Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 226: Invasion countdown

Decisions must be made again, although it is not wise to provoke unexpected enemies at this time, but if we can not guarantee the prestige of the Frost Rose Alliance, then similar situations will be more in the future, so the face issue is sometimes rather rather A swollen face must also be fat. M

"Fight back. Otherwise, don't even think about our face." I finally decided.

Rose thought about it and did not oppose my opinion, and then told the Shinto army: "Just as Ziri's decision, it ’s wrong to send mobile angels, but do n’t move those already prepared to deal with the Olympus Protoss, use second-line models Right. "

"If there is a large-scale battle, the mobile angel needs a support unit. Can it send a flying boat?" The **** of war asked.

Rose looked at me and I nodded. "Just make it smaller. The guilds in Greece are not very strong. There is no need to use large support ships."


With the confirmation of the order by the **** of war, a newly completed spacecraft on the air berth of Isinger's Mobile Fortress was suddenly loosened by the restraint, and then the spacecraft lighted up and began to slowly escape from the berth and take off. At the same time, a large group of mobile angels on the takeoff platform on the other side of the airport began to take off, then boarded the spacecraft and left the Isinger Mobile Fortress together.

After the spacecraft left, the air port of Isinger's Mobile Fortress did not idle down. A large number of small aircraft began to take off from the air port, and then carried a large number of mobile angels and chaos and order protos to the scheduled battlefield.

Looking at the take-off screen projected on the big screen. I turned to Rose and said, "Okay, I should act now, let's start as planned."

"Mr. Obedience President." Cauldron and rice jokingly saluted me. Then they turned and ran to their place.

Seeing that everyone started, everyone left. I also left the command center and started running on the take-off platform outside the command center. Vena, Spark and Peacock are already waiting for me in this position. In addition, in addition to the three Protoss, there are four mobile angels with gorgeous shapes. The two mobile angels standing on the left are obviously male. They are about two meters tall. They are very well-proportioned, and they have black mirror effects on the whole body, although the color is very hidden. However, because of the mirror effect, there does not seem to be any camouflage effect. It is estimated that this color is just designed to look cool. The two mobile angels standing on the other side are different from the two black bodies on this side. They are obviously female mobile angels. They are about one and a half meters tall, they look thinner, and they are obviously highly mobile. Unlike the other two black male bodies, these two female bodies are painted in red, bright enough that you can see them in the crowd at a glance. of course. In fact, the color of the mobile angel does not make much sense. Because high-end mobile angels are basically equipped with a mirage system, they cannot be found at long distances, and unless the enemy is blind at short distances. Otherwise, even if you paint camouflage all over your body, you will still be found.

Although I don't know why there are four more mobile angels than planned, but I know that since they are equipped for this group, these four must be very top models. So I said nothing. Of course, if other support is really needed, there are still more than ten models and more than one hundred mobile angels in my space. They can be used as reserve power, so there is no problem in combat effectiveness.

Seeing me coming, Wei Na took the lead and said to me: "Norin has just been here, these four are experimental model mobile angels just off the test bench. She said how to get you to try the performance, but also try to Bring them back in their entirety. "

"Sir. In fact, you can ignore the following sentence. We have the ability to protect ourselves." It was one of the black male mobile angels, but he was almost the same in appearance as his companions, so I couldn't see him What's so special.

"Don't mind, Noreen just doesn't want to lose important experimental data. I believe you will be very powerful, or she will not be scheduled to participate in our mission. Well, now is not the time to chat, let's get on the road as soon as possible , Will soon be busy. "

"Yes sir," the four mobile angels replied at the same time, and followed us to board a small aircraft specially prepared for us.

The three of Wina are the most powerful protoss in our guild, and of course they can fly, and I have flying birds, and the mobile angels themselves have the ability to fly. Strictly speaking, our group of people can fly, and the speed It's not slow, but this aircraft is an indispensable equipment, because this time we are not just rushing to the road but sneaking in secret, so camouflage is the first important thing relative to speed.

The flying speed of this aircraft is not fast, but it has huge wings and relatively light weight. It can glide forward by wind after approaching the target area, and it also has a lot of camouflage and shielding systems installed on it. , Light, heat, spoiler shock, magic wave and other aspects are completely invisible. It can be said that this thing is a ghost after entering the gliding phase, completely silent, unless the enemy hits its surface, otherwise it is We flew past him, and he could only feel a breeze.

The cost of such an exaggerated aircraft is of course expensive, but we will be relatively rich in the guild. Of course, it is not possible to batch equipment, but it is not a problem to equip special operations teams. Of course, another important reason why this thing can't be popular is that this gadget has too bad carrying capacity. In order to glide and mute, this thing loses too much power and space, so the maximum load in Ghost mode is only two and a half tons, and only six people can be stuffed in the cockpit, which also includes the driver.

There are four protoss on our side plus me, and there are four mobile angels. The position is obviously not enough. Fortunately, mobile angels can be installed in the wind dragon space, so I have inserted three of them. Only one female mobile angel was left outside because the four of us would not use this aircraft, and only these mobile angels would fly.

Actually according to the battle plan. The task of our group should be the last one, but because we want to ensure the security of secret infiltration, we must first arrive at the intended location. We set off when Isinger's Mobile Fortress was still far from Mount Olympus.

Although in ghost mode. That is, the speed of this aircraft is not very fast in silent mode, but the cruising speed of this thing is still good. It took us only a few minutes to enter the Olympus range. The aircraft started to turn into ghost mode under the control of the mobile angel. The propeller was turned off and folded into the ship. A layer of optical camouflage appeared on the outer shell of the aircraft. Following the rise of the force field, we were completely shielded. In the current mode, we can hardly detect the situation outside, we can only rely on a third-party observation point to send surrounding data with a crystal communicator to guide us to fly. After all, invisibility is relative. The enemy cannot see us, and we are almost blind.

Gliding silently to the foot of Olympus, we accurately landed in a small jungle at the foot of the mountain according to the pre-investigation. This jungle is very small and the trees are not dense. You can see the other side from one side at a glance. Although this environment may not be conducive to hiding, it is because of this appearance that the enemy will not pay attention to it. We just stopped in the woods and waited quietly.

Because the probability of being discovered after landing is much smaller, we boldly opened the observation system. Although this will make us invisible. But we are in the woods, and that small observation mouth is really unlikely to be found.

"Okay, now assign a task." After the aircraft landed, I released three other mobile angels. The spaceship cannot take so many people together. But the space wasn't really small enough to fit into eight people. After releasing these mobile angels, I started telling them about the mission. The maneuver angel who drove the spacecraft before was replaced, and another male maneuver angel was in charge of the pilot position. Of course, he does not need to fly now. His task is to observe the situation outside. Another male mobile angel sat in the co-pilot position. His task was the same as driving, but also to monitor the external situation. In case it was discovered, someone observed that at least we knew to run ahead.

After the guards were arranged, I started to ask the two-step female mobile angel to introduce me to their four abilities and characteristics for later command. Knowing the strength of your subordinates in battle is crucial for commanders. Otherwise, if a mission beyond the capabilities of the subordinates is issued, the consequences will be serious.

After two mobile angel narratives. I have a general understanding of the characteristics of the four mobile angels. All four of them are fifth-generation mobile angels, and they are super-intensive experimental models, that is, like the Queen of Blades, they are technical verification machines. The messy equipment on their bodies is as thick as the dictionary. In order to be able to install so many devices in their shapely bodies, these four mobile angels have used a large amount of compressed space technology. However, the compressed space technology used in buildings cannot be used on moving mobile angels, and the space system that can be moved is storage equipment similar to storage rings, and these storage equipment are actually very difficult to manufacture of.

Another translation that is difficult to make is that "expensive" is not generally expensive, but expensive. Fortunately, these four are verification machines, and future mass production models cannot be so exaggerated.

In addition to a bunch of huālihushou weapons and defense systems, the more significant improvement of these four mobile angels is the improvement of fighting abilities and basic abilities. Needless to say, fighting ability is a matter of reaction speed and mastery of skills. Because our guild's mobile angels use genuine military combat database information, the improvement of this fighting technique is not great, after all, it has been exaggerated before. What's really scary is that these guys have improved basic capabilities. Due to the use of star-shaped alloys, a unit price that is twenty times more expensive than Mithril, and a super tortured metal, the physical strength of these mobile angels has reached a terrifying level. According to my actual test, even if it is eternal, it takes a lot of effort to cut into the body of these guys. As long as the opponent gives a little effort, eternity may not continue to cut, and if it is in battle, it will be really If attacked, the greatest possibility is that the weapons will slip and bounce on their surfaces, and it is unlikely that they will actually cut in.

of course. Considering the price of the star-shaped alloy, these four bodies are not made entirely of this thing. In fact, only the skeletal support system and surface armor are used by the Stars, and their surface armor is not all of this alloy. It is only covered with a layer of alloy made of type star alloy on the surface, and the other part is type I star alloy. Although the hardness is lower than the type, the corrosion resistance and anti-torsion ability are also weaker, but it is better than type I. Alloys are more than half cheaper than models. Moreover, even I-type alloys are actually very good. At least the Type I alloy has never disappointed us so far, because the Great Sword of the Protoss' Mobile Angel is made of the Type I Star Alloy. I have seen so many Protoss in so many wars against Protoss. There is also a battle with the weapons of the Protoss, and no mobile angel's weapon has been destroyed, so the type I alloy is actually enough.

In addition to the increased rigidity and toughness of the body structure, the output power, reaction speed, observation ability, and most important judgment of the four mobile angels have been significantly improved. Basically, compared with the active mobile angels, these four are all winners. They are a big winner.

"Well, I now basically understand your performance, but I am really not willing to let you participate in the war now."

"Why?" One of the female mobile angels asked in surprise.

I smiled and said, "Because you are too expensive! The price of Mithril is already more than eight times that of gold. Your shell is actually more than twenty times the price of Mithril. If you just lightly powder it, it is worth it Hundreds of crystal coins, right? "

Hearing me, several mobile angels all laughed. The artificial soul uses the ready-made undead as its core core, so it is not worse than humans. My words were obviously joking, so when they heard that, they were relieved of their nervousness. Speaking of which, this higher artificial soul is actually flawed. This defect is that they are too perfect, just like living people. Low-level artificial souls have no ego and no emotions, so they are very tough when fighting. They are not afraid of death and never take injuries seriously, but the artificial souls of higher mobile angels are too smart. They will be afraid, they will be excited, they will be angry, and their emotions are very complicated. These emotions will affect the outcome of the battle. Although emotions can sometimes erupt their fighting power, they also have to admit that at some point these may become weaknesses. Fortunately, so far we haven't got the habit of letting mobile angels perform tasks alone, so I'm basically not too worried about this.

"Well, now the introduction is complete, we will wait here." I looked at the time and said: "There is still more than an hour before the start of the battle, and soon we will see the fireworks show."

Unlike our quiet cabin, the area around Mount Olympus at this time can be said to be in chaos. Although the environment setting of "Zero" is close to the Middle Ages, the players are all modern people, and magic has largely replaced technology to produce similar effects, so our war is not like the war of the ancients. In ancient times, the two sides of the battle often sent letters to each other to agree on the time and place of the battle, and then began dating the lover in accordance with the agreed time and place. However, because of the magic technology and the modern thinking of the players, especially the guild ’s battle commander, the **** of war, is the real battlefield command computer, and several of the guild ’s staff are sent to us by the state. Trained regular combat staff, so the fighting style of our guild is exactly the model of modern warfare.

What is the modern war mode? The modern warfare model is no time and no place. The entire battle actually began after the plan was completed. Various sporadic fires began yesterday afternoon, and now it has basically developed into a large-scale contact war. Now there are at least 3,000 small battlefields in the vicinity of Mount Olympus fighting at the same time, and the number of combatants in each battlefield ranges from a few to several thousand. It seems that none of the battlefields are small in scale, but In fact, the total battle size is already quite scary.

In fact, there are reasons and helplessness for such scattered warfare. Our guild hopes that the battle will be organized in this disordered mode because we have the **** of war. Because of the commanding ability of the **** of war, no matter how complicated the battlefield is, there will be no chaos. Compared to us, the commanding method of the Zeus on the opposite side is obviously behind and more happy. Therefore, the more chaotic the battle mode, the lower the commanding efficiency of Zeus, but our commanding efficiency will not change, which gives us a commanding advantage. On the other hand, we also have to adopt this multi-group melee mode, because a large part of the combat power in this battle is not the players in our guild, but the Hades gods who have just come to us soon The protoss led by Poseidon who came to the battlefield ~ ~ These protoss personal fighting power is indeed much stronger than the players, but they are not good at fighting in the army. If you line up a group of protoss to form a spear array or something, then it is better not to direct them to rush up to their own effect. Therefore, it is better to arrange a decisive battle on the battlefield to separate people, and let the protoss who often act together form a team, and then we unified command, so as to maximize the combat effectiveness.

"How's the situation now?" Among the temples on the top of Olympus, Zeus anxiously asked the Pathfinder Protoss who came to report.

"Report the Lord God, the ministries are completely out of order now. The Poseidon system is obviously betrayed, and many of us are also helping Poseidon to fight. In addition, there are some Protoss in this line who hide in their homes and refuse to participate in resistance operations. Wait and see before making a decision. "

Athena stood up impatiently and said, "Father, we must act now. Once we lose the first battle and let those sectarians fall to those traitors, our situation is really dangerous!"

"This ..." Zeus was obviously still hesitating to make up his mind. The other Protoss of Olympus next to him looked anxiously and could not intervene. They could only watch Zeus together and wait for his decision.

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