Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 193: communication

After the task is assigned, everyone starts to act independently. Ladamantis was scared by Jinshan Yinhaidai, while gold coins and real red were brought together by a team of men and the guides of Jinshan Yinhai brought by us, and then entered the rainforest and began to clear The more dangerous monsters and forces near the city building site, of course, Chris and Dina, of course, took Porsecione to go to the elves to take the task according to the promise. Of course, it would not work for the three of us alone. Although we are a guild with Jinshan Yinhai, after all, the people of the elven tribe do not know us, so it is not possible to go like this.

In order to facilitate communication, Jinshan Yinhai equipped us with two guides. Both of them are members of our Frost Rose Alliance, but neither is Chinese. One of the older is a U.S. citizen, but he is of Chinese descent. His ancestors came to the United States in the United States during the development of the United States. Now the juniors in the family can not even speak Chinese, but he speaks Chinese very well Slip, but also a China pass, also joined our Frost Rose League, a Chinese-based guild in the game.

In addition to this Chinese, another guide is a native of Hong Kong. Although he should be a brown race, I think it is black, at least in my opinion this guy is as black as briquettes.

Because of the special environment in South America, it is almost impossible for outsiders to walk without a guide. Therefore, all forces here have a large number of professional guides. Although these people have joined various guilds, they are actually not the same as those of true guild members, they are more like wage earners who join a certain company. The sense of belonging is not as good as the real members, and they only join to get more pay. It's not really about joining the guild.

"Hello, my name is briquette, this time I am your jungle guide." The guy of South American descent introduced himself immediately after the introduction of Jinshan Yinhai, and his name made us almost laugh. Although this guy is darker than most black people, it is too exaggerated to call himself briquettes.

As soon as the briquette side finished speaking, the Chinese next to him said, "Not surprisingly, our guild mainly receives domestic guests, so the guides have Chinese names. This is just a convenience for everyone. Our system name is not It ’s like this. My own name is North and South. It ’s not the name of the game, it ’s just a title. This time, I and briquettes are your guides, but our division of labor is different. Coal briquettes are wayfinding guides. Everyone leads the way. I am a task guide, responsible and communication. If you encounter any problems during the task, you can also ask me. I know most of the common sense task information nearby. "

I nodded and said, "Are you all clear about the task?"

The briquette nodded and said, "Jinshan Yinhai has already told us. Just send everyone to the elven tribe."

I nodded and said, "Hurry up then."


Before we came here, Jinshan Yinhai knew that it was definitely going to go to the elven tribe. Whether it was to rob or pick up a mission, this trip would definitely not be saved, so the guide was already prepared, and even the supplies were prepared. All right. Hearing that I was about to set off, Briquette immediately took out a cloth bag from his body. Then dragged a bunch of bottles from it and distributed them to us.

Cristina took a bunch of bottles tied with a straw rope in confusion, only to find that the bottles contained a mess. Some bottles are liquid, some are powder, some are stones or unknown semi-liquid objects, and even several bottles contain live bugs.

"What the **** is this?" Kristina asked as the bug crawled around in the bottle.

After the briquettes had sent the bottle, they pointed at each of them and explained to us. "These are the most commonly used things in the jungle. This black bottle contains the dung of a swamp dragon."

"What?" Kristina made her eyes look inside when she heard the ball introduced the black bottle. It sounded as if the feces scared and threw the bottle out.

Briquettes didn't care much about Kristina's reaction. It is estimated that he saw more people who responded in this way. "Don't underestimate this thing. Marsh Wyvern belongs to Advanced Warcraft in the tropical rain forest. And because Marsh Wyvern is a gregarious, it produces a honeycomb-like effect. The strongest Warcraft does not want to offend Marsh Wyvern easily, otherwise it will attract a group Even the dragons who have fallen into a single order will have to flee. So if we want to rest in the woods, we can use this thing to define a range, and then other creatures dare not approach. But we need to pay attention. We The place is called a rain forest. This rainfall is very heavy, and it will rain almost once or twice a day, so the faeces sprinkled on the ground can only persist when it rains. Once it rains, be careful, because the faeces will be lost. effect."

"Willn't the other bottles be filled with feces?" Cristina asked.

The briquette shook his head and said, "Of course not." Then he pointed to a bottle full of green gel and said, "This is the paste made from the leaves of the invincible tree. If you encounter advanced Warcraft and find that you can't run If you drop it, you can throw this at Warcraft or simply apply it to yourself, and Warcraft will never attack you again. "

As soon as I heard it, I looked at the bottle in surprise and asked, "Is this tree as powerful as a cannibal tree?"


Cristina asked in doubt: "No, why is Warcraft so afraid of the sap of this tree?"

"This is because the sap of the invincible tree is extremely stinky, and its adhesion is very strong. It does n’t matter how it is washed after it is applied. It has to wait for three or five days to oxidize and lose its flavor. So they ca n’t stand the smell anymore, just a little bit can smoke them away. If you are attacked by a high-level monster and find that you ca n’t run away, apply a little to yourself, when the monster smells the smell on you, it will be disgusting I want to vomit, I dare not touch you anymore. "

"So what ... can you ask me, is there anything against Warcraft?" I tried to explain: "We are different from the ordinary tourists you bring. Warcraft sees us. It should be Warcraft to escape. You None of these things we need! "

When briquette heard my words, he quickly patted his head and said, "Oh, I forgot this. You are all big men. Very good, monsters don't have to be afraid. Then I will introduce something useful to you." He said Then he pulled out a glass bottle from the rope and said, "Did you see the bug inside? This beautiful little bug is not offensive, but they have a strong sense of direction. If you accidentally walk with our two guides, It ’s scattered, and you ca n’t find the way back, just let it out. The worm will fly back from the city by itself, and you just need to follow it to find the way back. But you need to pay attention to the speed of this little thing. Very fast, you ca n’t catch up once you run away. So we put a string around this little guy ’s neck. The end of the thread is outside the bottle. Before you open the bottle, tie the end of the thread to yourself. Do n’t let it Just fly away. "

"It's quite practical," Kristina said.

"It's also practical to have this bug," briquette pointed at another bottle. The bottle was densely packed with a white fatworm like a silkworm. The worm is white and without spots, and looks a bit cute. Of course, it looks cute, but the bottle is not cute when squeezed together, and it feels a little numb. The briquettes are not scared at all. Just open the bottle and catch a bug. "This is a gluttonous insect. You can grab it directly with your hands, there is no danger. If you need food in the forest, but you do n’t know it, you can Experiment with this bug. Put the bug on what you want to eat, as long as it eats this thing, you can eat it. If it does not eat this kind of thing, you must not eat it. This bug will distinguish food, people It eats everything it can, and there must be a problem if it doesn't. "

"It turned out to be an automatic food detector! What else was in the bottle?"

"Most of them are unavailable to you, but these may be useful. This red is an insect repellent powder. This is an antidote, this is a plant sap that masks body odor. Close to some timid creatures can be used. And this is a medicine for water purification, this is a special pigment used for marking, this is a special plasma that attracts the meat eating Warcraft, this is the aromatic fruit that attracts herbivores, and this is a desiccant. You are elsewhere People who come here may not like the humid environment we have here. Put this desiccant in a small bag and carry it tightly. It will be drier. However, you need to change it every two hours, or it will fail. "

"We don't need that stuff," Cristina asked. "What else is useful?"

"That's it for the time being. Most of these things are for ordinary tourists to save their lives. When you get here, you are almost at the top of the food chain. I think those World of Warcraft need these things more than you, so you ca n’t use them. In addition, I There are some special medicine powders that may be more targeted here, but there are many types of them, and the probability of using them is not high, so you don't need to bring them, I just have them here. "

"Okay, things are ready. Let's set off."

"Okay, come with me."

The elf tribe is not too far away from the city where we live, but the road is slightly delayed because the road is not very easy. In fact, the main problem is that the guides have not communicated well with us. If you know the specific location here, you can fly directly from the air, find the approximate location, and then airborne. Although the monster area in the game is extremely dangerous in the air, this is not a problem for us.

When we reached the periphery of the elven tribe, we met the other patrol team. Those elves were very aware of defense, so we were just discovered when we were close to the peripheral area of ​​the elven area. Of course, we didn't hide it deliberately, but it was one of the reasons that we came over the road.

"Well, it's you." We were walking very well, and suddenly we saw the two elves jumping from the tree, but they did not show any meaning of fighting, and talked to the north and south as soon as they came.

North and South simply talked to each other for a few words, and then let us introduce to the front: "These are the senior members of our guild. This time I brought them to your patriarch. I don't know the patriarch now Are you there? "

One of the older elves said, "We have been out for a while, and it's not clear to me whether the patriarch is here or not. You can go to the tribe again."

"Okay, then we leave first." North and South greeted the other party and took us forward, but the other party quickly jumped into the big tree for a few ups and downs and disappeared. The elf is known as the son of nature. In the forest, he is simply a fish in the water. The bird is not necessarily fighting. The ability to move and hide is absolutely first-class.

I do n’t know if the previous patrol team found that we have used some method to communicate with the back. After all, we have n’t met the new patrol team anyway, and several times I obviously felt that no elves passed by us. Come out and stop us.

After a short walk, we finally saw the elven tribe that Jinshan Yinhai said. Although Jinshan Yinhai has always emphasized that this elven tribe is a very small tribe. But when I saw it, I realized that it was not as small as expected.

The area of ​​this tribe is at least tens of thousands of square meters, and there are no fences or fences on the periphery. Elven cities rarely have this kind of defense facilities. Generally only elves that leave the forest or elven cities such as the elven king capital will consider building defense facilities such as city walls. Generally, elven cities are open, and The commercial city in the player-built city has no walls and no so-called gates.

As we approached the elven tribe, the surrounding plants began to change noticeably. The plants nearby are significantly taller than previously seen. And the plants are closely connected with each other, and do not have the sparse feeling of the previous rainforest. In addition, the plant species in this area seem to be somewhat different from the surrounding plants. The first is that there are not as many shrubs in the elven tribe as in the normal rain forest. Only some shrubs that serve as an embellishment exist. There is no dense and dense state in the normal rain forest at all.

In addition to the sparse bushes. There are also significant changes in the tree species of the elven tribe. Although the trees in the elven tribe are still as tall and erect as the surrounding plants, there are many horizontal branches of the plants, and the horizontal branches are often entangled between the trees. In this way, a passage like a wooden bridge is formed above the trunk.

The elves' houses were almost all built on these spreading branches. Use the trunk of the big tree behind as a wall. Then use the spreading branches as the foundation, and use a combination of rattan and wood to form several walls. This formed a tree house.

Although the buildings here are all built on trees, after seeing these tree houses here, I can understand a little bit why Jinshan Yinhai said that this is just an elf tribe.

Actually, I've seen real elven cities before. It was a system city, and it was quite large. The elven building in that elven city was also built on the big tree, but it was very different from the tribe's building in front of it.

In the real elven city, the elves' houses are not what we think of as wooden houses, but houses that grow on tree trunks. Although the tree houses they live in are made of wood, those woods are part of the trunk or branches of the tree in which the tree house was built, and these branches and trunks are not cut down and spliced ​​into houses, but trunks or branches. Some hollows grew out inside, and then a room-like structure was formed. Moreover, not all the houses in the elven city are on the tree. Some particularly large trees start to have houses at the roots. After entering these houses, you will find that there is a spiral upward staircase inside the trunk, you can walk from the inside Go to the house on the branch.

This kind of house that grows on the trunk is the real building of the elven city. Although the elven tribe building in front of it is also a tree house, it is better to say that it is a human tree house because of the trunk here. The houses on the top are made of cut wood, which is no different from the wooden houses built by human beings. If there is any difference, it may be that the building site is a little strange. But in essence, these tree houses are still in the style of human architecture, not really elven.

In fact, the elves rarely cut down trees. All the plants they need to use are spawned with life magic. The small tribe in front of them is too small, so without a high-level elven mage, it is naturally impossible to spawn the kind. tree house.

In addition to the problem of the tree house. This elven tribe has a more serious problem, which is that this place does not have the most important tree of life and magic spring of elves.

The tree of life is something that every elven city must have. If there is no tree of life, it will become a very distressed state like the tribe in front of it, almost like the tribe of the homeless. Because there is no tree of life, the surrounding plants cannot grow tall enough. In this case, building enough tree houses becomes an impossible task, so the scale of this tribe cannot be expanded. The problem without Magic Springs is even worse. Because there is no magic spring. Therefore, the output of the mage is very low, and the level is not up. The collateral effect of this is that the tribe's strength is low, and there is not enough combat power to deal with the invaders, so the security can not be guaranteed.

It can be said that the elf tribe in front of it is a slum elf tribe, and their internal living environment is very bad. If it wasn't because the elves were known as the sons of nature, they wouldn't worry about living and eating in the forest.

I was observing this elf tribe, and suddenly I heard a passing elf stopped north and south to inquire about the tribal leader. As a guide responsible for communication, the affinity between the North and the South must be very high, and because it has been brushed favorably before. So the elves here are very enthusiastic about us. Upon hearing the north-south inquiries, the elf immediately pointed at a large tree not far behind, saying: "The patriarch is there to receive guests from other ethnic groups. You can find it."

"Thank you very much." North and South thanked the elf and beckoned us to follow him.

After walking to the big tree that was not far away, we took a half circle to the other side, and then we saw a tree hole on the trunk. The height of this tree hole is almost one meter six, although it is not too small. But in terms of the average height of the elves of 1.78, this height is obviously a little short.

At this time there were two elves and two creatures standing on either side of the tree hole. I didn't know what it was. The two elves were nothing special. But those two creatures have grown more personal. Generally speaking, these two creatures are humanoid, but one of them has at least a round head standing upright like a big light bulb. It feels that his head is at least twice as large as his waist, even though his shoulders It is not as wide as the head.

Despite this big head, the creature's hands and feet are short and thin, only about two-thirds the length of a human, and his body is very short. Although there is a little over six meters standing on the ground, at least half of this height is the head, and the remaining half is the length and leg length.

This creature has a strange feature in addition to its head, which is that his body is as smooth as oil, and it has a little sparkle, and his complexion is that pale blue. It feels weird to see this color in the forest.

In addition to this big head creature, there is another creature that is also human, but compared with the creature next to it that looks like an alien more than an earth creature, this thing can basically be classified as a beast.

This guy is at least 2.5 meters tall, wearing a heavy plate armor, but the exposed part is all brown hair, even the face is covered with a layer of slightly shorter hair, except for the eyes and the inside of the palm Besides, the exposed part of this guy's body is basically all fur.

Except for this hair and huge body shape, this guy is basically human-like, with a normal body ratio, which is particularly strong. In addition, this guy's head is a part that is quite different from people, because the face of this thing is protruding forward. If it wasn't because it didn't see anything like it and no horns, I almost thought it was a tauren warrior.

In fact, the creature's head is a little bit like a wolf, but its mouth is not so sharp and relatively short and thick. But if it is a bear man, the ears and face shape are not right, anyway, 80% of this thing is some kind of orc branch.

The four creatures there were originally sitting or standing there in a daze, and our sudden appearance immediately attracted each other's attention. After seeing us, the two alien creatures first looked at the reactions of the two elves on the opposite side, and then they relaxed their vigilance after seeing that the expressions of the elves did not change. One of the elves on the other side shouted at us: Aren't they north and south? Did you buy bows and arrows today? "

"No, no, I brought our president to meet the patriarch today. There are important things that I want to ask your patriarch to help."

"Oh. That's it. But you may have to wait a little bit. The chief is talking to the guests and has been in for a long time. It should be over."

"It's okay, we can wait." North and South talked and took us to the other side, and then he whispered with the two elves, obviously it was really a good relationship.

While they were talking, I turned my head and whispered to a Poursefeneer with a hood in silence: "Let go of your power a little, don't be too much, just let out a little bit. "

Poursefone didn't answer, but I immediately felt a touch of coolness across my face. The two elves who were talking to the north and south were talking and suddenly turned to look at us. Then for a moment, one of the elves remembered to ask the north and south: "The one with the hood is your president?"

"No, the one in front is our president. The one with the hood is very powerful. Currently, he is a senior member of the guild. He should be our subordinate."

The elf nodded after listening, then explained to his companion, and hurriedly turned into the tree hole. I know he must be reporting. For an elven tribe. A high-level existence that has the power of life all over the body, but of course cannot be ignored. The other party does not know if it is okay. Once it is felt, it will naturally report up.

Sure enough, a large group of elves rushed out of the tree hole in less than twenty seconds, with at least ten. One of these elves, an old-looking elf-like elf, locked in at a glance. Then rushed over.

Speaking of Elves, the life span is very long, and this race hardly ages. If the life of the elves is shortened proportionally to the length of human life, then the age of the elves should be roughly the same. First, they will enter adolescence when they are three years old, and then they will reach adulthood at about eight years old. Only they will remain as young people until they are forty years old. Then entered the mature period and maintained until the age of eighty. After that, the elves will take three years as a paragraph to quickly go through the late middle and old age. Then died.

According to this ratio, it can be seen that children and old people in the Elven clan are very rare, because their childhood and old age are very short, and most of their lives are in their youth and adulthood. The elf in front of him looked like an old man of humankind. His skin was wrinkled and dry, indicating that the elf was really old, and it was estimated that he was about to reach the end of his life.

The old elf was a little bit unstable when he walked excitedly, but he didn't really fall. After a few steps, he seemed to want to reach out to Porsecione, but he just didn't dare to reach forward. Finally hesitated for a moment before he asked a little nervously: "I do n’t know how to call higher existence? I feel a strong life wave on your body, which has far surpassed the life mage of my tribe. Before, I was only in the month The powerful breath of life was felt from the glory of the goddess at the festival. Are you ...? "

Poursefeney calmly lifted his hood, and revealed an affinity smile while letting go of his divine power. With a breeze blowing, the grass around it flashed green as if it were sprayed with brightener, and some plants that were about to wither were instantly resurrected, and many places were inexplicably large and small. Flowers, the entire elven tribe was covered by a sea of ​​flowers in a blink of an eye.

The reason for such an effect is, of course, that Persephone is deliberate. If she does not control, simply leaking a little divine power will give birth to plants, but it will not achieve such an exaggerated effect. She is doing this to my full benefit, of course, the purpose is to brush favoritism. You must know that the elves are very kind to all life-rich beings.

As the divine power unfolded, the old elf shouted excitedly: "Are you a goddess?"

"I am indeed a goddess, but I am not a **** of the moon. I am the goddess of spring, and it is my job to lift the ban on winter and bring vitality to the earth," said Persephone.

"It turned out to be the goddess of spring. No wonder it has such a mighty life force. I wonder if there is anything for the goddess to appear here that we need to do?"

"It's not a request whatsoever ~ ~ Porsecigne started to introduce me." This is Ziri, the president of the guild where the Protoss is now located. I'm here this time It is because our guild wants to build a wizard city, so we want to get your help. "

"Elf City?" The old elf stunned for a moment, and then asked, "I don't know how we can help. You also saw that we don't even have a residence that can be called an elf city, this ..."

"We have all the other conditions for building an elven city, but there are no elven seeds. I don't know if you can help us get some elven seeds." I asked on behalf of Persephone.

"Is the elf seed?" The old elf thought for a moment and said, "We only have a few seeds, and they are all low-level building seeds. It is definitely not enough to build the elf city alone, and we do n’t have the key seed of the mother tree . However, if necessary, we can take you to a large city of elves in the vicinity, where there should be seeds, but they will certainly not hand them over easily, so you need to find a way! "

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can give us a line." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

♂m net--♂

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