Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 149: Technology lunatic

"You say this thing is Mojing Power?"

"Of course.//" Daddy Hill nodded surely, and astonished me and Ashford.

"This thing is powered by Magic Crystal?" Ashurford ran over in excitement and wanted to get one out and look at it. As soon as I reached out, I was caught.

"What do you pull me for?" The guy Ashford looked at me without knowing it.

I made a gesture towards Daddy Hill, and then said, "Would you like to see the technical results of your home without asking the Lord's opinions? Anyway, you can be considered a long time, is there a good image?"

Ashford also reacted, then turned around and apologized to Daddy Hill. "That's right, I'm so excited!"

In fact, I can also understand Ashford's reaction. If it weren't for me, it wasn't easy for me to get excited. I guess this would exaggerate my reaction. Although the magic crystal power itself is not a very exaggerated thing, if you say that this spider-shaped puppet has magic crystal power installed in it, it can be a bit scary.

Although Magic Crystal Power is currently a relatively popular technology, the technical level of each guild is uneven. Among them, our guild and the Iron Crusaders are guilds that have mastered the core technology in this regard. In addition, our magic power equipment is world-leading in terms of energy utilization and output power. However, whether it is us or the Iron Crusaders, our magic crystal power equipment is as large as a cantaloupe.

A cantaloupe-sized magic crystal power device looks actually very, but the problem is that this spider-shaped puppet cannot have only one power device inside, and it needs to be filled with other devices, which determines that the power device must not be too large, so if you say this If the magic power of the spider-shaped puppet is really used in the body, that is to say that this Hill father definitely has mastered a magic crystal power type technology, and has entered the practical stage.

"Excuse me, how big is the magic crystal power equipment in your spider-shaped puppet?" I asked Axford after I apologized.

Daddy Hill reached out and gave us a gesture, and then said, "It's so big."

"Only so big?" We looked at Father Hill's finger in surprise, because he was definitely no bigger than a longan. According to our understanding of the puppet, if this spider-shaped puppet really uses the power of the magic crystal, then the volume given by Father Hill is actually the most normal volume, because only the power of the puppet is guaranteed to be compressed to Within this volume, there is enough space to install other parts of the spider puppet. So the volume that Daddy Hill said should not be made up.

"That ... Excuse me ... what's the conversion rate of this magic crystal power core you designed? What standards can be reached in terms of output data? For example, data such as peak output, instantaneous output, and response time of energy output, Have you tested these things? "

After hearing my words, Dad Hill looked at me a little bit in surprise and asked, "Are you a mechanic too?"

"No." I quickly answered, "However, our guild has invested a lot in this area and has already achieved a lot of results. As chairman, my understanding of the puppet is relatively comprehensive, so I will only treat you. The puppet is so interested. "

"What about him?" Daddy Hill pointed at Ashford.

Ashford quickly said, "I'm Ashford, the president of the Iron Crusade. You should know we're right."

"Iron Crusader?" Dad Hill nodded for a moment, then nodded. "It's no wonder. Your technical level is really high. So this ..."

"Daddy Hill, this is our president Zi rì, he is the president of the Frost Rose Alliance." Olecia introduced.

"Frost Rose League entry?" Daddy Hill surprised me and said to Olesia. "Don't you lie to me before? Are they really the Frost Rose League entry?"

"What do I lie to you?" Olesia explained. "These three are all members of the Frost Rose Alliance. Do not believe you look at their guild badges, as well as the badge of President Zi rì's chest. You see This kind of three-dimensional logo can only be found by the president. Can you admire the technology of Frost Rose Alliance for a while? Is it true that you do n’t even know the Frost Rose Alliance ’s frozen rose badge? "

"I thought it was your girl who was joking with me again, who knew it was true." Daddy Hill came a little embarrassed and said, "Sorry o! I never knew your old man was so big. I actually like to study machinery Mechanical enthusiasts, after studying the game, I researched some related technology of the puppets. I have worshiped the technology of your Frost Rose League for a long time. "

I didn't expect Dad Hill to be our admirer, but this made me happy. After being polite, I asked the previous question again.

Dad Hill immediately replied this time, "Oh, you said this magic crystal power core o Ah? The conversion rate of this power core I invented is only 4%. If the manufacturing is larger, add more auxiliary equipment, The conversion rate can be stabilized between 53% and 56%, but this conversion rate needs to sacrifice the volume advantage and lose more than it pays. "

Ashuford, who was quite excited, was just like me. He frowned as soon as he heard this data. Then he asked, "Is the conversion rate so low, is it a problem of volume compression? Or do you design The core of the driving force is this conversion rate? "

Daddy Hill immediately said, "It's not the reason for type, but the core of the power of my design is this conversion rate."

After hearing this answer, our face immediately returned to normal, because if this is the case, it means that the low conversion rate is not caused by the type. If so, it is still room for improvement. Even if Mr. Hill is even more powerful, he is also an inventor. Everything is designed, and it is impossible to compare all kinds of auxiliary equipment and investment with us, so it is understandable that his core of power is flawed.

I do n’t know how much the Iron Crusader ’s power core conversion rate is, but the guild ’s power core conversion rate is generally between 5% and%. Some special models, such as the total core of Isinger, have a conversion rate. It can reach more than.%, But it belongs to a giant core, and even ordinary warships can never fit. The cores that can be equipped on maneuvers and warships are conventional cores, and the conversion rate of those cores is between 5% and%, with few exceptions. Daddy Hill ’s power core may not be enough in other technical aspects. If we can get his type technology and then integrate it into our power core, it is estimated that even if it will lead to a decline in conversion rate, it should be Not lower than 0%.

"The conversion rate is indeed lower, just don't know how the output data is?" I asked again.

Daddy Hill was very excited this time and said, "This is not my bragging. Although my power core has a low conversion rate, the output is absolutely great. For such a miniature power core, conventional output can reach With more than 5 magic power, the peak output can double to 50. How about it? Isn't it great? "

The output energy of the power core is not electricity, but magic power, and because players have magic power slots, we will directly use the units on the power core to measure the power core output units. Of course, the Frost Rose League has another set of unit systems, but that is for large equipment. We still say how many units have magical power to facilitate communication.

Hearing Daddy Hill ’s answer, both Ashford and I felt a little weird, not because the core output in that hole was too high, but too low.

The reason why Dad Hill expressed his modesty about conversion rate before is because he knows that his power core conversion rate is much worse than our guild. Specifically, what is the conversion rate of our power cores? Father Hill is not clear, but our Frost Rose Alliance and Asheford Iron Crusaders both have export power cores. These power cores are sold to other guilds. in use. Just like modern engine technology, there are many countries that can make cars, but not many can make excellent engines.

Our guild and the Iron Crusaders are guilds that hold the core technology of the power core, so we will also sell the power core to other guilds to assemble some of their magic crystal power equipment, of course, the export model is into Downshifts are incomparable with our own guild models. But even for the export type, our core conversion rate of power can reach more than 0%, which has led Dad Hill to dare not say that his equipment conversion rate is very good. However, although the conversion rate can be easily found, the output of the power core is confidential.

It ’s like a country bought a weapon from another country. You can find out how much it cost, what you probably bought, and what it costs to maintain it, but you will be informed about the process, power and other aspects of this weapon. Some data? Whether it is a seller or a buyer, you definitely don't want to know too much about it, otherwise the effectiveness of the weapon will probably drop a lot. As the major arms dealers release data to the public, they are published standard data of conventional models. In fact, the actual data of actual weapons purchased by different countries are different. These specific data are not internal recruitment. You can absolutely check it. Even if it is found, it is outdated data or false information.

Our guild and all guilds that have bought our guild power core have confidentiality agreements. The specific power output of the power core that you buy is only clear to us and the buyer, and confidentiality is in the interests of both of us, so Nothing would be leaked.

We do n’t disclose the secret here, Father Hill naturally does n’t know what the output power of our power core is, so he dares to say that the core output in his hole is very strong.

Although Father Hill boasted about his power core, he was not stupid. He soon noticed our expressions, so he asked with some uncertainty, "Why? Does my power core output have problem?"

Asheford is a standard German entry, so this guy speaks more directly most of the time, and rarely goes around you, especially technical things. Hearing Daddy Hill asking such a question, he directly answered, "It's really a bit of a problem. Although your core of motivation is typed, the output is too low, right?"

"O Ah ...? Low?" Dad Hill looked at us in surprise and asked, "What is the normal output of the power core?"

I originally wanted to show him a sample, but suddenly remembered that now the Fenglong space could not be opened because of the mission system, so I had to give him a sign "bigger than you, which is also the best type of our guild. The core of the power is almost as large as a medium-sized melon. The stable output is 15,000 to 18,000 points. This is mainly a matter of materials. Special models are replaced with valuable magic materials. It is also easy to achieve a stable output of 21,000. The peak output is generally 1.5 times the normal output, that is, between 23,000 and 27,000, and the special model can reach about 35,000. "

"Ten thousand?" Daddy Hill looked at us and asked, "How do you do that? My stable output is less than a hundred. Do you actually have tens of thousands? The volume of your power core is only me. Is this a dozen times bigger? "

"You want us to say how the core of our power is made. We can't say it for a while, but I think there may be some key technologies you don't have. Bi Jing Frost Rose League and the Iron Crusade are holding dozens of hands. This core technology, this kind of improvement is not a little bit, and the efficiency of these so many ways of integration is obviously more exaggerated. "

"It's so powerful!" Dad Hill asked enviously. "So how much can the biggest power core output you make?"

Ashford shook his hand directly and said, "Don't look at me, the biggest one is in their Frost Rose League!"

Now that Ashford has said so. I had to say it straight. It's no use knowing this thing anyway. "At present, the biggest power core of our guild is the power core installed in the Isinger Mobile Fortress, because it is necessary to support the anti-gravity formation of the Isinger Mobile Fortress, to maintain the city's operation, and to support the proliferation of the city. The type of magic energy can be used, so the output power is very exaggerated. Although we have not tested the limit power, the stable power can be determined to reach 150 trillion points. We have used this power to continuously test the machine for more than a month, with a little result There are no signs of overheating or overload, indicating that this output is far from the limit. "

"What? 150 trillion? Are you sure you're right?" Father Hill was obviously frightened.

Ashford said, "Don't believe it, this value is actually normal. Think about that power core to make the entire Isinger mobile fortress fly. How much power do you say? That's a city, not a remote control. Model. So big things have to suspend against the gravitational pull of the earth, this output is definitely not where to go. Also, the diffuser gun for the city is a city-level weapon, and it will be gone after one shot, and because of this Weapons are directly below Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress, so Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress must be suspended above the opponent ’s head to send shè. You said that you must ensure the power and stable flight of the weapon, what is the instant output? Let ’s talk about the city It ’s not just anti-gravity devices that need energy, but also shields, various energy weapons, lifting gates, moving mechanisms, and mobile guilds to recharge their guilds. These outputs are ultimately extracted from the power core. This output is actually It's quite reasonable. "

Daddy Hill, who was not so convinced, began to believe when he heard this explanation. He has heard of Bi Jing Isinger's Mobile Fortress. At the time, Ashoford, who had hired our guild to fight for the status of the German ruling guild, came to help them annihilate several hostile guild cities. The countries in Europe are not large. Many countries are only as big as one province in China. Basically, the surrounding countries know about this incident in Germany, so Daddy Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress has certainly heard of it. And not only has he heard that, he has also seen the video of the time on the forum.

Such a big city should be suspended in the sky. It is not an exaggeration to output this power, and Father Hill has calculated it by himself, and found that this output power is not only not at all, but some. According to this data calculation, the energy consumption of the suspension device of our Essinger Mobile Fortress is definitely very low, which is definitely more than any anti-gravity device known by Mr. Hill.

"It's terrible. Your power core is really amazing." Father Hill exclaimed, "What's the general output of your conventional power core model?"

"It's almost 20,000 to 100,000." I replied "The type you said before is the most powerful power core. It is the special core of the propeller modules used by the guild's mobile commanders. Maneuvering to provide auxiliary power output when accelerating flight. Maneuvering is usually equipped with 40,000 magic output, but our guild has a lot of maneuvering models, some of which are equipped with extra large propellers. This is another matter. "

"I've heard of the mobile solicitors of your guild." Father Hill said with some excitement. "I have bought two."

"What? Have you bought it?" I was surprised this time.

Mobile guilds have indeed sold a lot, so it is not surprising that there are mobile tactics outside. In the plan of selling by solicitation, we adopt the strategy of reserve generation, use generation, and sales generation. In other words, we are using 4th generation machines and have mastered the practical technology of 5th generation machines. At this time, we will start selling 3rd generation machines and previous models. If we sell 4th generation models, then only It can indicate that we have fully replaced the 5th generation machine, and have completed the mass production design of the 6th generation model in the laboratory and have verified that it is indeed feasible.

However, although we also sell mobile solicitors, even **** alliances such as the Iron Crusades can buy some of our guild's in-model mobile solicitors, of course, this will control the number. However, no matter what type of mobile solicitation, we have never sold it to individual customers. The guild organizations are the ones who buy our mobiles. We have never sold them to individual players. The other thing is ... we have to be mobile and expensive.

How expensive is it? Anyway, we are selling after adding 20% ​​more to the configuration and use cost of the later generation.

How to understand this strategy? That should be said. Just like now, our guild is planning to phase out 4th generation machines and then fully replace 5th generation models. However, our 4th generation models will not be sold at the price of the 4th generation models, but will be based on the 5th generation. The sum of the design, manufacturing, and maintenance cost of the model is multiplied by 20%, and then the actual sale price of the 4th generation machine is obtained.

According to this price, if we sell all the 4th generation machines, then the guild's 5th generation machines' research costs, manufacturing costs, and usage costs will all be paid. And we can earn an extra 20%. Of course, this is only a guide price, and the actual sale price may fluctuate. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, only the up price has never been lowered. It can be bought at the guide price. . Individual guilds may even buy motorized solicitations that are several times the guide price, which is normal. In addition, the motorized vehicles we sell are not only obsolete, but also second-hand, not new. However, one of these second-hand goods is new, that is, the soul circuit of entering the work. Of course, buyers actually prefer rì, but unfortunately we never sell it.

The intelligent input circuit of motorized instructions is equivalent to the computer system of the machine, and not only the hardware, but also the software is included. The obsolete second-hand maneuvering caused them to wear out of the battlefield, although their bodies were abraded and variously broken. This is a veteran. You said that for the same money, which one do you want, a veteran withdrawn from the battlefield and a recruit who just left the training camp? Obviously the veterans are more fragrant. However, we never sell this. Each time we want to sell the mobile maneuver, we will help it to replace the working soul circuit, and then use the excuse of upgrading for a more advanced but actually the fighting data is all zero Go up. As for those veterans who recorded the battlefield data, of course, they were first upgraded and then directly loaded into the newly produced advanced mobile solicitors in our guild.

We should be able to see from our guild's mobile sales strategy. The mobilization of our guild is basically pit price, there is nothing special, just one word-expensive.

Daddy Hill, as a solo player without a guild, not only bought mobile instigators who were n’t sold to the solo player, but he actually had more than one. Is this too exaggerated? Not to mention the way he came from, the price alone has been stunned. You must know that our maneuver is not Chinese cabbage, so the gadgets are expensive. Our guild is so wealthy and dared not to dare to equip more. What do you think this item can be expensive?

As if we were afraid we didn't believe it, Daddy Hill actually threw out two mobile messengers with a wave of his hand. The space props on his body are obviously larger. It was enough to start with so many spider-shaped puppets. This turn turned out to throw two more mobile instigators. This guy ’s space equipment is outside our guild Definitely rare.

"How? Look, this is the mobile solicitor I bought. Is it okay?" Daddy Hill was showing off with excitement.

I went up and looked at it, then frowned and asked, "What model is this?"

Before Hill answered, Olesia next to me asked in amazement, "Are you president, aren't you? You don't even know what you own?"

Ashford explained to me, "But this is obviously modified, you see where there is a bit of the original look o Ah?"

It seems that many people now like to modify all kinds of things after buying a private car. The last time they have to put some car stickers, and then put up some decorative bars or something. If you encounter a modification enthusiast, even the manufacturers of the car can't recognize that this is something produced by themselves. Daddy Hill is obviously this kind of entry, but he did not change the car, but the maneuver of our guild. Although this thing still seems to guess that it is a mobile instigator, but the model or something really can't be seen. This thing has completely changed into another thing, the shape and the original version is ten thousand miles away, I can no longer recognize it!

"Are you sure this is a mobile solicitor produced by our guild?"

"Of course. This is what I got from the black market." Father Hill said excitedly.

I asked in amazement, "Is there a black market for maneuvers?"

Daddy Hill said excitedly, "You do n’t know. The maneuvers of your guild are treasures in the eyes of some technical players. Sometimes some maneuvers with special parts are simply priceless. I The two mobile stalkers were the ones who took a lot of crystal coins to get my hands. "

I asked exaggeratedly, "How much did you spend?"

"This seven million crystal coin, that one is 6.9 million."

"Hmm ..." Ashford sprayed directly. "How much did you say you spent?"

"A total of 13.9 million crystal coins."

"Are you rich enough to get into O! This thing can also be played?" Ashford worshipped. Although he can be regarded as super rich, the mobility of this price allows him to easily buy hundreds of them, but it is not so expensive to have money? If you are a multi-millionaire, would you spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy an egg? You certainly don't care about this money, but the problem is that an egg costing tens of thousands of dollars is a bit outrageous, right?

"Axford, do n’t you think that ’s an exaggeration, is n’t it? It ’s a bit of a loss. Those who like collecting stamps still throw in millions or tens of millions just to buy a few pieces of paper? So, as long as you can afford it, you don't need to measure it according to general logic. This is called rich and difficult to buy. I understand it. "

Ashford nodded and said, "I understand, I understand, but the price is a bit exaggerated! Then again, Father Hill, are you a rich man in reality?"

"Of course." Daddy Hill said, "How is it possible to have so much money to play this?"

"There is still a lot of money with this money, just not as crazy as you!" Exclaimed Ashford.

Daddy Hill stroked the maneuver and said, "You may be wondering why Olyssia wants me, Daddy Hill. Actually, I'm already 57 years old in reality. Although I'm not old enough to go It ’s moving, but it ’s definitely much older than your father? It may even be that your grandpa is just my age. ”

"But your appearance ..." I asked Dad Hill, puzzled.

"Zero" allows players to adjust the appearance, but that is limited, not that it can be adjusted at will. An old man in his fifties, no matter how you adjust, you should still be able to see the forties. But now Hill's appearance looks only about thirty, which is a bit abnormal.

Sure enough, Mr. Hill explained that "because my profession is a mechanic and my race is a constructing creature, my appearance can be stabilized at a young age, and Bi Jing machine will not grow old."

"It turned out so."

After we nodded, Father Hill continued, "I'm fifty-seven years old. My wife has already died. My son and daughter don't live with me, and I don't want to leave them too much heritage to let them eat for the rest of their lives. Death, so in addition to preparing a legacy for them to make them richer, I still ca n’t use a lot of money. So before I die, I do n’t need to save much, what I like I do n’t have to worry about money at all, and when I die, I donate everything to charity if I do n’t have any money to spend, so that I wo n’t have any regrets in life. ”

"You're really free!" Ashford said. "My dad is richer than you. Unfortunately, he is a miser, and a golden mark can't wait for it."

I patted Ashoford and said, "At some of our companies of this size, I can't help myself anymore. Believe it or not, if your dad spends so much money with Dad Hill, no more than three Will your father and son be assassinated in a few months? "

Ashford nodded and understood, then said, "Don't talk about this. Father Hill, we talked to you so much that we are really interested in your technology. Can you sell your technology to us?" "

I slap Ashford once again and say, "What are you talking about? I don't see this big guy? Oh, I want to buy a home invention, even if we can't do it." I also have to do two. ”After that, I turned to Daddy Hill and said,“ Will you join us as a puppet designer? ”

"Would you like me?" Daddy Hill asked in surprise.

Ashford shouted "Yes, of course. Join us in the Iron Crusader? Treatment is excellent!"

"Hello, shall I say first, anyway, is there a first come first?"

"At this time, do you care about what comes first?" Asheford pulled me to the back, and then continued to encourage "Daddy Hill, don't worry, we will never point your finger at your research, and we can give You have sufficient research funding and auxiliary equipment, and there is still a lot to study with you. Of course, the core technologies of our guild can also be open to you. "

"Don't listen to him. Our guild has more core technologies than they do. And who doesn't know that our Frost Rose Alliance has the most technological input?"

"Don't be fooled." Ashford said, "They have invested more in Frost Rose Alliance than we do, but they have a broader technical research direction, and they are actually not as much invested in magical technology as we are. Our guild is specialized in jīng magic puppets and magic crystal power technology. You can better use your talents by joining us. "

"You guys will slander. When will our guild decentralize funds? Although we have many research directions, we also have a goal, and the cost of a single investment is still the world's first." Speaking of this, I suddenly looked at Xi Xi Daer Er said, "Oh, your favorite mobile commander is our guild product. As long as you join us, you can not only have all previous models of mobile commanders, but also get four of our guild active duty. On behalf of the maneuver. By the way, there are several five-generation models that have been completed over the institute. I have n’t seen anything outside. "

My words were like the voice of the devil, and instantly attracted Father Hill. It is estimated that when the devil cheated and sold his soul, he used my emphasis to speak, and Bi Jing's effect was obvious.

"I want to join the Frost Rose Alliance." Father Hill shouted.

"Damn, you were robbed again," Ashford said angrily.

"Haha, this is our strength." I proudly flaunted it, and said to Father Hill, "Very well, I will take you and Orestia back to join our Frost Rose Alliance when I complete this task, I have previously guaranteed that it can be done. The motorized souvenirs are expensive collectibles sold outside, but they are very terrible in our guild. Especially there are various unlisted models at the research institute. Guarantee Satisfy your hobbies. "

The so-called non-listed models are the ones that have been researched ~ ~ but have not been mass-produced due to repeated functions or unreasonable price ratios. This kind of maneuver is meaningless to the general entrance, but to the real puppet enthusiast, this type of maneuver is like the wrong ticket, the recycling ticket, etc. Rare stuff, just get something you can show off.

Of course, there are a lot of unlisted mobile instigators for other enthusiasts, but there are a lot of them in the laboratory of our guild. Although it is not listed, since it has been built, it must have some special features, otherwise it will not be designed. Therefore, although these maneuvers can not be equipped in large quantities, it is necessary to retain several samples for research.

We were discussing Daddy Hill's affairs. Suddenly I heard a noise in front of me, and I woke up from the chat. On this way, we didn't speak while standing, but we talked while walking. Now we have unconsciously reached the caves where we lived before. The sound just now is clearly the shè sound of a weapon like a grenade I heard before.

"Oops, everything back! Don't fight back!"

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