Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 49: Additional captors

The crowd frightened by Long Yan didn't feel any pain. They just felt a heat wave. Although it was very hot, they could endure ~ ~ .net]) This strange phenomenon made everyone look up quickly As a result, I saw a wall of fire erected not far from the front. This is how the billowing heat waves felt before, but a closer look reveals that the wall of fire is not actually what it is, but by a huge energy. The shield blocked the fire, and the flames that did not go had to extend in all directions, so such a wall of fire was formed.

Longyan Jet relies on the lungs' exhaust gas blowing special secretions to ignite in the air, so it cannot last for long. Although the secretion can be sprayed for a long time, if the dragon does not blow out, the secretion cannot leave the dragon's mouth quickly, but will burn in the dragon's mouth. The temperature of Longyan is very terrible and corrosive. The dragon cannot resist Longyan himself. Although he is not as afraid of other dragons as Longyan, he never wants to be burned, so in order to avoid burning himself, the dragon Once you feel that your lungs are out of breath, the jet will end immediately. This is an instinctual control. Even the dragon actively controls it, it cannot change the linkage effect.

The sprayed dragon inflammation quickly ended due to the limitation of vital capacity. As soon as Jingjing collected the shield, I directly passed through the energy shield and dragon flame that had not completely dissipated and flew up. Forever, I became a super-long knife with a blade more than three meters long, and then cut it according to the faucet.

The opposite dragon saw the cutting edge of the oncoming knife and responded quickly. As soon as I lowered my head, I planned to use a dragon horn to push me, but instead of jumping, I flew. The person jumping up has nowhere to borrow in the air, so from the moment he takes off, his flight trajectory is roughly determined. Even if he desperately twists, he can only rely on changing the shape of his body and changing the wind resistance in different positions to make it small. The adjustment of the scope cannot be changed in the general direction. But I'm different. I flew by myself. The basic element of flight is controllability. I can adjust my body posture and flight direction in the air.

Looking at the dragon horns coming up, I quickly adjusted the wings by an angle, and the whole person immediately tilted forty-five degrees and passed lightningly between the two horns of the dragon. Bringing it over the dragon horns, I just felt a huge resistance suddenly coming from my hand, but soon passed through. Then quickly flew into the sky and pulled away from the dragon.

I flew up here, but the tour group over there was frightened. Because right after I flew over the faucet. A huge object was screwed and nailed in the middle of the crowd. One of the most unlucky guys was so frightened that he saw the object flying over. He just sat on the ground with his buttocks, and the object stunned. He nailed it to the open space between his legs. As long as the thing flies an additional centimeter forward, his second brother may disappear.

Although there is no such exaggerated proximity, the people around him are still scared. Because this thing is really too big, and it looks very shy. Because this thing was originally the dragon's horn. I just cut a dragon horn when I passed between the two horns on top of the dragon's head, but it was too fast. I did n’t notice what I cut, and the dragon itself did n’t know that its horns were broken. After all, the horns had no nervous system like nails, so even if they were cut off, there was nothing to feel. The only thing the dragon could feel was It seemed that one of the horns on the head was hit by something, and I didn't care about it at that time. After seeing the broken corner on the ground before I touched my head, I immediately yelled angrily.

Hearing the dragon's roar, the people around him immediately rolled back. Before, some people dared to attack the dragon because they knew that there was an adult brave in front, and now even the brave hanged up, how could they dare to fight this dragon? Besides, it is clear that the current state of the dragon is completely violent, let alone the brave is dead, and even if he is alive, it is estimated that he will die again soon.

"Oh ..." The dragon in the roar slammed down, then opened its wings and struck down, and at the same time, the four feet slammed, and the whole dragon's body suddenly sprang up and chased the sky. I came.

I have no interest in fighting with dragons, even if I am strong, I definitely don't want to fight with dragons, because fighting with dragons is equivalent to being more powerful than bulldozers, and it is purely unpleasant. The dragon family is completely a bug-like race, and the skin is thick and thick, and the blood volume is like a blood bank. You have to say that anti-high blood thickness is fine, which ss is not anti-high blood thickness? The key is that the dragon is not only scary with high blood thickness and high attack power. This is okay, but he is also a devil and a material combatant. The magical attack power can scare people, and the magic value is too exhausting. The point where it was almost inexhaustible before. Such attributes are already a headache, but the dragons can fly, and they fly super fast, fast, exaggerated flexibility, and even more terrible endurance. Coupled with the characteristics of the Dragons who like to gather together and help their vengeance, basically the Dragons are either ruthless or incapable of being sick.

Fortunately, the dragon in front of me is a special existence of a special scene, there is no problem of revenge on the dragon family, but even so I do not want to fight him. The one-stop train is not so easy to deal with, and these guys have extremely high attack power. It is not fun to rub it casually.


Although I have trouble dealing with dragons myself, we have magic pets. As an animal trainer, we must have the consciousness of the animal trainer. If there is something to do with the pet, we just need to add the state to the back, and we can make a knife to make up for it.

"I trust, why did you get a dragon again?" The crowd on the ground also saw luck at this time, but before they finished exclaiming, they saw the diving luck collided with the evil dragon, and then two The dragon tangled and fell to the ground, followed by a loud bang. The people around him felt that the whole earth was shaking, and many people were even knocked to the ground.

Although the dragon on the ground had just taken off and was not flying high, fortunately such a large volume knocked him back to the ground. That impact is still pretty scary.

The two dragons separated as soon as they landed, and they rolled up at the same time. Obviously, there was no damage, at least the movement was unhindered. However, the evil dragon over there was confronting Lucky, and suddenly heard the sound of the next one, turned around and saw that another dragon had actually landed. The sound of landing on this side is not over yet, and the sound of heavy objects falling again followed behind the evil dragon. As soon as the dragon looked back, he saw a dragon with three heads standing behind him, and now it became three to one.

Feeling that he has lost his fighting ability, the dragon is struggling like climbing up and escaping, but how could he run away without a sense of balance at this time, he just got up and got a tail on his head. He screamed in both ears, and not only lost his hearing, but also deformed his eye sockets. His drawn eyes had basically lost his vision, and he could only see blurred images.

In this way, even the dragons were a bit unbearable, but before he thought of a solution, he suddenly felt that the head was hit hard for the third time, and this time it was significantly stronger than the previous two. Many, the dragon only felt a numbness in his head, and he lost his consciousness without even feeling the pain.

In fact, the last one was not the one who attacked him before. It was Mira who just rammed him into the Longyan area and drew his two tails. Because the diamond dragon's defense power is also abnormal in the dragon family, Longyan has almost no effect on them. Mila, who is completely fire-resistant, drags the dragon into Dragon Flames to fight for additional damage, and Mila herself is completely immune to this damage. However, although the defensive power is relatively abnormal, Mira's attack power is still in the normal range. Although the attack power is not low, it is not high enough to make a final decision.

However, when it comes to finalization, the tank is definitely suitable for this.

The tank body looks a bit like a unicorn, but he is not a unicorn after all. In front of the tank's chest, a pair of huge blades and feet grew close to the head. The shape of this pair of knife and foot is a bit like that of a mantis, but it is not exactly the same. In addition to being able to spread like a mantis' blade to carry out a swing attack, the pair of scabbards can also be folded up and then fired out by a special force. This launch does not mean that the blade and foot are separated from the body, it is just that the folded blade and foot are popped up instantly, and there is a huge protruding part under the blade and foot. This part is very similar to a hammer. When the knife and foot are bounced, this thing can have the effect of a siege hammer.

In fact, the use of this knife and foot on the tank also exists in reality. In the deep sea area, an arthropod called a mantis shrimp is used. The body structure of this shrimp is very similar to that of a lobster, except that the pliers are special. . The mantis shrimp can accumulate the force of the pair of forelimbs that have evolved into a hammer shape by tightening the muscles, and then when the accumulation reaches the limit, as long as it gently releases the fixed part of the pliers. The tightened hammer-shaped forelegs will eject at the speed when the pistol pops out of the chamber. The power is simply a cannon in the animal kingdom. The only drawback is that it has a long storage time and a short range.

The forelimb of the tank also has a similar design. As long as he folds the knife edge in the forelimb so that the osteomas in the dorsal direction of the knife protrude, he can accumulate the joints of the arthropod and then eject like the mantis shrimp. The mantis shrimp reminder is a bit smaller than our usual crayfish. But even so, the attack power of its bone hammer is enough to break an adult's phalanx or a diving glass made of pressure-resistant glass. Imagine how many times a tank larger than a mantis shrimp can cause a blow.

Despite the slow movement speed, inflexible body, and poor flight ability. Not even intelligence. But the name tank is not in vain. The offensive and defensive integration is the main feature of the tank. The super-defense can withstand the hard rush of most enemies, and the more outrageous attack power can make most enemies dare not carry it with him. If it is guerrilla warfare, there are many creatures that can kill the tank, but if confronted, the tank is basically invincible.

The tank that had just hit the dragon's head was the tank, because he had been stunned by Mira's two tails. So the tank rushed over and approached his head. Although this looks nothing special, there are no exaggerated sound and light effects, and no horrible scenes. But the effect is amazing, known as the blood cow in the blood cow. The thick-skinned and thick-skinned dragon that can't be chopped to death can be put down by one move.

At this point, the surrounding dragon inflammation had completely extinguished. Although the ground temperature was still quite high, it was not as scary as before. The surrounding players also saw the fallen dragon, and to their surprise, the wound on the dragon and its horror. The big and small bite marks, scratches, and burnt marks on the body are not mentioned, the most scary is the head.

Because of the horns on the head, the dragon sometimes hits people with its head. As a bug-like race, the reason why the dragons are strong is that all the battle parts on them seem to have been evolved by human modification. Other species have just evolved one or two of the most practical physical functions, but the dragon has weapons from beginning to end, and all weapons have been specially strengthened. This head is no exception. Because it is necessary to hit people with the head, the dragon's bone penetration is notoriously hard. Even if two dragons attack each other, few can hurt the opponent's skull. As for those who dig dragon crystals, they are those who cut the muscles from the eyes and drill into the dragon tissue after killing the dragon crystals. They have never heard of any holes in the dragon's skull. , But not at all.

However, it seems a miracle happened today. At this time, the dragon was paralyzed, but his forehead was obviously sunken. Not only did the skull show obvious fractures and cracks, but even the dragon's horns were broken to the ground by the ground. Of course, as a bug race, the dragon's vitality is not so fragile. Although this guy even smashed and flowered the Tianling Gai, he did not die, but he was shocked.

Looking at this dying guy, I just took off the gloves and pressed my palm on his forehead, then activated the catching skills. Although I already have a lot of dragon pets, I don't want more people. Because of my relationship with Long Island before, I couldn't take the initiative to capture the dragon, but the other person first provoked me to be another matter. Besides, the evil dragon here is obviously the kind that Long Island doesn't care about. Otherwise, the brave man would come to slaughter the dragon once a day on average, and would n’t he be killed by the dragon family?

Because the dragon has been shocked, and my capture skill level is also very high, as well as various auxiliary success rate attributes, the capture was successful after only three uses. Put away the dragon eggs, I just turned around and saw a large group of players gathered around.

"What are you guys doing?" Fortunately, they were all behind me when I was talking. The players in front saw a huge shadow and had to step back collectively. After all, surrounded by so many beasts, the psychological pressure is still great.

Although the crowd across the board prevented my magic pet from daring to come forward, some people stood up excitedly and shouted, "Hello, respectful President Ziri, I just saw your battle. It was amazing."

"Even if you want to be polite, I still have something. Let me tell you something." I interrupted the other person's flattery.

The guy didn't expect me to be so direct, but after thinking about it, I still think it is better to follow my habits, so he directly cuts into the topic in the next second: "That. Will the dragon egg you just got sold?"

The magic pet in Zero is very strong, and everyone knows it. But everyone is more aware of the preciousness of the magic pet of zero. Because the number of magic pets is limited, and the magic pets can not be replaced, everyone has been entangled. On the one hand, they are eager to get a higher-level magic pet egg. On the other hand, they are worried after getting the magic pet egg. Ok. What to do if the pet position is not enough. This kind of entanglement is a situation that almost every player has, unless you find a top magic pet that exceeds your expectations. Or an autonomous advanced magic pet that doesn't care about levels. Otherwise, players can hardly decide whether to consume the magic pet in their hands. The result of this is that the amount of magic pets used by players is actually much lower than the amount of magic pet eggs bursting out, because a large number of low-level magic pet eggs are accumulated in the hands of various players, and the result is one aspect Everyone is holding a lot of magic pet eggs, but on the other hand, they are eager to get higher magic pet eggs. Of course, according to the statistics of our guild, in fact, even if everyone is not covering it now, all the lower-level and above magic pet eggs will be used up. There will still be many players who don't have a magic pet available. In other words, the actual number of magic pets is much lower than the demand.

For these reasons, the magic pet egg has always existed as a super gold mine. And the more advanced creatures, the more terrible their prices are. Sometimes the price of a pet egg that is only a few levels higher can go several times higher.

Just now I saw the scene where I captured the dragon. People who do n’t know the goods naturally, such as children and those who are tired of non-combat players, but more people understand what I did. What kind of opportunity is this rare dragon dragon pet? Moreover, it looks like I have no intention of using it. After all, if the player gets the magic pet egg, he usually uses it immediately when he gets it. After all, the magic pet egg is always stolen or exploded before it is used. Is it possible, and even if it is not lost, does it always occupy a place there? Besides, the longer the time after the magic pet recognizes the Lord, the higher the intimacy, so the sooner the magic pets recognize the Lord, the better. For these reasons, any player who decides to use the Favorite Egg will use it on the spot without any hesitation after getting it, and I just did n’t use it, which only shows that I do n’t want to use it.

Since I do n’t want to use it myself, there are other uses. Although I ’m not sure if it ’s sold or a good choice, these players just want me to choose this decision because they ca n’t wait to get that magic. Beloved.

"Sorry, I don't plan to sell this pet egg."

"No, no, President Ziri, we will be reasonable ..." The guy's words came to an abrupt halt, because when he burst out of the crowd and shouted at me, I suddenly moved. He only saw my eternity eternally turning into a sword, thrown at him, and then eternity whistled past his ear. It took a few seconds before he saw a strand of hair float down his head.

"Hmm ... it's crooked!"

"Ah!" I complained suddenly, and the guy suddenly reacted, then turned and ran.

When I saw the guy running away, I remembered that he might have misunderstood. In fact, as long as he looked back, he knew that I hadn't targeted him at all. Whether it was a self-talk or the eternity thrown out before, it wasn't directed at him. It should be said that he just stood in a wrong position. .

Although the guy had misunderstood, I did not intend to explain it, but walked over the crowd directly in one direction. With the lesson from the previous car, no one dared to speak this time, all of them flashed to the side as soon as possible, but when they flickered away, they saw the eternal position.

Behind the crowd, there was a guy they did n’t know was shaking there, and my eternity was nailed less than an inch in front of his feet. As long as he moved forward a little bit, he would have to lose more feet again. Already.

In fact this guy is not someone else. It's just ice fist. In the past, I even killed the brave and attacked a dragon in order to attack him, but this guy lived a good life. Although his fingers and half of his feet were gone, it was only a minor injury in the game.

At this point, Bingquan was frightened, and it was really a stunner just now, and then a little crooked and eternal will definitely stick to him. Of course, this is not deliberately wrong. But forced. In fact, the position I threw was the position in front of him, so I did n’t miss the target position. However, my original purpose was to directly kill the ice fist. Unfortunately, because we were separated by crowds, in order to avoid people. Don't hurt unrelated people. So I could only find the one closest to him to launch and expect him to run into it, but unfortunately he walked a little slower. So it didn't hit.

Although the sword missed. But at least my first goal was achieved, which was to stop ice boxing. Just now the guy thought I did n’t notice him and sneaked over to Louise, thinking that he could sneak in on Louise and continue to take her away, but unfortunately I did n’t forget to pay attention to the evil dragon His position. After all, a dragon may be troublesome for others, but it is not a thing for me to have as many as five light dragons, so I still have time to pay attention to his movements.

Walking through the crowd, the ice fist over there saw me appear and recovered from the fright. Quickly reach out and pull the eternity on the ground trying to take my weapon, but it's a pity. Like countless people who have tried to touch eternity, Bingquan is also tragedy.

"Ah ..." Jumping with a blue arc. Bingquan trembled violently, and at the same time, his body began to smoke, and his hair stood up and gave out a scorched smell.

After shaking for a while, Bingquan suddenly fell down and eternity was thrown out by him. Looking at the eternity on the ground, I stretched out my hand towards eternity, and eternity immediately flew from the ground and fell on my hand in a blink of an eye.

"I thought you were a fool before, but now seeing stupid is not enough to describe you." I walked to the ground and still twitched the ice fist and said, "I'm curious, save you IQ, before the end How did you get the magic candy? "

"That was because he accidentally rescued me once, so ..." Louise had already run over at this time. She had been avoiding the ice punch before, and did not see me throw the eternal interception for the first time. Ice fist, so I ran a bit far, and now I'm back when I'm safe.

"The words of graciousness are understandable, but I'm very surprised. How could his strength save your life?"

Louise twitched a little, "Can I not say it?"

I thought about it and thought this was just a little curious, and it wasn't something I had to know. Since Louise didn't want to say I just nodded and said, "If you don't, don't say it." I thought about it He asked again, "What about those who were abducted with you?"

"Huh?" Louise looked at me puzzled and asked, "Is anyone else abducted besides me?"

When I heard this answer, it was natural that Louise didn't know about it, and looking at it this way, the captive wizards who had heard what they said from the attendants of Crydia did not seem to be ice fists, after all, we followed them all the way It seems that I haven't seen Bingquan take other captives, and if the other party has space equipment that can hold people, the first one that should be put in should be Louise.

"Hey, this current can't kill anyone, don't pretend to be dead on the ground." I kicked the ice fist that fell to the ground and I asked out loud, "Come on, the wizards you kidnapped from the magic festival are locked in Where is it? "

"Sorcerer?" Bingquan paused and said suddenly, "Yes, those wizards were kidnapped by me. I killed them all. The corpses have been buried by me. You can only find a bunch of corpses if you can find them. Haha Haha, you won't let me live, and I won't let you get better. "

"Buried by you? How is that possible? You buried more than 200 corpses overnight? Do you think you are a mole?"

"This ..." Bingquan got stuck immediately, then immediately kicked again and started screaming.

"Stupid, you IQ is still deceiving, and you just scam it. You don't even know the number of wizards and you dare tell me that you killed someone. Although there are no more than 200 people in that group, However, as for your strength, even if I ambush in advance, I guarantee that you will definitely not be able to catch all of them, and it is good that you can succeed at least once or twice. "

Louise suddenly came up at this time and asked, "What kidnapping did you say? Was anyone missing at the magic festival?"

I nodded and said, "I also listened to the attendants of Cledia. They seem to be missing after your magic festival. After that, you are missing, and we suspect you were abducted with them. It's just that now it looks like you are in a special situation and they are really missing. "

Louise immediately said anxiously, "Sister Hagros, aren't they very dangerous in this case? Shall we go back?"

I thought for a moment and thought that I really need to go back and explain this. Of course, even if I leave now, it doesn't really matter to me. I have completed the contract on both the Temple of Darkness and the Lord of Hagros, so I have no obligation to go back and help them deal with these kidnappers, but Louise will become our guild member in the future, and the Lord of Hagros will The relationship with Louise belongs to the family relationship, this thing is constantly cut, so in order to ensure Louise's loyalty, I can't ignore the Lord of Hagros. Besides, the things on both sides of Di Tans and the Demon King of Hagros have just been explained clearly. When I lost my hand, something happened immediately. Although it has nothing to do with me according to the agreement, it can be said that it will not sound good after all. It's better to go back and forth to remind you.

Leaving here is a messy warrior game that I garbled. I put away the pets and took Louise to take the bird directly to return to the Hagros demon, but before the people arrived, I found the following The situation is very abnormal.

The dense trees in the fairy tale forest can indeed cover the situation on the ground. If someone walks on the ground, we are mostly invisible in the sky. However, the above situation is about a single player or a small team. If there are thousands of people moving in the forest, it will be impossible to find out.

"What's going on?" Because I found a large group of people moving in one direction in the forest, I directly put away the birds and put on the night shadow and put Louise behind me and let her Holding my waist.

Although not as fast as a bird, night shadows can hover in the air, and can move in any direction, and it is relatively quiet, which is beneficial to observe the situation below ~ ~ the blessing of the tree, the sky is not clear The situation on the ground, it is difficult for people on the ground to find the situation in the sky. Louise and I plus Night Shadow weren't that big. The people below naturally didn't notice us, and we secretly fell to the height of the treetops.

Because the height is reduced, we can easily find the following situation. There are indeed large groups of people moving in the forest, but the number is even more horrible than expected, and the conservative estimate is over 10,000, and these are not miscellaneous troops. They have uniform clothing, and they are very quiet on the move, no one talks, and no one leaves the team. Obviously, this is a well-trained professional army and quite elite.

"Isn't this the direction they're heading for Hagros?" I muttered as I watched the team below.

Louise shouted excitedly upon hearing: "Hurry back and inform them."

"Who?" Louise's shout was obviously too loud, and the rookie legion below wasn't. Of course, we could find our voice, and the result was a loud drink immediately, followed by a row of crossbow arrows, if not I started to dodge when I heard Louise's cry, and I definitely got at least a dozen of them at this time. Although it may not be a problem even if I was shot, isn't it a shame? rq

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