Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 71: Lethality of superweapons

The light spots falling at different speeds in the air look beautiful, but they are weapons after all, so behind the beauty also contains death. m

When those light spots landed on the ground, horrific changes began to occur. Those orange-red light spots are like snowflakes, and when they fall on the object, they begin to melt, and the surface of the object to which they are attached also turns into the same orange-red color, with a clear light. However, as the objects were contaminated by these things and started to emit light, the luminescent objects themselves seemed to melt and began to collapse and disperse, feeling as if they were burned by the flames, but no open flames were seen throughout the process. .

Because there are various objects on the ground in the experimental area, the falling photoelectric does not fall directly on the snow, and those objects that are the experimental targets are covered with a layer.

The tallest tree touches the light spot first, and when the light spot falls on the leaves, the light spots immediately dissolve, and soon the entire leaf becomes the same orange-red light-emitting state as before, and that A leaf in this state only lasted for less than two seconds and suddenly began to melt and soften, and an orange-red liquid like red hot molten steel dripped down. These liquids will glow as well as the light spots that fell before. And these liquids will react secondary to the objects below. That is to say, the luminescent solution that these objects that have been melted by the light spot also have the similar ability of the light spot. As long as they touch something, they will fuse again immediately.

The large trees in the test area persisted for less than ten seconds and turned into a pile of orange-red slime piles that had collapsed to the ground. And it is gradually fading down. The nearby Warcrafts also touched these light spots one after the other. Most of Warcraft didn't respond to this kind of thing at first, but after falling on the body, they immediately began to scream and struggle. However, these fixed WoWs ca n’t escape even if they are struggling. They can only watch the light spots on their bodies melt quickly, and then dye their bodies with light-emitting areas, and these light-emitting areas will also It soon became fluid and then infected the surrounding area. In the end, political warcraft turned into a pool of liquid under the solution.

Unlike those of Warcraft, the players who participated in the test used a more special method. Some of them opened magic shields, some blocked them with shields, and others kept jumping to dodge, and some people attacked the sky and tried to charge Scatter those light spots, however. The result is completely different from what was imagined.

The open magic shield did nothing, no. Nor is it completely ineffective. It just didn't stop it. After the light spots fall, they will melt when they touch the magic shield as they fall on ordinary objects, and then the magic shield itself will start to glow in a large area as normal objects come into contact with the light spots. Then these magic shields will also drift away. It seems that more photoelectricity has been sprinkled down, and then the players below have been stained with light spots, and then the whole person has begun to emit light. In the last two seconds, it has become a fire-like person. . But soon this state changed from Fire Elemental Man to Mudman, because after the redness, the player has begun to collapse and collapse.

The magic shield cannot stop these things. The physical shield seems to be the same, there is no resistance at all. The shield that touched the light spot only became more red and softened after supporting for more than ten seconds than those trees and Warcraft. In the end, the large-scale collapse became liquid and drenched the player below, and then it was no different from the situation of others. As a result of contact with these things, the body is quickly assimilated and then turned into a liquid.

The latter player who used the jump and dodge method did not perform as well as the first two. The density of those light spots falling is very high, it is impossible to flash away, and these things will continue to spread as soon as they are touched, so it is impossible to Touch, it's doomed whenever you run into it.

In the back are players who use active attack to intercept. This defense method is not one player testing, but several. A guy used wind magic to try to blow away these light spots, but the result showed that it was useless at all. These light spots are not affected by wind, and there is no deviation at all. Others used physical attacks later, such as firing ice cones or throwing soil blocks. It must be said that this method is actually feasible.

The light point does not ignite it immediately after touching it, but it takes time to take effect. If it is a high-speed flying ice gun or a thrown rock hits the light point, these objects will carry the light point. Fly away and never fall again. Although the fired thing will eventually melt, but when it melts, it is no longer with the user, which will also play a certain defense role. However, although the player in this video intercepted the light spots by firing a large number of ice cones, he eventually died because the failure to intercept all the light spots. The light spots falling from the sky were too dense. Although he bounced most of them, eventually a few light spots fell on him, so he also hit. But at least it can prove that this method is feasible.

In the end, some players still used energy-like attacks to intercept light spots, which turned out to be the worst way. Those light spots seem to be extremely assimilating to energy. As soon as the energy supply comes into contact with these light spots, they will be assimilated immediately. Not only can they not be resisted, but the number of light spots will increase, so this method is the most undesirable.

Although the physical intercept method of these players' defense methods is theoretically feasible, it seems that it is not too simple to use, and the consumption may be very large. In general, it is impossible for this thing to be intercepted by a single person or group.

Of course, there are some houses and simulated caves piled up with rocks in the test pictures on site, and there are even holes dug in the ground, but the final display results of these things are basically the same.

The houses on the ice field are the same as the player's shield. After contacting the light point, they start to be assimilated. They can still be blocked initially, but the roof is worn after ten seconds, and the liquid drips into the room. The same was melted away.

The effect of the simulated rock cave is better than that of the house. After all, the large rock is much thicker than the roof, but although it has been supported for a long time, the cave is completely melted in the end. As for caves on the ground, this method depends entirely on the depth of the cave. Those light spots are not completely unresponsive after they land, and they do not let go of the ground. As soon as they touch the ice and snow on the ground, they immediately begin to glow and melt like other objects, and then the snow and ice layers start to glow and melt. Then the melted liquid penetrated into the lower layer and continued to have a downward chain reaction. Until the ice layer up to one meter thick on the ground was completely melted, the liquid actually began to corrode the soil after touching the frozen soil below and deepened all the way down. The depth of the infection shown in the final picture was 170 meters, and everything above that depth disappeared. After the light spots dissolve the object, the melting luminous liquid seems to be volatile. This kind of thing is also continuously consumed in the process of production, and this chain reaction has a certain limit. The ground on the ground has been corroded for more than 170 meters, and the reaction stops, and it is better than liquid. The color gradually darkened, and finally turned into a non-luminous black liquid, but these liquids did not freeze even in the cold temperature of Siberia, but gradually evaporated, leaving nothing left.

The entire experimental area on the ice sheet was finally covered by the weapon of mass destruction, and a large circular pothole with a diameter of more than four kilometers and a depth of more than 170 meters was left on the ground. Nothing remained in the entire pothole, as if it was excavated and transported by an excavator and an earthmoving cart together, and nothing was left empty.

Of course, not everything was melted down in this experiment, at least some of them survived, and these people were players who were wearing shields like small flying saucer. These players were also hit by the light spots after the explosion of the weapons of mass destruction, but different from others, after the light spots fell on them, they seemed to be drops of water on the lotus leaves. The bodies of several people with protective gear slid around, and did not melt as if they fell on the surface of something else. However, in this test, the person wearing the protective equipment still died, but he was not killed by the photoelectric, but by the liquid that the light spot melted.

This protective device's protection method obviously works by preventing those light spots from melting into a liquid state on the wearer, but if the wearer comes into contact with a liquid that has assimilation ability, it will still be assimilated. This situation has no effect at all.

After watching the video, Nobunaga's hand extinguished the crystal ball, and then asked, "Do we still need to experiment?"

Matsumoto Masa thought for a moment and thought: "Although it is recorded in detail, I think it is necessary to test it. Not to test the power, but to find out how this kind of thing works ~ ~ It's unrealistic to always buy someone else's stuff. We have to get our own stuff. "Speaking of this, Masamoto Matsumoto suddenly asked the ghost-handed and proclaimed:" How many weapons of mass destruction do you have? Yes Give me a few back to study it? "

Under normal circumstances, Nobunaga's Nobuki would definitely not agree, but now Nobunaga's Nobunaga was moved by Masamoto Matsumoto once, and everyone around him felt bad about him, so he had no choice but to hate him. Nodded and agreed. "I don't have a lot of storage here. I can give you up to three."

"Three are too few. At least five are needed to begin research. We need to perform a destructive dismantling to analyze this technology. The first one is definitely not good. Three or four may not be safe to dismantle. On, not to mention leaving one for test firing. "

After hearing this, Oni nobunaga looked at the expressions of the people around him, and finally gritted his teeth: "Well, even if it made up for my previous mistakes, I'm bleeding a lot this time. I will give you eight, regardless Ca n’t study it, I ca n’t give it anymore! ”

"Okay, you finally look a bit like my samurai warrior." Matsumoto said congratulating the big brother on the shoulder of Nobunaga's hand. RQ

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