Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 166: Joint barrier

I thought the mission would be pretty much here. The levels before m are actually very difficult. If it weren't for me and Chris Dina, which are more exaggerated types, ordinary people should not expect to get these tasks done. It ’s like the lava ground wells in the back. I ’m sorry. I ’m sorry. What is the meaning of the locust?

Because of so many troublesome things before, we all thought that the last level in the future should be easy, and the task scroll did not mention that there was anything else that would hinder our progress. But, now I understand. There are really no obstacles marked on the reels, because the system does not set any obstacles for us at all, and the real obstacles are all from other players.

We saw the group of players a little slower, and the other people saw that we were also stunned on the spot, but those people clearly knew that this thing was our mission goal, because they reacted much faster than us, in Immediately after a little sting, they collectively turned around and ran back, trying to close the gate to prevent us from entering.

We can't react if the other party doesn't move, and we can react when they run.

Ashford shouted anxiously: "Don't let them run away!"

I shouted at the closing door, "Mira. Door!"

With a dragon groan, Milla lowered her head at the door and slammed into it. Just hearing a loud noise, the door that was about to be closed was directly knocked open. The four players who stood behind the door and tried to close the door seemed to be hit by a high-speed train and flew out in full, passed through the entire hall, and fell directly at the root of the opposite wall to count as landing. They will fly further.

After smashing through the door, we entered the hall. According to Ashoford's previous information, this place should be an underground palace, but the interior is far from as large as expected. It is just a hall with a circle of other buildings. The total area may be thousands of square meters. Said it was a palace. It would be a bit small.

The group of players on the opposite side saw us rushing in without any panic, but responded quickly. The crowd was automatically divided into two parts. Most of them ran to the middle of the hall to form a line of defense, and the remaining dozen people gathered behind the crowd and surrounded a circle. A mage player was using it on the ground. Crystal dust painted a magic circle.

The game is not a reality. In order to make the player enjoy the fun, the magician's abilities are actually data-based. The magician's use of magic is similar to the use of machinery. The only difference is that the machine starts a function by pressing a button. The mage spells out a spell or imagines a magic to activate it. Drawing a magic circle on the ground like this busy mage will never happen under normal circumstances. Because if the magic of the mage needs so much trouble, then it is estimated that no one will be a mage again. If you encounter a soldier or something, your magic circle will be killed before it is painted. How can this mage mix?

Although it is not necessary to draw magic arrays in general, there are indeed magic array drawing techniques in the game, but this thing is generally used to produce magic equipment, and the wizard needs to draw magic arrays on the ground. There are only two possibilities. One is that the other party is doing a magic trap. The second is to prepare some money for large or very powerful spells.

This magic circle has not been completed, and I don't know what the other party wants to do, but I know that they cannot be completed, so I directed Mira to charge without hesitation.

In terms of Mila's defense and strength, if she is willing to take a certain amount of damage, in theory, she can easily break through any line of defense composed of humanoids. After all, Mira's head was there, and this guy weighed tens of tons. Once running, its impact will not be much worse than that of the locomotive. No matter how tenacious the defense formed by humanoid creatures is, Mila rushes so hard that the other side is absolutely unstoppable. After all, this is no longer a matter of skill and tactics. This is called a ten-force reduction. There is no equivalent weight. You cannot stop such a large kinetic energy shock.

Although theoretically it should be as I thought, Mira rushed through and then successfully destroyed the magic circle behind, but the actual situation is outside the theory. Just when Mira hit the line of defense, at least one hundred people in the other side of the crowd suddenly took a step forward, and then I saw a yellow light curtain suddenly flashing in front of the crowd, followed closely As Milla slammed into the light curtain.

As if it was a metal bang, Mila bounced back directly like a rhino hitting the locomotive. After falling to the ground, he did not get up for a long time. Obviously, the impact was not light, and the light curtain opposite was At the moment of the impact, the waves of water rippled around the collision point, and the soldiers standing behind the light curtain also took a step backward, and some of them even had blood stains under their nostrils. .

The collision could only be described as a loss of both. Mila knocked herself out, and the person opposite was also obviously injured. However, although the impact alone is a loss, we have failed in terms of the defense effect of the opponent, because we failed to break through the defense line, and the magician behind the opponent has completed one third of the magic array. That guy moves very quickly, and can complete the magic formation on the ground in one go without thinking. Obviously, the skill level is not very low.

"Chris Dina." Seeing that Mira had been bounced back, I yelled Kris Dina directly, but Kris Dina started the magic bombing at the same time as I called out. I saw her pointing her wand forward, and the countless dense magic bombs blasted on the magic barrier like thunderstorm raindrops, but after the bombing that lasted for nearly ten seconds, all but the Earth Palace was shaken. After dropping a layer of soil, the opposite line of defense didn't move.

Looking at the situation of the other party, it seemed that there was no nosebleed when Mila struck before. I immediately realized the reason and promptly reminded Kristina: "No. The other party can share the damage equally and must focus on one. Click, separation is useless! "

"Give me five seconds!" Kristina began to elementize suddenly after she finished speaking, and in the blink of an eye she became a humanoid crystal butterfly surrounded by colored lights around her. This is her super form, which has great magic power. Amplitude bonus. After completing the transformation, Kristina began to chant, but it didn't take long. After two seconds, she suddenly pointed her staff forward again. Unlike the previous magic rainstorm with amazing momentum, this time there was only a colorful shuttle-shaped light bullet that shot out and immediately hit the light curtain. And there was almost no delay in passing, except that the colorful light shuttle was obviously smaller after passing through the light curtain, and changed from a light shuttle to a light cone.

Although it is much smaller, the power of the light cone is still not small. After passing through the light curtain, the light cone continued to advance, and instantly broke through the shield of a soldier in front of him and shot into the guy's chest. It was as if he had been hit by an anti-tank rifle. The soldier's chest burst directly into a large hole. The whole person was blown into two pieces, but the light cone did not stop there, but continued to move forward and again. Mounted the shields of a soldier in the second row. Then a blast exploded and took the soldier out.

The other soldiers around looked at him in surprise while their companions were blown away, and then saw a dead and injured result for a second. However, they quickly reacted and quickly moved closer to fill the gap, while the light curtain in front still stood there and did not disappear.

"No, it doesn't hurt enough!" Ashford yelled as he saw that only two people had been killed.

Kristina saw the results, so she didn't move, she was still chanting. Almost at the same time Ashurford's voice fell, Kristina's staff intermittently fired another colorful light bullet. Just like the previous one, the light bullet penetrated the light curtain in the blink of an eye. Then they killed them again. This light curtain is a face defense, and Kristina's attack is a breakthrough, so the light curtain cannot resist the magical attack with too much power.

After the second attack is complete, there is no need to remind. Kristina's subsequent attacks did not stop at all, so she has been firing light bombs at a rate of two seconds and can kill at least one person at a time, and occasionally wear three. personal. But this speed is still too slow compared to the speed at which the magician arranges the magic array behind.

There were too many people from the other side this time. There were more than 100 soldiers who formed the line of defense to arrange this light curtain, and there were about 70 or 80 other professionals behind. In the end, there were more than a dozen people around that mage and a player holding Ashoford's mission rewards, which means that there are more than 200 teams in the other side. That mage draws the magic array very quickly. Even if Kristina has two people in two seconds at the average speed, it takes at least one minute to break through this line of defense, but that magic array can be completed in as long as 30 seconds. Several seconds have passed.

Now everyone in this situation is clear to us, the other party is clear, we are also clear, and Ashford is about to go crazy. No matter what the opponent is doing, as long as the magic circle is completed, it is estimated that Ashford can say goodbye to his mission reward, so he is almost crazy now, but he can't help it. The light curtain did not even penetrate Mira, let alone him.

"Zi Ri, help me!" The scorching Ashoford turned to look at me for help, but he just turned around and found that I was not on his side. I hurriedly turned to look for it, but I saw that I was running up, and my right hand was holding a spear high above my head, to see that the posture clearly meant to throw a javelin.

Just as Ashford guessed my intentions, I ran past him from the wind, and threw the eternal spear in my hand just before reaching the barrier.

Uh ... it ’s completely different from the situation where Kristina ’s magic bombs pass through the barrier. After contacting the barrier, my eternity is as if the welding electrode is touching the metal surface, and a kind of spoon is issued at the same time. The scratching noise of glass scraping, but although the sparkling noise at the contact point is harsh, the eternal forward speed is not affected at all. It passed the barrier in less than 0.1 second and hit the first. Personal shield. It was as if wearing a layer of window paper, eternally passed through the shield without any delay, and then through the shield player's body again, and pierced through his back. What is the difference between a child's career and a child?

Adding a piece before and after this whole process takes less than a second, but if you use slow motion, you will find that Ashoford's expression is following the eternal progress and gradually changes from surprise to joy.

However, it is a pity. At the last moment, a soldier next to the mage pushed the mage out and waved his sword on the eternal lance, trying to shoot it down.

The mage recovered a life because of this push, but the soldier's weapon was cut off at the moment of eternal hit. Eternity is not a general weapon. Even if it is an artifact, most of it can't stop it. This guy's own weapon cuts eternity, which is basically the same as smashing a steel plate with a wooden stick.

Although his weapon was broken, the power of this moment passed to eternity. The attacked eternity suddenly sank downward, and the gun head pierced directly into the ground.

Asheford saw this result, the expression on his face had begun to change from joy to discouragement, while the people on the opposite side were showing excited expressions, but just before everyone's expressions had completely changed, they saw thorns. The eternity that entered the ground suddenly radiated a dozen meandering arcs around the center of the point where the ground was lifted.

The high-voltage arc twisting around in the air, although very beautiful ~ ~, is more scary. The surrounding soldiers were hit by the arc without any response and were directly blown out. The crystal dust on the ground also flew up due to the electrostatic effect of the arc. The magic array that was about to be completed was destroyed directly. .

This result made everyone around you stunned, and Ashford shouted in excitement: "You are the best on Ziri! It's awesome!"

"Don't be too happy, my eternity has been thrown away, the mage is not dead yet!"

Hearing here was a stun, and then he remembered and hurried to Kristina: "Kristina, it's all up to you, rush through this defensive wall before they complete the magic circle!"

"I'm doing it!" Said Cristina, who started the kind of two-second shotgun attack, which could kill at least one or two people each time. Although the number of people on the other side was quite large, they did so. Sooner or later, it will kill all. Besides, there must be a minimum number of people to maintain this light curtain, which means that it is not necessary to kill everyone. As long as the number is not enough, this light curtain will naturally break, and with the reduction of personnel, even if the light curtain does not disappear, its defense The force will certainly decline, after all, there are fewer people to support, and the light curtain cannot be changed at all.

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