Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 23: Finish work

On the dark sea floor, the huge Traveler's City stopped there. The entire city was turned on without knowing how many lights, which illuminated a large area of ​​seawater nearby. m [Just reading the novel ~] The blurry light and shadow that the group of people who rushed over from Dududu had seen this large area of ​​seawater, and as they approached, they immediately saw the figure of Traveler City.

"Stop ..." The team rushing forward was suddenly stopped by the commander. Since he can take the lead in such an important operation, naturally he will not be an ordinary person, at least he is not stupid.

The people they mumbled ca n’t stop the Traveler City not because they ca n’t beat each other, but because they ca n’t find each other ’s position. Even if they can destroy each other ’s troops, you ca n’t defeat other people ’s cities, whether it ’s population or population. The loss of equipment can be recovered slowly, so the problem of mumble degree has been resolved from the moment the Traveler City was discovered, and now there is no need to worry.

Since the threat no longer exists, there is no need to take a risk. It is obviously abnormal now. It is absolutely necessary to stop and investigate it. Anyway, the Traveler City is there. Underwater motorcycle.

"Strange, why doesn't it move?" The commander said puzzledly after stopping the troops.

Haier, who led them, also said to the commander: "I think there must be something wrong, if it wasn't for the stealthy action that Traveler City should have low-key. Now all the external lighting is turned on, it seems that people are afraid of not knowing They are the same here. This is obviously abnormal. "

The commander thought for a moment: "Everyone is concealed. Send a few scouts to see what is going on."

Haier immediately said, "Sir, let me go."

When the commander got to Haier, he remembered, what scout was needed? Isn't one of Mumble's best scouts right by his side? I hadn't remembered it before, and now he was reminded that he of course agreed with Haier's opinion. Haier, who had agreed, quickly started his underwater motorcycle and headed for the Traveler City ahead. But just halfway through, he met Habi, who was running back.

"Habi?" "Haier?" Because the speed was too fast, Habi and Haier didn't find each other until they passed each other. If they didn't react quickly, they would hit each other. Immediately after staggering, the two men circled around each other and came back to meet again in the position they just passed by.

As soon as Habi saw Haier, he asked, "Are you back so soon? Has the army arrived?"

Haier nodded immediately: "When it arrives, it's hidden there. But what's going on in the Traveler City?"

Upon hearing this, Habi said excitedly: "Haha, you absolutely can't think of it, the President Ziri is so great. He actually turned against the fisherman rebels in the Traveler City. Now there is a large-scale occurrence in the Traveler City. Murloc riots. And their own mechanics actively destroyed the power plant of Traveler City. Now Traveler City is completely incapable. The captain has advanced and he asked me to meet you and keep you from attacking travelers. Outside the city. Just rush in and take it. "

Of course, Haier can be a scout. It ’s better to occupy and destroy. Do n’t think about it, so when she heard the opportunity to capture the Traveler City, she immediately called out excitedly and urged Habi to notify her like her. The following teams came quickly.

The commander over there didn't expect Haier to return so soon, but was immediately excited when he understood the reason for the incident. They originally came to destroy Traveler City. However, the opponent is a city after all, and the defense will definitely not be weak. Even if it is a sneak attack, the final casualties will certainly be very large. of course. He didn't doubt he would win, and Traveler City had never been a mumble opponent. What he was worried about was nothing more than loss. However, these concerns can now be dismissed. Compared to the city's attack. It is too simple to enter a city that has been completely paralyzed by the civil war. Zero casualties can not be said. It is at least to reduce the number of casualties by more than half. Of course, the more important thing is to capture a mobile city. Such a great deal of credit is more than destroying a city.

The excited commander immediately ordered the troops to approach, but he was not fainted by the good news. He still let a small group of people explore the way forward, and the large troops approached slowly until they saw the large front troops drill through the open hatch After entering, and without any attack, he began to order the large troops to swarm through the entrances of the Traveler City into the city.

If you were a little worried before, but when the commander entered the city himself, he was completely ecstatic. After their own troops entered the city, only sporadic resistance occurred. The large troops trot almost all the entrances and exits, and then more troops poured in to gather inside the city. Later, some people even contacted the resistance group. Both sides because of my reasons. A temporary peace agreement was reached, so the two sides began to besiege the original leader race of the Traveler City instead of the resistance group. Although the fishmen did not help the mumble, they did not resist, they were oppressed anyway, What does being oppressed have to do with them?

This kind of strong sweeping, almost like a bandit in the army, excites the commander of the muttering degree. He originally thought it would be a tough battle. Who knew that when they arrived, they would be overturned, and they were just picking up cheap. Moreover, even if it was the fire output of the resistance organization, he still felt that the enemy's counterattack was weak. Of course, he wouldn't be surprised if he knew that the senior staff of the Traveler City were controlled by me, and the troops in the city were not under unified command at all. 【】 【】

If I have done so many opponents and can't easily get the resistance of Traveler City, it can only be said that the army of Mutter is too watery, but in fact the army of Mumble is not only waterless, the combat effectiveness is quite Powerful, so the traveler's resistance force is almost cleaned up almost like chopping melon and vegetables.

When the next few floors were being killed, I was flipping through the materials in a huge library. After successfully breaking into the command center, I just ordered them to turn on city lighting. And all the closed gates inside the city were opened, and then all the commanders were rushed to a small room next to the command room that was originally used for the rest of the staff, and then several bell knights were left to watch the door. I I began to study the various equipment in the command room with other bell knights. In order to confirm if there is technology in this place that is worth my move back. However, the technology hasn't been seen yet, but let me find a hidden door first. After entering through this dark door, there is a rather narrow passage, and you can't go far enough to reach the present library.

The area of ​​this library is not large, and it is at least as large as the living room of an ordinary private villa. After mixing with Isinger's World Library, this kind of place seems to me to be a private bookshelf, and it can't be called a library at all, because the collection index of Isinger's World Library is more than N. Times. The two are completely incomparable.

Although the library is not large, this library has a hidden door and is directly connected to the command center. It is natural to imagine that the contents will not be too simple. So I took a bit of effort to flip through a few books.

I turned over only three books on the shelf near the entrance, each of which only opened two pages, and then stuffed the entire shelf into the Fenglong space, because the shelf was actually full of charts.

Submarine maps and ground maps are not a concept. If we map this thing ourselves. The investment will definitely scare people. Look at the volume of this bookshelf and the scales used in the atlases I turned over. The map on this bookshelf is likely to cover all the chart information of the entire Atlantic Ocean and some Arctic Ocean regions. Amount of information. That is absolutely valuable, although it cannot be exchanged for money. But as long as this kind of thing is in your hands, subsequent benefits will continue to emerge.

After clearing this shelf, I turned it over on the second shelf. It turned out that the above were all the names of people and various identity records. After a few copies, it was confirmed that 80% of them were similar to the resident's household registration and archives. This thing is very important to the ruler of Traveler City. Haven't you looked at the actual national census so many times? This is still in a modern society, such as the Traveller City, where the rule is more brutal and the exploitation is more obvious, and the detailed residence information is even more important. However, although this thing is very important for the ruler of Traveler City and the muttering governor who may take over here, it is completely useless to me, so I will just give up after knowing it is this thing I got this bookshelf, and then continued to turn back, but found that there is still a lot of such household registration information, and even after entering the door, the bookshelf on the right side of the wall was full.

Since all the information on the right was useless, I had to start looking at the bookshelves on the wall opposite the door in order. Because the library is rectangular, the wall facing the gate is relatively narrow, so there is not much content. I just flipped through a few books and found that they were all books written in very strange words, completely incomprehensible. Both the Voyager City and the Mumbledore City use the undersea racial common language, which is the mother tongue of the mermaids, and is widely used on the ocean floor. Atlantis uses this language. However, the text on these books on the bookshelf here is not a common language under the sea, but a rather strange text that looks a bit like the magic text, but was denied after I released Ling to help me identify it. The answer, that is to say, this thing is not magic text, and it is not directly related to magic text, anyway, Ling cannot understand these things.

Because the text could not be recognized, all the books on this row of bookshelves could not be studied, but I did not let them go, and they were all stuffed into the wind dragon space, which can always be translated when brought back.

After the bookshelf on the opposite side was closed, I began to study the bookshelf on the left. Fortunately, there are recognizable text, and there are many common symbols and various explanatory diagrams, so it is easy to understand. After a rough look, I found that these seem to be technical data, which should be records of various technical achievements of the Traveler City. This kind of material is the most interesting material for me, but the books I read about seem to be very technical, so I am a bit unsure whether I should remove all of them, but here I am I haven't made a decision, but my feet suddenly trembled, or if I didn't react, I would almost knock me down.

"What's the matter?" I shoved the book I just got back into the bookshelf, and I stumbled all the way out of the library. The ground vibration did not stop after the first time, and there was an increasing tendency.

Before I ran out of the secret road, Scarlett ran over with two bell knights. As soon as I saw it, I quickly reported: "Boss. The guys have run away."

"Ah? I ran? Didn't I let you guard the door? Are there any experts in that group?"

Siegut said helplessly: "No, they are all ordinary creatures, and their combat effectiveness is average."

"What's going on? Can't you even beat a bunch of ordinary creatures?" The reason why the Bell Tone Knight was guarding the commanders before was because I had seen the strength of those people. Traveler City and Mumble are both commercial cities. Although they are fighting now, their leadership is not selected by their own combat effectiveness, so these senior commanders are all ordinary creatures, and it can be said that they are almost all combatless presence. [] [] Because these guys have no resistance at all, I did not summon the magic pet. Instead, the bell knights watched the door, but they didn't expect to be run away by them.

I didn't say it was okay, I was even more sad when I said Scoot, and his expression showed how depressed he was. but. Although depressed, Skott explained to me the reason for the escape, and I listened to it for a few seconds before responding.

"That's still my problem!" I sighed helplessly.

Scarlett comforted me quickly: "After all, this is something no one can think of. I can't blame you!"

I nodded and said, "It seems only that we are out of luck!"

Speaking of this matter is really not strange to Gothic, and my responsibility is not great. After all, the reason for this happened is weird, because the lounge we use to detain the guys is actually an elevator.

No one expected that two twin beds. The room with a desk would actually be an elevator. We used to think that there was only one door in this room, and the space was small. There was no place for Tibetans, so we put all those prisoners in. Then send someone to guard the door. However, after we closed the door, the bell knight who suddenly guarded the door heard a strange noise coming from the door. When in doubt, they planned to go in and see, only to find that the door could not be opened. It was found that the bell-tone knight immediately broke the door violently, but after opening it, he saw a large hole. The room inside the door was completely gone, leaving only an upward vertical well. After seeing this situation, the Ringtone Knights also knew that the captives had run away, so they came to report, and as a result, they felt a shock as soon as they arrived at the door.

Although the guys themselves had no strength, but since they captured them and let them run away, it seemed a bit embarrassing, so I decided to take them all back.

After retracting the Bell Tone Knight, I went straight into the vertical well, raised my arm and bent my finger up www.7ket, and I slammed a dragon tendon and shot me up. With a ding, the cable hit the top of the elevator shaft, and the take-up device began to take up the wire, and I was immediately pulled up.

When the cable was fully retracted, I did not reach the bottom of the elevator shaft, but reached the bottom of the previous room. The elevator was obviously parked at the top, and I'm hanging under it now.

After opening a hole at the bottom of the elevator with Eternal, we drilled directly into the elevator, and then confirmed that this was where we held the captives, but now it is no longer there, and the door of the room is also open. Brand new channel.

My side was about to leave the room and enter the outside passage. I did not expect that the previous severe vibration suddenly began to weaken abruptly and stopped completely within two seconds. Although I don't know what happened, I quickly chased into the outside passage. The passage is horizontal. After leaving the house, there are two directions to choose from. After releasing Bailang and smelling it briefly, the answer was that the captives divided into two groups and ran to the sides.

Since the other party was separated, I had to separate, but because I didn't know what would happen, I separated Ling and Xiaochun, and Jingjing and Lingling. Ling can use my Fenglong space. What kind of magic pets can be used to dispatch the command at any time. Xiaochun and the three of them just happen to be iron triangles. There is no problem in fighting, so this combination is the most reassuring.

After the separation, we each headed for a passage, but the passage was not long, and it was only a little over ten meters on both sides. It is not the walls that close the passage. It was a door, which looked quite strong, and seemed to be a high-voltage door. Now busy chasing the captives, I have no time to study what is behind the door. When I went up, I opened a hole with eternity, but Yi Jianyu just pulled it aside in the past, and immediately saw a large amount of seawater sprayed from the position of the hilt, and because the water pressure was too high, the speed of the sprayed water was very horrible. After hitting the eternal hilt of the sword, they flew randomly, and no one could be seen at this moment in the entire passage.

I'm not a fool. Of course, when I see this, I know that the sea is connected to the outside. And I quickly thought about Ling's situation as well, but unfortunately I thought it was one step too late.

I have an indestructible eternity, so when I came up, I poke a hole directly on the door. Ling and Xiaochun did not have eternity. Ling Ling's holy sword is also quite sharp. But the lack of such a cut-off rule, so Lingling rarely used the holy sword to make holes in the door. Of course, without a weapon does not mean that they can't figure out a door. In fact, they are more destructive than I am. When Ling Yi saw that the road was blocked, he didn't want to crack the organization. Going directly was a trick of corrosion. The steel door began to smoke and soften in a moment of snoring, and then they heard the sound of water spray coming from me, and the door immediately following them protruded toward them, and then accompanied Dang. The softened and corroded part of the center of the gate, like a blown-out balloon, inflated towards them and burst suddenly, followed by a thick water column from the wellhead ejected from the gate. The huge water pressure instantly lifted all four of them.

In reality, there is a special cutting tool called a waterjet. Its working principle is to use a high-pressure jet to replace the solid tool to cut an object. The water jet sprayed in this waterjet can easily cut hard objects such as steel plates and glass. Not only is the speed fast and the vibration small, but it is relatively safe without generating high heat.

Although this waterjet is quite powerful, it is actually much weaker than the water pressure on the ocean floor. The situation we face now is similar to that of the waterjet. The sea water outside the gate is high-pressure water, and when we destroy the gate, the high-pressure water immediately shoots in through the breach on the door. On my side, there is eternity in front of them, but Ling is miserable, and it is directly a positive move. Fortunately, Jingjing reacted quickly with a shield to block the first wave of jets, otherwise the water pressure would definitely cut them directly, but even so a few people were taken off.

Although I didn't come to remind them to dodge, I had no time to remedy. When the three of them flew out, four space cracks opened, and then several people flew in, and then the cracks disappeared, and the seawater was on my side Squirting.

Ling can hide, but I can't, but I have an absolute barrier, so the problem is not big. After starting the absolute barrier, the high-pressure water flow can no longer do me anymore. Moreover, as the water entering the channel gradually rises, a metal gate is lowered in the middle of the channel and the elevator door just closed the channel completely. After completely submerging the part outside the closed section, because the water pressure has been balanced, the intense water flow immediately stabilized and calmed down.

I closed the helmet and immediately removed the absolute barrier. The surrounding seawater immediately filled the space around me, but because the water pressure in the game is designed to not directly hurt people, this non-impact way of water Overwhelmingly has no effect on me.

After adjusting my lower body shape, I swam directly in the direction of the hole opened by Ling. The hole in the direction I opened was too small. Although it was enlarged by the water pressure, I could only plug it in one leg. It ’s just that the hole on Ling ’s side is enough for two people to hug it together, so of course I choose this side.

Immediately after exiting the aisle here, I found that there was a considerable space outside. The space is rectangular as a whole, and its area is about the same as a standard football field, and it may be a little larger. The height of the space is about thirteen meters, but there is no ceiling. If you look up, you can directly see the seawater outside the Traveler City, and the ceiling is completely gone. This room feels like a swimming pool embedded in the surface of Traveler's Town.

The door I entered was not at the bottom of the room, but a little bit above the middle of the room. There was a corridor along the wall, and there was a long bridge that extended like a springboard, just It seems to be distorted for some reason now.

Although I don't know what the room looked like, the shape and the rest of it on time reminded me of the escape cabin immediately. And it looks like it's not small.

"How is the situation outside?" Ling's voice suddenly appeared in contact.

Then I remembered that I had n’t asked them about the situation just after I put them together. I quickly told Ling that everything is normal on my side, and then asked them about their situation. Ling's answer reassured me, although several people were hit. However, the injuries were very light, mainly because Jingjing's Holy Shield was more cattle, blocking more than 90% of the lethality, plus the four of them were not angels or demons.

After talking with Ling them, I suddenly remembered that before sending the Dragon Girl to help Haier return to Mumble, I don't know if I can come back now, just contact now. But as soon as I connected it, I saw a huge head sticking out of my head. It turned out that the little dragon girl had arrived near me.

"Are you already back?" I asked when I saw the little dragon girl.

The little dragon girl nodded, and then asked, "What are those two things that just left? When I saw something separated from the Traveler City, I ran over and wanted to see the situation. You came out unexpectedly."

"You see those two things detached?"

The Halong girl nodded and said, "Otherwise I wouldn't be here."

"Then hurry, take me to catch up."

"No problem." After finishing talking, the little dragon girl leaned forward and grabbed me with her front paws to exit this huge room and swam in one direction.

The speed of the two underwater vehicles that ran away was significantly faster than that of ordinary underwater vehicles. But it was much slower than Xiaolongnu, and it took us only a few minutes to catch up with those two things.

These two underwater vehicles are actually not as large as the room I saw before. It only has a length that is not much longer than the room, but the width is not wide and the height is very small. However, the shape of this thing is quite flat, a bit like a whale shark, but it is flatter and more slender in proportion.

There are a total of six thrusters at the rear of this thing. I don't know what principle to use to advance, anyway, I don't see the propeller. And the noise is small, but the speed is very fast. I didn't really care about these captives. But after seeing this stuff, I got some interest. The technical level of this kind of thing clearly exceeds that of Traveler City. Looking at the shape, it doesn't seem to be the design style of Traveler City. It feels that the technology of this thing is a bit of the style of Atlantis, but it is only Atlantis. There is also no such fast propeller, so this thing is definitely not a product of Atlantis, at least it has a little source.

After finding the target, I did not let the little dragon girl come forward, but summoned luck and plague directly. Although the dragons do not have gills, they can hold their breath, and it is no problem to stay underwater for an hour or two. This is still the result of their hard carrying. If the oxygen is separated by magic, in theory the dragon can completely The water never floats.

When they were so close, the two dragons fluttered their wings twice as soon as they appeared, and their bodies flew forward immediately, and then they grasped the tail of the underwater vehicle at the same time. The reaction of the two aircrafts after being caught was almost the same, and they both accelerated to float at the same time, but the two dragons were more fierce, and the claws of the two aircrafts pulled the tails of the two aircrafts with a click. Because the propellers are all at the tail, the aircraft without the tail immediately loses its power. Even if it has a submarine-like water tank inside, it has lost its ability to float after the entire structure has been damaged. Besides, it was caught by two dragons. Live, even if there is a water tank, it does not necessarily float.

The two underwater vehicles that had completely lost their resistance were immediately captured and then dragged back to the Traveler City.

When we returned, the Traveler City had basically ended the fight. All the resistance personnel had either been killed or surrendered, and the rest were not resisting, but they hid, at least the people who dared to stand up and no longer existed. .

Because the control center was taken away, when we returned, we were able to use the large gates to return to the inside of the Traveler City. After the two aircraft had dumped all the captives inside, the wreckage was directly inserted into me. Fenglong Space. Speaking of Fenglong space, it ’s really enough for you to fill in. The other players ’space equipment is dead and they plug in a large creature, and that ’s all guild-level team equipment, but our wind dragon space is almost empty. Once filled, the only bottleneck limiting its load capacity is not the volume but the inlet size. Fortunately, this underwater vehicle is long, so it's easy to plug in.

The senior personnel here were handed over to the commander of the large army who mumbled. Then I went to the command room and took away all the technical information I saw before. I didn't intend to take these things away, but after seeing these two underwater vehicles, I thought that there might be some clues in those materials, so I installed them all again.

I did n’t spend much time in Traveler City after I got what I wanted, and my mission was here. The rest is the matter of the muttering governor and the resistance groups here, which has nothing to do with me. After expressing my willingness to return to the task with the commander in advance, the other side very enthusiastically found Haier and the three of them, and then asked them to take me back to mumble. The Archon already knew about the fall of Traveler City when he saw me. Obviously, the commander had sent someone back to report the situation there, so the Archon knew the situation there in great detail.

Immediately after handing over the task, I got prompts for the completion of the level 2,200 level task, which finally relieved me. No more worrying about the experience value of twenty-two levels will be missing. As for the task reward given to me by the consul, this is an additional gain, and because this is a level task in itself. So there are not many rewards, I don't care.

After the completion of the task handover, the consular officer obviously attached great importance to my strength, and told me a lot of good things. I hope I can stay and help them to continue the task, and also a bunch of benefits, but I never thought of staying here. . Just kidding. The ten-fold gross profit of the entire mumble degree may not be able to catch up with the net profit of the Frost Rose Alliance. I put the president of the Frost Rose Alliance to work here to work for them? I've almost got water in my head.

With the expression of regret of the ruling official, I left the ruling palace, and then went to the technical department of Dududu. This place holds a lot of technical information about Turdu, and one of my rewards for helping Turdu to deal with Traveler City is to buy any Turdu technology here. Although it is not available for free, as long as it can be bought, it is already a very good thing. Advanced technology is different from products. As long as you don't have and understand the technology. You will definitely not lose money when you buy it. Although the grunt degree technology can not be compared with Atlantis, but the surgery industry has a specialization, each place has its own technical expertise, the grunt degree technology is always something to learn from.

Although the technical strength of Mumble is not as good as Atlantis, the technical information here is still scary. It took me a day to find the required technology from the huge amount of technical information. Not to mention, my previous guess was correct, and Mumble really has good things, and it is still a very practical technology. One of them is the super high pressure support technology, because this technology is specifically used for extreme deep diving. of. Although Atlantis is also an underwater nation, its depth is not very deep, so they are not outstanding in combating water pressure, but Mutter has such technology.

In addition to the ultra-high pressure support technology that resists water pressure ~ ~ I also found at least 30 large-scale technologies and up to 200 small technical improvements on the mumble side. The packing price of 10 million crystal coins was bought directly. In other guilds, this will allow many presidents to be hospitalized directly for heart disease than money, but for our guilds, this is really not a big investment, and if we research these technologies ourselves, we will invest at least three more than this. Ten times, I bought it now, which is equal to thirty times the profit rate. Such a cost-effective business fool doesn't do it.

I did n’t plan to stay here after the technical information was available. Although the leveling experience near the mumble degree is relatively high, it does n’t mean much to me. Although our guild players also need high-level experience leveling, but this place is too remote, it is not cost-effective to come here for a trip, even if the guild collectively came forward to build a transnational transport array seems too wasteful.

Because of the technical information of buying 10 million crystal coins, the executive went to see me off when I left. After all, big customers like me are not very rare, and of course they should meet with enthusiasm. Helplessly left to mumble under the over-enthusiastic farewell of these guys, I floated directly from here to the sea and flew towards Iceland. Now that the time-limited level task has been completed, the remaining task is not anxious. I would like to see the confectioner whom they told me before. To be honest, this is a new job for the first time. I haven't heard about it.

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