Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 224: Covert action

Although the abyss demons are not a species that knows the peace of mind, they know that their situation is not suitable for fighting now, so they know that we did not dare to run over to prevent the people from leaving. m (_) Of course, the reason for this effect is not just because both sides are now stunned, but more importantly, it is not ordinary creatures that are attacked, but a group of protoss. In fact, although the abyss demons are very aggressive, they are not really without any intelligence. Even if they only have low-level intelligence like a beast, they know at least what kind of enemies can't touch, but because of the chaos aura, it is natural that they don't want to match the protoss. Besides, they are still in a state of faint, and they are even more afraid to fight with the Protoss.

Without the abyss demon's obstruction, the speed of retreat was naturally very fast. The personnel of the Star Temple quickly left the cave, and then all crowded at the bottom of the rotating channel that had come down before. Seeing the people in front of them crowded and left, I had to fly over them, only to see a large group of people at that end arguing together.

"What's the matter?" I asked the little gods who were quarreling at the Star Temples after they landed.

Even the Twelve Star Gods are very kind to me. These little gods are naturally more respectful, and when they saw me, they immediately became quiet. Hearing my question, a little **** who had not been involved in the quarrel before replied, "We are arguing which way to go."

"What is the right way to go?" I looked at him with a doubt and asked: "When I came down, there was only one road, and there was no fork?"

One of the two people who just quarreled at this time explained quickly: "When we came down, there was only this way. But after the illusion disappeared, we knew that we had been led to another fork. At that time, the Lord God decided Immediately returned the same way, but the result was that we walked up the rotating channel not far after and found that we had entered the cave just now. "

"One-way chaotic passage?" I immediately asked in surprise.

The protoss nodded and said, "There was really only one way when we came down, but we were completely messed up when we returned, so we are now going to argue. I think since the original way was wrong. Then we should try other channels, but they I thought that we should continue to go up, so there was a stalemate on both sides before we started arguing. "

When I heard them, I nodded and said, "That being the case, let me experiment and leave."

"Experiment?" Several little gods looked at me in wonder, not knowing how I would experiment.

Without answering their questions, I released the dart directly, and told him the current situation, and the dart immediately walked up the channel. But in less than a second he was back from the direction of the cave we just came back from. The speed of darts is the speed of light. Obviously, this channel is not 300,000 kilometers long. Naturally, the speed of darts is less than one second. But the walk is over. But it turned out that the way to go back must be wrong, because according to this method, it will only go around in circles here, and it won't go out at all.

"Dart, do you remember where you entered the cave just now? That cave seems to have only one entrance?"

The dart quickly replied to me that he entered the passage just from the portal just out of the abyss demon. When I heard this answer, I just stumbled, because I didn't expect it to be there.

A protoss next to him frowned and asked, "Do we need to get into that portal to try?"

"Not sure." Another Protoss said: "An abyss demon appeared in that portal. It means that there is more than one connection point, and it looks like this is not a simple one-way portal, but a multi-portal hybrid teleport. We engage in Rushing in without knowing the law of teleportation will only lose yourself in the huge space made up of portals. Don't even think about going out. "

"Will you know if you can go back from the portal and try it?" I directly asked the dart to explore the road, anyway, although the dart was not effective. But at his speed, it was very easy to get around the enemy.

Upon receiving the order, the dart ran back immediately. I also entered the portal in less than a second, and then I immediately felt that the connection with the dart became very weak. It is obvious that the portal is a very far away from here, otherwise the spiritual contact between me and the pet that ignores obstacles and distances will become so blurred. It seems that the previous experience of being cut off from communication has happened to us. The two sides are not in the same plane. So, is that portal really connected to the abyss plane?

"It seems a bit troublesome." The next few Protoss didn't know why I suddenly said such things, but I didn't wait for them to respond and I released the Blazers. "Let's not go this way, just go out another way."

Although brute force cracking is not the best method, you have to admit that as long as you can do it, you can usually get rid of the traps of the agencies that cause you headaches. Just like this time. Although a circular spatial link is set in the passage, it is impossible to connect all the ground in the entire area. It is definitely feasible to open a road directly from the other direction. The key is the issue of time and labor intensity.

The trailblazer is a full-time hole puncher, and the digging speed is not much slower than the human ground running speed, so there should be no problem in terms of time. As for the labor intensity, there is no need to worry about this. Hole and feel tired. However, with so many of us, it will take some time to reach the ground along an aisle. This is impossible. After all, the tunnel dug by the pioneers is enough for four people to go side by side, and the rest of the Star Temple here is still at least There are more than three thousand, this speed is naturally not faster. The only luckier thing is that the abyss demons didn't catch up to make trouble, which saved us a lot of things.

In the end, it took the Blazers about half an hour to dig to the ground, and it took the two people below the Star Temple to evacuate to the ground. The main reason was that the passage was too narrow. Plus there are wounded in the team, so it can't get up fast. But anyway, it finally came out, and it is not far from the transmission channel of the Temple of the Sea.

Considering the fact that the mold stars of the Star God Temple are being photographed, I don't dare to let them go to the Sea God Temple. Can only be escorted. As for the recent luck of the Twelve-Star God, the Twelve-Star God himself does not know what is going on, but if it is a coincidence, this is too mildew, but if there is no reason, there is no way to deal with it. In the end, I can only tell them that they will not be allowed to participate in the combat mission against the Protoss of Olympus when they are at the Temple of the Sea, lest their bad luck even contagious us.

I do n’t know if the bad luck is over or because I was near to affect their luck. In short, we did n’t encounter any strange things on the way to the temple of the sea, but we only encountered those hired by Poseidon before entering the temple of the sea. Player guard. But because of my existence, there is no conflict between the two sides.

After placing the unfortunate Twelve-Star God on the side of the Temple of Poseidon and taking a short break, I and Poseidon who came to meet us asked about the situation of Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress, and Poseidon told me that Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress was in We had already entered Greek airspace more than ten minutes before we arrived, and we are now lowering altitude and approaching at low altitude. ()

Knowing that Isinger Mobile Fortress finally entered the Greek area, I no longer care about things here, but directly transmitted to Isinger Mobile Fortress. From the moment Essinger Mobile Fortress entered Greek airspace, the teleportation array on Essinger Mobile Fortress was already equipped with the function of the Greek national internal transport array. As long as you are within Greece and have permission to teleport, you can teleport directly into the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Of course, because Isinger's Mobile Fortress is a forward base, it will update the magic wave of the transmission barrier every time it goes out of the mission. This is equivalent to a combination lock, whose function is to prevent the enemy from directly entering the city through the teleportation array to cause damage. Of course, as long as there is a sufficiently powerful transmission array, the coordinate transmission can be forcibly captured. But the technical requirements for that kind of thing are too harsh, and not everyone has set it.

Out of the Issinger's mobile fortress, I immediately saw a large group of players and in and out. Of course, it is not the domestic transport array here that enters or exits, but the transnational transport array. Although we have entered Greek airspace. But just like our own cities are equipped with protective barriers, Greek cities also have their own protective barriers. Except for some system cities and some small guild cities, they use a teleportation array that accepts all transmissions. Most guild cities The teleportation arrays are all closed. We are not a local guild. Naturally, we cannot get the corresponding magic fluctuations of those teleportation arrays. In fact, if you really want to collect it, many magic waves of teleportation can also be collected, but it is meaningless to collect this thing when it is not in use. It also costs a lot of money. Besides, the fluctuation of the teleportation array is not fixed. You After a long time, I got a wave of teleportation, and your work will be wasted as soon as the next day they change the wave. Therefore, this thing basically has no value for collection. Except for those cities that we focus on, we will collect, most cities have no value for collection.

When the busy crowd saw me, they immediately separated their way. After waving their hands to signal everyone's busyness, I quickly ran to the guild command center. The main leaders in the meeting except for the basic command and dispatch of the front line It's all here.

"President." As soon as I entered the Wisdom Center, I heard several people calling me at the same time.

"How are you going now?"

Hongyue walked down from the front of the army god's console and said: "The preparations have been completed, and now we are doing the final exercises for the personnel of each part. However, the battle started so urgently, our people and Pose Winter's Poseidon protoss have no time to coordinate with each other! "

"I don't need to worry about coordination."

"Why?" Hongyue looked at me puzzled and asked.

"Because we don't need coordination." The door on the other side of the Rose Bush Command Post came in, and handed a copy of the information to Hongyue's hand. "According to our latest tactical arrangements, this battle we decided to operate separately. The Poseidon system is only responsible for the personnel and evacuation support. Hades will lead his gods of the underworld to stop Zeus and his Olympians. Protoss members, the remaining chaos and order Protoss will be reserved as a reserve team support where possible problems. Purple Sun and Wei Na, Starfire, Peacock will be responsible for breaking into the core of Mount Olympus to find the Protoss of Olympus The divine power is at the core and the soul marks of the protoss who trust us are drawn according to the list. "

"That means we are going to be divided into three parts?" Hongyue asked.

Rose nodded: "We have to come from different organizations, and the time is too short. Coming together and fighting together is likely to cause accidents such as accidents and injuries, and it is difficult to command, even with the precision of the **** of war. The ability to do micro-manipulations cannot guarantee that there will be absolutely no problems, so it is best to open up everyone. In this way, the three theaters are all self-contained combat units, and there is no coordination problem. "

Zhenhong suddenly asked: "But you didn't calculate the fighting power of our guild? After the sea god, the underworld and the purple sun all of them were removed, what about the remaining fighting power of our guild players and guild protoss? Are we in charge of keeping the house? Issinger does n’t need so many people to defend? ”

"No, no, your mission is not light at all." Rose took a few copies from the pile of papers in her hand and handed them to True Red, Kristina and Gold Coins: "The senior officers and mobile angels of this guild are wrong Will be responsible for assaulting various storage sites and various resource warehouses of the Protoss of Olympus. According to the latest information from Hera, Zeus may implement plans such as jade burning after discovering that the situation is irreparable, so in order to avoid Cause unnecessary losses, you must get these places and control them thoroughly before achieving decisive victory in other areas. The coordinates of these positions have been marked on your map, and you can always ask the **** of war. He will Navigating for you. Another thing you need to pay attention to is that these warehouses may be guarded by senior personnel, so your enemies are not just warehouse keeper. Don't take it lightly. "


"So much is planned for now."

Just after Rose said, the **** of war actually asked, "What about Isinger Mobile Fortress? You didn't arrange a battle plan for me. Isn't Isinger Mobile Fortress going to stop here after the battle?"

"Oh, forget your side." Rose felt a crystal memory stick on her body just as she remembered it, and threw it over, and then said while the army **** read the memory stick: "Essinger Mobile Fortress will Keep the current direction forward. Three hours later, that is, when the Greek side enters midnight, Isinger Mobile Fortress will enter the visible range of Mount Olympus. At that time, Isinger Mobile Fortress will be required as firepower. The platform implements a cover-up blow on Mount Olympus. The goal is to attract Zeus and others to leave Mount Olympus, and at the same time help Zi Ri's infiltration team to clear the ground obstacles. There are some memory sticks in the specific plan. You can know by yourself Now. "

The army of gods probably finished reading the memory stick, nodded and stopped talking. Naturally, everyone here took up their own plans and looked at them carefully. After the war, how many percent of our combat power can be exerted depends on everyone's implementation of the plan. As long as everyone can guarantee that the mission is completed 100% as planned, our battle will be perfect.

As we prepare for the war in full swing on our side. The atmosphere in the Greek region was also tense and swollen like a huge powder gun barrel. Although players do not know what happened to the first place, all the regions are nervous. This emotion also affected nearby players, and everyone was inexplicably nervous. But I have no idea what happened. However, this kind of thing was broken at 10.30 in the Greek time late at night, because someone saw Isinger moving fortress.

"Wh ... **** ... **** ... **** ... master the rhythm, right, right, that's it, control your muscles throughout the body, and shoot the feather arrow in your hand at the moment of breathing alternation, because only this way can guarantee Your breathing won't affect your physical state. Yes, that's it. That's it. Now aim your prey, notice its movement, and then ... "A player who was teaching his archery suddenly yelled suddenly. Because he found that his subordinates had given up the breathing rhythm, and their unconscious hands loosened, the arrow not only did not shoot out, but also bounced out horizontally, almost hitting his mentor standing on the side. "Damn what are you doing?" The player was completely angry, but he scolded for a long time but found that the scolded man had no reaction at all, but looked at the obliquely upward sluggishly, so he looked aside. It turned out that the two companions accompanying him were exactly the same, so he turned his head and glanced over there, and then he stood on the spot as if he had hit petrochemical surgery, completely dumbfounded.

Because the moonlight tonight is very bright. So he saw a huge black outline that gradually appeared from behind the mountain at a glance, and as the outline gradually approached, he first heard a commotion in the woods, and saw a large amount of less than ten seconds later. Of Warcraft and various animals rushed out of the forest, and then swarmed past them as if they had not seen them at all, just when they did not exist.

After these Horror and animal scares, the four people at the scene all eased from their drowsiness, but they haven't waited for them to remember what to do next. The four felt the slight vibration from the ground at the same time, and with a deep roar, the vibration was gradually intensifying and expanding. It felt like an earthquake, but it was different. Everyone just felt that what they stepped on was not the ground, but a screen-type vibrating concentrator.

"So what ... what the **** is that?"

"Ai ... Ai ... Isinger moves the fortress!" The player who was instructed in archery first called out. Compared to his mentor, he is a student who likes crazy forums, and he used to watch Screenshot of the moving fortress in Isinger. Although it is night, but because the moonlight is very good, and there are many glowing green ghosts flying around Isinger's Moving Fortress, the image is really recognizable. In the end the man recognized it with a glance.

Although it seems to be slow, the movement speed of Isinger's Mobile Fortress is not as slow as it seems. The reason why I don't think it moves quickly is because Isinger's mobile fortress is too large. Because the volume is too large. It takes a long time for Essinger to move his fort each time, which causes the naked eye to feel that Essinger's fortress moves very slowly. However, regardless of human senses, Isinger's mobile fortress is not slow at all. While several people recognized Isinger's mobile fortress, its front end had reached less than one kilometer in front of the four.

Don't look at the distance of one kilometer seems very far, but just like people's sense of speed is not accurate, the distance we feel is actually not accurate. When a tiny object is very close to you, say a grain of sesame placed five meters away from you, you will feel this grain of sesame is far away from you, but if you park an aircraft carrier in front of you Only five meters away from you, you will feel that you are too close to it. This sense of distance is completely determined by human self-judgment, not actual data. Essinger's mobile fortress is not as large as the aircraft carrier, so even though there is still a kilometer, four people feel that they have reached the foot of the city wall, and the vibration of the ground has already followed the trampoline. Almost, even the naked eye can see the stones on the ground and everything bounces on the ground.

"This is Isinger's Mobile Fortress?" The guy who taught archery asked his students: "Isn't that the secret weapon of the Frost Rose Alliance? How come here?"

The student probably just read the news on the forum recently, so he immediately answered: "The weapon is right, but it is not secret at all. The Frost Rose League's Essinger Mobile Fortress has been out of the field more than once. It has been spread, basically there are no secret weapons. And two days ago, I do n’t know why the Isinger Mobile Fortress suddenly appeared in France, and then attacked a small city. It is said that the entire city was ruined afterwards. . Judging by the current direction and speed of the operation, they should be the bases returning to China. "

"That means it's just passing by?" The person next to him asked.

"I don't know about this. I just guessed based on what I know. That thing is not mine. What it will do depends on what Frost Rose League wants it to do."

A few people around also responded that their problems were idiots. This companion just likes to browse the forums, but he is not a Frost Rose Alliance. How can he know what others want to do. However, although they don't know what Isinger Mobile Fortress ran here to do, they are not worried at all, because they are all free players. These four do not belong to the guild at all, so it is absolutely impossible for us to run a long way to trouble them, and they have nothing to lose, so naturally they do not worry about it. but. Although not worried about being attacked, several people immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to make money. After all, they were in a relatively biased position, and Isinger Mobile Fortress flew so low. It can be imagined that not many people have seen Essinger's mobile fortress enter Greek airspace, so the information they have in their hands becomes the new news, and the new news can all be sold for money.

After learning about the situation, the four of them still have to wait. They took out the crystal ball and started to take pictures to go back to find a large guild to sell to each other, and the video of the memory crystal was used as evidence. However, when four people took out the crystal together and began to record a message to leave, the previous archery player cried out.

"I rely, what's going on?"

"What's the matter?" The other three who had already returned to the city scrolls and prepared to flash people stopped at the yelling and looked back at him and asked what was going on.

The watched guy immediately took out his crystal ball and said, "I just took a record clearly. It turned out to be this way when I played it back." Then he entered the magic again to activate the crystal ball and chose public playback. Mode, the picture displayed is still the environment here, the only difference is that the moon is clear, but there is nothing above the forest.

"Oh?" The three next to him were all one. Then suddenly I realized what they had to take out their own record crystal to open and check, but was surprised to find that their crystal ball was not recorded.

"What's going on? Why wasn't it recorded? Essinger's Mobile Fortress was obviously there! How could it not be so close?"

"Wait." The player who first noticed no recorded information suddenly called out. "Did we not learn archery before using hawk eye and real eye skills to increase night vision?"

"Yes? Is there any problem with this?" The person next to him apparently didn't understand what was going on.

The player reminded again: "Turn off both of your skill effects, no, just turn off the real eye."

Although the other three did not understand why, they did as they said. Then they were surprised to find that Isinger's Mobile Fortress was missing. No, it's not gone, it's still there, because the vibrations on the ground and the sound above your head are there. And because of the blessing of hawk-eye, they can all see that the air above their heads obviously has some abnormal distortions. If it is on the road in the midsummer afternoon. It can also be understood as the distortion of the light caused by the heat wave, but this is at night. And it's winter. For a moment several people came to understand.

"Damn, that thing has a stealth system!"

"Not invisible." The young player said: "This is one of Frost Rose League's secret technologies. It is said to be the mirage system. It originally appeared on the large battleships of their guild, but now it seems to be equipped with that thing. It's not just warships. "

"Is this mirage system not a stealth system?"

"You need to understand it this way, but that thing should be called optical camouflage. You can use light and shadow projection to create false images to deceive any unit that depends on light. We have always opened the eyes of the real, which is equivalent to using anti-stealth. So we found Isinger Mobile Fortress all the way, but Frost Rose League is not stupid. How can we shake Isinger Mobile Fortress above our heads? They have nothing to fear, because they do n’t think anyone will be bored. I ran out in the middle of the night to see the stars. I just didn't expect to meet us. "

"But how can we not shoot it to prove that we saw Isinger Mobile Fortress?"

"No," said the first player who directed the young man's archery. "Although we didn't take a picture of Isinger's moving fortress, the ground's vibrations and sounds could not be blocked, and we just need to ensure that what we say is true You can sign a system guarantee agreement with the other party. As long as the Isinger Mobile Fortress really appears, we can get money. Although this will cost you less than the contract fee, you can still make a lot. Besides, we can sign For a conditional payment agreement, if we say the information is correct, then the guarantee fee is borne by the other party, and we lie and we bear it, so that the other party definitely agrees, and what we said is true, so we certainly do not have to bear the guarantee fee. "

"Yes, the boss is right. We don't have to worry about whether we captured the Isinger Mobile Fortress, as long as there is evidence of these scenes. Anyway, the guarantee agreement can guarantee that we can't cheat money, so the other party will not doubt it. . We are still rushing back to find someone to sell information. The value of the news lies in time, the sooner the more valuable it is. "

The young man next to him also said, "That makes sense. And the fact that Isinger's Mobile Fortress is invisible should be considered a good thing for us, because it means that we may be the first person in the country to discover this news. In that case, our intelligence would be valuable. "

"Haha, that's right, let's hurry up." Several people said more and more excited, and then got together and took out a small group of teleportation scrolls to enter the magic start, but ...

"Rely on, what's the matter?" Just after the scroll started, with the scroll burning and scrapping, the teleportation array that was supposed to teleport four people suddenly extinguished just halfway through. Then four people found that they were still in place.

Although the other three people in the team are older and stronger, they don't visit the forums much, so they don't know as much as the young ones. therefore. This time, the youngest guy was the first to respond and yelled, "Damn, Essinger of the Frost Rose Alliance is not passing by at all, they are here to fight!"

"What did you say?" The other three apparently did not respond why the companion said so.

The young man asked angrily, "Do you know why we failed to teleport?" The three shook their heads together, and the young man immediately followed, "Because of that." He pointed to Isinger and moved the fort. "Because the gadget is a city, and it is a fortress city. Although the gadget can fly. But it is indeed a city, so it must have a space barrier generator. Do you know the air barrier generator? It is the one that is siege. It prevents players from using the teleportation scroll directly to enter the city. The city with a slightly larger gadget is equipped with it. It does n’t make sense to have the Frost Rose League? ”

"Do you mean that because the Isinger Mobile Fortress has opened the space barrier, all teleportations within a certain range around it have been blocked?"

"No. It's just that our transmission is blocked. The space barrier generator will leave a special channel for the transmission of its guild, just as the military's electromagnetic interference system will leave a channel for its own communication equipment. This space Shielding will also open a channel for yourself, but because you don't know what frequency their channel is. So you can't use it at all. "

"But this just shows why we can't teleport. Why do you say the Frost Rose League is here to fight?" One of the other three dumb guys still didn't respond.

Without waiting for the young man to answer, the guy next to him slaps him and yells: "Are you stupid? The shielding system is used during combat to prevent the enemy from transmitting into your own city. Isinger's Mobile Fortress opens this thing to illustrate it Already in war! That guy is here to fight! "

"But whose goal is it?" The dumb player asked.

The boss who taught young people archery before said: "That's not what we need to care about. We just need to find a way to send the news out quickly. Now that we know that Isinger's mobile fortress is here to fight, we can even better It's expensive. "

"But the teleportation failed! If we run with our legs, we can't run that stuff, don't we look at that thing is so big, it's actually fast!" The idiot continues to say ~ ~ Hey, I still have the signal With this one, it finally came in handy this time. "The boss directly smiled and took out a metal frisbee from his storage ring. At first glance, it looks like two silver-white metal plates are buckled together, just like the classic shape. But This is not an alien aircraft, it is actually a magical item, and its function is similar to that of a carrier pigeon, except that it is faster and has an automatic human finder function.

The other few obviously knew what it was doing, so they were happy when they saw it. The boss quickly recorded a video with a crystal ball, in which he told the receiving companions to be responsible for selling the message, and then put the crystal ball on the small flying saucer. Although the crystal ball looks larger than the entire flying saucer, and its thickness is much larger than that of the thin flying saucer, the magic is that the basic crystal ball disappeared as soon as the two.

After getting the crystal ball, the boss immediately grasped the flying saucer and threw it out, but the flying down did not slow down after releasing the hand, but accelerated to shoot in one direction. With that thing away, Greek players will soon have the news of Isinger moving fortress into Greek airspace, but ... will we care? (To be continued ...)

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