Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 124: Whereabouts leak

After the pig's head fell, there was only one toad among the three monsters on the scene. According to their previous discussions, we can roughly speculate that this so-called toad monster should be the second child of the three brothers, and the pig head is the boss.

Although the ranking is middle, and there is no special ability, this toad unexpectedly turned out to be the most powerful of the three brothers. His defense is not strong, but his explosive power is amazing. Although the two short legs looked very short, they ran at a strange speed, and they were also very good at jumping. They could jump out all the way with a light bounce, so that Radamantis and Pandora were a little bit together Can't hold him back.

Although the motive is quite special, the good life of this guy is still over. With the pig's head down, now the three brothers are the only one left. Except for the remaining six of us, except Aphrodite, who was left to stare at the pig head that had not yet died, all the others concentrated on that toad.

"You hurt my elder brother and three brothers, and I want you to die!" The angry toad suddenly opened his mouth towards some of the leading Radamantis, and a thick tongue shot straight out. Seeing this tongue, Radamantis quickly blocked the three-pointed rifle in his hand to block the tongue, but the tongue was entangled with his weapon.

Feeling that the weapon was entangled, Radamantis immediately seemed to be pulling back and trying to **** back the weapon in his hand, but he found that he couldn't pull the opponent with a hard hand. The toad over there seems to have known this for a long time. He took a step back without hesitation, then flung his head, and said that Radamantis dragged it over and let it leave the ground.

There is no place for people to borrow in the air, and the powerful force can't make it out, so Radamantis was thrown directly across the air and hit the ground on the other side.

Seeing that Lada Mantis was suffering, we certainly couldn't watch it. The peacock shot a feather with a shake of his hand, hitting Toad's tongue exactly. And very easily cut the toad's tongue. Immediately after being out of control, Radamantis was thrown by Christina. With a good balance, Radamantis fell lightly and fell to the ground.

The tongue was cut so that Toad was not injured at all. He suddenly retracted the severed half of the tongue into the mouth, but his mouth ejected again and again, and the tip of the tongue unexpectedly returned. normal. Obviously, this guy's tongue is just like the gecko's tail and octopus' tentacles, which can be infinitely regenerated. Even if it is cut, it is not a big deal.

"Don't touch me, you disgusting bastard!" The tongue that bounced out was directed at Christina. But when she was about to meet her, she suddenly bumped into an invisible barrier. A flash of colored light flashed around Christina and gradually faded. However, everyone can see it. This dimness is not a sign of the weakening of the shield. It's just that it went from a state of excitement to a state of silence. It's not a sign of collapse.

The toad's tongue was completely inaccessible after hitting this protective cover, feeling like it was a sealed glass ball. Toad's tongue licked around the outside of that area and could not find any flaws, while the peacock's attack came again on the other side. With an experience of having her tongue cut off, this time Toad obviously didn't want to try this feeling again. After quickly retracting his tongue, Toad opened his mouth a third time.

Because of my previous experience, I saw Toad open his mouth for the third time. We were all on alert immediately, and we worried that this guy would shoot his tongue again to attack us. But what we didn't expect was that his tongue didn't show up this time. Instead, he put his hands in his mouth.

At first we thought he was going to bite his own hand. Who knew that this guy was slowly pulling out two large swords more than two meters long from his mouth. The shape of this knife is very strange. It is not like the Toyo knife, nor the Chinese ghost knife or ring knife, but a rather rare shape.

There is no problem with the handle of this knife, which is similar to the ordinary knife, but its blade is very strange. The back of this knife is a straight straight line without any bend, while the edge of the blade is a standard arc. One end of the arc and the line of the back of the knife are closed to form the tip. Although it can not be said to be as sharp as the tip of the knife, it is also relatively narrow. With the obviously too large knife body in front, I always feel that the interface of the blade and the handle will be broken if I wave it a few times.

It is said that the structure of this knife is quite unscientific, after all, it does not conform to physical principles at all. The connection of the handle is too thin, the front blade is long, and the center of gravity is still forward. If you slash vigorously, this connection point is actually easy to break. Of course, magic weapons cannot be measured by the concept of the real world, so the actual bearing capacity of such things must be tried before they are known.

Although the two weapons look strange, I don't want to try to see if they are really strong. Holding eternity directly, I rushed up, and at the moment of contact between the two sides, I immediately lifted my hand, and a half-blade of the blade flew into the sky.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that the toad hadn't responded, I rushed directly to him, then stepped on his belly and jumped, and the next kick kicked directly at the toad's big face. But the other side didn't mean to avoid at all. Instead, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit it into my leg.

After seeing this reaction of the toad, I knew that his mouth was definitely not a good place, so I directly used the wings to force a forward force to stop the forward trend to make the body move backward, and at the same time, I turned a wrist A small liquefied magic crystal steam bomb was thrown into the guy's mouth.

The power of the Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Bomb is unquestionable, even if I just threw out the smallest bomb of that kind. Its power is definitely not a joke. If it was an ordinary creature, the bones that would be blown up at this time would definitely not exist, but this toad is obviously somewhat special. After he closed his mouth, we only heard a muffled sound, and then we saw a green smoke flowing from the toad's nostril and mouth, but the other person's body was completely as if nothing had happened, and he continued directly towards me. Chased it.

Fighting for so long can be considered to understand the situation on our side, he has realized that I am the captain here. So it seems that I intend to specialize in my side, let's take a point before talking.

I can't think of anything that this guy can think of so stupid. Seeing him staring at me, I immediately changed my tactics. I no longer rushed against him in advance, but quickly retreated, and then began to change long-range skills for interference or simply provocative attacks. Christina, who had worked with me many times, immediately noticed that it was between me and the toad. Conduct a blocking attack. Use a variety of magic to limit the opponent's movement force, anyway, it is to trouble him.

Radamantis and Peacock, although they did not cooperate with me much. But at least I knew I was keeping a distance with this guy. And they also noticed that this guy was chasing me, so they immediately changed their tactics based on their combat experience and took the initiative to greet this guy. Even Pandora changed their tactics and posted them.

The one-on-five was already stretched, and at this time, a strategic mistake occurred again, and the toad monster soon fell into a state of being swayed. Pandora saw the opportunity to take advantage of the peacock and the opponent to make a decisive move to the opponent's chance to resolutely move forward, a dark spear in the hands of a forward stab, in the middle of toad's big belly. Following the twisting of the gun body to pull laterally, a cut of more than one meter was made directly on the guy's stomach. A large amount of disgusting green serum was mixed with unknown internal organs and flowed out of the body. Toad stepped back a few steps, then fell to his knees. If not support the ground with a knife in time. If it's not good, it will just fall to the ground.

"You ... you ... why ..." The toad that was not completely down at this time was still there, struggling to ask why we attacked them, but unfortunately, we did not explain to him. Pandora went straight up and patted him with the dark spear in his opponent's forehead. The toad turned his head and tried to avoid it, but he was so badly injured that he didn't avoid it at all. After being gently pinched, he fell down. Go on.

"OK, it's done. Now this guy is the rest." Aphrodite dragged the pig head down to the ground and threw it next to the toad's body.

I turned around and looked at the peacock and asked, "What's going on with this guy? Your feather is still paralyzed?"

"It's just a blood-sucking feather, and it won't numb, but he's been sucked for a long time, and maybe he's going to die now. Do you need to leave this guy's life?"

I thought about it and shook my head. "No need, this guy is better off dead than alive."

"Then you do it. There should be kill rewards for your adventurers."

I nodded politely, and went straight up to the pig head. This guy's strength is actually pretty good, but unfortunately they are all masters, and they were suppressed by two fights and one fight, and finally evolved into three to one, and also defeated the peacock's insidious behavior, otherwise his strength It is absolutely impossible to be killed in such a simple way. Of course, the higher his level is, the better it is for me, because the higher the level, the higher the reward I get from killing him. Now that my level has passed two thousand, at such a high level, the experience value obtained by killing ordinary monsters is really minimal, so I now only have four ways to level up. The first is the PK between players, the second is to do tasks, the third is to find a special leveling area, and the fourth is to compete with the protoss.

Although this pig is a bit ugly, it is a protoss anyway, so the experience value is still quite high.

After knocking out the three guys here, the rest is to run away. Although these three are currently not seen very much by the Takayamahara Protoss and the Hachichi O Snake, they are Japanese protoss, after all, even if they are not treated anymore, they are still the Japanese Protoss. As a Chinese force, we will intervene in this matter. No matter what we will do in the future, at least when the incident happened, if we were arrested, we would definitely be chased down. It's not that we are afraid of the Gao Tianyuan Protoss and the Hachi-Qi serpent, but in this case, we really are not suitable to fight with them, so the best choice now is to hurry.

Fortunately, these three guys are not to be seen. Therefore, the place where I live is relatively remote, so it ’s not easy to find such a quiet place just by being careful. Suzaku wanted to burn all three guys' bodies with a fire, but I was caught.

The purpose of our visit this time is not just to kill three Japanese protoss who we didn't know before. Our main purpose is to test the reaction of the Takatenhara protoss and the Yagi snake, so we need to kill these three guys, and we cannot Was caught at the scene, but the traces could not be erased. At least let the Yachi snakes and the Gao Tianyuan Protoss know that we did it, so that they can play the role of temptation.

After confirming that the site was well-preserved, as long as people with normal intelligence could find out that this was what we did, we left the area. The process of going out of the mountain was smooth, but there was a problem after arriving at the place that was separated from the convoy that sent us.

At present, the streets of Japan are full of two Protoss personnel shaking around. It was also said before that the protoss of the Gao Tianyuan Protoss is extremely strange. Any messy things can become one of them. And these guys are full of people's sway, so that we can only rely on the cover of Matsumoto Masa to leave. Otherwise, just leave in such an upright manner. In all likelihood, it will be blocked halfway.

However, although we talked about the meeting here before, and we did contact the Masamoto Matsumoto before going out of the mountain to unify the progress of the two sides, trying to meet at this meeting point, and then quickly left. However, now that we are here, the team hasn't even looked at it.

"Hell. Where's the team?" Christina ran down the road and looked at both sides. Because the road in this section is relatively straight, the vision on both sides is quite wide. But now looking down the direction of the road, there is no human hair in sight. This situation is not right.

When we went out of the mountain, we clearly contacted the right time. Even if the team does not know our exact arrival time, the error will not be too much, but now the team can not see the shadow of the line of sight, which is obviously wrong. This is not caused by delays or going too fast. This is definitely something.

"President, should this be an accident?" Cristina asked me very worried.

I looked at the end of the road, and then directly opened the communicator and connected to the army god. "Help me transfer Masamoto Matsumoto."

"Hey, President, what's the matter?"

"Is there something wrong with your team?" In fact, when I heard Matsumoto Masa's tone, I already knew that Matsumoto Masa probably didn't know about it, otherwise he shouldn't be so calm.

Sure enough, Masamoto Matsumoto stunned for a moment, then responded eagerly and asked, "Did you not meet?"

"Yes. We have arrived, but the team is gone."

Matsumoto Masa thought for a moment, then suddenly came over and shouted at me, "Chairman, you have to return the same way as soon as possible."

"Return?" I was going to ask why, but suddenly I understood. "Quick, go back." I said as I turned and pulled on Christina and started running back.

Christina was pulled by me and I didn't know what was going on, but she didn't struggle to see my response. She just ran and asked, "What's the matter? Are we being watched?"

"Probably." I responded to Christina's question, but there was no stopping at all. When he reached Xiaoxue, he waved his hand and held Christina on Xiaoxue's back. On the other hand, Pandora and each of them cleverly climbed up to the back of the mount.

My night shadow and Xiaoxue were taken up by Christina and Pandora. I had to run on the ground myself, but Pandora ran over night shadow by me, and pulled me back with night shadow. I rode behind her. "What do you care about? It's important to leave now."

Now that Pandora has said so, I am no longer arrogant, and rushed directly to the belly of Ye Ying: "Leave, go into the mountain."

As soon as Night Shadow let go of the speed, the others' mounts immediately followed. But before I left, I left a few ghost worms to monitor the situation nearby.

It turned out that my choice was still very correct. As soon as our forefoot left, the Ghost Worm immediately reported that a group of people appeared at the fork, and chased us in the direction of our departure after checking for a while.

As soon as I received this message, I immediately responded and quickly stopped the Aphrodite running ahead. "wait!"

"What's wrong?" Aphrodite, who had already rushed out, took a turn and ran back, then stopped beside me and asked puzzledly.

"Someone came after us," I said.

"Isn't that fast running?" Aphrodite apparently didn't understand why I called her ~ ~ By contrast Pandora was much smarter. She frowned directly: "The other party's behavior should know that we are here, so they are prepared, then they should probably have sent another team to the front from another fork to stop us."

"So what do we do?" Aphrodite asked, of course, not to worry about being attacked by the other party. Our lineup here can't even kill the Protoss. Ordinary players come as food delivery. The key problem is that the other party apparently discovered the team that Matsumoto arranged for us first, and then did not know how to know our whereabouts. In case we were seen by the other party, the other party only needs to record it with a video recording. We colluded with the evidence of Masamoto Matsumoto. We cannot say that tripping over Masamoto Matsumoto, at least it was a huge blow to his prestige. Therefore, even if we are not afraid of these guys now, we can never be seen. This is not a problem of overplaying, but a problem of exposure.

"Leave the road and run up the mountain." After a little weighing, I had a decision. Both sides are high-level monster zones, which are highly dangerous areas for ordinary people, but not for us. RQ

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