Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 237: The Tragedy of the Eight-Disc Serpent

After the concentrated attack of Isinger's Mobile Fortress, it was covered by lava, and it was more than ten minutes after Nobunaga's hand climbed out of the mountain with his own people. Based on the last order I issued before, the players on our side are acting very fast. As long as there is no movement on the side of Nobunaga and Hachiman Serpent, we have completely dispersed the team, as long as If there is a slight change in any place, we will immediately rush to give a fatal blow to the guy who just took the lead.

"Chairman, do you say they can come out?" I stood on the wall watching the rolling lava flowing below and heard Kristina asking.

The gold coin rushed in front of me and replied: "If we are attacked by ourselves, the survival rate is also more than 50%. The ghost-handed Nobunaga is strengthened into a protoss by the Yachi serpent. What is the combat effectiveness? Better than us? "

"But they had just been attacked, didn't they respond so quickly?" Kristina still felt we might not see any survivors waiting.

In fact, I have no guesses about Chris Dina and gold coins, because this thing really has a lot of luck on the road. It's like the same traffic accident, two cars of the same model collided together at the same speed, and the injuries and deaths of their internal personnel will not be exactly the same. Various small and complex factors will interfere with the result of the whole thing. The difference will make the ending completely contradictory.

Can the ghost-handed Nobunaga and his men be stocked in lava? In theory, of course, it is possible, because the magic power is much higher than the magic power. As long as it is used properly, it can be done to keep small lives. But just as most people can't make the correct judgments in the event of an unexpected disaster, can the subordinates of the ghost-handed Nobunaga make correct judgments in our raid? Obviously, no one can say this well, so we don't know if the ghost-handed people can come out.

However, although Nobunaga and his subordinates had been delaying a lot of time under the lava, the Yagi snakes did not delay at all. Just out of Mount Fuji. Less than five minutes after the lava soared into the sky, our Isinger mobile fortress and the fleet stayed directly below the location where a sudden explosion of dirt exploded. Before we could see what was going on here, we saw a dark shadow digging out of the dirt, and then biting the lower part of Isinger's Mobile Fortress.

We were standing on the city wall watching the volcano eruption, and we suddenly heard a loud noise, and immediately we felt that the foot was tilting, and the whole Essinger fortress shook violently.

"Damn, what's the matter?" The gold coin, which almost fell over, turned and asked the **** of war.

The army **** just hesitated for less than a second before answering: "It's the Hachichi serpent. He's below us."

"Yaqi serpent?" As soon as I heard the name, I knew things were coming. Turning around and explaining a few words to Hongyue, then I said directly: "I'll go and have a deal with the Yachi snake."

"Do we need to go?" Weiner asked.

I thought for a while and said, "Don't go up first, who will I need to inform you. Don't come near now, I will try to strengthen the strength of the Yagi snake after so many protoss have been strengthened, and I will determine his strength Move again. "

"Okay," Vena nodded in response.

As soon as I left the walls of Isinger's Mobile Fortress and rushed below the city, eight huge heads had burst on the ground below Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and these eight heads were bitten on Ai Singh moved to eight positions at the bottom of the fort. They desperately bite Isinger's Mobile Fortress and pull it down, seemingly trying to pull Isinger's Mobile Fortress to the ground.

People in our guild also noticed this reaction of the Hachichi snake. It's just that I'm rushing to the scene. So neither of them made any choice, but waited for my judgment.

When I rushed directly under Isinger's Mobile Fortress, the eight heads of the big Yachi snakes dragged eight long necks to the bottom of Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and they were desperately pulling down. When I saw this posture, I knew what the Yaki Snake wanted to do.

In the principle that the wishes of the enemy should be prevented. I directly started the communicator to contact the army Shinto: "Increase the power output of Isinger's mobile fortress, go up, and give me the **** of the Bachi snake to fish out of the ground."

"Understand." The **** of war immediately acted upon receiving my order. The power furnace inside the Isinger Mobile Fortress was turned on to the maximum instantaneously. Although the special principle of the gravity resistance device did not see any ejected flames or other things outside the city, in fact the Isinger Mobile Fortress was at this time. Power output has more than doubled just now. And with such great power, the Yagi snake that was still under the ground felt that a huge force was dragging himself to the ground, even though he had grasped the nearby soil. But this seems to be useless. Large tracts of mud were hoisted with the Yagi snake, and the huge traction force made the Yaki snake unable to control his body at all. And the most terrible thing is that this pull force is not the maximum state, it is still increasing.

"Damn, how could this be!" The Yaqi serpent cursed us countless times in his heart, but this did not help his resistance at all. On the contrary, because distraction caused the control to decrease, his resistance became weaker and weaker. , The whole body is being pulled towards the ground a little bit.

The angry Yagi snake started his final resistance. He suddenly input all the power of faith on the core of his divine power into his own body and began to strengthen himself. At the same time, the power on his body immediately gained a large range. Of strengthening.

The eight heads of the Yagi snake that gained extra strength suddenly exerted force at the same time, and shook their heads to the side together. The huge Isinger mobile fortress was also forced to yield to the dragon's power. It was thrown to the still erupting Mount Fuji. .

"Damn, God of War, pull up!"

"No, the inertia is too great, the power has been maximized, but I can't control the attitude!"

The God of War's answer had just ended, and Isinger moved the fortress and hit Mount Fuji in a circle. With a loud noise, the lava flowing was suddenly interrupted, and the top of Mount Fuji was actually cut by more than one-third by Isinger Mobile Fortress, and Isinger Mobile Fortress was also in a huge impact It began to tilt in the middle, and eventually turned completely across, turning the wall on one side toward the sky and the outer side facing the ground.

Because the whole city is standing up. Therefore, the inside of Isinger's Mobile Fortress was also turned over. Isinger Mobile Fortress is not Isinger Sky City, it has its own gravity system. The gravity of Isinger ’s mobile fortress is the gravity field given by nature. He does not have his own law-level gravity control ability, so it cannot be as insidious as Isinger Sky City. Any problem, if you do n’t look up, you can see Isinger Ground City and the nearby water and ground, and you are standing on the ground of Isinger Sky City without realizing that you are standing upside down. This is the strength of Isinger Sky City.

Unfortunately, this ability to change the direction of gravity is not all that good. At least Essinger's mobile fortress does not have such conditions. It is also because Isinger's mobile fortress does not have such ability, so the inside of Isinger's mobile fortress is really upside down at this time. Many flightless people screamed and slipped from the floor to the wall, while the unlucky ones fell out of the windows on the side wall. Then flew across the street. Fortunately, something was intercepted in the air, and the bad luck fell directly on the building below and fell into a pile of meat.

Although Isinger's mobile fortress was turned inside out by this one, we have no plans to stand by. At the same time as Isinger's Mobile Fortress was thrown out, the Octavius ​​serpent suddenly keenly noticed that a large group of flying warships were actually densely arranged above the original parking location of Isinger's Mobile Fortress.

Faced with such a large number of battleships, even the Yagi snakes were a bit worried, and the warship groups above did not give any preparation time to the lower Yagi snakes. I saw one of them looks like a giant corn. Battleship. Suddenly, all the external compartments like corn kernels suddenly opened. Then the Yagi snake saw a bunch of black dots pouring down from those compartments. Along with those little black spots, there is a sharp whistle that makes people feel irritable, and if a real person hears this sound, as long as he has watched a war movie. Most of the time, you will realize that this is the sound of the bomb when it landed.

Just as the Yachi snake looked up stupidly at the falling black dots, those black dots had already reached his head. Originally, it was possible to easily avoid these things at the speed of the Yagi snake, but unfortunately, the Yaki snake did not know what it was, so he did not want to hide at all. You know that relative to his size, these things seem to be a handful of sand on a person's head. You must be worried about whether your eyes will be fascinated, and you are definitely not worried about being hurt. After all, it was a pile of loose sand, not a whole stone condensed together.

It's because the Yaki snake didn't understand. So it gave us a chance. Those small black dots that fell from a high altitude fell quickly, and all of them reached near the head of the Yagi snake, and then these things did not continue to land. Instead, they burst into the air by themselves.

Although the explosion of these black little things made the Baqi serpent a little bit awkward, but then it made him feel funny, because the power of those things was really low and poor, let alone hurt him, the formula did The Nobunaga's ghost hand before strengthening is not likely to be afraid of such things.

Wait ... I was thinking that the Yachi serpent here was suddenly stunned. This guy from the Bachi Snake has just seen relatively few markets and doesn't know much about new weapons, which is not to say that he is stupid. He didn't know what our weapon was, but the thought of this thing could not even hurt the former ghost-handed Nobunaga, he immediately realized that there was a problem in it.

We Frost Rose League is known for its powerful fighting force and is famous. I first penetrated Mt. Fuji with an energy beam, and then injected a ray from that big hole to detonate the entire Mt. Fuji. This power was tried by the Oki snake in person. Especially the last beam of light, until now the Yachi snake feels pain on his body.

Considering the power of the previous attack, when looking at the nearby explosion that even the former ghost-handed Nobunaga could not hurt a trace, the Yagi snake quickly realized that this might not be the full power of this weapon.

Sure enough, although those exploded bombs were exploded to solve the problem, after their disintegration, they sprayed out a large area of ​​glittering light blue aerosol-like clouds. These clouds are spreading fast, and in a blink of an eye, they cover a large area around the Yagi snake.

I accidentally inhaled a little bit of Yagi snake that was originally worried about poison or something. Although he was not afraid of general toxins, he was always afraid of certain toxins, so he was quite worried without knowing it. It was just a breath of those gases. He immediately discovered that instead of having a trace of poison, it was rich in energy. Just a small mouthful of inhalation just now, not only wasn't the Poisonous Snake poisoned, the pain on my body was much reduced.

Originally, after discovering this situation, the Hachichi snake planned to **** a little more, but thinking that this thing is not good is our last move, so he did not dare to **** more, and immediately planned to drill back to the ground to avoid this place Let's talk about the situation. But unfortunately. The previous changes in thought took a bit of time. Although this time of thinking is just a matter of thought, it takes less than one second of the Yagi snake in total. Unfortunately, this one second is the one that decides the life and death. Although the Yagi snake cannot be killed by this attack. But this was by no means the injury he wished to take.

Just when the Hachichi snake was about to leave for a while to observe the situation, the center of the cloud diffused by the small black dots bursting out suddenly appeared numerous small bright spots at the same time, and the world became white immediately following it. . A voluminous mushroom cloud rises from the position of the Yagi Great Snake, and immediately packs in the flying fleet that has not yet arrived and completely ran away, and on the ground, the more terrible blast wind instantly surrounds the surroundings. All the objects within a radius of 800 meters were crushed into powder, and even the Yagi snake in the center of the explosion did not know how many holes were bleeding. Anyway, what could be called a hole in his head was spraying blood. In addition, the scales on the epidermis were also shattered innumerably, and a large amount of blood flowed out from the gaps of his scales, which stained the whole body of the eight-dimensional snake on the ground with blood red.

"It looks good." On a battleship not far away. The Chuang Wang said quietly, lowering his telescope.

A female player next to her said beautifully, "What's the joke? That's the cloud explosion bomb made by Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam. It's not powerful enough to have a ghost. But this time, nearly one million crystal coins were thrown away. Is it too exaggerated? "

"High investment brings high returns, don't you remember what the chairman said?" After breaking the sentence, King Chuang said to the warship commander behind him: "Pass my order, each ship will fire freely. Use protoss to maneuver Angels can join the battle. "


With the order from the King of Chuang Wang, the battleships on the top of the Eight-Headed Snake immediately fell into a large black spot. The Hachichi snake has just suffered a big loss, and this time I saw these things have a bit of a psychological shadow. Therefore, this time the Eight-Big Snake has no more contradiction in the field with the cloud explosion bomb made by Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam. He has learned well this time, and his body shape has transformed into a human form. Then he rushed out to the side like a lightning.

Although the bomb dropped quickly from the sky, this process usually takes seven or eight seconds. Considering the power of the liquefied magic crystal vapor cloud bomb, these seven or eight seconds are meaningless to the average person, because it is the same whether you run or not. Unless you happen to be at the critical point of the kill radius, you will end up running or not. Running or not running within the killing range is a death, and running or running outside the killing range is dead. What else do you run?

Unfortunately, although the power and coverage of this liquefied magic crystal vapor cloud bomb is very good, it is for ordinary people. The bully snake that bullied Yaqi just now hasn't seen anything new. For the Yaki snake that has lost a once, the speed of the bomb's falling is obviously a defect. Seven or eight seconds is not enough for normal people to leave the killing range, but this range is for normal people. The Bachi snake is no longer in this range. He can completely escape from the danger zone in seven or eight seconds, and he does not have to run outside the killing radius. With his defensive power, as long as he leaves the blast, the edge of the outer kill radius is enough.

The power of the Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Cloud Explosive Bomb has its limits. As long as it is not just hit the head, the Yaki snake is not too worried.

Looking at the black spots that fell again this time, the Yachi serpent ran straight this time. The human-shaped Yagi snake is very fast, leaving the original explosion range in a blink of an eye, but when he thinks that he has reached the safe area, he looks back at the black dots, but suddenly feels The scalp was numb, because the black spots did not fall straight towards the blast range just now, but came towards him.

The surprised Hachido snake hadn't responded yet, and suddenly found that the black spots were not the same as before. These black spots are significantly larger than the previous ones, and their shapes are different. These things look like human figures, and there are wings behind them, which are exactly the shape of an angel. However, the Yachi serpent quickly found out that he knew these things, because he had previously fought with these things, and it was precisely because he had seen the strength of these things that he was completely relieved this time.

The little black spots flying down from the sky are mobile angels. It is a kind of magic machinery of our Frost Rose League, or called magic war weapon. The Hachichi snake knew this information very well, but this time he made another mistake. Because he is not a player of our guild at all. It's just a protoss. As a protoss who knows nothing about team puppet technology, his existence simply judges a creature by using roughly similar appearances, which is just a joke.

According to the theory of the Yachi snake, the dragon and gecko should actually be classified as a creature, and their fighting power should be almost the same. Unfortunately, the gecko can never become a dragon, and the destructive power of the dragons is totally unimaginable.

Same thing. The Hachichi serpent that has seen the mobile angel actually thinks that the mobile angel used by the protoss this time is the same as the previous mobile angel. This is really wrong. Not to mention that those he saw at the time were only the second generation of mobile angels. Even the five generations of mobile angels, which are now being gradually installed, cannot be compared with the use of mobile angels for the Protoss. It should be known that the mobile angels for the Protoss were improved on the basis of ordinary mobile angels at the expense of comprehensive work. From this you can see it. The mobile angels for the Protoss have the same algebraic problems as ordinary mobile angels, and they are the same way of evolution. In other words, the mobile angels used by the Protoss are actually the fifth generation of mobile angels used by the Protoss.

Comparing the fifth generation of mobile angels to the protoss with the second generation of ordinary mobile angels, this is basically equivalent to comparing the early-stage biplane piston fighter with the most advanced space fighter. Isn't this a joke?

Because of this error, the Yachi serpent paid the price.

When the first fastest protoss rushed to the vicinity of the Yaki snake with a mobile angel. The Yagi snake turned around very disdainfully and took out his own weapon. He prepared to use a mobile angel for the protoss, but the height was more than three meters. The big guy, who looked very clumsy, opened his attack with a lightning sideways fan with flexibility that was completely out of proportion to his size.

The battered Hachichi snake struck slightly, but he didn't care. It ’s nothing extraordinary to just dodge well, so the Yachi serpent did n’t even care about using the mobile angel against the protoss, so he turned around and chased the mobile angel against the protoss. Who knows that he just felt that There was something approaching behind, and the Yaki snake that had just turned around hurriedly turned back, only to find that the second mobile angel against the protoss had reached him less than five meters away. You should know that these proto-kind mobile angels dived down from the sky with their thrusters all the way, but this speed was much faster than free fall. At a distance of five meters, it really took 0.1 seconds to pass. Almost all the Hachichi snakes suddenly sink when they turn their weapons, and then the whole person is restrained by a cold and hard feeling.

Despite being hugged, the Yagi snake was still in no hurry. In his imagination, this kind of thing is very fragile, and the fragments can be dispelled. So he was not hesitant to prepare to get rid of this guy who kept himself, but what made him feel wrong was that after he worked hard, he actually found that the guy who hugged him just shook slightly and was not thrown away.

The Yagi snake who was a little confused about the mobile angel holding himself in front of him didn't realize the terribleness of the fifth generation of the mobile angel to the protoss, so he just added some strength to disguise the mobile angel. Arm. This time he's better at success, the opponent's strength is weaker than him, and not a little weaker. The Yagi snake feels like opening a mobile angel's arm as if it were an adult going to open a kindergarten kid's arm. It may take some effort, but it will definitely not take much effort. However, even when he thought that the power of the mobile angels on the protoss was just the same, he suddenly found that his head was black.

Suddenly looking up, the Yaki snake suddenly found a larger mobile angel on top of his head. This guy was completely black, and the shiny armor was full of muscle. The limbs, which are more than twice as thick as the average mobile angel, make this mobile angel feel slightly stubby, but in fact it is not short. On the contrary, it is a little taller than the ordinary mobile angels used on the Protoss.

When the Hachichi serpent saw this guy, the mobile angel who had previously held him away suddenly let him go, but before the Hachigi serpent had not responded, the black guy was Suddenly, both hands hugged at Yaqi serpent at the same time.

It has been the last time to become a Yagi snake, of course, it will not be the last time. So he immediately lifted both hands up, and then got together with the protoss using the mobile angel's hand. Although the palms of the two guys are not the same size, it is true that the fists are held together, only the small fist of the Yagi snake is inside, and the big fist is used outside by the maneuver of the Protoss.

Originally based on the idea of ​​the Yachi serpent. If you put your arms on the other side like this, you should be able to handle it easily. After all, this guy should look stronger even though he looks at it. But the previous mobile angel had given him the general feeling of strength of a small child, and now when he sees this stronger, he just thinks that this is a strong child.

In front of an adult, is there a difference between a strong kindergarten child and a thin kindergarten child? It may be, but it is not worth the effort to pay attention, because neither can shake this adult.

Of course, the above is the idea of ​​the Yagi snake. The actual result is ...


Suddenly the Yaki snake snake suddenly gave a surprise. Then he widened his eyes and looked at the mobile angel for the Protoss. Although he had never seen a mobile angel of this type, the Yaki snake knew that this thing was definitely a mobile angel. But his power is really ...

"Baga, what's the situation?" The Bachi snake, who had been playing handsomely before, finally couldn't help but start talking, because he found that his power couldn't hold back the mobile angels against the Protoss.

You must know that the big snake is not human, he is a monster, and his body is as big as a mountain. It seems that even if the dragon becomes human, its power is by no means comparable to human power. The Hachichi snake, even using the current humanoid mode, only slightly reduced his power. to be frank. The human-shaped Baqi serpent can at least use about 80% of its own strength. However, even if it can use such a large amount of power. The Baqi serpent was still horrified to find that he not only couldn't hold back the mobile angel in front of him, but actually had the intention to be suppressed.

The Hachichi serpent desperately tried to break the arm of the protoss with a mobile angel's arm, but the opponent was desperately pressing his arms back. The Hachichi serpent can feel that its power has reached its limit, but although there is a crunching sound from the maneuvering angel on the opposite side, there is even a little scorching smell in the middle, but even so he Can't help this mobile angel. And his hands were being squeezed back by the opponent a little bit, and he was about to go beyond the best distance.

In different postures of the human body, the power output of the body is different. The anti-joint technique used in combat is a skill that makes full use of this principle to fight. When the human body's joints are twisted to certain angles, its power output is even less than one percent of the full power state, even if it is not. In the state of being counter-pressed, even if the angle of force is wrong, the maximum power output will not be obtained.

Although the Baqi serpent is not a human, he is now using a human form, and the human force characteristics in the above description are inherent to the structure of the human body, not caused by human strength or habits. Therefore, this situation is not only for humans, it is the same for all living things in human form. Regardless of what form it was before, it will be subject to this restriction after becoming human.

Just now, the Yachi snake and the maneuvering angel of the Protoss are at the best angle, but in this state, the Yachi snake can't hold back the opponent, and once his arm is pushed to an angle that can't help, Then he is destined to suffer. Although the Eight-Big Snake believes that even the power in front of him is unlikely to hurt him, but being defeated by a mobile angel is really not good-looking.

Just as the Yaki serpent became more and more anxious, the opposite side of the protoss using mobile angels suddenly changed its strategy. Originally pushing forward, the maneuvering angel of the Protoss who tried to overpower the Baqi serpent suddenly retracted his power and pulled back at the same time. The Yagi snake didn't respond at all. It was pulled forward by its own forces and the forces of the other side's forces. Thanks to the fact that they are still in the air and have not landed, otherwise they have to fall behind. However, the Hachichi snake soon realized that even on the ground, he could not fall, because when he fell forward, the maneuver angel who used the Protoss suddenly lifted his leg and hit him in the middle. Chest. The big eight snake only felt a stuffy chest, followed the whole person and began to spin around, apparently being kicked and flying.

The power of the Yagi snake should not be so bad, but the problem is that the strength is suppressed, and the sudden unloading is countered, and the Yaki snake without the next door is too late to respond and it is a trick. Moreover, it was n’t the ordinary creatures who hit the Yaki snakes, but they used mobile angels against the Protoss, and they were still a fifth-generation machine. Since this guy can wrestle one-on-one with the Yagi snake without falling into the wind, the power of this foot can be imagined.

In fact, the Yachi serpent didn't see it. The mobile angel using the protoss had opened two small holes behind the heel before kicking him, and then fired a flame more than a foot long. In other words, that kick was actually boosted by the rocket just now, so there is such a powerful kick to kick him out.

The Hachichi snake that was kicked and flew out was not hurt, but his heart was hurt. Shamed by a mobile angel, this is definitely a shame. Originally, the reputation of the Hachichi serpent was a bit bad after betraying the Gao Tianyuan Protoss. Now he is fatally beaten by such a mobile angel. Even if he is not injured, it can be seen from the outside that he was beaten. This face It is impossible to earn anything.

The Yagi snake that was still worrying about her own face was so cold that she suddenly felt a bad breath coming out of her face, and the agitated Yaki snake quickly adjusted her flying attitude, and then tried to get rid of the very feeling that she felt. It ’s a bad feeling, but unfortunately his speed is too fast, and the other party seems to be approaching, so he did n’t have time to react immediately and felt a flash of light around him, and in the next second he went into darkness.

Although the Hachichi snake usually burrows underground, he has to say that he does not have night vision ability. In fact, the body of the Yagi snake was a nine-headed bird, which was cut off and a head was expelled to Japan. Because of this special identity, he does not have dark vision, so in this place where there is no trace of light at all, the Bachi snake feels very bad.

Although I can't see anything ~ ~ But the Yachi snake is a **** after all, and still has the main **** of the divine power. How could such existence be weak?

Because of the great strength of the Yagi snake, his ability to perceive danger is also extraordinary. For the time being, I did n’t mention that bad feeling, even now, even if it is completely invisible, the Eight Snakes still feel that there are many hostile eyes in their own darkness.

Human-formed Yagi snakes can get higher speed and mobility, and their attack methods will become more flexible, but to say that, in terms of combat effectiveness, these incarnations of humanoid monsters or Warcraft are actually returning to cost. The combat effectiveness is the strongest.

The Yaki snake is very aware of this, and now the situation is extremely critical, so the Yaki snake has not hesitated to abandon its human form and become the body. However, as soon as he did this, he felt a severe pain in his head immediately in the next second, and then suffered multiple injuries throughout his body. He felt as if he had been pierced by something, and many parts of his body were pierced at the same time.

The panic-scarred serpent was like looking at the current situation, so he launched his own specialty to burn himself, and then he froze. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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