Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 142: mischief

"It seems to be going to the cemetery. // I'm not sure." The clerk said not very sure.

I nodded and expressed my gratitude, then left the store to summon Ye Ying to stand up and ride, and then hurried towards the graveyard. Although the clerk is not sure that the other party is going in this direction, I think this should not be a problem. There must be corpses in places like the cemetery, which means that there are many undead creatures. It's too easy for me to find a way like this.

That tomb is not very far from the previous gathering point, and it should be able to reach it at the speed of night shadows.

This gathering point was originally an open space between valleys. The narrow road leading to the cemetery needed to follow the cliff on the side of a mountain peak, but the road was narrow but not dangerous. A cliff on our left is almost straight up, and even monkeys can't climb up. The right is not a deep valley, nor is it another dodge, but a steep **** with many plants on it, and the environment is not bad.

Night Shadow ran along the road under my command. After a few minutes, the cliff on the left suddenly turned away from the road, and the original cliff location was replaced by a forest. The hillside on the right has also become flat in this area, and the low bushes that grow on the hillside have gradually been replaced by various taller and denser trees.

Since entering the forest, the surrounding environment has become more and more intimate. Of course, it's me who can feel this kind of intimacy, and other players may be more worried about it. The surrounding trees are getting taller and taller, and the road is getting narrower and narrower. The canopies on both sides begin to converge above the road, and finally they are stacked together, resulting in a dim underneath the entire road. Although it does not affect the sight, the atmosphere is not quite right Already.

The dark jungle road stretches forward, while the big trees on both sides are still the previous species, but the color of the trees is gradually changing. The original green leaves combined with the yellow-brown trees made up a vibrant forest landscape, but as the dense forests became darker, the colors of the surrounding trees began to change. The tree has changed from yellow-brown to a dark brown that is almost black, and the leaves have also changed from a crisp grass green to a rich dark green, even if you say that it is black.

The change in Yan Sè is just a manifestation of the change in atmosphere. I also found that the bushes between the surrounding trees gradually changed from the previous broad-leaved plants and ferns to a vine. This thing also looks dark green, and the ball is rolled together like a large group of barbed wire. There are no blades on it, only a lot of sharp needles. If the rattan of this thing is thinner and the acupuncture is longer, it is almost the same as the devil rattan, but this is obviously not.

The change of trees and shrubs was only the beginning, and then a faint white mist gradually began to appear on the road. The fog is not very dense, but the light here is not good, so the range of sight is even worse. Within a 20-meter line of sight you can see trees, barbed canes, and black ground. Nothing else can be seen. No matter how far away, it is basically white, completely obscured by the fog.

This environment is actually very typical. This is the highly concentrated expression of the dark energy favorite of the undead creatures, so I will say that I feel kind, because the armor in my body is automatically absorbing this dark energy, so that even I have a little Feeling surging. Of course, for most players, it should be nervous or even scared now.

While feeling the situation here, I was aiming left and right. My main purpose is to find an undead to ask about the situation. Although the previous clerk is unlikely to read it wrong, but in case it is still necessary to find an undead creature here to confirm that I did see the gang. .

I was looking for it, and suddenly I felt the fog in front of me rising. The original thin mist gathered in a high area in an area, then gradually twisted and deformed, and finally formed an enlarged entrance face, which seemed to be at least three meters high.

This face made of dense fog immediately flew towards me immediately after it appeared, and it was very fast, and it also made a strange scream in its mouth, and it was very uncomfortable to listen.

Normally, the first reaction to see this situation was probably to turn around and run, but I did not react to this. That face didn't have any undead magic fluctuations, some were only wind magic, and very weak. This kind of thing is enough to scare in, and it is too reluctant to hurt.

Although I'm not afraid of this thing, on the ground at the foot of the night shadow is a green halo that suddenly lights up. This is my dark demon halo. This is a negative energy environment. Turning on the dark demon halo can greatly increase my genus, and it can automatically restore magic and health, which is very useful to me.

With the opening of the black demon halo, my range of perception is constantly expanding, and finally, a few incoming images have entered my range of sensing.

Slightly pinching Ye Ying's belly, a tumbling black mist appeared immediately in front of Ye Ying, and then waited for the white mist to bite us, and Ye Ying jumped into the black mist in front. , Then the black mist dispersed directly after we entered and gradually dissipated.

"Well? Come in?"

A few stones ran out behind a large stone. These are quite a few young players, the oldest of which is a young player in his twenties. Looking at the appearance should be from Asia, but he is not sure of the specific nationality. A little bit more than this male xìng player is a female xìng player, which may also be ten years old, the race cannot be determined, it may be mixed, and it is quite beautiful. A breezy leather armor with a high ponytail should follow a pure and sophisticated way.

There are slightly more players behind these two youths, about five or six, but the oldest is only 13 or 4 years old, and it should be Asian. The next few are over ten years old, but should not reach fourteen, and the last one is probably just ten years old. Most of these children are Asian, and only one appears to be white.

To be honest, it was quite unexpected to see a children's group here. Seeing what they look like, I know that they are not trying to attack me, they should be just kidding. It is said that many children in the game like to scare into pranks in places where yīnxìng belongs to xìng. Although children are generally afraid of darkness, they are afraid of the devil, the ghost, and so on. But although scared, children generally do n’t admit it, and they especially like to be heroes. The more you say that he is afraid, the more he says that he is not afraid. This is the child's 孩子 xìng.

Because of this 夭 xìng, many players like to gather in such places to scare them in. When they see the reaction after being scared, they will feel a sense of gloat. Second, they feel that scaring them in such a place can prove Your own "brave". Of course, there is another reason for this situation, that is, the system has stricter supervision of games for minors. Although minors are also allowed to play, there is a need for guardianship permission and various restrictions. Because there are many restrictions, most of the children are not real professional players after entering the game, but will be transferred into a professional system that can only be transferred to a minor. Most of this professional system is the same as the normal system, and can be upgraded to get the genus xìng, but the professional name is not the same, and it limits a lot of things, even the equipment is not the same. The most special one is the equipment system. The equipment system for minors is categorized by age. It is a file at the age of three. It starts at the age of three and ends at the age of eighteen. Each stage has a equipment system. For example, the equipment for children between the ages of six and nine is often very cute, especially in the equipment of girls, there are even stuffed toys like panda clothes, and these equipments can sometimes make you feel very Speechless.

Although I haven't encountered a child with this equipment, I heard that Rose has encountered a child with a rabbit suit before, and that equipment is very strange. The first is to learn rabbit jumping without physical effort, and it is extremely fast. It can jump out two or three meters away in one step. Jumping at full speed is only a little slower than running at full speed. Also, this rabbit suit has an invincible genus xìng called-rabbit camouflage. This genus xìng is passive genus xìng, which will always take effect. With the protection of this genus xìng, all wild creatures whose intelligence level does not reach the classification level will ignore them directly, which is equal to invincible stealth, and the detection method depends on the intelligence level. If your intelligence is not up to standard, you will not see them even if you are at the full level of reconnaissance.

This special equipment is obviously in the equipment of the fart children in front of me, because I saw a girl wearing a colorful dress, like a princess. This kind of thing is obviously not for combat, it goes without saying that it must have child protection genus xìng. Of course, the boys in the front are closer to Dajin's equipment. The armor in Bi Jing's "Zero" is very handsome, and boys will certainly like it.

Because of my sudden disappearance, the gang of children and the two youths came out from behind the stone, and then tried to find the place where I disappeared. After confirming that they couldn't see me, they actually walked on the pavement where I had just disappeared, and then rummaged around. The result is of course nothing, because at this time I have entered the yīn shadow with the night shadow.

Don't forget that both Ye Ying and me are members of the dark forces, and we can be completely invisible in Yin Ying. This place is so dark, we can almost say that we have exhausted our home court advantage in this kind of place. Wouldn't it mean to lie to the children?

"Strange, why don't you see each other?" A child asked the two youths in confusion after he didn't find out after a turn.

The young man said with some uncertainty, "It may be using teleportation skills."

"Isn't it that there is an aura in the start of the teleporting scroll?" The half-blooded MM asked in confusion.

"Theoretically this should be the case, but the equipment just entered looks very good, it should have some special abilities." The young man was not very sure.

"Oh, I wanted to frighten him, but I didn't expect to frighten him directly. That one was too daring." A child complained.

"That's it!" The 14-year-old boy from the oldest child said very disdainfully. "A waste, no matter how good the equipment is, it's garbage, useless stuff!"

The mixed-blood MM over there frowned when he heard the boy ’s words and said, “Liang, do n’t speak like this. Our pranks have caused trouble for others. It ’s normal to be frightened or not scared. Why do you want to? Abusive?

"Is that guy a waste!" The boy who was called Liang was obviously unconvinced and had no consciousness to admit it.

The young men around the mixed-blood MM also came to help the mixed-blood MM at this time and said, "It's o Aliang, you have to be polite to enter, you are not right. You can't always treat other entries as inferior, although your identity is indeed It ’s much higher than normal, but it ca n’t be discriminated against for no reason, it ’s not good. ”

"Huh, don't think you can chase her by talking to my sister, and offend you just as much as offending me."

"Liang, how do you say that?" The mixed-blood MM was obviously really angry this time.

The boy didn't take the anger of his sister seriously, turned around and walked back while saying, "You are bored or bored, come back and hide well, there should be the next batch of fools soon, just to scare them."

Although the other children around wanted to go back to the prank, but did not follow, but looked at the mixed-blood MM, Bi Jing here is that she and the young man can barely be considered a big deal.

The mixed-blooded MM glanced helplessly at his younger brother, and thought about turning around and walked over to the stone where he had been hiding, but his face was obviously not very good. Other children and young men naturally followed the mixed-blooded MM.

I heard the whole conversation by them, and I was a little bit dissatisfied with the boy. Although this is a child, such arrogance and domineering are indeed quite hateful. After thinking about it, I still felt punishment for him, so I stretched out my hand directly, and the rose vine slid silently into the ground, then drilled to the boy's feet and extended a little stick to block his feet.

"Oh ..." The unsuspecting boy stumbled to the ground, but before he got up, the ground next to it suddenly burst open, and a bone hand suddenly protruded from the ground, and then towards him. Grabbed his face. "O Ah ..." With a scream, the boy bounced directly from the ground, then crawled backwards with his hands and feet and stopped for a long time, apparently not too scared.

"What's going on?" Hearing the screams, some young men and mixed-race MMs rushed over immediately, and the result just saw that the ground in front was turning, and the skeleton that had been white Sè was trying to climb out under the ground.

As soon as the young man saw the situation, he immediately understood it. He didn't care to go up and kicked his leg and kicked it to the skull's head. He wanted to kick the skull's head with his lower body still in the ground. However, just as he was about to hit his foot, the skeleton in front suddenly burst his bone claws in front of him, catching his kicked instep.

"O Ah! ..." The young man caught by the feet suddenly fell down and began to scream desperately, but the skeleton climbed out of the ground with his feet and shook off the dirt on his body and stood up. .

The young man didn't take it seriously when he saw the skull coming out. Bi Jing Skull Soldier is only the lowest level. Although he has just reached 1200, he can only be regarded as an average in the game. How to say, it is easy to deal with a few skeletons. Not to mention that the other party was still half-length in the ground at the time.

Unfortunately, this guy is destined to be unlucky today. Not only did that kick not hurt the skull, but his ankle was painfully pinched, and it felt like it was about to be broken. And, as the skeleton completely drilled out of the ground and shook off the dirt on his body, he suddenly found something wrong.

The regular white bone skeleton should be pale and paper-like, but although the skeleton here is white, there are a lot of bright and shiny photoelectricity. It looks like it is not pale but pearly white. This white sè with obvious luster is obviously not the characteristic of a white skeleton, but ... "I rì ..." The young man suddenly reacted when he turned around and got up and ran, even though he had a lame leg, but he jumped with a leap. Actually quite fast.

Watching this guy running back quickly, the half-blooded MM who chased up later asked aloud, "What are you running?"

The young man held a mixed-race MM and yelled, "Run all with me, that's a platinum skeleton!"

"Platinum skull?"

"It is an alienated version of the Golden Skull. Although it is equal to the Golden Skull, the combat effectiveness is much stronger!"

"How strong?"

"I don't know, we can't fight anyway!" The young man yelled at the children while they were running, but suddenly felt a huge resistance from their hands.

The half-blooded MM shakes off his hand and turns around and runs back, but he froze for a moment, but when he looked back, he found that the children were all scared and stood still.

Although the system has protective measures for children, the skeletons I summoned did not attack them, and the system was not strict enough to let them watch. However, the child Bi Jing is a child. It's okay when it's okay. Bi Jing is really not as experienced as a big one. The children were all scared and scared to stand still. They even forgot to escape.

The mixed-blood MM came back to see the children without moving, not to mention that it was a game, and it was no big deal to die. Even in reality, she would not let a few children care for her own life.

The position where the skull climbed out was among the children, and the mixed-blood MM was pulled out a lot, and even running back was a bit slower. I saw that the platinum skeleton first opened its mouth and spit out a mist of white sè, as if it could spit fire, then it turned around and walked towards a girl who was already crying.

The mixed-blooded MM originally thought that this time was going to be suffered. Who knew that the platinum skeleton did not attack after coming to the girl, but suddenly squatted down.

The girl was so scared that she saw the platinum skull squatting down and stopped crying. She didn't even dare to cry now.

Seeing that the skeleton did not attack, the mixed-blood MM also stopped. She was afraid that her behavior would cause the other's aggressive behavior, so she did not dare to move.

After the platinum skull crouched, he looked at the girl in front of him, and then made a surprise. Instead of attacking, he opened his mouth and spoke. Generally speaking, skeletons cannot speak, and Bi Jing has no sound, let alone vocal cords. However, the Platinum Skull is a high-level undead, and it is already a high-end undead creature. Whether it is using magic to shake the air or talking directly to the soul, it is not a problem for them.

"Baby, say your name." Skeleton asked with a tremolo, much like the sound of a machine.

The child was frightened, and after a long while he timidly said, "I ... I'm Emma!"

The Platinum Skull nodded and asked, "Very good, Emma, ​​tell me now, are you a bad boy?"

After listening, the girl immediately shook her head and said, "I'm a good boy." She seemed to be afraid of the other person's disbelief. She also emphasized, "Really, my sister said that I was the most obedient."

The Platinum Skull nodded again, and then said, "Since this, then I can't hurt you. Our lord said, you can't hurt a good child, or you will be punished." At this point, the Platinum Skull suddenly stood up and swept away. At one glance, the other children said, "But I really want to eat children o Ah! This is a good boy ca n’t eat, what can I do? Oh, there are so many here, there must be bad children in it." The platinum skeleton said, twisted. Walked towards the other child.

Honestly, teenagers actually know a lot already. If this kind of lie is known, they can definitely see through it, but now they are scared. In the case of being scared, even the adult response will not be better, let alone a child.

When the Platinum Skull walked in front of another child, the other side was still but shocked to see the Platinum Skull and said nothing, until the Platinum Skull asked him if he was a good child, the other side nodded desperately to indicate that he was a good child .

"Oh, what a good kid, this one can't eat it, it's really troublesome!" The platinum skull turned and looked very depressed and asked the next child, while the other children were not as scared as they were at the beginning. The girl who was scared to cry in the first place not only stopped crying, but also stood up and walked to the second child who was asked.

With the previous example, of course, the other children asked by Platinum Skull are desperately ensuring that they are good children, so when asked in a circle, no child is a bad child. However, the venue zhōngyāng still has an older child. A 14-year-old child is almost the same as the big one in many aspects. Although he still acts a bit recklessly and is more reckless, he basically has the ability to become an adult. The platinum skeleton did not crouch when he walked in front of the older child. Instead, he looked down and sat on the ground and asked, "Are you a good boy?"

"I'm a good boy." He stood up as he said. Because he was the oldest, and was finally asked, he had eased from the terror, and after the fear passed, his xìng grid began to work. The boy who lost his fear began to despise the platinum skull in front of his heart, thinking it was a Mentally retarded, and has been quite disdainful of it.

He originally planned to leave after answering this question, because the previous question and answer was like this. After the Platinum Skull asked, the children answered that I was a good boy, and the Platinum Skull would immediately shift the target. However, this time is different. After the boy answered, the platinum skeleton was still standing still.

The boy, who had been quite disdainful of the platinum skull, asked politely, "I'm a good boy, and you can't threaten me to stand here?"

The platinum skull did not leave obediently, but suddenly reached out and put it on the boy's shoulders, then put his head up, and aimed at the boy's eyes with his empty eye socket. In the hollow eye socket of the platinum skull, the fire of the red soul's soul jumped and burned, and looked extremely terrifying.

"What are you holding on to me?" Although the boy was still disdainful of this platinum skeleton, his heart was beginning to get a little nervous again.

The Platinum Skull did not let him go. Instead, he tightened his grip on his shoulder and said, "No, you are not a good boy. I read deception and arrogance from your soul. You are not polite. Without morality, you are a bad boy. .. ha ha ha ha ... "The platinum skeleton laughed back and said again," Finally there is a bad boy who can eat, hurry up, don't struggle, let me eat you. Rest assured, it won't hurt, very It will end soon. "

"O Ah ... don't ..." Bi Jing is still a child. When bullying is involved, there may be nothing, and when the danger is encountered, the characteristics of the child will be manifested. The boy was desperately struggling to run, but how could a child twist his platinum skull. The power of this thing, but it can bend the steel bars like noodles!

"Enough." The mixed-race MM suddenly rushed over to protect the boy, and then shouted angrily, "Where the **** are you hiding? Come out. I know you want to punish him for not He is sensible, but he is a child. You ca n’t treat him like this. What to do with leaving a mental picture? "

Bi Jing is an adult, and when he was in a panic before, there was nothing. After discovering that this platinum skeleton was not a threat, he could naturally react. The behavior of the platinum skeleton could understand what was going on. Ask the child if he is a good child and say that he eats bad children. This kind of thing that scares the child certainly can't fool the big entrants, so the mixed-blooded MM had already guessed when he asked the second child at the platinum skeleton Intentional cāo to play with children with platinum skeletons. However, she also thought that this method was not bad. She didn't really scare any child, and it made the child more obedient, so she didn't come out directly, but only when the platinum skeleton said she would eat her brother and scared him. When she screamed, she couldn't help but rush out.

I didn't intend to keep it hidden. After the other party asked, I answered directly, "For such a child, leave a yīn shadow for more people after getting into the society, or let him be one. It ’s a life. It ’s a good thing for most people. ”

With the words, the surrounding children and the mixed-blood MM and the young man focused their attention on the place where the sound occurred, and then they saw a horse riding slowly in the electro-optical movement. Obviously this is stealth, not teleportation, and the mixed-race MM and the young man are also shocked, because my position is less than five meters away from them.

"You've been here?" The young man asked in horror.

I nodded and looked at the mixed-race MM and the boy in her arms. "This kind of child is spoiled by you, and proper setbacks are only good for him."

"It turned out you were playing with me." The boy reacted now. In the atmosphere, he suddenly broke away from his sister's arms and rushed towards me, pulled out the weapon behind him, jumped up, and chopped at my head.

The 14-year-old is already an eldest child, so child protection restrictions have been reduced a lot. At the same time, they also have a certain amount of offensive power, unlike those young children in their early teens who have little fighting power.

Although it already has a certain amount of attack power, of course, it is still incomparable with me. Bi Jing I is the apex of adult players, he is just a child, of course, there is no possibility of fighting.

Looking at the boy who jumped up, I didn't move at all, but Ye Ying looked up and snorted, and the boy was immediately rushed back into his sister's arms.

The boy bounced back wanted to rush again, but was pulled. It wasn't his sister who pulled him, but the boy next to him.

"Are you purple?"

"Purple? That first player?" The boy obviously heard of me. I re-examined the equipment on my body up and down, and then looked at the shadow of my night, he finally realized what had happened. However, the boy's next reaction was to make me stupefy, because he suddenly broke away from the young man and his sister and yelled at me, "You **** kind of told me your real identity ... let my dad Kill you. "He must have used dirty words just now, and the system directly covered up some of his language with a" beep ", but probably the meaning was still audible.

To be told that, to be honest I was really surprised. After a short stint, I laughed directly. "Hahahaha ... It's so funny." After laughing, I said to the half-blooded MM, "Is he your brother? Take it home and discipline it, I believe your parents are not the most powerful in the world, Sooner or later, he will run into your parents' offense. Sooner or later, there will be no place to cry. "I said as I pulled the reins to make Ye Ying turn around, and then walked towards the tomb.

Ye Ying took two steps, and the bear child in the back shouted again, "Haha, if you have the ability, don't leave o Ah. Tell your real identity o Ah. After a bunch of big words, not just running away with his tail. What are you talking about? Waste, you waste it ... "

The boy's insult was suddenly replaced by an scream, and the boy was gone when his sister and the young man reacted. Only a large bottomless hole was left on the ground. Although the boy is fourteen years old, Bi Jing is a child and still protected by the system. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to make a war request, I can't attack him. But ... I have been playing games for so long, but I know a lot.

Just now I just made the rose vine dig a hole in the ground. Of course, this hole is super deep and it is inclined. The guy fell down from here and slanted down like a slide, and finally fell into the tomb below. That's right, there is an underground structure of the tombs nearby. The reason why the negative energy at our feet is so strong is because it is already on the top of the tomb. I don't see the tomb now just because I didn't see the entrance. In fact, the underground part has already extended.

Although I can't directly hurt the boy, I can burrow. Then it wasn't my business that layer of pumice on the ground. Of course, he has child protection. Even if he falls into that monster zone, as long as he does not actively provoke monsters, monsters generally will not actively attack him. As for the traps and other things, he cannot step on them. So security is guaranteed. Of course, it is certain to be scared to death. It's not an ordinary monster area below, it's a tomb, and it's like a haunted house in a playground. And even more scary than a haunted house. The things in Bi Jing's ghost house are either mechanical dead or loaded, and the monsters and ghosts here should actually be considered to be true in a sense.

One child fell into the super haunted house one by one, it is estimated to be terrifying, right? It doesn't matter to me anyway, he didn't push it down in the pit himself. Although I dug the pit, it's like you can't blame the blacksmith for being slashed by a knife, and you can't blame me for digging.

"Where did you get my brother?" Exclaimed the mixed blood MM.

"Don't worry, it just fell into the grave."

"What?" The mixed-blood MM jumped out of the hole immediately after hearing it, and wanted to chase it down, but was blocked by most of the body just after entering. I felt a solid ground under my feet and could no longer go down.

I did n’t look back, but I knew what was going on when I heard the sound. I said, “Do n’t bother, the hole is closed. Do n’t even dig in at the speed you ’ve been digging for a year. Besides, you ca n’t fight the magic of the grave barrier."

After listening to the mixed-race MM, he immediately took the young man and said, "Follow me to the entrance to the cemetery. Let's go and save my brother."

The young man obviously didn't want to go down either, so he found a very valid reason. "I really want to be with you, but what do the children do?"

When I heard this mixed MM, I was dumbfounded. This is not just a child of his brother. Although her brother has fallen into the monster zone, the children here can't go into custody either. After thinking about it, she still gritted her teeth. "You take them back. I'll go find my brother."

The young man also wanted to persuade, but unfortunately the mixed-blood MM didn't listen at all, and turned and ran away. I glanced at me as I passed by, but I didn't take it seriously. Don't say that you just stare at me, hate me for the bones and ca n’t wait to drink my blood and eat my flesh. There is a lot of enthusiasm in it. If I look scared, I wo n’t use it when I see the ghost hand Nobunaga Scared eyes?

Watching that MM ran past, I also started driving Night Shadow to run.

In fact, the cemetery is not far away. After turning a corner, you can see a building that is not too big. Although the area of ​​this cemetery is not, everything is underground, and the entrance above is not much. In a courtyard surrounded by a simple metal fence, there are two classic European-style buildings, which look a bit like a temple. However, there are no idols in the two buildings, only tombstones, and there is an authentic entrance behind the tombstones.

This place is a collective tomb, but not buried on the ground, but underground. Of course, this is a cemetery, and it's just to have a rich background for gamification. In fact, this place is the monster area, but there are not many monsters in it, but there are a lot of puzzle solving things.

Although there was a spontaneous gathering place in that valley before, the entrance to the cemetery still has players gathering and selling things here, but compared with the market towns over there, the entrance is much less. And it mainly sells some commonly used supplies, plus some special equipment commonly used below the cemetery.

The mixed-blood MM did not know that she was going to the cemetery before, and I even suspected that she had never been to such a place. Before that, he looked aggressive, but when he entered the entrance to the cemetery, something was wrong. The momentum was gone, and the whole entry became very hesitant and timid.

"Aren't you going to save your brother? What are you standing here?" I asked out loud as she passed by.

As if he had found a new continent, the half-blooded MM suddenly turned around and grabbed me excitedly and said, "You got my brother down there, at least you should take some responsibility? So, as an apology, how can you help me to save him?"

With a slight smile on my face, I said, "First, I don't want to apologize, and I don't think there is anything worth apology. Second, even if it's my responsibility, you can't threaten me if I don't want to. So, I Why do you help? "

"you you……"

“Do n’t you, I ’m o, I want to go in, hurry up, I do n’t want to go in, go back, I ’m going to go down anyway.” I walked down the stairs after I said, the mixed-blooded MM hesitated a bit but went I came in, but she didn't come up again, but stayed a few steps away from me and followed me.

Of course I knew she was following, but I didn't care about her. It's still my task now.

After stepping down the stairs, we entered a large hall. The area here is okay. Although it is not as large as the one above, it does not appear to be narrow. Many players gather here to buy and sell things or pull into teams. There are few monsters in the maps for exploration, but the difficulty is high. The monsters that are almost encountered are either large SS or SS, and there are many traps in the organization. Of course, the return rate of this kind of map is also quite high. Although it is a bit slow to upgrade here, the output of equipment, money and other things is very high, so it is most suitable for making money.

It is precisely because there are too many undercover roads in the organization, so this kind of place has fewer entrants. Some players want to go down, and they don't have long-term cooperation teams. Naturally, they need to form temporary teams, and even some teams will form large teams. Even large teams sometimes form team alliances, but they are all intended to promote SS.

I certainly don't need a team, but I need intelligence. Looking around, I found a guy who sells maps. Because he is doing business, he must have been here a lot of time. If the Devil's Camp had passed through here, he should have seen it.

When I walked in front of the player, I took out a crystal coin and plugged it in. At the same time, I opened the screenshot and asked, "Inquire with you. That's all. I should blame you who passed by here earlier. You have seen it. ?"

The player put away the crystal coin, looked at the picture, and nodded. "They bought a map with me before, but if you want to know where they are going, you need to add money." I directly put ten crystal coins in the past , The other party collected the money and handed me a map, and then clicked on it. "Here it is. They seem to have set goals, not for adventure, but for missions. They also asked me for information about obstacles and monsters on the way to here. If you want, I have a dedicated map here. , One crystal coin. "

It's not expensive anyway, I bought one directly, then summoned Bai Lang to come out and open the map exhibition to him to show him. "Remember the map environment. We're going down. Show me the way."

Bai Lang stared at the map for a while and nodded directly, "No problem, remember."

I took the map directly in the hands of the guy who sold the map and walked forward with this white wave, and the mixed-blood MM immediately followed. Apparently she made up her mind to follow me.

I also understand her thoughts ~ ~ She doesn't know where her younger brother has gone. This cemetery is so large that she can only go around in a purposeless way, so follow me or go What a difference. However, following my bidding, I landed a mine in front of her. In case of a trap or monster or something, I will definitely solve it, so she will be safer below. In addition, the biggest trouble for her in this kind of place is not the monsters and institutions, but the horrible atmosphere here. When have you ever seen a girl enter a haunted house? Follow the entry, even if you are not familiar, anyway, better than yourself?

This hall used to be a downward step again. This time, the step was very long. At a stretch, the vertical depth was at least ten meters, and then the step was connected to a horizontal tunnel.

This tunnel is not narrow. Bi Jing is the main road connecting the exits, but it is relatively wide. The authentic walls and ground are made of large rocks, which are very hard and smooth, but the waterproofing may not be very good. Both the walls and the ground are wet, and many places are dark, quite yīn dark.

There are actually torches in the aisle, but they are very far apart, one far away, and they are all like ghost fires. This place is specially prepared for the haunted house enthusiasts. What is needed is the atmosphere. The poor mixed-blood MM has been seriously guilty. He is embarrassed to follow and is afraid to stop. One is more afraid.

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