Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 245: New Olympus Protoss returns

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Although the task reward is very good, but it is not the time to do the task. I just simply looked at the next level and started to go to the core of Divine Power. The core synchronous reading work at Wei Na was over. The following is to be performed. It was the reconstruction of the Olympus Protoss later.

The situation in Europe is still quite good for us. Among the major protoss, the two temples of light and darkness are our divine power, and the other is a good ally. Although the Holy See is our enemy, we have no property within his sphere of influence and have no presence in the short term. The idea of ​​what new forces to build in this area, so the Holy See poses no threat to us. The remaining two protoss are the Olympus and the Nordic.

The Nordic Protoss and us should not become allies, but the hostility is not enough. This is an undeveloped protoss, and for the time being there is not much intersection with us. After removing the Nordic Protoss, the last remaining is this Olympus Protoss. If it can be turned into a more complete divine right than the Temple of Light, then we can master or affect more than half of the Protoss on the European land The ideological tendencies of the forces. Although this huge influence will not directly print money for you, it can make your other industries' incomes soar, and it can also open up industries that were previously unavailable or unsuitable to enter.

If we need this kind of influence to continue, we must ensure that the distribution of the power of the European Protoss maintains the status quo, or develop in the direction we want, and transforming the Olympus Protoss into our divine power is the most important step of strategic layout.

Our guild knows a lot of people. And this layout is not a result of a discussion with one or two people, so when I arrived, many people had already stood there. The conference hall of the guild was crowded at this time, not only the seats, but also two circles of people standing around. The reason is so much. It is not that we have increased the number of participants in the meeting, but because the other party members, members of the Protoss of Olympus were also present.

This kind of negotiation-like meeting originally needs to discuss and integrate its own internal opinions before starting the talks. But our situation is a bit special now. One is that the current Olympus Protoss are not in the same position as us, and the other party just won the rebellious war with our support. And we are the main force, which determines that the group of Olympus Protoss under Hera does not have the same status as us. In addition, on the negative side, we also surpassed each other a lot, which determines that the other party does not have the strength to negotiate hard. Finally, because our bank has internal communications, we can discuss the unified views while meeting.

The two sides of the conference hall have now been divided into two parts, but we can see from the position that we are not equal. During normal negotiations, both parties are sitting on the left and right sides across the table. The ends of the table are unoccupied. But this time our positions are divided. As the chairperson, my position on the conference table is at the top of the conference table, and there is a very special throne here. All other seats on the table are the same, but this one is special. Deciding this position represents a higher status existence.

My place is now vacated in the venue, and Vena, Rose, and Red Moon are all seated on the left and right sides of my position. A group of members of the Bank who are qualified to participate in the meeting and those provided by the Chaos and Order Protoss are also standing behind their seats, which is considered a second seat.

Hera's position was directly opposite me. But across the table. You know, the long table in the conference hall of our guild is not an ordinary table. This thing is bigger than the chase shop in the low-level hotel in the past, and it is almost ten meters in length. If it weren't for magic devices, you would have to shout out loud so far apart.

Hera's men were on either side of Hera's position. But compared to our overcrowded population, the numbers seem to be sparse. Those who can come are Hera's direct staff, which must be a confidant. Hera was still under the control of Zeus before. Of course, she couldn't have too many confidants, and he couldn't pick a few. Here, so the people on her side are just filled up with the places allocated to them, and there are three people standing in the back.

"Okay, now that people are here, let's start." I spoke as soon as I sat down, and after a long while, I finally arrived.

The opposite Hera nodded and said, "No problem, let's get started."

Now that Hera nodded, we started the issue right away. Rose first took out more than a dozen copies of the information and handed it to a follower, and the player immediately took the information and sent it to Hera and her colleagues. After the other person opened the information, Rose started to say, "You all see that this is the list of supplies we just got from the Olympian Protoss. The latter list is the list of remaining supplies. In addition, we are in At the end of the table is a list of complementary materials that we feel are very important to the guild, and the Olympus Protoss has a huge output here. In the future, we hope that the Olympians will provide us with these materials on a regular basis. . Of course, we are not free. Our Frost Rose Alliance and the Protoss of Chaos and Order will provide you with international relations and substantial protection. At the same time, we will also find ways to enhance your strength so that you can be in the future. Have sufficient self-protection. "

"That sounds good." Hera asked as she flipped through the information in her hand. "But our people have lost so much. What should we do if Jehovah or Odin's forces invade in a short time?"

"On this, you can turn to page 72." Rose said, "We will let the two temples of light and darkness drag the Holy See through our relationship, so you do n’t have to worry about the threat from the Holy See. . About the Odin Protoss. I think this is still unknown. The Odin Protoss may not start against you, and even if it does, it may not enter the full attack from the beginning. They always have a process of temptation. "

"So what if they attack?" One of Hera's men asked.

"We'll show up for the first time, and then we won't even recognize his mother in the same way as Zeus did before."

"If so, I think we can accept it," Hera said. "But about autonomy ..."

"I don't think this is actually an issue to discuss." I stopped Hera from speaking out. "You want to get back your own Olympian Protoss, we helped you do it. You want to save the strength of the Olympian Protoss that Zeus had before. We also help you stay. If you still want independence , Then I would like to know, why do we help you fight this war? Just that little bit of human resources and materials we got? We are fighting a war. It is not a sale. In business, there is more than 20% The profits are almost the same, and the gains from the war cannot exceed ten times. Is there a difference between victory and defeat in this kind of war? "

Hera did not give up because of my words, but said directly: "But we are about to stay to stabilize the existence of this region for you, and our future relationship should also be maintained under a benign cooperation model rather than one. A model of slavery. "

"Did I ever enslave you again? You still have your own personal freedom. You can choose to stay or leave. The Protoss of New Olympus was created and built by us. We take it for granted. Ownership. But we took a step back because of the working ability of your deities, and we gave you the ownership of the Olympian Protoss. If we still ca n’t master its foreign policy, then this group and us what is the relationship?"


"Well, I don't want to waste time on this matter." I directly interrupted Hera and said, "This is the bottom line and cannot be exceeded. Either you accept this condition, or our negotiations will not go on. Necessary. The Protoss of Olympus is there. Although you have a part of the staff and you have the right to enter the seat of the Lord Olympus. But don't forget that most of the remaining Olympians are still before The loyalists who are loyal to Zeus, their survival is all in our thoughts. To say something bad, we think, you are the King of Olympus. We do n’t want to, you are not. I think my meaning has been expressed I understand very well. You can tell me whether you accept or not. I don't want to hear the third answer. "

Hera fell into silence. Several of the Protoss around her were clearly energetic, staring angrily at me trying to stand up and soaring, but thought of it and kept it still. They are indeed the proud Protoss of Olympus, but now it's just once. After seeing that we had just gotten Zeus, these guys were arrogant and didn't dare to fangs at us. They glared angrily at us just to express an emotional attitude. They could not be regarded as provocations. They had no guts and were not qualified to provoke us.

"Are you all thinking?" I asked again. Rose, they are all a little surprised by my toughness, but they are all smart people. At this time, I can't tear down my stage. Now that I've said it tough, in front of Hera, they ca n’t show it even if they do n’t agree with me, otherwise Hera finds that our internal opinions are not uniform, and she will definitely think that the bottom line can be crossed. It's really hard to talk about.

After thinking about it for a long time, Hera didn't dare to confront us in the end. I wasn't surprised at all about this, and Rose actually squeezed cold sweat. Not because I'm smarter than them, but because they don't know Hera. I have touched Hera's temperament almost in the two previous contacts. This woman has a certain insistence on certain things, so people who do not understand may feel that she is a strong woman, that kind of queen-like existence. However, in fact Hera just looks like a queen, and her true character should be a wayward princess. She will be tough on certain things, but that ’s not really strong, but willful and rude. Once you are softened, it will become more arrogant, and you only need to be tough enough to let her see no trace of hope. She is actually weaker than many ordinary people.

Because I understood Hera's personality characteristics, I was not worried about Hera's behavior at all. I know she doesn't have the courage to reject us, so it doesn't matter how tough she is. On the contrary, once we relax, she will become tough and unwilling to communicate.

Hera nodded. We immediately started to draft the relevant agreement. Although I did n’t participate in the formulation of the agreement, I know that they must have prepared an outline of the agreement in advance, plus the existence of the **** of war, so Hera had just set it out and we took it out in less than five minutes. A written agreement. Compared to the verbal promise just now. The content of this agreement is more detailed, and many details have special notes, the content is very clear.

Hera also seriously turned over after seeing the agreement. But it did not take long to close the agreement and accept it. Although this situation is not what I expected, it also meets my definition of personality. Hera's illness was clearly suppressed by our tough attitude. So Hera is now a little bit submissive. The agreement was drafted by us, but she thought that she could not control our decision at all, and she simply stopped watching, anyway, even if there was an unequal treaty, she could only accept it.

"Since you don't have an opinion, let's sign and take effect." Rose added and added: "You have to think about it, this is a contract of laws obtained from a higher god. Even we can't break the contract. So once you sign this agreement, it will definitely guarantee the implementation of the content of the agreement, and you won't be able to repent. "

Although a little surprised, Hera nodded and quickly opened the agreement to find the place to sign and wrote her name. When she finished signing the last word, the agreement suddenly turned into a light spot and flew into her eyebrows, making her all a god.

With the signing of the agreement, the relationship between our two parties has become relatively harmonious. After all, the agreement has been signed, and now there is nothing to argue with. The so-called brothers settle accounts. The relationship can only be maintained if the relationship of interests is clearly identified in advance and no longer need to be considered in life. Otherwise, it is strange that the relationship between people is always calculated.

"Now that the agreement has been completed. Let's take a look at the core of your divine power." Wei Na suddenly proposed.

The core of the Olympus Protoss is still stacked with our own core of the Divine Power in the temporary depository of the Essinger Mobile Fortress. Now the required operations have been completed and the negotiations have been completed. We do not need to keep it This divine power is at its core.

Hera was clearly excited when she heard the core of the divine power. For many years, did Hera hope to become the **** king of the Olympus Protoss, and its actual performance was not to control the core of the divine power? Now suddenly, this many-year wish is about to be realized, how can Hera not be excited? But compared to her excitement, we were much calmer. Although it is to show Hera the core of divine power, this does not mean that she will soon take over the core of the divine power of the Olympus Protoss, because at present the core of the divine power of the Olympian Protoss is still connected to Zeus. Although Zeus is now a prisoner of our ranks, after all, the core of the divine power still only recognizes him as the main god, so if we want Hera to take over the core of the divine power of the Olympian Protoss, we have to spend some time with Zeus.

For now, killing Zeus may be the most direct and effective way, but after all, Zeus is the existence of the Lord God. He is more valuable than alive, so if possible, we don't want to kill him for the time being. Of course, if he refuses to cooperate and must hold on to the core of divine power, we will still kill him, because compared with our European strategy, his life is insignificant.

"This is the core of our divine power?" When we took Hera again to the storage of the core of divine power, Hera was obviously a bit surprised, because the core of the divine power was clearly different from when it was just extracted from Zeus.

Wei Na explained to Hera: "Before you saw the burning form, the one you usually see is the stable state, and now this is the operable open form. The core of the divine power in this form is unprotected. It is very easy to be damaged. Of course, the essence of damage is to damage the gods associated with it and the power of the faith stored in it, not to damage the core of the divine power itself. I suggest that you still keep it in a stable form. You should not enter this state unless you want to perform input and output operations. "

"It doesn't sound difficult."

"It's not that difficult, but it's very simple," Vena added, adding, "Of course, the premise is that we have to get Zeus first, after all, control is still in his hands."

"Then when can we get back the permissions?" Hera was clearly anxious.

Red Moon stepped in at this time and said, "If you don't mind. I think we can start now."

"Of course. Where is he being held?" Hera asked, looking at us.

The eagle went directly to the wall and grabbed an outstretched handle and pulled it down. There was a loud sound above our heads, and then we saw a metal platform descending from the roof. This platform is also a circle with a diameter of more than one meter, and Zeus is now being fixed on this platform.

Now Zeus's posture can be said to be more awkward. Because his head and hands were fixed in a straight line by a horizontal yoke, but the height of the yoke was depressing here, and Zeus could not stretch his legs straight. Nor could he kneel on the ground, because the height of that thing was not short enough. Kneeling on the ground will hang the neck, but it is not very tall, if you stand upright for a long time, you will not be able to bear it. Because of this awkward posture, Zeus had to stand upright for a while and maintain a squatting posture. That is to say, he is a protoss and has better endurance. If the average person is put into this posture, it will probably take a long time to die.

Zeus, who was still twisting on the shelf, saw us immediately after being lowered, and then Zeus, which was relatively quiet, suddenly erupted. He straightened up suddenly and wanted to rush up. But because the shelf limited his movements, he couldn't move at all. He could only vainly shake the entire fixed frame hulah. Unfortunately, the shelf itself is made of rune steel, and its hardness is far beyond imagination. At least it depends on brute force Definitely keep going. Besides, Zeus can't use his strength now.

Looking at the struggling Zeus, I walked to an operating table next to the shelf and raised my hand to press one of the buttons gently. There is no light and shadow effect. There was no sound, but Zeus seemed to be suddenly screamed with a hot red iron, and his muscles were so tight that his eyes were about to stare out.

Looking at Twisted Struggling Zeus, I have no mercy. It lasted for more than ten seconds before I let go of my hand, and Zeus seemed to have collapsed and collapsed on the ground as soon as I let go of my hand, and I couldn't even control my neck from being caught by the anchor.

Looking at the dying Zeus, I slowly walked around his front, and then kicked and kicked him, Zeus did not even hum, a dead person. Seeing that he didn't respond, I thought he had collapsed, so I approached and knocked his head with his hands. Who knew that this guy suddenly exploded after I approached, and then furiously wanted to pounce on me and kick me. His neck and hands are now fixed, he can't bite or fist. The only thing that can move is his legs.

Although he was deliberately trying to attack me, he failed to treat me when he burned the core of the divine power. Now he is **** so that he can hardly touch me. I lifted my hand lightly to block a leg that had lost strength because the angle reached the limit. I went straight back to the control panel, took out a hammer in Zeus' frightened eyes, and looked at Zeus and said, "Since you are still strong Toss, then we are not in a hurry. This is for you to enjoy slowly. Let's go to eat first and come back to talk to you. "I said, and put the hammer directly on the button just pressed. When Zeus saw that I was about to put on a hammer, I struggled to stop it. I also saw his movement and understood his intention, but I deliberately ignored this movement and put the hammer on it. So Zeus immediately began to scream again, and the original words to be exited were interrupted abruptly.

Looking at the screaming Zeus, I turned to Hera and said: "I think we should go and discuss the reconstruction plan of Mount Olympus first. Do you have any requirements, please mention our Frost Rose League construction team But it ’s world-famous, fast and of good quality, and this time we help you with construction for free. Others ca n’t find it. ”

Although Hera is a little anxious, she is not stupid, so she knows that the more anxious she is now, the more Zeus will think that she has pinched our handles, and it will be even more difficult to do so. So we directly gave up negotiating with him, and then went on to do other things first. Anyway, the matter of Divine Power is really not urgent. Except for Hera's mood, we do n’t need Divine Power in the short term. We do n’t let Zeus touch the core of divine power, we also have certain operation authority, and we can handle any problems ourselves. The only trouble is that two cores of divine power must work together to work. After all, we indirectly controlled the fluctuations of the Olympus Protoss ’s divine power core by simulating the chaos and order of the Protoss ’s divine power core. Controlled. Fortunately, we don't have to operate it yet.

With the screaming horrible Zeus, a large group of us really left the room. Then when I went out, I asked Woma and Sumei to come up with a bunch of large drawings, and then let Hera choose the type of building she likes, and what special functions are needed.

See the pile of drawings. Hera looked at me in surprise and asked, "Did you just lie to him?"

I pretended to look at Hera in surprise and asked, "Why should I lie to him?"

"But he really kept pressing like that. Will he be hurt?"

Hera was certainly not distressed to Zeus. She was more anxious than Zeus to suffer more. The reason for asking this is that we are afraid that we accidentally killed Zeus, and then we have no revenge.

"You may not be very clear about this thing, let me explain it to you." Warma next to him took the initiative to talk to Hera about some theoretical things, but I think Hera just like us did not understand, of course she At least I understand that the punishment method of this thing is special, it will make people feel painful, but it will not kill people. It does n’t even leave a trauma, at least it does n’t leave a physical trauma. As for the psychological trauma ... who cares about that thing? Zeus is not a relative of our family, what's the big deal even if he is destroyed?

After understanding the characteristics of the thing, Hera no longer worried about Zeus and began to focus on the reconstruction of Olympus. Because Essinger's Mobile Fortress is now parked directly above Mount Olympus, the Transnational Transport Array can directly gather our guild's materials and personnel distributed around the world to help the Olympus Protoss rebuild the Temple Mount.

With the help of our guild staff, the rubble cleanup was completed in one day. At this time, the debate has begun in Japan. There is a lot of evidence about who the Nobunaga is playing with Matsumoto Masa. Of course, this matter was carried out according to our plan, so the ghost-handed Nobunaga did not make a second idea except to be treated as a liar.

After we cleared the ruins on Mount Olympus, we sent the construction team out, and these construction teams will start to reconstruct Olympus according to the drawings designed by Hera. This new drawing is said to be designed by Hera, but it is actually our basic set drawings, but Hera has changed a lot. So it looks a bit different.

Until the middle of the night, the members of our guild basically went offline to rest, and the construction team rebuilt Olympus in three shifts, and my chairman who did not sleep took a few protoss again Came to the divine core store.

As the one-meter-thick explosion-proof gate gradually opened in front of us, the screams in the room immediately passed into our ears, but compared to when I left in the afternoon, the sound was much quieter, and there was a kind of tone change. a feeling of. After a scream of exhaustion and screaming all afternoon, even the Protoss' throat could be a problem.

After entering the room, I didn't go to get the hammer first. Instead, I made two laps around Zeus and made sure that he was about to collapse. Then I went to the console and picked up the hammer holding the button. Zeus suddenly fainted as soon as my button popped up, but I clicked the button again with my hand. Of course, this time it was just a touch and release, but Zeus was successfully awakened.

"How do you feel? His Majesty King?" I asked Zeus deliberately with a sense of sarcasm, while playing with the hammer over and over again, and my eyes were carefully watching on the hammer, as if I was admiring A piece of art. Of course, there is nothing to appreciate about a hammer. Even if this thing is originally a weapon and there are magic runes on the surface, it is not something worth admiring for a long time. The fundamental purpose of my series of actions is to intimidate, intimidate Zeus, and let him know that as long as I have a thought, I can let him continue suffering at any time.

Because this very ordinary hammer is an important prop that caused Zeus tortured all afternoon, Zeus now has a fear of this hammer deep in his heart. Although he may not have noticed this himself, his psychology is already afraid of the hammer. When I play with the hammer like this, it is a kind of psychological suggestion. This is to tell him that the hammer can cause him pain, and that my power can manipulate the hammer at will, which can be concluded. I can manipulate his pain, I am a powerful being above him.

It's definitely useless to talk to Zeus directly about this kind of thinking. As a protoss who do not know how many years have lived, Zeus is like most adults. The mode of thinking has been finalized and has its own complete theoretical system. In this case, you tell him "I'm better than you". He won't react at all, and he will laugh at you as an idiot. This is the same situation as the average adult. He has his own cognition. What you say is different from his original cognition. He usually ignores it or believes it, and he doesn't care. This is the mindset of adults. But the minds of adults are not immutable. Through psychological cues and psychological transmission, and the information that you want to write into the other party's subconscious, this kind of cues is a little more complicated than talking directly. But the effect is definitely better than that of language communication.

If a person's consciousness is regarded as a military base, then the language is the main road connected to this base. Although the road conditions are good, there are numerous barriers and different opinions cannot be entered from here. The psychological cues are similar to the intestine trails connected to military bases, with few guards or even no defense at all, but it is difficult to find such a path. And it is not always possible to send information.

Anyway, my suggestion was successful anyway. Zeus kept staring at the hammer in my hand with a dreadful look, and then he looked at my eyes and gradually began to feel a sense of dread. This is the sign of the suggestion to take effect. .

"What are you doing?" Zeus looked at me timidly and asked. Despite being tortured all afternoon, he was able to maintain his physical strength. It's a protoss anyway. No human is less tormenting.

Upon hearing Zeus's answer, I smiled slightly, and then tossed the short-handled Warhammer up and down, and at the same time watched him playfully smiled, waited until Zeus started to appear, but continued with his expression of fear Said: "I think you should know what happened to me. Isn't that the thing? You are now like this anyway, is it really useful to retain the control of the core of God's power? Yes, it is less than five meters in front of you However, these five meters are a natural distance for you. It is a lifetime distance. You will never be able to touch it again because we will not allow it, so you retain this right except for revenge on Hera. Moreover, your revenge is actually very naive. You have also seen that we can already manipulate your divine core through our own divine core, so even if you do not release the authority, we can still operate the divine power of the Olympus Protoss At the core, it ’s just that some things will become more troublesome. Just to cause us a little bit of trouble, we will make ourselves worse off, and you do n’t feel very Cost you? "

Zeus has been listening to me, but he did not say anything. I knew he was moving, but it was difficult to express it, so I went on and said, "I think you are a wise man. Although Aphrodite and Hephaestus both say you are cruel, and The opponent is too harsh, but I think that it is only a matter of communication, and it is not a problem with your intelligence. Then, as a smart person, you do n’t feel that you use your little revenge to exchange some more real things Is it better? "

"Like what?"

Zeus suddenly came up with such a sentence, and it made me all stunned, but soon I responded and said, "For example, to relieve your pain. Of course, if you cooperate well, we can even give you limited freedom of."

"Do you think I can believe it?"

I suddenly stretched out my hand holding the hammer, and the hammer hovered over that button again. I also asked, "Do you think you have a choice?"

After 13 seconds of stalemate, Zeus suddenly collapsed weakly, then shook his head and said, "Call yours, let me give you the core control runes."

"The choice of a wise man." I quickly withdrew the hammer, and then said, "By the way, I may be bad, but I am absolutely trustworthy. What I said will be executed."

Zeus looked up at me in surprise, but soon lowered his head, and I quickly called Hera over, of course, Weiner must also be present.

Zeus, who had given up completely, did not resist anymore. He decisively released the core control rune of the Olympian Protoss, and Hera accepted the rune with the help of Wei Na. However, before this rune was injected into Hera's body, Wei Na secretly used her cover to do a little trick. She punched a small piece of rune into her body, and the rest was spliced ​​into a part of the chaos and order of the gods' core of light, and then entered Hera's body.

Hera could relax her whole body when she heard Wei Na said that she should accept the runes. She couldn't open her eyes and couldn't use any force. She wanted to remain completely silent, so she almost closed all her senses, which meant that she could not see or hear the changes around her. I don't even know the little movement of Wei Na.

Unlike Hera, who knew nothing, Zeus clearly saw the small movements of Wei Na. In fact, we did not intend to hide him, I even deliberately squeezed his eyes at him, and Zeus showed a strange smile. This smile is mixed with many complex emotions, but it is mainly a perverted pleasure. Because Hera seized his throne, and now that Hera has manipulated us, it is equivalent to being controlled by us, which makes Zeus feel a thrill of revenge, although he does not receive any substantial benefit. And Hera may not have any bad results, but he just feels very happy.

In fact, it is similar to what I analyzed before. Hera is not the kind of person who knows the measurement at all. Before we were confined to the treaty and have converged. This will obviously be a little self-confident after getting the core of the divine power, and we asked Zeus to hand over to her.

"Sorry, I'm afraid we can't agree on this." I said as I pushed the switch on the wall, Zeus's restraint frame was immediately raised to the roof again and tightly closed. The reason why Zeus was sent up was to prevent Zeus from hearing what I would say next. But Hera clearly misunderstood that it was my way of refusing, and of course I did want to reject her.

"Zeus has surrendered the core of divine power, and now I am the **** king of the Olympian Protoss. You will have to control Olympus Protoss through me in the future. What do you still have Zeus doing now? Why not call me? I will let him survive or die, "Hera said excitedly.

I still shook my head firmly. "No, Zeus is still useful to us. You also know that our guild has a strong research ability. How precious is a master god-level research material, wouldn't you not know?"

"But ..." Hera wanted to persuade.

I interrupted her directly: "Okay, pay attention to size. Our premise to help you is to let the Olympians have enough strength to protect themselves, not to sacrifice our interests to help you meet your personal needs. Such things I hope we do n’t need to remind you again in the future, otherwise we do n’t mind changing another King of Olympus. Go back and take a look at the agreement you signed, and do n’t know when you cross the border. ”

Not only did Hera get violent, but she calmed down. Her princess is usually annoying, but as long as you master its characteristics, it is actually quite easy to deal with.

Hera, who was trained by me, was eventually sent out of the Essinger Mobile Fortress. According to plan, she should meet the prisoners of the Protoss of Olympus that we captured in the next time. These people are not Hera's team, but since they surrendered, it also means that they are not Zeus diehards. It only shows that these people are less opinionated or have no courage. The reason they followed Zeus to resist us before was not to embrace Zeus or hate us, but simply to worry that they would be retaliated by Zeus. As for whether they will be retaliated by us, they are not worried. These people are timid, but their brains are not stupid. At least from the perspective of most people, we tend to be more forgiving of our enemies or bad guys than our own and good ones. You will hate your own person for not helping yourself, but you will not hate that enemy because one enemy has helped your other enemy. This may sound like a matter of course, but if you think about it, you will find that we are indeed more harsh on ourselves in this matter.

The timid Olympus Protoss feel that as long as they listen to Zeus, Zeus won't blame them for victory afterwards, and if we win, they only need to surrender. They are all protoss. To put it plainly, they are high-end talents. As long as they are not diehards and willing to abandon the dark cast, few people will really get their heads drained and they will be completely killed.

I have to say that the analysis of these people is extremely accurate, and now we are going to do what they want, and re-enlist them under the banner of the New Olympus Protoss.

Hera was taken by Wina to meet the captives, but I used an excuse to leave for a while, returned to the core storage of divine power, and then let Zeus down. When I saw me again, Zeus' eyes were very complicated, but there was no hatred, and it seemed more fearful.

After putting Zeus down, I didn't say a word, and went straight up to remove Zeus's shackles. Zeus froze obviously, then looked at me while frowning with aching body joints and asked, "Remove my shackles, aren't you afraid that I will kill you and run away?"

As I lifted the mechanism to raise the fixed frame, I said indifferently, "I can beat you once and I can beat you twice. As for saying escape ..." I deliberately looked back at him up and down, and then provoked general questions "You think the air cavalry that your two short legs can run through our guild? Don't think about it when it's okay, it's good for you."

I just threw a crystal communicator over, and Zeus instinctively caught it, and then he didn't know so he had to look at me.

"this is……?"

"Your temporary identity ~ ~ I said:" We are not as humble as your cottage. Essinger Mobile Fortress has a complete city control system, and you can't get through without a sign. This thing has an identification mark inside, which can temporarily provide you with temporary permission, and it can also locate your location, and can serve as a communicator. If you want to run, first figure out how to pass through the blocked gates without it, and as long as you take it, we can know your location at any time. do you understand? "

"I am still a captive?" Zeus said with a grin.

"Otherwise, what do you think you are? If you lose the battle, will you still climb on top of me?" I said, then I started to go out, and then said, "You go to the international teleportation team, and then to the Twin City of Essinger. Someone will pick you up over there. I'm going to accompany your wife to meet your incompetent gang, you can go by yourself. "

Seeing that I really went out, Zeus asked me in amazement: "Are you really not afraid that I'll run away?"

"You can give it a try." A word from far came that my man had disappeared to the end of the aisle outside.


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