Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 62: Zeus Wraith

I do n’t know if I ’m worried about Medea ’s unreliability. Aphrodite finally pulled me out of the forging room and started to say to me, “Before I left Essinger, you should listen to their reports. "I nodded and said," Yes, I already know. You just need to tell me what happened after that. How about? Have you learned any useful information in the past two days? "

Aphrodite nodded his head, and then frowned, "When I came back, I tested the situation of the Twelve-Star God, and the result was a little bit beyond my expectation." "Tentative? How did you test?" Ah Floridine said in a somewhat embarrassed way: "I didn't follow your command line, but directly reported to Zeus that Iris had secretly contacted you."

"What? Did you sell the Twelve Stars?"

"Can't say sell, just test it." Aphrodite yelled: "I can't find enough information in a short time according to the method you said. If I don't take the contradictions within the Protoss of Olympus It ’s very easy to contact people like me. After listening to Aphrodite ’s words, I thought about it for a while, and then said, "Your plan is really more efficient, but in case 12 stars are Sincere cooperation, you will be miserable this time! "

Aphrodite said bitterly, "This is where I find it unexpected. I didn't tell Lu directly that they had trusted us, I just told Zeus that the guard had talked about it before escaping. "

"Does Zeus react?"

"That's what I worry about the most," Aphrodite said. "Zeus didn't respond when he heard the news." "No response?" After hearing the news, I lowered my head and thought again. After a while, he continued, "I think I understand."

Aphrodite nodded and said, "I didn't want to understand it until later. Zeus didn't get angry at the time, indicating that he had known about it, so I didn't report it or not.

But this morning, I heard that Zeus sent someone to strengthen some of the guardians of the Twelve Star Gods. "

"Aren't they all?"


"That would be troublesome."

"What do you mean?" Aphrodite looked at me suspiciously.

I explained while thinking: "Zeus may strengthen the guard for two purposes. One is to guess that you are a spy we intentionally let go, so we have strengthened the supervision. What you call the guards, the protection is false, and monitor those few Star God is true. "

Aphrodite thought for a while or shook his head: "But what did Zeus send to monitor those astral gods?" "Of course, they are in contact with me. If you are a spy we release, then we will definitely send The responder then arrived, just as I am here now. Zeus was worried that the two sides were connected to each other, and he probably guessed that even if it wasn't for me, he would have to be one of the "chaos" and the order protoss. This is why a number of powerful personnel are sending surveillance in the name of protection.

Aphrodite asked questioningly: "Doesn't it become obvious that I am the right one?" "No, this is just one of the possible ng."

"What about the other two?"

"The second is that Zeus still guesses that you are a spy, but he is smarter, and he deliberately arranges guards to protect a few of the star gods he deliberately arranged for fraud, so that we will treat these protected guys as being monitored and achieve upside down. The purpose of our judgment. "" Is there something to say? "Aphrodite said," but isn't it impossible to decide which one is true? "

"If this is the case, I can still guess something, but the key is that things are divided into four directions. The first two are Zeus guessing that you betrayed him. The next two are Zeus trusting you, so he sent The guard came out to monitor those who might betray, or he intentionally reversed the black and white reverse protection, so that we could reverse our judgment. "" Isn't this the same as before? "" Not the same. "I shook my head:" If there are only the first two, or only the last two, then we can determine the correct answer as long as we know whether Zeus is smart enough, but now we not only need to figure out exactly what Zeus thinks, we also need to know that he is I do n’t doubt you. Even if I think that Zeus might send troops for us, he may not know anything. ”Aphrodite frowned.“ Then do n’t we equal to know nothing? ” So Zeus is quite powerful, and he thought of using this method to deal with us. "" What do we do now? " Looking, it ’s really impossible to storm. Anyway, with Zeus ’s current strength, even if he storms, he may not be able to take advantage. But do n’t forget that the people of Hades are with me, and I can also apply the two temples of light and darkness. Influence, if not, I will ask the Mother of the Earth for help. "" Mother of the Earth? "Aphrodite covered her mouth in surprise, and for a while before she asked," She is not incapable of "inserting" Things? "

"Yes, you can't" insert "your hands, but the dead person is alive. Even if you don't actively" insert "your hands, you can help a lot."

Aphrodite was not stupid, and she knew what I meant with a little thought. "Well, am I going to go back to you right away, or continue the previous mission to investigate which deities want to leave the Olympian Protoss?" "You still continue your previous mission but it ’s a little bit late in time, so you just Don't ask them one by one. According to the order of strength and the trend of possible mutiny, the small fish of ordinary strength need not be controlled, and they are irrelevant to anyone. When we start, we will ask how many and how many, which will be more efficient.

"I see. I'll do it now."

I nodded and said, "If Hephaestus is done, I will let him send someone to your temple to inform you."

"I know."

After sending Aphrodite out, I turned back and returned to the smelting room of Hephaestus. This guy is taking his group of apprentices in struggling to beat a few pieces of metal, and on the other side, the skinny The Gao Swen youth was sitting behind a table with something like a microscope in front of him, and then holding two special tools like chopsticks in his hands and drawing something on a metal plate.

"How's it going?"

Because a few people over there were obviously not good at bothering me, naturally I turned my attention to Medea.

"The progress is much faster than expected." Medea said with a very happy look: "I have never seen Hephaestus so excited, he just hummed the song while hitting the metal. "

"Is he in such a good mood? The equipment must be very good?"

"It can't be said that it must be very good, but it is definitely very special equipment. Of course, in most cases, the ng is absolutely very good. At least for many years, he has never played badly in the state of Hing. Equipment. "

After listening to Medea, I nodded and nodded in confidence: "This time, Aphrodite will have a way to explain." Originally 〖Hing〗 Media was so excited that when she heard this, her face immediately Just go on. I originally thought it was because she had a bad relationship with Aphrodite, and I didn't want to hear people mention Aphrodite, but I haven't come to talk to persuade, it was Medea who spoke first.

"Well, you may still not be able to explain to Aphrodite." "Ah? Why?" The sudden jump of thinking made me doubtful.

Medea smiled bitterly and pointed to the position of an apprentice on the other side: "Look over there and you will know." My eyes instantly turned to the position of Medea's finger, and it turned out that I saw an apprentice making a mold . Because Hephaestus was still refining the metal, it was not clear what was hit, but the mold was shaped and the internal structure was clear at a glance.

"I depend, who is this thing for?"

From the shape of the mold, it is not difficult to see that Hephaestus is not making any defensive equipment, but a weapon, and the most important point is that this thing Aphrodite cannot be used at all, and The reason is,

This is a hammer with an axe.

The specific structure of this warhammer is not clear for the time being, after all, the shape of the mold is the shape of the weapon, and only the approximate structure can be seen on the outside. It can be seen from the mold that the hammer is at least two meters long. One side of the hammer head is a flat hammer surface and the other side is a huge axe. The other end of the hammer handle is not flat, but is equipped with a triangular thorn, which seems to be used in reverse.

Immediately after seeing the hammer, "I" rushed to stop it. I didn't expect to be caught by Medea as soon as I took a step. "Why?"

Medea shook her head: "You better not disturb him, Hephaestus's inspiration is not fixed. His inspiration can now strike a hammer, indicating that it is not suitable to build other equipment, even if you stop him, Unless there is no other way to complete the hammer that may become an artifact, there will be no benefit. "I had planned to stop Hephaestus, and immediately after I heard this, I fell silent. Yes. Other people's inspiration is not fixed, even if he is interrupted now, in the end, there will be no benefit other than letting the hammer abort. In desperation, I could only withdraw and go quiet again, praying that Hephaestus had the remaining inspiration after hitting the hammer, which could be used to set the armor for Aphrodite.

Due to the comparison of Xing Fen, Hehuastos's work efficiency has improved significantly. Hehuastos, who completed the metal quenching in just over ten minutes, immediately put the molten metal solution into the mold, and then quickly cooled by magic. Speaking of the cooling equipment of Hephaestus, it was ng, because he used a heat-eater to cool the metal. This strange half-energy creature likes to absorb thermal energy, and the hotter it is, the more it likes it. The metal mold was condensed directly after being held by it for a while, and the removed metal hammer had almost no heat.

The hammer taken out of the mold can actually be regarded as roughly shaped. Of course, post-production still takes a lot of work, but the apprentices of Hephaestus ca n’t help much, mainly depending on the Sven youth And Hephaestus.

I have already seen that this Sven youth is a profession similar to the enchanter, and his job is probably responsible for carving magic circles.

The roughly completed hammer was soon decorated into a rather gorgeous warhammer by the youth and Hephaestus himself, and it was also inlaid with many gems. Of course, the magic circle inside is also essential.

The final finished product is a super sledgehammer with a length of two meters and a glittering surface. One side of the hammer head looks like a small beer keg, while the other side is a huge battle axe. The connection point between the axe and the hammer face is connected to the hammer handle, and the other end of the hammer handle is a same The light-filled triangular pyramid was half a foot long, and the surface was filled with ferocious blood channels. I believe that as long as this thing is stung, even a blood cow must be put to anemia.

"Ha ha ha ha, it's finally done. President Ziri come and see my proud work." The guy Hephaestus had apparently forgotten Aphrodite's equipment in the Mariana Trench, I was so embarrassed to show off my hammer at this time.

I walked coldly and took the hammer. I wanted to teach Hephaestus. I did not expect the hammer to sink sharply as soon as I started. If I did n’t react, I would use all my strength to resist. Things almost fell directly to the ground.

"I rely, who are you going to use this thing for?" It took nine cattle and two tigers to blush and flushed my face before I barely put the hammer up and let it stand up. on the ground. Know that my base is ng points, but it is 13 points, and I have more than 2,100 levels. Even if I do n’t consider the equipment bonus and those extra bonus points, I now get the basic power by doubling the upgrade. It should be over 27,000. If I count the additional power and the percentage of equipment, my actual power value is at least 40,000 or more. However, even with such a high strength, I was still tired and half-dead before I could barely lift the hammer. If it were an ordinary person, let alone lift it, and put the hammer on him and crush it directly.

Hephaestus not only did not express his sadness, but said happily: "This shows that it is a high-level artifact. High-level artifacts will always choose the owner. If I hit the hammer, anyone can Yes, isn't it a low-level cargo? "

"It's okay?" I thought for a moment, "Isn't this thing that only Aphrodite can use?"

When Hephaestus heard me, he immediately asked, "I can take it because I am the one who made it, but why do you say that only Aphrodite can be used?"

"Don't you customize it for her? Is there anyone else besides Aphrodite?"

"Custom?" Hephaestus stunned for a moment, then suddenly responded and exclaimed: "Oops, forget Aphrodite's equipment, ah, what to do next? She's definitely here Will kill me! "Well, do you remember now? "Hephaestus turned around in the room with a gloomy face, and finally grabbed my hand for help:" President Ziri, what can I do now? Please help me find a way! Otherwise Aphrodite must come back and dismantle me! "

"Do you still think about this kind of problem? Can you just make another set of equipment yourself?"


"You wo n’t be able to stab it again and you want to stab it again? It ’s okay, although Qiong Jiangyu ’s" liquid "is not much, but I ’m not good at alcohol, I ’ll give it to you. You can continue to read that information Anyway, even if you sit there for a few years, you may not read all the information about our guild. "

"No, no, I don't mean that." Hephaestus shook his head: "The one who just accidentally ran out of some special materials, what acquisition might take some time, so ..."

"Stop talking, tell what you want and where you can get it."

Upon hearing these words, Hephaestus immediately said: "There is no shortage of other things, but two materials are missing, one is the huā core and the huā flap of the golden thread, and the other is the star fragment."

"I rely on you, what kind of" hair "disease do you have at Olympus?"

Hephaestus looked suspiciously at me, so he asked, "What is" hairy "?"

I dragged a large bag of star fragments directly from Fenglong space and threw it to him: "This is your" hair "disease.

I feel weird. Why do the Olympus Protoss have star fragments once they need to be repaired or rebuilt? "

"This is not something I can decide!" Hehuastos reluctantly said, "The Star Shard can stabilize the anti-magic ng of the equipment on the premise of strengthening the equipment belonging to ng. Your equipment does not need to be unknown to you. If you go back and try again, I guarantee that you will definitely want to add a little star fragments to everything you see in the future. "

"But we have also tried adding star fragments before. It is not as good as the effect you said!"

"That is the amount you add is not correct. Too much will have an adverse effect. It must be added according to the proportion. There is also a certain metal that will affect the release of the star fragments. You must increase the amount. Of course, this is also required. Accurately calculated, "random" addition is impossible to get any effect. "

"It's strange." I nodded and said, "I'm not worried about this ~ ~ Anyway, you will come to our technical staff who can teach me the recipe. Now talk about the golden thread you want Well. I seem to have heard of that stuff, but are you sure you are not mistaken? You are a blacksmith and not a "medicine" agent, what do you want plants to do? "

"Plant?" Hephaestus said dismissively: "You won't say that after you've seen the golden thread."

"Okay, tell me where it is. I'll find it for you now. How many do you want?"

"How many?" Hephaestus looked at me in surprise. "You can get me a flower and it will suffice me for a few years. Of course, I don't mind if you have the ability to make three or five flowers. "

"Fuck, where exactly does that thing grow? It looks terrifying to you."

Medea suddenly explained to Hephaestus and explained, "The place where the gold thread is long is not too complicated. You can definitely approach it with your strength, but it is a bit troublesome to get it down. But anyway, you first Let ’s try it again. We are telling you it ’s no use now. You ca n’t know if you can get it without trying. ”

I thought about it and said, "Then I'll go and see, I can't contact you anymore." .

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