Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 81: Neptune in a cage

Volume 20 Chapter 81 The Neptune in the Cage

"So, do your bosses agree or disagree?" Aphrodite asked.

"Of course it's against it!" Hailong resentfully replied, "If Poseidon's baffled egg could approve this plan, how could we still use such trouble to sneak here to meet you?"

Aphrodite thought for a moment and understood the meaning of the other party. Indeed, things are like what the other person said. If Poseidon really agrees to a job change, then he only needs to take the Shanghai Divine Core to run. At first Hades did not dare to do this, instead of asking us for help. One was that there was an energy disintegration method in Persephone, which could not be solved for a while, and he had to endure. Another reason is that the Olympus Protoss was relatively strong at the time and had enough strength to restrict their departure.

However, things are different now. After the defection of Hades, the Olympus Protoss has fallen in strength, and with the change of people's minds, the overall strength has dropped. At this moment, Zeus has been struggling to maintain the internal stability of the Tenjin system. How can he still care about these guys in the Tenjin series? Therefore, as long as Poseidon is determined to run, there is no need to pull any foreign aid, and Lima will be able to walk if he wins. As for whether you want to find a place to stand on your own in the future, or which forces to join, you can think about it slowly. Anyway, if you have a free body, are you afraid that no one will fail? The protoss in "Zero" are all sought-after goods. As long as a member of a protoss becomes a free body, shouting in the world that I want to transfer, it is definitely a group of protoss rushing to.

Aphrodite originally thought that in this case Poseidon should be in a hurry to think about an early transfer. I did not expect that the answer given by Hailong was actually against it. This result was very different from her prediction.

"Opposite? Poseidon opposes?"

Hailong nodded: "A few of our patron saints who have a good relationship with Poseidon have tried Poseidon's tone. Now we can basically be sure that Poseidon does not want to rebel."

"You're all here, why didn't he want to betray?" Aphrodite asked inexplicably: "Once the work of the Nether **** system is resumed, the part of the people who are seconded away will be no Poseidon system. Members. This means that Poseidon will not only pay this group of people in the future, but also that they will not be under his control and will not help him. He will also do such troublesome things? "

"We don't know about this!" Hailong said helplessly: "We just can be sure that Poseidon doesn't agree with us on the job change, but why he doesn't agree with us can't ask. After all, you also know that once this matter lets him You know, we're in trouble if we want to run again. "

Hailong just finished speaking, another patron saint of the **** of the sea interjected: "Actually, I think Lord Poseidon knows what we want to change jobs, after all, so many of us take turns to explore the tone, even if It's time Lord Lord Poseidon is slow to react. "

"Then according to you, did Poseidon deliberately let us go?" Hailong asked with uncertainty.

Another patron saint of Poseidon said: "I also think that Lord Poseidon deliberately let us go. When I went to explore the tone, the adult still seemed to point me consciously, but I didn't react at that time, go back Later, my wife reminded me that I didn't know about it! "

"Then you say, Lord Poseidon, did we deliberately ask us to contact Frost Rose Alliance, and then use us as a bait?" Asked a cowardly patron saint.

The guardian Shinto who spoke before: "I don't think it is possible. After all, we are all the right and left arms of Lord Poseidon. Even if Lord Poseidon wants to trap the Frost Rose Alliance, can't we all lose us? I ’ve heard of a strong man breaking his wrist, but which strong man have you ever broken to cut yourself into a stick? ”

"That's true." Hailong nodded. "Does the adult really push us out? But we all ran. Isn't he the commander of the polished rod? Even if we only run by ourselves, we won't take it away , But there are only a bunch of low-level sea fighters and some miscellaneous little gods, can't they support the work of this sea **** system? "

Aphrodite thought for a long time, but finally couldn't understand it, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Are you shielding communication equipment here?"

"I don't know." Hailong said: "Poseidon itself does not isolate energy fluctuations, but after all, the walls are very thick, and it is not known whether your equipment is affected."

"I just got this thing, try it again." Aphrodite said, took out the crystal communicator, and then connected the communication, but his communication was not directly received by me, but directly Receiving Isinger. The **** of army directly transferred Aphrodite's communication to the guild think tank. After understanding that the think tank is the department that helps to analyze the problem, he immediately explained everything, and The group of patron saints of Neptune also nervously circled around to hear what the think tank had to say.

After Aphrodite finished telling the story, she thought that she would think about it for a while before giving the answer. Who knew that she had just finished speaking on this side, and there was a beautiful voice from there. "Are you guys living under the sea for a long time and even getting their heads flooded?"

"Hey, what do you guys say? Why do you want to fight?" These patron saints in the sea are usually more than 10,000 people in the sea. Suddenly, they are scolded by a little girl. One pass, how can it bear it?

Su Mei herself wasn't on the spot. They couldn't hit it. Besides, even if these guys were by her side, she wasn't afraid. These guys want to rely on the Frost Rose Alliance, and we will be ours. Although the guild protoss should be the superior organization of the guild, because of my existence, the Frost Rose Alliance and the chaos and order protoss are actually under an equal state. And, in most cases, I personally want to transcend the status of chaos and order. In other words, if this group of sea gods later merges into the chaos and order protoss, they will be at most equal to Su Mei. With Su Mei's IQ, she can be afraid of them.

Seeing that the other party even dared to get angry, Su Mei immediately took advantage of her and yelled: "Anyone who is stupid is arrogant to get angry? I'll go around the corner if you go."

"Where are we stupid?"

"You can't see such a simple question, isn't it silly?"

"Is this simple?"

"Of course it is simple." Su Mei said very surely: "Now summarize the information you have obtained. First, the situation of the Poseidon system is bad, and the situation will only get worse and worse. Second, Poseidon knows that you have to change jobs. Do not stop, and even take the initiative to help you point you and encourage you to change jobs. Third, Poseidon can never execute the bait plan at the expense of so many of you. Fourth, Poseidon does not insist on leaving Austria The Linpis Protoss. Based on the above four points, the answer is almost ready. "

Hearing that the patron saints have actually reacted a bit, but Hailong still refused to say, "What do you say is the answer?"

After hearing Hailong's question, Su Mei hadn't come and answered yet, Aphrodite couldn't help but answer first: "Stupid, the answer is that Poseidon can't rebel with you!"

Sommy said immediately after Aphrodite finished: "Look, Aphrodite understands, don't you understand? Many factors indicate that the transfer is more beneficial, and Poseidon Winter's refusal to transfer is necessarily influenced by other factors. With Zeus's personality, we can basically rule out the possibility that Poseidon is not willing to transfer in consideration of his brother's affection. Besides, he supports your transfer. The problem is explained from another aspect. So my judgment is that Poseidon was somehow controlled by Zeus. "

"What? Lord Poseidon is under the control of Zeus?" After listening to Su Mei's analysis, Hailong's title to Poseidon also changed back. Before Aphrodite's arrival, he heard the tone of Hailong and complained. Poseidon was here, but now that he understood that Poseidon had troubles, he immediately adjusted his attitude back.

Because, like Hailong, several other patron saints continued to scream injustice for Poseidon, Somei had to speak out to calm them down before she said, "According to the previous Zeus installation of energy collapse on Persephone, The indirect control of Hadith by the Array, combined with the recent situation that the Twelve Star Gods have also been installed with the energy disintegration method, your boss Poseidon is estimated to have also been installed with the energy disintegration method. It may also be Someone else who Poseidon cares about is loaded with energy disintegration, or there may be other reasons, but the probability is very low. The most likely thing is that Poseidon himself has a disintegration.

"Actually, we put energy on our boss to dispel the magic circle. Such despicable means have been used, and Zeus is too vicious!" Hailong said angrily.

"Anyway, it ’s a distraction now. As long as Zeus can control the Olympus Protoss, he wo n’t collapse immediately, and he wo n’t be able to manage that much for the time being. So it ’s very possible that Zeus installed an energy dispel spell on Poseidon Su Mei said again and again, "The reason why Poseidon encouraged you to transfer is probably because you know you can't run away, but you don't want to involve you in suffering with him, so I want to spend you. This way, at least one can be counted, which is better than all being pinched by Zeus. "

"It turned out that the boss was thinking of letting us escape each other, really ... we actually doubted him!" Said one patron saint, taking a slap at himself, while the other patrons' faces flushed together. As if that slap was hitting their seven faces at the same time.

After being silent for a while, Hailong first recovered and asked, "Since we know the situation, we can't run by ourselves, at least we must accompany the boss of Poseidon to fight together."

Hailong's words were naturally endorsed by the patron saints, but Su Mei still discouraged: "I advise you to be excited. If Poseidon is really equipped with energy to dispel the magic circle, our guild We have the ability to solve it. Before we just passed the method to Hephaestus, he has successfully helped the twelve-star **** to complete the suppression of the energy disintegration. However, before we start, you must not do it. Something extreme has stimulated Zeus, otherwise as long as he starts the disintegration circle with a single thought, your boss Poseidon will probably become a wasteful man with no trace of power even if he does not die. In addition, everything before us is our speculation In fact, we don't have any direct evidence. Although this speculative result is very reliable, we should go to Poseidon to confirm it as soon as possible. Only he himself acknowledged that this matter was finally determined. "

"Yeah, let's ask the boss for it." Hailong probably thought that Poseidon had felt guilty before, so this would be particularly positive. But before he turned around, Su Mei stopped him.


"Huh? What?" Hailong, who was about to turn around, was forced to control her body again.

"It is necessary to confirm this matter, but it cannot be left to you. Although we speculate that Poseidon should be controlled, this is our guess after all, in case he really gets into his head and wants to take you all Be a bait, even if you ask, you wo n’t be able to ask anything, because he will act as you think, so that you can use him as a bait. So, to really confirm this matter, just Only our people will ask, and it must be a person of sufficient value. In this case, if Poseidon really intends to use you as a bait, then as soon as our person arrives, he can already execute the plan, then the bait There is no need to sustain the plan. "

The patron saints nodded in response, and finally Hailong said, "So you have to send a capable person to talk to Lord Poseidon."

"Don't worry about that, isn't Ziri right here?" Aphrodite interjected suddenly.

Su Mei confirmed: "Yes, President Ziri is on your side, so I will contact him for confirmation, you just have to wait for the news."

After cutting off communication with them, Su Mei immediately contacted me who was still flying at sea and told me everything. Immediately after confirming the news, I diverted and flew to Athens.

After receiving this mission, I should immediately fly to the Temple of Poseidon to find Poseidon, but why should I fly to Athens first? Is this the reason ... Greek players have to blame.

As I said before, the Poseidon Temple and the Seven Poseidon Pillars are hidden maps, not accessible from the beginning of the game. To launch these maps, someone must complete the launch task. As long as one person completes the task, these areas will be open to the outside world. In the future, everyone can enter the same way as ordinary maps, or only need to meet some simple restrictions. However, the mission maps of the Temple of Poseidon in Greece and the Seven Pillars of Poseidon are currently closed, and Greek players have not even opened a map.

Although Aphrodite was working for us, she was the Olympus Protoss, so she could enter these hidden maps. The problem is that even if I am strong, I am still a player. In front of the system, I am only a very powerful player, but even a strong player is still a player, and it is not a concept at all. It is also because I am still considered a player by the system, so these maps are the same for me and others. Even if I am strong, I still ca n’t get in.

Now when I fly to Athens, I just rush to pick up the mission. In order for the protoss of the Poseidon to join our guild smoothly, I have to make a contribution to the Greek players this time. Although they may not have my affection, I must do it! Otherwise you won't see Poseidon at all! Of course, it is also possible to get Poseidon, but this method is a bit difficult. After all, Poseidon is the main **** of the Poseidon system. Just like Zeus and Hades cannot run around, Poseidon is fine and ca n’t walk around. , So it really took a bit of effort to get him out. With that effort, I might as well go ahead and finish the Greek map task, anyway, it won't take long for me to get the task done.

"Why is it so noisy outside?" A guy wearing a gorgeous armor and followed by a large group of younger brothers frowned and asked the younger brother behind him in the largest mission release office in Athens.

A guy who looked stubborn and eye-catching immediately said, "Chairman, you take the task first, and I'll see what happens." After that guy got out of the crowd and ran out of the task hall.

The guy who rushed out of the hall saw a huge circle-shaped crowd at first glance. Why do we say that the crowd is circular? Because there is a person in the center of the circle, and this person is in an absolute vacuum zone within five meters, it seems that there are invisible walls separating him from the crowd. All people consciously dodge outside this range, but everyone again I really want to watch this person, so the end result is that the crowd forms a huge circle outside this range. There is no one inside the circle, and there are many people outside the circle.

Immediately after glancing at the crowd, the gangster-eyed guy immediately turned his attention to the person surrounded by the circle. It ’s not possible to move around. People around are hiding at the periphery. It ’s so obvious that people stand in the center. People will notice this side.

At first, the guy thought that this time someone had killed a monster that was out of the question, and then returned with the monster's head to the task. Last time, he encountered a guy who killed an ss-class heavy armored tyrannosaurus rex, and then deliberately did not dig for the dragon crystal required by the mission, but dragged the whole dragon back to display it. At that time, the crowd was just like this time. It was the third floor inside and the third floor that surrounded the stairs outside the mission hall.

However, this time he miscalculated. The person surrounded by the crowd did not bring any extras at all, of course, the thing that attracted everyone's attention was indeed on him, because this person was wearing a shiny armor with an outer layer of crystal. The majestic shape, the gorgeous and noble colors, and the light and visually striking structure, no matter which aspect, it is all a sign that this is a set of top battle armor, and it is a set of equipment.

Up to now, players have generally passed the 1,000 level mark, so the convenience of equipment has been significantly improved, but no matter how much you improve, the set is still very rare equipment. It's not that this thing is hard to do. Regarding the appearance probability, the appearance probability of the suit is not much worse than that of ordinary equipment. The key problem is that even if a suit is obtained, not many people will wear it.

Is the outfit bad? Of course not, its attributes are quite good, and because there are joint attributes between the kit components, in fact, even with the same system rating, the performance of the kit is generally higher than the parts. But why isn't anyone wearing it? This reason is actually very easy to explain. Think of branded and compatible machines in the computer market? The set equipment is that brand machine, and its performance is generally slightly higher than that of compatible machines. However, just as technology will advance and computers will always be eliminated, players will also upgrade, and their equipment also needs to be changed frequently. However, if you hit a piece of equipment, if you find it better, immediately replace the original one. Players are not entangled. However, the suits and equipment are all complete sets, so you have to change them as soon as you change them. Otherwise, if you only replace one, the overall performance of the suit will immediately drop by one-third. Who suffers this situation? So, nowadays, players can avoid wearing suits and try not to use suits. Otherwise, if they go up to find new equipment, they may have headaches at that time.

Of course, the above are just the ordinary suits, and there is another suit that is the best in the best, and everyone wants to grab it. This is a growable outfit. Because it can grow with the master's battle process, it saves the trouble of replacement. Also, the growth direction of the growth equipment is not fixed. If you wear it melee daily, its growth direction will be closer to the melee system, and if you wear its archery jumping up and down, it will develop in agile direction, of course The words of the mage will develop in terms of mana attack and defense enhancement.

Is there anything better than this one that suits you best? Even if the attributes are more gorgeous, and they are not in harmony with your routine, that is a waste product. Therefore, the growth suit that can automatically grow with the owner is the best we all dream of. It is more attractive than any artifact or Holy Spirit. Of course, if there is a growth artifact set, it would be more perfect.

In fact, there is another hidden advantage of growth equipment, which is that it is particularly profitable. Not to mention that such good equipment itself is very valuable, and the value it creates alone is difficult to estimate. The probability of everyone getting equipment in the game is basically fixed, which is not to say that you won't get other equipment when you get the growth equipment. But because you have growth gear, you don't have to change gear. So what about the newly acquired equipment? Of course it was sold. This is an intangible income. Those who change equipment can of course sell out of equipment, but you don't want to think about what is the most expensive? Of course, it is the equipment that the market urgently needs. For most ordinary players, their levels are not much different, and the equipment you don't use is basically not used by others. How can this equipment be sold at a high price? However, if the good equipment you just hit is different, this is good equipment, which is just right for you, it means that it is also suitable for others, and you do n’t need to change equipment when you have growth equipment This equipment can be sold immediately. Sell ​​before the market demand. At this time, everyone is rushing for it. You can naturally raise the price. This way, you can make more money than ordinary players simply change equipment. Therefore, the growth equipment not only has good attributes, but also helps you make money.

The guy with the eyebrows and eyebrows has now confirmed that the person in front of him is wearing growth equipment, because even the highest level of ordinary equipment is based on a certain routine. For example, as the level of a soldier's armor continues to rise, although it will become more and more gorgeous, its texture is roughly the same. It seems that in the real world, things made in the United States, Japan, Europe, China, and Russia all have certain styles. Sometimes you only need to take a look to know which country's products.

The shape of the equipment is also roughly the same. In fact, even if it is the highest level of warrior equipment, it is also developed on the basis of the warrior suit in Novice Village. Although there is almost no common structure between the two, a normal person can immediately confirm that they are the same thing. The only difference from these standard equipment is probably those self-made equipment and growth equipment. However, most of the self-made equipment has defects. After all, most of the players are not professional art designers, and the equipment is strange and normal. Only growth equipment is constantly changing according to the way users use it, so there will be obvious differences in shape. Therefore, as long as you see special style equipment that is not in the equipment sequence and find that its shape is perfect, then this thing is all about growth equipment.

A player wearing growth equipment is a player wearing advanced growth equipment, most likely an artifact growth suit. What kind of person is this? The gangster-eyed guy was so surprised he almost forgot his breath.

The guy was in a daze, and the crowd had retreated to him, because the attention was not here, so this guy didn't respond for a moment and was almost knocked down by the crowd, but just as he almost fell It helped him. He suddenly turned around and found out that his boss didn't know when he came out, and behind him were other high-level players in their guild.

"President!" The guy shouted awkwardly.

The president just helped him up, then stood there, and the younger brothers who followed him naturally rushed forward and pushed the crowd aside. Those who were pushed away were originally prepared to resist, but at first glance they did not dare to say a word, and all of them obediently gave way.

The crowd was moving. They moved with me, but the chairman did not move, so he gradually passed through the circle formed by the crowd and entered the area within the circle.

I didn't even want to take care of this guy standing on top of the steps and looking down at me. Seeing him standing at that position and looking down at me using the advantages of terrain height, but also embracing his hands on his chest, followed by a large group of younger brothers, made it clear that he was about to step on me to show prestige. As for why he stepped on me, do you still need to ask this? Obviously because my equipment made him feel challenged. I can see at a glance people like him. Usually, he is definitely the situation person in this place. No matter whether he is good or bad, it is sure to attract attention. Such people don't care whether they are admired or spurned, as long as they are concerned about them, they are very happy, and if anyone dares to grab the limelight, they must be prepared to accept his fierce revenge.

Although I saw the guy who was there, I didn't care about this guy. He calmly walked in front of him, then looked up at him as if only to find him, and then I turned around and walked around from his side.

That guy obviously never met someone like me, because everyone who was blocked by him either begged for mercy directly, or just confronted him and then repaired miserably. When he was an obstacle like me, and he was going to go around as soon as he turned around, this was the first time he encountered it, so that he didn't respond when I walked around to his side and was still in a daze.

However, although he was holding his own, his little brothers reacted. One of them suddenly took a step to the side and stretched out his arm to block my way.

I bumped into the arm in front of me, and then I slowly looked up at the guy in the way. When the other party saw that I turned my attention, he glared at me with a very arrogant expression, followed by a very disdainful finger to point to their boss, and the meaning was obvious, asking me to talk to their boss. As for the guy who was hung up there, I just happened to be deep and impressed by the convenience of missing the interception opportunity.

It was just annoying to ignore the guy before, but now this guy's behavior is not worth giving in. Of course, I did not follow his instructions, but continued to stare at him, the guy glared at me more viciously like an idiot, and then deliberately put on a look that I was a bad person and threatened to raise his hand and made a wish Slap my slap. He didn't really want to fan me, it was just a deterrent act, equivalent to intimidation. However, because I knew his intentions, I deliberately misinterpreted what he meant.

Just after the guy raised his palm to make a slapping gesture, I suddenly kicked it lightningly on his chest, because the movement was too fast, the people around him felt a flower in front of them, and then the person He flew into the mission hall with screams all the way, and then heard a scream and scream from the hall, and finally there was a sound of ping-pong tables and chairs overturning.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, all the people were stunned, and when they finally reacted, they found that I had actually reached the top of the steps and was walking towards the main hall. The guy with the quickest response pointed at me and rushed over, and then put one hand on my shoulder and wanted to turn me around. But turning him around turned me around, but before he could speak, I kicked him on his chest, and flew out with him like his companions. It's just different from the unlucky guy in the front. The guy flew into the hall immediately, so the visual effect is not too shocking, but he flew on the empty street.

The adventure mission release itself is a quite large building, its base is about five or six meters higher than the city foundation. Only through a wide step on the edge of the foundation can the building base be stepped on to enter the hall, but this design is This makes a certain height difference between the mission release and the building opposite. In addition, the length of the step is not long due to the small inclination of the step, and in order not to extend the step to the road in front, the entire mission release has been retracted backwards, which makes it across the street. The buildings have relatively large gaps.

The guy who was kicked by me just took off directly from the top of the step, and then did not fall. Instead, he flew along the parabola diagonally upward, and then began to enter the descending stage. But before the parabola was over, he just He had made a big bang and broke a hole from the roof of the building opposite him and fell into the building, and then he was thrown out again, but at this time he was already a corpse Because the sign on the opposite building clearly says-City Bank. Obviously, the bank's door is always open to customers, but if you try to get in through the window, you're sorry.

The two people who intercepted me in a blink of an eye were killed and injured. Although the one who died was not killed by me, at least it was because of me. Such a violent treatment immediately made the guy at the door violent. However, although he had a problem with his head, he was not all fools around him, at least he was a clever man who looked stubborn. Seeing me turning and continuing to walk inside the hall, the guy hugged a leg of their president who was trying to chase me, and then hugged it tightly, while persuading in his mouth, "Don't be impulsive We can't afford that man! "

"Huh, who in this land in Greece can't I mess with?" The very expressive president dragged the guy hanging on his lap like a mule and walked into the hall while talking loudly Vent.

The guy said, "You didn't look at the man's chest?"

"Chest? He's not a woman. What am I staring at his chest?"

"No, boss, I'm talking about badges! The man's chest has an ice rose badge, and it's a three-dimensional one!"

"Ice rose?" The president froze for a while, then suddenly turned around and looked at his little brother and exclaimed: "That guy is from the Frost Rose Alliance? Wait, you said he had a three-dimensional badge? Isn't it the chairman who can bring it? Could it be that he is ... "

Seeing that their boss finally reacted, the thief dared to let go of their boss' thighs, and then took a breath and relaxed. However, he was just out of breath, their boss suddenly moved again and ran to the hall. Seeing that their boss ran away, the thief immediately rushed over and tried to hug his thigh. As a result, he only touched the edge of the armor a half-time later, without any obstruction. Seeing that their chairman had already taken a step, he screamed, "Boss, what do you know if you know what to do?"

Originally, the thief was just doing everything to listen to his destiny. I didn't expect their president to answer him. I didn't expect to see them rushing in and out under his long feet, but his voice floated far away: "I'm sorry. Ah! Or are you really waiting to be trampled by others? "

When the president rushed into the lobby, the first thing he saw was that his younger brother was dragged out of the counter. After this guy just flew in, he plunged into a counter and crashed through the counter. He crashed into the file cabinet at the back. If it wasn't full of files, he'd probably have a head-to-head confrontation with the granite wall behind the cabinet.

Sudden chaos disrupted the normal order at the mission release, so several guards rushed in from the outside. The chairman came earlier than the guards entered, so when he saw the guards rush in through several other doors, the first reaction was to step forward to stop the guards. He intends to take things down and sell them to me as a way of offsetting the mistakes he made. However, he underestimated the speed of the guards. Before he could respond, the guards ran to my side, but what surprised him was that the guards ran directly past me as if they hadn't seen me, and dragged his little brother Come out, as for me, the guards don't even say they arrested me, they didn't even ask.

At first, the chairman thought that I had used any special skills that could make me invisible, but then the speculation was overturned, because one of them came towards me with a smile, and he knew this guy. This is the director of the lobby of the publishing office here, he can control everything here, including the guards. Usually the president sees this supervisor. The other person is holding a dead face. He never fakes colors on others, but today is uncharacteristically so enthusiastic about me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, our task release office has always been chaotic and made you laugh." The supervisor greeted me as he talked, and took a small bag from me with no trace. It is a pity that although he is very skillful, the chairman who has been watching us still sees it.

"Rely on it, that's okay?" The president knew what was in it when he saw the cloth bag, because that thing was the money bag used by the bank to issue money. This thing is the same in all banks in the game, so as long as you go to the bank to withdraw money. Seeing that I handed the money bag to that supervisor, the chairman knew that I was bribing someone even if he was stupid. He finally figured out why I was not embarrassed by the guards. After a long while, the supervisor saw the money bag I was carrying and saw what I meant from my slight movements, so he went Gesturing in advance to keep the guard from provoking me, this also caused confusion among the surrounding crowd. Of course, although people who really see and understand the whole process are more than just one, they are definitely not many, so most people murmur there, and some even guess that I may be hiding ss or something.

When those people guessed where I came from, I was talking to that supervisor. After handing the money bag to him, I said smoothly: "I'm going to the Sea Emperor's Palace. Is the map opening mission with you?"

"Are here, please come with me." The supervisor received my money and was naturally polite to me, not to mention that the task was originally their job, just to open a back door for me without having to wait in line. Of course he would not care.

The supervisor took me directly to a very comfortable table and asked me to sit down. This is a VIP reception area. You must have received more than one hundred tasks at the task release office, and the completion rate is above 95. It is possible to sit here to pick up tasks. Although it is only a comfortable position, people have vanity. Everyone else sits on a hard bench and is received by an ordinary receptionist. You can sit on the sofa and talk to the supervisor. This is a difference in status and can satisfy the vanity of many people. So don't underestimate this seat, it is actually a place where many people want to sit.

Immediately after setting me to sit down, the supervisor ran to the wall on the side of the hall, and called an ordinary person to help him take down a task scroll hanging from the top of the wall. The reason this scroll hangs so high is not because it is unimportant, but because it is too high. The task of developing maps is a non-limiting team task. To put it simply, this task suggests that you better prepare a team to do the task, but you have to go alone, so it is called a non-limiting team task.

In fact, this thing has been hanging here for at least several months. Naturally, there are many people who see it ~ ~ Someone has taken over this task before, and most of the other people take the unit as a guild. One of the missions was even three small guilds acting in unison, but was this the result ... you can guess when you see the scroll hanging there.

The chased president can be said to be the number of large guilds in Greece. Although it is hard to say that it is the first guild in Greece, the first three are absolutely no doubt. They also took this task before the guild, and of course they failed. The main task is that the task is too complicated and it is troublesome to complete. Many people need to intersperse each other to complete the task. During this period, as long as a team of people went wrong, the entire task would be ruined, so they did it three times without success. Every time either this team makes a mistake or that team makes a mistake. This is like if you let a person recite a lesson, you need to make sure that you don't make mistakes, but it can usually be done. But if you let a hundred people back together, and no one can make mistakes, as long as one person is wrong, you have to start all over from 100 people. In this case, it may not be completely correct to toss back and forth a dozen times. Therefore, this kind of multi-threaded task is the most troublesome task of major guilds. After all, it is not difficult to ensure that there are a group of elites in the guild. However, to ensure that all guilds are elites, it is not a simple matter.

"He is going to take this task?" Seeing that the supervisor took the removed scroll and was going to go to my side, the supervisor who was near him immediately stepped forward and pulled the supervisor to ask.


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