Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 257: Misfortunes and incidental plans

"The current situation is like this." Rose explained: "rì this player just suffered a loss, national emotions were hurt, and then was injured once by the internal staff of the Hachichi serpent, so now the rì player's mood changes. It is very unstable. At this time, they need a venting channel, and the Bachi snake is equivalent to hitting the muzzle by themselves. However, we do n’t want the civil war now, otherwise it will be a huge loss to our interests. Therefore, as long as we actually find a breakthrough for rìben players and prevent the outbreak of rìben civil war, this is actually a huge gain for us. "

"But based on this alone, we threw South Korea and North Korea together. Isn't that too much effort?" Hongyue asked.

Rose nodded and admitted: "Only this is really more than giving, but I haven't finished it yet. This matter is not so simple on the surface." Rose continued: "You all know what is happening in South Korea now. On the one hand, they are clamoring to resist rì, and on the other hand, they are constantly swinging back and forth between rì. Do you see any of them? "..

"It's just grass, what can you see?" Hongyue asked.

"It can be seen that South Korea hates rìben on the one hand and is afraid of us on the other. They still want to maintain the status quo in their bones, so they will be fickle and uncertain." I said.

Rose said with a smile: "Yeah, so if we want a qualified thug, the best way is to push the Koreans to the edge of the cliff. One step back is the abyss, and they can only follow us forward Now. "

"So you plan to let rì this player completely occupy the entire territory of South Korea?"

"It is not the entire territory, but the entire continental part of the Korean Peninsula, but individual islands are reserved for Koreans. They are on the edge of a country of peril, but they will not be completely destroyed."

"I seem to understand a bit." Hongyue said, "When rì himself occupied the Korean peninsula, all the Koreans were driven to the island. The rì player must be hoping to chase while winning, so he will continue to oppress the Koreans, and When the Koreans were compressed on the small island at this time, they could only defend the islands, and the islands defended. The battleships of our guilds became the determining force. Therefore, the Koreans must rely on our help. As long as our fleet stands by, they It will inevitably be destroyed, so under the threat of the sword of Damocles, the Koreans can only give up the previous swing attitude, either willing to be a dog for rì himself, or honest. Do it with us. "

"You are wrong." Rose said with a smile: "They can only follow us, they have no hope at rì."

Matsumoto Masa also laughed at the communicator and said, "Yeah, yeah. Don't forget that I am here. The Koreans will surrender after the occupation. Most of them are also seeking us, are n’t they? I ca n’t say this player. So as long as I say that South Korea will not accept their surrender, they will not even have the chance to surrender. "

Hong Yue also laughed at this time. "Yeah, how did I forget you. This thing is really up to you. Koreans either work with us or get kicked out of the sea. There is no third way to go except these two."

"What about North Korea?" Masamoto Matsumoto suddenly asked, "South Korea is easy to handle. How does North Korea do it?"

"I don't need to pay too much attention to North Korea." Su Mei said: "North Korea's national conditions are not the same as other countries. The number of online players in their country is very low, not even one tenth of the world average. Africa and There are more people playing games in South American forests than in the United States. So North Korea ’s game areas are almost uninhabited, and scattered players do n’t need to worry about it. ”

Sakura Yushin suddenly asked: "Korean people have very strong self-esteem. What if their land in the game has been invaded by us, what do they do in China to protest in reality?"

"What are they protesting? The territory in the protest game has been invaded by others? The game was meant to be a place for everyone to play. What else is allowed to play without invasion? They really protest. I don't think China will ignore them at all."

"That's what I said." Sakura Yu nodded.

Hongyue said: "You don't have to worry about this at all, because your invasion is not our invasion. The Koreans really came to protest. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly told them that rì would not belong to China."

When she heard this, Yingyu laughed and laughed: "Ha ha ha ha, I forgot this. Are we rì themselves ... Do they want us to protest?"

After everyone laughed, I said to Rose again: "Your plan should have other purposes. Please tell everyone what you want, and we will make a decision."

Rose nodded and continued: "In fact, the benefits of occupying the Korean peninsula are obvious. Once you find a venting channel for rì player, then rì this civil war will not be able to fight, and the series of troubles caused by it can be bypassed. In the past, in addition, the player ’s invasion will allow Korean players to come to our side to be thoroughly identified, and they will not be as half-hearted as before. This third benefit, after the occupation of the Korean Peninsula, must be credited to Matsumoto Jun We used to help Matsumoto Jun to prestige. After all, it was all vain. The player did not get any practical benefits, and that vanity alone would not last long. So this time we will give them a practical benefit. , Let them taste the sweetness, and truly establish Matsumoto's unshakable position in rì 本. "

Matsumoto was also excited when he heard this: "Yeah, yeah, if I can take them to occupy the Korean peninsula, all players will definitely support me enthusiastically. After all, this is the first time in the true sense. The expansion of Tuojiang will definitely make our national emotions unprecedented. "

"But after this fight, we will be directly bordered by China and China. The battle will definitely not stop after this? How to deal with this?" August smoked asked.

"On this issue, it is actually not as scary as imagined." Rose explained: "First of all, after rì really occupied the Korean peninsula, both we and Matsumoto can use their official status to demand domestic suppression of emotions, do not rashly trigger war."

"This announcement is easy to send, but what excuse is there? Besides, do we listen to the announcement?" Hongyue asked.

"We don't have to listen to everyone, as long as most people listen." Rose said: "On the Chinese side, we can take over the original China-DPRK border by ourselves and use the name of guarding the country. This is absolutely justified, after all. We are the most powerful and ruling guild in China. So it is taken for granted that we take over defense. Then, after we have taken over defense, we can inform domestic players by persuasion. The guild battle sequence is all compiled If outsiders appear on the battlefield, it will not only help us, but may also disrupt our operations. This is very detrimental to our border defense. After we persuade this, normal guilds and individual players will not Will rush to the opposite side. As for those who occasionally run over and have to fight ... let them fight well. How much damage can a single player fight cause? And. They continue to fight like this, they invest too much, After fighting for a period of time, they have to level up and spend money to repair equipment. These investments are enough for them to toss, so the actual conflict will not be too frequent. , There is no impact on our overall situation. You can also give vent to the national mood of both sides. "

"So how do we propagate it?" Matsumoto asked.

Rose thought for a while and thought, "Rì Ben, you say that the current Frost Rose League is too powerful, and it is not good to fight with us, then you can spread the news in two ways."

"What does it mean to spread the news in two ways?" August Xun asked doubtfully.

Rose explained: "Dividing the two ways is to divide the news on the bright side and the secret on the ground, that is, the gossip. First of all, you can put the news publicly on the bright side, which means that our Frost Rose League is not easy to mess with, so think You have to wait for the Russians to act with you, so that the two sides will attack us together. This way, we have a chance to win. Otherwise, we will attack arbitrarily. Not only will it not be profitable, it may be pushed back. Rì This player managed to occupy the Korean Peninsula. I do n’t think so Does anyone want to be driven back? "

Matsumoto nodded and said, "This is true. But how can the secret message be put?"

"The gossip is not the same as the avenue. It doesn't need to be so bright and brilliant, as long as it sounds realistic enough. You can quietly release the news and say that you are actually waiting for the Russians to start with us first, and then you can start with the situation. , If necessary, you can also invade Russia first and not move China for the time being. "

"Invade Russia first?" This time almost Matsumoto Masako and August smoked them together.

"What are you doing so loudly?" Rose said, "Don't take the Russian in the game with the real thoughts. They no longer have a protoss in the game. Although your protoss powers are also scary and moving, it is good The shelf is still there? This is the first advantage. The second advantage is that Russia has a large population but not a lot of people in China. Therefore, Russia ’s indigenous defense forces are not as abnormal as those in China. In addition, there is a moral The advantage is that you can take advantage of this Bachi snake incident. "

"How come back?"

"Yeah. Did you plan to invade the Korean Peninsula just to resolve the Yagi snake?" Rose said, "Well, you can quietly tell the news that the Yagi snake was actually deliberate by the Russians. Made it. "

"Are they full?" Asked Blazing Dragon Ji.

"No, this is of practical benefit." Rose explained: "You think. That picture is what the Eighth Great Serpent said when he was in jail. Although it was very annoying after being made, only someone gave them Explain, I think this player can still understand. After all, everyone will have something, and sometimes our own prisons are too extreme. If we really want to take this to talk, the world is a mess. Yachi The only misfortune of the serpent is that this incident was photographed. You can use this as a propaganda, saying that it was done by the Russians, and they deliberately used this prison to provoke civil war. "

"Are they good for our civil war?"

"Of course you have no direct benefit in the civil war, but you can get indirect benefits. You think. In your civil war, the domestic forces are bound to be chaotic. Even if you do not consider the problem of declining combat effectiveness, just losing a unified control will be enough for you to become Cowardly. At this time, our Chinese players must intervene. At that time, we must be able to stop and stop, and because there is no valid reason, our guild must also run to rì Ben. Is rì Ben now suffering? If we do n’t take the disaster, some people in the country will definitely talk about us. In this way, the civil war will evolve into a war and the power will be transferred to rìben. ”

Rose said Masamoto Matsumoto suddenly reacted here. "I see. At this time China's domestic military strength is empty, the Russians can replicate the last invasion again."

"That's right. So the Russians provoked your civil war. It's actually good for them."

August Xun also responded and then said, "We just need to give this player an insider analysis. This way they will have dissatisfaction with Russia. After that, we only need to guide a little, and the previous gossip will become more credible. And in order to complete our plan, the player who heard this news will definitely not mess with us anymore, but will continue to help us to complete this plan to hit Russia first. "

"So, as long as you release these two messages, you can wait for the Russians to fight."

Hongyue also said here: "Yeah. This will become rì among us to invade Russia. Haha. It is also time for Russia to taste the two-sided attack."

I was thinking beside me and said, "At that time, we can invade Russia from Mongolia. Without taking a path with you, both sides can hold back some Russian players, and then we can fight territorially while fighting inside. Because Russia There are no more local protoss, so do n’t worry about local protoss intervention, as long as you defeat the Russian players. That is tantamount to a successful occupation. At that time, once our territories expand again, neither Chinese players nor rì players will have them. Opinion. "

"Actually, I think I can bring Koreans to play together." Su Mei said next: "Anyway, they have almost no land, we tell them to invade Russia is to help them grab territory by the way. This way Korean players in order to get a new A safe and secure land will inevitably fight hard, which will further reduce our fighting intensity. "

"Well, it's a pity that Ashford is not the axis of evil of that year." Hongyue sighed.

"What do you mean?" Matsumoto asked in surprise. "Don't you want to bring Germany in for a world war?"

"Now it's not working, there are still two countries in the middle." I said, "Those things are a bit far away, don't go astray. We still think about this plan. As long as we can guide correctly. Not only can we solve the Yaki this time The big snake problem. By the way, we can let rì Ben ’s player away from our country, and then we can really put Rì Ben on the road to help us fight. ”

"The way is a good way. But I feel the plan is huge. I am worried that we will not play!" August smoked worriedly.

"The plan is indeed a bit bigger, but you don't need to worry about this, as long as you stare at the restless factors."

"Unstable factor? Are you talking about the Yaki snake?" Sakura Yu asked.

"Apart from him, there are Americans." I said, "The guilds in the United States have been quiet recently. I always feel that this is not in harmony with their habits, so I guess they must be planning something. But This is just speculation, there is no direct evidence, and it can be ignored for the time being. The other one is of course the Yaki snake, this guy really needs to pay attention. His behavior is really unpredictable. "

In fact, the xìng grid of this guy from Baqi Snake is quite bad. We can think of the Yaki snake as an old bastard, which is a kind of young **** when he was young, but now he has become like an old man. On the one hand, because they are older and have higher qualifications, they are somewhat capable in all aspects. However, on the other hand, he is foolish, has no culture, no knowledge, so he does not behave like a mature old man, but rather looks like a young man. Impulsive to do things, without considering the consequences, do not know what to do after the incident, is a gimmick.

When he was in China at that time, if the Qi snake had a little quality, it didn't require much elegance. As long as he could maintain the basic handling of people, he would not be rushed to the original place. To put it bluntly, this guy of the Hachio Snake is a downcast protoss. Although he seems to have a high status and strong strength, in fact he is nothing. As long as it is a protoss, few can see him squarely.

"We can stare at the Yaki snake, but we can't do anything over the United States." August smoked.

I nodded and said, "The United States does not need you to control. It just happens that our super jīng spiritual city in South America has been completed, so we have a large base in the Americas. Infiltration and reconnaissance of the United States will be much simpler in the future."

"Boss, there is one more thing to pay attention to." Masamoto Matsumoto said: "Although we can keep an eye on the Hachichi snake, we can only limit it to follow-up surveillance. If he really intends to do anything, we are afraid we can't stop it. Is he? "

"You do n’t need to worry about this matter. If there is any abnormal behavior of the Yachi snake, you should first inform us. If the situation is serious, you can use the general trend to suppress him. Use the collective interests of the player to suppress him. I think Yaqi It ’s not too big for the snake to confront the player. ”

"We know. But I'm afraid that if he gets nervous we can't control him. President's props that are specifically targeted at the Yagi snake are also broken. Now no one will suppress his force. I'm worried in case ... "

"Let's not talk about this matter for now. Now that the Yachi snake has come up with such a thing, I think if he has the brain, he knows at least to be quiet for a while. As for the suppression of the Yachi snake, we have two steps."

"What a division?"

When I heard Matsumoto's question, I suddenly smiled, "Are you already a Protoss?"

Matsumoto nodded and asked doubtfully, "Does this matter?"

"Of course it does matter." Rose said: "Protoss players' strength improvement is not the same as ordinary players, in addition to being able to upgrade. It can also be directly converted into xìng points by absorbing the power of faith. Our guild now has the power of faith Too much to digest, how much you can get depends entirely on how fast you digest your faith, you ... understand? "

Matsumoto congratulated them and they all laughed. After all, everyone will be excited to get such a convenient way to improve their strength. Besides, the speed of this protoss to increase their strength is very scary, at least much faster than ordinary players.

"We will send you the power of faith as soon as possible, if the Yachi serpent goes crazy again. You can always stop a little bit. As for my equipment, I will go back to heaven to ask if it can be repaired."

"I hope so," Matsumoto said with some reassurance. "When it comes to the power of faith, we also have the Hachichi serpent. We may not be his opponents faster than the absorption rate, so our side is at best temporarily suppressed. It's unrealistic to want us to completely limit the Yagi snake. "

"I know this. I didn't expect you to completely suppress the Hachido serpent." I said here suddenly and said, "Yes, Matsumoto Masa, August smoked, Sakura rain god, Blazing Dragon Ji. You four What kind of divine power does he have? "

"What does it look like?"

"It belongs to xìng ... I feel ... Anyway, just describe it as much as possible."

"Nothing. It's just a kind of energy. It's a bit like a crazy warrior's madness. It's just that I won't lose my mind ~ ~ What's the matter? Would you like to make Prototype units in batches?"

"I don't have the ability for the time being, I just asked to see." I interrupted them as I said, "Well, the plan is just set for the time being, you can get things done on the player's side first, and there are other things to come back to. I will go to heaven to find them. "

"Understood. Boss has a bit of land to go down this time!" Matsumoto said to them jokingly and then closed the communication.

In fact, Matsumoto is right. I really planned to go to heaven to settle accounts this time.

At that time, Taishang Laojun and Jade Emperor said that the sky was wild, and told me that this close-up horizon could trap the Yaqi snake, but what happened? All our plans were made around this close world, and in the end this gadget actually collapsed. The losing side of our guild is more powerful in combat, plus the initial assault was good. Otherwise, if the outside battle is not yet determined when the end of the world collapses, then add the powerful fighting power of the Yagi snake, after that, No one is sure of the victory of the battle.

This closeness of the heavens makes us take such a big risk. How can we not ask for compensation? Heaven must also have a warranty. (To be continued. Mobile users, please read.)

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