Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 241: Get Zeus

"Did you find it?" After I landed, I quickly started looking for Zeus's figure, and asked others about him. M

After the previous battles, we are not sure how much the current Zeus defense can reach, and more importantly, the upper limit of the radiation cannon under Isinger's Mobile Fortress is still a mystery. The power of that thing has exceeded the attack range of any weapon we can recognize, and far beyond the defensive range of everything we can find. Therefore, it is completely impossible to test the maximum output damage. The **** of all the things that were tested was left. We only know that the attack power definitely exceeds the upper limit of these things. The specific size can be unknown.

Because the damage output on our side and the endurance on Zeus' side are not clear, we don't know what exactly happened to Zeus now. One situation is that the core of the divine power is relatively bull, supporting Zeus to block the attack. But I guess if this happens, at least the remaining group of Olympians will fall down by at least half, after all, the energy of the core of the divine power is not changed out of thin air, when it is insufficient, it will be from other Austrian The Linpis Protoss pumped there, so now we have not seen a large number of the Olympian Protosssers fainted, indicating that the core of the divine power may not work, at least not fully.

Of course, the first possibility is relatively low, and the greater probability should be the second possibility, that is, Zeus is knocked down by a super weapon. However, there are many cases of knockout. There are several situations such as demobilization, minor injuries, severe injuries, death, no dead body, and no bones.

Although the above conditions are similar for general combat, we are not in general combat now, so we are more likely to see the previous situations, and the last thing we want to see is that the last bone is missing. Because the bones are missing, it means that no corpse is found, and no death can be confirmed without the corpse, although it can be roughly guessed whether Zeus has been killed through the final experience settlement. But there may be errors in this calculation. Before the real kill of Zeus, the ghost knew how much experience he was worth? so. No corpse is a very bad situation for us, and what we want most is to see the living Zeus, because that will mean that we still have the hope to extract the core of the power of the Olympian Protoss from him.

When we were looking around anxiously, the expanding fire wall in front finally reached the critical point, and then it did not suddenly disappear, but slowly faded, shortened, and thinned, but it still advanced for several kilometers. Disappeared completely.

The proliferation of superweapons did not eventually cover all the helpless Olympians, even if the group who did not receive any help belonged to Zeus, only less than a third of them were covered by flames. And these people were eventually caught up outside the killing radius, so many of them were hurt, but not many of them were really hung up. These really hanged are basically unlucky eggs that have been injured and fell to the ground in the previous battle and have not yet been replenished by the enemies around them. Because they have basically lost their ability to move, they have failed to run out of the killing radius. Directly covered by the attack.

With the super-weapon's attack power completely dissipated, a large blast of dirt burst out on the ground not far away, and then we saw a very wolverine figure crawling out of the pit under the ground.

We were all startled when we saw the exploding dirt. I thought that Zeus could carry this kind of attack without any impact. As a result, he was relieved when he came out. After all, if Zeus could really carry a super weapon without being affected, he would not be like a mud monkey. .

For the rest of the life, Zeus had not yet come to enjoy the comfortable environment on the ground. Immediately after that, he found the shadow above his head. After looking up, he directly saw us in a circle. The two sides stared at each other for a while. Then Zeus suddenly struck out of the pit and tried to escape, but it was a pity that he chose the wrong direction because the guy chose the target for true red, and the problem was that the personal rating of true red was S . Zeus, who had just been struck, was caught by Zhenhong directly with a beautiful over-shoulder and fell to the ground. He then rode up and punched his nose and punched him with a blow on his face.

The captive Zeus still wanted to get up and continue to resist, but unfortunately, after struggling a bit on both shoulders, he was stepped on and pressed back to the ground at the same time. Hades and Poseidon stepped on Zeus's shoulders while keeping him from moving. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it. When he was struggling, Starfire and the peacock also came over and held each of them. The legs, and the real red, simply sat on Zeus's chest and grabbed his hair with one hand, stuck his neck with the other hand, and pressed his head to the ground.

Even though Zeus is very powerful, even if he burns the core of the power of the Olympian Protoss, after all, he has just suffered a super weapon attack, and it is already a miracle to survive. Even the core of the power has a brief interruption of energy. So much so that Zeus has now returned to normal power.

Only Zeus with normal strength was pressed by so many people who could not be worse than him. There was no chance of resistance at all. His strength had not reached the point where it could be ignored. Besides, these were not ants, but only better than him. Weak senior protoss.

"Oh, what a wolf is this!" Hera deliberately dragged a long note around Zeus in a bitter tone, and saw that the guy who had taken her throne was pressed to the ground by so many people. Hera finally had With a sense of revenge, at that moment she felt that her efforts had finally been rewarded, and at the same time she could not help lightly, feeling as if the whole person was about to float.

"You ..." Zeus wanted to yell at her when she saw Hera and heard her shame, but unfortunately she was pressed back to the ground as she looked up. Really red, grasping his hair tightly with one hand and pressing down desperately, the other hand loosened his neck and punched him again against his nose, and then held him again before he could react. neck.

Zeus was about to explode at this time. But he was powerless. The core of divine power in the stomach just tried to help him resist the attack of that super weapon. It seems that there is almost no energy output, and his own ability can not resist the five people at the same time, so he used his eyes There is really no way to kill outside Hera.

"Did you stare at me, am I afraid of you?" Seeing true red again, he gave Zeus a punch. Hera was happier. But she only came to say such a sentence and I was pulled aside.

"Trouble let Jean, want to humiliate him and wait for us to finish the business first, now please come to the side and look at it." Although I said nothing wrong. But the reason for this was because she couldn't get used to Hera's behavior. In fact, the quality of this woman is not necessarily higher than Zeus, and the strength is fight on the battlefield. Winning or losing is a matter of your own strength, but it is not interesting to insult the defeated enemy. The so-called killer can't be humiliated. Since the opponent has been dealt with, the meaningless humiliation is a bit off the stage, so I took the opportunity to drive Hera aside. Of course, there is another purpose of doing this is to allow Hera to adapt to her new identity as soon as possible. Although she is about to take over the banner of the Protoss of Olympus to become the **** king of the new Protoss of Olympus, we can say that the Protoss of Olympus was defeated by us. How can we return it to others? Therefore, although the future Olympus Protoss is managed by Hera, it is actually equivalent to half of our subordinate institutions. Therefore, Hera must have a basic understanding of our relationship, and letting her understand in advance is good for us all.

Although I drove Hera so that Zeus would no longer suffer insults, from the current standpoint, Zeus really couldn't express any gratitude to us, not to mention we didn't plan to make him thank.

After driving away from Hera, I gave up and let Weiner come over. Zeus did not show anything special when he saw Wei Na. But soon he realized that Wina was more dangerous to her than Hera.

Wena, who walked beside Zeus, squatted down gently, then stretched one above Zeus's abdomen, keeping it suspended at this foot height, and then she closed her eyes. As Wei Na closed her eyes and began to sense the core of the power of the Olympian Protoss, Zeus suddenly realized what was beginning to struggle. He was so cold on his chest that he was lifted out of the air. And because the real red rolled out, Poseidon instinctively helped her, but he didn't notice that he was freed from it.

Zeus, who was free on one arm, twisted and grabbed Hades' ankle with his free arm, and his own legs were violently twitching to break free of the bondage. Starfire and the peacock were crooked by his power, but okay Is not let go.

Seeing Poseidon leaving the position, the Taurus star **** standing next to him immediately rushed to grab Zeus's broken arm and pulled it without letting him catch Hades' ankle, as were the two mobile angels. Quickly ran over and pulled the two ropes around Zeus's wrists. They were finally flattened again to lie flat on the ground, and Zeus's feet rushed over a few Protoss to help With his legs completely fixed, the star **** of Pisces also stepped onto Zeus's chest to take the place of true red, but instead of scratching Zeus' hair, he put a red rose on top of Zeus's Above the nose and mouth, Zeus's struggles stopped for a second immediately, but soon returned to normal, just because of this second, everyone around him ran back. Now, no matter what the image is, it's almost a group of us who can get in. Climb up. If it weren't for giving Wei Na a place, I would definitely go up.

Originally, five people pressed Zeus so much. Now ten people go up in one breath. Zeus can hardly do anything except to twist it. However, just as Zeus' struggle was getting weaker and weaker, and it seemed like she was about to give up, Weiner suddenly opened her eyes, and Zeus exploded again, as if she was half-electrically shocked, her strength suddenly soared, and she suddenly lifted up. Throw the Pisces **** more than one meter high. Fortunately, there is a real red lesson. Pisces has never let go, so after being abandoned, it returned to its original position and was not thrown out.

The situation was similar on both sides of Zeus's hands and feet. With Zeus's twisting violently, the peacock and Starfire were rolled over by the ground of Zeus' belt. The Starfire tried to control him several times and was pulled down, and could not stabilize at all. But dragging so many people. Although Zeus was still able to move, he was limited to moving. He couldn't really sit up, let alone stand. Lying on the ground and twisting is his limit.

"Mobile angel." I called out suddenly when I saw this. All the mobile angels looked at me together, and I promptly said, "Use a drag anchor."

The mobile angels immediately responded when they heard it, and then pulled out a long arm from a launcher behind them. A metal tip slightly thinner than the wrist. The front of this gun head is obviously with barb, and it is not a pair or two. But seven or eight rows, thirty-two barbs count on four sides. It can be imagined that once this kind of thing hits somewhere, it is not so easy to figure it out.

After taking out these metal parts, the mobile angels successively inserted those things into the ground on the ground around them, and then patted them into the ground with their hands three or two times, leaving only a metal ring at the tail exposed. After nailing those metal gun heads, the two overweight mobile angels quickly removed a few large metal chains from their bodies and threw them to other mobile angels. After catching the chain, the other mobile angels quickly hung one of them on the tail ring of the metal piece that they hit into the ground, and then threw the other over Zeus to the opposite mobile angel. Dozens of chains were pulled like this, and after being tightened, they directly caught Zeus' body. The protoss who suppressed Zeus also reacted at the sight of these chains. Now it is pressed with Zeus under his body to facilitate the mobile angel to fix and lock, and then after they are fixed, they will use the chain ’s tired things to further fix Zeus. Some deities also contributed their own weapons and inserted them into the ground next to Zeus's body to expose the part of the ground to prevent the twisting struggle of Zeus. Adding the chains above and the gods pressing on it, Zeus struggled very much. It will soon be completely restricted.

Seeing that even Zeus, who was still struggling to resist, actually looked up and wanted to bite. The red that had just been thrown out went straight up and grabbed Zeus' hair to pull his head back to the ground again, and then raised the other hand to take a picture. With two circles around his eyes, Zeus instantly became a national treasure. Two big dark circles look very happy. Of course, Zeus himself could not feel any joy other than grievance and resentment.

"Boss, can you hurry up, this guy is like a madman!" Peacock looked up and looked at Wei Na. Although they controlled Zeus, they were too strenuous, and after a while they started to feel a little tired.

Wei Na did not answer the peacock's words but waved to me. "Zi Ri. Come and help."

"What are you doing?" I crouched beside Zeus' belly from the other side.

Vena reached out and held Zeus's upper and lower abdominal muscles, and then said, "Use your eternity to open a mouth for me, starting from where I pressed it and cutting to the other side."

"No problem." I quickly took the eternity into a dagger form, and Zeus heard that we were going to cut his stomach and naturally struggled even harder, and even the weapons next to him were knocked up and down, but we were too many Although he was still twisted like a black fish ashore, he never let him out.

Wei Na carefully pressed his belly and reminded me: "Be careful not to cut too deeply. Your eternity has the power of rules. Too much depth will cut the core of the divine power together."

"Simply cut the belly?" I asked.

Wina nodded. I directly changed eternity again, and now eternity has become something like an electric iron, but the bottom of the iron is not flat, but a half-inch tip is extended. I smiled at Wina and said, "Is this all right?"

Wina looked and said with satisfaction: "Yes, just cut it like this."

Immediately after receiving Wina's consent, I pressed that iron-like eternity on Zeus's belly. The blade tip was blocked by a slight squeezing force. After all, Zeus's body is not an artifact, and even those artifact-level swords can be cut forever. Zeus's skin is not a problem.

Pushing this deformed eternity all the way forward along the body's midline with ease, soon an incision was made in Zeus's stomach, and the blood and water immediately flowed out of control. If it was normal damage, Zeus's constitution would not bleed, but unfortunately, eternally brings skills such as deepening damage and preventing wound healing, and I have the attribute of suppressing divine power. As a result, after Zeus's belly was cut open, Began blood flow like ordinary people.

"OK. What next?"

"Help me cut his belly and hold it."

"I feel like I'm in anatomy class." As I said, I reached into the wound in Zeus's abdomen, and then pulled it on both sides. Zeus's body twisted sharply. It caused everyone around him to shake, but fortunately, he shuddered and didn't dare to continue to struggle, because the wound on his stomach made him feel heartache every time he moved. After all, a mouth was opened almost a foot long on the stomach. And I was torn apart by hand, the most important thing was that we didn't give him anaesthetic. So it was normal for Zeus to feel pain. In fact, I also know that it hurts because I can feel the muscles in my hand are beating fast. This is a natural convulsive reaction due to pain. This can only happen if it hurts to a certain extent. of.

After I tore open Zeus's belly, Wina directly extended her head and glanced at it. I also looked at her, but the structure inside Zeus's belly was obviously different from that of a normal person. Although there is no difference in body surface, bleeding may also occur when the abdominal cavity is opened. But Zeus did not see the internal organs in his stomach. When he opened his abdomen, I saw a nebula, as if there was a universe in it.

Wei Na obviously understands better than me, and it ’s different from what I was watching. She was obviously looking for something. After a brief look, she guided me to expand a bit, and then it seemed that she finally found her goal. Na reached into Zeus's belly directly, and then stretched her whole arm in. Look at this length. If Zeus had the same stomach as the average person, the arm would have popped out from behind him.

Putting her shoulder on Zeus's abdominal wound, Wei Na stretched her whole arm into his stomach and touched it for a long time before suddenly supporting her body and pulling out her hand, and there was an extra sparkle in her hand. Stars.

This is a golden light cluster, but it is not a simple sphere. It is like the fireworks that the children hold in their hands during the festival. The fireworks are constantly spraying outward with golden light dots. From the magic induction, I can feel that this thing is radiating a lot of energy outwards, but this thing seems to be a little problem at this time, because its eruption seems to be very unstable, and those light spots are sometimes absent.

"Is this the core of the divine power swallowed by Zeus?" I asked, watching the erupting light group.

Wei Na nodded, then stood up carefully holding this thing, and then said: "It seems that the attack just now has a great impact on the core of the divine power, this core of the divine power is already on the verge of overload. But fortunately, look now It's fairly stable. "

"Take what we do now?"

"Take it for me." Wei Na turned and called the gold coin, and then placed the core of her divine power in her palm, then said to the others: "You can let go of him. Without this thing, he is now full of injuries It is estimated that we cannot beat even the weakest of us. "

After hearing Wena's words, everyone also found that Zeus's struggle seemed to stop completely, not to be able to break free, but to give up resistance completely. Indeed, the core of the divine power was forcibly dug out, and now Zeus has no hole cards. In despair, even the will to resist was completely lost, and the whole person was lying there like a poor little girl who had just been struck by a group of big men. In fact, it is almost the same, except that he is not a little girl, nor is it a group of big men who beat him, but you can't deny that he was indeed captive, just another kind of captive.

No longer managing Zeus, who lost the will to resist on the ground, Wei Na turned and let the gold coins put the core of the divine power to a suitable height, and then she put her hands on the surface of the burning core of the divine power from both sides and turned her head and said to us: "Protect me, the synchronization process cannot be interrupted, otherwise the former achievements are all light, in case the core of the divine power of the chaos and order protoss is hurt!"

As soon as I heard it, I said, "If it is so dangerous, I suggest you go into the Isinger Mobile Fortress first, at least it is safer than on the ground."

Although there are a bunch of bulls standing around, this kind of thing still can't be careless. In the end, Wei Na returned to the Isinger Mobile Fortress with the core of her divine power, and this time she did n’t hold it with gold coins, and directly supported it with a support stand. The core of Divine Power began to perform synchronous operations.

Because synchronizing the divine core of the two Protoss is more troublesome, and because it is forcibly cracked, we must first decode the core defense wall of the Olympian Protoss. Of course, we have also tried to ask Zeus. Unfortunately, this guy is now like a vegetative person. It wasn't dead, but there was no response. His eyes were dull looking at the front without any focal length. Even if you kick him and hit him, there is no response. There was really no way we had to let Wei Na crack it slowly, anyway, now we are not in a hurry.

Leaving Starfire and the peacock several of them better able to protect Wei Na, the rest of us dispersed and began to take the vegetative Zeus to capture the prisoners everywhere. The gang of Olympians had lost their minds after dodging the super weapon. Now they saw that their boss was dragged by us like a dog. Finally, the sense of resistance suddenly collapsed completely. Although there were some who refused to surrender for various reasons, but these people did not all choose to resist to the end. Some of them did not surrender but escaped. There are still too few people who are relentless. Our staff members who were freed up and separated.

The war between the Protoss is actually a bit like an entertaining flag capture game in the army, except that the flag here is the core of the divine power rather than a real flag. As long as you can grab the opponent's divine power, the battle is basically over, after all, the protoss is different from us. We ordinary creatures are like solar cars. Although the power is weak, the endurance is very strong. The Protoss is like an electric tank dragging an invisible cable, with powerful horsepower and unlimited endurance, but only if the power station at the end of the cable must be stable. Once the power station is destroyed by the enemy, these electric tanks have only three minutes of emergency power left, and it will take a long time to lie down.

Because most Olympians have lost their will to resist after seeing the captured Zeus, the rest of the work becomes extremely simple. Kill the part of the Olympus Protoss who are stubborn and resist, and then catch back some of the running Olympus Protoss ~ ~ After all, the movement of the Olympus Protoss is incomparable to us, even if we want to run It's not easy to run there. Most of them were taken back to prison, and the rest were out of control for the time being, and those who lost their will to resist were all brought together to become our captives, but it was not ours who were holding them, but Hera. These people are future members of the New Olympus Protoss, so giving it to Hera would allow her to give a speech or something in advance. However, to be honest, from what I secretly watched, Hera didn't seem to be a good leader.

In fact, this phenomenon is not uncommon. In many countries in history, powerful people have sought to usurp the throne, and when they came to power, they found that they did not know how to manage the country at all. This is normal. However, although there are many such people, there are not many incidents in the end. After all, the country is not controlled by one person. Even the emperor has a large group of courtiers to assist him. Although Hera may seem a bit vegan for the time being, this is not a problem. After all, it has the influence of our guild. It is not easy for her to come up with a problem. Besides, she is not good at mastering such a large protoss, which is also good for us. At least her weak control means that she needs to rely on us, which determines that she will not betray as long as she is not mentally disabled.

It was dark when we were busy with a lot of war finishing work. Everyone soon left the matter to the second-line personnel, and all of us at the top level went to Wina's side. Now The core of her divine power is not finished, so everyone is waiting for the first-hand news here.

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