Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 185: 4 combos

In order to avoid breakdown, our defensive energy must be fully focused on the front. // According to this requirement, in the end, everyone actually put up a long snake array, and it was completely straight one day, because anyone who exposed the range of the long snake array would be directly killed by that big tree. . After all, that thing has now proven that it can launch the attack of the main **** with a full blow and more than this power. Such power is definitely not carried by ordinary protoss, so as long as anyone exceeds the scope of protection, it is almost a mortal ending.

After all the protoss were ready, I stood at the front of the team. According to plan, this is my position. In case everyone's divine shield cannot stop the attack from the opposite side, I will be responsible for carrying the aftermath, at least to ensure that The protoss behind can leave safely. [] Say chapter update is fastest

After confirming that everything was ready, we started moving toward the tree again, but when I stepped into the attack range, there was no movement in the tree over there.

"Strange? Why didn't you respond?" The second person behind me was Wei Na, and now only she can see the situation in front.

Let Wina stand behind me, this is actually for a reason. The explanation for others is that Wei Na is the main deity of the chaos and order protoss, and she must be a soldier first, so let her stand here, and if necessary, she can extract the core strength of the divine power to strengthen the defense, which is much stronger than other protoss. However, in fact this is all an excuse. The real reason I let Weiner stand here is that Weiner is actually the only one who can be resurrected here. "Say that chapters are updated the fastest

All the gods of the Protoss of Chaos and Order were present at the scene, but everyone was dead once they died. However, Wei Na has become a dragon. She has her own in reality, so she should be considered a BUG in the game. This so-called BUG is immortal. This immortal body does not mean that it will not be killed, but that it is the same as dead. Because death will disappear completely, there is no setting for downgrading after death in the system. However, because of the reality of Wei Na, she will not disappear after death, but will only be temporarily disconnected. As soon as she logs in again, she can be resurrected immediately. And because the system does not punish deaths such as relegation, Vena can be revived in full no matter how many times she dies. This undead body is definitely a super bug. If you can use this to fight, Wei Na can single out the entire court of heaven to win. After all, she ca n’t die completely. If she keeps fighting with the enemy, the other party will always win. One day she was consumed. but. It is a pity that we did not dare to use this trick at all, and we could not even let people know that Wei Na was actually immortal, because now this is only a hidden bug, and once the revival ability is really used, the bug will be immediately Exposure, the main system will inevitably make adjustments to this point. We are not sure what changes will result from this adjustment. But it is definitely a huge change, so we try not to use it, hoping not to cause changes in the system.

Although Wei Na ’s death once in the game would expose her immortality, in contrast, the loss of a chaotic and order protoss is more unacceptable, so I still let Wei Na stand by me Becoming the second line of defense later, after all, this is only an insurance, it should normally not be used.

I was quite puzzled after hearing the inquiries from Wei Na, and the previous attacks on the opposite tree were quite positive. Almost as soon as I entered the attack range, the opponent would start attacking. But this time I have entered the attack range, and it did not respond. Although I don't know what is wrong with this tree. But we always test, so I just shook my head and started to move forward.

As soon as I moved here, Wei Na and they immediately started to follow me, but this time until we all entered the attack range, the opposite tree was still unresponsive.

"Strange. Why haven't you responded yet? Is it out of energy?" Looking at the big tree on the opposite side, I started to wonder.

I don't know if I heard what I said. Just as my voice just dropped, Wina suddenly called out, "Heart, that thing is starting to gather energy!"

Sure enough, with the reminder from Wei Na, I already felt that the energy response of the opposite tree began to rise sharply. It took about two seconds for the cross star at the top of the thing to shine again, and then a thin beam of light immediately Flashed by. I only heard a bang, and then the surrounding area was covered by smoke and dust. At the same time, the huge vibration and noise did not stop, but it lasted for a full ten seconds before it completely ended.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because this thing does n’t penetrate the defensive wall, why do you want to suffocate us?" I took a whirlwind and blasted out the surrounding smoke directly after taking the dust off my body. After the sight was restored, I Hurry up and ask, "Are you all right?"

They did not speak at the back of Hades. They were only responsible for providing divine support. Wena was the one who supported the divine barrier, so she knew the situation best.

"No problem. The barrier we support is very stable, because the defense surface is not large, so it is quite easy to block such attacks. In addition, I think that tree may have reached its limit. The intensity of this attack just now is only higher than This time has increased by 50%, and the duration has also increased to ten seconds. This is obviously different from the previous jump-type power increase, so I guess that thing should also reach its limit. This is likely to be its maximum output. "

After Weina finished speaking, we all felt that it made sense, because each time the attack from that big tree would increase the power by dozens or hundreds of times compared to the last time, it was obviously not normal to increase it by only 50% this time. Is really unexplainable.

"In this case, we will try again. If the power no longer rises, then this should really be the limit." Radamantis suggested.

I thought for a moment and nodded, "then try again."

After everyone's unanimous consent, we continued to wait for the attack over there, but this waited for more than 30 seconds without any movement on the other side. You know, when I did n’t start the fit mode and when Jingjing entered, I tested the continuous shooting speed of that thing. That thing seems to be able to attack once only two or three seconds apart, and no response in those thirty seconds is obviously not normal.

"Why not attack again?" Aphrodite asked after him.

Hardis speculated, "Is it because the energy of a full-strike is too high to shoot continuously?"

"It's possible, but everyone's better to wait." Wei Na suggested.

I also think that it is better to be safer at this time, so I also agree that everyone basically means this, after all, we are not in a hurry. It's not cost-effective to die for this.

Although we are ready to wait for that thing to gather energy. But this time it was ten minutes. Ten minutes later, Hades stood up and said, "No, that thing is not gathering energy, it really stopped attacking."

Poseidon also followed, "It must have given up the attack for some reason. Everyone has experienced the process of energy accumulation before that. At that speed, the energy required should have been enough."

I frowned for a while, and then said, "I think I probably know why it didn't attack."

"I think I understand, too," said Wei Na. "That tree should be wise. There were signs of this before. Now it may not be because the tree knows that its ultimate attack is not enough to penetrate. Our defense, so it simply stopped attacking. "

"So it just gave up resistance?" Peacock asked.

Wina shook her head and said, "Should not be. I think it is likely to be so deadlocked. If we are not close, it will not be necessary to attack, if we are close, it will launch an attack with the back tree and focus The strength of the two forms a combined attack. "

Other protoss who hadn't thought of this immediately understood it when they heard Wei Na's explanation. The kind of tree opposite is not a single tree. But four trees. The attack range of these trees is the same radius of one hundred kilometers, but four trees cannot be squeezed at a point, so the overlapping part of their attack range is not more than one hundred kilometers. In fact, we thought this thing would become the Queen's Lair, so the distance between the four trees is very wide. After all, the Queen of the Blade's Lair still needs to hatch to produce the Queen of the Blade. The surrounding area definitely needs space, so the four trees were not next to each other, but were separated by a large distance from each other. Because of this distance, we have only stepped into the attack range of the first big tree from now until now. The other three trees are still outside the attack range.

Once we figured this out, we immediately re-planned. Finally decided to take the initiative to try again. After all, we are going to approach those trees, and if we want to wipe blood on the trunk of one of the big trees. Then it must inevitably enter the attack range of the four trees at the same time. That is to say, if we cannot carry the combined attack of the four trees at the same time, even the attack of the next tree is useless.

We are not too worried about this temptation, because even if we move a little forward, we will only enter the strike range of two trees, and two trees will not hit us, and Wei Na has already calculated. The divine shield supported by our joint forces is enough to carry two trees and attack at the same time. The only thing to note is that because of the angle of the two trees, the barrier may be slightly expanded this time to fully protect everyone, but even if it is expanded After that, it should be relatively easy to carry the attack.

After planning, we adjusted the range of Divine Shield by Wei Na before we started to move forward heartily again. Sure enough, as soon as I stepped into the attack range of the second tree, the two trees immediately reacted with energy at the same time.

It only took a total of two seconds from the beginning of the energy response to the doji's glare. This preparation time seems to have stabilized. However, the way the two trees emitted the light beam was a little surprising, because instead of firing a separate beam to attack us, the cross star on top of the tree farther towards the tree closest to us The doji on the top emitted a beam of light, and the doji on the tree close to us fired at us immediately after being hit.

Although this energy transfer process had a transition, but because the speed of light was too fast, there was almost no delay in our view, and then we were hit by a beam that looked completely indistinguishable from the previous one.

Boom ... This time, it was really a horrible outbreak of ground shaking. We obviously felt the tremor of the ground under my feet, and as the person standing in the front, I saw the divine shield flickering sharply. Fortunately, there were no cracks or anything.

This attack was ten seconds as before, and then it ended abruptly. As soon as the attack stopped, Wei Na immediately said to herself, "The power is twice as high as before. It seems that the previous attack is the maximum output of a tree. The combined force of the two trees is only doubled. "

"Can such an attack be completely stopped?" I asked back.

Wei Na nodded. "No problem, if it was just this power, it would not hurt us."

"Then move on, let's try the power of the three trees."

"it is good."

It took us only a few seconds this time to decide to move forward again, but to our surprise, when we entered the attack range of the third tree, those big trees remained motionless.

"What's the matter?" Hades asked.

Wina shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"Maybe it's still an energy problem." I thought about it and speculated. "The preparation of energy for an attack of this intensity must take time. It can't be fired continuously like a rapid-fire gun. ~ That can only be the case. "

This time, my guess obviously didn't fall through. After a full fifteen seconds passed after we stepped into the attack range of the third tree, the three trees started to gather energy at the same time, and the rays came on schedule after two seconds. It is still the same tandem attack as before, but no secondary transmission occurred. The third and second trees furthest from each other were beams of light directed towards the first tree, and then the first tree fired at us immediately after receiving the beam.

The attack of the three trees is basically completely what we had expected. The power is equal to three times the power of a single tree. The duration is ten seconds. After the total is completed, our divine shield appears to shake more obviously, but it is not close to the collapse far away.

No need to say anything this time, we immediately rushed forward after the attack, quickly entered the area covered by the four trees, and then waited. We started the countdown from the end of the attack. After 30 seconds, the four tree combos started. The power was exactly four times that of a single tree, and it still ended after 10 seconds. This caused serious flickering and shaking from the shield, and even a slight crack, but it was blocked anyway.

"Huh, fortunately there are only four of them!" (To be continued.)

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