Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 170: Convergent approach

Although it was to meet with Chris Dina, this meeting was obviously not so easy. From the direction of the two of us, we should be located on both sides of the noisy banshee's lair, and this noisy banshee The gathering place happened to be stuck between two cliffs. In other words, the two of us want to meet, and there is a person who traverses the entire lair. This difficulty is definitely an impossible task for ordinary people, and it is also a difficult task for us.

After a brief discussion, we finally thought of a particularly simple method of convergence, which is to use the shadow shuttle ability of Night Shadow to let me appear directly next to Chris Dina.

Night Shadow's dream shuttle ability is a very powerful ability. To put it simply, any intelligent creature has a mental force field, and the coverage of this mental force field is not fixed. The range of a biological mental force field with a strong mental force is small, and the natural range of a weak mental force is small. Generally speaking, strong mental power should be considered a good thing, but if you are the enemy of Night Shadow, it is not necessarily a good thing to be too strong.

As long as the night shadow enters the range of a creature's mental force field, he can directly enter the other person's mental world. If the other party was sleeping, comatose, drunk, or some other unconscious state, then the night shadow can be a certain degree. Manipulating the other party ’s consciousness, so that the other party dreams or has hallucinations, and because a person's sleep time is obviously longer than other unconscious states, so Night Shadow will get the title of nightmare. After all, Every time he enters the thinking of other creatures, most of the other person is sleeping, so people call him a nightmare over time. However, that's just another person's title. In fact, Yeying doesn't have to wait for the other person to fall asleep before they can invade the other person's spiritual world. Of course, to create hallucinations or dreams, the other party must be unconscious.

Although entering the other party ’s consciousness to engage in wind and rain requires the other party ’s unconsciousness, but if you just go in and do nothing, the situation will be much simpler. As long as Night Shadow enters the range of a creature's mental force field, he can enter the opponent's mental world anytime and anywhere, and this ability cannot be defended in any way. At least so far I haven't found any creatures that can prevent this invasion. I have tried even the gods of heaven. I still want to go in, but I ca n’t control their thinking after entering. I can only go in and out.

When Ye Ying enters the spiritual world of others, of course, he ca n’t stay in it all the time, so he can come out anytime and anywhere, and when he comes out, it is worse than entering. As long as Ye Ying does n’t manipulate the other party ’s thinking, You can leave the other person ’s spiritual world arbitrarily, and the other party has no way to take the night shadow, it ca n’t seal him at all. Of course, this premise is that the night shadow does not control the other party ’s thinking. China created a dream or fantasy, and at this time the other party had a chance to seize the night shadow. However, it is not easy to do this, because first the other party must clearly realize that he is dreaming in his dream, and then this person must also know clearly that he can control everything in the dream. However, because the night vision to manipulate the opponent's dreams can only be launched when the other party's consciousness is unclear, it is usually difficult for the other party to recover consciousness in the dream unless they wake up halfway. Besides, even if you wake up in a dream and realize that you are dreaming, not everyone has accurately controlled their dreams. After all, most people's dreams are real, but due to the inertia of the environment in reality, few people can treat themselves as the creation gods in their dreams. The fact is that in the dream, we are actually the creation gods, but when we dream, we are basically unconscious, and we can't think of it.

As mentioned earlier, as long as Ye Ying is not caught by others in his dream, he can leave a person's spiritual world at will, and this way of leaving is also very special. When Ye Ying enters the spiritual world of others, it is not his own consciousness. Instead, Ye Ying ’s entire body will enter the other ’s spiritual world, and when it comes out, it will be the same as the physical body, but the place where Ye Ying enters and The positions that come out do not have to be the same position. As long as it is within the range of the opponent's mental force field, the night shadow can appear at any point as well as at any point.

Because the process of entering and exiting does not need to fix the same coordinates, Night Shadow can completely use the range of the spiritual force field of a smart creature as a springboard. When he senses a creature's mental force field, he can immediately enter the other person's spiritual world, at this time the other person may be several kilometers away from the night shadow. Then, Night Shadow can instantly reappear from the other side of the opponent's mental force field, and then leave the opponent's mental force field range. The actual time consumption of this process is only one second, it takes 0.5 seconds to enter, and it is the same when it comes out. The fastest time is one second.

However, in this second time, the night shadow actually crossed the distance of the opponent ’s spiritual force field twice the radius. If this is a creature with super strong mental power, for example, a certain type of protoss, night shadow Or even directly across the hundreds of kilometers into the other's spiritual world ~ ~ and then jump out from the edge of the other side's mental force field, so it is equivalent to crossing thousands of kilometers in a second, Faster than many teleportation arrays.

Of course, not all intelligent creatures have such a large range of mental force fields, and the average player and most of the mental force field's coverage radius usually does not exceed 500 meters. Some of the more intelligent beasts of Warcraft have a range of only about 100 meters, and more low-level creatures, especially the Zerg, cannot use Spring Shadow as a springboard at all. After all, this ability is actually an alternative use of the nightmare's ability to enter dreams, but although animals such as cats and dogs also dream, have you ever seen bugs dreaming? Therefore, not all creatures can be used as springboards.

Although jumping requires a creature with sufficient mental strength as a springboard, what I need now is to reach Chris Dinah, and as a super mage with Chen Hao, the world ’s first turret, her mental power must be powerful enough Unparalleled. It is because of this characteristic of Chris Dina that I have the hope to reach each other with the ability of Night Shadow, because only when Chris Dina's mental force field is large enough to cover the entire range of the noisy banshee ’s lair, we have hope From this side of the noisy banshee's lair, she touches the power field of Chris Dina and jumps.

"Night Shadow, quickly sense if you can feel the spirit field of Chris Dina?"


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