Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 29: Disparity in declaration of war

The luck that fell into the lava went directly to the bottom of the lake, and then floated up again, and then shouted to me next to the pumice where the Halloween flame flower was located: "There is a big one below Exit, but I do n’t know where it goes.

I nodded and said, "Just have a channel. You come up first, we go back."

"Go back?" Fortunately, Lucky looked back at Halloween Flame Flower and asked, "What about this Halloween Flame Flower? Whatever?"

"Do you have a way to take it away without causing an explosion?"

Fortunately, shaking his head directly, "I can only guarantee that I will not be affected by the explosion."

"Then it will end. Hurry up, we will collect some drunk dragon grass and take it away."

"Oh, I see."

After leaving this lava crater, we started to walk back along the passage. We just saw the three players who followed us as soon as we reached the hole. The other side noticed that we were obviously stunned, and then hurriedly surrounded us.

"What do you mean? Want to do it?" I asked coldly as I watched the three people blocking the way.

Although the temperature inside the lava channel was already scary, the three of them heard my voice feel cold all over.

"No, no, we just want to ask, that Halloween flame flower ..." The three men flashed to the side of the road while giving way to the passage.

I didn't wait for them to answer, and I answered directly, "Did I say that I want to take away the Halloween flame flower? That thing is still good there."

"Who ...!" Three people finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing my answer.

I didn't wait for them to relax for a long time. I walked past them and made up again. "Although I didn't take it away this time, as long as I find a way to suppress the volcano, I will still come back and take away the Halloween flame flower."

To my surprise, the three did not show any panic, but said happily: "As long as there is a way to suppress the volcano, even if you ask us to help you take out the flame of Halloween flames and give it to you, no problem . "

"So concerned about the safety of Reykjavik, are you city managers?"

The three looked at each other, and nodded in unison: "We are city managers. Although Reykjavik is a system city. But the way we manage the system city in Iceland may not be the same as yours. In our case, the management of the city is relatively loose and casual, and the manager's guild has a higher degree of freedom than the managers in other places. It can be said that in addition to the slightly less income and the violation of basic protection agreements, our Managers' guilds are similar to city owners. "

"No wonder you are so desperate." I continued after I said, "Although I will not use the Halloween flame flower until I find a way to suppress the volcano, the three of you are best kept secret because I am not sure that others will Will not touch the Halloween flame flower. "

My words made all three of them stunned. Then I was scared for a while, and then suddenly told me, "We will send someone here to guard 24 hours."

In fact, this cannot be said that they overreacted. But it is true. The value of the Halloween flame flower is too great. Although removing it will cause nearby Reykjavik to be destroyed by a volcanic eruption, Reykjavik is destroyed. The loss is the city manager's guild and the resident players in the city. For those who are prepared, In fact, there is no loss at all. Even if there is a loss, it can be completely ignored under the huge temptation of Halloween flame flower.

Imagine if there is something near the city where you live, which is worth billions of RMB, but taking this thing will cause the crust beneath the city to change. Eventually caused a super earthquake to destroy the entire city. What do you say will happen when such news spreads? People with conscience will definitely not move this thing, because when someone takes this thing to get billions, it also means that there are more than N people to be killed in the nearby city. And those who survive will lose everything. But even so much impact. Do you think you can guarantee that no one will move that thing? No, I think not only will someone do it, but there are certainly many of them. Although what he gets is certainly not worth more than the loss caused by this thing, but what about it? It is him who gains the benefit, others lose it, and this account seems to be very easy to calculate. [Read the novel ~]

Think of people who have blackouts of high-voltage power lines and caused large areas of power outages. Think of those who stole the manhole cover and caused passers-by to fall and die. Can you say that there are fewer such people? No, there are many such people, and as long as the benefits are large enough, many so-called noble people who disdain to steal electric wires and steal manhole covers will also transform into the same existence as those people. This is the reality.

So, my warning is very important, because if this news is leaked out, those who can't see anything else for the benefit will come together like smelling flies, maybe the management guild here Can block one or two, but can they block ten or one hundred? Even if it is blocked, what price do they have to pay?

"You don't need to send someone to guard here," I said as I walked outwards. "In our China there is a saying called 320 silver-free here. It says that in ancient times someone buried 320 silver in the ground because Afraid of being stolen, a sign was placed in the place where the silver was buried, stating that there was no silver in the place. "

None of the three were idiots there. They immediately responded to me after I explained the proverb. They sent someone to guard this place. It is not a day or two that the Halloween flame flower has grown here, but it has never been discovered before, that is to say, no one knows the existence of the Halloween flame flower, not even the ice fist, because his Character, if you know that there is such a valuable thing here, it is estimated that it has been taken away long ago, and it is impossible to wait until now. In addition, the temperature in that channel is too high. Considering the actual strength of Ice Fist, it may not be able to enter the channel at all like the three here, so he does not know that the possibility of this news is very high. high.

According to this inference, then, it is only me and the three who know that there are Halloween flame flowers in this place. Since I took the initiative to remind them. It means that I will not say it, and as long as they do not say it, no one will know about it at all. To keep things from being stolen, the best way is not to hide or guard them, but not to let others know that there is such a thing. No clever thief can't steal something he doesn't even know about?

"Thanks to President Ziri for reminding us that we almost did something!"

"You're welcome, I just want to get the Halloween flame flower, and don't want others to take it first."

Although I'm telling the truth. However, the three people also thanked them. After all, this is a real help for them. Otherwise, it is difficult to guarantee that the next person who knows the Halloween flame flower will try to seal the volcano before I take the Halloween flame. Flowers, most people will take away the flame of Halloween directly, let Reykjavik be submerged by the volcano, right?

Returning to the growing place of drunk grass outside, I did not wipe out all drunk grass, but only picked the mature part and picked it up. In addition, I found some blooming drunk grass and collected some. Seeds of drunk dragon grass.

After having done this, I left the place with luck. The three who followed also borrowed my light and were brought out by Lucky to help them, otherwise they could float down on pumice stones. But there is no way to go against the current. So we can only take them out with luck.

After returning to Reykjavik, the situation here has been basically confirmed. A lot of drunk dragon smell was found outside the ice boxing house, but because the ice boxing house belongs to private land, there is no way to enter it. Of course, thieves can use special skills to enter other people's houses, but this so-called entry is actually based on the proportion of skills to get part of the property stored in private homes. It does not really allow thieves to enter the player. Houses. After all, games need to be protected. Don't forget that "Zero" is a virtual simulation game, players can not only eat and sleep here. You can even do some wonderful things between men and women. If you say that someone is buying a house and wife XX in the game. Suddenly a thief appeared beside the bed. Therefore, the thieves in the game do not enter the house in the true sense, they just steal the property. But we are not stealing ice fist money, we just want to know the clue of the magic dessert chef, so entering the room is the key. The theft skills obviously cannot meet this condition.

"What do I do now?" Because of my commitment and previous reminders, the three guilds here are now with me, and they are helping me with obedience and obedience to me. However, even if they are a manager's guild, they have no right to enter other people's private houses. After all, this is a system city. They are only a manager's guild, not an owner's guild. [] [] If someone buys a house in Essinger, we Frost Rose Alliance has the right to enter the inspection, because we are the founders of the city, the rules are completely made by us. Of course, we will not use this kind of power easily. After all, if you want to sell a house, you must ensure the safety of others. In this way, if you check your house, even if other conditions are good, will anyone dare to buy your house in the future? Therefore, even if we hold this kind of power in our hands, we in Frost Rose League have never used this kind of power. After all, doing this kind of thing will damage our reputation too much, and it is impossible for us to use it without a last resort.

Reykjavik is a system city. Now you don't have to worry about reputation issues, but the more serious problem is that the system will not modify the rules for you, so we can't open this house in any way. Private homes in the city will be invincible after purchase. No matter what method you use, don't expect to destroy it. This is the highest priority of the system. Even my eternity cannot penetrate this layer of rules. However, although it does not work under normal circumstances, it may not work under abnormal conditions.

Private homes are not really invincible, they are just invincible under normal conditions. If the city enters a state of war, the invincible effect will disappear. The advantage of this setup is that the security of urban houses can be linked to the strength of their guilds. In this way, more people will buy houses in the cities of their powerful guilds. This can be considered a competitive and positive Upward environmental pressure. As for words, in the state of war, there should be no brains left to hide in the house?

"It seems only to declare war!" I said helplessly, looking at the private home with the highest protection in front of me.

"What?" The three guild players behind me immediately screamed.

Become a manager's guild. Of course, you know the way to destroy the invincible effect of private homes. It is just because they know this way that they will be surprised because they mean that they become the guild of managers in Reykjavik. Becoming a keeper's guild in Reykjavik, I said that to declare war on Reykjavik is tantamount to declaring war on their guild. How could such a thing not surprise them?

"Don't be so fussed." I looked at the three nervous people next to me and asked, "Don't you have not fought a guild battle?"

After hearing my words, the three of them shook their heads like rattles together, and one of them stood up and said, "President Ziri. We are Iceland! The population of the whole country is only over 3 million, and those who do not play For gamers, there are also some elderly people who come in purely to use the sleep system to help them sleep well, and then remove those auxiliary personnel. The real combat players are less than 800,000 when they are full. More than 30% have not participated in any guild organization. The remaining personnel are divided into tens of thousands of guilds, many of which are even only a few. Do you expect us to fight guilds? "

"Hmm ... sorry. I didn't take your actual situation into account." After I said it, I explained: "Since you haven't played a guild war. Let me explain it to you."

Just after my words came out, Ling suddenly appeared next to me, and then with her finger www.7ket a little bit in the air, a magic screen appeared next to me, and then I started writing on the screen At the same time, they explained to them: "If there are no actual results such as occupation in the guild battle, for example, I attacked Reykjavik but did not fight it. In this case, defend one side. Also It's you, and the losses you need to cover include these. "I said to give way. Let them see what I wrote on that screen.

A few of them got together at once, and I explained to them next to it. "First of all, this is your first loss, that is, the casualties of the personnel. However, I don't really want to attack you, so you don't have to resist my attack, so we can not fight at all, so ... … "I swipe directly on the screen, cut out the line, and then continued:" This item can be ignored directly. "

"Is this OK?" The three looked at me in astonishment and asked.

I nodded and said, "The system only restricts the basic rules. The specific implementation depends on ourselves, so do n’t think that you really have to fight after the declaration of war. Sometimes guilds will use mutual declarations to break through the system restrictions and complete them. Something that cannot be done in normal mode. "

"Is there anything else I can do with the war system?" One of the guys asked with great interest.

"There are many, for example, some people wanted by the system must enter the city, and you also want him to come in, but for a management guild like you, there is no power to order the gate guards to ignore the system's wanted personnel. At this time you You can start the war mode. In this mode, all the cities in the city can be mobilized, so you can leave the gate, as long as the person is not seen by the guard, there will be no fighting, of course, if found Law enforcement will still be resumed, this is beyond control. "

The three of them nodded straight after hearing what I said. "What other applications are there?"

"Those who need you to explore by yourself, I'm not here to give you a tutorial." I said a little bit angry: "Now watch the second loss. Your second loss in the guild battle is damaged Management facilities, such as damage to the city walls, this part needs to be deducted from the city income of your guild after the war. However, I only want to destroy the door of this house, so the cost will not exceed one gold coin. "I don't think you care too much about this money?"

The three nodded again.

"Very good. Then, the third loss. Your reputation loss. Do you think this will have an impact?"

Three people shook their heads together.

"I feel the same way." I continued: "Because we are united to take advantage of system vulnerabilities to do something, others will not despise you because of your defeat. Instead, you will be with your guild and me, or with Frost The Rose League has cooperated and looked at you differently. This will not affect your reputation, but will make you more important. So, this one can be ignored. Then, there are only two left. One is , The guild defeated the punishment. "

"Is there a penalty for losing?"

"Of course. The guild defeat penalty is a systematic calculation of punishment data. It is calculated based on the number of players involved, the losses of both sides, and the player's performance. Finally, a set of data is obtained. The loser will be deducted a certain percentage of experience value. This experience value loss usually does not exceed one level, of course, there are exceptions, but it is rare. So far we have not calculated the specific content of this calculation formula. But we can roughly estimate The results of the data, and can consciously avoid certain events that affect the score. This reduces punishment in a defeated environment. "

"Can this be calculated?" The three asked in amazement.

"If your guild also has a research institute that needs to throw in hundreds of millions of crystal coins every month. I promise you will know."


"Crystal coins?"

"Every month?"

The eyes of the three people were almost glaring from their eyes, but I had already anticipated their response, so I did n’t express too much, just continued: "We are declaring war this time, so there is nothing to worry about "The main point is to ensure that the strike points of the two sides remain the same. As long as the difference in value is not large, the punishment will not be too serious."

"What are the hit points?"

"It is the damage to the guild of the other party. But it is not only for people, but also for the guild items and buildings. I will open the door in a moment. This will cause a blow to your guild because of thunder Reykjavik is your side. Anything I destroy Reykjavik is against you. "

"Then how do we offset this effect?"

"It's easy. Just hit me."


"Don't be so surprised. I shouldn't have too many hit points by destroying this door. You just have to come up and give me a punch. Rest assured, I won't fight back."

"But if I hurt you ..." one of them asked stupidly.

"Do you think you have that ability?"

Hearing what I said, the talents reacted, and my defense was definitely not their ability to break the defense, so a random punch would at most cause a little compulsory injury, and it was impossible to really hurt me.

"Okay, do n’t bother with those things. Now let ’s talk about the final punishment, which is the guild record penalty. According to the system rules, the guild record of failed guilds will record a failure record, because your guild did not happen There have been battles in the guild, so this display is not available for the time being. This record will appear after you have played a match. The record will record the total number of battles in your guild and the number of wins and defeats. This record data will be special in some special cases. It is used in the selection, but it is not a measure, but a ratio between victory and defeat. Of course, the total number of battles is also useful. However, a failure has almost no effect on the overall situation, unless you intend to challenge the record of zero failure. But I I think that is almost impossible, because many large guilds cannot guarantee this data. The starting reward of a zero-failure record not only requires a record of zero defeats, but also the total number of battles exceeds one hundred. Your guild probably does not expect to reach this. Numbers, so this number doesn't make any sense to you. "

"That ..." one of them asked in a voice: "I want to ask, if we also declare war against other guilds, and then win the record, will not we get a high number of battles and guarantee rewards? ? "

"It is theoretically possible, but there is actually an invisible record in this record. Although it is not displayed, it does exist. The content of this invisible record is your war points. During the guild battles, destroying each other ’s buildings, killing each other ’s personnel, and destroying each other ’s equipment. You can get war points. The hidden requirement of a zero-loss record is that the guild war value must meet a certain basic standard. You can win or lose the number of times, but you ca n’t use the war value, because you can only destroy things or kill opponents. To get the war value, and if you really have the ability to use people to fill in the war value, you will definitely get less reward in the end. "

"OK, we understand that this winning and losing data is basically useless to us, but why do we have to bear this failure record?"

"It's very simple. First, you owe my favor. Second, our record of the Frost Rose League's victory and defeat is very important, unlike yours, you can sacrifice at will. Third, I am the siege side, and the failure condition is the loss of our personnel. More than half and did not enter the city. But I only have one person, so it is impossible for me to lose half of my staff. And I have to be in the city to enter this house, so I cannot fail. "

"Okay, we understand."

"Do n’t worry, I wo n’t let you lose the punishment for this failure. I will give you a compensation afterwards, and I will notify the Frost Rose League to prepare a better batch of equipment for you to sell. Note, although You still need to spend money to buy them, but these things are definitely good things that others do n’t necessarily buy. When you see them, you will understand that I haven't pitted you. "

"We believe in your credibility." The other three people immediately chose to believe me, because my credibility has always been good.

"Now that we're done, let's get started. I want to go outside the city first, and declare war cannot be carried out in the city."

After taking back the magic pets, I ran out of the city and ran out of the city, and the three people there returned to the guild and also the city management center. Three people had just entered the city management center and heard the system prompt within two minutes.

"Attention of the Volcano Alliance ~ ~ The player's guild Frost Rose Alliance has submitted a battle application to your guild, please choose whether to accept it. Note that the Frost Rose Alliance is the governing guild of China, guild level 137, combat power With an assessment of more than one trillion, your assessment of combat power is less than 20,000, and the gap is more than ten times. You have the right to reject the application for war. After this, the Frost Rose Alliance can still wage war, but cannot plunder your city, please choose. "

The data reported by the system directly frightened three people to death. At first I heard that when the level of our guild was only 137, they felt that the level was very low, and then they were slightly surprised when they heard that the combat power value exceeded one trillion, but because they did not know what the combat power value was What a calculation, so I don't feel much. However, when they heard that their guild's fighting power was less than 20,000, they were immediately stunned, not because their value was too small, but because we were too large. At first I heard a trillion yuan, each comparison did not feel at all, but when I saw that I was less than 20,000, this time I understand how powerful our Frost Rose League is. The system says that the gap is more than ten times, which means that as long as the gap is more than ten times, it can be rejected, but now the gap is more than ten times? This is simply a comparison of the fighting power of dragons and ants. Such a large gap makes them feel like they are about to collapse.

"Huh, fortunately, President Ziri is a reasonable person, otherwise ..." The three of them breathed a sigh of relief, then clicked to accept the war application, and the subsequent system reminded them that they didn't listen, either. (To be continued) RQ

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