Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 91: Steel giant

After launching into the water, I knew how foolish this decision was. The canal was no better than the sea. So many warships moved here and there to roll the mud and sand under the water, and I couldn't see anything at all! There was no way to climb back to the shore. In the surprised eyes of the local players who were watching around, I opened the door to the space of the Mother Earth. "Ana, come into the water with me! Ling! Watch the door, don't let anyone in!" I don't want anyone to enter the Mother Earth Temple because of curiosity!

After taking Adana back to the water, let Adana use the sonar to navigate, and let her directly show the sonar image in my brain, so that I can also know the surroundings! The sand also interferes with the sonar, but the distance is so close, and with the high accuracy of the biological sonar, I can barely see a three-dimensional scan of the bottom of the water!

The sunken ship was not far from us, and it didn't look too small, about half the length of the Bi Ling. We fumbled to the side of the wreckage, and Ariana touched the ship's body with her hand, then tapped. "Master, this is a metal ship!"

I touched it too. "It's true, and it's still a solid steel plate!" This is a true iron armored ship, which is different from the battleship such as Biling, which has wood inside and metal outside!

After the Bi Biling was towed away, the sediment was quickly washed away. Here is the channel connecting the two seas. The water flow is very fast. Without the warship's agitation, the water is immediately clear! Finally see the whole picture, it is indeed an iron armored ship, and the shape is quite modern, it is simply an advanced modern warship! It seems this is not a local ship, I thought I saw a branded flag on the ship! This is a French ship!

"Let's go and see?" Ariana suggested.


Ana hugged me behind my back, and took me into the boat from the big hole on the boat. As a mermaid, Aana was faster than me! The boat sank last night. There were no such things as waterweeds, and the cabin was quite clean. After getting around a few cabins, we finally reached the bottom of the ship. What surprised us was that the ship used a propeller! Strangely, the hull is similar to a modern warship. I wondered why I didn't see the sails. Now I understand!

In the propulsion unit of water, Adana is an expert. I checked briefly and said to me: "It's a very low-level propeller, and it shouldn't be fast because of its low power! Also, this thing doesn't seem to be waterproof. If the cabin enters the water, it will stop running!"

"It's okay, just garbage!" I don't want others to have the same level of propellers as us! "Let's look elsewhere!"

检查 I checked all the cabins that I can enter, and we found an ammunition depot. The shells were full, but they were all behind! I found a turret on the deck and checked a relatively complete cannon. The artillery seemed to be more advanced than ours!

研究 After the entire ship was researched, it was concluded that the structure and material technology of European warships are leading in Asia, and they can build all-metal warships that we cannot build. The Europeans also have an advantage in the manufacture of cannons. The guns on this ship are more advanced than mine. But Europeans are not all advanced. The fire power in Europe is not powerful enough, but the artillery is very advanced. The artillery technology in Asia is backward, but the artillery shells are powerful! A balance between the two aspects is estimated that we and the Europeans should be similar in the power of artillery! The thruster technology should be our better so far! If the propeller in this wreck represents the level of propeller in Europe, then I think the speed of the European warship should not be faster! With the above conclusions, I understand why Ashford asked me to buy fire yao technology. The original problem is here!

After researching, I began to think about how to clear the obstacles. This ship is very large and has a metal hull. Although the shell is not as thick as the Bi Ling's shell, it may be more robust than Bi Ling! It is unrealistic to want such a ship to blow up, and the only way is to tow away! Fortunately, there is buoyancy in the water, as long as it does not leave the surface battleship, it is not very heavy. The three dragons and the little dragon girls were called down, and the wreckage was lifted without much effort. Pan the battleship into the Red Sea, find a deep water area, and let it go. It's easy!

The repair of the Bi Biling was just a simple treatment, as long as it did not affect navigation, anyway, the hole was underwater, and it did not affect the battle. Just sunbathe the moon tonight!

The puppet fleet finally passed the Suez Canal, and after entering the Mediterranean, I dispersed the pirate fleet. This is the birthplace of my little pirate brothers. They all have a lot of old ministry here. Let them scatter out to get the old ministry back. These pirates can greatly increase the naval combat power!

There is nothing to do today during the day, I can only go offline to the base and continue to be familiar with the characteristics of B13. At 3 pm, the fleet should be close to Gibraltar, so go online now! I appeared in the cabin and glanced out through the porthole casually, but was surprised by the situation outside, and there were many ships around the Biling.

"You are coming!" Su Mei ran in suddenly.

"How did this happen?" I pointed to the various messy ships outside. There are all types of boats around us, including many fishing boats!

"Brought back by your pirate brothers!"

"Boss!" Was saying Rona came in.

"Did you bring it back?"

"Not all! Some are brought back by polar bears!" (Polar bears are the new leader of the Russian pirate)

"What's all this?"

"Last year we went to Asia to negotiate and we took out the elite, and the rest were some old wives. It would be nice to find these ships!"

What Luo Na said! The last time they came out was to take away the elite, and then they have stayed in Asia to make trouble with the Japanese. Of course, they will not find any good fleet when they return!

不过 "But!" Rona continued suddenly: "We brought back something you like!"


Rona took me out of the cabin to the cabin on the side of the opposite ship, and then pointed outward: "That!"

I looked down at her fingers and saw a wall! There is a silver-white wall outside the porthole of Bi Ling! I couldn't see through the small porthole, so I hurried up to the deck. See it now! Next to us is a giant floating object, which is said to be a floating object mainly because it doesn't seem to be powered. In front of this silvery white thing is all our modified battleships pulling it forward! 500 warships are towing one thing, you can imagine it's huge! From my perspective, this thing is just an island floating on the sea!

"This ... this ... this ...!" Stuttered with excitement! "What the **** is this?"

"Our trophy!" Rona proudly said, "This morning let us run into our own deadly opponent-the Gale Pirates! I and the polar bears united to completely destroy this regiment! It was really fun to talk about, we used to It has always been a deadly rival to the Stormwind Pirates, but the two sides are equal in strength, and there has been no way to take advantage of it. Instead, it has lost a lot of manpower! This time it happened to be united with the polar bear, plus the boss, you helped us change the new cannon. And thrusters, smoothed out the scum of the squall! "

"Where did this thing come from?"

"This is what we found at the base of the Stormwind Pirates. Listening to the captives, the kingdom on the shore has recently sent troops to clear the pirates' station, and they are not at peace. It happened that we went to Asia and the Stormwind Pirates dominated the Mediterranean and gained a lot of benefits. For the long term, they decided to build a water city to bring all their families to the sea. So they spent all their savings to make this thing! "

"Sea city?" I looked at this thing again! "It really deserves its name!" Biling, which is close to 340 meters in length, is already a giant in a warship. Although it has not reached the size of an aircraft carrier, it is already quite large as a warship! But Biling stopped a torpedo boat next to this giant floating object! "How big is this thing?"

"I don't know exactly how long it is. I'll go and capture the captive designer!"

"Okay, hurry up!"

The designer was soon arrested. This is an NPC and European. "Are you the designer of this thing?"

"Yes!" Although this man looked very gentle, he was very brave and actually broke away from the sailor behind him and stood up. "Also, don't call my baby 'this thing'! You can call her Noah!"

I'm dizzy! Does the legendary Noah's Ark refer to this ship? "This ... how long is Noah?"

"You mean structure data?"



"The total length is 23108.6 meters, the width is 2607.9 meters, the draught is 297.7 meters at full load, the water outboard is 207.1 meters, the height of the main control tower is 208 meters, and the mast is 278 meters high!"

Oh my god! Is this a boat? It feels like an island! No wonder it's called a sea city, and it really isn't ordinary!

I digested for a while before I let myself recover from excitement. "What powers this thing? Is it sail or boat pulp? Or do you have thrusters?"

"The design is propelled using a combination of three powers, but nothing has been installed yet! This is just an empty shell!"

"Empty shell?"

"None of the internal cabins, propellers, propellers, sails, sails, weapons, and living areas to be installed! This thing only has the support frame inside, except the outer shell, and nothing else!"

There is nothing like such a good thing, I am a little angry, and the tone of speech is inevitably a little rushed: "Why not pretend?"

The designer shouted back with a louder voice than me: "It's not all because of you! If your fleet suddenly attacked us and we are still making it!" His voice suddenly eased a bit. "May I ask how you plan to house Noah?"

"I certainly hope it can be done! But ...!"

"That's good!" The designer suddenly thought of what I said. "As long as you are willing to pay, I am willing to continue serving you and finish her!"

"What?" The designer's response was unexpected. "I attacked you. You don't hate me but you want to help me build a ship?"

"Please figure out one thing! I'm not a pirate! I'm Luzo, the first ship designer of Teutonic! I helped the pirates design the ship because my design was not accepted by the country, and the pirates attacked me on a voyage Boat, they actually wanted to build Noah after seeing my design. I have a way to complete my dream, and of course I will not give up, so I help design and build Noah. As long as you are willing to pay for me to complete my I do n’t care who you are! ”

It turns out that this designer is German! No wonder so crazy about technology! Real scientists are like this. They only care about the perfectness of their work. As for what others do with this thing, they don't have to consider it, otherwise the atomic bomb will not come out!

"How much does it cost to complete this thing?"

"I don't know about this, the pirates didn't ask! I can only list the required materials, the price and labor costs are your own calculations!"

"Okay!" I shook hands with him, and then said to the chief officer behind him: "Take Luzu designer to the VIP room for a rest!"

After Lu Zuo left, Rona and I came to Noah, only to find out that the shape of this steel monster was designed according to the battleship! The middle of the whole hull is the superstructure of the ship, which is basically the base of the weapon platform. It seems that the degree of completion is quite high, as long as the artillery is installed, it can be completed! I don't know how many guns a ship of this size will have! It is estimated that if it is fully filled, he can pick a fleet from a ship!

Standing on the deck, I suddenly realized that maybe Noah could be more than just a super battery! Although the hull was designed according to the battleship's architectural style, Noah was so huge that the central superstructure area had four hundred meters wide straight decks on each side! What can a horizontal deck of 400 meters wide and tens of thousands meters long be used for? I don't need to explain it?

Although I was satisfied with the superstructure, I was completely desperate after entering the cabin! Inside the command tower are several beams, which can be seen from above when standing on it. The inside of the hull, as Luzo said, was completely empty! There are some supporting structures in the huge hull, but the bulkheads between the cabins are not installed. The stern can be seen from the bow, and the whole is empty!

"Boss! Are you coming up?" Cauldron rice jumped from the side. For a long time everyone is here!

Rose came over and said, "What are you going to do with this thing?"

"Finished it!"

"I told you beforehand that the construction cost of this thing will not be cheaper than Isinger!"

"I know! But considering its coming combat power, I decided to complete it!"

"In fact, it really costs too much money to build!" Su Mei suddenly came in from behind. "It was really expensive to build the Biling at the beginning. That's because you totally bought it, so it cost a lot, but it's different now! Luzo is free labor, and the material Isinger can be produced, anyway, as long as Calculating the cost is enough! Besides, the shell part of the most wasteful material of this thing has been completed, and the rest of the project will not require too many things! As for the labor! Is there enough skulls of the Mist Regiment? "

"In this case, I will use the material cost!"

"Of course not only the material cost!" Su Mei continued: "I am afraid the most expensive is the cannon! Such a large ship is full of artillery, and the magic crystal cannon is too expensive. How many cannons can you calculate for this ship yourself? "

Oh god! At first, the cannons for the Bi Ling were already sky-high. This time, not only were they more numerous, but they were all magic crystal cannons. What should I do!

"In fact, there are ways to save money!" Rose is indeed a student of economics, she is the best at doing business. "We can buy technology directly! Don't let the Dark Temple know that we have a large ship that requires a lot of cannons, so that we can buy the design drawings of the magic crystal cannon at a cheaper price, and then we can build it ourselves. The crystal cannon is similar to the electronic products currently sold outside, and the material cost is very low, which means that the technology is expensive! "

"Let's say this first! Others will talk later!"

"Zi Ri! Come out soon, we are in Gibraltar!" Chuang Wang cried out suddenly.

We hurried out and returned to the Bi Ling. I took the telescope from the first officer and looked at the sea ahead. I can clearly see a large flash of warships appearing in the strait ahead. It seems that this is the Empire fleet! "First mate! Let the fleet stop and stand by, Bi Ling alone!"

The fleet was stopped shortly, and our Bi Ling drove alone. In front of the Imperial Fleet, two neat snake arrays lined up on the shore, stretching for dozens of kilometers! As the distance approaches, I can already see the full picture of Gibraltar. According to the sea icon, it's called Gibraltar in the game, and the name has not been changed, but the terrain seems to have changed. The coasts on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea are gradually converging here, and finally a strait just four or five kilometers wide is formed at the estuary. The coasts on both sides of the strait are not sandy beaches but vertical cliffs. These cliffs are 20-30 meters high, and the tops are completely flat. This terrain is simply the best terrain for setting up the turret. The vertical cliffs can protect the turret from being invaded by people, and the height of more than 20 meters creates a drop for the same turret and increases the range.

Now I can see the cannons shining with silver light on the cliffs on both sides without using anything at this distance. It seems that there are many magic crystal cannons! Such a terrible terrain coupled with a thoughtful turret, let alone a few of our ships, will definitely not be able to pass even if it is doubled!

But the reason why I dare to go here is to bet on how much the British see us! With the news of my attack on Indonesia in advance, the British should know our combat effectiveness. For more than a day, they knew the whole thing. They should know that if they attack us, we will definitely fail, but the Empire fleet will also change from the world's first fleet into a small fleet that can be bullied by most of the fleets! It's not a problem if our firepower won't win!

In the fleet ahead, a warship that was not much smaller than the Biling also opened. The flag bearer said that the opponent was an envoy! The advanced warship slowly leaned forward, and an authentic British knight appeared on the bow. When the two ships leaned together, he stood on the side of the ship and reached out to me!

The two warships are about the same height. Now that they are close together, the two of us can stand and shake hands across the ship's sides.

"Hello, I'm Ziri from China! This is my fleet!"

"Hello, I'm Baha, the British. This is my Empire fleet, and the guild belongs to the Empire Alliance!"


两个 Our two boring start politely, then Baha said let us pass and review his fleet by the way! Although I was a little worried, I still ordered the fleet forward. Anyway, I always have to pass. I ca n’t help it. But I believe that the British people will not want to fight with me for a dead net, even if they hit us, they will not get any benefit! And we now have a better grasp than at the beginning, that is, the British did not know that Noah was empty. Just now, Baha and I tried to talk to me many times, and he was very careful about this big guy who had never seen it before! I'm playing Tai Chi with him anyway ~ ~ I just don't tell him what Noah is, just keep hinting that this is our secret weapon! I believe that the British are not afraid to open fire!

After my fleet began to move forward, the battleship of Baha left the Biling to guide us in front of me, and I quickly hurry to do small moves! The first is to let Ariana enter the water to see if the estuary in Gibraltar is deep enough! The Bi Ling is nothing, but Noah's draught is almost 300 meters, careless! In addition, let's quickly inform you that everything will proceed as planned!


注意 Attention from some readers in the public, I would like to tell you something now, please help. This book has signed a physical contract with the publisher, and a physical book will soon be released. But you don't need to worry about the progress of the public update. The physical release will not affect your reading.

The purpose of the physical edition is mainly for everyone's collection, so the printing will be more exquisite, belonging to the hardcover edition of that collection. At present, the publisher wants to know the readers' opinions and suggestions on the physical edition, and has established a QQ group for this purpose. The group number is: 24539404. I hope everyone joins this group to help give some suggestions, which is also my support.

In order to distinguish the physical version from the electronic version, the content and the electronic version will be slightly different, the article will be more refined, and typos and some bugs will be modified. The publisher also hired a dedicated illustration designer to draw illustrations for the physical version, and is currently preparing for it. The physical version may also include my photo as a security mark on the buckle. In short, the physical version will be fully packaged and will be more complete than the electronic version. I hope everyone will pay more attention. (The opinions in that group are mainly on physical book design, not on article revisions. Please help.)

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