazil's largest seaport, it is still too small for those big guys parked a mile away. This kind of super battleship is estimated that Essinger's deep-water wharf can let them dock. They can't be reached at ordinary ports.

Immediately after the small warship landed, I saw the guy who broke into the king and ran over with a group of crew members. Just look at his mouth, and you'll know how he feels. As the commander in chief of the Navy of the Frost Rose Alliance, Frost Rose Alliance has suddenly added such a big guy, of course, he is more excited than one person.

"Haha, president, did you see our new ship? How about it? Envious, right?" The far-flung king yelled at me.

I did n’t speak until he drew near, and I did n’t answer his question, so I asked directly, “Is the St. Gundam stuff loaded?”

This time the fleet is going to receive the equipment ordered before, so it will come to the United States. Of course, showing off our new ship is also one of the reasons. When the head of the Russians divided up the technology, we allocated the technology direction. The research direction of the Gun God is the weaponization of the liquefied magic crystal steam technology, while the Germans are responsible for the motive research, and the theoretical support is the responsibility of our guild. It is precisely because of this technical agreement that we have to find Americans to help with weapon design, but this does not mean that we are subject to others, because the principles and feasibility of these weapons are verified by us, so although the final design is Americans are doing it, but once separated, it is the Americans who suffer the most. Of course, it is impossible for the three of us to dismantle each other now. After all, we are fighting for the share of the application of the liquefied magic crystal steam. Now the separation will only let you get into repeated research. Everyone is not so stupid, so In a short period of time, no one of us will hide sī, as for the future ... will it be almost certain. After all, does interest determine everything.

Chuang Wang listened to me asking about the business, and put away the previous attitude seriously and said: "The new weapons have been installed. Especially the liquefied magic crystal shotgun, we found an island on the way to test fire One shot. The power is really ... hmm ... so much fun! "

"Don't be happy, I guess you won't have much chance to use that thing in the future.

Hearing me say that Chuang Wang immediately softened like a discouraged ball. He said helplessly: "Yeah! This thing is all right, it's too expensive! It will be reimbursed in such a round of more than one million crystal coins. If we come a few more times, we will really go bankrupt!"

"So that thing can be a deterrent, at most, it is occasionally taken out of the earthquake scene, usually not used at all. And in the future, the battleships are equipped with mobile angels. It is estimated that you and the enemy will conduct face-to-face warships. There will not be too many opportunities. If the enemy's tonnage is not enough, it is estimated that it will be over before it can reach the full range.

As soon as King Chuang heard this, he asked, "By the way, I'm a rough man, and I don't understand some things. Now that we have mobile angels on our battleships, it's an aircraft carrier. Why do we still How about installing a cannon on the ship? Wouldn't it be better if all the positions were vacated and equipped with Mobile Angels? "

"Stupid you!" I knocked on the king and said, "The mobile angels are all magic crystal missiles. How much is that stuff? It really makes money to fight warships. After all, the price of missiles that sink a ship is sinking. There is absolutely no value for the ship, so it is absolutely cost-effective to let Mobile Angels bomb the warship. But do you think it is possible for us to fight naval battles with others now? Japan now has no fleet, and the largest ships in nearby countries have our light cruiser tonnage. Europe The navy there restrains each other and no one dares to run around. The American fleet is strong enough, but now, due to the cooperation project of the liquefied magic crystal steam, we are temporarily in the period of mì, this will work hard to fight with whom Naval battle? Are African indigenous? "

"But what do we build so many ships without fighting?"

"Say you are stupid, do you really want to be stupid? We have no naval battles now, or no maritime enemies, so we still need fleets. And now we have more and more overseas interests, can we not have an offshore maritime force? I do n’t even know how to claim a navy expert! ”

"Of course I know this." Chuang Wang said: "I just think we have enough warships, and rebuilding new ships is a bit wasteful. Of course, we know that our old warships are lagging behind in technology, so I did not build new ships. What opinion, just a little doubt, huò why you and Sister Rose suddenly became generous. Also, you have n’t told me why our warships have artillery? You just said that we have no naval battle, but there is no naval battle. What about the cannon? "

"You really are not saved. Do we have no naval warfare or even land warfare? Someday if we attack the port city or land on the beach? How much is a mobile angel's liquefied magic crystal steam missile? Do you want them to take Are missiles used to bombard those broken houses in the city? Is that house enough for our missile money? The cannon is indeed something that does not have a wide range of mobile angels, but the missile is cheap! Even if you plow the entire city with a cannon, it will only cost a few dollars. "If this is the same purpose with the Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Missile, it would not cost dozens of times? You wouldn't count this account?"

Hearing me say that Chuang Wang finally understood. "Yeah, I said that the chairman was so generous, but he was generous and equipped us with so many weapons. It turned out to be this reason."

"Who are you talking about?" Listening to Chuang Wang's unintentional words, I said yīn coldly in his ear.

"Ah! I didn't do it on purpose ..."

The King of Chuang was just trying to quibble and I went straight to the sea ~ ~ Then I greeted the cannibals like no one else said, "Well, come on board with me."

The cannibals looked at the King of the Crashing of the Sea, then looked at me, then nodded collectively, and quickly followed, but their patriarch still said something in his own language and other cannibals. I quietly asked Xia Ling. As a result, Ling said with a smile: "They should remember that they can't say bad things about you later."

"Fuck, making a joke with Chuang Wang actually made this impression on them. But that's fine, lest they get too arrogant in the guild."

Led by the gang of Kings, we quickly boarded the small warships resting on the dock, and then the small warships sent their personnel in two batches to the largest warship parked outside the port. As for the boy who broke into the king, of course, he was already on board. He is a mixed navy, and the ability to move in the water is a necessary ability. In case the ship is sunk, should the people on board sink with it? So no matter it is a player or a player, the ability to move in water is very strong. Besides, the kid's magic pet is a Warcraft in the sea, let alone, at least the underwater speed is much faster than the battleship.

"Boss, can I show you our new boat?" The Chuang Wang who just climbed on the boat said to me while wiping the water on his body. !! .

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