Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 220: Third party forces

Poseidon said that the Twelve-Star God did not come to the Temple of Neptune, and when I saved the Twelve-Star God before, I told them to let them come directly, but now they have not arrived. This is obviously not normal, so I The only result I can think of is what kind of trouble the Twelve-Star God may have encountered in the halfway, otherwise it is justified. / After all, I have run so many places after being separated from them. Even if I have a flying bird speed, but the two negotiations and the time to discuss with the rose, why should they arrive, no one has been there for so long It must be an accident.

"Poseidon, here you should prepare as soon as possible, I will see what happened to the Twelve Star God, so many of them will not disappear out of thin air, even if they are intercepted, I think this time should not be End the fight. "

"Do I need someone to come with you?"

"No, I'm faster. I really need help. I'll send someone back to inform you. But Isinger's mobile fortress is about to arrive. I may not have time to meet them. You still have to send someone to pick it up. For specific things, use the communicator I left here. There is a large signal station on the Essinger Mobile Fortress. As long as it is close to a certain range, the communicator can be started directly. You can arrange specific affairs according to the command over there. "

"I understand this, you just go and do it for you."

I nodded and left the Temple of Neptune, and followed the path of the twelve-star **** to the Temple of Neptune, looking backward to the valley before. If they are intercepted, as long as the battle has not ended, they should still be on this route, and I can always find them along this route.

When I returned to the land from the Temple of Neptune, I passed the newly opened channel again and encountered the players who guarded the entrance of the last time, but this time there was no battle. Those players were resting in groups of three or five. Many people have come up with some checkerboards or something to play with. It looks like my last help was pretty good, at least no enemy broke through here.

Seeing me appear, the players around me immediately became silent. However, I didn't mean to talk to them, and summoned Ye Ying directly to ride up, and then ran out of the hole.

Except for the cave tunnel and looking forward all the way, I soon found the problem at a place passing by a small mountain peak.

Twelve Star Gods They are not just twelve people. After being discovered, they came out with all the Saints in the Star God Temple, and the Star God Temple is not only the twelve Star God Olympians. Protoss, they still have some genuine Olympus Protoss, although not as powerful as their twelve. But in any case, it is also a regular Olympus protoss, and the combat effectiveness is not too bad. According to this list, there are thousands of people in the team of the Twelve Stars, and the trace of such a huge team moving on the ground is definitely very obvious. Therefore, I quickly confirmed the trace of their progress on the road. But the trace suddenly turned a corner at the location I found and turned straight into a mountain road next to it.

"Strange? Why did these guys turn around halfway?" I looked at the trace on the ground in doubt, holding my chin there for a long time and wondering what was going on.

The team of the Star Temple is obviously not going the wrong way, because the down road they turned up to is just a beast path, and strictly speaking, it can not even be regarded as a road. Even if thousands of people in the entire Star Temple are road idiots, such obvious road changes will not be invisible. As for saying that they have something else turned suddenly ... I think this possibility is very small. They were exposed at that time, and they were on the run. What else is more important than reaching the Temple of Neptune as soon as possible? So it's obviously weird that they turned here.

Now that the team's route has changed, naturally I can only follow the route to find out the situation. In any case, their team of thousands of people would definitely not be able to get up and they should catch up with the speed of night shadows.

"Night shadow. Go this way. Go after it."

Ye Ying heard my order and stood up directly, then turned around and directed the path and rushed up. Because the night shadow is flying in suspension, the unevenness on the ground and the dead trees have no effect on our speed. Fully letting go of the shadows of the night, the speed of the night is fast, and we are like a black lightning moving fast in the denser and denser jungle, and then disappear in the dense forest in a blink of an eye.

On the road outside the dense forest, just after we entered the deep forest, the path we had turned up suddenly made it come alive. Several large trees that had been separated on both sides of the path suddenly moved closer to the middle, and even the weeds on the ground moved to the middle of the road, while those behind the dense path seemed to be messy when large troops passed by. The grass and broken branches also miraculously returned to their normal positions. Then a trail that was clearly visible a minute ago completely disappeared into the woods in the blink of an eye.

"It's just a small character. It doesn't take much effort." A guy wearing a purple-black armor with two eyeball-shaped metal bumps on his shoulders suddenly came out of the woods across the disappearing path.

The other wore the same purple-black armor. But guys with completely different styles and patterns of armor also jumped out of the tree. After looking at the disappearing path, the man said to the person next to him: "Master Diderot must not be half-sloppy with what he ordered. Pay attention to clearing the traces, and the people behind others have found it."

The guy with eyes on his shoulders said with disappointment: "Is Lord Diderot too careful? It's just a mortal in the lower world. Is it necessary to be so careful?"

The guy who jumped down from the tree said sternly: "How can you idiot understand the wisdom of Lord Diderot. It's not the mortals who worry about the lord, but the **** of the Olympian Protoss. This is Olin after all In the realm of the Pepsi Protoss, although they are now planning to fight against the organization of what kind of ice and flower alliance, how can that kind of organization defeat the Olympian Protoss? So, the strength of the Olympian Protoss still exists, we This time I was here to take advantage of the robbery and weaken the strength of the Olympian Protoss. In case the Olympian Protoss found it, it was impossible for us to run out of the sphere of influence of the Olympian Protoss. So Any sloppy carelessness may have killed us, do you understand? "

"You don't have to do it if you don't understand." The guy with metal eyeballs on his shoulders obviously didn't take the words of the other person seriously, except that Diderot might have a higher status than them. So since this is the other party's direct order, he is hard to say anything, but can only listen.

The guy next to him probably knew what this guy was about, so as long as he wasn't lazy, he wouldn't care about him, just shook his head helplessly and decided to leave. However, as soon as he turned around, he was suddenly there, because it was not until then that he found a person standing behind his back. The man had just ran into the side trail just in front of them half a minute ago.

"Speaking of which, how could you be sent out to the field this time? It wasn't always the same before ..." While the guy next to him was choking, the guy with eyes on his shoulders was talking as well He turned around, but after seeing me, the words in his mouth were also stuck directly there.

Just staring at me for ten seconds, the guy with metal eyeballs on his shoulders reacted first. He suddenly yelled and stretched out his hand to pull the weapon from his waist, but the result was that he grabbed an empty space, and just as he turned around to look, I was holding a weirdly shaped machete. : "Are you looking for this?" After seeing the other person's eyes turned around, I directly bounced on the knife with the finger that covered eternity, and only heard the crisp ding, the machete straight from It was broken in two by the position I was hitting. The grip was still grasping in my hand, but the front half of the blade fell directly into the ground.

"Ah ... my Castle Scimitar!"

Seeing that guy looked like his beloved baby was broken, I directly said, "What kind of distress is that kind of broken? I'll send you a better one, pay attention to it." I said directly A flying knife was thrown out. And into the palm of that guy's palm directly in the next second.

Listening to the screams coming from there, I directly lifted Eternal, who did not know when it had become a hook sickle, with one hand to the right, and then turned to look at the gun pointed up The throat guy said coldly, "I don't like others suddenly coming near me, so please don't move around. By the way, I am timid and can't control the strength of my hand when I'm afraid, so you better still Don't do anything that scares me, lest I accidentally hurt you. "

The guy next to me with the tip of the gun listened to me but didn't dare to open his mouth to answer. At this time, the skin on his neck could clearly feel the coldness from the tip of the gun. As a Protoss. He would never be threatened by ordinary weapons. However, the weapon he was pointing at now had a powerful breath of death. Let him, the numerous protoss who kill many people, feel that the whole body's cold sweat hairs are upright and cold sweat DC, and there is no scaring urine pants!

"Oh, that guy over there, if I were you, you wouldn't gather magic at this time, this is a very bad habit." The guy next to the guy with the metal eyeball on his shoulder was told by me Immediately settled, but the magic on his body did not disappear, but instead rose madly faster.

when. As he desperately increased his magic power to launch a sudden attack, a loud noise suddenly came from behind him, and then he saw the guy straight forward and fell to the ground, and the guy with a metal eyeball on his shoulder was beside him. Horrified looked at the sudden addition of black armor warriors around him.

"What does this guy do?" The king kicked the guy on the ground and looked up and asked me.

"Bundle them first."

"What about this?" The king asked again, pointing at the guy with metal eyeballs on his shoulders.

"I still have something to ask him." After that, I immediately lowered the hook sickle and walked towards the guy with a metal eyeball on his shoulder, pierced by a flying knife, and the guy who had lost the threat had just When I was ready to act, I suddenly felt a bit cold behind me. As a result, I saw a beautiful woman looking at him and smiled, and then the next second he knew nothing, because the stone would not have thought.

One of his two companions was knocked out in the blink of an eye, and the other was turned into a stone statue, and his hand was injured. The guy with a metal eyeball on his shoulder immediately realized that he was completely Not our opponents, it's not even possible to resist.

"A wise choice, it seems that only you are the smartest of a few people." My sudden words surprised the other person.

"Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Don't be nervous, just some superficial consciousness. Rest assured, reading deep memory is troublesome, and there is a certain probability of failure. But the person being read will inevitably die. I don't want to miss any important information because of losing the read object, So ... you know what I mean? "

The guy on the other side immediately nodded his head to eat rice with the chicken, and then desperately answered, "No problem, no problem, you can ask what you want to know."

I nodded and then stretched out my left hand and grabbed his wrist, followed by the right hand to grab the dagger still inserted in the palm of his hand and pulled out, before a flash of light flashed before the guy came to scream, his The cry was suppressed immediately, then he raised his hand in doubt and looked at the palm. It was found that the wound above had completely disappeared.

After he was healed, I began to ask casually, "Are you the Odin Protoss?"

"Um." The guy was studying his palms, and when he suddenly heard the question, he said it instinctively, but he held it down the next second, but only responded with a meal and quickly explained: "Yes, yes, yes , We are the Odin Protoss, this time sent by our captain to perform the task. "

"Your captain is the Diderot you talked about before?"

"Did you hear that?" The guy was obviously very surprised. Because they were watching me disappear into the path at that time, even if I found out that they should not come back so fast, he thought I shouldn't hear that conversation.

I already knew that the guy must have found some doubts, and I didn't intend to hide it, so I simply reminded him: "Remember how you came here?"

"I'm ..." The guy's first two words were quick, but suddenly he got stuck, because he suddenly realized that he couldn't remember how he got here to perform the task. After a few seconds of pause, the guy called out suddenly. "Am I dreaming?"

When people are dreaming, they often shuttle back and forth between different scenes, but there is no intermediate process, if you are in a dream. The most direct way to judge is to think about how you reached this position. If you ca n’t remember, then congratulations, you are in a sober dream, you can make good use of this dream to do something you do n’t dare to leave The things you do, after all, are your dreams, you do n’t have to be responsible for anything you do. Of course, if you have the habit of sleepwalking or talking, then it is better not to do things that are too exaggerated, otherwise you accidentally say what you did alive. That might be shameful.

"You actually dragged me into this dream, a dreammaker? You you you ... how can you!"

"Is this strange?"

"This ..." The guy wanted to say something. But after thinking about it for a while, I suddenly stopped, and then it seemed that the ball that had been leaking suddenly suddenly softened. Then he said mournfully, "Since it's all like that, it doesn't make sense to ask that one, right? If you have any questions, please hurry up! Anyway, this time I admit it!"

I smiled and nodded, and then with one of my ringing fingers, the surrounding environment was suddenly twisted, and the guy found that he was back in reality. He and his two companions weren't standing in the middle of the road at all, but fell in the grass where they were hiding, except that the two were still in a coma and only he was awake.

"Well, tell me now, the purpose of your coming here."

Probably really gave up, this guy really responded very cooperatively: "We are orders to come to attack the Olympus Protoss to see if we can get some benefits."

"Did your captain know anything, why did you suddenly have such an order?"

"Not our captain, but Lord Lord Odin knew what alliance was going to fight against the Olympians, so I felt this was a good opportunity to weaken the Olympians. We were ordered to come and kill Olympus. Protoss, the Olympus Protoss could not find us in this kind of battle ~ ~ so we can take the opportunity to let the Olympus Protoss bleed more blood. Wait until the Olympus Protoss destroys that After the alliance ’s mortal organization, we can take the opportunity to attack the Olympus Protoss ~~ -Updates ~ At that time, when they have just fought a battle, it is very weak, and we can definitely defeat the Olympus Protoss in one fell swoop. Occupy this land. "

I nodded and accepted his answer. According to the actual situation, this guy should be telling the truth. The conflict between the Odin Protoss and the Olympus Protoss is not a day or two, and it is normal for both sides to pay attention to each other. The matter between the Protoss of Olympus and us is so big this time, the Protoss of Odin cannot know nothing about it, but it is the most reasonable situation. However, because the news was too occluded, they were obviously wrong about the strength gap between us and the Olympus Protoss, or they did not understand at all what our Frost Rose League is.

Because of this misjudgment of the situation, the Odin Protoss chose a wrong action, but it seems that the first unlucky person is not Zeus, but us, because the first attacked has actually turned to us. Twelve Star Gods. However, is it true that these unlucky children have recently offended the goddess of revenge? Why did they get into trouble?

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