Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 42: night market

"Guarantee agreement?" The three devil kings of Hagglos all stunned for a moment, not understanding what my so-called guarantee agreement means. M

I explained to them directly: "It can be seen from your words that you all hope to return to the Dark Temple, so I think I can give you a guarantee. I will help you communicate with Di Tans, and then Let you return directly to the Temple of Darkness, and I promise that Ditans will not hold you accountable for the fact that you were actually independent of the Temple of Darkness, and you will pay me a fee as a reward for my good offices. You see my decision How is it? "

After hearing my words, the three people over there looked at each other, apparently exchanging opinions, but they did n’t speak, and I did n’t know what they exchanged, but I did n’t care anyway, this kind of hard money , If you can make it, you can make it. If you can't make it, you can't make it. It's not that you can't live without it.

After communicating with my eyes for a few moments, the three of them started muttering again, but the room was so quiet, and I heard almost everything they said. Of course, I didn't care even if I heard it, anyway, it was something that had nothing to do with me.

In the end, it seemed that the three of them had negotiated the results, and the guard Roswell asked me: "Are you really sure that you have the ability to ensure that Di Tans will not hold us accountable? You must know that our previous actions were actually It's tantamount to betraying the Temple of Darkness! "

"Since I said the guarantee, I will guarantee it. If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility. You can rest assured that if Di Tans refuses, I will prevent his revenge, and as long as I do not agree, he will never dare to move you. "

"You have the power to keep us under the eyes of the Temple of Darkness?" This time the attendant Cledia was suspicious of my words.

I nodded surely: "You probably do n’t know the details of the outside because you have rarely left here recently. If you go out and inquire, you will know that I definitely have the ability to make the Dark Temple dare not come. Move you. "

"If this is the case, I think this agreement can be signed." Attendant Clydia said her final opinion.

Hagros looked at the guard Roswell next to him. The guard Roswell nodded. After confirming that both his right and left arms agreed, the Lord of Hagglos finally nodded: "In principle, we agree to sign such an agreement with you, but we want to know, what kind of remuneration do you need us to pay?"

"How about the accumulation of all the knowledge of the witchcraft system?" I said directly: "Just copy it to me. Strictly speaking, you have not lost anything, and I have received enough benefits. Such a transaction is not very cost-effective. ?"

Of course such transactions cannot be simply described as cost-effective. Otherwise, there will be no technical blockade in modern society. Of course, the three demon kings of Hagros, although they have not come out and walked in recent centuries. But they are not stupid. I also know that if the technology is sold, they may be eroded by their own technology, but they also know one thing: they and my organization are not comparable at all, so there is no competition between us. relationship. If that's the case, it doesn't really change whether I transfer the technology to me.

After a little contemplation for a while, the devil of Hagros nodded decisively with technology to pay, and I quickly took out a temporary guarantee agreement and signed it. This thing is protected by the system. Naturally, they can be assured.

"OK, happy cooperation." Close the guarantee agreement. We shook hands with each other, and then everyone opened a bottle of magic drink to celebrate. of course. I brought out the drink, and the devil of Hagros was squatting in such a place. Of course, it was impossible to entertain guests with high-level magic fruits like the rich dark temple.

Now that such an agreement has been completed, the atmosphere between the two of us immediately became warm. After all, this is a temporary partnership. As a guest, the Lord of Hagros invited me to rest in the castle tonight and join them at the opening ceremony of the magic festival tomorrow morning, and of course I agreed. But before that, I still asked Captain Roswell to take me out for a while. I explained to the old witch and the shaman Glenn, and the other was to stop by the night market.

Although the magic festival will officially start tomorrow, in fact, tonight and tomorrow night are the most lively time periods. Wizards don't like the existence of light. They prefer activities at night, so they are more lively than during the day. Since I will concentrate on attracting the magic dessert chef tomorrow, I will not have time to go outside again, so I am just like the magic dessert chef has not come tonight, let's first see what the magic festival here is all about.

The backcountry also has the benefits of backcountry, because the environment is closed, so there will definitely not be those high-end goods outside, but because the environment is closed, so there are often some special materials that can not be bought elsewhere. For example, before a group of American players were killed in the Pacific Ocean and accidentally found an island. As a result, they actually found a village on the island. Finally, they bought a very rare fishing line from them. The hair of ordinary people is good, but the tensile strength can be comparable to the thick cable of the arm. If it is not too low, this kind of thing will definitely have great consumer prospects. The environment at this magic festival is also the same. In such a closed environment, some unknown good things exist, which is convenient and simple.

I was accompanied by the Guardian of Roswell, and I was not worried that someone dared to pit me. I even saw the guard of Roswell followed me respectfully. Many merchants did not dare to say the price when I asked for the price. Just like to take it. From this we can see how deeply the prestige of the devil and his group of people in this place is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, not only with respect, but also with a certain amount of fear. But think about the strength of the wizards here, and then look at the weakest Guard Roswell of the three behind. I immediately understood why the people here were so afraid of them. It is not afraid that it will not work, the strength is several orders of magnitude worse!

"What is this?" Because the Magic Festival has not yet begun, the shops didn't open much tonight. Most of the street vendors came out to sell things, and most of them were concentrated in the square in front of the castle. I walked less than 50 meters and saw something that interested me.

The boss was a bit worried at first when I heard my question, but after thinking about it, he boldly said to me, "This is a devil fly egg."

"Devil fly mess?" I picked up the red object that looked crystal clear. This thing is about the size of a muskmelon, which is basically red on the outside, but there are also several purple meridian-like meridians. It looks scary. The reason I'm interested in this thing is mainly because I find that the magic power on this thing fluctuates so special, it feels like a magic black hole. Although it is also exuding magic fluctuations, but I don't know why, all the magic fluctuations that have spread around are absorbed by this egg, and then the magic fly eggs will emit their own weak and thin fluctuations.

Captain Roswell explained to me when I was interested in this thing: "This thing is very much on our side, almost everywhere in the forest. But the location of the magic fly eggs itself is not very fixed. So I went for it It's not easy to find either, but it just happens to happen to collect it. "

"What do you want this thing for?"

Captain Roswell looked at the stall owner. It means let him answer. After all, Captain Roswell is not a professional wizard. He knows that this thing is useful to wizards, and he doesn't know exactly what it does.

The stall owner there immediately explained to me the guard's eyes and explained to me: "This is mainly used as a stabilizer for magic potions."


"Yeah." The stall owner said, "If you know a little bit about magic pharmacy, you should know that after the high concentration of magic power, it will become quite unstable, and the greater the density, the more unstable, but if you add some magic flies in the right amount, The juice squeezed out by the eggs can quickly stabilize the energy substance. "

"So amazing?"

"It's not magic, I don't know. We use it anyway, and it works well."

"How much juice can this egg make?"

"Look at it. Generally it looks like 70 to 80 flowers."


Captain Roswell quickly helped explain: "This is a unit of measure here. It is used to indicate the volume of liquid. I am not very clear about the specific conversion. You also know that I am not a legal profession."

The stall owner over there heard our explanation. I hurriedly took out a small cup from the booth next to me, and handed it to me: "This cup is the measuring cup for the test. You see, there is a scale inside the cup, and the top bar is ten."

I took a look. The cup is not very large, and it is almost the same as a normal coffee cup. If you say that, the amount of seventy or eighty flowers is seven or eight cups, and the actual amount is quite a lot.

"If it is a high-energy solution, how much of this juice can be added to ensure stability? Also, will adding this thing reduce the explosive force when it explodes?"

Thanks to all the genuine wizards here, not pure businessmen, so even if my question is very professional, the stall owner still answered: "There is no conclusion about the stable ratio ... This is my conclusion. The quantities measured by each friend are not very accurate, but the rules are fixed. The higher the energy density of the energy solution, the more stabilizers need to be added, and the stability of the energy substance itself will affect the stabilization effect. In addition It is that energy substances and stabilizers sometimes have some joint reactions. We have not found the cause of this reaction, but this reaction does mean to interfere with the stability of the stabilizer, sometimes to increase the stability, sometimes Is to reduce stability. "

Whether the stability of the stabilizer is increased or decreased, as long as it is unmeasurable, it is not a good thing. After all, high-energy substances are definitely not for good-looking. No matter what high-energy substances are, everyone ultimately uses the energy in them, and if the effect of the stabilizer decreases, it may lead to accidental explosion of high-energy substances. If the effect of the stabilizer is increased, it is not necessarily a good thing. If the energy substance is too stable at a critical moment, it is required to release energy, and as a result, it does not respond. What do you say at this time? Therefore, as long as it is an unpredictable result, whether it is increased or decreased is not a good thing.

"Stall, you haven't said whether this thing will affect the power of energy release?"

The stall owner shook his head and said, "The demon fly eggs are also high-energy substances, so not only will they not decrease, but they may increase the explosive power."

I nodded and said, "It sounds like antifreeze!"

"Ah? What antifreeze?" I am talking about gasoline antifreeze. Although there is oil in the game, the gasoline and diesel industries have not developed. So it ’s normal for the other party not to know. For example, the gasoline antifreeze used in winter in automobiles is actually a high-energy substance. Although its main function is to prevent gasoline from freezing, it is itself a high-burning substance. If you do not add gasoline, use this thing to burn completely , Not only can still drive the car, but will cause the engine cylinder to burst due to excessive combustion.

This magic fly egg obviously has similar characteristics to the antifreeze, and it will not affect the explosion of high-energy substances. Even more terrifying explosive power will be generated. Of course, it is relatively stable. Will not easily explode.

"How does this stuff sell?" After confirming that this thing would not cause an explosion, I wanted to get it back and give it to the research department to experiment. After all, the liquefied magic crystal steam technology that our guild is using a lot now is a kind of high energy polymer, and this thing is notoriously unstable. Although we have invested a lot of funds and personnel in the research of anti-explosion methods, so far it can only be said to have little effect. The only thing that can be done is that it will never explode when it is handled lightly, but the collision is slightly more severe And bumps, then it can only depend on character.

The stall owner saw that I was interested in buying, and unconsciously glanced at Captain Roswell. Immediately after seeing his eyes, I said, "Don't lower the price, Captain Roswell just accompanies me around. I don't want to force me to grab your stuff, so you just quote. Don't pit me."

Although I said so, of course it is impossible for the other party to still sell at the original price, but only a relatively low price, but still a reasonable price. Because this thing is everywhere in this forest, the price is not very high. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find it, so there are only a few stall owners. After paying for the stall owner's eggs, we started to wander again. Of course, as soon as we found them, I would buy them. Large-scale experiments require a large amount, and if this can really be used to stabilize the liquefied magic crystal steam, the demand will increase by several orders of magnitude. Of course, I did not expect to rely solely on the natural production here.

The biggest reason why human beings can live now is that we can keep living things. Since there are magic fly eggs here, hatching them is also very simple. In the future, we will set up a fly breeding ground ourselves, and then we can receive a lot of eggs. Anyway, the fly in the real world is a species that wants to make it impossible to die. The magic fly's vitality will only be stronger, and it is definitely good to feed.

In fact, the number of demon eggs here is still quite large, mainly scattered and chaotic, almost every stall owner has more or less so few, and these demon eggs are not all the same size, there are Good looks are big, and some are cracked and small.

Of course, Captain Roswell doesn't know why I have such a fondness for Demon Fly Eggs, but his task is to follow me to protect him, of course he doesn't think it is necessary. After all, the wizards here are very clear about his strength, but I may exceed the existence of the Devil, so if there is a real conflict, it is definitely not me who needs protection.

Accompanied by Captain Roswell, we quickly walked around the market. Except for the purchase of a large number of magic fly eggs, most of them were broken. Of course, there are some notable ones. thing. In fact, I bought three things besides the fly eggs.

The first is the leaves of a plant. This kind of plant is said to have extremely special growth conditions, can not be transplanted and cultivated, can not be artificially raised, and the growth environment is also in a mess. However, although this plant grows in a strange way, its leaves are really good because the liquid obtained from the leaves of this plant can be used to raise swords. Of course, raising a sword is a saying. If you use it to raise a knife and a gun, no one will say you, and the effect is the same. As long as the weapon is immersed in the sap of the leaves of this plant, the durability of the weapon will slowly increase. Note that the increase is not the durability but the upper limit of durability.

It is precisely because this thing can increase the durability limit of weapons. So the more advanced weapons are, the more it is needed, and the advanced weapons must be in the hands of advanced players. And because advanced players are bound to be rich and powerful, the purchase price of this kind of thing is also getting higher and higher, but unfortunately this thing is distributed randomly around the world, and there is no regularity at all, so people who meet It was like winning a lottery, and it was impossible to harvest it intentionally. For this reason, the price of this gadget has been high. And there is no price.

However, today is a treasure. I did not expect that there was a place in the nearby valley where two of these plants were grown, and they were next to each other. Most of them are wizards, and very few people need weapons, so the wizard who found it just picked a small number of leaves, so the plant could continue to grow, and every time the wizard came to participate in the magic festival, he would pick so many sheet. Over the years, a lot has been accumulated, and most of them have not been sold. Plus this leaf has a characteristic. That is, it will not spoil even if you remove it. So saving is not a problem at all. This allowed the wizard to accumulate a lot of these leaves. This time, he just used to bring a few tablets to try his luck. Who knows that he really made him meet a buyer like me, not only bought everything in his hand, but also bought everything in his house. stock. Of course, I haven't got those stocks yet, because the guy is still on his way back to get them. However, according to him, the distance is very close, and he will be back tomorrow morning.

The second item is relatively simple. No seed. But this seed is not simple, because this thing is actually the seed of the giant **** tree.

Giant God Tree is a close relative of the World Tree. It is said that it has a certain relationship with the natural trees of the elves, but this giant **** tree does not have so many strange abilities. The only feature is that it can grow very large, and it is hard and can be used as very good wood. Essinger didn't need to plant trees. Besides, the environment where our zombies climbed smoothly and the skeletons ran all over the street didn't grow any big trees. However, although Isinger didn't need it, Tianyu City was quite suitable. Tianyu City itself is at the junction of Germany, France and Switzerland, and is surrounded by the borders of the border protection mountains. There is no cover above it. If you can come to such a giant **** tree in the center of Tianyu City, and then find a reminder to make it grow into a towering tree in a short time, then Tianyu City will be safer.

The third item I bought at the Magic Festival this time is a recipe that can make a transforming potion. In the eyes of the wizards, this thing is basically a trick-level thing, it is not at all serious, I do not know that this thing is more useful.

This kind of error is mainly a problem of the technical system. Witchcraft seems to be better at refining the potion, while alchemy in the magic system is quite complicated, with few results. For wizards, the transformation potion is completely an apprentice potion, but for alchemists, the transformation potion is almost the same even if it is not a magic potion. This is the gap caused by different systems. It is as if for biological civilization specializing in genetic engineering, extending the lifespan of several decades is the operation problem of scientific experiments for middle school students, but for mechanical civilization, the technology of extending human life is basically Equal to sophisticated disciplines. It is not a question of who is strong or who is weak, it is a question of technical expertise.

Deformation potions can make people become a designated creature within a certain period of time. During this period, the person is actually completely transformed into this creature, so any detection can not be detected. Using a less suitable metaphor, if you let a person use a transforming potion to turn into a sheep and then slaughter him to make roast lamb, it will definitely not taste any different from a real sheep, because during the medicinal effect he is indeed Sheep. This is the magic of the transformation potion.

Because of the peculiar ability of this transforming potion, for people who spy or something, this stuff is simply a magic drug, which is really too useful. Even an average player can bring a bottle with them to save their lives at the critical moment. At least you can consider running a sparrow or simply turning a mouse into a hole to hide.

This transformation potion is so useful, the magic alchemists outside are difficult to make, so the price is high, and an absolute medicine is hard to find. However, here, I bought this recipe using only a total of fifty magic coins, which is what I forced to the other party, the stall owner originally only accepted ten magic coins, the reason is that this kind of things except for just getting started Apprentices, all the wizards here will match, but no one thought of writing a prescription for selling it.

Of course, the other party doesn't care if I know the price of this thing, so I still forgot fifty magic coins for the other party, but think about it is still cheap and scary, because according to the market here, fifty magic coins are five White skull price. If you sell five white skeletons on the outside, you can sell one gold coin, even if you have a strong marketing ability. If you convert it, I would have spent less than one gold coin to get it. However, in the outside world, the world price of Deformation Potion is-one hundred crystal coins per bottle.

Although some of the items I bought earlier are also good, I only knew after having this formula that this gadget is the most valuable. And, because of this recipe, I have decided to take some wizards to our guild when I go back. Although I have received all the technical information of the witchcraft system from the Devil King, but without a real wizard, I will still take a lot of detours with the information, so I plan to take a few wizards to help us enrich the Association Technology System.

The value of science and technology is like a connecting line between points. If you have two points, then you have only one line, but three points can be connected to three lines, and four points are six lines. After that, as the number of points increases, the line will increase faster than the points. Increasing the speed is more terrifying. Therefore, the more technology, the more valuable it is, and a new technology often makes many useless technologies suddenly become useful, and also can make some low-value technologies become valuable. This is why I have been working hard to enrich the technical system of the Bank. Compatibility is the best way to develop. If one way goes to black, it is not development, it is self-destruction.

After shopping at the night market, nothing happened, and I returned to the castle with Captain Roswell. Although I didn't need to sleep, it was not easy to speculate since I was invited. Anyway, I'm alone in the guest room ~ ~ and no one will look at me, I will arrange it myself. Just use this time to study the various news about magic dessert makers that I collected in the night market. I really hope that this magic dessert chef can go away, so I did a thorough investigation in advance. Taking advantage of the opportunity to purchase magic fly eggs, I asked almost all wizards in the market, and got information about some of the things the magic dessert chef bought from them. Knowing what the other party has bought, you can know the other party ’s general preferences and needs. This kind of information is very helpful for me to take this magic dessert chef tomorrow, and now I can just research these materials for screening.

Intelligence sorting is actually a very troublesome thing. I and my own group of magic pets spent a whole night finishing all the relevant information of the magic dessert chef, and the conclusions reached were many. One of the most important one was this one. The Magic Dessert Chef looks female and doesn't like men to be near her. Simply put, this is a natural phobia for all male creatures, and the mood becomes unstable as soon as it approaches. Therefore, to see the magic dessert chef for a while, you must not use the name Ziri. Otherwise, the solicitation plan will definitely be over. I'm even thinking about whether to let Ling bring a group of female magic pets to solicit each other, and don't even show up. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to this site to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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