Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 4: Iceland's famous cheating mission

Seeing the giant beating, luck was not timid at all, but it bowed down directly towards the thing as soon as it bowed down, and then the two giants collided and rolled in the air without any intention of confrontation. Falling to the ground while beating. M []

"What's going on? Why did that thing attack us?" A player on the Wiki team asked in panic.

I didn't answer his question, because I'm not sure of the specific reason, but I may know some, but I'm not sure. After thinking about it, I turned around and told Wikimedia that they don't move, then I summoned Ling and Jingjing to keep them here, and then I jumped out.

Because they are entangled and unable to maintain balance, although both monsters can fly, they are falling fast at this time. After I jumped down, in order to catch up with them as soon as possible, I did not spread my wings. Instead, I put my limbs against my body and lowered the mask to reduce wind resistance.

Although both monsters can't fly with wings for a while, anyway, they can slow down a bit, so I quickly caught up with them. Suddenly spreading my wings before slowing down, I landed directly on the back of that monster.

That thing was struggling with luck at this time, both sides wanted to bite each other, but both were blocked by the other's head, and the claws of both sides were constantly tearing and scratching each other, just like the thing However, the dragon was worse, the scales on it could block the dragon's claws, but its claws did not seem to be lucky. Therefore, Mars splashed on the opponent's claws, but there was no substantial harm.

Although I fell down on that guy's back with a lot of strength, the two monsters did not care about my existence at this time, so the monster had no intention of dealing with me. But it didn't care about me, and I wouldn't show mercy to its men. Stepped on this guy's neck and rushed to his head all the way. Then flipping over forever against the guy's head and neck where the neck is connected is suddenly a sword stuck. Even though this guy's scales are comparable to dragon scales, in the face of eternity, there is still no need for the window paper to be much stronger, and it was easily penetrated by me with a sword.

The beast being beaten did not expect that I could deal such a large amount of attack damage. Suddenly he opened his mouth and snarled. Fortunately, he had the chance to bite the guy's neck and twist his neck desperately. The guy tried to tighten his muscles to fight against the lucky power, but I pulled the countryside holding the hilt of the sword, and the wound was cut open. The guy's neck strength immediately dropped a lot. Fortunately, he turned around and listened. With a click, the guy's head twisted into an abnormal angle, and its resistance also disappeared instantly, and the huge body completely lost its strength and fell quickly towards the ground.

I held Eternal's foot on the guy's body and bounced away from it, then flew open with wings. Fortunately, one wing got out of touch with it. The monster's body flipped and fell in the air without anybody's control, and finally slammed on the ground and collapsed a large forest, and also alarmed many small creatures to flee.

I didn't care about it when I saw it landed. After flying to the lucky side, I grabbed the lucky horn and climbed to his head. Then, I started to fan the wings and flew towards the upper channel crack. Taking advantage of the opportunity to climb lucky, I looked at the attributes of the creature obtained in the battle just now, and found that the attack power of this thing seems to be only slightly lower than that of lucky, but its defense seems to be a little higher than that of lucky. Just don't know if this thing is magic. If it is also magical and has no problem with intelligence, then the combat power of this thing can basically be on par with the dragon.

Wiki They also saw us killing that creature in the sky. When we re-fly, Ling and Jingjing each took one person to fly first, and then two players with flying ability in the team also used the flying ability by themselves. Fly up. The remaining three jumped straight out of the aisle, and I flew up to catch the wiki. Fortunately, I grabbed the other two with one claw.

After everyone caught, we started to fly down. The previous passage was not just as simple as breaking a crack after it broke, but a long section in the middle collapsed and fell into the underground world below, and because the collapsed area was long, it was opposite You need to look carefully to find out where the entrance of is, but according to their description on Wiki, the original passageway should be relatively straight, basically no radians, so we can find the entrance by following the original direction. This saves us a lot of trouble. Of course, it is not so safe to travel this long distance on the ground. At least from the previous creature, there are not only many creatures in this place, but they are quite powerful. Although it is not a problem for me, they come to Wiki It is very difficult to talk about existence.

Like the flying creature just now, lucky and me are so easy to kill. One is because we can both fly, and the other is because the strength of luck is not inferior to that creature, and it can suppress each other in strength. And my eternity has a BUG-like ability to break defense, so it will look so easy. However, if you think about it from another angle, if Wikipedia can face this thing, only two people can fly, and they still rely on props to reluctantly fly. Such a team encounters an air unit almost waiting for the existence of abuse. It is not unreasonable to call air dominance as soon as there is a battle in reality. Even if other attributes are exactly the same, the combat power of flying units will be at least 30% higher than that of flying units.

I don't know if the movement caused by the creature that fell to the ground before is too great. We didn't seem to find any creatures after we landed, probably they were scared away.

We started to move forward according to the direction of the channel above the head, and we always pay attention to whether there is a channel opening above the head, but according to Wikipedia, this channel opening is more likely to be on the ground. The reason for this speculation is mainly because of the angle of the channel. According to them, the previous fracture of the channel was originally a place with the same direction. But instead of turning left and right, the passage from here turned into a large-angle rural slope. Well, if we calculate according to this tilt angle, we can't see the entrance to the tunnel if we move forward seven or eight kilometers. The entrance should be at a height similar to where we are standing now.

In fact, the ground in this underground world is not completely flat. In the direction we are going, the ground is gradually rising. However, the ceiling above the head is descending in a dive, so the height difference decreases as you move forward. This is convenient for us to find the entrance.

Although the terrain is very good, it is suitable for finding the entrance, but soon I understand why the Wikipedia did not dare to come down to find the entrance. Although they said they did not have the ability to dig dirt, in my opinion, the bigger reason may be that they cannot cope with the Warcraft here.

Although the World of Warcraft around the location we just landed was scared away by the falling monster, as we gradually moved away from that area, the surrounding World of Warcraft began to increase significantly. [Read the novel ~] In addition to the surprisingly large number, Warcraft here also has three characteristics: first, it is extremely aggressive, and it will almost never hesitate to attack any non-identical creatures it sees; second, the creatures here are either single Physical strength. Either the emergence of hordes, low-level creatures can't survive here at all; third, the experience value of the creatures here is very low, it is difficult to say that the experience is poor, and the creatures of the level of 1200 are more than 1,450. Hundreds of levels are difficult to play, but the experience value is similar to that of a thousand. Of course, no one wants to provoke this kind of unfavorable Warcraft, and these guys have one or two hitting the curse of violent curse. When they see something moving, they immediately flew up and attacked hard, endlessly.

We walked along the path under the jungle for less than two kilometers and we encountered at least three waves of Warcraft. One time, I almost let a large World of Warcraft drag a team member of Wiki, so I didn't dare to pretend to release 13 a bunch of magic pets to protect the surrounding, so I also let those deadly World of Warcraft rush into the encirclement several times. Fortunately, after releasing a lot of magic pets, I still left the reserve team, so it did not cause any bad consequences.

"Did all the Warcrafts in this place take 〖Xing〗?" Continued for a short while. When we successfully killed the fifth wave of Warcraft, a male player on the Wiki team couldn't help complaining.

Vicki didn't show any nervousness about this, but only soothed the players' emotions. Obviously, his captain's mental quality is much better than the players.

It's not dangerous, but after getting the tenth batch of Warcraft extremely depressed, we finally advanced to a place six kilometers away from the landing position, and here we finally saw the disconnected entrance, but ...

"What can I do?" They were all dumbfounded looking at the entrance wiki that had become a waterfall.

The previous entrance should be connected to the one we came down through a section of underground pipeline that has collapsed. That is to say, the previous pipeline was closed, and the lava tube usually had a lot of pressure due to its own temperature. This pressure is sufficient to resist the pressure of seawater. But now that the pipeline is broken, the pressure is gone. Since the other exit of this inlet pipe is at the bottom of the sea, it means that this thing is through the sea, and now the pipe is connected to the underground world, and the underground world does not have enough pressure to seal the seawater outside, so the original lava tube It became the big waterfall now. A huge water column with a diameter of ten meters gushes out from that entrance position. From time to time, you can still see some fish or even a large aquatic World of Warcraft flying out of that water column. At the location of the water column, there is a large expanse of ocean. Judging from the surrounding plants, this place was not originally a water world, but it is now submerged. Fortunately, there is an underground river next to it, and the width is not low. The accumulated water here will flow into the river after a certain distance, and it seems that the river itself is also living water, and there are other exits. So the influx of seawater did not drown the underground world. Of course, in terms of the size of the underground world, it takes at least a few months for this water column to fill it, so even without this river, there will be no problems in a short time.

Although the creatures of this underground world are unusually fierce, these raging Warcrafts are not opposed to gaining nothing. At this time, there were many large Warcrafts gathering in the jungle washed by the sea, and they were fishing here.

The marine life inhaled by the seawater in this shallow water's resistance has plummeted. It is not these large Warcraft opponents at all, and some of them are unlucky when they are washed out by the current. After all, the speed of the water in the pipe is very fast, and it is inevitable to hit back and forth, and the larger the creature is, the greater the impact force will be, so the falling creatures will be struggling if they are not hit by the dizzy steering. Exhausted. Coupled with shallow water can not be used. The marine life here basically can only wait for death.

We don't care about the fate of these creatures, except that the horrible water column can fly forward more than a hundred meters before it starts to fall, so you can see how big the water pressure is. It is basically impossible for such a channel to be drilled and then go up against the current. Besides, we are not salmon that are in a hurry to spawn, but we don't have the courage to work hard with the river.

Carefully bypassing the Warcraft Swarm that was scrambling for fish, we walked directly below the water column. Although it is a water outlet here, because the water pressure is too high, the water column has flown out, but there is no water here, and naturally there are no fishes, so the Warcraft did not come.

Looking at this hanging overhead, there is still a water outlet that is sixty or seventy meters high from us. We all frowned straight there. It ’s not really impossible to pass through the water. At least I can definitely pass it. Amazingly start the Divine Fit. In that attribute mode, I can still go through even if the water pressure doubles again. The problem is that it is too expensive, and they can't afford it!

"President Ziri, do you have a way to get past? I don't think we can make it through the water. Even if you have a way to pull us forward, we will certainly not be able to stop the impact of that water pressure!"

When I heard Wiki's question, I frowned and thought, but just hesitated for a little while and suddenly I came up with an idea.

"Here. Wiki. How far is it from the estuary?"

"About three or four kilometers. What's wrong?" I heard that several people around me had come around and wanted to hear my solution.

In their expectant eyes, I said with a smile: "If there are only three or four kilometers, then it will be fine." I pointed to the water outlet and said, "The water flow at that water outlet is too fast. In the past, the price paid was too great. So I thought that instead of studying how to force the flow of water through, it would be better to open another way. As long as we drill a hole next to the water outlet, and then go forward along the underground pipeline Dig. The noise from the water flow in the pipeline can help us determine its location. As long as we don't leave the main pipeline too far, we don't have to worry about finding the way to the exit. "

After hearing my explanation on Wikimedia, they did not immediately feel relieved, but were more worried. One of the female players asked, "President Ziri, there are two questions about your method. I wonder if you noticed it?"

"Problem? What's the problem?"

"First of all, it is not so simple to open a three-kilometre channel. Are you sure we have that digging ability?"

I nodded and said, "I have a magic pet that specializes in underground activities. Normal excavation speed is slightly faster than normal people walking. I can dig more than three kilometers an hour. If he excavates at full speed, fast."

The female player said immediately after listening: "But there is still a problem we need to solve. When we dig to the sea floor over there, once we dig through the last layer of rock wall to connect to the sea floor, the channel we just dug out It will become the same water channel, and the high pressure on the sea floor will quickly flush the surrounding seawater into the pipeline and flush us all back, and even if we can fix ourselves in advance and not be washed away, the seawater flowing into the pipeline at high speed will form a large entrance. Vortex, are we powerless to get rid of that vortex? "

"I also thought about this. [Just read the novel ~]" I said without worry: "I have more than one digging pet, we can delay a little more time, instead of digging straight passages, but digging A spiral channel like a spring is made, and every time you dig a section, you can refill the back, so that after we dig through the ocean floor, although the seawater will pour in, it will not form a current. After a short period of time, the connected channel is filled. Naturally, there will be no more water flow, and we don't have to fight the vortex at all. "

The players around me were relieved immediately after hearing my explanation, because my method is simple, but just think about it and it will definitely work. Of course, this method is also used in the game. It is definitely impossible in reality because the water pressure on the sea floor is too horrible. When the channel connects the outside sea water, the water pressure driven by the rushing water will drive the gravel like a cannonball. Generally come in, not to mention that there are not many diving suits that can resist deep sea pressure in reality. Even if it is a submarine, it must not be able to hold these stones pushed by the sea.

But we don't have to worry about this, because we are in the game. In the game, for players to enter the underwater scene map to increase the fun of the game, so the problem of water pressure is ignored. As long as you have armor or magic against water pressure, you don't have to worry about deep sea pressure, as for those stones or something. Don't worry about it. I can easily carry down the shield with my defense, so the impact of the stone is not a problem for us at all.

After thinking about the solution, we immediately started to implement it. However, you need to do some preparations before digging the tunnel. The water outlet was sixty or seventy meters high above our heads. Not on the ground. Although the pioneer digs the ground very hard, but he ca n’t fly, so we have to go up and dig a hole deep enough manually, at least to allow the pioneer to squeeze himself into the rock, otherwise he ca n’t start digging what.

Originally, it would not be a problem to just open a hole in the rock. Many of us can handle it, but considering that there is a high-pressure water pipe next to it, and here is the underground world. So we worry that too much vibration will cause rock formations to break. The previous collapse here indicates that the rock formation itself is unstable. If we are reckless, it will probably completely break the rock formation, so we must find a gentle way to dig.

If you cannot dig by force, you can only use the corrosion method. Compared to relying on brute force or blasting directly, although the speed of corrosion is slower, the movement is the smallest. However, even the slow problem does not exist here, because Ling's god-level darkness erodes and erodes the rocks almost as quickly as the naked eye can see. I saw Ling pressing his hand on the wall. Within a second, the rocks around her palms began to turn black, and then powdered, while the surrounding black area was still spreading to the surrounding area.

With the spread of black areas, a large black area quickly appeared on the wall, and waited a second or two after it became dark. That area will begin to powder and fall, and Ling's hand is in direct contact with a large area that has been sunken inward. As the rock gradually subsided, Ling also began to move inward, and the black area continued to expand forward. Soon, Ling's entire person disappeared on the stone wall, and a diameter of more than three meters was left behind her. Large holes, and the edges of the large holes are still brown. Occasionally, the dross will fall down. The apparently corroded condition has not completely stopped, but the speed has only slowed down.

Wikipedia They watched Ling ’s actions one by one as they saw God. Of course, I ’m talking about the God in reality. The Jehovah in the game is a wanderer. It is the most disturbing when he is swaying within the sphere of influence of the Holy See. One of the group of protoss.

"Well, President Ziri, is it the female devil that you say will be a pet?" A team member asked.

Of course, I shook my head to deny it, and the other person immediately asked me why she can dig so fast. I had to answer him: "This is one of my most powerful magic pets. He can be regarded as an all-rounder, and he can order anything. This fight The magic of the hole is called Dark Erosion. It is a kind of black magic. It is attacking. It is mainly used to kill people instead of digging holes. You do n’t have to look at the speed of digging, but it wo n’t last long. It ’s just my magic pet's magic power is enough. If you learn this magic, your magic power will be at the bottom for a maximum of six or seven seconds, so you can only use it temporarily, and you ca n’t rely on this to open the road. "

"But it's amazing," said Wikipedia. "At least nobody here has that speed."

"You are just not good at it."

As soon as we finished talking here, we saw Ling flew out of the hole above, and then she did not come down, pointed at the hole, a space crack appeared directly at the hole, and the trailblazer drilled into the hole just dug out. The cave, and then the speed at which his head touched the rock in front began to accelerate suddenly, and the huge body got into the cave in the blink of an eye and went all the way.

The pioneers dig underground to rely on magic rather than physical methods. Those creatures that can punch holes are relatively small creatures. Large creatures suffer too much resistance under the ground, and it is basically impossible to move forward by digging. The ability of the trailblazer is completely magic, and there is a constant on his head. It is a mud spell, and it is released many times faster than the mage, and the magic cost is much lower. After all, other people and such a skill are naturally more specialized than those who can click anything.

As the trailblazers went deeper into the rock wall, I directly let Lucky send them all one by one. Then I followed to get in and recover the lucky pets. These pets started to move forward along the cave dug by the trailblazers.

According to my previous plan, the channel cannot be dug into a straight line and needs to be advanced spirally, otherwise even if we block the subsequent channel. It will also be forcibly punctured by water pressure because the structure of the newly filled channel is unstable. In contrast, the spiral structure does not need to worry about this problem because of the different bearing methods. However, we originally planned to open a hole on one side of the main channel, but later the pioneers felt that they would dig a little and simply dig around the main channel that had already entered the water in a circle. The benefit is obvious, because the main channel is surrounded by the spiral of the channel we dug. It can ensure that our direction will not be a problem.

They only know the route to Mumbles after the main channel goes out. If we deviate too far to find the main channel exit, they will not be able to find Mumbles by the markers they know.

The underground distance of more than three kilometers can be dug through at the pioneer's speed for an hour at most, but because the spiral channel is dug now, the speed naturally slows down a lot, and it took us an hour and a half to dig the exit. .

Because the trailblazers are sensitive to ground vibrations, the trailblazers felt the vibrations at the exits before approaching the exits. This vibration passed down the rock into the tunnel and proved that we are not far from the exit.

In order not to be sucked back by the vortex of the main passage opening, we started to dig horizontally away from that exit after confirming that the exit was approaching, and then opened the passage after sealing the previous passage.

When the seawater poured in, the impact was indeed not small, but I put two magic shields in front of it. Although the seawater broke them, the impact force also dropped a lot, as for the water pressure. This is not a big problem because of the system settings.

After the sea water completely filled our last passage, we immediately felt a tremendous pressure on our body. The game only reduces the impact of stress on the human body, plus the physical properties of the players are much stronger than in reality, so they can move in the deep sea, but the pressure will still be reflected on the human body. That is, if you dive too deeply, you will still feel dull, and the quality of equipment and the amount of personal magic are directly related to your ultimate diving depth. After all, soldiers rely on armor, mage and other unarmored people. Professionals rely on the magical enchantment, so it is not to say that anyone can go to the bottom of the deep ocean.

The depth of the place where we are now is obviously not low, but it is not high enough to kill people. At least, although they seem uncomfortable, they have not hung up, which means that the water pressure is still within the acceptable range.

After the water flow was stable, I was the first to get out of the passage and check the situation outside.

This place is completely dark because it is deep sea, but I have perfect night vision ability, so this has no effect on me. In my sight, the surrounding seawater looks unusually clear, and large and small marine creatures swim near or far. Compared to reality, the bottom of the game is obviously more vibrant. After observing several long deep-sea species similar to alien creatures for a while, I turned my eyes to the position of the main channel.

As we guessed before, a thick underwater tornado, or a large vortex, can be located above the main channel. However, what is more reassuring is that the vortex is far away from us. Although we can clearly feel that the water is flowing in that direction at the exit location, the impact force is not great, and a little attention will not be sucked in. In fact, the main power of the vortex is concentrated on the top of it, that is, the circle in the middle of the center. If we are above it, let alone a distance of more than one hundred meters, even if we stand one thousand meters away, it will definitely Sucked in.

After confirming that there was no danger outside, I turned around and beckoned, and then they immediately followed me out, but after they came out, their eyes were blackened and they could not see anything.

Although "Zero" opened underwater maps, the difficulty of such maps is generally relatively high, and the input cost is not small. First, it needs to resist water resistance under water, and secondly, underwater Warcraft are aquatic creatures. They are more adapted to the underwater environment. After the player enters the water, the combat power will drop straight. The problem of body balance is enough for players to have a headache. The underwater map in Zero is not the kind of cottage underwater map that stands on the sea floor fighting in other games. The underwater map here is the real water environment, just like you are underwater in reality. Except that you can use magic to solve breathing and pressure problems, everything is no different from reality. of course. At the same time, the experience value of underwater map monsters is generally three or four times higher than the ground, and the density is high. It also produces a lot of valuable materials, which are the main reasons to attract players to launch. It can also be regarded as a kind of compensation. After all, if the map is as difficult as the ground, who will return it?

In fact, in addition to the problem of body balance caused by buoyancy and slowdown of movement caused by water resistance, there is also a very serious problem-visibility.

Although there is no environmental pollution in the game, the water in various underwater maps is very clear, but no clear water can be as transparent as the air, so in the underwater environment, the human visual range will be greatly affected. Of course, some people will say that sound can be very useful underwater. Because sound travels farther underwater than in air. However, although sound is effective underwater, it is almost impossible for players to use it.

If you have buried your head in the water and listened carefully to the sounds under the water, you will find that people can't tell the direction of the sound by sound at all. The reason why the human ear can confirm the direction of the sound is because we have two ears. We have to use the brain to perform triangulation based on the sequence and intensity of the sound received by the two ears, so that the target sound source can be confirmed. The approximate location. This triangular positioning of sound is a capability that mammals possess, and it is a capability that our mammals have evolved in the long-term evolution process, however. This ability evolved according to the atmospheric environment. During the triangulation process, our brain will perform some special operations. This operation is performed by some neural units solidified in our brain. This is like a hardware decoder, which can be based on the input sound of both ears. The target position is calculated by the intensity and time difference. But the calculation units are fixed and cannot be changed at all.

When we are in the air, the speed of sound propagation is approximately fixed, and the range of variation is very small, and the speed of attenuation of sound when it is transmitted in the air is also approximately fixed. The decoding area in our brain has these two kinds of fixed data, so we can bring it into the calculation to get the final accurate answer. However, the speed of sound in water is different from that in air, and the attenuation rate of sound waves in water is different from that in air. However, the decoding area in our brain that is responsible for calculating this thing is a fixed system and cannot be changed, so it will use the sound wave velocity and attenuation rate in the air to calculate. The result is a mess of unknown data. Not only can't confirm the direction, you can't even determine the type of sound accurately.

Black dolphins have the ability to locate sonars underwater because they have evolved over many years. They have adjusted the sound localization calculation system inside the brain from generation to generation. Then they have two sets of data areas, so they can rely on sound underwater. To accurately locate the target, and even if we can send ultrasonic waves like dolphins and hear echoes, our brain ca n’t interpret these data at all, so we ca n’t rely on underwater sounds to locate, let alone rely on it Fighting.

When they climbed up from Wikipedia, because they were surrounded by darkness and their voices could not be used as a reference, they were now as deaf and blind as they could see nothing. But since they have been here, they are naturally prepared. I saw a player in the team suddenly folded his hands in front of him, then separated, and pushed forward with one hand, the palms of his hands suddenly turned on like two flashlights. The powerful beam of light is very dazzling, and the light reflected from the sea water around his palm is already very dazzling. However, although the light in the vicinity was extremely dazzling, the beam of light did not spread far. Even though the depth of the seawater here is not as exaggerated as the Mariana Trench, it is not too shallow, so the propagation distance of the light here is greatly limited, and the beam of light that is passed out only illuminates the distance of seven or eight meters It was still darker farther away. However, although the distance is not very far, the impact is not great. Anyway, we are just looking for road signs. As for the battle or something, I am not at all a problem. My line of sight is not affected by darkness. In this kind of place, I have a line of sight range of at least 500 meters. I believe that those aquatic warcrafts here may not have a wide range of my observation.

Because we are not in the original exit of the channel. Therefore, to find a way, we must first find the nearby sign, but we cannot enter the original exit, otherwise the suction of the vortex will become stronger and stronger, and will eventually **** us back. Fortunately according to the wiki description. There is a clear gully forward at the exit, and you can see the first signpost along the forward. Although they are only seven meters away from the wiki. But I had a line of sight of 500 meters, so I saw the ditch all the way. Then guided Wiki to avoid the vortex and walk into the ditch.

This ditch is not very deep, it is probably more than one meter, but because the surrounding ground is basically flat, it looks more prominent here. After entering the ditch, Wiki began to walk along the ditch, and I was walking on the ground outside the ditch, and Wiki's teammates were also following me, anyway, as long as he did not leave the small ditch, he would not go Wrong direction.

Less than 500 meters along this ditch, the ditch began to gradually become shallower. In the end it was completely level with the surrounding ground and could not be seen. But here we don't need it anymore, because I already saw the so-called signpost ahead.

That signpost was actually a search for a sunken ship, no, it should be said to be part of the shipwreck. This is a section of a wooden sailing ship, with the head and tail missing, only the middle section, and a large piece missing. I jokingly asked Wiki if they found the pirate treasure on the ship when they first came over. As a result, several players in the Wiki team relying on spells to resist water pressure without a mask all looked at me strangely. Other people can't see the expression because of the helmet, but watching them look at me, I know that their expression should be the same as others.

"What's wrong? There's something wrong with this ship?"

After a moment of silence, Wikipedia said, "There are indeed pirate treasures in the ship, but there are more treasures to play at home."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

A young player next to Wikipedia said quickly, "The last time we went in for a treasure hunt, we were robbed, and everyone lost two of the best equipment. Otherwise, we wouldn't get through that fault. "

"Robbery?" I immediately became interested when I heard the word. "Are there any other players in this place?"

The young player who spoke fast still said, "The players do have them, but it's not the players who rob us. This ship is a well-known quest site. There are a large group of pirate undead in the ship. They don't know what method to use in us. A mission was released there for players to hunt for treasure, and the people who came here not only could n’t take away the treasure, they also left the two best pieces of equipment, or they would be sucked by those guys. Oh, the soul sucker The effect is a permanent reduction of one fifth of your mental strength, one sixth of your strength, and one sixth of your constitution. "

"I rely, isn't this number equivalent to being abolished?"

"So the players who have been pitted have chosen to leave two of the best equipment to redeem themselves. As time goes on, there are more and more good things here, but most of the outside players also know that this is a pit father mission, so except for those from outside the country, Except for the unlucky ones, our locals will not take up this task. "

"Then you are still drilling?"

Another player sighed: "It's because everyone knows this pit father, so everyone is not here. We haven't taken this task before, we just know that this pit father didn't pick it up, but if you don't take the task, you don't Knowing the specific location of the ship, no one wanted to come anyway, no one would deliberately inquire about it. When we first saw the ship, we did not expect that this was the ship in that mission, and we wanted to come when we were caught. This turned out to be the ship in that mission, but unfortunately it was too late to regret it! "

Although they said it was miserable, I do n’t know why I just want to laugh after listening to it. Surely, the happiness of people should be based on the pain of others?

Although I want to laugh, I also know that it is rude to laugh at this time, so I had to shift the topic and ask, "Is the pirate undead you meet here so powerful? So many people ca n’t take the task?

Wiki nodded and then shook his head, and finally said, "I don't know if they are great. Or you can say that these guys are actually not good. The point is that the boat is a bit weird."


"Well. It's weird. Although we have seen such a short section of the ship outside, you just step in and you will immediately find yourself in a ship sailing at sea. There are many pirates on that ship. At that time, a merchant ship was being looted, but I found that a large group of warships were heading towards me just after stopping, and then the captain of this pirate ship still ordered the merchant ship to be robbed first and then ran. Treasure, but because of the delay, it failed to run away and was surrounded. Although the pirate ship resisted fiercely, it was eventually sunk, and you will sink with the ship. Whether you can fly or you will It ’s no use swimming, even if you find yourself flying on the boat and away from this boat at first, it wo n’t work, as soon as it sinks, you will automatically return to the boat and follow it to the bottom of the sea ~ ~ Then you will I saw the pirates die and became undead. Then I will see this scene now, but the undead pirate inside will tell you that you want them to **** the soul, or leave two The most valuable item. If you do n’t agree, the previous naval battle will recur. They will ask you once after each shipwreck, and you ca n’t run away if you do n’t agree. The player who took the task before tried almost everything Method, there are still people who cycled 200 times in a row, it took two weeks, and finally compromised and handed over the equipment and released it. "

"It sounds like a mental environment to listen to you?"

Wikipedia shook his head: "Some of us were guessing this before, but later a spiritual master took over this task, and it turned out that it was not the mental environment, and someone killed all the pirate undead on the ship. The result is still the same, until The illusion begins to cycle, the pirates will appear again, and then die again to become undead. Anyway, if you don't hand over the equipment, you will be sucked into the soul, otherwise you don't think about it. "

"It sounds like a dad's task." I sighed first and then asked, "But are there really a lot of equipment and treasures there? What's the reward for this task?"

As soon as Vicki heard my question, he jumped up in shock, and then asked me with a trembling voice: "Are you going to go in?" (To be continued)

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