Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 67: Rogue ghost Nobunaga

"Is it incredible?" I looked at the stunned Bai Yu Shouhe and said, "You still overestimate yourself and look down on the players in the game too.m"

"Why? Why is this? Where do I look down?" Bai Yushouhe looked at me and asked.

I directly clicked on myself, and then said, "I am the representative of the player you look down on before, and our fighting style is also your look down on. You think you are a very good warrior in reality, and we people It's just playing games, so we can't be very powerful. "

"Am I thinking wrong?"

I nodded. "It's really wrong, and it's wrong."


"Because you ignore that our foundation as a player is a real person. Since your ability is derived from the fighting ability in the real world, must we players be ordinary people in reality? Also, you seem to think that the game The world in this world is false and relatively simple. As long as you can do it in reality, it will be easier to do in the game. "

"Is not it?"

"Of course not." I said seriously: "The real world has its own rules, and these rules constitute our world. Of course, the most frequently encountered rules for warriors are inertia, resistance, friction, gravity, and kinetic energy. These physical things. The game world is also a world. She also has her own rules. Although the game "Zero" replicates many rules in reality, she actually has some rules of her own. The natural laws of the real world are Many objects are composed of natural rules. They are meticulous and rigorous, but in the game, the rules are biased. The most important and most obvious bias is that the rules related to combat are particularly many, and they are particularly fine. If you ca n’t understand and apply these rules, how can you beat a player who understands them so well? ”

As a genius warrior, Bai Yu Shouhe naturally understands well. After I finished speaking, he just thought for a moment and immediately understood what I meant. The game has its own rules, just like inertia in reality. If a person is completely unaware of the existence of inertia, how strong do you expect him to be in combat? I'm afraid such people can wrestle even when walking? The understanding of inertia I am talking about is not actually a theoretical understanding, but a practical understanding, even if it is illiterate, even a savage, even an animal. They can also understand inertia well and use it. This is a rule that everyone has gradually adapted to during the growth process.

but. Even if it's not the first time that White Feather has entered the game. He hasn't been in the game for long. His account is likely to be brought up by Nobunaga's ghost hand in order to use him to defeat me, so Bai Yu Shouhe has absolutely no combat experience in the game. Because of his lack of experience, he can't understand many of the rules unique to the game. This is not like the natural rules in reality. Because we live in reality, our bodies have been in contact with and constantly adapted to these rules since birth. So even if we do not understand the theoretical knowledge of these rules, we can still Use them flexibly. However, people who have never played in the game world can never adapt to it suddenly. Therefore, Bai Yu Shouhe has a lot of things that are not functioning properly. He cannot adapt to these rules and naturally cannot use them. A person who can't even grasp the basic rules. How is that different from toddlers? Can you count on a child who is still learning to walk to beat a normal adult?

After thinking about the key points, Bai Yu Shouhe finally acknowledged his deficiencies, and then said, "You are right. I really despise the player's ability. But after all, I am a warrior who masters high-end techniques in reality. And the world of this game is so close to the real world, I should be able to easily beat anyone? "

"No, you can only defeat most people, not anyone. For those who do not understand fighting techniques and only know the fighting methods in the game, you are indeed a BUG-like character, and those are not your opponents. However, if it is someone who knows some combat techniques, then the victory or defeat is not necessary. If we also know some combat techniques, it will weaken the combat advantage of your ninja status, and that is better than We can also use our understanding of the rules of the game to evade or even counteract. Of course, if we do not have enough advantages, we are still not your opponent, but you should not be too arrogant. The reason why you can have The current performance is entirely because the machine of the ghost-handed Nobunaga helps you limit the ability of ordinary players. If my equipment can still be used, my magic can take effect. I can fight a thousand people like you And it ’s definitely not going to hurt. "

Bai Yu Shouhe frowned when he heard what I said, but instead of refuting, he continued: "Does your strength in the game also come from reality? So you should also be a warrior?"

"You don't need to worry about who I am. All you need to know is that you are definitely not my opponent. I just gave you insights. If you don't agree, we can come again."

Bai Yu Shouhe put on a fighting stance directly, and then said, "Although I believe your strength is indeed better than me, I still want to teach you some fighting skills."

"No problem." I inserted Eternity directly to the ground, then set a standard horse step with my legs apart, followed by my hands and slowly walked in a circular track in front of me.

"Tai Chi?"

"Are you savvy?" I said directly: "Come here and try? If you want to learn to beat people, you must learn to be beaten first. You should understand this. Let me try a few times to ensure that your strength will increase significantly."

Bai Yu Shouhe did not refute my arrogant words at all, but rushed straight up. The moment he approached, I started the normal mode again, so my thinking speed was six times faster. Taijiquan itself is a kind of boxing with slow speed and Rou Kegang, and my current speed is 16 times faster than normal people. In addition, my strength attribute itself is not low. This, coupled with Taijiquan, has obviously broken the table. As soon as Bai Yu Shouhe rushed over, I directly held his hand knife with his wrist, and then turned the wrist one by one, and pressed it along the direction of his force to directly direct his strength to the ground, while the body took a step forward, Supporting his belly with his left hand, he turned slightly sideways. Gently flick on his foot with his right foot, and he directly hovered around the ground with my palm as the axis, and then fell flat on the ground for a long time without moving.

"Hey, aren't you dead?" I squatted down and patted him, and then said, "Teach you the difference between the game and reality. The physical fitness of the people in the game is much stronger than the reality, this way of flat fall will not It ’s as powerful as it is in reality, and generally ca n’t die. But it will be forced to have a stiff effect, that is, the body will lose its ability to move for a period of time. How about? Do you want to try again? Pat him on the head.

Bai Yu Shouhe, who had just been fooled for a moment, saw my hand finally reacted. Hurry up with both hands to protect your head and shouted, "Don't. I confess!"

"Do you admit defeat? Then forget it. Seeing that you hadn't sneaked into me while I was changing equipment, it shows that you are not a bad person, so I decided to let you go." After saying this, I stood directly from the ground. Get up, then reach out and pull out the eternal hook sickle still stuck in the ground and walk towards the machine over there.

"Stop him." At this time, Nobunaga's ghost hand finally reacted from my shock of defeating Bai Yu Shouhe. He had never thought that I could win, let alone win so soon. How long has it taken since the first shot of Bai Yu Shouhe? Is there three minutes? There is still more than half of the time in the middle of chatting, the actual fighting process plus a piece in less than thirty seconds. What kind of situation is this?

The ghost-handed Nobunaga called for an order to block me, but the surrounding players hesitated after reacting. Bai Yu Shouhe can be said to have been preached by the ghost-handed Nobunaga as the trump card of victory. Now even the ace has been easily dropped, can these little soldiers do anything else?

After shouting, no one was found. The ghost-handed Nobunaga also stunned for a moment, but soon he understood what was going on, and immediately shouted: "Even if he is a cow, no attribute point is just an ordinary person who can fight better. People pile him up. "

This shout did work, and the ghost-handed Nobunaga was right. I can easily win against Bai Yu Shouhe, but that's because Bai Yu Shouhe only has one person. His combat skills are really good, but just like in reality there is no one who can test melee against all enemies, no matter how good Bai Yu Shouhe's skills are, one person is here. Japanese and Russian players here are It's very much, not to mention there is a large group of finishers next to it.

When there are attributes, I can zoom in. Those large skills are like map cannons. A sweep of a lot ~ ~ Of course I am not afraid of crowds. No matter how bad I can run. Whether riding a horse or flying by myself, my speed is beyond the reach of my enemies. But now the attributes have been sealed, I am just an ordinary person who can be several times stronger than the average person. One should be able to hold ten or one hundred, but the enemies on this side will not be less than two or three hundred. ? This is why most of the guards were attracted by my magic pet outside. If they were piled here, I would really be in trouble.

The Japanese players around were not stupid, and they knew the truth when they heard the words of Nobunaga, so they regained their courage immediately, and everyone quickly approached me and planned to play a rogue.

Seeing a group of people coming around, I decisively grasped the eternal hook sickle lance with both hands and held it flat in front of my face, and then I used both hands to force the eternal hook sickle rifle into two pieces instantly, followed by direct decomposition and deformation into two. The spiked fist helmet wrapped my hands, and at the same time split a part along my arm to form a collar around my neck and split again to form a goggle on my chest. , And divided three chain buckle straps around my body and fixed it in a circle, and completely fixed the goggles on my chest.

Regardless of the presence or absence of attributes, the heart and throat must be returned. Eternity cannot be penetrated by ordinary weapons even without attributes, so he protects my heart and throat. As for the thing on the fist ... this is the big killer. RQ

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