Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 247: Leaked

The furious attack of the Yagi serpent soared. What's worse is that with the increase in skill proficiency, his accuracy is getting higher and higher. Our side can only do our best to speed up and dodge the opponent's wild bombing Fortunately, we have only a few minutes of punishment left. m

"Master, how long will it take? I can't hold it anymore." Asuka just completed a large-angle maneuver, and a red beam of light flew across our right side. I can obviously feel the hotness on my face, and the hard armor on Asuka's wings was directly burned out a large piece of red, but fortunately there was no problem.

"Are your wings okay?"

"Reluctantly persist."

"I have two minutes on my side. Hold on."

"Understand." As soon as he finished speaking, Asuka was rolling continuously, and three consecutive red lights from the Hachichi snake flew past us, and failed to hit.

"Zi Ri, you **** bug, I must kill you today."

Just when my punishment lasted less than thirty seconds, the Yagi snake suddenly stopped attacking, and then the whole steel needle **** was filled with a roar. The angry Yagi snake probably re-entered the irrational state before. Although he stopped firing that red beam, he suddenly started muttering a spell, and at the same time, I found that a red magic circle appeared under his feet, and the air around him also appeared. A large number of red Japanese floated in midair in a vacuum, forming a huge light ball composed of luminous characters around the big snake.

As soon as this strange thing appeared, I received a reminder from the connection between the night and the night. "Master is going to use an absolute barrier, you can't stop that thing!"

Although this reminder is quite inexplicable, I still believe in Sha Yezi. As soon as I collected the birds, I activated the absolute barrier directly in the air, and then less than two seconds after the absolute barrier on my side was activated, the red light ball composed of luminous text on the body of the Yaji snake suddenly exploded.

I thought the explosion was just more powerful. But the result surprised me. As the shock wave swept around us, I suddenly heard a clicking sound like a glass burst, and at the same time, countless fine cracks suddenly appeared in the originally empty space around them. These were faintly shining. The cracks were almost instantaneously filled with all the space inside Tianya, and then, when the shock wave covered the whole world inside Tianya, it recoiled back and swept the whole space again, and this time, the already cracked space can no longer bear Living such an impact, they burst like glass fragments.

In the space near Mount Fuji. The people in our house were besieging the ghost probation Nobunaga and his surviving group of protoss, but when they occupied one side and they were beaten without any help, the nearby space was Suddenly a large black crack appeared. The crack wasn't attached to anything, it looked like it was floating there. It feels very abrupt.

Because the area of ​​the black crack area is very large, almost everyone around the moment noticed this thing, and this thing in fact did not leave much time for everyone to guess, only two seconds later suddenly the whole Burst, and then a red shock wave instantly spread out from the black area, instantly swept across the area with a radius of more than ten kilometers.

This red shock wave has no directivity at all, but spreads in all directions. The first move was a relatively close Protoss player. That is one of the hands of Nobunaga. This guy was unlucky. He was taken off immediately when he was hit, and he slammed on a large sword against a protoss maneuver angel in front of him. The result was that he was cut in half instantly. but. After cutting this guy, Mobile Angel himself suffered. The red shock wave instantly lifted the mobile angel out. Although the mobile angel was desperately trying to stabilize the body in the air, it still couldn't control the direction. In the end, it could only be wrapped around the leaves in the wind and rolled away.

Except for this mobile angel and that bad luck. After that, we got closer to our airship. Compared to Protoss players and mobile angels, the battleship is a lot bigger. Therefore, the wind surface will also increase a lot. The total damage of the same shock wave to a warship is definitely higher than that of a body as large as a human body, and because the warship is relatively large, it will form a stress effect inside. This effect due to the principle of leverage is usually manifested in larger sizes. On hard objects, such as the wings of an airplane, the keel of a battleship, or the cantilever of a crane. Because these things are very long and relatively hard, they can easily break themselves when they are not uniformly stressed.

Although our warships have been specifically designed for this area, after all, they are so big, so the result is still unfortunate. The battleship swept by the shock wave broke into two parts in the air, and then the bow fell to the ground, and the stern did suddenly explode after rising 90 degrees, and the terrible explosive wind was on the red shock wave again. A window opens.

Although the loss of this warship was heavy, its fragmentation was not entirely useless. The energy shock wave generated by the battleship explosion seems to have a strong interference and resistance to the red shock wave. In the entire conical area behind the direction of this warship, the power of the red shock wave has dropped a lot, and it is fortunate that we The guild battleships and Issinger Mobile Fortress are all within this range.

Despite being indirectly protected by the first battleship, the warships on our side are not the only ones that have lost. As the shock wave continues to spread, the surrounding people, whether they are ghost-handed Nobunaga or ours, whether protoss, ordinary players, or mobile angels, any combat unit can not stand at all, all blown by 70 Happily. The strong ones can barely control the flying attitude and are pushed backwards. The slightly weaker ones just go up and down in the sky, like a hot air balloon in a typhoon.

"I rely, what's the situation?" Chuang Wang sat in the cockpit of the setting sun and watched the shock wave sweeping forward, and he couldn't help crying, while others were worse than him, and most of them lost their ability to think.

It is thought that in the block of the destroyer in front, the shock wave in the back is much smaller, so most of the remaining warships can barely maintain balance even though they are shaken by the shock wave. But there is no capsize and no capsize, and this flight direction is beyond their control. Fortunately, although we cannot completely control it, we can at least resist it slightly, so our warships are trying to control the flight attitude to keep the bow in the direction of the shock wave.

Although our spaceships are all magic-powered, but after all players are real people. Of course, aerodynamics are clear. Besides, the basic physical environment of the game "Zero" is quite realistic, so our air battleships are all good. The aerodynamic shape of the stern can produce a good wave breaking effect when the bow is aligned with the direction of the shock wave. Minimize the impact on the hull.

Although startled, they are old players after all, and they have participated in various battles, so after a short sacrifice, when the hull began to shake violently, they immediately recovered and started to live.

The Chuang Wang guy doesn't care what he does. Pushing the captain aside, he stood in Cambridge holding a support post and shouted an order: "It is ordered that all warships keep the attitude of facing the wind, the space between the fleets should be as far apart as possible, and care should be taken to avoid nearby friendly ships being blown by the wind."

"The instructions have been communicated," the correspondent reported.

After listening to the report, Chuang Wang immediately shouted to the front bridge: "What power do you adjust there, drive me the whole car, rush up."

"Ah?" The helmsman on the bridge was startled, and looked back at Chuangwang in surprise.

Chuang Wang saw that the other party did not execute immediately and knew that he did not understand his intentions, although it was very much like to beat him. However, considering the great shaking of Cambridge, I had to explain it. However, although he explained, Ke Chuang's tone was not good. "What the **** are you doing? You do n’t even listen to my orders? The setting sun is our biggest warship now, and the shock wave has little effect on us. We can go up and help the back now Battleship blocked a shockwave. Do n’t you understand? ”

The helmsman actually executed the order after expressing his doubts. After all, although King Chuang is not the captain of the setting sun, he is the commander-in-chief of the Navy of the Frost Rose Alliance. Before anyway, all the warships in our guild were under his control. As for the identity of the air battleship of the setting sun ... we have no commander in chief of the air force, and the pilots of these flying battleships are all the original navy. Chuang Wang is also the fleet commander in this combat mission. So he must be right to follow his orders.

As the propeller of the sunset sun entered full speed, the sunset sun that had been sliding backwards finally stopped slowly, and finally began to move forward against the shock wave. Although this movement speed is very slow, after all, it is finally moving forward.

Although the setting sun was advancing, other warships did not have such a large thrust, and they were quickly retreated by the blast. This sunset was still moving forward, and the speed of the surrounding warships immediately showed a difference. The warships flew towards the rear of the setting sun. It's not that they don't want to stop, but that they can't stop at all.

Because the sunset was a large battleship, it was in a relatively backward position when the war started. This forward rush is tantamount to going through the entire fleet. Looking at the other warships coming towards him on the side, the helmsman of the sunset was all sweaty, and he was constantly manipulating the sunset to do left and right maneuvering to avoid the battleships that could not stand up to the wind. Moreover, because of the existence of the shock wave, those warships ahead did not have much evasion ability even if they saw the setting sun behind, because they must keep the bow of the ship pointing in the direction of the shock wave. Otherwise, once the hull turned, the windward side became the hull side, Immediately, the warships would roll out of control completely, so each warship did not dare to move too much, and could only turn the bow direction in a small range, and used the side thrust engine to make a small lateral movement to avoid its own warship.

Chuang Wang stood behind the console and watched the helmsman's dangerous escape action. He couldn't help but cursed again: "I said you stupid don't patronize and hide! This is not the kind of battleship we drove before, this thing It ’s a spaceship, do you know it? We can move up and down! ”

"Oh ...?" The helmsman suddenly realized after a moment of stun, and the people around him suddenly reacted. All the ship pilots of this guild are veterans transferred from the previous fleet. They have long been used to ships that can only dodge on the sea. This suddenly arrived on the spacecraft. Although the place was changed, considering the driving habits, the shape of the spacecraft was strange. However, Cambridge has basically retained the style of the previous surface ships. This has led many sailors to forget that this is a spaceship, and all tactical actions are still in accordance with the old routine.

The previous battleships encountered obstacles, and of course they could only dodge left and right, but this spaceship is not necessarily.

In order to counteract gravity, the thruster below this spacecraft is actually the strongest in the surrounding directions. Except for the tail thruster, the thruster below is considered to be the strongest thruster on the ship. After realizing that he could dodge up and down, the helmsman immediately began to step on the pedals, which was not available on previous battleships. But there are on board. It controls the bottom power of the spacecraft, and in turn controls the altitude of the spacecraft. As the pedal was stepped on, the power system at the bottom of the spacecraft immediately turned on full power, and the entire setting sun immediately lifted out.

The wind came from the front of the fleet, so the lateral movement did not require resistance against the shock wave. The setting sun suddenly turned on, and immediately rose. The man on the ship in front saw that he was blown backwards, and when he was about to hit the setting sun, he was anxious. As a result, the setting sun suddenly started to rise just before the collision, and he staggered half of them. In position, the person on the ship immediately understood that the bottom power was immediately turned off, and the spacecraft immediately began to fall like a stone. This one immediately staggered the main parts of the hull and avoided the end of the ship's death. However, although the main parts were avoided, the evasion was not timely. Therefore, the masts and some control towers of the forward battleships were still hung to the bottom turret of the setting sun, but these belonged to the auxiliary system. Although there were damages, they did not affect the flight of the battleships.

"Huh. I finally avoided it." 咚 ... 咚咚 ... "Ah ..."

The helmsman just breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly heard a loud noise. A humanoid object slammed into Cambridge's front windshield, and the opponent was blown off just by a bounce on the glass. However, soon the second and third people installed the front windshield one after another, and even one of them was a member of the Protoss of Chaos and Order. This horrifying picture scared several women inside the ship and screamed.

In fact, those people in the front didn't want to use their heads to test whether the windshield of the battleship was strong enough, but the problem was that they couldn't control it! You think this shock wave won't even stand up to these warships. How can this person stay in shape? Not hitting the deck like a shell has shown that these people are good. Having said that, this time because of the protoss forces that are dealing with the Yagi snake and Nobunaga's devil, so they are all masters. If ordinary players in our guild meet this, it is estimated that the whole army should be considered normal. Situation.

With the falling into the front of the fleet, the situation seems to have improved a lot. Each flying battleship evaded behind the setting sun, and those who couldn't control their body simply let the shock wave push back, and then began to hide behind the strong fortress of Isinger, who was on top of the horsepower.

Although this shock wave is a great killer for flying warships, there is no way to move Issinger to the fortress. It's not that Essinger's Mobile Fortress is large enough. Although its own weight is also a reason, it is mainly because of the different flight modes of Essinger's Mobile Fortress. The flying warship uses a solar furnace, which can make the spacecraft levitate like a helium-filled airship, and then horizontal power needs another set of equipment to provide. This is why these flying warships are like falling leaves in the autumn wind in the shock wave. They float in the air and are naturally affected by the wind.

In contrast, Isinger moved the fortress much better. The power system of Essinger Mobile Fortress is the gravity resistance device developed by the Iron Crusade. The lifting force of this thing is very large, and it is very economical. Unfortunately, once this thing is activated, it can only be at the current coordinate point. It cannot move horizontally when it moves up and down. In fact, the working principle of this gravity resistance device is a bit like space equipment. After starting, it is equivalent to embedding itself in the space of the current coordinate point, so it cannot be horizontally displaced, although a crawler-type propulsion mechanism was later used. This defect was skillfully circumvented, but the defect of this thing was only bypassed and not resolved.

However, the original flaws have become advantages here. Although the defects of this gravity resistance device of Isinger Mobile Fortress have caused us a lot of headaches, now, as long as Isinger Mobile Fortress closes the track drive mechanism ~ ~ Isinger Mobile Fortress will look like Sitting on the ground just as stable. Furthermore, there is no need to close it at all, because the gravity resistance device cannot move at all after it is activated, so it can provide stable support, and it can drive the tonnage of Isinger Mobile Fortress to move. You can imagine how big the track device is. Horsepower. Just because the horsepower of this thing is abnormal enough and the defect of the gravity resistance device, Isinger Mobile Fortress not only did not have any shaking and trembling in the shock wave, and even moved forward easily against the shock wave without even speed. How to fall. In the current situation, Isinger's mobile fortress is even faster than the setting sun.

"Commander, Isinger moved the fortress to keep up." With the watcher's report, Chuang Wang finally felt relieved. He knew very well the power system of Isinger's mobile fortress. As long as it came up, there would be no problem with these warships. Besides, although the shock wave erupted for more than 30 seconds, its power was obviously weakening rapidly. This phenomenon indicates that the thing is likely to pass.

PS: I'm really sorry these days. My dad was admitted to the hospital by a doctor for the possibility of lung cancer, which made our family nervous and stressed over the past few days, and I was running on both sides of the hospital at home without any health. Experts from Nanjing University Hospital have seen the CT film this morning and said it should be pneumonia, and they have absorbed a lot these days, and they can be discharged in two days. We were relieved. The situation is now stable and the update will return to normal. The storm apologized to everyone here.

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