Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 145: Hanas Banshee

Chapter 145 Hanas Banshee

"In fact, the rotten worm is not very defensive. If it is in their growing environment, it is really difficult to deal with, but this kind of place is much easier to handle." Road: "Just do what I ask."

In fact, my answer is very short, just use fire. Carrion worm is a kind of undead creature, itself is a negative energy creature, and it is a worm after all, it is sure to be afraid of fire. The body of these guys can only be supported for a few seconds in the flames, so it is not a problem at all in such places with isolation doors.

"You all backed off and went afar." I said to the undead creatures around me.

"Wouldn't you use a light magic scroll? Those rotten worms are not so afraid of that thing." The king of England thought that I would use a light magic scroll, so I reminded you kindly.

I shook my head directly and said, "No, I want to use fire. You are all undead creatures, take a step back to avoid accidental injury."

"We're not afraid of fire, either," said jīng, an English knight.

"Of course I know you are not afraid of ordinary fires, but I don't plan to use ordinary fires." I said to the undead creatures that haven't moved much around, "I want to summon the phoenix. If you don't leave, you will be burnt Now. "

Shuangxue also said in a voice: "Should I hide first?"

Although it ’s my magic pet, Frost and Xiaofeng ’s abilities will not conflict or accidentally hurt, but after all, Frost and Snow are frost, and Xiaofeng is dark and flame, of which flame and frost The relationship is two deadly opponents, so Frost Xue and Xiaofeng still feel a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, you go back first. I'll do another job for later work." Let Frost Xue go back first, then let the undead creatures back a bit, and then I start calling Xiaofeng.

As soon as Xiaofeng appeared, he immediately increased the surrounding temperature by more than ten degrees. After all, it was a closed illusion. If the open environment is still nothing, in such an unventilated place, Xiaofeng is hard to do even controlling his own power. Does not affect the surrounding environment. However, Xiaofeng has the advantage that she is a black phoenix, not a simple fire phoenix. This determines that she can transform her energy form. Immediately after the surrounding temperature had risen a little bit, it started to drop again, and even became a bit cold afterwards.

Infernal flames are not used for heating. In fact, the thing is that the temperature gets lower as it burns.

"Master, what's the matter of calling me out?"

I pointed to the door: "There are many rotten worms in the back. Could you help clean them up?"

"Hey ... clear bugs? Isn't it so disgusting to change an individual?" Although xìng completely restrained these rotten worms, Xiaofeng was also a female xìng after all.

"This, you are more suitable, so ..."

"Okay, let me deal with it." Xiaofeng also knew that my request could not be refused, so he didn't let me explain it, let us start directly.

To get Xiaofeng past to clean up the bugs, a slit needs to be made under the door. Although Xiaofeng itself has the ability to deform, at least it must have a gap of half a foot high before she can go, so we still use a crowbar. I can't support the gate with ice anymore. In order to ensure that the gate can be propped up, I had to divide eternity into two parts. One part continues to be used as a crowbar, and the other part becomes an I-shaped support frame. As long as we tilt up a little forever, we can automatically deform and support it. Although eternal deformation alone cannot stand up to the door, but follow Our strength has been stretched upwards to prevent the door from falling down and it can be easily done. After all, the eternity after solidification is almost indestructible.

When everything is ready, we begin to pry the door, because jīng, the King of the British King, can't come over, and I can only take charge of the door with Ling, but fortunately, we can use the principle of leverage to lift the door a little.

Xiaofeng needs a half-foot-high gap to drill through, but the rotten worm doesn't need such a large gap. In order to prevent the rotten insects from drilling here, I let Xiaofeng stand at the door, and no longer suppressed his energy. The billowing flames swelled in the passage, scaring the undead creatures behind and hurried back again.

Unsurprisingly, we just lifted the door a slit, and the rotten insects there rushed over without fear of death, but they did not expect a phoenix standing here and the insect that just rushed over Immediately screaming and struggling in the same place, and then burned into black ashes in less than two seconds, the subsequent insects felt that the flames here did not dare to rush forward any more, but screamed back.

After finally making the door high enough, Xiaofeng immediately turned into a small drill. There was a loud noise as soon as she passed, and a lot of flames rolled out from under the door. Obviously Xiaofeng has completely opened up her own flame field, and we can all hear the opposite here There was a crackling sound of the bugs burning in the flames.

"OK, let Xiaofeng burn first, we continue to pry the door."

After Xiaofeng went away, after the flames stopped here, we started to make the door bigger, and when the opening was almost high, I greeted jīng the King of England and they came over to help push the door up completely. After the gate was automatically closed, we saw a black channel. There are dead worms everywhere on the ground. Although these worms still maintain their former form, they have actually burned to ash. As I walked along with the airflow I brought, the worms made of ashes were powdered and scattered in the wind.

Watching the passage cleared by Xiaofeng was pretty good, we continued to walk forward.

This section of the channel controlled by the rotten worm is much longer than imagined. During this period, we also saw a worm body as big as a bull. Although it is as big as a bull, it is actually half a worm. The remaining half is already gray. The latter half is also highly carbonized and obviously burned.

We are preparing to find the right way forward, but Xiaofeng did not expect to be back, and he was carrying a black painted Mawu skull in his hand.

"what is this?"

"Skull." Xiaofeng said, putting the skull in front of us.

"Of course I know this is a skeleton. I was asking why you brought a skeleton back?"

Xiaofeng said, "Because this guy wasn't originally a skeleton, it was burned into a skeleton by me."

"Have you met a player?"

"A dead player." Xiaofeng explained: "I was going to bring the corpse back, but unfortunately there was a female worm there. I accidentally burned the corpse when I fought with it. Here's something. "

"What was he like before?" I showed her screenshots of the Demon Camp player and asked her, "Is this the person inside?"

Xiaofeng pointed at a human after looking at the picture for a while: "It's this guy."

"So it seems that this guy is a player of the Devil's Camp. It seems that we are not far away from them."

Jīng, the King of the King of England, squeezed over: "It is not far from the Hanas Banshee's residence in front, and it will be at most three gates. Should we make some preparations in advance?"

"The Hanas banshee thinks about it yourself, I won't touch it." Xiaofeng didn't like to contact Hanas banshee, so she returned to the training space directly.

I also know that the Hanas banshee is a kind of troublesome creature, so I collected all the pets except Ling, leaving no white waves, but then I summoned the night shadow again.

It's not because I need a mount to make Ye Ying appear, but because Ye Ying is not afraid of the Hanas banshee like Ye Wang.

The real attack method of Hanas Banshee is actually a mixed attack method of illusion and soul attack. The damage they directly affect the player is not high. The main reason is that these guys have too much illusion. Many people are doing illusion. Zhong himself gave results. Night Shadow is a nightmare and has the ability to dream dreams, so the ability of Hanas Banshee is also one of the professions for Night Shadow. It can be said that they are not afraid of each other. Of course, to directly harm Hanas Banshee, it is still necessary for the King to exist, and the ability of Night Shadow mainly limits the ability of Hanas Banshee to play a role of shield and containment.

"Okay, we're ready to finish here." After the night shadow was released, the king was summoned, and then he thought about releasing the princess. Now it's completely safe. The soul experts around me are basically there, so that even the Hanas Banshee can't treat us.

After seeing that I was ready, the knight of the King of England began to take us forward. In addition to the rotten insects just here, the back passage became ordinary undead. These are undead who can communicate, so the problem is not big. . Directly past the three gates, a fourth gate appeared in front of us. The jīng English king knight stood in front of the door and said to us: "This is where you are going. When you enter it, it is no longer a cemetery area, but another natural cave. This cave is connected to the cemetery. Yes, but it was not built artificially. There is the site of the Hanas banshee. My men can only send you here, but I can move on with you. "

"It doesn't matter, it's all right here, if you are inconvenient, go back."

"No." Jīng the King of England insisted: "I'd better send you in. Although the Hanas banshee is dangerous, it is not impossible to communicate, at least she will not attack us for no reason."

In this regard, I and jīng the British King Knight agree. Hanas banshees are only relatively powerful undead creatures. They are not neuropathy. If the creatures are close, it is natural for them to launch an attack, but for us, they should actually be quite safe.

After confirming that everything on our side is ready, we finally opened the last gate.

Behind this door is also a passage of tombs, but this passage advances less than five meters, and a large hole appears on the right wall of the passage. The big hole was so dark outside that nothing could be seen at all. Jīng the British King Knight said before that this is a natural cave, but it was only accidentally dug out during the construction of the cemetery, so there is no torch like a section of the cemetery. Although the light of the torch is not very high, at least it is not black. Fortunately, we are not afraid of the dark, so this darkness has little effect on us. As for the half-blooded MM who followed us ... she was no longer behind us. She was terrified at the rotten worm before, so she didn't dare to follow us any further.

Because we are either undead or have night vision, we do n’t need lighting at all. The team went straight into the darkness.

Although it is not a cemetery, the road here is obviously repaired, at least the ground is very flat, but the surrounding walls have become a typical cave terrain. The rocks on the walls are strangely shaped, there are no two heavy samples, and the ground is from time to time You can see some stalagmites, and there are a lot of bell ochers on top of your head. This is what you can usually see in normal crypts.

"Hey hey hey ..." We just walked less than two minutes in this dark environment, and suddenly heard a very harsh laughter. This is actually one of the signs of the banshee, just like the company.

If a normal person suddenly heard such a sharp echo with laughter in this dark cave with no fingers in his hands, I think the soul would be scared, but we are not scared at all. The one who led us was an undead creature, walking next to me were nightmares, higher demons, and the real ghost of the king. What else are you afraid of? The scary things that can be thought of in the dark are almost on my side.

"Hello, I'm the king and knight in the nearby graveyard. I have something to look for in you. Can I come out and meet?" Jīng, the British king knight, shouted directly. Anyway, we didn't come here to fight, of course, we called people first.

"Hee hee hee hee ..." A more recent and clearer laugh appeared ~ ~ but not as bad as before. Of course, this voice can still frighten a normal person with their hair up.

"Little guy, no one tells you that it is very impolite to use soul peeping on a higher-level demon?" Ling's voice came out with anger, and the laughter on the other side stopped abruptly.

It was a little quiet for ten seconds, just when I thought the other party had run away, we suddenly heard a few footsteps on the rock wall in the upper left, and then we saw a gray figure flashing to the right Behind a stalagmite, the figure disappeared again in the next second.

"What's going on with this guy?" The princess asked me, "Isn't Sister Ling supposed to have 100% suppression of dark creatures?"

"You are talking about the dark creatures of the Dark Temple, which is obviously wild!" The king Bang explained.

To put it bluntly, the Hanas banshee here is a country monster. She didn't even know what a high-level demon was, but because she didn't know it, she wasn't afraid. She didn't come out after Ling claimed her identity. Of course, we can get her out even if she doesn't come out. (To be continued.

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