Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 178: Surround

When we walked to the side of the car, we could see that one of the four people inside had a crooked head and had no response in the seat. The remaining three were struggling fiercely trying to get out of the car. Not light, the body has been seriously deformed, it is not so easy to figure it out. m

The three people who were struggling saw us approaching and twisted violently two times. After confirming that they could not get out in a short time, one of them suddenly pulled a pistol from the seat and extended it out of the window to point at us and pulled the trigger. .

Alas ... accompanied by a crisp gunshot, a yellow Chancan bullet hovered in front of me at a high speed and rotated at a high speed, but the bullet did not mean to move forward at all.

Sudden changes caused everyone in the car to hold back. It often happens that the shot missed the target, but the bullet stopped halfway, which was a little strange. However, it was obvious that the characters in the car were ruthless, but after a moment of stinging, the person immediately pulled the trigger and started firing quickly. Of course, there was no change, except for a bunch of bullets floating in front of me. Other things happen.

After the opponent emptied a whole magazine, the bullet in front of me suddenly broke and fell to the ground. Then I stepped in front of the car in two steps and grabbed the door of the person who fired the gun to pull it out. With a squeak, the deformed door was dragged from the car body. Leaving the door aside, I reached out and pulled the shooter out like catching a chicken in a chicken cage. This guy was still struggling there with my pinch, trying to continue to attack with a pistol. I immediately grasped the gun body slightly and only heard a squeak, the gun body obviously fell down a large piece, the guy almost surprised and almost stared out.

While holding this guy back, I lowered my head and caught another guy, and at the same time Ling Weina had also pulled the front door and dragged the driver out. The guy sitting in the co-driver's seat was unconscious, and the other person in the back seat I was holding was obviously a non-combatant. He didn't know much about resistance and was simply pulled out.

Ling stood aside and said with some confusion: "Is there something wrong with the son-in-law? Do we need the strength of these few people? We can easily get a team of special police to handle it?"

"Maybe there's something unplanned, we just don't know." I said the guy in front of me directly. Then he looked at Tian and asked, "What do you take away?"

The guy seemed to have recovered some consciousness after I asked him, but what surprised me was that this guy seemed to be terrified, but said with a mouth: "You kill me, I I will never tell you. "

Seeing this, I threw the guy directly over Ling and reminded me: "This guy may be threatened. Read the memory directly."

Ling nodded and caught the guy and pressed it to the ground, then covered his forehead with one hand.

When Ling read the memory, I started directing the others to get all three of them into our car, and we simply scanned the other party's car. Didn't find what we wanted, then gave up directly. This team is unexpectedly weak. If I guessed right, this should be the bait. The real transport staff of the other party is either waiting for us if they have left the area where we squatted before using some special method.

Sure enough, when I started to doubt this, Ling had already finished reading four bits. Throw the guy whose foam is close to the edge of death into his compartment. Ling said, "This guy is just an ordinary employee of Nikko's China branch. His family was controlled by the other party, forcing him to come out as a bait. In the two cars we killed before, there were only some unknown bodyguards and two with him. He doesn't know other information about similar people. "

Since this guy is a bait, it is normal for him to not know the inside story. After all, bait itself is the person most likely to be caught by the other party, and if such a person knows too many things, it is obviously a troublesome thing, so when a normal person arranges bait, he will not let him know too much. Itself. The less you know, the more secure you are.

Since these guys have been determined to be useless, we don't plan to stay here. Jump directly into the car and turn around. With the sound of gunfire stopped, bold people have begun to come out to watch, I don't want to be watched by people as animals. When we arrived at the gate of the community, several police cars had arrived. Looking at the signs, this should be a police car transferred by the son-in-law. Policemen. Although the uniforms, vehicles and functions of the two are similar. But there are some differences, at least we can directly command this unit. Regular police do not.

The community security saw us again and immediately pointed at what we said to the security guards around Longyuan, which should be to prove that we were the murderer or the like, but of course, the security guards at Longyuan recognized that we had the license plate and did not take it seriously, and they were The son-in-law transferred us to the aftermath, we should also know some general conditions, so after seeing us, the security guard waved the car behind us to make way for us.

I thought about it. I stepped on the car and let Evrit throw the four people down. At the same time, he opened the window and shouted to the outside security guard: "These four are peripheral prisoners. Help the prisoner first. Get up, we still have a task, and it's inconvenient! "

"Yes, I said hello. Just leave it to us." The other side really received a direct order from his son-in-law and responded very quickly. A few security guards ran back to hold the four guys on the ground, handcuffed them, and dragged them to the side of the police car, and we quickly left the area and looked forward to the ambush.

Of course, we cannot wait outside the community this time. The son-in-law should also know that we have the purpose, we just arrived at the gate of the community. The security guard in the sentry box had not yet responded, and the gate of the community raised itself. We drove directly into the community without decreasing speed, and drove lightly down the road to the building where the other party was hiding, then quickly jumped out of the car and ran in, but unfortunately we were blocked at the entrance.

The entrance of the building unit's entrance was blocked by a building door. When we arrived at the door, we found that the door was locked, and the door was not electronic and could not be invaded. I had no choice but to pull the door from the wall. Originally, the door could be opened by electromagnetic control, but then the structure of the door lock needs to be found out by electromagnetic induction. At that time we had opened the seven or eight doors, so I simply opened the door in the most stupid way.

Although the door was removed with brute force, because it was not smashed with a hammer or the like, it was simply pulled down, so the noise was not great. Putting the gate aside, we immediately started running upstairs. At this time it was 6:50 in the morning. When we went up to the fifth floor, a young couple came downstairs. Although we should avoid people in theory. But now I was anxious to know what the situation was, so I didn't care about them, rushed to the door of the house on the fifth floor, and went straight up to knock the door down. The couple who were going downstairs were so scared that they stopped there immediately and didn't dare to go down.

We didn't have time to manage them, and rushed in directly from the door.

As soon as we entered the living room, we found that the room was very quiet. With the hearing of our dragons, if someone in the room absolutely could not hide from our ears. After all, you can't make a sound, but your heart ca n’t stop beating, and we can hear the sound of heartbeat, the sound of breathing, and the electromagnetic field of the human body, so unless in a strong magnetic noise environment, otherwise There is no point in playing hide and seek with us.

"No one in the room?" Weiner asked in a vocal voice as she followed.

I nodded and motioned everyone to search separately, so Ling immediately searched each room separately. It turns out that this is a very ordinary residential house, and nothing special can be used as a clue. However, just as we returned to the living room, Brigitte suddenly turned and walked over to the coffee table in front of the sofa in the living room. The edge of the coffee table lifted upwards, and the coffee table flew out.

This is a rather heavy marble coffee table, with a floor cabinet under the table top, so the bottom is against the ground, and the legs of the coffee table cannot be seen. Because of this design, this coffee table can fully cover the situation below it. And when Brigitte lifted the coffee table. We immediately noticed that there was actually a large hole on the ground, leading directly to the lower floor.

"I'm leaning!" I can't even ask now how Brigitte found the hole. Jumped straight in. Ling and Wei Na immediately jumped down with them. Everett and Brigitte were too big to walk out of the stairs.

As soon as I fell into the living room on this floor, I heard a faint heartbeat. I twisted and slammed open the bedroom door on the side. After I rushed in, I immediately felt a child hiding on the top of the closet around me. Although electromagnetic induction can't clearly judge the appearance of the target like vision, it can determine the size and contour of the opponent, so adults and children are still clear.

I stood directly on the bedside table next to the closet and opened the door at the top of the closet. Then I saw a boy about seven or eight years old curled up in a closet grid that was only sixty centimeters wide. Thanks to the child's small age, it is estimated that he will not be able to enter if he is older.

The child didn't react too much to seeing me, because he was already in a semi-coma. I carefully pulled it out and hugged it to the ground. Ling told me via wireless communication that the parents of the child had been found next door. It had been dead for a while now, and the corpse was completely stiff. The cause of death was being twisted. neck.

The family should not be involved in this incident. They just had no luck living in the spy's hiding room downstairs, but the person was already dead, and we had no choice but to tell the son-in-law to send someone to take over as soon as possible.

The fingertip anesthesia needle was ejected, the boy was injected with a little anesthetic to get into deep sleep, and then I put it on the bed. We also have to track down the whereabouts of the spies. The child cannot be taken with him. However, in order to prevent him from seeing the parents' bodies, I think it is better to let him sleep over.

After dealing with the child's problem, I contacted the son-in-law again, and then said, "Son-son, the other party broke the floor and entered the room on the lower floor to kill the two homeowners. The child did not know why it was not killed. "

"The one downstairs?" The son-in-law said after a pause, "I just checked the morning surveillance. The family of three should leave this building after you chase the bait and leave. Picture of a person leaving. The woman was still holding her sleeping child. "

"Early in the morning, how could a seven- or eight-year-old sleep so heavily? It should be a dummy. The thing we are looking for must be in the dummy's belly held by that woman. The couple also pretended to be each other."

"Your judgment should be good. I just checked the surveillance video of the neighborhood. The other man drove the couple's private car north from Highway 6, but it is now out of surveillance!"

"I knew it was not that simple. Did you set Luca up front?"

"Luca has been set, but the target vehicle has not been found. Now I am mobilizing the general police to help search for that vehicle."

"The other party is so cautious, is it possible to abandon the car halfway?"

"It's all possible."

"It's troublesome. Now we don't even know the physical characteristics of the other person. How can we find someone?"

"Smell it with your nose!"

"Well, it seems like this is the only way to go." Although olfactory tracking has always been the work of police dogs, our dragons have very good noses, so we can make a guest appearance for this job. Of course, the premise is to find the car first, otherwise there is not even a tracking target, we can't chase after trying to chase!

Helplessly checked the house again, and then we planned to leave here first. But I walked to the door and thought about it. I suddenly stopped and knocked on the opposite door.

"Who?" The other person was apparently planning to go out, and I opened the door as soon as I knocked.

"Hello, may I ask if you saw a man and a woman coming out of the door this morning. They are dressed like the couple on the opposite side, with a child in their hands."

"Excuse me, are you ...?" The other person glanced at the others behind me. It was obvious to Wina that he was a purebred white man. The characteristics of the white race are obvious. Although the appearance is relatively delicate, the approximate skeleton frame of the white race is placed there. Ling He Yeyue Road is a standard Asian race, but the appearance is a bit exaggerated, not that it affects the appearance, but it is too beautiful. Of course, even if I bring a platoon of beautiful women, the other party will not have any worries, what really makes him hesitate is the last Ivorite and Brigitte. The heads of the two standing in the corridor were almost reaching the roof. And the shadow formed by the hood completely covers the face, which can be scary at first glance. Fortunately, my sales were good, so this one didn't close immediately.

Fortunately, I came with my ID. I took out a small book and handed it to the other party to see. The other party actually couldn't understand the posts or anything written in this book, but he knew we were official anyway. Now that you are not a criminal, you can of course answer some questions.

The other handed back my credentials and said, "Zhang Yun's family didn't know what was going on, and they started tossing and wrangling last night. When I got up in the morning and heard the noise in the corridor, I saw it from the cat's eyes. After a while. It turned out that several people came out of their home. There were also many people coming downstairs, and they seemed to know each other. After the meeting, they went downstairs. When those people left, I went to the toilet to lazy forgive me? ⑼ 暄  湃  湃    Neon roasted earthworms 剿  羌 矣 剿  羌 矣 剿  羌 矣 剿  羌 矣 幸 幸 荒 幸 荒 幸 荒 荒 幸 幸 荒 荒 荒 荒 荒 幸  蔽 蔽 蔽 蔽 蔽 业 业 业 业 业 业 业 业 业 业 业  啡      笔 笔 笔 笔 笔 笔 史 史 史 史 蘖  峁  蘖  峁  蘖  峁  蘖  峁  蘖  峁  蘖  峁  The persimmon pine is boundless, the case is horrified, the case is sold, the planter prawns, and the road is quiet. Next to the mystery, next to the mystery is the grasshopper, the garden, the sauce, the toad, the peg, and the sedan. Dizzy? Read the boat chaos, not the boat boat, cook, dream, and be lazy !?

"Did they hold a child then?"

"Yes. But I didn't see my face. The child seemed to be asleep, and he stayed motionless on the woman. May I ask what happened to the couple, Zhang Yun?"

"No, they were killed."

"What?" The man was clearly startled.

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "You are the only person who has seen the opposite person now, so can you please help us paint a picture of each other?"

"It can be, but so many of them ..."

"Others don't care, as long as the last man and woman look."

"That's okay." The man asked again after a pause, "That ... Are the couples Zhang Yun really dead?"

I nodded and said: "Their son didn't know why it was not found in the door on the top floor of the closet. Except him, both adults were dead. You are the only witness now and the other is a very vicious gangster. Now They are avoiding the tracking and they ca n’t be taken care of. Once they are out of the police, they will probably come back to find you, so you better help us map out their looks. This will help us catch them and ensure your own. Safe. Second, even if we don't catch them, because their looks have been leaked, they may not risk coming back to kill you again. "

My intimidation method is actually not clever, but when it comes to immediate interests, how many people can really calm down and evaluate their own life and death? The man became nervous as soon as he heard that he might be stared at by the murderer, and it finally eased after I comforted him. Then we asked him to help us paint a picture of the prisoner.

"Is that really all it takes?" A few minutes later, in the living room of the other person's home, I stood aside. Ling and the guy were sitting face to face on the sofa. Ling's left hand was pressed against his temple, while his right hand held a pencil on a white piece of paper from time to time to draw two strokes.

I said to the guy next to him: "You have seen my credentials. We should know that we are not ordinary policemen. This is our special talent. She has the same ability as telepathy. Although it sounds very mysterious, it actually also You can only read what others are thinking. So now you have to focus on remembering what the two people looked like. The clearer the picture you think, the more accurate we will be. "

"I did not expect that the country really has a superpower department. I thought it was just a legend on the Internet."谀 前 谧 牛  淮 opia

"Please don't divert your attention," Ling reminded.

The other party quickly apologized, then began to seriously remember, and finally closed his eyes. When he closed his eyes. Ling's hand holding the pen immediately moved at high speed.

When the man saw the two spies, it was around five in the morning, and it was only six in the morning. It was just an hour after, his memory was still very clear, not to mention that Ling ’s ability was not like what I said So weak. Ling could forcibly read the existence of the memory when the other party did not cooperate at all, and the other party actively cooperated, so it was natural to come. With that guy's attention focused, Ling's manual speed quickly, and then a picture gradually appeared on the white paper. This picture is the scene of the corridor outside. In the middle of the picture are the two target characters.

"Okay." Ling directly released his hand and looked at the sketch picture drawn by himself.

The man next to him heard that he had opened his eyes and looked over. Then he froze. Because Ling's hand is basically not a sketch anymore. This thing is just a black and white photo, and the scenery in it is unrealistic. There is actually a little three-dimensional effect, the effect is simply amazing.

"Is this what you read from my head?" The man asked in surprise, looking at the sketch.

Ling just nodded, then stood up and connected to the son-in-law's communication, and then said, "The image is out, have you received it?"

The son-in-law responded: "I have received and are comparing the information. I am currently supervising all the network cameras in the city. Once they stay in front of any camera for more than two seconds, I will know immediately."

"Very well, so it's much faster."

After expressing my thanks to the homeowner, I took Ling out of the room. At this moment, there was a large group of policemen coming up. The leader who happened to be the security guard who helped us to deal with the problem. The other person just nodded with me and gave way, but I told him about the general situation in the room, at the same time told him to take care of the child, and then took Wei Na down with them.

At this moment, the three floors inside and outside were crowded with crowds watching the crowd, because a police car parked around the corridor to isolate the place, but this attracted more people to watch.

As soon as we got downstairs, we immediately caused a noise from the crowd, but all of us suddenly frowned collectively and turned our eyes in one direction. The crowd we were staring at was immediately shocked, and one of them was stepping back to try to leave the crowd, but we have already strode in this direction.

The other party saw that we were moving towards him quickly, and immediately began to accelerate backwards, but this guy obviously underestimated the number of people who were watching the crowd. Despite the effort, they were still unable to squeeze out, and at this time our side was clearly Entering a trot.

Just as the other party was preparing to jump over the wall, I drew his gun from the waist of an orderly policeman around him, and fired directly at it. It wasn't until the guns and screams sounded that the crowd there was screaming and preparing to run away, but at this time the crowd in the other direction behind us suddenly heard a shout: "Police are killing people!"

When I heard the voice, I turned my head and looked at it, and Ling responded faster than me. Taking out another police officer's gun was a strong one. There was an instant hole in the eyebrow of the screaming guy, and the whole person leaned back directly. The result immediately caused a mess, but the screams and the chaotic crowd soon squatted on the ground because of a dense crowd. The deafening machine gun sound scared everyone out of touch.

At my sign, Everett slowly put down the rotating multi-barreled cannon, which was just one thing, and it was just this thing that quieted the people around. Of course, Everett is a gun that fires into the sky, otherwise the penetrating power of this thing can penetrate at least two buildings and may not stop.

"Everyone is squatting on the ground. They are not allowed to move. They are forbidden to speak, and they are forbidden to stand up. They all look at me now." I said, and walked to the person who shot me first. This person has not died, and is still mourning on the ground. This is also the only voice at the scene.

I walked over and dragged the man to the middle of the field so that everyone could see him, then squatted down, grabbed a pistol from his waist, and held it up to show everyone around. "You may think that I have just attacked an ordinary citizen, but as ordinary people, do you think ordinary people will go and buy a pistol in their waist when they go out early in the morning?"

I know that failure to explain clearly today will definitely cause public opinion pressure. So it did not end there, but walked over and dragged the guy who was later killed by Ling, and then turned over a pistol on this person, and also found three passports and various foreign currencies divided into several rolls. .

"As you can see, this guy who called the police to kill is not an ordinary person. Even if he is a gun enthusiast, possession of firearms is not a death penalty, but normal people may carry three passports with different identities and There are so many foreign currencies in different countries? "He paused a little and let the people around him think for a while before I continued:" A vicious case happened upstairs in this building last night. Two adults in a family of three were killed, An eight-year-old child has since become an orphan. The people who killed them just wanted to borrow their clothes and identity to disguise themselves, because they are a group of extremely vicious foreign terrorists. They deliberately created chaos in the crowd to obstruct We look for them. So, for your own safety and for the safety of others, now please do n’t disturb everyone on the scene, we will check your identity one by one, you can leave soon without any problems, do not make at will Chaos helps those terrorists escape. "

After I finished speaking, I gave the search task to the police around me. In fact, I knew there were no more associates at the scene. The reason why I said this is to facilitate public opinion control. After all, if I don't explain this matter clearly, it will definitely be a tumultuous tomorrow.

Return the pistol to the next officer. I took this Ling directly out of here. After the car drove out of the community, I was planning to ask son-in-law whether we should find a place to wait for news or return first. Unexpectedly, son-in-law contacted us first.

"Target appears."


"I marked you on the map."

I quickly expanded the navigation map around the electronic brain, and found that the distance between the target and us was less than one kilometer in a straight line.

"I depend. Are these guys timid?"

"That's why I let you go. Although the bait you chase in the morning is very crap, but those are only peripheral chess pieces, the other person's real personnel are very strong, and ordinary special police can't solve these guys at all."

"I see, we'll deal with it immediately. But I think we may need weapons. The things on Everett's body are too fierce, and they won't work in melee!"

I really don't know what the son-in-law thinks. Actually Ivorite was equipped with a six-barreled machine gun. This thing is quite good for helicopters. If it ’s on the ground, the firepower will be too fierce. The key is that the bullet penetration is too strong, the enemy is bound to die, but the bullet will hurt the people behind it, so we dare not use it in our own city.

"Weapons have been sent to you. Before, I underestimated the cunningness of the other party. If things go on like this, the situation will only get worse, so now we change our strategy and don't have to pay attention to concealment. We just need to run over directly. "

"I love to hear that," Vina interjected.

"Hey, boss, your courier has arrived." As soon as I finished talking to my son-in-law, I suddenly heard Lingling's voice in our own team call. I turned around and saw that three vehicles of the same model as us were catching up from behind. Obviously it was Lingling who came to reinforce them. I can clearly see from my wireless signal that Jingjing, Lingling, Xiaochun and Chili are sitting in the first car. Inside the second car were Amenis, Frost Xue, Ariana and Xiaolong Nu. And it seems that Xiaobai was also on the car. The last car is obviously different from our model. It should be a measuring truck. In it, there are twenty one of them.

"Oh, this time the lineup is really strong." Wei Na sighed.

"Boss, your stuff is on our side, do you need to put it on now?" Lingling is obviously responsible for the posture of the second car, and is asking us at this time.

I thought about it and decided to find a place halfway down and change the equipment. Only then went on the road again.

Three car cards plus one heavy truck, this team is quite attractive, the key is that although our car is a civilian version of camouflage, but after all, it is too large, and all of them are a style, they are still military vehicles.

The two people on the other side obviously have excellent anti-reconnaissance capabilities. They deliberately avoided all the surveillance probes, so they were able to escape from our search before, but just now they unfortunately bought something in a kiosk, and what they didn't know was that the kiosk installed a covert for theft Camera, and this camera is networked.

Because the other party did not find the camera, they were photographed, and the son-in-law locked their position after two seconds. Because of a precise goal, they can no longer trick the recognition software by using some techniques to cover the face or passing the camera through the back. Before it was a haystack, after all, the identification software was limited in intelligence. As long as they don't leak their faces, they can't confirm the tracking, and now the son-in-law is staring in person, and they can't hide at all.

We chased each other's location according to the signal, but this place is even more broken than the old-fashioned community, because this place is a village in the city. It was originally a village on the outskirts of the city. Later it was wrapped in by the city due to the expansion of the city. However, this place has not changed yet, so it still looks like it was. The villages are all houses built by the residents themselves. The structure is not neat. And the road is terribly fatal, the car can't go at all.

"Everyone gets off the car. Skt. You take someone to block the intersection, and the others follow me. No matter, you and Bai Lang stay in the car first and don't come out, they will call you when you are needed ~ ~ After issuing the order quickly, all of us acted immediately. Because the village in the city is not too big, and because of illegal construction, the road has been basically blocked, and only two entrances can enter and exit freely. Of course, the place can also be turned over. Go out through those buildings, but they are certainly not faster than us.

"Boss, we are already in place." After we lurked into the village in the city, Scot, who was responsible for blocking the road, sent me a notice telling them that they had laid an ambush on both sides of the road. As long as the two guys left from here, they must A big loss. Of course, I guess the other person may be more than two people. The two people just transferred things out before, and there should be responders here, but they don't know the number for the time being.

"Well, the road has been blocked, everyone pays attention, start the combat mode, and approach the target point."

Upon hearing my order, Wina and her put down their helmet masks one by one, then picked up their spears and began to approach the target carefully in a tactical formation. Passers-by who happened to go out along the way were knocked out and thrown back to the room So as not to startle the target. We don't want to have another city chase. It's too big for son-in-law.

"Everyone is careful and ready to break in."

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