Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 155: Accidental testing machine

"You actually know my number?"

The voice changed into a tone immediately when I said .000, and it was clearly felt. The other party was very surprised, and even had a little panic.

"Did you really keep it illegally?" The other person's flustered tone made me affirm my judgment. If he is the existence of the normal decision-making within the group, it should not be flustered because he is legal. It ’s like a regular entry. You definitely do n’t want to check the ID card for jǐng, but if you are a fugitive with a fake ID card, then when you hear that j 察 ng checks you to show your ID card, you will What is your mood? Although a rookie like this guy doesn't even scare the tone of his voice, the tension is a little bit every time he enters.

"I, I, I ..."

The voice seemed to want to justify something, but I didn't give him a chance and shouted directly: "Requires permission identification, internal code A134B179SS1, locks the connection channel."

A completely different mechanical voice answered before. "Identification request accepted, channel is locked. Please enter an executable request."

The mechanical voice had just ended, and the previous voice reappeared immediately, but his voice was clearly flustered. "Don't, please, I haven't done anything bad, please ... don't ..."

"Apply for the highest access permission and list the optional identification methods in the current state." I ignored the voice at all.

The mechanical tone responded again. "Internal authority identification file code 2131.11.17, special voiceprint identification ..."

I said immediately without waiting for the voice to continue: "Confirm, start the permission login process."

The mechanical sound was interrupted immediately, and then repeated: "Confirmed permission login program started, please enter."

"Mixed coding, D3-117-9, entered the terminal experiment subject of the God of God plan, and requested the highest authority to log in. For the genetic code verification string, please call the first section of the L4 password set.

"The request could not be performed. Confirmation that reading the password set failed."

I frowned immediately when I heard this answer. "Isn't it asking you to list the identifiable methods? Why can't you list the password set?"

"The storage module is missing, and the self-test system is abnormal. It is confirmed that external equipment has been changed. There is no internal modification record. It is confirmed that the machine is running illegally. Attempt to detect external equipment ... Detecting ... Fuzzy definition of multiple functional modules." For a second, then continued: "Already obtained the external terminal cāo permission to try to connect to a third-party network ... The connection was successful. Attempt to connect to the group network ... The connection is completed, the machine has been supported by zhōngyāng host."

The mechanical sound suddenly stopped at this point, and then the son-in-law's voice suddenly appeared. "Oh? Shenlin? Did you find this experimental machine?"

"Son-in-law? You control this computer?"

"Yes. I just suddenly received an internal identification code that has expired for a long time. Thanks to my host zhōngyāng, I called up the past records and finally got it right. This test machine seems to have been illegally misappropriated. Really Admire them so that he can run it. I just ran the inspection system and found that at least 80% of the parts are missing. I don't know how this thing can still work! "

"Working without 80%? This thing is truly extraordinary. By the way, I just talked to him. He seems to be autonomous."

"Are you conscious? It may be an intelligent life. It seems to be a little more careful. If intelligence has really emerged, it must be retained as our companion. But if it is simulated intelligence, it is still destroyed. Drop better. "

Real intelligence is actually not as simple as we think. For example, the so-called smart phones and smart home appliances on the market are actually analog intelligence, and the real entry intelligence is not analog intelligence.

Employment intelligence refers to such a thinking system with self-awareness, self-definition, self-learning, and self-expansion. Only when they have these things can they be called into the labor intelligence, and because of the existence of son-in-law, we Dragons think that the labor intelligence is also a kind of life, and they have the right to life, which is the basic right to exist.

Analog intelligence is far behind in essence compared to on-board intelligence, but this is not to say that analog intelligence is dumb. In fact, in the initial stage of on-boarding intelligence, simulated intelligent systems often perform smarter than real on-boarding intelligence. If you make a figurative metaphor, you can think of advanced analog intelligence as a fully automatic car driver, and entry-level intelligence can be imagined as a child three or four years old. The child is stupid, and that is too. The intelligence must be beyond that autopilot, but the autopilot can control the car, but the child cannot. This cannot be said that this child is not as advanced as an autopilot. From a scientific perspective, this child is an extremely complex biochemical system. He does not know how many times more powerful than that pilot, but his performance is not as good as it is. That pilot.

It can be seen from this that the simulation intelligence and the labor intelligence cannot be judged simply based on the surface morphology of each other. Longyuan Group currently has a simulated intelligent system specially designed for children with intellectual disabilities and mental illness. This system is usually made directly into an electronic butler, using a laser projection to present a virtual image around the patient, and then communicate with the patient. This system can appear in various forms, for example, for children with autism, it can appear in the form of small animals, so that it can be more easily accepted by children with autism.

Although this analog intelligent system is analog intelligence, its external performance is basically similar to that of a living one. You can even chat with him, and if you don't know in advance, you can hardly find that it is not really a real entry at all. In fact, that kind of system is really not in, it is not even life. All its reactions are the result of pre-programming. Although some technologies such as fuzzy algorithms and adaptive systems are also applied to the entry intelligence, the behavior of this thing is pre-defined in the final analysis. It does not react unexpectedly. The entrant who has participated in its programming can basically determine all its reactions, but the real job intelligence cannot even predict its response because the real He has self-thinking when he enters the industry. He has completely dúlì thinking. Even if it is the same question, he does not necessarily give the same answer every time. The simulation intelligence's answer to the same question is always the same. Even if you find that a simulation intelligence has given different answers to the same question, that only shows that the simulation intelligence has other environmental variable recognition capabilities. The different answers it makes are just referring to other environment variables and repeating them according to the pre-set steps, plainly reading the record.

Because of the fundamental difference between on-the-job intelligence and analog intelligence, we also have very different approaches to the two. Simulated intelligence is machinery. Just like the cars, mobile phones, and computers we use, it can be discarded unconditionally when necessary, without involving any moral issues. However, on-the-job intelligence is regarded as life in our dragon family. Therefore, on-the-job intelligence needs to be treated with an attitude toward intelligent life. Even if it is necessary to take action on the other party, it will be handled as appropriate according to the situation. This process is Just like being judged after being classified as a crime, we will also make a verdict on intelligent life. Of course, this judgment is not executed in accordance with laws and regulations, but in the interests of our dragons.

The son-in-law said after I said before: "You can rest assured that I am an intelligent life. If the other person is also true, that is my kind. I certainly will not act recklessly. Just after I connected this little guy It appears that he is being used as a server. "


"Yes, according to the internal records that can be found, this little guy has been supporting a large number of external calculations before, but because I have used force to cut off those external links before I intervened, so I do n’t know this. The guy has been used for thousands of things. However, I found that this little guy seems to have a dúlì channel connected to the "Zero" network, and he seems to be playing games. "

"I don't think he is playing a game like this, this guy seems to be stuck in the game."

The son-in-law just hesitated for a few tenths of a second and then suddenly realized: "I see, it must be a problem with address coding. This guy must have been used by the creation star as an access system."

I said before that the main system of "Zero" is only responsible for maintaining a basic world, where life is divided into two parts ~ ~ one part is the player, and the other part is a dúlì computer cluster. The computer cluster simulates monsters and various wildlife. The way these guys enter the game is actually similar to the players. They also land on it. The system will distinguish these login signals according to the address code. All the computers in the computer cluster are listed as creatures such as monsters, and the players' signals come from the game terminal, and these signals will log in to the game as players.

This experimental computer is a computer in itself. After he rashly connected to the game network of Zero, the main system scanned the address code and found that it was a biological computer. The result was directly drawn into the category, and this The guy seemed to be unlucky, but he was stuck in such a place.

"Sure enough, this guy is really a bad star, he has actually become here!"

The son-in-law replied: "It's good to be able to become a monster. If you become a wild monster such as a bug, you don't know how many times you die, then it will be depressed. OK, here I have controlled the situation, I Evacuate first, this guy will immediately regain consciousness. Your task may also need him to help you complete. Is Bi Jing serving the players? "

"Okay, you can withdraw first. I have to ask him about the story of this special scene."

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