Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 228: Quietly enter the village, do not shoot.

With the departure of the Protoss of Olympus, Olympus regained its tranquility, but this tranquility did not last long. m [Just reading the novel ~] Just when we thought it would be quiet for a while, a strange noise like a whistle suddenly came from the top of the head, followed by me immediately turning the observation mirror to look at the sky, and immediately saw a Large groups of fairly large objects trailed along with white tail flames whistling towards Olympus.

"It's the God Arrow system," said the mobile angel sitting in the front row.

"Well, we can disembark, and our dive operation will begin."

"Is it finally possible to go out?" The peacock was obviously broken. Hearing my words immediately rushed down the aircraft, and we followed the aircraft.

The appearance of the Divine Arrow system indicates that the Essinger Mobile Fortress has entered the attack range, so subsequent blows will continue, and the Olympus Protoss will no longer be able to maintain surveillance and investigation of Mount Olympus. There is no need to hide in the aircraft anymore.

Out of the aircraft, the peacocks immediately focused their eyes on their heads, because the godhead that flew in front had reached us. It was not clear from a long distance before, and when the God Arrow system approached, we discovered that these God Arrows were actually added.

The original God Arrow system was a bare missile, but now this God Arrow looks like a bundled rocket. The huge subject in the middle is the original God Arrow system, and the periphery is divided into upper, middle, and lower sections. Each segment is bundled with eight things like small booster rockets. However, in fact, these things are not booster rockets at all, they have not produced any propulsive force, they are simply hanging on the arrow of God.

Because of these extra loads, the speed of the arrow seems to have been greatly affected, so that the speed has dropped below the speed of sound, but it is still relatively fast.

It was almost in the blink of an eye that the first arrow of God flew over us and hit a temple at the foot of the mountain, and then pierced into it as if breaking through a window paper, followed by a boom. A large group of buildings near the entire temple was completely engulfed in flames instantly. The billowing heat waves were mixed with thick smoke and building debris scattered like a heavy rain. Even a few kilometers from the foot of the mountain, we heard a burst of overhead The crackling noise was the sound of building fragments hitting leaves and branches.

The fireballs from the first round of explosions have not completely escaped from the ground, and the second beauty arrow has followed, and a bang came into the second temple located somewhere at the foot of the mountain, followed by the unimpeded Just got in. Boom ... The same explosion happened again, the real mountain was shaking. The explosive power of the God Arrow system itself is not low. Now three more circles of liquefied magic crystal steam are bundled as auxiliary explosives, which is no less powerful than tactical nuclear weapons. Even the temple with the blessing of divine power still looks so fragile in the face of this super weapon.

Immediately after the explosion of the second arrow, the third, fourth, and fifth arrows followed and hit their targets regardless of the sequence. The huge fireball blasted into the air, shaking the mountain. but. The sixth arrow of God that followed did not hit the mountain, but suddenly disintegrated in mid-air, followed by the liquefied magic crystal steam bombs attached to it, flying like a heavenly girl scattered flowers, tightly Then the entire front of Mount Olympus seemed to have been attacked by a rocket artillery group. It was fired everywhere and there were rising flames. One of them I even saw several humanoid objects thrown into the sky.

"Oh oh, it's spectacular!" Xinghuo shouted excitedly as she watched the frontal mountain swallowed by the blazing fire. Although the protoss fighting power is terrible, if it is destructive. Modern weapons relying on technology are actually the most perfect existence to truly interpret the aesthetics of violence.

"Are we going to dive in now?" The spark on the side was not as excited as the peacock, but asked calmly what to do. Although this task mainly relied on Wei Na to complete, I was the commander of operations. In contrast, I was the one who had the most out-of-office presence. Besides, I was the president myself, and my status was the highest.

"No, we are not moving for the time being."

Xinghuo didn't quite understand why she didn't take advantage of it now, but her question was quickly answered by the Olympus Protoss opposite.

With the successful explosion of the sixth arrow, the seventh arrow has reached the top of our heads, and then rushed towards the mountain. but. Just when it passed over our heads and started to accelerate, the arrow of God suddenly exploded without warning. Because the distance is too close. Huge sound waves and flames even hit our forest. Many of the surrounding trees were blasted by the wind. Even we had to use our arms to temporarily shield our eyes and face from high temperatures.

When the heat wave's front edge passed a little, the Sparks immediately lowered their arms. In the past, blocking by hand was mostly an instinctive reaction. In fact, this explosion of distance has no effect on us at all.

Looking at the fireball still rolling in front, we finally saw the cause that caused the arrow to explode-the protective cover. On the periphery of Mount Olympus, a pale golden mask appeared around the mountain, and the seventh arrow of God exploded because it hit the protective cover.

At the same time we saw the protective cover, the subsequent arrows of God came one after another, followed by a series of explosions on the surface of the protective cover, of course, they were all blocked without exception.

"How do we get in with this kind of thing?" Peacock asked looking at the protective cover.

"That's why Isinger needs to move the fort to help us open the way." I waved and motioned them to follow, and then walked towards Olympus first. Although the peacock was very puzzled, he still said nothing and followed me directly.

As we walked towards Mount Olympus, the subsequent arrows of God had all hit the protective cover and burst into a large cloud of fire. The entire front of Mount Olympus was illuminated by a fiery red, Austrian The protective cover of Mount Lymps shone in the explosion, and it has obviously entered the maximum output power.

Covered by the fire of the explosion, several of us quickly slipped to the edge of the protective cover, which is at the foot of Mount Olympus. This place should have been guarded by the Protoss of Olympus, but at this time there is no problem of guarding or guarding, because the place has now been completely flattened. In the air strike just now, the target of the first round of strike was the temple located at the foot of the mountain. Although it was not directly aimed at the sentry post, the sentry post was also destroyed together because of the explosive power.

Rely on a few pieces of construction that never flew. A few of us hid carefully, then stared tightly at the protective cover above our heads. Now we are very close to this protective cover, it can be said that we can touch the surface of the protective cover with our hands. If we break through and win three of them together, we may be able to open a hole in this protective cover, but we are sneaking in this time, so that kind of thing cannot be done. []

"Well, what are we doing now?" The peacock asked, leaning against a piece of building debris.

"Wait." I looked at the distant sky and said, "Since the Issinger Mobile Fortress fired the magic arrow system. That means that they are not far away from us, all we need now is to wait and wait until Isinger Mobile Fortress. When in range, the fortress cannon will be used to bomb Mount Olympus. This protective cover is still okay to deal with the personnel and use Isinger to move the firepower of the fortress. A few minutes at most can make a hole. "

"I hope Essinger will arrive sooner," said Peacock.

"It depends on how the interception mission is done over Hardis." Sparks followed.

Wina looked at the sky and said, "Maybe we don't have to wait too long."


Wei Na didn't answer, but pointed at the sky. We followed her fingers and saw a large black spot appearing in the sky.

"Mobile Angel Brigade?" I recognized at a glance that the black spots that were flying were the mobile angels of our guild, and this number was definitely not a unit of the Olympian Protoss, because they did not fly so much at all. unit.

At this time, those flying units were approaching Olympus at a very high speed, and the side of Olympus was urgent and took off a group of flying creatures. It is estimated that they were to intercept the mobile angels. but. The mobile angels over there did not have any intention to stop. Instead, the group of mobile angels flying in front of them actively lowered their heights and rushed towards the flying units.

The flying Olympus Protoss Warcraft just flew out of the protective shield and met the mobile angels who actively descended in the air, but before the Warcraft took any action, the mobile angels on the other side opened collectively. Some hidden magazines, and then saw at least eight magic crystal steam missiles flying from each mobile angel, and then those missiles with white trails rushed towards the nearest Warcraft, followed by Balls of fireballs burst into the air, and the clusters of Warcraft fell like rain.

Warcraft that can fly, except for the perverts of dragons. Physical strength is generally not too high. After all, flying requires a lightweight body, which is often accompanied by a reduction in strength. Therefore, flying Warcraft is generally relatively poor in its own defense. This group of flying World of Warcraft was suddenly hit by a powerful liquefied magic crystal steam missile. It is impossible to die.

Looking at the dazzling and falling Warcraft, a few of us were all shouting with excitement below, but the battle of the mobile angels over there was obviously not over.

The Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Missile only solved about four-fifths of Warcraft, and the remaining flying Warcraft still collided with the Mobile Angel unit, but the battle on both sides is still similar to the long-range fighting, just a face-to-face leftover. Flying World of Warcraft was another 70% to 80% less, and the rest was also shot down by the follow-up mobile angel to chop melon and vegetables. The air combat-type mobile angels of this guild were originally designed for air combat. They carried a large amount of air combat equipment and strengthened air combat combat skills. This type of fighting technique suitable for air combat is different from the fighting technique on the ground. Because there is no place to fix the body, this fighting technique pays attention to the grasp of the time of the force, because if the force cannot be faced with the enemy's impact direction, Your power will push the enemy away, instead of hurting the opponent's body.

Because of the effect of this fighting technique and the super high response speed of air combat-type excited angels, those flying Warcrafts that can only fight by instinct are like hunters playing hide-and-seek, just to death.

After killing those flying Warcraft, the group of mobile angels participating in the fighting did not continue to attack the protective cover on Mount Olympus, but immediately turned around and drilled back from under the mobile angel group, but at this time all subsequent mobile angels were also Having entered the dive phase, then opened their bombshells one after another, and then we saw a large crowd of liquefied magic crystal steam missiles hitting the protective cover.

The missiles launched by the first batch of mobile angels have not hit the protective cover, and the second batch of mobile angels have begun to enter the stage of dive bombing, and with the first batch of missiles hitting the targets almost in succession. A second batch of missiles has also been launched. For a moment, various explosions flashed on the protective cover on the front of Olympus, and the protective cover itself shone endlessly to illuminate the nearby sky.

As more and more mobile angels joined the attack sequence, the shield on Mount Olympus began to flash faster and faster, and just a few minutes later, suddenly we heard a sharp burst of air sounding, followed by A dense flame cloud suddenly erupted near the top of the shield, completely covering the entire Olympus.

"Wow, so pretty!" The peacock called excitedly.

Spark turned his head and glanced at Isinger's direction of moving the fort. Then he said: "It looks like Hardis did a good job, Isinger moved the fortress into range a few minutes earlier than expected."

"This shows that Aphrodite has done a good job in recruiting before. Zeus has too few people, so he can't stop Hardis' offense." I said, and then I thought about it and added: "Of course It may be because of Hera. "

Wina, they don't know the agreement that Hera signed with us, so I told them. I heard that we still have such a super heavyweight Nei Ying, Wei Na they are relaxed a lot. In any case, Hera is able to resist the presence of the Zeus Chamber, so there should be such an internal existence, we must sneak into the plan will be much smoother.

When they prevented me and her from explaining Hera's trust, the same whistling sounded again in the sky, and then within two seconds I saw a large cloud of fire rising from the top of the shield, and Less than five seconds later, the front of the protective cover suddenly burst into a larger fire group, but this time the fire group covered a large area. The power is much smaller, at least it seems that each fireball laughs more than half of the fireballs above.

After two consecutive rounds of attacks, the attack appeared to be in a standstill. No new movements appeared for more than ten seconds. However, with the sound of breaking air again after ten seconds, the entire Olympus shield was instantaneous Covered by flames, and this time in addition to solid artillery shells, energy weapons also appeared. Two of these huge beams hit the shield directly and instructed the entire shield to flash a few times. There also appeared to be energy faults. For a moment the protective cover seemed to disappear.

Although it looked scary, the shield finally persisted. This round of shelling did not produce the expected results. Only a brief pause in the protective cover. [] However, as Isinger moved closer to the fortress, the crisis began to become more frequent.

It is as if every gun on a battleship cannot be the main gun, and the cannon with the largest caliber and the longest range can only have a few guns. The weapons on the Isinger Mobile Fortress are not all the same size. Although the Isinger Mobile Fortress is much larger than a battleship and can be equipped with many large weapons, small and medium-sized weapons must also be equipped. After all, the main target of Isinger's Mobile Fortress is not those things as big as themselves, but humanoid units the size of which is the same as flies and mosquitoes, so most of the weapons equipped on Isinger's Mobile Fortress are not right Cities use weapons, but weapons against people. The range of these weapons is far less than those of specialized weapons against the city, so initially the cloud of fire on Mount Olympus was large, but there was only that one. That was because only a few ultra-long-range cannons were firing at the time. That's it. Later, the explosion on the protective cover became messy and dense, because as the distance approached, some secondary artillery also entered the range. As of now, even the shortest range energy weapons have also entered the range, so Austrian The protective cover on Mount Lymps was sorrowful.

After the explosion of the hood disappeared several times in a row, the attack on Isinger's mobile fortress suddenly stopped, and then after a few seconds of quietness, a large number of dense black spots suddenly came over, and then These black spots hit the Olympus hood in succession, blasting it and shaking it, followed by three large beams of light suddenly tore the night sky straight from a distance. When the beam of light hit the protective cover, it immediately gave out a harsh sharp scream and a violent flash, and the entire Olympus became a white world, and the protective cover of Olympus was finally After insisting for two seconds, it was completely penetrated, and the beam of light passed through unstoppably and passed the Olympus mountain. The building complex that was directly aimed at by the light beam was swallowed up by flames for the first time, but the beam of light did not disappear. Instead it started to move.

Three large beams of light started to shoot upwards along the climbing stairs, and soon the temple building in the upper area also turned into burning ruins, and then the beams of light continued to rise, but this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the middle. In front of Dao Guangzhu, then he held up a yellow light shield with his hands forward.

"Zeus?" Weiner's eyes were sharp. At a glance, the person who blocked the beam of light was Zeus, but wanted to be able to hard-hit the bombardment of the main weapon system of Isinger's Mobile Fortress. Few Olympians except Zeus could really do it. .

The beam of light stayed on Zeus for only two seconds before it began to thin, and it only took more than a second to become a hair-like thin line, and then turned into a bit of light and dust and disappeared into the darkness. Zeus waved the light shield with both hands, and it seemed that he was not affected by the light beam. Then he heard his full voice roaring: "The gods of the Olympian Protoss, now I command you, as the Olympian Protoss, to meet the enemies of the offense and kill them. We The glory of the Protoss of Limbus will certainly last. "

Just after Zeus ’s declaration of war was finished, the people below did n’t come and respond, but he saw a blue and white light ball with an electric arc radiating from a distance, and he was right in the center of Zeus. Face the door. Although this attack seemed to have little effect on Zeus, this face was lost. Zeus's whole body was shaking, but he didn't know how to vent it. He didn't even know who launched the attack. Just knowing that it must be from Isinger Mobile Fortress.

Zeus went mad right here, and did not expect that the next round of Isinger's mobile fortress began again. Because of the recent pause, the protective cover on Mount Olympus finally lighted up again, but I do n’t know whether the energy consumption was almost the same or not. Anyway, the protective cover is obviously not as bright as before, but The attack from Isinger's Mobile Fortress on the other side was even sharper.

Different from the last bombardment and then the beam sweep, this time it came up with three thick beams and hundreds of slightly thinner beams hit the shield together, and that shield only crashed again after supporting for less than five seconds. Already.

As soon as the protective cover collapsed, Zeus actively stopped on the middle beam, but what he didn't expect was that the two large beams on the other two sides actually started to rotate, and finally merged with the middle one. One. Hit him together. Zeus, who could have easily resisted, finally realized the seriousness of the matter. He began to move backwards, pushed by the beam, even though he tried to push back. But the pressure from the hand was pressing him back continuously, and the remaining hundreds of slightly thinner rays indeed attacked the buildings and hidden personnel locations on the mountain.

Seeing the massive loss of personnel and buildings of the Protoss of Olympus, Zeus was almost amazed, but he had not thought of a way to deal with it, but the whistling sounded in the air. Zeus knew it was the sound of a cannonball burst, but he could not do anything to remedy it. Before, there was nothing to block the shield. Now without the shield, Mount Olympus was immediately exposed to the fire, and the buildings on the mountain were devastated. Although the temple building is sturdy, it is not a fortress after all, it can't stop the attack of the shells, and it is destroyed by half in a blink of an eye.

Until the end of this round of shelling, Zeus finally realized. He began to understand that there was no point in blocking someone here. He is really strong, he can directly carry the main weapon on Issinger's mobile fortress to attack directly, but after all, he is only one person, he can't stop here and can't stop there. We can fire with so many weapons together. Part of it, and the rest of the careless place will always be destroyed. So Zeus wanted to understand. Defense is useless. Without destroying Isinger's Mobile Fortress, his Mount Olympus cannot be left unharmed, so he immediately left Mount Olympus after the attack and killed toward the Isinger's Mobile Fortress, which had not entered sight in the distance. past.

Immediately after seeing Zeus leaving, I turned around without any hesitation and jumped out of the hiding place, then greeted Wina to hurry up.

The three Protoss are very high-level existence, and the other four mobile angels are very expensive super fighting weapons, the reaction speed is not slow. In fact, as soon as I jumped out, they had already jumped out, and then quickly followed me and started rushing up the mountain.

The frontal area of ​​Mount Olympus originally had a blockade, except for the central long step that passed through many temples in sequence to the summit. Nowhere else can you climb. The last time I secretly dived into Mount Olympus, I relied on the force of the law to break through the enchantment, but this time I didn't have to bother. The shelling operation of Essinger's Mobile Fortress has completely destroyed this defense system, so it can now easily reach the top of the mountain in any direction.

The eight of us here are not ordinary people, so there is no need to find any wrong way, and run straight along the straight line. Even if we encounter a cliff or something, we can easily browse through it according to our ability, and soon climb to Near the square where I was almost beaten last time.

"It's the danger zone from here. Everyone be careful." I was born to remind a few people behind me, and then the first one thought about a flower bed on the edge of the square. Wei Na, they followed me, and then came over, and then hid behind the flower bed.

"How can we get over such a large square?" Looking at the square in front of the temples, Wei Na couldn't help asking. This is her first visit, so she was very surprised. Because she thought I had a detailed penetration plan.

I smiled to appease Wei Na: "Don't worry, I have a way." Then I took out the crystal communicator and contacted Isinger's mobile fortress. "God of War. I've been on the square outside the temples. I can start to break."


"Is the fire interrupted?" Wei Na stunned for a moment, but was immediately followed by the whistling sound from behind.

Those objects with sharp whistling sounds flew over our heads, and then went straight into the buildings in front. This is followed by a thunderous rumble and various fragments and clods flying around the sky, not to mention standing on the square side, as long as the distance is more than ten meters, you don't even want to see anything.

"Rush." ​​I only yelled for one word and they rushed out faster than I did. Several ups and downs rushed to the temples, and the flames from the explosion were not even emptied at this time.

After seeing everyone approaching the temples. I picked up the communicator again and said, "OK, we're here. Follow up."


After putting down the communicator, I took Wei Na and touched them into the temples. Behind us, the shelling started again, and it was very messy. The east and west shots never stopped, but most of them were It's useless and basically poses little threat to the temples, but the surrounding buildings are full of scars.

In fact, the key goal of this shelling is not destruction. It's interference. It is to create confusion. Let the leftover Olympus protoss mess up, so that we can invade without chaos.

After entering the temples, we first bypassed the empty hall. Then when entering the rear building, I encountered two Olympians who ran out of the room. When these two guys saw us for a while, they were killed by Spark and Peacock one by one without waiting for the response. Both of them are high-level beings second only to the Lord God. Isn't it a good idea to deal with these young men?

Throwing the corpses back in the direction they came out, and then I dropped a bomb into it, and then started to take them in.

It would have been very unwise for such a covert mission to secretly infiltrate the mission, because it would attract the attention of the enemy and let others know that they had been attacked. However, the situation is exactly the opposite. Because the shrines are being shelled, the explosion sounds will not cause anyone's alert. After all, there are explosions from the shells falling everywhere, and more than one beep will not pay attention to.

After passing through the garden behind the temples and a large area of ​​densely packed buildings, we entered a brand new garden area. The plants here are obviously much more upscale than the outside, almost all of them are magic plants, and they are all useful things, not just pure ornamental plants that can only be seen. However, although these plants are precious, I have no time to harvest them here. The greed of money belongs to the greed of money, I still know the priority.

After bypassing the magical botanical garden, a small piece of artificial forest appeared in front of us, and its role was probably to block the building area, similar to a partition wall. After passing the trail in the middle of this miniature forest, a cliff appeared before us. At the forefront of this cliff is connected a long iron cable bridge, and the side of the iron cable bridge extends into the clouds and fog in front, which is invisible at all.

"Want to go?" Wina asked when she saw me stop.

I took out a map provided by Aphrodite and looked at it, then nodded and confirmed: "This is it. After passing, it is Zeus's palace. According to Aphrodite, Zeus does not believe anyone. Therefore, although he has set many hidden hidden cores of divine power, he has never put the divine core in. He has been worried about his unreliability, so he feels assured that he can save the divine core himself. "

"So the core of the divine power is in his own dormitory?" Wei Na asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Who knows. Aphrodite can't enter Zeus's palace at all. This answer is inferred from the information we gathered. Aphrodite can confirm that the core of the divine power is no longer outside. In any of the hidden points claimed. At the same time, Zeus was so careful, so we counted, and he can only really feel relieved if he puts the core of the divine power here. "

"Whether he is or not, he will know everything when he rushes over him," said Peacock.

Seeing that the peacock is about to pass, I quickly grabbed her, and then said, "Wait a minute. Before I go, let me tell you something."

"What matters?" Peacock asked, looking at me puzzled.

"That's the Hera. She gave me some information after she trusted us. You also know that Hera is the wife of Zeus, Zeus's sister and sister, so although this place cannot be approached by other protoss, Hera I went in a few times. "

"Huh? Don't they live together?" Spark is obviously quite surprised by this. After all, according to the normal thinking of ordinary people, it is normal for a husband and wife to live together. Even if the two places are separated, there are many restrictions. It's rare that Zeus and Hera both lived on Mount Olympus but couldn't live in one place.

When I heard Spark's doubts, I could only explain to her a variety of violations of human ethics by Zeus. Hearing the spark, he even fell off his chin. Obedient ladies like Xinghuo certainly can't understand Zeus's ghost / beast behavior, but she understands why the two couples can't live together. To put it simply, my husband is drenched with flowers all day long, but his wife is upset, and then they are separated. In fact, what Hera really wanted to do was divorce, but also to kill Zeus. Unfortunately, Zeus was stronger than her, and Zeus restricted Hera from leaving because of her own throne, so Hera could only protest against separation because she was dissatisfied. Nothing can really be done. Had it not happened that this time we had attacked the Olympus Protoss. It can be said that Hera is never to be expected to turn around.

After I briefly introduced the relationship between Zeus and Herald, I continued to say: "Caution 1. After entering the dormitory, you should consider yourself to be physically stronger. Or ordinary people who understand some primary spells, don't consider yourself a protoss. "


"It's simple. Because the chaos is set in Zeus' dormitory."

This rule of chaos is the same as the chaotic world before mythology. There are no rules and orders. But this completely ruleless world is precisely all rules. It's like the Taoist school said that everything in life means that the whole world is split from the oneness. One of them is chaos.

As the main **** of a local protoss, Zeus, simply improving his divine power is no longer his pursuit. What he pursues is more advanced, that is, the power of the law, that is, the power held by the upper gods. Of course, that kind of thing is not so easy to grasp, otherwise there would not be only ten gods. However, whether or not he can become a superior god, at least this is a kind of pursuit, so in order to be able to constantly comprehend the rules, Zeus took great efforts to transform his own hall into a chaotic world.

Because there are no rules in this world, everything in general here will fail. The reason why I told them to regard themselves as junior mages and strong ordinary people is because they are also protoss, and they have mastered the foundation of a rule of law, and they have their own fields, which can be developed to a certain extent within the field rule. Because of this ability to formulate primary rules, they will not become real ordinary people after entering there like ordinary people. At least they will still retain a portion of their combat power and can survive normally. If ordinary people enter there, let alone fight, it may be because of the confusion of biological laws. He couldn't even stabilise himself and died.

I heard that it was such a thing, and Wei Na began to be cautious. They didn't care much about it before because they knew their strength, but now that they know they will become more powerful ordinary people, they can't help them carelessly.

"You said this is the first, and what about the second?"

"The second is to try to help them if you can't beat them," I said, pointing to the four mobile angels.

"They?" The three goddesses stunned for a moment.

I began to explain: "I was able to find out about their abilities when I was in the aircraft before. For a long time, they were not sent by accident to do a test, but were specially prepared for this based on Aphrodite's intelligence. Sub-mission service. "

"what does it mean?"

One of the female mobile angels stood up and said, "Let me say it. When we were manufactured, we used an experimental law stabilizer in our body. This thing can let us in any law or field. Keeping our own rules unchanged, that is to say, we will not be restrained by any rules. Even in other people's realms, we can ensure that our fighting power does not decrease. So. After entering the dormitory with the rules of chaos Our fighting power may temporarily exceed the three of you. "

"I see." Vena nodded in agreement. Although they may not be able to beat the mobile angel, which makes them awkward, but they are not the kind of horns, so they quickly adapt to the situation where they may need mobile angel protection. But I quickly told them that this situation was only temporary.

"According to Hera's information, this chaotic space is only in the upper part of the dormitory. If we cannot find the core of divine power in the upper part, we will not be affected after entering the underground."

"That's okay. Otherwise, would we just become a display!" Peacock said reassuringly. She was still weird when I said that it was chaotic space. If all of it is chaotic space, why should I bring her? Anyway, it is enough for Wei Na to analyze the core of divine power. She and Starfire are slightly stronger than ordinary people in chaotic space, and there is no need to go in. Now she understands that originally, not all places are chaotic space. As long as they leave the coverage of chaotic space, she and Starfire will become powerful advanced protoss again.

"Remember these two, and then we enter." After reminding them again, I nodded to the mobile angels on both sides. One of the male mobile angels stepped on the iron cable bridge first.

This iron bridge is quite long. The front stretches into the clouds, so the situation on the opposite side cannot be seen at all. The bridge body consists of four large chains, with no railings on either side, and all four chains are under the feet. The bridge deck is paved with wood, but it is very narrow, and the entire bridge deck is only over one meter wide. Of course, considering the characteristics of the Protoss, it is impossible to fall down, so this thing does not need to be too wide. As for railings and handrails. the same alsp. The protoss is not even the iron cable bridge. That's ordinary people.

As a trailblazer, the first male mobile angel carefully walked forward along the cable bridge. In fact, he would be fine even if he fell. Anyway, the mobile angel can fly, even if the bridge is broken, it doesn't matter.

We were watching the mobile angel move forward a little bit until his figure was almost out of sight, and we found that he stopped, and after a while he moved again and returned to his head We made a gesture. I saw the gesture immediately stepped on the iron cable bridge, but did not let Wei Na them up, and then I started moving forward, and the mobile angel was moving forward.

When I reached the position where the Mobile Angel had just stopped, I finally saw another section of the Chain Bridge. Of course, there is also a cliff on the side of the bridge. The forefront of the cliff is connected to the iron cable bridge, and it is different from the bridge head on this side. There is a flower arch above the bridge head, and a row of high trees are planted on the cliff sides Tall arabesque plants, which form a green wall, blocking the scenery behind. That mobile angel called me over because of this wall ~ ~ He was going to investigate the situation behind the wall, so someone must be in a position to see him, otherwise in case he was attacked in the past We all may not even know what happened.

After I reached this position, the mobile angel in front was almost at the arch. Looking back to confirm that I was still in his sight, and then the mobile angel carefully moved towards the archway forward.

After carefully attaching it to the arch, the mobile angel slowly took another step forward, then reached out to look at the situation behind the arch. It didn't seem to be dangerous to see him, because he had straightened up and walked into the arch side completely, and then observed carefully again before he turned back and waved at me.

When I saw the signal on the opposite side, I immediately turned back and sent a signal to Wei Na, who was still there. This time, Wei Na began to walk on the cable bridge, and when I saw them on the cable bridge, and turned my attention back , But suddenly saw the shadow flash after the arch, and then the mobile angel who was still standing by the door disappeared.

"I'm leaning!" When I realized that something was wrong, I hurried away and ran towards the arch. They couldn't see the arches, and they didn't know what was happening. They saw that I suddenly ran, so they started to charge over. Of course, because of the short distance, I rushed through the arch first, and then I was there in an instant.

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