Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 127: Asheford Invitation

The follow-up plan we arranged for Matsumoto Masako can be said to be very successful. As the original players who revealed the fact that they attacked Matsumoto Masayama team appeared because of guilt, the follow-up situation gradually began to tend to our script. First of all, Matsumoto Masa started to publicize how much they paid to get the sacred soldiers in accordance with my plan. Then when the Japanese players felt sorry, Matsumoto Masa suddenly pointed the muzzle of public opinion towards the Japanese Protoss.

The Hachichi snake and the Gao Tianyuan Protoss almost lay down and shot, and somehow they were drawn into the cusp of public opinion, and there is an interesting situation here, a situation we have not noticed, that is, the Protoss looks like Not many public opinion windows.

Player guilds can use many methods to guide or create a certain kind of argument they want. This behavior is similar to the situation in reality, and it is performed in a variety of ways and is effective. However, it seems that the Protoss can only interfere with the public opinion of the player in a limited number of ways. Therefore, it can be said that the Protoss is almost a congenital disadvantaged group in the public opinion war. We speculate that this may be related to the system's restrictions on the Protoss, but in any case, the Protoss is unable to respond to Matsumoto's accusations.

The Yagi snake and the Takatenhara Protoss who had been fully accused of it were just a little unhappy about it, because the war between them really affected the expression of Japan's foreign combat effectiveness, so they also felt that they should not be, but they didn't care much. However, the Protoss themselves don't care, but the players do. During this period of mutual attack, Japanese players have always been the main force. And because the fighting power of the Protoss and the players are not equal, in the conflict, the player who sacrificed the most is the player. This caused the Japanese protoss in this civil war not to benefit, but to lose some. interest.

For players, the protoss in the game and the faith in reality are completely different, so. Players rarely really believe in a protoss in a game. They follow the protoss only for equipment and various rewards. To put it plainly, they are mercenaries. You give money and let the mercenaries fight for you, that's okay, but it won't do any good. Which mercenary of this kind of employer is willing to work with him?

If there had been no such thing as Matsumoto Masaka's this time, Japanese players' opinions on the Yagi O snake and the Takatenhara Protoss would only stay at a simple tendency. No real outbreak yet. but. As Matsumoto made this matter clear, many players began to realize that this kind of war is very bad for Japanese players, and because most of them have actually been out of this war. Something was lost, so at this time the emotion of rebound became extremely strong.

Because of this player's emotional rebound and Matsumoto's intentional guidance, this time the event can almost be said to be in a state of great response.

In order to make Matsumoto Masaru a Japanese player leader. We have specially equipped him with a team that specializes in propaganda, these people are all professionals. Not amateur players, they are in the media in reality. In the game, it is only a new media carrier, but those basic concepts will not be a problem. Therefore, these people have done a very good job in propaganda and offensive. The guidance of public opinion can not only precisely control the direction, but also can grasp a general range.

With such sophisticated teamwork, Matsumoto Masako almost instantly regained the right to speak to Japanese players who had lost this period of time due to the excessive intervention of the Takatenhara Protoss and the Yachi Great Serpent. After getting the right to speak, Matsumoto Masahiro didn't stop there, but continued to use public opinion to instigate Japanese players to find the mysterious force that first attacked the transport team, and expressed his hope in the dark. Find out why the other side attacked the convoy.

There is no problem in speaking with this attitude. I thought that if this is true, Masamoto Matsumoto should have responded in this way. Of course, this is not the case. The fact that the convoy transported Chinese national weapons and was attacked was just a lie that we fabricated. Therefore, the actual purpose of Masamoto Matsumoto was to use the majority of Japanese players to help us find the reason for the leak.

China would have liked the power of mobilizing the people and launching a people's war just after the founding of the People ’s Republic of China. At the time, when the country was just established and the domestic situation was still unstable, this measure did indeed play a considerable role. Many professional spies lurking in the country are often discovered and reported by some old men and old ladies. This shows how powerful the effects of the People's War are. As long as people across the country are willing to cooperate and actively implement it, it is too simple to investigate what is going on.

Now that Matsumoto has succeeded in regaining the attention of Japanese players through our fictional lie this time, his wish is soon carried out by Japanese players everywhere. With the efforts of these players, the hidden messages in each were quickly dug up.

"Chairman." It has been more than half a day since I returned to Isinger and I suddenly received a communication from Masamoto Matsumoto.

Immediately after the meeting room was connected to the communication, I immediately saw the projection of Masaru Matsumoto. "What happened to me in the middle of the night?"

Although it's over four in the morning in Japan, Matsumoto Masako is obviously quite excited. He said excitedly: "Chairman, you are still a cow! The method you taught me is really effective!"

"I contacted you in the middle of the night just to tell me this?"

"No, I want to tell you that the reason for your leak has been investigated."

I even stumbled when I heard the result. "Investigated? So fast?"

"Well, I didn't expect it to be so fast, but I can't stand it. Now all the players in Japan are helping us to check it."

I nodded and said, "How on earth are we exposed?"

"Things are actually very simple." Masamoto Matsumoto said: "At that time, you got off the car and entered the mountain forest. It happened to be discovered by the magic pet of a senior player. That player's level is relatively high, and it seems that he intends to enter the mountain forest recently. Leveling, but you also know that the place is dangerous and he can't help himself, so he sent a high-level magic pet to help him check the situation inside, whether he has been able to level up there safely. "

"So the monster pet didn't find the monster, but found us?"

Matsumoto nodded and said, "The other person just met you and saw you all through the eyes of the magic pet."

No one was found close to the other's magic pet. This is not surprising to me. At that time, although Kristina had opened a large-scale detection technique, you must know that the place was originally a monster zone. The monsters in the detection technique did not know how many times they entered and exited within the range of perception. Therefore, unless a monster Really rushed towards us, generally Christina did not care too much. If a player was close by, we would definitely find it. The key is the magic pet, as long as there is no battle. I don't see player information. It is impossible for us to know whether it is a monster or a monster that is approaching us.

"It's understandable to be found in this way, but even if the other party found us, why did you attack your convoy?" I asked.

Matsumoto explained: "This player not only saw you. It was his magic pet that entered the mountain and saw you, and he was on the road outside the mountain, and he happened to see our team. Because of the need to cover you, the whereabouts of the team are a bit weird. In addition, the strength of the Asian Games team is a little too high, which has caused his suspicion. "

"If it's just suspicion. Shouldn't you rashly attack your convoy? You are now also a Japanese player leader, and you're attacking your convoy because of suspicion. This is a bit too much, right? Besides, it seems that the attacker Nobunaga's ghost hand? How did he get involved? Is this the person who found us to be Nobunaga's ghost hand? "

"No, but it's almost the same," Matsumoto explained. "That player is not one of Onomichi Nobunaga, but he was one of the supporters of Onomichi Nobunaga, and even now retains it with Onomichi Nobunaga. With a good relationship, he can be regarded as a **** supporter of Nobunaga Nobunaga, but he still has a bottom line, and has never joined the Nobunaga's Nobunite. After discovering your whereabouts, he just met The ghost-handed Nobunaga told the strange phenomenon he encountered this time. "

Speaking of this, Masahiro Matsumoto I began to interface, "That is to say, Nobunaga Nobunaga heard about the strange team of your guild from this player, and then discovered our existence. Although this player himself has some doubts, But he didn't think in that direction at all. However, Nobunaga's hand had suspected that there was a connection between us before, so he would connect the two things and ordered to attack your convoy. "

Matsumoto Masahiro reconfirmed: "Yes. Nobunaga has a little suspicion, but we deceived us a few times before, so now he is not quite sure if we were connected before. However, as long as there is Suspected, he would not give up, and the convoy that attacked us was not a big deal when he wanted to come. At that time, he did n’t know that the convoy would transport Chinese national equipment. Of course, the convoy did not originally transport national equipment, but it is certain He certainly didn't go for this at the time. If he knew that the consequences of the matter would be so serious, he should not have done so. "

I nodded in agreement. Matsumoto's analysis makes sense. The ghost-handed Nobunaga originally suspected that there was any relationship between us. This time, it was just a sneak attack on a convoy. It was not a big deal at all, and naturally I won't take it seriously. Therefore, he has no burden on assigning people to attack the convoy, but now he knows that the incident is serious after the attack, because Matsumoto publicly declared that the Chinese convoy was transported in the convoy. As long as the player understands what the Chinese weapon represents, it will not be considered a trivial matter.

"Now that you know it's not an insider's leak, don't worry too much."

Matsumoto nodded his head, and then asked, "I'm not worried about this, but what to do with this incident of the convoy being attacked? Will it calm down?"

I thought about it a little bit and thought it was not a good idea. Before letting Matsumoto Masa make the matter bigger, I just wanted to investigate why our whereabouts were exposed. Of course, the main goal was to get us clean from this incident. The connection between us and Masahiro Matsumoto cannot be discovered. This all belongs to event handling. As the chairman, of course, it is only a matter of one person to decide such a thing. However, as to whether to calm down the incident, this is not my business. This is a question that concerns the situation in Japan as a whole and is a strategic issue. I can decide on tactical issues alone. Of course, it is better for the staff to discuss the strategic issues.

"Wait a minute, I'll contact the staff and ask what to do."

"Okay. I'll wait."

After connecting to the newsletter of the staff through the army god, I briefly talked about this matter. The gang of staff in our guild was fast enough, and the results were discussed in a few minutes. After listening to their opinions, I breathed a breath with Rose, of course, I also contacted Red Moon and Eagle. After unifying with everyone, I contacted Matsumoto again.

"Did you decide?"

"Well. Our opinions are more consistent. You do n’t want to kill him with a stick on Nobunaga ’s side, but this time it ’s not the case. You need to teach him something Actual benefits. "

"Is there a plan for how to do this?"

"There are no specific plans. You can do it anyway. But keep in mind that you must let Nobunaga's publicly admit that he did it this time. Let his image in the minds of Japanese players go further Blackened. There is also a public apology. "

"Why must he apologize publicly?"

"This is the meaning of the rose, the main purpose is to combat the blind worship of Nobunaga's die-hards. Let him admit that he sent someone to do this thing will only make Japanese players with brains see his true face, But those die-hards are indiscriminate. The reason for their loyalty is often personal worship. Whether this person is wrong or right, this worship is often difficult to be beaten. However, if Nobunaga himself acknowledges himself I made a mistake. Therefore, a public apology is equivalent to his own behavior against his personal image. If there is a Japanese player who continues to worship him blindly, he will fall into an endless cycle, and they must admit it if they want to be loyal to the ghost-handed Nobunaga. The ghost-handed Nobunaga is just an ordinary person who can make mistakes. But if he acknowledges this, he has no value in loyalty. Therefore, these loyalty must change the way of thinking, and as long as they change their way of thinking, then At least 50% of the time, they will lose their loyalty to Nobunaga, and our goal will be achieved. "

"It sounds complicated."

"Rose also said that this is quite complicated, mainly some psychological things. You only need to know that it is arranged anyway."

Matsumoto nodded and said, "I understand this, but how do you get the actual benefits?"

"In terms of practical benefits, it's not asking you to take anything, but asking the Nobunaga to give you a promise to publicly guarantee that if you have any external action plans that require him, he will need unconditional support. You do this together. "

Matsumoto shouted as soon as he heard me. "Boss, you are too dark, isn't he? This guy is a bad luck. You got pitted and wanted to help you. It was really sold and helped count the money!"

"What's yours, isn't it yours?"

"Okay, I won't say anymore, shall I do something?"

After Matsumoto's defeat, I also closed the communication, but even at this point I couldn't relax and continued to work.

I left the meeting room on the side of Isinger and went straight to heaven. Trouble in the past helped us to jointly fight against the invasion of the Yachi serpent. Now this thing seems to happen in the short term, so I have to say hello, ca n’t we always leave the heavenly side on standby for 24 hours? No matter how good the relationship between heaven and us is, it is not an organization, the necessary courtesy is still necessary.

After knowing this, the Jade Emperor told me some long-term arrangements. After all, the invasion of the Hachido snake was only delayed, and there was no end to it, so beware of it, but you do n’t have to hurry.

After exchanging information from the Jade Emperor, I ran to Germany without stopping. Ashford originally said that it was good to be our reserve team, but now our battle is not necessary, and this reserve team is temporarily unavailable, so we still have to say hello. In order to be our reserve team, we must ensure that most players are online for a long time, and during this time, we cannot take up large tasks. Can't engage in battles or anything. If we are going to go to war with the Hachido snake, it will be fine to keep Ashford here for a while. It wo n’t be too long anyway, but now, this time has become an unknown number. We ca n’t let it The whole Iron Crusade has been waiting like this? Even if people are willing to wait, how can we pay back this kind of favor? Therefore, it is necessary to notify the temporary dismissal of the alarm.

"You mean. We still need to exist as a reserve team, but the time is not sure yet?" Ashford confirmed after listening to me.

I nodded and answered with certainty: "Yes, it is temporarily unavailable. However, we don't know when the Yaki snake is going crazy. And I don't think this time will be too long. Just be quiet for a month or two. "

"At least we are idle for the time being." Ashford said suddenly suddenly excited. Then he asked, "Will you be free this time?"

"What are you doing?" As Ashford leaned forward excitedly, I leaned back instinctively.

Ashford smiled wryly: "That ... I have exactly two super-question scrolls in my hand. What ..."

"I have time. But not much, you better tell me the length of the task, otherwise I can't help. Also, there is not much power we can mobilize in our guild. You just have to let me alone , I ’m fine, but if you ask for help, I ’m not sure! ”

"That's it!" Ashford thought for a moment and asked: "Can Christina come?"

"Kristina? You need her help?"

Ashford nodded strongly: "This task has at least two levels of difficulty she can reduce. To be honest. She is more useful in this task than you are."

"Then I'll lend her to you for two days. Why do you have to bring me?"

"I just said she was more useful than you. Didn't say you were useless!" Ashford explained: "This task is more troublesome, so you or Kristina cannot do it. You must have someone else to help. Everyone has a special use in this task. "

I thought about it and asked, "How long is the task flow?"

"I'm not sure about this for the time being. But if nothing unexpected happens, it can be done in one or two days."

"What if something goes wrong?"

"That's just three or four days. I have little influence on you?"

"Acceptable. Both Christina and I can come to help. Who else do you want? I can see if there is a suitable candidate."

Ashford thought for a moment: "We also need a teleporter, preferably a short-distance teleporter, and the consumption is very low, and it can be used frequently."

"We have such people. Is there anything else?"

"No need. The total number of missions allowed is seven. There are four of us here, and you are out of three, just to reach the mission limit."

I nodded and asked, "When does it start?"

"You just need to get all the people together. In order to serve you as a reserve team, I have settled the whole guild in these days. It will be okay if I don't need my command in the short term."

"Then I let the **** of war be transferred."

"I'll go and call our people."

After we decided to do this task, we immediately acted. Ashford quickly rushed to find his teammates, and I was watching the briefing of the mission while waiting for the staff to get together. To be honest, this task is really not that complicated.

In fact, the task itself is not very difficult. The key is that there are too many restrictions and the task requirements are too harsh.

First, this mission requires seven players to participate in the mission, no more and no less.

It would have been easy if only seven people had participated. But the key is that there is an additional note at the end of the mission, which indicates that the end of the mission requires its personal cooperation to complete, that is, no one in the team can die before the last SS. As long as one is hung up, the task is simply a failure, because in the last place there is a special agency that requires seven people to work together. what? You say you can use summoned creatures instead? Of course I know this method, but unfortunately it is clearly stated on the task scroll that the task process limits the summoning and space items. Neither the magic pet nor the summoned creature can be summoned, and even the items are restricted. What you want to use is best taken out in advance and carried on your body with a physical baggage. Otherwise, do n’t expect to use these things after entering the mission.

It can be said that as soon as this restriction comes out, many of our abilities will be sealed. Otherwise, this task will not be difficult at all.

I was watching the mission introduction here, and the door outside was suddenly opened. Asheford followed three players into the room, and it was clear that these were the people who participated in the mission together.

One of the three people Ashford found I knew was his wife Alice, Ashford. Although this blonde beauty has a sweet baby face. However, her plate armor showed that her profession was known as the Teutonic Samurai throughout Europe. This profession is basically a bulldozer in my impression. Not to mention defense, there are few professions that can fight against them anyway. Before the bottom of the blood, the Teutonic Samurai was almost invincible, and ordinary occupations encountered no other way than fighting.

I probably noticed my gaze. Ashford explained with a little embarrassment: "Zi Ri, don't look at us like this! Although Alice is my wife, I am not cheating. She is really powerful . "

I shook my head and said, "I'm just helping anyway, the staff will arrange it as you like. It's not my job to finish it."

"President Ziri. Are you doubting my strength?"

"I'm not doubting your strength, I'm just telling the situation with Asheford."

Seeing that the atmosphere wasn't right, Ashoford hurried forward and said, "Zhi-ri, you're not right. Alice is really strong."

I nodded and said, "I understand this."

"Understand you say that again?" Ashford asked angrily.

I explained: "I just said that I want your wife to drop the shelf and realize that the people here are not ordinary people. Although her strength is very good, I feel a sense of pride. There is a saying in our country called proud soldier Defeat. I think you should understand what I mean. "

After Ashford heard me, he turned to look at his wife, but Alice looked down and thought. to be frank. I didn't see Alice once, but I feel she has changed a lot since the last time I met. When she saw her for the first time, she was nervous and timid. Although I didn't talk to me at that time, I can be sure she was a very shy and polite person. But today, her temperament has changed. Although she looks more confident and has a masterful aura, she seems to be overdone. I even noticed that she felt a little unconvinced even seeing me. Although she didn't say anything, her body language was clearly conveying this message. I wouldn't care if it were ordinary people, but this is the woman of Asheford. As an ally, I think it is necessary to remind them.

Ashford is not a fool. Of course, I know what I'm talking about when I hear what I said. Besides, this Alice must not have suddenly become like this in a day. Ashford should always know something in the process. I don't know why she became this way, but I'm sure that Ashford played a key role in it.

"Huh? What's the matter? Have you just fought? I seem to smell the smoke." Cristina, who suddenly appeared in the room, and the night child next to her interrupted the depressive atmosphere between us. Of course, it is not the son of the night who speaks. This kid belongs to the type of three sticks who can't make a fart. Even if he finds it, he won't interfere.

"Ah, the principle is that our turret is back." Ashurford saw Kristina immediately greeted her warmly and shook her.

Kristina smiled and shook hands with him, and then asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you upset?"

Chris Dina is originally European and is also famous here. Ashford and she have known each other even earlier than me. Of course, Kristina is now a member of our Frost Rose Alliance, so the relationship is still We are closer.

Ashford wanted to answer, but to his surprise, Alice, who had been bowing her head before I said it, kept coming up and stretched out a hand, then said, "Please accept My apology. Something really wrong with my mindset recently. "

I'm not the kind of person with a small belly. Although we sometimes hold revenge, it's not with friends. A quick handshake made peace, and then I apologized, "Maybe my wording is not appropriate. Sorry."

Alice smiled and said it was okay, then turned to Ashford, "You listen to me."

"Ah?" Axford was stunned by Alice, then came over a little trembling and whispered and asked, "What's wrong?" Obviously, Axford had a "wife strict" Early symptoms, although they are only engaged and not married, Asheford is afraid that Alice is sure anyway.

Ashford, who had been called suddenly, was a little timid. Unexpectedly, Alice followed him and said something that made him almost dislocated his chin.

"You listen to me, Ashford. From now on, don't get used to me again. If there is anything wrong with me, you should say it immediately, if I don't accept it, and you are sure that it is my fault, You can punish me, or even hit me. I need a man who can help me. Not a man on call. "

"Uh ..." Ashford was completely out of neurological reaction, and the whole person was stupid.

"Okay, that's it. It's just a matter of getting started." Kristina looked a little weird. Quickly come out to fight the round, and then shifted the topic and said, "What are you asking us to come out so urgently? Anything?"

"Of course." I turned around and said, "Ashford has a task that we need to help with. It's too difficult, so we need some powerful people."

Suddenly silent son of the night asked: "Boss, why do you need strong people to call me?"

"Because you are one of the people who is particularly suitable for this task. We need your teleportation capabilities."

"Oh I see."

Seeing that we were already discussing the mission, Ashford began to say to us: "So, now that everyone is here, I will talk about the mission precautions. This mission limits the summoning and space items. So, the magic pet They cannot be summoned after entering the mission. "

"Can it be released in advance?" Cristina asked.

Ashford shook his head and said, "The mission is limited to seven people. One more and one less will not work, and creatures cannot be summoned in advance. However, you can use any equipment to bring them out in advance, because after entering, your space equipment is equipped Nothing can be taken out. The Phoenix Dragon Space of the Frost Rose League will also be sealed. "

"So troublesome?" Kristina said as she quickly took out her staff. She doesn't usually use this thing very much, only when she encounters a strong enemy. But since the space equipment is limited, she will have to bring it out in advance, otherwise it will be miserable when it is not needed when needed.

After finishing this, Ashford continued: "Besides this, pay attention. If you have undead magic, you can consider calling out undead creatures after entering."

"Isn't it about limiting summons?"

"Yes, it's a restriction call, but this restriction feels more like a space blockade."

I knew Asheford spoke of the blockade. We can think of space as a room. When we summon a pet or other creatures, it is like pulling a creature that was originally in another room through the door and window and pulling it into this room to help us fight. Although the creatures are summoned, they actually already exist, but they were not here before. As for taking out items from space items, this is actually the same situation. The space in those space equipment is actually the dark grid in the room, or something like a closet. Normally we can open these dark grids or closets to take out and put things in, it doesn't matter, but a room blocked by the space is equivalent to locking all the doors and windows. Therefore, neither the creatures in the next room nor the things in the closet of this room can be taken out. This is the true meaning of the space blockade.

Knowing the true meaning of the space blockade, what Asheford said was easy to understand. Undead mage summons undead creatures in two ways. Although they are all called summons, in fact, only one is a true summoning, and the other should be manufacturing.

In addition to opening the space channel, the undead mage can summon undead creatures, as well as use the space equipment to store the powerful undead creatures obtained before, and release them when needed. This is actually the same situation as the Tamer summons the pet. This method will also be sealed in this task, because it involves things outside the space, so it cannot be used.

However, the undead mage is not only able to summon the undead. They can also do undead by themselves. Join the Undead Mage to encounter a senior knight in this mission. As long as you kill it, you can use skills to transform it into an undead creature of the Undead Knight series. In this process, the body of the undead knight is the knight in the mission, and there is no space shuttle, so the blockade of space will not interfere with this call.

"So it is." Chris Dina is a mage, after all, these things are better understood, and the son of the night is the undead mage. Of course it is clearer what is going on. As for the people over Ashoford, they probably already knew the task, so there was no indication. Ashford mainly explained to us.

After we expressed our understanding, Ashford told us a more severe limit.

"Well ... there is a more cumbersome setting in this task. That is, our magic will be limited."

"Magic is limited?" Cristina asked in surprise. "Then what are you asking me to do? I'm a wizard. Do you want me to fight monsters without magic?"

"No, this limitation does not mean that you cannot use magic, but it limits the speed and recovery of magic output."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"That is to say, there is an upper limit to the output of magic power. The magic value you output at one time cannot exceed one tenth of your total magic power."

"In other words, all the big tricks are useless?" Cristina asked.

The big move of a normal player usually releases one tenth to the full magic value of the player in a split second. If the output is limited, it cannot exceed one tenth. That means. What can be used are conventional skills, don't expect anything with high output and high damage.

Ashford nodded and admitted: "Indeed, big tricks can't be used anymore. Besides, not only big tricks can't be used, but common skills should be saved, because during the entire mission, your magic recovery speed is only ten times the normal value One. In terms of mission time, this amount of response is basically equal to the state of each of us can only be controlled by three magic. And it is very slow to add. In addition, because space equipment is limited, medicine has become a problem. Although magic potions can return to magic, but because we have to fight and space equipment is not available, these things must not be brought too much. "

"Fuck, the artillery can be turned into a rifle. The ammunition supply is limited, this task is really a killer!" The most violent woman of Kristina is to wash the ground with magic after opening the body of the element, but now it ’s because of the magic output problem. , Her elemental body is no longer necessary. In addition, the magic value is still limited, and this ammunition has become a problem. This time is equivalent to abolishing her 70% to 70% of combat effectiveness.

Ashford knows that this restriction is very painful, but he can't help it. If he can decide, of course he hopes not to restrict anything, so he won't have to help us to complete the task. It's a pity that it is just a beautiful wish and it cannot be realized at all.

"Is this the limit?"

"That's about it," Ashford said.

Cristina asked again: "Will I enter the mission if I start the skill now?"

"Shouldn't," Ashford said, uncertainly.

Chris Dina thought for a moment and thought, "Whether it will or not, it's no harm to try it." She said, and then directly inserted the staff to the ground, then held the huge gem flower on the head with both hands, and followed with both hands violently Pressing it in the middle, the huge gem flower suddenly closed inward and turned into a sphere, and then the two-meter-long staff body under the staff actually clicked and contracted and folded, and then all entered the joint. The jewel flower rose into the flower bone. After all this was done, Kristina turned the flower of the jewel flower around once, and then let go, and the jewel flower suddenly bloomed, and talked about a handle from the center of the flower. s things. Kristina held the handle, and then raised it up sharply, and with a bang, a brilliant crystal sword was pulled out of the gem flower.

When the crystal sword arrived, Kristina immediately hung it on her back, then twisted and pulled the gem flower with both hands, and the gem flower was directly divided into two parts. It wasn't until she opened it and carried it in her hands that we discovered that it was two bracelets with rings.

There are five chains on each of the two bracelets, which are connected to five gemstone rings. After the bracelet and the ring are all brought together, there is still a burst of arcs jumping back and forth on the chain between the ring and the bracelet.

"What are you doing?" Ashford asked in surprise, watching Kristina change.

Chris Dina reluctantly replied: "Aren't you saying that the magic is limited in the task? I will continue to release magic with my staff and I will definitely run out of magic soon, so I switched to melee mode. This way my attack will be closer to the soldier, The attack frequency will decrease, but the mana cost will decrease even more, which will save mana. However, you can rest assured that the damage output will not decrease and the combat power is still guaranteed. "

"Can you put magic in this mode?"

"Of course I can. I'm a mage. But in this mode, the speed of magic release will drop a little bit, and only some ordinary magic can be used. The big tricks can't be used. However, this task also limits the big tricks anyway, so Same. "

Ashford nodded with satisfaction when he heard this: "This is the best. I just need your long-range strike ability. If you can't use magic, then you might as well not save magic ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ how is that possible? am i still a mage after all. "

Ashford nodded and asked, "Who else has anything to prepare? If not, let's get on the mission?"

"Wait a minute." I got to Ashford for a mission, and I hurriedly stopped. "Well, neither of the two you brought has been introduced yet. At least we need to know the general information of the companions, otherwise how to cooperate?"

"Oh. Look at my mind and forget this." Ashford hurried two people over and started to introduce me.

I looked at these two players before Ashford started the introduction.

These two players are a man and a woman, and their profession is well recognized. The bright armor of a male player, needless to say, the typical Templar knight, as for the other female, this is more obvious. Green, plus a long bow and the iconic long

Ears, other than the elf shooter don't do what he wants. RQ

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