Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 259: Extortion and new business

"This ... this this ... isn't this the close-up end of the earth I made?" Tai Shang Laojun looked at the close-up end of the end in surprise, then turned around and asked me: "What's going on? Why is the close-end end of the world broken like this?" ? "

"You ask me? I still ask you!" I deliberately yelled in a very angry look: "Do you know how critical my situation was at the time? Almost all our tactical plans revolve around According to our tactics, I should first use the tentacles to trap the Yagi snake, and then the people in our guild will manually cut off the minions of the Yaqi snake, and finally wait for the minions of the Yaqi snake to be cleaned up. I ’ll release the Yagi snake again, and then we will use the wheels to siege the Yaki snake together, even if he can't die, he will be able to cut off the skin. What happened? Because of this inferior product, we will have so many people愣 is for the Japanese to chase up and down. If I had not given up my blood and let Isinger move the fortress to use the magic stone to teleport back, our guild still does not know how many people will be planted this time! Who said this responsibility? negative?"

"This ..." Taishang Laojun was asked by me immediately, and I had no idea how to answer my question.

The Emperor Jade saw that Taishang Laojun was a fool and knew that Taishang Laojun was inconvenient to answer now. He could only replace Taishang Laojun and replied: "If this matter is really due to the quality of the world, it is indeed our responsibility. But now we can't just listen to what you say, right? "

"What? I made it up, as you meant it, and I'm close to the end of the earth, I came back and asked you for trouble, right?"

"No, no, I don't mean that." The Emperor Jade saw that I was going to explode, and quickly soothed me first, then turned to ask Taishang Laojun: "Lao Jun, you say something. What the **** is this thing?" ? "

Tai Shang Laojun also reacted at this time, and quickly bent over to the Jade Emperor and said, "I am not very clear about this matter, and I will investigate the specific situation. Now I cannot say anything based on this fragment. I What can be guaranteed is that when I was manufacturing the close-up horizon, I definitely tried my best. As for why the close-up horizon was broken, I have to look at it again to know. "

After hearing this, the emperor Jade Emperor turned to me immediately and said, "How about Ziri, is this good? Let ’s ask Tai Shang Laojun to study it first, and to understand the course of things first, and then we will decide who we are after we have made things clear. Good responsibility? "

"Okay, I won't investigate it for the sake of Jade Emperor's face. But this research won't be finished as soon as it is studied, right?"

Of course, the emperor Jade Emperor is not good at answering this question directly, but can only turn his head to look at Taishang Laojun again. Tai Shang Laojun is not the same as Jade Emperor, basically he is an honest man. So immediately promised: "I promise to analyze the results as soon as possible. If you are not assured, you can watch next to it. It should not take long."

"Well, since we don't need to take long to call some more people and figure out the ins and outs of the matter, we will make it clear immediately."

"Alright." Taishang Laojun turned to the Jade Emperor and said, "Jade Emperor, otherwise, how about we move away and drive the palace? I have more things in there."

"Since it doesn't take long. Then go check it out."

The emperor Jade Emperor has spoken. Of course, the others have no opinion. So all the gods rushed to the Tushou Palace together, and then they watched Taishang Laojun begin to study the broken close-up horizon.

"Is this thing normal when you first started using it?" Taishang Laojun asked me how it happened while using several law arrays to take pictures of it on the horizon.

Of course, I can't tell the truth. A slight change is definitely necessary, otherwise how can I extort the court of heaven?

"At the beginning, everything was normal. I opened the distance to the end of the earth as you said. Then I successfully captured the eight-dimensional snake, and then the guy began to fight with me in the steel needle **** that I designed within the end of the end. Just started It is really very good. Steel Needle Hell has severely limited the fighting power of the Yagi Great Snake. He can only be transformed into a human form and fight with me. The result is of course very lossy and I am miserable. But later he started calling The energy in the middle, when using a big move, the space generated by the closeness of the horizon, I do n’t know how to do it, suddenly disappeared, and then the closeness of the end of the earth on my arm was broken into this.

The Emperor Jade said, "Listen to me, it seems that I was blasted by the Bachi snake."

"It may also be an attack on space. So the internal stress in the space is unbalanced and bursts outward." Taibaijin interjected aside. Although he did not specialize in the research of musical instruments, after all, it is also a high-end existence. Some things still understand.

They were guessing on their side, but the old Laojun on the other side suddenly said, "Well, I think I know what's going on."

"It's over?" I was surprised that the speed of getting on Laojun was so fast. We entered the pocket rate palace. It only took him ten minutes to add one piece of time to find tools.

Tai Shang Laojun came to us with the fragments and showed them to us. Then he said, "Watch this, do you see anything?"

After hearing what Tai Shang Laojun said, everyone immediately went up and looked at it seriously, and then the emperor Jade said, "I seem to see some stars and threads, and the glittering lines are like lines on a map."

Taishang Laojun nodded and said, "It is indeed the line of formation. And it was melted."

"After melting?" The Emperor Jade asked in surprise: "You mean this thing was really exploded?"

Tai Shang Laojun nodded: "From the signs of melting, there should have been an outbreak of super-powerful energy in Tianya at that time, and then the huge energy impact space directly destroyed the essence of Tianya."

"But don't you say that this thing can't be destroyed?" I stared at Taishang Laojun seriously and said, "I remember you told me before, this closeness of the earth will continuously absorb the energy of the internal enemies, that is, It is said that the other party ’s skills used in it will be absorbed, and finally the energy will be reversed to strengthen the space barrier. In this case, the other party is equal to blocking himself with his own power. The greater his effort, the greater the feedback, Should be indestructible? "

Taishang Laojun nodded and said, "I said so, and I didn't lie to you. Tianya is indeed able to absorb the strength of internal personnel and in turn strengthen itself. So in theory, no matter how much strength you have, you cannot get out. But after all, it is only theoretical. Actually, energy is not directly converted during the process of energy being released and absorbed. There is a transformation process. After the energy is generated, it will be dissipated into space, and the end of the world can absorb this energy and transmit it to A matrix method that produces a closed space, and then this matrix method will strengthen itself with the absorbed energy, so no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to break this space. "

"How did the Hachio snake come out?"

"The situation of the Yachi serpent involves a limit problem. Although this map within the horizon can be converted into energy for reuse, in the process, energy is passed through the map. Any array in this world Graphs have an energy cap. An array cannot be infinitely charged, and once the energy is higher than the array itself is allowed to go online, the excess energy flow will burn the magic lines that make up the array, thus losing the array. It must have used the power of faith in the core of the divine power to directly explode its own energy to impact the surrounding space. At last, the huge energy directly burned the line of the map that generated the restrained power. "

"Well, things are clear. Now let's talk about responsibility?" I looked at Tai Shang Laojun and asked, "There is something wrong with your magic map. It hurts me but I've suffered a lot on the battlefield. Fighting At half-time, the people outside were not cleared up, but the Eight-Big Snake came out ahead of time. At that time, there was a mess in our place! It was simply a chicken flying dog jumping. Our people did n’t stop the Big-Big Snake at all It made us run away and climb up and down. In the end, we did not hesitate to use a few valuable airships to force everyone to run out. What do you think of this account? "

"This ... may we discuss it a bit?" The Emperor Jade asked with a smile on his face.

Although I was going to blackmail the court, the premise was that people could not be rushed. After all, the heavenly courts are powerful. It is no problem to take advantage of them when they are in control. But they must not be rushed. Once Tianting loses his face, I won't get anything. Now that the Emperor Jade Emperor is begging me in such a low voice, of course I can't be too much.

"I'm just angry that this incident made us really passive, so I hope Heaven can compensate us for our losses, not because I have any opinion on you. I can wait for you, Jade Emperor.

The Emperor Jade laughed and said, "This is easy to say, we will certainly not let you suffer."

After speaking to me, the emperor immediately blinked at Erlang Shen, who was standing in the back of the crowd, and then gestured with his eyes. Erlangshen is also a clever ghost. When he saw this action, he immediately noticed that he pulled me to the side to chat, and the emperor Jade gathered the people in Tianting who had a better brain and started to discuss there.

Because the definition of this matter is relatively clear, and I have already spoken, it is tantamount to explaining my bottom line in disguise, so the emperor Jade Emperor discussed them very quickly. Soon the Emperor Jade came back with Tai Shang Laojun, and then smiled after seeing me and said, "Zi Ri. We have already discussed this matter in detail. How do you think? Is your guild in Japan? Have you suffered a loss? Would you like to make a list to let us know the specific loss first, and then we will give you the equivalent compensation. As for your psychological trauma in this accident, shall we discuss it later? "

Have dealt with me so many times. The emperor Jade Emperor can also be considered to understand my habits, this time actually did not bargain with me. Although I like to rip off the bamboo sticks, my heart is not very hard. You are kind enough to give everything. I am at best to take advantage of you, and never let you suffer. But if it's more hard for me, then this is definitely bad luck for the other party, and the more I knock on the door, the more I knock, it might as well be more generous as soon as I come up.

"Okay, Jade Emperor's words simply listen. We don't need to prepare a list of losses. I won't count the miscellaneous losses. Let's count the larger ones and see the losses."

"Okay, President Ziri is refreshing."

"That's good. You can record it. I don't count about the loss in the battle before the Yagi snake came out. That is normal consumption. Let's count the losses after the Yaki snake comes out."

"No need." The emperor Jade said very politely: "You calculate the investment of this battle, after all, the tactical purpose has not been achieved, so your investment is no return, and the reason for this failure is our responsibility. ... so let us take care of this. "

"Jade Emperor is really kind, so I won't be arrogant to you. We are even big. First of all, for the suddenness of the battle before the start of the battle, we used the transfer function of Isinger's Mobile Fortress to jump directly. This Ai Singh ’s mobile fortress jumped over three hundred and fifty tons of standard magic spar, and then because of the eight-dimensional snake running out, we hurriedly transmitted it back. This was more than three hundred and fifty. Ton, there are more than 700 tons inside and outside. Let's not count the odds, just count as 700 tons. "

The Emperor Jade nodded and said, "Okay, we will recognize this 700-ton standard magic crystal, what else?"

When I heard the words of the Emperor Jade Emperor, I was so happy. Seven hundred tons of magic crystal! This thing is not cheap, usually players are buying and selling this stuff. Generally the size of a fist is less than half a catty. The calculation of a ton is our guild, and most people really can't do it.

"Okay, after finishing the transmission of the magic crystal, there are various light and heavy weapons of Isinger ’s mobile fortress, and the super weapon at the bottom fired once. These things need to be supported by magic crystal. Plus Isinger ’s movement The floating device of the fortress is also a spar of burnt magic. We have lost more than 1,400 tons inside and out. The old rules and fractions are not counted. Let me reduce them a little, and count the previous seven. We'll round it up and count at 2,000 tons. "

After listening to the emperor, the emperor immediately said to the Taibai Jinxing, who is in charge of recording, "Don't. Your brothers will settle accounts, calculated at 2,100 tons."

Don't think that the emperor Jade gave him a hundred tons more, but he wasn't stupid at all. This is smart. Where is heaven? That is the Protoss in China.1, the boss of the absolute boss. The magic crystal is indeed a valuable item to the average person, but it is an ordinary resource for the heavenly courts, which is at best a value of iron ore in modern countries. Do you think a country cares about 100 tons of iron ore? This one hundred tons of iron ore is indeed a lot of money to someone alone. But for a country, this thing is really a piece of cake. It is not rare at all.

The Jade Emperor seemed to have given me more than a hundred tons of magic spar, but one owed me and one gave me enough. The significance of this is completely different. For my affection, a hundred tons of magic spar is really too cheap, so the emperor Jade Emperor did not care about this.

Since the Jade Emperor was so generous, I was embarrassed to report the numbers blindly. Then said: "Besides energy consumption, the following is the battle damage. Our guild was destroyed a total of 97 mobile angels, of which six were for the Protoss mobile angels. Let's add a total of ten at cost. 379 million crystal coins, let's erase the fraction, even if ... "

"Don't, just calculate it as 1.380 billion."

"Okay, Jade Emperor Gao Jie. Then we continue to count. Loss of personnel, we have a total of 30 killed, this is an integer, do not need to be rounded."

"The loss of personnel is like this," said the emperor Jade Emperor. "Everyone in heaven can give them an elixir, which can strengthen a single basic attribute, so you see it is feasible?"

I have to say that Jade Emperor is really enough to save face this time. It sounds like an elixir with a bit of attributes, it seems very worthless, but don't ignore that "foundation". Attribute points added by players in "Zero" when upgrading after setting the basic attributes are based on the basic attributes. For example, your basic strength is ten, a strength of one hundred is ten times one hundred, and for a two hundred, it is ten times two hundred. Now there is such an elixir with basic attributes. If you add strength to it, the original strength is ten. When the level is one thousand, your strength is ten times one thousand, which is equal to ten thousand points of strength. And now with the use of elixir, the basic strength has become eleven. When you have a thousandth level, the power point is eleven times one thousand, which is equal to 11 thousand. Pingbai has a thousand points more power than before, and as the level increases, this extra part will continue to be enlarged. Do you say this property is useful?

In fact, the biggest abnormality of this basic attribute in "Zero" is that the current attribute calculation method is not a fixed number, but a calculation. For example. Or say that your basic strength is 10 points, and when you reach the 1,000 level, the strength is 10,000. Of course, this is assuming that you don't get any extra attributes. After all, there are a lot of extra attributes in the game, and most of them can be added casually.

This 10,000 strength is not a fixed value. Suppose you get a little basic power now and then upgrade, the system does not mean that the next level will give you more power. The original level was increased by ten, but now it is increased by eleven, and when you are one thousand and one levels, you will have 1011 strength. The system does not calculate this. The 10,000 points before you are not a fixed number in the system. It is the result obtained by multiplying the base power by the level. When your base power is increased, the part that was less given before the upgrade will immediately make up for you, not to say Was deducted. This time is why players value the basic power so much. For a thousand players. A thousand attribute points that can be freely assigned are not as good as a basic attribute point. Because as long as your level exceeds one thousand levels, this basic attribute will give you more than one thousand points.

Our guild indeed recruited 30 people in this battle, but it was not death. In fact, only three people were killed in the guild in the battle to intercept the Yagi serpent. The number of thirty people is the total number of casualties. However, the protagonist organization such as Tianting is very poor in listening to foreign events, so I am not afraid that they will find There are problems with the numbers. Not to mention thirty. Not much in itself.

For those killed or injured players in our guild, everyone gets an elixir with a little basic attribute points. This is definitely not only a first-level death compensation account. Even if you change the tenth level for such a thing, it is estimated that many people are grabbing Yes. Except for people like me who are too high now and it ’s not easy to drop back to practice, most players do n’t care about dropping a few levels at all. In contrast, the value of this elixir is significantly higher.

of course. These things are nominally given to those thirty players, but I wo n’t go back and issue one by myself. After all, this thing obviously surpassed their loss, and I extorted it, not really to care for them. To put it bluntly, this is what Tianting gave me in the face. Without me, Tianting would n’t look at them at all. Why would I give you any care?

This is my plan. Go back and call the thirty players together and talk to them about the elixir problem. There is nothing to say about the three killed, one directly. Other injured ones are also OK. After all, elixir is coming in their name, but they have to pay a certain amount of guild contribution, and then elixir can give them. This is a priority purchase right and preferential conditions. Of course, they can also choose not to use elixir, so I will give them a certain amount of guild contribution, so that everyone will not suffer. As for people who are foolish ... we don't usually see such things in our guild. After all, when we are hiring, we attach great importance to personal accomplishment, not that we have the strength you need. Besides, because of my strength, in the guild can be said to be the best, no one really dare to fight against me. After all, everyone is not stupid, offending me has no good results. The benefits and benefits of our guild are so good. We must cherish them when we join in. If we are kicked out, we will not be ashamed. Where can we find those benefits?

"Okay, the personnel compensation is almost the same. Then, calculate the remaining losses. Most of the losses after this are small things, let's ignore them. Anyway, there is not much money for adding one. It's worth it. Pay attention to two kinds of consumption. "

"You said."

"First, in this battle, our guild called the guild protoss of our guild, that is, the chaos and order protoss participated in the battle. So many protoss participated in the war, including injuries and endangered events, but fortunately they were not killed. Yes, but during the time our protoss unit consumed the power of faith or something ... "

"This one……"

The original generous Jade Emperor immediately persuaded when he heard the power of faith. I said a long time ago that the power of faith is to Protoss the equivalent of all the basic consumables. You can imagine the integrated value of all the resources such as food and minerals that a country needs, and the value of the power of faith to the protoss is the same. It can be said that this is the wealth of the protoss, their life, and everything they have. Without the power of faith, the protoss is not, and sooner or later it will automatically die.

Because the value of the power of faith was too great for the protoss, the Jade Emperor suddenly became stuck. For the Protoss, other things are outside of the body. They are used in their hands. They don't care about giving more or less. As long as they can get what they need, they don't care how much they spend. However, the power of faith is the root of the Protoss, so even the Jade Emperor cannot be generous in this matter. Otherwise, don't say that he can't stand it, and the gods in other heavens can't stand it!

In fact, I knew for a long time that Jade Emperor would not compensate us for the power of faith, and I didn't intend to ask for it. Since the Hadith ’s collector of faith power, now the faith power of our customers is not enough, but it is too late to digest. According to the habits of human beings, Hades they eat every day. And, because the power of faith is too much. Our containers are not enough. Now we dare not let the collectors that produce the power of faith start working at full capacity. The collectors now installed in the major temples of the Pluto are resting in shifts, and even the equipment that starts to work cannot Start at full power, otherwise our faith will be too much to hold.

Because there is so much power in our faith, it is impossible for us to ask for faith. This is the same as the coastal countries will not let people compensate for their own seawater. If you want it, it will be everywhere. Therefore, I have raised this matter for another purpose.

"Well, I also know that the power of faith is very important to the Protoss, and you probably can't have extra for us."

"Zi Ri, you can understand it." Jade Emperor wiped the cold sweat and said.

I responded with a smile: "Actually, I said this to tell you that we have such a loss. Let you know how much we have paid. In addition, I have one thing to tell you with this matter."

"You say you say." The emperor Jade now wants me to stop talking about the power of faith, they really don't have that stuff to pay us.

When I heard the words of Emperor Jade, I immediately started to say, "This is the case. You also know it. We already knew that there are many powers of faith in the Yaki snake, do you know?"

The Jade Emperor nodded quickly, and Taishang Laojun also explained: "If it was not because he has so much faith, we wouldn't rush to help you make this close to the horizon, but I didn't expect him to be broken in the end!"

I nodded and said, "This is all you need to know, this is not the point. That's because we knew this before, so we also brought the chaos and order of the guild to fight the Yachi snake, and you also know, The Bachi snake, supported by the power of faith, is extremely fierce. Our chaos and order are not opponents at all. So, we are just in case. What I said in case it is not for our chaos and order. The protoss went to desperately with the Yaki snake, but in the event of the counterattack of the Yaki snake, it would allow our guild protoss to escape, so we have prepared some faith power in advance. "

"What does it mean to prepare some power of faith in advance? How is this prepared?" The Emperor Jade asked in doubt.

I explained with a smile: "Well, you also know that our Frost Rose Alliance has a large range of influence. Except for China, we also have a lot of influence in those wild places. Well, you also know that not all in this world The protoss are as powerful as the heavens, or in fact, the heavens can already be regarded as one or two of these gods. Even if they are not the first, they are at least the top three, and I think the probability that the heavens are the first is very high. "

The Jade Emperor immediately frowned when he heard what I said. After all, he ranked among the top three among the world's protoss forces, and it is likely to be the first. This honor really inspired them.

Seeing how the emperor Jade was so used, I continued: "But, not all protoss are the same as heaven. You should also know that there are many small protoss in Africa and South America. What witch gods there are actually very powerful Weak, some witch gods have only a few people to form a small protoss, and their scope of influence is not as large as that of a large city on our side. "

"Aren't you ...?" Speaking here, the Emperor Jade seemed to have guessed something.

I deliberately whispered: "You're right, we secretly did a vote before, and then destroyed a few small protoss."

"You guys really dare to start. How about it? No loss?" Asked the emperor Jade Emperor.

I shook my head and said, "Those little protoss have a poor strength, and the main **** is the level of the giant god."

"So weak?"

"Yes. And they are few and they were attacked. We can say that it was easy. After attacking these guys, we snatched their core of power. And because we were attacked, their followers didn't know they had They were attacked, so their idols that collect the power of faith continue to work. "

"Oh my God! You won't pretend there are those guys who gather the power of faith?" The emperor Jade finally understood.

I deliberately said with a smile: "Because of this, we got some faith powers in advance, and then distributed these faith powers to the protoss in our guild in advance. The power of these faiths is to give them life-saving benefits. Once they are entangled, they feel that they are in danger of life, and if they ca n’t run away, they can use the power of these beliefs to release their skills to help themselves. Although this power of faith cannot help them too much, it is still possible to get them out of combat. Did it. "

Tai Shang Laojun nodded and said, "Those protoss in your guild are not small gods. Hades and Poseidon are all well-known high-level protoss, even if they join your guild. Strength is limited by some rules. However, this experience is still there. If it is supported by the power of faith, if the short-term outbreak, the deity should also avoid its edge. This power of faith is really useful to them, but unfortunately, the power of those beliefs you have collected is estimated It wo n’t be too much. Otherwise, it would be easy to deal with the Yachi snake. "

I said with a smile: "This is of course. But this output is not really very low." I explained: "You don't know. Those in the wild places are mostly foolish, but because of ignorance, their belief is very The dedication and devotion of each person produces more faith than our believers, and one person almost yields to all the believers in the last small village. "

"There are so many?" Not even the old gentleman was calm now.

I nodded and said, "So, we are also quite surprised. I thought there was only one point, who knew the output was so high. You may also know that this guild protoss is called a guild protoss. Like the enshrinement, I usually do n’t care about anything at all, and I can only ask people to come out to help the town when there is a major accident. This enshrinement is also divided into three, six, nine, etc. The stronger the strength, the higher the demand. The chaos and order of our Frost Rose alliance It was originally good, but it was based on the premise of equal strength, and we were good to give them. This was a way to live in peace without the power of faith before. It is good for everyone to respect each other like guests. But now I have unexpectedly got this source of power of faith , That's the problem. "

The heavenly courts are all gangsters, and when I heard that, I immediately understood. "It's easy to have trouble together, but it's hard to get rich together!" The Emperor Jade sighed.

The corner of my mouth slanted slightly, and then I pretended to have a headache, saying, "The strength of our guild has been growing, and the strength of the chaos and order of the Protoss has grown stronger, which is not much. But the amount of faith power provided by that source of faith power Too big, so the chaos and order of the protoss power increase much faster than we expected, our guild is currently not developing faster than them. Short time is better, but this time is long. Chaos and order protoss The strength is too strong, and our guild has become a burden. In such a case, how do we get along with each other? "

"So you mean ...?"

"The source of the power of faith is our own work. They are useless to help them, so they do n’t know what the difference is. Without the battle request from our guild, they ca n’t get out of our guild territory. And that gathering point of Faith is just outside our guild territory. So as long as we don't let them go, they can't go. "

"That is to say, you can get stuck in the source of this faith?" The Jade Emperor finally remembered it.

I nodded: "Yes. We can get stuck on this source, but they already know that we have a stable source of faith power, but we are not sure about the output, and we have said hello beforehand, telling them that this is where we are Posing as a protoss to take the power of faith, once the believer of the other party finds out, this source may be broken at any time. "

"Then what do you mean ...?" Jade Emperor already understood my thoughts somewhat.

"I still give them the power of faith. After all, in terms of the current cooperation, everyone is still very happy. In this case, increasing their strength is also good for us. The key is not to increase their strength too quickly. , This guild protoss and our guild also need to talk about each other, so we can't let them surpass us too much. We will use the source of the power of faith to control the output, and then control their development speed, Let them grow steadily, but not let them surpass us. "

"What do you do with those extra powers of faith?" The Emperor Jade Emperor now stretches his neck one by one. Although this question has just been asked, they have actually determined my intentions, and just want a positive answer.

I said as they wished: "The capacity of those idols is very limited, and the extracted power of faith also needs special equipment to store. This equipment needs the spirit, so ..."

"You don't have enough equipment?"

"True. The protoss we attacked were transformed into containers by us, but the reserves are limited. The most important thing is that the protoss in our guild need the power of faith. We also need to use these containers to transfer back and forth, so not all containers They can be stored. Besides, how can it be filled, even the largest container is full. The power of this faith is so precious, because it is wasted because there is no place to put it, who can bear it? "

"Yeah, yeah. Waste is a shameful crime." The Celestial Immortals are now nodded one by one, shaking their heads up and down desperately, for fear that the meaning expressed is not clear enough.

I went on to say: "I thought about it that way. We can't always put the power of faith in this way. It's a pity to waste it. We don't have to do it ourselves."

"Yes, yes, this power of faith is good for the Protoss, but totally useless to you."

"Yeah. I think so too. But it ’s a pity to waste it. After all, I do n’t need it, but I know it ’s very useful to you. So, I wonder if everyone can coordinate what they need. .This extra power of faith, I will ship it to you on a regular basis, and then you give me some things I need, we should be a business. Everyone takes what they want, what do you think? "

"Yes, of course." The Emperor Jade Emperor almost slapped me on the ground. It turned out that the Emperor Jade Emperor was not excited. In the end, he is a fairy, and he can't really be regarded as a soft-leg shrimp, nor is this man from the sky!

"Do you think so too?" I said with a smile: "That's easy. We might as well draft a charter and see how the transaction price is determined?"

"Okay. You talk about how much you can give us each time?"

"The power of faith has no weights and measures, and I don't know how to count with you. In this way, let's take a physical comparison to understand this a little." I said, and pulled a small bottle directly from my body. In fact, it is the size of a mineral water bottle, and the outer wall is obviously thick.

"It's ... the power of faith?" The Emperor Jade asked, surprised at the bottle.

I nodded and said, "Our containers are like this, they can only hold so many at a time. I'm not afraid that you will be wrong, anyway, you should absorb this bottle first, so you know how much it is. Later we will press this Volume trading, just one bottle at a time. "

"Okay." The Emperor Jade said that he grabbed the bottle to absorb it, but after a long time, he didn't open it. Finally, I went up and helped open the safety valve to release the power of faith.

In fact, I have been thinking about selling the power of heavenly faith for a long time. Although I have sold Egyptian protoss before, Egyptian protoss are not the same as heaven. The first point is that there is Nu, the upper **** on the Egyptian Protoss, as if it is a child with parents. Their behavior is a bit more restrained than the general Protoss. In addition, the Egyptian protoss is in Egypt. There is only one city in our guild, and it is still a contact point. It can be said that there are no practical benefits. If the protoss of the Egyptians want to rob them, we will not go to Egypt, because there was nothing there.

But this heaven is different. Tianting is a Chinese protoss, and the base of our guild is in China. It can be said that this is our foundation. Therefore, if one day there is a fear in the court, our loss will be great.

But, although it is dangerous to let heaven know that we have a way to gain the power of faith, it is also a high-reward thing. Moreover, our guild and myself are of great significance to the heavenly court, so the heavenly court generally does not move me unless necessary. This point determines that this matter actually has a lot of operational space. As long as the amount of faith power I provide does not hit the heavens in despair, we will not be in danger.

Because of this, I compiled the above story, just to let the heavenly court know that, first, our faith power is not high, and second, they ca n’t get a trace of our faith without us, because that thing is not in the country . In the end, I said that the power of faith was pretended by us, so that in the future, if we need to cut off the supply of the power of faith in heaven, ~ After all, this is a pretense. The believers found out that Heaven can't help us.

Based on the above theory, the power of faith sold to heaven is to control quantity. When we traded with Anubis last time, we all traded millions of units and millions of units, but we definitely ca n’t do so much with Heaven, otherwise we ca n’t guarantee what Heaven can do.

The bottle taken out this time for the Emperor Jade is only the smallest sealed bottle, and the capacity of a bottle is one thousand units. If this quantity is given to a certain protoss, the quantity is actually a bit large. The amount that a protoss can absorb in a short time is about one hundred units. Protoss with high strength may be more, but not too exaggerated, just as it is impossible for a strong man among humans to eat hundreds of times more food than ordinary people.

Although this one thousand unit bottle is a little more for a protoss, it is a little less for the whole heaven, because there are so many gods in heaven. I give the Jade Emperor so much now that I want to weigh this weight so that there is no danger.

"How?" After seeing the emperor Jade absorbed, I quickly asked: "What can these powers of faith change?" , Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read m.)

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