Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 83: Mountain 1 like boss

"Run, here's a big guy. M" found the abnormal cauldron and shouted with a communicator. After all, everyone was driving at supersonic speed, and it was definitely inaudible to open their mouths.

Originally we had started the supersonic speed and planned to slow down after flying out of the cave, but the cauldron suddenly came to such a throat where everyone dared to slow down and let the mounts accelerate the sprint to escape from here, and behind us we were a large group of people leaping at a rapid speed Mobile Angels and three spacecrafts that have just completed their turn and are ready to accelerate their departure.

The three spaceships that sent us did not leave, but kept waiting outside. Just now we suddenly decided to leave, although the three captains there were notified as soon as possible, but the spacecraft turned around and it was not the same as a person turning around. It also takes time. Although the three ships are still quite flexible, they are not able to complete the turn within a few seconds. Fortunately, although they did not keep up with our speed, they were only a little slower. After four or five seconds later than us After completing the emergency turn, he started to accelerate away.

We dared to rush out several kilometers away and then dared to look back at the situation behind us, but when we turned back, we just saw the whole mountain where the warehouse city was split into two halves and collapsed towards the ground. At the same time, the surrounding peaks fell down one after another, and several huge cracks on the ground meandered, and finally formed a large crack-like web structure.

When this huge crack formed, the whole mountainous area suddenly flew up. Along with the flying dirt, rocks, and trees on the mountain, a dull and loud noise that was bigger than thunder also rolled under the ground. The shock wave even made us feel like we were shaking in the air.

Just as the mud and sand of that place were flying, suddenly, a huge head flew out of the flying mud. This giant, which looks like a vulture head, is connected with a long neck behind it, and this head is also flying out of the dirt at a lightning speed under the support of that neck. Of a mobile angel support ship, and then bit the tail of the support ship in one bite. It's like a pit biscuit. I didn't feel any lag, just a click, and our support ship was half missing directly. The support ship with only half of the hull immediately lost its power and then drew a parabola by inertia and began to fall to the ground.

Seeing that the huge spacecraft started to crash, we all turned around immediately and planned to go back to help, but the pilots on the spaceship were not wine bags. The three ships that came this time were test ships. It should be said that our guild does not yet have a real active magic spaceship. After all, we have only just acquired the spacecraft technology for a long time. Now I have barely worked out something. It can only be said that it will be used, and the in-depth development of everything is still in the exploration stage, so almost all of our spaceships at this stage are unshaped test ships, and there are no models listed.

Because the current ships are all experimental ships, the ships are not equipped with ordinary players and elites. The players are all professional mechanics selected from the several guilds in our guild, and they are all seniors who have served on various warships. This luxurious configuration brings ultra-high stance technology.

The head that had just flew out of the air just bit off a half of the spacecraft, but the survivors responded surprisingly quickly. The only half of the spacecraft left in the air by inertia for about three seconds. Followed by a sudden flicker of fire flashed on the spacecraft, and the outer shell of the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated. Then two small aircraft suddenly rushed out of the interior of the large spacecraft, and the main body of the remaining spacecraft suddenly exploded after falling a distance, so that the head that had just hit it was startled. Although it was not injured, it also blocked the sight due to the sudden explosion and failed to complete the next pursuit.

Seeing two small spaceships flying out of the big spaceship, the big pot rice was also surprised to ask Noreen who was the only real technician here. "Why is there a small spaceship in that spaceship? Is this thing a Transformer?"

"It's not deformation technology, it's just an escape cabin. It's a mobile angel support ship. There are only people in the cabin except for the mobile angel parking area and maintenance area, so there are only three escape cabins on the ship. The monster just got a bite. It was probably destroyed together with the escape cabin of the Mobile Angel parking area. The rest of the maintenance and cockpit personnel must have finally entered the escape cabin, so they actively abandoned the spacecraft body and separated it. As for the final explosion, that was The automatic procedure is to set up the self-destruction after all the escape capsules on the spacecraft are fired. After all, this is a test ship. Technology needs to be kept secret. We cannot let the enemy get our technology. "

"Hey, hey, isn't it OK to do science?" Said the gold coin, pointing to the dirt that was beginning to fall. "The monster is coming out!"

The mud in the nearby mountains has just been lifted up to form a mud fountain. The rising mud has now exhausted its own kinetic energy and started to fall towards the ground in accordance with the law of gravity. From our side, it looks like it is It's raining over there.

The mud that fell down blocked most of the sight, but we could still see a rough outline under the mud. From this outline we can see that the size of the monster is very large. Compared with this guy, my large magic pets are like the difference between a kitten and a big bear. It is not an order of magnitude. As for the existence of our human figures, it is even worse. In our opinion, that thing is just a mountain, and it is not an ordinary hill pack, but a rather large mountain.

"You are a fairy. What's the matter? It's going to go against the sky?" The usually silent speech grabbing can't help but start to spit out, after all, this thing is really outrageous. Already. To be honest, don't say them anymore ~ ​​ ~ I haven't seen anything so big before. In the impression, it seems that only the four sacred beasts, as well as the black unicorn and biling, the ancient **** beasts can PK with this guy. Generally, the creatures are basically not as big as his head in front of him.

"What shall we do now?" I asked as the gold coins came together.

I looked at the dusty road over there: "Raise a bit, and then wait, let us first see what the **** is this anyway!"

"It seems a bit like a Hydra." Chris Dina said aside.

"Hydra?" Hongyue took a closer look at the monster that was still rising, and then said, "Look at the shadows as if there were nine long strips connected to the main body, but Hydra is so big. Any one? "

"Maybe it's a giant disease." Cauldron rice suddenly interjected, and was immediately knocked shut by a chestnut by Bing Ling.

"Anyway, let's talk about the distance first. This thing is so large, and the attack range should not be low." RQ

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