Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 101: Weird ball

Follow Anubis all the way through the small door that he just appeared, and then enter a not long passage, but at the end of the passage is a large pit, the black paint Mawu deep bottom. At the prompt of Anubis, M followed him into this pit, and then did not feel the feeling of falling, but suddenly felt that he stepped on the ground as soon as he entered. Looking around again, it is clear that we have reached the underworld, and there is a rotating black cloud above our heads. It is estimated that this is the way we came down.

After entering the underworld, Anubis ushered in a chariot, then took me on the chariot and ran all the way, and soon came to the front of a huge temple. According to Anubis, the thing to trade is here, so I followed him and walked in.

The architectural style of this temple is a typical Egyptian temple style. The huge stone pillars and statues look very imposing, but they are different from the tattered and weathered ruins in reality. The temple building here is brand new. No signs of damage or weathering. Speaking of which, the architecture of this temple is very similar to that of Isinger. Although everyone's style is different, they are all the same. Standing in front of such a building, you will feel like a small ant living in a giant country.

Although from the outside, this temple is similar to our building in Isinger, but it feels quite different after entering. Although Essinger's building looks huge on the outside, it is layered on the inside. Although the floors are tall and exaggerated, it is still divided into layers, which is not as scary as it looks on the outside. But the internal structure of this temple is super simple. Although the entire building is more than thirty meters high, it has only one floor, so the ceiling is almost invisible.

In addition to the scary heights, the room division in this temple is also very simple. There is even no room to say. In addition to a hall at the entrance of the entire temple, there are only three left and right divided areas. The connection between the left and right areas and the central hall is an arch supported by two stone pillars. It is open at all, and everything inside can be seen at a glance. As for the back of the hall, it is even more exaggerated. Strictly speaking, this so-called back hall is basically a whole with the front hall, just because there is a super huge idol at the end of the front hall, and the idol is seated, and its seat almost blocks the entire hall. Only aisles that can be four or five meters wide are left between the sides and the walls. After bypassing this aisle, it is regarded as a back hall, but structurally, this part and the front part are actually a whole. Instead, the middle idol is an accessory.

The lobby was super wide and there were no obstructions at all, so I scanned it at a glance. Looking at the empty hall where no piece of furniture could be found, I looked at Anubis in wonder and asked, "Aren't you going to show me the equipment? What about the things?"

Anubis just told me to follow him and took me behind the huge statue. Then lightly pressed on a pattern on the base behind the statue, accompanied by a sound of rubbing stones, the base of the sculpture actually opened a stone door that was more than three meters high and five meters wide.

"Come in, everything is inside."

After hearing Anubis' words, I followed him in. Then the gates were closed behind us, but in the front passage, a sudden flame ignited and illuminated the entire passage.

After walking a few meters along this passage, a downward step appeared. The length is not short, but after going all the way down we entered a rectangular hall. The interior of this hall is paved with light yellow slate. It is about five meters high, fifty meters long, and about twelve to thirteen meters wide.

There are no appliances in the hall, but there are rows of stone doors on the left and right walls. Each of these stone gates has a width of over one meter and a height of about two meters and two points, which is slightly wider than the door of ordinary people, but it is also a normal proportion. Because the hall is fifty meters long and the distance between the doors is not large, there are 22 gates in this row, and the two sides together add up to a total of 44 gates.

Unlike the empty situation above, the forty-four stone gates in this hall are all standing guarded by two death-like gods like Anubis. Although the hall is not too small, but the death guards of the entirety of the eighty-eight dog heads are standing around, this momentum is still quite scary. Of course, the most important reason is that the height of the Death Guard is much higher than that of humans. The height of two meters and four meters makes these guys naturally have a strong sense of oppression against normal height humans.

"These are not the same breed as the Death Guard you sent me?"

Anubis took it for granted: "Of course it is not a breed. This is my Death Guard. Although it looks just a little taller than your Death Guard, it is not a level of combat at all. Truth be told To tell you, these guards are basically quasi-gods, and yours can only be called summoned creatures, not a level at all. "

I nodded and asked, "Is this your secret treasure trove, so many guards are arranged?"

Anubis grinned, "You are right, this is the treasure house, but this is my own treasure house, not our entire Egyptian protoss. But you do n’t have to worry because I am in our This is also a relatively wealthy protoss, and the entire Egypt may be only equipped with Kohopra's equipment. "

"I didn't expect you to be a local tyrant! By the way, what are you going to show me? In which door?"

"This way." Anubis said and took me to one of the doors on the left. The two Death Guards standing in front of the door turned neatly into a face-to-face state immediately after we approached, and then stepped back and let out the door.

Anubis walked to the door and gently touched the door. Then his fingers quickly drew a very complicated symbol. Then a flash of black light on the door started the door to rise in a rumbling sound.

Originally, I thought that there should be large warehouses behind these gates, which contained a lot of equipment or gold and silver treasures, but at least the situation behind this door was far from what I expected.

After the stone door rose, the inside revealed a miniature room with a single compartment without a public toilet. Two people could not turn around when entering. The width of the entire room was the same as the gate, only one meter. A little more than two meters deep, and near the end there is a cuboid stone platform with a height of more than one meter and a bottom side of 20 cm.

Because the room was small, it was impossible for two people to go in together. Anubis didn't move, but motioned for me to see it, but he reminded: "You can look in, but don't bring it out. This room has a seal. As long as you do n’t take it out, the magic of this thing wo n’t start. Do n’t take it out until you are sure. ”

I nodded and walked in, then first took a closer look at the equipment placed on the stone platform.

This thing is not directly placed on the stone platform, there is also a crystal clear white crystal. The shape of the crystal base looks like a pyramid without spires. Instead of having spires on the top, there is a curved groove. On top of this groove is the so-called 100 million units of faith. Equipment. But ... why does this thing look like a golden marble?

That's right. The thing Anubis showed me was a gold ball the size of a ping-pong ball, without any patterns or other things on the surface. It was completely a standard sphere, and the whole body was golden. It looked golden.

Although in reality such a large gold ball is absolutely valuable, there are still many people who can buy it. In the game, because of the existence of various magic materials, this gold seems even more worthless. . If it is such a golden ball, let alone the power of faith of 100 million units, I am afraid that even a unit is worthless. Is Anubis playing with me on purpose? Obviously not. So, this thing should have another trick?

Looking back at Anubis with a doubtful look, he was still standing there watching me, and finally I decided to study this thing carefully ~ ~ So I reached for it Up.

The golden ball feels much lighter than expected, let alone gold, even a wooden ball is probably not so light, even if it is held in the hand, it does not feel a little weight, at most it is with table tennis The weight is almost the same and it feels like plastic. Of course, this thing cannot be plastic because there is no plastic at all in the game.

In addition to being light, this thing has a characteristic of being soft. Although gold is also very soft, ordinary people can easily deform gold bars with their hands, but it is not as soft as this thing, right? I feel that my hand is a ball made of medical silicone, which is even softer than most of the surface of the human body. It is almost the same as a balloon filled with water. It will deform when you rub it, but it has a good rebound ability It can be restored immediately.

"Hey, Anubis, what the **** is this? I don't see any attributes!"

After researching for a long time, I finally gave up my research and planned to ask Anubis, because this thing is sealed, all the things below the name except the name can't be seen, only the word seal is displayed. I had no choice but to ask Anubis! RQ

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