Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 270: Are we really 3 year olds?

Although we are not very optimistic about the character of the old man, but this is a contract guarantee transaction content. In theory, it should be impossible to play tricks, so in the end I chose to believe his words and step into the group Looks slimy.

Strange to say, this thing looks slimy, but when you go up there is no resistance, it feels as if the thing does not exist. When I stood on this thing, the stuff seemed to feel something. It started to climb up my legs, and soon it went from a large beach paralyzed to a fully erected state. , All covered my body surface, and these slimy things covering my body surface also seem to be decreasing rapidly, I feel like I should be absorbed.

It took almost seven or eight seconds for this thing to completely disappear on my body surface. After moving my limbs, it seemed that nothing had changed. I looked at the properties again, but the results were still unresponsive. No.

"Hey, why doesn't this thing work?"

"No effect? ​​How is it possible?" The old man asked me in confusion, "How did you know that it didn't work?"

"My attributes haven't changed. Is this effective?"

"Oh, you said that." The old man said suddenly, "I didn't make it clear. Although this thing is attached to your body, the way he increases your power is as if someone is holding your hand. You work hard together. At this time, your strength will definitely increase, because this is the result of the union of the strength of the two of you, but your attributes will definitely not change. "

"Do you mean the additional attributes will be reflected in the battle, but not in my personal attributes?"

"It's not your strength at all, and of course it won't add to your attributes."

I nodded and said, "Okay, I see. You wait, I'll experiment."

"Well, don't worry," said the old man, "tell you how to move this pillar first."

"Oh, that's fine."

In fact, the way to move this pillar is to input magic on it, of course, not to lose. Instead, you need to enter at a few specific points. And there are strict requirements on the size and direction of the input energy, which is like starting a password. As long as this magic is injected, the pillar will lose the space-fixing property and can be smoothly moved.

The old man looked at me and asked, "Is the contract now complete?"

I nodded and said, "Well, the things have been received and the contract is complete."

The old man smiled immediately after I said, and then said, "Now that the contract has been completed. You can also die."

"Hah, how about, give money quickly. I'll just say it." After the old man told us to die, Zhenhong suddenly jumped up in excitement, and then reached out to the gold coins to make an action for money.

The gold coins faced bitterly and drew out the money while staring there. The old man who was startled by the real red said, "How can you idiot wait a little longer and hurt me to lose money? No. I won't call it gold coins. "

"Hello, be serious, I mean to kill you, haven't you heard?" Although the old man wasn't quite sure what was going on with the two at this time, he finally recovered from the shout just now. come back.

True red and gold coins did not respond at all to the old man's anger, and continued to check out there, while Matsumoto Masako looked at Chris Dina and August smoked them and asked: "Are you going? I'll get in there. "

"It's boring, you come." Chris Dina turned around and walked out. August smoked and Sakura Yushin the three of them turned around and left. Only Matsumoto and I were left with real red and gold coins, but after getting the money, the real red and gold coins turned and left.

The old man yelled angrily as soon as they left, "Who let you go? You are all going to die here today. I'll take you all ..."

The old man said half of it suddenly turned into a scream, and the reason for his scream was Masamoto Matsumoto's fist. With one fist, Matsumoto Masa, who had a big bag on the old head, took one guy's neck with one hand and pressed his head down, and then dragged him out. The old man was wrapped around his neck and held up straight, and could only stumble and follow Matsumoto Masaru. Although he had been trying to break free of control, the result was useless. The strength of the old man could not even have any effect on Matsumoto's actions, as if Matsumoto was walking empty-handed, not holding him at all.

Watching the old man dragged out, I shrugged, and then turned around and left.

In fact, the old man's careful thinking I already guessed. There is absolutely something wrong with this guy's intelligence level, and he won't be able to act. Even the carefree disposition like Zhen Hong can see that he is acting.

Now that we know that he will start immediately after the transaction is completed, how can we not guard against it? So, just after the old man was removed, I let the eternal change shape secretly absorb a part of the chain that had been cut off, and then eternally parted and climbed from his feet and hung on On it.

Because eternal movement is similar to liquid, and because eternity can adjust its own temperature, the old man didn't realize that he had something in his body. And the eternity that absorbed that chain had already absorbed the seal at this time. The old man was free himself, but the seal was still on him. As for the system protocol ... just like the old man's own plan. He said he wanted to kill us after fulfilling the agreement and called out two kinds of rewards, and after the transfer of East and West was completed ~ ~ The agreement was completed. At this time, he did not matter what we did with that agreement It has nothing to do with it. And our situation is the same. The system guarantee agreement states that we must help him lift the seal, but did not say that it cannot be restored after it is lifted? When I cut off the chain, our agreement responsibility was actually completed, so what to do afterwards was completely irrelevant to the agreement.

The poor old man thought that he had completely restored his freedom, so he immediately wanted to turn his face. As a result, he was actually a dry old man with all his powers closed. Do n’t say that we are a group of people, and come to a level 20 player. You can beat him to find teeth all over the floor.

"Why ... why? The chain was broken. Why didn't I recover my strength?" When the old man was dragged to the monster gathering place outside, he knew that his strength was not recovered at all, knowing that he could not trade with us anymore. He now only wants to figure out how he succeeded before he died. We have no reason to ask his questions, and dragged him directly to the monster group, and at this time all the monsters here have gathered around us and formed a huge fan-shaped line of defense to surround us. Seeing the monsters gradually surrounding him, the old man shouted arrogantly again: "I advise you to let go of me, or even if you kill me, you won't be able to escape here. The monsters will tear you to pieces. "

"Oh? Is this really the case?" (To be continued ...)

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