Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 93: Stand in line

After just a brief stint, Hachichi serpent began to slowly say, "It was really because of my reasons that I did not support your operations. As for this reason ... In fact, it is not a big deal for you. I was then Actually, it ’s not as powerful as it is now. What you are seeing now is only the ability I just acquired. When you were in a large-scale war with the Chinese, I was actually in a very weak state. I just acquired this thing. ” At this point, the core of the divine power hidden before was suddenly taken out.

Looking at the core of the magic power, Matsumoto was pretending not to know, and asked, "What is this thing? Before I saw Ziri, they all seemed to be afraid of the appearance of this thing. Is it some kind of powerful weapon or skill?"

"No, this thing is called the core of divine power, and it can be used ..." The Yachi serpent began to explain to them the origin, purpose and related information of the core of divine power. Onibe Nobunaga listened to this very seriously, but Matsumoto Masa and August smoked them a little different. Although on the surface, several of them, like the ghost-handed Nobunaga, are listening carefully to the introduction of the core information of the Divine Power, but in fact they are not receiving the information of the core of the Divine Power, but they are comparing the description of the Eight Power Great What is the difference between information and what they know.

When it comes to understanding the core of divine power, apart from those established protoss, I believe that even some emerging protoss are not as well understood as our Frost Rose Alliance. On the one hand, because of my identity, I can get a lot of application methods from the different protoss. On the other hand, the chaos and order in our guilds already include high-end existences such as Hades, Poseidon, Spark (Kwan Yin), and the Great Peacock King. Those of them had contacted the core of the divine power at first, especially the existence like Hades and Poseidon. They were the old protoss who had controlled the core of the divine power for a long time. Their experience of the core of divine power is very comprehensive, so as the spies of our guild, Masamoto Matsumoto and August Kazuo know much more about the core of divine power than the Yaki snakes themselves.

The reason why we now want Matsumoto to congratulate them on carefully listening to the introduction and explanation of the Yaki snakes about the core of divine power is to figure out where the Yaki snakes have come to understand the core of the gods. You should know that the core of Divine Power is a typical San Wu product. There is no manufacturer, no production date, and no product batch number. The most important thing is that he doesn't have a manual, and its operation methods and various functions are countless. Because of this, normal people need to explore for a long time after getting the core of divine power to understand how to use it. As for advanced functions, it depends on talent. Some idiots may not be able to figure out the advanced use methods of the core of the divine power all their lives, and some life forms may be able to understand most of the capabilities of the divine core in a few days.

The Yagi snake is not a fool. But the gap with genius is even greater, so he will not be able to understand the various abilities of the core of the divine power at one and a half. It may even come up with some wrong theories. These things are actually available to us. So now we need to collect as much information as possible to find out what is wrong or lacking.

After more than ten minutes of explanation, the Yaki snake is probably said about the purpose and function of the core of the divine power, of course, these are his own understanding, and Masamoto Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitsuka are both of them Nodded. The ghost hand Nobunaga did n’t know it, so he just nodded. Of course, both Matsumoto Masa and August smoked them out.

"So this core of divine power is really a powerful thing." Masamoto Matsumoto asked after sighing, "But why did you enter the period of weakness after getting this thing?"

"Is this ..." said the Yachi serpent suddenly getting stuck for a moment. Then he stopped answering after a moment of silence, but instead asked, "Before answering this question. I need you to answer my question first."

"Excuse me."

"How do you feel about the Takatsuhara Protoss in Japan? If there is a second protoss power in Japan, will you help the Takatsuhara Protoss to destroy each other?"

Nobunaga's hand had no idea at all. Because he had never been involved in the war between the protoss before, he was not surprised at all about this kind of thing, and he didn't even hear the meaning of the Yaki snake. However, Miyoshi Nobunaga did not understand, but Matsumoto Masa understood. The meaning of the Hachichi serpent is already very clear. Even if you do n’t understand the concept of God War, as long as you are smart enough, you can understand the voice of the voice inside, but it ’s a pity that Nobunaga ’s reliance does not understand this. I didn't think much about it. In addition, his own intelligence is limited. He can only say that he is a little bit smarter than ordinary people, so he didn't notice the meaning of the Yaki snake.

After hearing the question from Hachichi Otoki, the long-nosed ghost-handed Nobunaga immediately replied: "This still depends on the attitude of the protoss. If they have the same goal as the Gao Tianyuan protoss, and both It ’s for the prosperity of our Great Japanese Empire, so I do n’t think it ’s necessary to hostile them. Of course, if the other party conflicts with the Takatenhara Protoss, then I may still consider helping the Takatenhara Protoss. After all, our enemy is the one who supports them The protoss, that is, the heavenly court, is very strong. Whether a new protoss can confront the Chinese heavenly court is very unreliable. Therefore, for the sake of security, I think it is better to support the Gao Tianyuan protoss. At least for now, There is no such thing as a drop in the chain in the Gao Tianyuan Protoss, and the performance cannot be said to be amazing, but it is definitely in place. "

When Matsumoto Masako and August smoked, they secretly exchanged eyes when they heard the words of Nobunaga Onitsuka, because they both knew that this sentence had been destined to be established between Nobunaga Onachis and the Hachichi serpent. The relationship broke down completely, because the problem that Yakushi Serpent had just said was in fact himself.

The Yagi snake assumes the emergence of a second protoss in Japan. And the Yaki snake that should not have a **** power core suddenly has a **** power core. Isn't it obvious that the Yaki snake has established a new protoss? What he said was exactly a test of Masaru Matsumoto and Nobunaga's attitude towards his new protoss. But unfortunately, Nobunaga's hand didn't understand this meaning. He thought that the Yachi snake was a member of the Gao Tianyuan Protoss, and as a result, he said the previous words. Whether he deliberately caters to the Yaki snake, or thinks so, anyway, the Yaki snake is no longer related to him anyway. After all, the ghost-handed Nobunaga had said straightforwardly that he would be on the side of the Gao Tianyuan Protoss. How could the eight-dimensional snake continue to cooperate with him?

After the speech by Nobunaga's side, August smoked immediately and said, "I feel that I should fully support this emerging protoss."

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Even though Bachi Snake used interrogative sentences, his expression had clearly become excited. On this point, the long-handed Nobunaga didn't notice it, because he was staring at August smoke and waiting for her explanation, as did the Yagi snake, but both August smoke and Masamoto Matsumoto saw it, so they both felt more. There is a bottom.

August Xun explained after asking about the Hachichi snake: "There are two reasons. First, competition brings progress. Just like starting a company, if a company monopolizes an industry, then no matter how poor the quality of the things they produce How high the price is, as long as there is a need. Others must buy it. In this case, the company will not think about how to improve itself. Instead, it will only think about how to find an excuse to continue to increase prices. This protoss and company companies actually also Almost, they blocked the interference of overseas protoss for us mortals, and at the same time we repay them with the power of faith to develop and grow. This is a kind of business relationship. However, the Takatenhara protoss is now the only one in Japan and they support us every time. As long as we do n’t let the territory completely fall, we do n’t need to work hard at all. This is one of the reasons why we always suffered from fighting the Chinese before. ”

Sakura Yujin suddenly interjected at this time: "Sister said that makes sense. Do you remember the Legion of the Frost Rose Alliance? Those legions are all senior Sky Soldiers bought from that heaven in China. And it is said that the price is very cheap In contrast, the Gao Tianyuan Protoss on our side. Only willing to sell to our lowest-level ghost soldiers. It can be said that at the beginning we were totally fighting the Chinese money with the lives of the players, which is also the main reason that caused us to be completely suppressed by the Chinese. One. If the Gao Tianyuan Protoss would sell the ghost soldiers to us to form a high-level army and the Chinese Tianbing Tian will fight. I don't think we would fight so fiercely at first. "

With the sakura rain goddess saying these words, even the ghost-handed Nobunaga began to think about it. The number of celestial soldiers in our guild is astonishing. This is also known by the ghost-handed Nobunaga. At that time, I didn't think there was anything. I only thought that our guild was too rich, but looking back, the problem is not that we are too rich. It ’s so simple, but we have to make the unit price too low, plus the level of the protoss arms that are open on their side is too low, and the price is too high, so this will happen ~ ~ In fact, no one knows it Yes, the level of the native Protoss open arms corresponds to the war value of the purchase guild, and the purchase price depends on the attributes of the direct purchaser's charm and other influences and relationships, as well as the player's personal relationship with the native Protoss.

At the beginning of our guild, many battles were fought in the North and South. The value of the war was very high, so the level of arms we could buy was high. Every time I go to buy negotiations, I go, but I have a very high charm value, plus coercion and affinity dual attribute effects, it can be said that my communication with nature is much easier than others. What's more important is that I am the coordinator between the various protoss in the world. This status determines that as long as it is not a matter of principle, the general pros will basically not offend me, so I always get amazing low prices when I buy troops. .

Of course, the above is the experience of our guild. The ghost-handed Nobunaga didn't understand this at all, so he really believed those words said by Sakura Yumi and August Fum, and thought that the Gao Tianyuan Protoss was too picky for them.

"Okay, that makes sense." The long-awaited Snake of Eight Huge Snakes immediately excited when she heard such an argument, and immediately asked, "What is your second reason?" ”RQ

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