Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 81: Reacting enemies

The Japanese players who entered the second isolation gate did not intend to passively defend. There are not many other things in this tunnel. The various agencies are definitely one and one, and they are all powerful guys. M

"Report, the enemy has come in." A Japanese player reports to the commander around him. "

The player in charge took a quick look at the situation outside and then turned his head and shouted at the two players standing next to the wall: "Flame Thrower ready. Pull." With the order of that guy, a fire dragon instantly It gushed down from the top of the tunnel and instantly covered all of our mobile angel forces in the front row. This is not the end. The flames started to disperse immediately after touching the ground, and then advanced backwards along the ground. Soon they crossed the line of defense formed by mobile angels and rushed towards us.


"Frozen miles." Just after I shouted for protection, Kristina's voice suddenly appeared, and then immediately followed us to see a blue dividing line spreading forward from us and crashing into it. The flames that came on the face instantly turned all the orange flames into blue, and then the blue dividing line began to spread backwards along the flame, and finally went down the spray dragon all the way to the jet mouth. The ceiling of the tunnel covered a large area, and the blue dividing line on the ground did not stop, but rushed forward all the way to the front wall, and then saw the front wall suddenly light up. A light yellow protective cover and the blue border touched each other and completely disappeared.

Although the protective barrier blocked the power of frozen miles. But the Japanese players on the other side were so shocked that their chins almost fell off, because not far in front of them, they could see a vivid flame icicle. Many people wonder how flames and icicles can be linked, but this is indeed the case, because the flames that are sprayed down are frozen in the air, forming an icicle that connects the top of the cave to the ground. . Because the icicles are transparent, with only a slight blue, you can see the frozen flame inside the icicles very clearly. The sight was really shocking.

In reality, even if the temperature is low, it is impossible to freeze the flame. After all, the flame does not actually exist. It is only a phenomenon of glowing heat during the combustion reaction. It is not a physical existence, so it cannot be frozen. But here is the game, which does not fully follow the laws of physics in reality, so the magic scene of the fire in ice appears.

"Are you kidding me?" The Japanese players on the other side were all stunned and staring at the icicle. Then look at the tunnel outside. It was still a normal tunnel just now, and it will soon become Crystal Palace. The blue frost along the ground and walls sealed everything in the tunnel. The freezing situation ended abruptly before the steel gate of the second line of defense. Formed two distinct environments inside and outside. However, although the protective cover just blocked a magic of Kristina, the problem is that their protective cover is also finished, and the magic of Kristina is more than that.

"Haha, the dew really works this month." Kristina looked at the bottle in her hand excitedly, and then said, "I just need to prepare at least five or six seconds for the frozen ice to be used normally. Just now He just threw it out, and it worked really well. "

"What a joke. That thing is a premium product I got from heaven. Of course it's great." I said proudly. After all, it's also good for me to get such a good thing, otherwise I can't use the characteristics of the heavenly gate. I would never give this kind of thing if I didn't take the initiative.

Kristina is very active because she is now excited. She asks me proudly: "Do you say that I used a big move or intensive magic to knock that door off?"

When I heard this, I quickly stopped her and stopped, "You don't have to do this for this, so many people here, isn't it trivial to open a door?"

As soon as I said something, the side of my rose immediately nodded to Norrin next to her, and Norrin immediately nodded in response, while the two mobile angels in front of them immediately stood up, and then kneeled on the ground with one leg and followed. The body leaned forward at a certain angle, then suddenly an opening was opened behind their backs, and two large liquefied magic crystal steam missiles rose from under that opening.

As soon as I saw the two Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Missiles, Kristina asked me: "Let me blast off with magic. Why waste the Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Missiles? Isn't that expensive?"

"Liquefied magic crystal steam missiles are indeed expensive, but we still have to save your magic emergency."

"But didn't I have Yuelu?" Cristina asked, puzzled.

"Although Yuelu can add magic, but that's it. After all, this is a cave. Yuelu's recovery speed is very low, so your magic can still be saved. This time attacking this warehouse, our combat power has already been overdone. The main thing that brought you here is to demolish the house. So you have to save your magic and use it for forced demolitions later. "

"Co-authored, did you let me be the demolition machine?"

"No, you are a ripper."


Hmm ... Boom ... Suddenly the exhaust of the missile suppressed the voice of Kristina, our attention was directly attracted to the past, and then we saw that the two liquefied magic crystal steam missiles were directly separated from the mobile angel The back flew towards the front gate. However, the result was an unexpected situation.

Two liquefied magic crystal steam missiles accompanied Dangdang and they hit the isolation gate ~ ~, then landed successively, and then propelled by the propeller. The fuel was not considered safe.

It is no secret that Onizuki has a magic crystal energy suppressor, we have known for a long time. Before, we could rely on all kinds of liquefied magic crystal steam weapons to blow up the Japanese, and it was completely because our raid was too sudden, and the Japanese players were blown up for a while. After all, the magic crystal energy suppressor is a magic decoration, and the magic device itself needs to consume magic crystals, so this kind of thing cannot be turned on 24 hours a day, only when it is needed. Previously, because of our surprise attack, the Japanese players outside did not have time to activate the magic crystal energy suppressor and were solved by people with machines. The magic crystal energy suppressors in the back were all in the last warehouse. There was no time to be sent to the front line, which made our Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Weapon for a while. However, no matter how chaotic the attack is, the Japanese players are not stupid after all, they have reacted for so long. So their backup magic crystal energy suppressor was activated, which is why our two missiles hit the door directly and fell to the ground without an explosion.

"Haha, it seems that the Japanese magic crystal energy suppressor has been activated, and finally I still want to come!" Kristina said proudly. RQ

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