Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 11: Deity

What the people of the Imperial Fleet see is not really an exaggeration, at least not in my opinion, but it may be an exaggeration for people in this low-magic world, because they see There are two-spaceships. m

Just before meeting the Empire fleet on the opposite side, I activated my Divine Ability and then entered the strongest state.

It can be seen in the previous battles that the individual combat effectiveness of the people in this low-magic world is very bad. Even in the state of no fit, any of my magic pets is pulled out of existence, and after entering the fit, I It really is no different from their god.

In fact, my purpose is very simple, that is, impersonating the deities here. The place we are in now is just a time clip. Chapter 11 pretends to be a god, not a complete world, so there can be no gods here. Besides, the gods in the low-magic plane are not as powerful as mine, so I don't care about such things as posing as oracles. However, I don't care if the opposite guys don't care.

According to Master Macpherson, the people here have a relatively devout belief in the deities, especially when the deities actually appear in front of them. Therefore, I intend to use the prestige of the gods to help the princess and prince get rid of their infamousness.

The three princes and the little princess did not really kill the old king. All these were framed by the second prince, but the problem is that the angry empire soldiers may not give the two crown princes an opportunity to explain, and the second prince will definitely be there. Arranged in the fleet to ensure that they did not have the opportunity to explain. and so. It is almost impossible to solve this blame problem by normal means. However, if God comes forward to help them clarify, the problem is simple.

Although in history. In many cases the divine power is inferior to the royal power, but that is based on the premise that God is only a belief and a fictional existence. If oracles really exist. And it appears in the world. I don't think that the kingship of any country can engage in the prerogative of God. After all, the foundation of the king's power is the army, and the human army is almost like a bunch of ants in front of the deities, and the spit is drowned. In this asymmetrical situation, the kingship cannot confront theocracy at all.

What I have to do now is to pretend to be the gods here to help the prince and princess clarify the beginning and end of the matter, and then call the fleet over there to rebel. I believe that when the gods appear directly, not many people will go on obediently The emperor who hurried to the throne, as long as the soldiers listened to me. So whether they believe it or not, the legitimacy of the second prince's throne question itself. In this case, it is difficult to imagine how many people will listen to him firmly. Of course, the two princes inserted into the fleet will most likely not yield. After all, the interests of these people and the two princes are tied together, so even in the face of divine power, they will not hesitate to support the second prince. Don't underestimate human greed. The so-called man-made fortune and death for food and death, in the face of interest, even God can resist.

To impersonate a shrine, of course, you can't just pretend to be. Although there are shrines and beliefs in this world, according to what I asked from the three before, the shrines in this place do not seem to have a formal image in the world. According to them. The gods here have shown many different images on earth. The most common one is the image of a samurai wearing armor that is similar to me, but it is said that there have been different animal and even female images, so The appearance of God is always uncertain. For this reason, if I just fly out like this, they won't make them think that I am God, and the only thing that can prove God is strength. The reason why God is God is that he has the power that human beings cannot reach, and as long as I show this power, I can completely deter those guys and make them all think that I am God.

Based on the above reasoning, I directly used large-scale buoyancy, so that the merchant ships used by the princess and the prince to flee and the warships of the pirates flew together, and thus entered the range of the Empire fleet as the spaceship.

When the opposite Empire fleet saw the appearance of these two ships, they were startled, and everyone on the battleships became stunned. At first, the distance was better, only the captain and the watchman with the telescope could see it. Later, after the distance got closer, everyone saw the two warships. However, it is obviously not enough to scare these people by just getting the two ships to fly.

I just steered the battleship over the fleet and flew to the center of the fleet. After a short absence, the surrounding Empire fleet finally reacted and started to turn around to form an encirclement. Although the two ships The ship was on top of them, and the sailboat did not have any anti-aircraft capabilities, but at least they had to make a siege gesture.

After watching the encirclement of the fleet below, I was not in a hurry, but was relieved, because I just hope that they will form such an encirclement to facilitate my next move.

After the encirclement of the following guys formed a siege circle, to their surprise, the two sailing ships flying in the sky started to gradually lower their heights, and finally landed in the fleet ’s “center” center, which was In the center of that encirclement.

At this moment on a particularly huge sailing vessel in the fleet, the commander in chief of the Empire fleet was standing at the bow and watching the two ships that landed ahead. After a little surprise, he reacted and turned to the first officer: "The ships were ordered to enter the combat state, but they were not allowed to fire without my order, and they must wait for my order even when they heard the sound of artillery."

"Yes, Captain." The chief officer was preparing to inform the flag bearer to issue an order, but he was stopped by a person as soon as he turned around.

The guy who blocked the first officer was wearing a gorgeous aristocratic costume, and the whole person looked like a big rooster dressed up with huā branches, without any iron blood. In fact, he is indeed not a soldier. This chunky guy is actually a prisoner sent by the second prince. The reason why the second prince believes him so much is because this guy has a bad stomach. I gave a lot of ideas to the second prince, but also because this is the second sister's big sister.

Immediately after holding the first officer, the eldest son of the second prince immediately said to the captain: "Herald Howard, His Majesty's order was to sink directly. Now that the siege has been completed, you should directly sink them."

Commander Howard glanced disgustedly at the guy with a gunpowder barrel, and then said coldly: "Pay attention to your words, His Excellency the Housekeeper. The king was assassinated and is still in the nation's mourning. His Royal Highness Prince II is still His Highness Prince. It ’s just a temporary regent. Before the completion of the coronation, you will directly call His Royal Highness Her Majesty the Second Prince. As a housekeeper in charge of ceremonies, do n’t you understand this?

The housekeeper's eyes flashed with resentment, but he quickly adjusted and followed closely: "His words are that even His Royal Highness is now the Regent, so you still need to follow His Royal Highness' order. .So, please execute His Highness' order and order to fire and sink the two ships. "

Although I don't like this guy in front. There was no good impression on the second prince, but the order was the order. Unless he wanted to rebel, the prince's order must be executed no matter how reluctant. After only a little hesitation for two seconds, Howard turned to the first officer and said, "The previous order was cancelled, and each ship was notified to be bombarded by the ship, sinking the two ships."

After looking at the proud house officer next to him, the chief officer turned to give the order. Although he also despised this house official, who told him that he was on behalf of His Royal Highness Erji Prince. Since even the commander has compromised. He can only execute orders.

The ships that have received the order have now encircled the two ships in the center of the center, and have adjusted their angles. Now at least several thousand guns are facing the two ships, and they are at their best. Within range, just fire. The two ships were torn apart in an instant. Of course, that's what should happen under normal circumstances, but it's not normal now because I'm here.

"Fire." With the flagship firing first, the surrounding warships immediately started firing one after another. The real thing can be said that all guns are firing, but ...

Just when everyone thought that the two ships opposite would instantly turn into a pile of debris, a figure enveloped in holy white light suddenly fell from the sky and fell directly on the merchant ship. Top of the main mast. With the appearance of this figure, a white light film visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared from the top of the person's head, and then quickly extended down into a huge spherical mask, covering the two ships in the center of the center. In the mask.

In fact, the person standing on the mast is me, but I do not use the image of Ziri, but Yinyue. The reason for using the image of Yinyue is mainly to consider that the deities here seem to be bright, and the large size of Ziri will become a darker appearance after starting the fit, especially the armor is too stingy, so I switched the image of Yinyue. Anyway, my two numbers are now two in one, switching image or something does not affect the play of attributes.

The holy white light that the personnel in the surrounding fleet just saw is actually Xiaochun's skill-Divine grace. This skill is actually a large-scale healing technique, covering a very large area, and sending back the healing light from itself after startup. People who do n’t understand will feel the light is very warm after seeing it, which is definitely a must-have for pitting and deceiving. skill. As for the rear mask, this thing is simpler, and it is directly the absolute barrier of Jingjing.

Jingjing's absolute barrier is different from mine. My absolute barrier is equipment with skills. Although there is a time limit, it is absolutely invincible within the time limit. I can ignore any attack including the power of the rule launched by the higher god. This absolute barrier of Jingjing is not as perverted as my defensive force, but it also has its advantages. At least this absolute barrier is more flexible in control, it can be released and retracted at will, and it can change shape or appear in vitro. The control is quite equivalent It is arbitrary, and before the magic power is exhausted, this thing is absolutely invincible like my one. Of course, if it is attacked by a strong force, the magic power will be consumed quickly.

Although Jingjing ’s absolute barrier will consume magic power when being attacked, it is surrounded by ordinary battleships and uses front-loaded artillery. This kind of thing may be good for them, but for me It really doesn't matter.

As many warships fired at once, a large number of projectiles appeared on the sea, but. After hitting the mask, these projectiles are without exception, all burst into a small glare after a pop, and then disappear.

Thousands of guns exploded for more than ten minutes in this way. On average, each gun fired at least four or five rounds, but after the bombardment stopped. It was as if nothing had happened on the sea. The two warships remained there unscathed, as if they had not been shelled.

Compared to the Army, the Navy is the most superstitious service. Not to say how the navy people are. Just because the sea is too mysterious compared to land. So people who often run at sea will naturally become mystic believers and will start to believe in strange things. Because of this, when the Imperial Fleet here completed a round of artillery, the people on each battleship were all upset.

What kind of power are these two boats that cannot sink? The crew had to start guessing, and at this time, it was finally my show time.

"Kneel down, the humble mortal." A majestic roar that sounded directly in his ears surprised everyone present. And everyone ’s response was different. At least one third of the ordinary crew members immediately fell on their knees. They are ordinary people. This strength combined with the previous situation is enough to make them realize that they are not their opponents. Ordinary people who are accustomed to kneeling gods, kneeling kings, and noble masters don't care if there is one more kneeling, even if they haven't figured out what it is.

Compared with those lower-level crew members, the officers performed slightly better. Most of them were just there, and not many of them actually knelt down. Of course, there are also kneeling, but very few.

On the flagship, Howard was also taken aback by the sudden voice, and the people around him had different expressions. The house officer first panicked, but later it seemed to have recovered. After that, I don't know what I'm thinking, but I just saw his eyes twitching, apparently thinking about something.

That voice was of course my voice, but it was just using the amplification technique to increase the volume, and it was accompanied by Ling ’s mental shock, so many people were directly frightened, even if there was no such thing as the voice master. I figured I was kneeling there. Of course, even so, my mental shock has weakened a lot. Ling's mental shock is still too strong for ordinary people. Even range release is by no means able to withstand ordinary people, so I had to weaken Jiucheng ’s power, which only produced the effect just now.

After shouting, I suddenly floated from the mast, hovering above the mall, and then looked at the surrounding fleet and said again: "As a believer, I dared to stand in front of me, waiting to resist me Is it radiant, mortal? Or that your belief in me has never been true? "With the advent of this sentence, the people around the boat suddenly felt that the pressure on themselves suddenly increased, a tremendous pressure that was essentially the same. Many people fell on their knees on the ground as soon as possible. As for those who had hard bones, they only clenched their teeth for more than ten seconds. Of course, such a large fleet cannot exist without some strength. This is only a low-magic world, not an innocent world, so a mage or a high-level warrior also exists, but the strength is incomparable to me.

Of course, these senior personnel are stronger than ordinary people, so they did not kneel to the ground like ordinary people for the first time, and unexpectedly, Howard and the first and second mate beside him were also such people. They stood up The first wave of pressure, but the next situation did make them unexpected. As the first wave of pressure passed, the pressure did not drop, but instead it seemed like the waves came and the wave was stronger than the wave. After just insisting on it for thirty seconds, the first officer and the second officer fell to the ground one after another, and Howard lasted for three or five seconds more than his own.

In fact, they felt that the sudden weight increase of several hundred pounds was not an illusion. In fact, I just secretly started the little dragon girl's gravity technique, but this time, instead of reducing the weight, they increased the weight, so they felt that it was for nothing. The body became very heavy. It was a true feeling, not an illusion. Of course, using gravity alone is obviously not enough, it will only make them feel the pressure on their bodies, and they wo n’t really fear me, so when I release gravity, I also start Ling ’s mental shock and lucky Long Wei. .

Even in the high magic world ~ ~ The dragon is also at the top of the food chain. Humans say that in the food chain, they are only standing relatively high, and there is a distance from the top, so that kind of instinct is portrayed. Fear of high-end predators is not fake. With the double blow of Longwei and mental shock, even the strongest people will feel the collapse. Of course, I want them to take refuge in princesses and princes, not to turn them into idiots, so the coercion just increased a little bit, and they were not fully opened at one time, otherwise the only thing these people can do in the future is only Drooling all day long and smirking!

With Howard on his knees, no one in the fleet could stand anymore, and after confirming this with Chili's telepathy, I directly removed most of the pressure, leaving only a touch of Long Wei. This change made them feel better, but still no one dared to stand up. Their previous performance has scared them. When faced with a strong and irresistible existence, few people can really bravely rise up. This is as if only a few people's remnants dare to launch a decisive charge on the enemy army, but an army will completely collapse in the face of several invincible beings that can't be killed. As long as there is a little gain, human beings do not care about sacrifice, but once they find that they are completely unable to resist, human morale will quickly disappear.

The fleet in front of him is almost like that now. They have determined that I am irresistible, so even if I remove the pressure, no one dares to stand up again. (To be continued)

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