Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 17: Mumble technique

Although the mission was sent to me, but after all, it was their own business, so the consuls were also very concerned about my affairs, and they quickly found me three allegedly the best underwater scouts. Then we gave each of us a special submarine mount pulled from the laboratory. m (Go to read the novel ·)

"Hello sir." When I saw three scouts at the exit of the Underwater City, the other party immediately sent me a local military salute.

All three soldiers had standard human faces and were wearing heavy armor. They could not see any difference from humans. But the armor on them is quite special. The armor worn by players and people in "Zero" should actually be the western knight armor after artistic treatment, which absorbs the styling elements of some local armors. Although the style is exaggerated, it is mostly gorgeous, not the most. It's really thick. Some women's armors are even the same as bikinis. If they are not attributed in the game, their decorative effect is definitely stronger than their defense.

However, although the three armors in front of them are also full-body armors, at first glance, it clearly makes people feel that our armor is not a thing under the technical system. First of all, this armor is very thick. It will stretch the whole person when worn on the body. It can be seen from the position of the neckline that the thickness of this thing is close to thirty centimeters. This can no longer be called armor, this is simply hanging the tank armor on itself. In addition, this armor seems to be very short and thick. The neck is hardly visible above the shoulders, and the helmet is directly connected to the shoulders. Can't turn at all. The limbs also look similar to the thick features, and the movement of the finger www.7ket is also relatively weak because it is too thick. To be honest, the first thing I saw when I saw this was not armor, but power armor. That's right. It is the power armor, because the general armor has a limit even if it is thick. If the armor of these guys is really thirty centimeters thick. Even if there is buoyant support in the water, they can never move. After all, they are wearing carbon-based creatures instead of constructing creatures such as mobile angels. It can't be that hard. Therefore, the only reasonable explanation is that the armor is not 30 centimeters thick, and that thing should be hollow inside, with interlayers and many things embedded in it, and this thickness may be to leave enough for these devices This space is deliberately made like this. Otherwise, I think the undersea species must know how to reduce underwater resistance better than us, and such a large size is obviously not a good way to reduce resistance.

Found that I kept staring at their armor. A scout who seemed to be the leader over there proactively introduced: "This is a law enforcement suit. We mumble the best submarine armor of the city. It is manufactured using a large amount of alchemy technology, has excellent protection, and has many auxiliary functions It is definitely the strongest warrior's dream to get the equipment. If you need an adult, you can ask the Archon to give you a set, which should be much better than the thin set on you. "

Suddenly I heard this kind of words and I was stunned. Someone actually suggested that I change the Dragon Soul suit, which is really a novel idea. but. Think of the other side as just a scout, not a technical person. It should not be possible to judge the actual effect of the equipment by eyes, so it is not surprising to have such a judgment. Of course, this is mainly caused by the cultural differences of the other party. Mumble is an undersea city. Because there are three characteristics that are not available on the ground: water pressure, buoyancy, and underwater resistance, the weight requirements of the equipment here are not as strict as those on land. For the sake of compression resistance, the short and thick design is naturally good. Slender. Coupled with the hydrodynamic structure caused by underwater resistance, the best equipment in subsea species cognition must be a thick, thick, and round structure. My dragon soul suit should be pretty good in terms of fluid mechanics. Although it is mainly designed for the resistance in the air, it can still be used underwater, but because of its exaggerated properties, the thickness should not be too high at all. Coupled with aesthetic considerations, naturally it is relatively slender. Of course, this slenderness is only relative to the aesthetics of the undersea race. At least I think that the dragon soul suit is at least a heavy armor in the armor of land players. It is not slender in any way, but in the undersea race. I feel too fragile to come here.

Because this is a cultural difference, I ca n’t explain it to them. Besides, people just make suggestions, so I just laughed and dealt with the past. The other party only suggested and didn't plan to force me to change their equipment. Seeing that I didn't pay much attention and didn't continue to talk, but began to lead me into a small independent isolation cabin next to me. The function of this compartment is similar to the water pressure compartment we used when we entered the city. The function is to change the water environment and the air environment, but compared with that, this compartment is much more luxurious. First of all, this cabin is several times larger than the previous one for entering ten people at a time. If it is crowded, it will not be a problem to squeeze in more than a hundred people at a time. In addition, this tank is not drained manually, but automatically. After entering, it is controlled by a special control room, and the people in the cabin need only wait.

After we entered this compartment, I suddenly noticed that four machines had been put here in advance. If nothing unexpected, these things should be the underwater mounts pulled out of the laboratory by the governor. In fact, this kind of thing is a water propeller, but its shape is special, of course, there may be a little difference in function.

"Is this your submarine mount?" I asked around one of the machines and observed.

Another male scout next to him said: "This is not our usual model. This is specially equipped for this mission. We can't usually use it."

"Is it expensive?"

The scout nodded: "It's very expensive. One can make dozens of models of the type we usually use, and the maintenance cost is also scary."

The female scout next to him said: "In fact, we have built this thing for a while, but it has not been able to equip the army because it is too expensive. [] [] If our team can equip this underwater mount. Those **** brigades have long been killed by me. "


"It's the person who is looking for the mobile city. That city is called the Traveler City, and the people in the city are called the Traveler."

I nodded and said, "This is such a strange name. Okay, tell me how to use this thing. Then let's go, time is still tight."

For me to say that time is tight, the three are obviously a little confused. After all, their battle with the brigade is no longer a day or two. Of course, the search for the Traveler City is certainly not a short time. So there is no such thing as a time urgency. As far as I'm concerned, that's because my task time is running out. I thought it was okay, so I did a pirate mission halfway through. Who knows that the mission I got after I came here was to find and destroy a city. In fact, the destruction is still second, and the most delayed time is to find. Although this is not a needle in a haystack, it is no simpler to find a running city in the sea than to find a needle.

Although I don't understand why I said that time is tight, the three people over there didn't pay much attention and directly explained to me how to operate this thing.

This underwater mount should actually be called an underwater motorcycle in my opinion. The shape of this thing is like a stubby fish. Of course, the surface is not as smooth as fish, but there are many auxiliary parts and bump curves that allow people to ride on it to fix the body.

The way to ride this gadget is just like riding a motorcycle, just go straight up, and its driving style is similar to that of a speed car, the driver is almost lying on the body, legs can be placed on both sides of the body with fairings In the sheath, both the body and the head can be embedded into the protection of this thing, and only the back and sides are actually exposed. It can be said that the package is relatively strict. There are two handlebars similar to motorcycles in the middle and front. People lying on the body can grasp these two handlebars with their hands, but there is no such thing as the throttle on the handlebar of this thing.

The handle of the underwater thruster actually controls the direction. Unlike the motorcycle, these handles can not only swing left and right. Can move up and down. This control method is a bit like an airplane. When you turn left and right, it will turn horizontally. When you pull the handles on both sides up together, the thing will rise up and rush up, and if you want to sink, just press down. Of course, if the direction of movement of the handles on both sides is not the same, the thing will roll, similar to the rolling of an airplane. The speed controller is installed on the soles of the feet, and it has both the left and right feet. One foot controls the thruster on one side. Similarly, if the pedaling force is different, the horizontal deflection will occur, and if you use your toes to hook up, the thruster will Flipping, that is, entering the reverse state, as for speed control, it depends on the depth you step on. If you step on it to the maximum speed, it will output different power according to the released ratio if you relax.

In addition to basic navigation, I was surprised that this thing actually has a weapon system. The control system is on the left and right handles, and there are a large button on each of the left and right handles. Keeping the index finger in a natural posture will be just right. It is placed on this button, and it can be activated by pressing it lightly. The other controller is just in front of the handle, and there is one on each side. These two controllers feel like the brake levers of a motorcycle, you need to release the handle slightly to hold it together, and then squeeze it hard to start.

According to the introduction of the three scouts, the two used their index fingers to control energy weapons, which can fire energy bombs. Their power is moderate, and they are a regular attack method for fighting with brigades. Of course, this is after all a vehicle-mounted weapon, which is much stronger than a single-armed weapon. In addition, the two brake-like handles control a kind of solid ammunition. Each underwater motorcycle has only six rounds, and the left and right handles control the same. That is, you can control all with only one handle Six rounds of ammunition, and the energy bomb as a conventional weapon has two launchers, one on each side of the switch.

Energy bombs are used against brigade soldiers and similar single-person or even multi-person thrusters. This one is like a cannon on an aircraft, and the solid ammunition with only six rounds seems to be on an aircraft. Missiles are relatively much more powerful, but they are limited in number.

Originally, because I found that the mute degree of waterproof door technology is very backward, I have never taken this underwater motorcycle seriously, so I just briefly understood and let them fill the compartment to let us go out, but soon I I realized that my thoughts had entered a misunderstanding.

With the injection of water. We also gradually floated in the compartment, and then the compartment door in front also automatically opened outward. The three scouts drove out of the underwater motorcycle directly after the water gate was opened. I saw that they were going to follow them as soon as they stepped off the pedal, but my side just moved under the foot. Suddenly I felt a huge force pushing me out, and followed me like a real fish, stunned out of the three scouts.

Seriously, I didn't expect this thing to be so fast before. Underwater thrusters are nothing new. Atlantis also has something similar, except that the appearance is not the same. The propellers used by our guild warships are even made with the underwater motor propeller technology provided by Atlantis, except that the propellers on our ships are larger in size and designed. The principle and technical level are actually similar.

Because of the backward waterproof door technology that I saw before, I first thought that the underwater motorcycles made by this type of mumble should be the same as their waterproof door technology, and should be inferior to Atlantis, but This is obviously not the case. 【】 【】

The reason why I suddenly slammed out just now is because the power rules for this thing are not enough, it's like someone else gave you a car you haven't seen. The appearance looks very ordinary. You thought it was a 1.5-litre family car. As soon as you stepped on the accelerator and found that it was a supersonic car with rocket thrusters, the speed that burst out at that instant was absolutely amazing.

Originally, I just thought that Mumble's technology lags behind Atlantis. Now it seems that it should have a specialization in surgery. Mumble and Atlantis have their own specialties. At least Mumble has reached the level of propeller technology. Atlantis ahead.

On my side, three of them followed, and the scout, like the captain, said to me across the helmet: "This particular model has a large propulsion force. It is not very easy to control, but it is adaptable. Just a second, you will find the benefits of this thing when you get used to it. "People are not unable to speak underwater, just open their mouths to drink water, we are all wearing sealed helmets. So speaking isn't a problem, it's just that the voice is a bit pitched.

When I heard the other person ’s words, I answered directly, “Even if I ’m not used to it, I know that this thing is excellent. Do you usually mount like this?”

The voice of the female scout came from the other side. "Nowhere! The propulsion we usually use is less than one-eighth, which is incomparable to this one. But ours is driven by a magic array. The energy is almost unlimited, which means that the explosive power is weak. This is said to be a magic crystal that is used directly. Its efficiency is much higher, but it is too expensive! "

"This thing is Mojing Power?"

"Um." The female scout nodded and said, "The hatch behind us is the loading port, but this time because of the special task, the red devil spar has been loaded in advance, so you can rest assured that it will be within three or five days. There will be no problem of energy exhaustion. "

A red magic spar can be used for three or five days. The efficiency of the other party is still expensive. I don't despise their technology now, but I despise their financial situation. The energy level of the red devil spar, the mobile angel can easily become a crystal **** in three or five minutes. They can actually use it for three or five days. Is this too expensive? However, in this way, if our guild obtains this thing, then change it to liquefied magic crystal steam power ... When we look back, we must find the Antonio Conservator to talk about it, and we must buy the technology of this thing.

After getting through the initial discomfort, I also gradually mastered the control skills of this thing, and consciously practiced for a while, basically no problem. The operation of this thing was not very complicated at first, but it was just not used to it for the first time. Although this thing is very fast, it's all relative to underwater creatures. For people like me who have experienced air combat, it's nothing. What if the submarine is fast? When I was fighting in the air on the back of a flying bird, I made a horizontal deflection of dozens of degrees a second, which was called lightning speed. This thing is at best the level of a civilian car. It is not fast at all. Of course, there is flexibility in underwater. It's pretty good.

"By the way, how do you three call each other?" After testing the characteristics of this thing, I didn't remember their names, and I didn't know how to shout when I encountered something. "You can call me Ziri directly, or President Ziri will do."

"President Ziri, my name is Haier," said the female scout first.


"What's wrong? Is there anything weird in my name?" Haier asked, puzzled.

I quickly shook my head: "No. It's just the same name as an organization I've heard before, so. Well, what about you two?"

"My name is Habi," said the younger scout, and then continued without waiting for another to say: "Our captain is called Haraparit."

I nodded. Then he asked, "What is your technical expertise?"

This time, Captain Haraparit said, "I can be anything. The main specialty is command, underwater mount fighting, and individual combat. Of course, the basic requirements of our scouts are assault and infiltration. So I'll get some, but it's not as prominent as the first three. Habi is a water ghost. It is the assassin of your land race. Repairs are also very good. "

I nodded after listening to the captain's introduction, and felt that their configuration was somewhat similar to the special forces on land. The captain himself is an assaulter and special tactical commander. Habib is a scout and is good at grasping his tongue and touching the dark whistle. Haier is a heavily equipped firearm and a technical soldier. of course. The heavy equipment firearms in reality are generally the kind of long super macho like a brown bear. After all, the equipment of the heavy equipment firearms is basically like a human-shaped battery. You ca n’t move without a horizontal body. However, this is the bottom of the sea. The buoyancy of the water makes the weight problem less acute, so it is not surprising that the heavy firepower hand is held by women.

After understanding the general situation of the three people, I turned to Haier, a part-time technical sergeant, and asked, "Did you explain to me that conventional weapons are fired energy bombs?"

"Yes, our conventional weapon is a cold light bomb, an energy bomb that is hardly affected in water."

"What about range and power? And how fast?"

"The range is about 200 meters, but that's our previous mount. I don't know about this new model, but it shouldn't be worse than ours? As for the power, I don't have any too intuitive concept. The enemy's single-person vehicle or multi-person vehicle can be destroyed in a single shot, and sometimes single shots are very common. However, it is not possible to encounter that type of large transport ship or mobile city. Large equipment There is a protective cover, the energy bomb cannot be worn. The rate of fire is about two seconds, this is the limit speed of our previous mount. But I do n’t know what type of energy cannon on this vehicle , So at least this speed, in theory, it should be faster, after all, it is an experimental model, it must be at the expense of work. "

I nodded and continued to ask, "Since the energy bomb is fired, what is the source of energy? Will it not share energy with the power system?"

Haier nodded and said: "It's shared, so it's best to be careful when firing, don't get too excited and hold the trigger, then you will lose energy soon."

"I'm faint. That's enough energy to run for three or five days. How many rounds would it take if I switched to an artillery?"

"I don't know!" Haier said in a dilemma. "You also know that this gun and the power system behind it are new, and I haven't used it. Otherwise, let's try it now?"

"Even if you try it once, do you know how much energy is behind? How to calculate the number of launches?"

"This is simple." Haier said: "There is an automatic and simple remaining energy display bar on the transmitter, and you will know when you see the drop."

"Is there a display bar? Why don't I see it?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you!" Haier hurriedly said, "You have a button under the chin. Press it down to display it, and then press it again to close it. This is designed for covert action. It is low and black after all. It is easy to find if you actively emit light. "

I also understood Haier's meaning after listening. Indeed, although the light can't shine far at the bottom of the sea, that is to say that you emit light to illuminate the surrounding objects. The light from your side shines on the object and reflects back to you. Eyes, in this process, they have to travel twice the actual distance, and after the light shines on the object, a part of it will be converted into other energy forms to be lost, so even if you take a strong photocell on the bottom of the sea, you ca n’t shoot much. It ’s far away, but if you are the light source, it is much easier for others to see you. After all, the light from your body reaches the other person ’s eyes. What is the middle distance? What is the propagation distance of the light, there is no need to count the return distance, and there is no energy loss in the reflection process, which saves some energy. This can be calculated. If you shine by yourself, the other party can find you at least more than twice the distance you illuminate. In fact, the effect is usually three to four times the distance.

Although the glow will be found. But now we have just left Mumble and haven't run far. So don't care, just turn on the switch. As I pressed lightly, a crystal mirror turned up in front of me, and a glowing picture appeared on it. This picture is very concise, not as complicated as the computer display data in science fiction movies. After all, there is no computer here, and there can not be so many control systems. Artificial souls can replace computers, but the cost of the gadget is ... not to mention.

There are two types of displays on this screen. One is a line, and the other is six missile-like icons side by side. According to the situation that Haier introduced to me before, these six icons should represent the amount of remnants of that large weapon. Now six lights indicate that the six weapons are still there, and they will probably be destroyed after launch. As for that line segment, I think this should be an energy display.

This line segment is divided into three segments. The rightmost segment occupies about two thirds of the total length and is displayed in green. The remaining third is divided into two equal parts. One is yellow and the other is red. I think this reality is quite easy to understand. Now that the green line is so long, it means that the energy is still full. As I consume it, it will definitely shorten gradually, and entering the yellow area should be insufficient energy, and the red must be a dangerous energy area.

After seeing this display bar, I discussed with Captain Haraparit and decided to let me test fire a shot to see the progress bar change to determine the ammunition endurance. The reason why I tried to fire. This is mainly because I have never used this thing before, let me be familiar with the feel and launch distance by the way, as for them, anyway, I have used similar models before, and they are definitely more familiar than me.

In order to accurately measure the attack cost, Captain Haraparite's suggestion was to fire two rounds at a time, that is, one round on each side, so that the progress bar will be more obvious and the calculation will be relatively accurate. In addition, in order to reduce the interference factors and test the power, we also stopped at a place with a raised rock on the bottom, so that the mount will reduce the error caused by the power system consumption, and that rock can give Our intuitive power data.

Immediately after everything was ready, I pressed the switch against the rock. Speaking of this grunt, the designer is also bad enough. There is no such thing as a sight with such a good weapon. Even if you engraved a cross on the front crystal fairing, the crosshair is better than nothing now. ?

Although I'm not sure, and I don't know what the launch state of this thing is, I know at least that this thing must be launched forward, and it should point directly in front of the underwater mount, plus the target volume in front is large enough. , So I do n’t worry about being biased. After roughly aiming, I easily pressed the launcher and only felt the mount slightly shake. Immediately, two blue photoelectric lights were launched from the front of the underwater mount. The distance between the two light bullets is about thirty centimeters. The light bullet is a standard drop shape. The front end is thick and the tip is thin. The thickest position is about the size of an orange and the length is about one foot.

The speed of the light bomb is very fast. Although it can't be the same as the objects in the air, this speed is already quite exaggerated underwater. The distance between us and the stones is about one hundred meters. The reason for choosing this distance is to facilitate the calculation of the speed of the light bombs. In addition, the effective sight range on this dark sea floor is so large, thanks to my special eyes. , And they are all undersea races, if the average person is in this kind of place, it is really out of reach. Not to mention your finger www.7ket, I guess you can't even see your arms.

At a distance of one hundred meters, the light bullet hit it in just over two seconds, which means that the underwater speed of this thing is nearly 50 meters per second. This speed is not exaggerated on land, but it is absolutely underwater. It's pretty scary. As for power?

With two particularly loud explosions, the stone in front was actually punched out of two caves with a diameter of more than one meter, and then a crack suddenly appeared between the two caves to connect the two caves, and then the cracks Spreading to both sides, accompanied by a clicking sound, the stone, which seemed to be an enlarged tombstone, was broken into two parts from the middle. Then fell backwards.

Originally, we were shocked by this power. When the stone fell backwards unexpectedly, a figure suddenly burst out from behind the stone, and then ran away quickly.

"Brigade!" Haier reacted fastest. The first one called out, and then her submarine mount immediately rushed out, and Haraparit immediately greeted us to catch up with this situation.

Speaking of shit. We just found a stone and tried to fire a weapon, but we didn't expect it to hit an enemy. However, the bad luck of the other party is also at the same level with us. Otherwise, why did he choose this stone as a shelter because there are so many undulations on the sea floor?

The cities of Mumble and Traveler are deadly enemies, and the fighting between the two sides has never stopped, so it is normal for dispatching assault investigators to each other. Most of this guy came here for high investigation, but it was a bit unlucky.

Although the equipment of the Scout is generally not too bad, it is certainly not as good as ours. After all, the ruling officer has been fierce this time and it is rare to encounter such a strong aid as me. Even such a powerful mount was pulled out.

Because the Archon's Lord did not hesitate to work, the brigade scout was unlucky. Originally, as a scout, his underwater mount was considered to be very fast. If he was discovered by a mumble patrol, he could escape by hunting with a high-speed mount dedicated to the scout. Unfortunately, our mount is a special model and is faster than his Fortunately, instead of throwing us away after he ran out, he was chased closer.

Compared to that scout who can't mount. I admire Haier even more. This is really a specialty in the art industry. As a heavy weapon, Hilter is operating underwater mounts. Although some of our mounts are exactly the same, her one does not know why it is gradually opening up from us. Obviously It's faster than us. This is their technology.

Although we are not as fast as Haier, but anyway faster than the brigade scouts, Haier has already started firing on the opponent before the distance between us is widened. But unfortunately, the opponent is not a rookie, a light flip to avoid the attack. However, Haraparit was taken aback, and hurriedly shouted to Haier to catch her.

Originally a scout, his head was naturally more flexible, so Haier only hesitated a little to understand Haraparit's meaning. I know of course, because the problem is simple.

The reason why the Brigade city is called a traveler is that it is a mobile city, which means that its location is not fixed. These sent scouts will always go back after the investigation, so they must have a way to find their city, maybe a tracker, or some kind of movement rule. There must be a way to determine the location of the Traveler City. of. Of course, Dumbledore had also thought about capturing the other soldiers and forced to ask for this search method, but it turned out that the brigades in the large-scale battle did not know if they found a mobile city ~ ~ The reason is actually very much It ’s easy to understand. After all, a large-scale army goes into battle. When going back, there must be no small movements. The traveler city only needs to send people who know the location of the city to actively seek out the returning troops and take them back. If the withdrawn army is tracked by the enemy , The person sent will abandon the connection, so that the other party still can't find the location of the city. However, scouts obviously cannot be retrieved in this way. After all, large forces are very important. It is understandable to send people to pick them up, but it is obviously not cost-effective to send scouts for a single operation. Besides, the scouts are not fighting, the mounts equipped with them are fast, and the possibility of being captured is very low, so they must know how to return independently.

Haraparit asked Haier to catch the guy alive and wanted to know this method. As long as this method was obtained, it would not be a problem to find the traveler city.

When I realized the importance of this captive, I didn't hide it. As soon as I reached out my hand, there was a sound of splashing into the water around us, and then I saw a big guy twice as much. Our speed rushed forward. This one I let out is a mobile angel in water. Although our propeller technology is not as good as mumble, our energy technology is much more advanced than them. More importantly, we have money and are willing to spend energy, so our water The type of mobile angel relied on a non-advanced propeller, and it achieved a faster speed by relying on a large amount of energy consumption. It almost equalized Haier in an instant, and then flew towards the front brigade scout. (To be continued) RQ

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