Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 180: Mutant brood

After the recovery of the parts was completed, the rest of the matter was naturally taken care of. After we determined that the captives were under control, we evacuated the scene decisively. As we left, a large number of police officers and engineering convoys went to the scene, and then demolished the house while conducting confidential counseling to the site personnel.

This place was originally a village in the city. Sooner or later, it was going to be rebuilt. We have a large-scale battle here. It is impossible to recover all the bullets and missile shrapnel. A residential area so no one can find any trace of the battle. As for the sound of explosions in previous battles, this can be explained by the explosion of liquefied gas tanks. By the way, it can also be used as an excuse to emphasize the hidden dangers caused by the illegal use of liquefied gas tanks by urban village residents. . As for the problem of sealing the residents of growing villages, this is also very simple.

In the previous battle, I had Xiaochun use EMP to destroy all the electrical equipment in this urban village, so the other party would not have any video or image data. Now a popular phrase on the Internet is called "No picture, no truth", so it is impossible for these people to speak with their own words to have much impact. Besides, there are many residents in urban villages, but most of them live in foreign labor. These people actually work a lot harder than the locals every day. Their jobs are generally not workers at construction sites, such as milk delivery, courier, etc. work. Because of the special needs of these jobs, most of the residents in urban villages go out early. Perhaps most white-collar workers think that they have already worked hard to get up at 5 or 6 o'clock, but they don't know that many of these foreign workers have already gone out at 3 or 4 in the morning.

It is because of the special nature of this area. So when we were fighting, there were n’t many residents here, and not all of them saw the whole thing. Most of them only heard the gunfire exactly, and even those who witnessed the fighting were mostly incomplete. Most of these people will stop talking about it because of the password. Even if a few people say it, it is unlikely to cause much concern because there is no solid evidence and no more testimonies.

Aftercare does not require our control, but the captives must be taken away. These people made direct contact with us. Some of them may also find the differences between us and human beings, so we must take them all away. They are different from their own residents, who are themselves spies, and they cannot be treated the same way as their own residents.

Although many prisoners were captured this time, most of them have been hung up. Of course, the corpses do not need to be taken away. What we really took away was only a dozen lucky people. And at least half of them were injured.

The security forces who had arrived later were going to lend us a car, but I thought about it and refused. The captives were thrown directly into several vehicles by us. Although slightly crowded, it did not affect driving.

It was almost noon when we returned to the base. Someone was waiting for us at the base. Throw all the captives to the security at the base, and then hand that core part to a team of researchers. After saying hello to son-in-law, I quickly returned to the equipment library to unload the equipment and returned to my room.

In fact, I was so anxious mainly because I wanted to see how the blade queen that Radamantis said had been cultivated. According to Radamantis, the queen of the blades is actually growing very fast, and the material limit is not the speed of reproduction. It's been half a day since we were out on the mission. If Radamantis is fast enough, this may have already been completed by the Queen of Blades.

As soon as I was online, I went straight to the place where I had opened up a training ground with Radamantis. Here is where the queen of the blade is raised in our guild. As for the Smurfs of the Hades ... who has the Queen of the Blades, who wants the Souls of Hades?

"Ladamantis, what is this?" As soon as I saw Radamantis, I found four lush trees beside him. It can be said that there is almost no obvious difference between this tree and ordinary trees. Straight trunks and lush foliage. Aside from being a bit scary, it looks like nothing special. However, the more so, the stranger it is, because if I remember correctly, the lair of the blade queen of the breeding blade queen mentioned by Radamantis should not be like this!

Radamantis, who was discussing something with some gods there, turned around immediately when he heard my voice. When I came to him, he said with a sad expression, "I don't know what happened. I do everything according to the previous records, and I have carefully checked each of the added materials, and there is absolutely nothing wrong, but the thing that grows out is completely different from the kind of mother nest I planted before . "

"Do you mean these four big trees are actually our four mother nests?"

Radamantis nodded hard, then said: "I did cultivate the four female nest splits, but I don't know what it is now. From the appearance, this thing It's a very normal big tree, except that its internal energy density is very high and its height is exaggerated. It is no different from common trees. "

"You said that this thing has a very high energy density?"

Radamantis nodded: "I checked before that the energy density inside this thing has exceeded the energy density in my own body. Considering the volume of this thing, if it is a living creature, it is estimated that I and it If you fight, you have to be shot on the ground in three or two moves. "

"Did you find this thing offensive?"

"Nothing has been found so far, and this thing seems to be a normal big tree ~ ~ Basically there is no structure that can move, so I don't think it should be possible for anyone to attack this thing. Ability."

"Then have you observed whether this thing has the ability to reproduce? This thing is propagated by mother nest splits. Should there be some basic functions?"

The mother nest is a biological incubator. On the one hand, it extracts energy and substances from the surrounding environment, on the other hand, it produces corresponding auxiliary organisms and replicates itself. This is the basic characteristic of the mother nest. Even if the thing that looks like a tree mutates, the most basic function should still be there, right?

Although my wishes are good, it is a pity that many things cannot be determined by human wishes. Radamantis shook his head directly and said, "At present, I haven't found any signs of reproduction of this thing. The creatures of the hawk series are relying on the nest to breed. But nothing on this big tree looks like The structure of the cultivation cavity, so it is initially judged that this thing may not have the ability to produce affiliated individuals. However, it is not certain for the time being, because this thing is still growing and has no intention of stopping. I guess there should be some when it is fully mature Change is right. "

Radamantis was talking on the side, and suddenly there was a call. "Master Radamantis, look at it, that thing is blooming!"

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